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I am not an Economist. I am an honest man! -- Paul McCracken (source)
How are init testing libraries like junit able to tell which branch of code was executed and which wasn’t?
not sure actually
5 hours later…
@DemCodeLines using Instrumentation - Cobertura Code Coverage tool will inspect and place placeholder codes in your class file. This will be used by Cobertura to measure the test effectiveness
Why ArrayList and StringBuilder are created with inititial capacity 10 and 16 respectively. Suppose I need a list to just 5 elements but the available storage space 10 so the remaining 5 places will be waste right??
@chiragsoni - Its upto the JVM to allocate memory to the array - it may not do so even if you put Default size - but it might put a check if the size is exceeding Heap Space available and will throw an OutOfMemory Exception. -- Do this experiment - Runtime.getRunTime().freeMemory() - and initialize two arrasy with same size - According to your conjecture the second Array cannot be intialized since memory is exceeded. but it will succeed
@chiragsoni Even when you create the array...

foo = new String[20];
... Java allocates 20 * sizeof(JavaReference) bytes (where JavaReference is whatever underlying type the JVM is using to represent references). Therefore, the size of the array is now known.
Q: How does JVM allocate this memory

LeatherFaceIf you declare an array of strings in java like this String[] words; That just gives you a reference correct? now, I am coming from a background in C, so I know that an array of "strings" in C are pointers to pointers, or an array of arrays. However, I am wondering how JVM uses this declarati...

Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, my alarm didn't go off.
@Wietlol ?!
@geisterfurz007 hahaha!
I mean, oh, how tragic. XD
Well, I signed in ill today because of that. Otherwise I would have 3 hours commute (total) for 3 hours of work which is kinda retarded.
Going to do 5 hours of work with "headache" from home instead.
But damn, I slept well :D
yeah, that's happened to me a few times.
I always have mixed feelings. On one hand, I awake refreshed and on the other I'm missing work
not that missing work is necessarily a bad thing, but you know what I mean
Yeah well as said, I just grabbed my thesis from the cloud and now I am reading through it, findind more sources, adding my first images (at 54 pages in-total already, lol) and finding typos (which of course I didn't make and spelt Brian "Brain" or something).
And I can listen to spotify instead of youtube music :')
why what?
Just. Why?
Ok, then I will respond with an equally vague answer: Because sheep can't win dance parties because they have hooves.
What if their opponents are horses?
Then nobody can win
and the neighbors downstairs will be very upset
@geisterfurz007 if you're wondering about the video, it makes sense if you've seen that futurama episode
I have never seen Futurama ._.
fry gets caught in a game of wits with this floating brain, and fry is not that smart..
Good morning Gem!
but he manages to "write the ending"
just that rather than say "I will leave for no reason" he writes "I will leave for no raisin"
Rob is here too :o
@Gemtastic hola
Did you break the benchmark website yet?
you mean sth. like this? https://hastebin.com/tomekuhase.cpp
And I call the method as Randomizer.randomGumbelDistribution(() -> Randomizer.random(), 1.0,1.0)?
@geisterfurz007 no not yet... been to lazy to install my water cooling system yet
How long do you have it now? Two weeks or something? :D
ye :D
I have been doing lots of overtime lately
So you got more time to play with your water cooling once installed? :D
not really but during christmas weeks definitely :D
I missed the @Wietlol :D
I think it's just removed when you respond to something with a multiline
message. The reply still goes through.
ah ok :)
in spring xml config, let's say that I have two files beans.xml and services.xml
how can I cross-reference both so that service can access some beans in the other and the beans in the other file can access a service in the services.xml
in essence
// in beans.xml
<bean class="Bean1" ...>

<bean class="BeanWithService" ...>
  <constructor-arg name="myService" id="myService"/>

