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2 hours later…
@Washu ping
:o @Doorknob you should be sleeping kid :P
Is anyone familiar with the Java Sound API, JMF or any other sound libraries in Java?
1 hour later…
Good Morning
anyone here?
"m here
@Ramji THe RHERO
you know how to use eclipse fairly well?
@Crowz which version ?
@Crowz Wts your query ?
classic, I guess?
I want to make a template of sorts, instead of reimplementing OpenGL every time I make a new project
@Crowz okies,,
Hello Java!
any one here?
i want to ask something, how to retrieve the javaencode format from php in java?
how to use json obejct ?
to retrieve parameter from php?
and what format is support?
@Crowz Long time.
@user2198474 You can use JSONObject.
JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(jsonstring);
i'm trying to use this
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(args[2]);
paramBean = (DynaBean) JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject );
but cannot get the paramter passed from php
i didn't know that there is chat here
@air_wizardo Welcome then.
@user2198474 Did you encode it to json in php side?
@Appu yes, i use this $serialliazedParams = addslashes(json_encode(array ($send_param))); to encode $arr_param[] = "<parameter name='$define_key'><![CDATA[$define_value]]></parameter>";
it can support this format?
or i'm wrong format?
@user2198474 I am not much of a php developer. But I guess this is correct.
@RyanTernier Heya!
@Appu are you there?
I have a file name add_course.jsp whose path is final/admin/course/add_course.jsp where final is the name of project..what will be the servlet path to access this file.
now i am using this but not working
if (servletPath.equals("/add_course.jsp"))
System.out.println("i am here");
basically i am using filters to ensure the security in my web application
@Appu hi hi
how to fnd last accessed time of a file in java 6 ? any ideas ??
@Appu i using the jsonObject retrieve the object and i'm passing this "[\"\'Plb_Entrance\',\'ENTRANCE\']" but i got an error
@user2198474 error pleas
@TheUnlucky could you please help?
post your query wll try my best
@TheUnlucky Already Posted..
@TheUnlucky iternal error, something wrong with report population - invalid params
@james 2 mins
@TheUnlucky I am waiting..
wandering for mah prob ,, surely will help you
@user2198474 Error info please. Please change your name. It's difficult to find here from lot of users 21 blah blah.
@james where is your error?
@Appu I can't access the file..what should be the appropriate path?
@TheUnlucky I don't know. Might be you have to maintain a persistant variable in the file itself to get to know the last accessed time I guess.
@Appu i found out,, thanks for reply
@james path?
if (servletPath.equals("/add_course.jsp"))//what should be the path here?
System.out.println("i am here");
okay.. i change to yong ady
refer more here abt jsp and servlet
soory i cannot change my name
Can you guys tell me your most favorite movie?
@Appu json obejct can support what format?
$arr_param[] = "<parameter name='$define_key'><![CDATA[$define_value]]></parameter>"; this is the array that i pass to java jsonobeject
@yong It doesn't look to me like a json object. You seem to be passing something like xml data.
@Appu i want try to pass like xml data, so now i comfused the json object can get it?
2 hours later…
hi @all! Can someone help me with this question ?
hi, it looks like this is a new database you're setting up?
the error is proabably the best pointer actually, your program might not have permission to access the table or the table might not be created yet?
have you tried interacting with the mysql db though the cmd?
that way you could confirm if the db/db table is there
the database is already created..i mean i've created it manually
hmm i think the value should not be "create-drop"
ok and can you run mysql client and see the database and tables?
run just the phrase: mysql
on the command line
mysql -uroot
it's here
so you do: show databases
use xxx
ok cool, so it sounds like you might not have permission from the application or, as you say *-drop sounds ominous...
hmm so how can i set or where should i set the permissions?
when you run a java program it runs as the user who starts it
but maybe hibernate overrides that
hmm.. ..
best practise is to have something like "GRANT ALL ON db1.* TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost';"
hmm how about the provider? do i also to put it?
oh, okay..
you can actually just run the above for your username in the mysql client
db1 is your database name
and change jeffery to your unix user name
but i've checked in workbench.. it is all columns are in Y
meaning i do have permission
*but i've checked in my workbench..all columns are in Y
2 hours later…
@Washu Why? It was 9:30 when I sent that message :P
hi all. I know that this question has been asked a million times before, but I think you are the best source for it. I'm trying to learn java by myself using The Java Tutorials on SUN's website. I'm sure it's a great place to start, but my problem with this site that it doesn't have much practice problems, which are crucial when studying something new. Can anybody recommend a good way of learning and exercising?
how this thing can throw a NPE ?
if(c != null){
@JulienBreuil an NPE can e.g. come from any obvious null usage with a dot, any function call that throws an NPE or an unchecked unboxing to a primitive type
ok but if c isn't null, why the NPE is throw on the isselected call ? the only thing possible in this case is c ==null no? if the method was concerned, the stacktrace should mention it?
yep c is probably null here
@JulienBreuil it should, indeed, assuming that it mentions the code block shown. so the third alternative would be to check whether c.isSelected returns boolean or Boolean
what about list? sorry, you did not mention that
i think you are true, my isselected return a Boolean
list didn't interact because the code is never reached
i will dig this isselected for a minute
@andi5 nice catch! Those Boolean can be very dangerous when not well handled
ok, hard to explain, it seems the stacktrace was one line missing and the NPE was depper btw now i have lot of problems that appears so Thank you guys, i have to work now :D

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