@DemCodeLines using Instrumentation - Cobertura Code Coverage tool will inspect and place placeholder codes in your class file. This will be used by Cobertura to measure the test effectiveness
Why ArrayList and StringBuilder are created with inititial capacity 10 and 16 respectively. Suppose I need a list to just 5 elements but the available storage space 10 so the remaining 5 places will be waste right??
@chiragsoni - Its upto the JVM to allocate memory to the array - it may not do so even if you put Default size - but it might put a check if the size is exceeding Heap Space available and will throw an OutOfMemory Exception. -- Do this experiment - Runtime.getRunTime().freeMemory() - and initialize two arrasy with same size - According to your conjecture the second Array cannot be intialized since memory is exceeded. but it will succeed
@chiragsoni Even when you create the array...
foo = new String[20]; ... Java allocates 20 * sizeof(JavaReference) bytes (where JavaReference is whatever underlying type the JVM is using to represent references). Therefore, the size of the array is now known.
If you declare an array of strings in java like this
String[] words;
That just gives you a reference correct?
now, I am coming from a background in C, so I know that an array of "strings" in C are pointers to pointers, or an array of arrays. However, I am wondering how JVM uses this declarati...
Yeah well as said, I just grabbed my thesis from the cloud and now I am reading through it, findind more sources, adding my first images (at 54 pages in-total already, lol) and finding typos (which of course I didn't make and spelt Brian "Brain" or something).
And I can listen to spotify instead of youtube music :')
you mean sth. like this? https://hastebin.com/tomekuhase.cpp And I call the method as Randomizer.randomGumbelDistribution(() -> Randomizer.random(), 1.0,1.0)?
@geisterfurz007 no not yet... been to lazy to install my water cooling system yet
in spring xml config, let's say that I have two files beans.xml and services.xml
how can I cross-reference both so that service can access some beans in the other and the beans in the other file can access a service in the services.xml
@chiragsoni for that, you'd have to see how toString is overloaded in Employee, but I assume it simply returns the first parameter passed to the constructor
@chiragsoni Internally, StringBuilder#append calls String#valueOf. String#valueOf returns "null" if the passed object is null, otherwise it returns passedObject#toString. So in the Employee class you will find a method called "toString" in which the name of the employee is returned.
the thing is that I also have a method: public static double randomGaussianDistribution(DoubleSupplier gen, double mean, double stdDev) { return gen.getAsDouble()*stdDev + mean; }
and there I dont care about the random number being 0 or 1
when you've got a bug in production, and the line says "o", you don't want to have to check code you wrote 6 months ago to determine what the f that means
acttype is an enumcs so you can't insert it as a normal string
without casting it to an enumcs INSERT INTO dir_act (actcode,actname,acttype,national_code) VALUES (?,?,?::enumcs,?)
Where as for updation i do tried with same typecasting as follows but it does not worked.
update dir_act set actnam...
Scientists suggest that stress is part of the evolutionary drive because it has enabled humans to survive. Specifically, stress temporarily increases awareness and improves physical performance. (source)
archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousNovember 22nd, 2019nextNovember 22nd, 2019: Dogs are good, Dogs are grand In this poem No dogs get slammed– Ryan
Hi guys, I'm facing an issue. how to handle an sp which does not return a result set but i need to get the updated rows after executing the stored procedure
Try to simplify your question. There is a lot of stuff here which is not clear where it's coming from and what its role like cacheResponse or DealsResponse. — Martin Tarjányi19 hours ago
Is it possible to using other annotations on Lombok annotations?
Let's say have field Name and want to make sure it's not null when it's set using annotations.
Before Lombok
public class Person(){
String name;
public void setName(String newName){
name = n...
I'm getting arrayindexoutofbounds exception at lines 7 and 18 , can someone please let me know why and how I can possibly get the desired output (i.e. the sorted array)
The proximity effect in audio is an increase in bass or low frequency response when a sound source is close to a directional or cardioid microphone.
== Technical explanation ==
Proximity effect is a change in the frequency response of a directional pattern microphone that results in an emphasis on lower frequencies. It is caused by the use of ports to create directional polar pickup patterns, so omni-directional microphones do not exhibit the effect (this is not necessarily true of the "omni" pattern on multipattern condenser mics, which create the "omni" pattern by summing two back-to-b...