// in services.xml
<bean class="MyService" ....>
  <constructor-arg name="bean1" ref="bean1"/>
it is easier to shuffle both in a single file but it is a large document now
@motaa wut?
@Wietlol check a few lines above :D
my google fu is failing today ☹
@motaa ye, pretty much
@geisterfurz007 I know stuff about Java, not JUnit
keep in mind, I never write unit tests
I havent been able to identify any of my code that requires tests to remain stable
Yeah, I forgot that you are a self-praising piece of - anyway, yeah. Sure.
@motaa although... I do now see a small flaw in your code where my unit tests would be a bit of a problem
if your Supplier<Double> would always provide 0 or 1... it will loop infinitely
@geisterfurz007 hehe
Look @ this code folks
StringBuilder sbb = new StringBuilder("soni");
	        System.out.println(sbb.append(new Employee("james" ,25,60000)));//out: sonijames
@chiragsoni ok, and so?
looks at the code
I want to know how it is taking name of the Employee "james" and appeding it to "soni"
/javadoc StringBuilder#append chirag
@chiragsoni for that, you'd have to see how toString is overloaded in Employee, but I assume it simply returns the first parameter passed to the constructor
@OakBot append(Object)
@chiragsoni Type /help to see all my commands.
@chiragsoni how about a smaller piece of code
41 secs ago, by OakBot
@chirag StringBuilder append(Object obj): Appends the string representation of the Object argument. (1/2)
soni is added because that's your initial string in StringBuilder
new StringBuilder("soni").append("james")
what would be the result of that?
no, not @ne
@Neil That I know
@chiragsoni ok, so what did you expect to happen instead?
@chiragsoni Internally, StringBuilder#append calls String#valueOf. String#valueOf returns "null" if the passed object is null, otherwise it returns passedObject#toString.
So in the Employee class you will find a method called "toString" in which the name of the employee is returned.
somebody said toString() might be returning name only. Yes it is returning name only
So I guess that is why "James" out of Employee object is appended to "soni"
the toString of Employee could just be returning a literal "james"
Thanks to all
meaning no matter what you pass to Employee, it will always show "james" when translated to a string
it is happening bcz toString() is returning name only
presumably yes, but you have to check to be sure is my point
I checked by returning name+age
and it is producing sonijames23
23 is age
so while passing Employee to append() it will internally call toString()
Nice dicussion is going on thanks folks
@Wietlol I see your point. I somehow need to avoid the log(0) and log(1)
in terms of probability it is very that I will endlessly hit a random 0 for example :D
@motaa throw the exception
make the caller required to provide a 0 < x < 1 value
at which point... perhaps a supplier isnt required any more
and just the value
or you make it a class
and have the supplier as property or function
the thing is that I also have a method:
public static double randomGaussianDistribution(DoubleSupplier gen, double mean, double stdDev) {
return gen.getAsDouble()*stdDev + mean;
and there I dont care about the random number being 0 or 1
I see
at some point I have to check the generated random value
either before I call the function or inside
well, you can keep the while... but unit testing will be difficult
I could generate the random value in a while loop and when I have a good candidate eg >0 and <1 I pass that value to the function
that would be easier to test
and if someone passes 0 or 1 to it I would throw an exception
also, in that case, do-while
do (create new number) while (number is not what you want)
I know there is always the possibility for an endless loop
not really
you just want an rng adapter that limits to 0 < x < 1
Random songlink of the day in the middle of an ongoing conversation: open.spotify.com/track/6cSbibGAUbMetwBFfVVB43
the RNG, given those requirements, wouldnt expose the option of infinite looping
as it is the provider of the values
you dont mock the provision of the values in the tests for the RNG
but you should mock its result
or rather... fake its result
this way, you abstract the rng retries or whatever strategy out to the number provider
and your algorithm will remain the same
what part in particular?
I was having a problem with a HashMap<Number,Number> that did not accept Integer :D
the only gotcha I see there is arrays
which should be banned tho
ìt did not accept an integer instance? or an integer type argument?
@Neil on a good week. theres also weeks i only do like 6
@Hans1984 I still do like 2 hours tops
@Wietlol that generics are not covariant
they cant be
@Neil Dafak? That reply thing does not work
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add(new Object());
epic EW!
that is where bounds come into play
List<? extends Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();
this allows you to generalize all lists of "something that extends Object"
