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hey anyone here?
yup i just got here
can anyone help me with my query :(
Q: How to verify a certificate using .cer file in Java

KodeSeekerI'm trying to verify a certificate , that was given to me using Java, in the following manner try{ FileInputStream fr = new FileInputStream(pathtoCertificate); CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509"); X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) ...

I already asked you why you do java right?
@CCInc because I have to . And I actually enjoy it!
rolls eyes
I've asked you that like 50 times lol
and Ive replied the same :P
whats wrong with java
It's bad.
@RyanTernier Tell 'em
Atleast its free :P
i love java
not overmanaged proprietary crap
@LexyFeito care to help me with my issue?
man im a rookie i have not idea what you are talking about there
i wish i could help tho
@KodeSeeker false
@CCInc no :P
who is good with binary trees here?
i need some help with those bad boys
@LexyFeito whats the problem?
@CCInc could you vote up my question ? Maybe itll get more views that way :(
i have to make a binarytree into a double threaded tree
double threaded ? o.O
yes sir
double threaded is left and right
No every tree can have a left and right subtree
search on google double threaded tree and you will see what i mean
Q: Threaded Binary tree implementation from binary tree

user1072706I am working on assignment for school. It manly consists of a method that takes as input a binary tree and returns a double threaded tree. Eg(if left child = null then left child will be connected with preceding inorder parent and if right child = null the it will link to its inorder succesor. No...

Q: threaded binary tree

Lexy FeitoHello guys i am supposed to write the ThreadedNode() class, but im haveing a few problems with it. I understand that a threaded binary tree of a binary tree is obtained by setting every null left child to the predecessor of the node in the inorder traversal and every null right child to the succ...

@LexyFeito, so where exactly are you stuck?
12 hours later…
Hi anybody there to solve a issue regarding java setter&getter methods???
shaik what is it
is there anyway to return value of setter method without modification from getter??? @Michael
for example..public class Product {

private ArrayList<Integer> id;

public ArrayList<Integer> getId() {

return id;

public void setId(ArrayList<Integer> id) {

this.id = id;

@shaik that's a regular getter/setter
@shaik I don't get it
@Michael any way to return id as it is from setter??
@shaik shaik setters set, they don't get..
@shaik you have to use getId() to get it.
@Michael ya have a look at my above code.When i call getid() method using object it is not returning id value as stored in setter method.
Actually there's a precedent - in the Map interface a put() call returns the old value
@shaik shaik what's your other code?
If you need the setter method to return the old value, then you must store the field in a variable, set the field, then return the variable.
@Michael ok let me check once.
Do someone know good trick when Exception is null
There's no trick...
Instantiate it?
Why do you want an exception to not be null?
ex=new RuntimeException("Run for the hills! It's Trogdor!");
Yes, but something smells fishy. Are you using Exception in the right way? Why are you storing an exception?
Exceptions should only occur when something is wrong.
They should not be part of your main software flow.
@ShotgunNinja yes I am testing my code.
just to check that what happen wrong.
Have you heard of jUnit?
JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks which is collectively known as xUnit that originated with SUnit. JUnit is linked as a JAR at compile-time; the framework resides under packages junit.framework for JUnit 3.8 and earlier and under org.junit for JUnit 4 and later. Example of JUnit test fixture A JUnit test fixture is a Java object. With older versions of JUnit, fixtures had to inherit from junit.framework.TestCase, but the new tests...
You know, it just occurred to me that Ninjas don't use shotguns.
Of course, Kylar isn't actually a superhero in the traditional sense.
And he has that annoying trait of talking about himself in the third person.
2 hours later…
hello every body
@ShotgunNinja WE used NUnit at the office for our unit tests. The Java team here uses JUnit for a lot of theirs, hooked into their CI server
1 hour later…
Hey. Anyone familiar with clustered HornetQ?
hi anyone faliliar with fileupload in java
how it works
@ShotgunNinja i'm mad
@Washu Oh?
The previous guy had a procedure that i had to reuse in the app i'm doing
and it seems he was inserting data in the wrong column....
I'm fucked
6 months of data screwed D:
Is it possible to handle uploaded files in Tomcat 6.0.33 without using the FileUpload Apache Commons lib?
@ChrisForrence Not that I'm aware of; is there some issue with using the Apache Commons lib?
@ShotgunNinja - It's more of a "Avoid adding extra libraries" thing. Problem is, it looks like it's not until Tomcat 7 that FileUpload is included.
Or it appears that org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUpload isn't available until 6.0.36
Yeah, looks like I have to dip into Commons a bit

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