you cant add stuff to it tho, but you can read from it
this feature should be implemented in every modern language
but it is a really complex feature for the compiler
kudos to Java devs
Where is Wietlang?
Or are you still incapable of putting a textarea on a website? (:
hes on vacation with Wietshort
oh, the text area works, the line numbers just dont
@Wietlol that's how its done :D
in Wietlang... I copied Kotlin's syntax of value list: List<out Object> = ArrayList<String>()
Anyone know who to save an enum in a database in lowercase?
Spring Data uses the enum's name, i.e. the UPPERCASE bit
is there any particular reason why that's a bad thing?
or just preference?
My app will display the database field in an xml sheet and anything other than 'Yes/No' will fail validation.
I'm sure spring's got some sort of converter that you could use
@TheCoder and why is your app's visuals based on the values from a database?
rather than the values from an enum
database storage is internal
you can store y, but display Yes
or you can store 1 or true
in simple terms, you shouldnt care how the database stores the values, only how you display the value of the enum
our database stores our enums with their ids
maybe he needs to save Yes/No/Maybe
or potentially at least
You mean store it as YES in DB, then upon retrieval, reconvert to enum?
'y', 'n', 'm'
@TheCoder if it came from an enum, load it as the enum
@Neil Yes, this YesNo is only one of many enums
@Wietlol now he needs Yes/No/Maybe/Default/Null
considering you have an ORM that handles the writing to database stuff
you should load the values via that same ORM
@Neil expand as needed
this is why we use ids instead of chars
now you need a new letter because n was already taken
1: Yes,
2: No,
3: Maybe,
4: Default,
5: None,
nothing wrong with saving the enum value if you think you'll need it
names also work, but I prefer to not be bound by the names in my data model
@Wietlol now you need a script to update each and every one of your client databases because currently saved as 'y', 'n', 'm'
@Neil expand as needed, but choose the approach beforehand
in the case of characters, you would simply do
don't get me wrong, if it genuinely should only be true or false, 1 and 0 work just fine
but enum implies something else
y: Yes,
n: No,
m: Maybe,
d: Default,
o: None,
If I save as 1/0, then I'll need to convert that to string Yes/No in my report
@Wietlol that's unclear
unclear to who?
you see "o" written in a line 6 months from now, and you have no idea what that means
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is not more clear to anyone
in fact..
@Neil noone looks at the database
only at the ORM
you should avoid unclear solutions in general
which says "None"
@Wietlol in an ideal world, sure
I know the ids of our accounts statusses actually, but that is just a side effect
@Neil im sure at some point someone would look at it, but at that point, he could just look up what the values are
when you've got a bug in production, and the line says "o", you don't want to have to check code you wrote 6 months ago to determine what the f that means
no point in optimizing something that happens once or twice a year
why wouldn't you simply save the full enum?
the name?
what disadvantage would you have?
the name?
because I might want to change the name because it makes more sense
y or 1 isn't the name..
"Yes" is the name
and perhaps, at some point, I realize "Yes" should be split up in two different values
Yes, always
Yes, mostly
enum MyEnum {
and how is saving it like 1 or 'y' helping you here?
because "y" or "1" doesnt change
while the source code does
you're representing a value in code as code in the database
I should stop using "y" as an example while I dont really enjoy them
Because you recall "y" means "yes", but now you've got ALWAYS_YES and MOSTLY_YES so now you don't recall which it actually refers to
plus you still have to execute a query to update all "y" values into "y2" values if they apply
but I only actually have to know once or twice a year
so it isn't that you can even say you've avoided changing the database
if the column was a single character, you also have to expand so that "y2" will fit
@Neil I chose ALWAYS_YES to be the version everyone uses by default (if they chose "YES" before)
and I swear if I see "y2" in a database somewhere, I will hunt you down
I dont have to update
only the users that want to make use of this new option
you can also just make it text
enum MyEnum {
@Wietlol unless this is not the case at all..
maybe you didn't properly represent the "yes" case and needed to split it based on some condition
if it isnt the case, then what did you just add?
an additional enum to distinguish the two cases
@TheCoder what kind of database?
H2 for testing, Oracle for prod
I do know that you can define a type at database level that is a representation of a java enum
Q: Java & Postgres enums - How do I make them work together for update?

Ajay Takuracttype is an enumcs so you can't insert it as a normal string without casting it to an enumcs INSERT INTO dir_act (actcode,actname,acttype,national_code) VALUES (?,?,?::enumcs,?) Where as for updation i do tried with same typecasting as follows but it does not worked. update dir_act set actnam...

I would be surprised if that were not possible in oracles
Scientists suggest that stress is part of the evolutionary drive because it has enabled humans to survive. Specifically, stress temporarily increases awareness and improves physical performance. (source)
posted on November 22, 2019

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousNovember 22nd, 2019nextNovember 22nd, 2019: Dogs are good, Dogs are grand In this poem No dogs get slammed– Ryan

@KarelG are you lurking atm?
I get the reaction tho :D
anyway, you know a bit about laws in ze glorious nederlandish?
I have been trying to look for stuff but cant really see anything interesting that is still relevant
the case is as follows:
it is possible that they are similar to Belgian laws because of adaption of EU law regulation
you live in ze glorious nederlandish no?
or am I confused?
le belgium
hmm... then I probably again confuse you for someone else
nederlands and belge are almost the same :P
motaa, where do you live?
luxembourg same thing
looks at the flag
@geisterfurz007 you need some slapping :D
@Wietlol luxembourg :P
yep, that is the netherlands
well no I live in berlin though :D
but I am luxembourgish
man I am really thinking about throwing that Randomizer class out and build a completely new one....
always a fiesta writing tests for someone else's code....
I don't even understand why making it static in the first place
why do you have your own randomizer?
me? I don't I was just asked to start testing this
Just say that it works.
still, extract out the requirements of the rng values to the rng
that would probably be the best solution
well only one distribution has requirements
@Wietlol lets say I would check ranges at Supplier level
wouldn't I have the same problem testing the supplier?
you dont test the supplier tho ;)
you test the algorithm
throwing an exception is not wanted but generate a new random number
the supplier would be an RNG interface
interface RandomNumberGenerator {
    double getRandomNumberInRange(double min, double max, boolean minInclusive, boolean maxInclusive);
getRandomNumberInRange(0.0, 1.0, false, false)
you just have to figure out how to write the adapter for a java random number generator
mostly because of the inclusive/exclusive parts
Happy Friday, Jaba!
well the adapter by pulling a new random number until it fits :D
normally, it is (false, true)
I dont like loops tho
me neither
Hi guys, I'm facing an issue. how to handle an sp which does not return a result set but i need to get the updated rows after executing the stored procedure
int n = PreparedStatement::executeUpdate
@motaa i tried that and it return 0
well then it didnt update anything
@motaa but in DB the rows are getting updated
are you sure you are using a PreparedStatement?
@motaa i'm using hibernate query
I rarely, like almost never, use ORMs :/
When I work with dbs I need high performance and more complex low level aggregations
@motaa Oh, actually i need the exception which the SP throwing. so, i thought query.executeUpdate might help but no luck
could at least point to the right direction?
stored procedure
yeah, throwing RAISERROR which i'm not able to catch
@Clover return an error code?
like -1 in case of an exception inside your SP and handle that one inside java
if your SP itself fails a SQLException should be returned
performing an update returns an integer >= 0
@motaa wait let me try that
@motaa yeah, by default it should but it isn't let check that return -1
@motaa RETURN -1 isn't working either
i tried throw exception as well. but no luck
is your SP void?
yes it's a void type
how are your calling your SP?
if you are using a callablestatement you have additional options
no i'm using Hibernate template
I do remember something about using callablestatements that return multiple resultsets
but the stored procedure isn't returning any result sets. correct me if i'm wrong, does void type returns any result set?
check this answer
Q: Stored Procedure exceptions not being detected by JDBC

ford prefectI am running a stored procedure using a prepared statement jdbc template: conn = dbrm.getConnection(this.dataSources.get(aas.getArgumentValue("dataSource"))); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try{ boolean hasResultSet = stmt.execute(query); catch(Exception e){ // log and handle a...

I got a quick question. Is there a way in spring to validate a string variable with regex pattern? like @Value{//d}?
I would disrecommend it tho
out of the box
validate the model in your code, where you have ze power
dont rely on regex to be a fully featured validator
@JudeNiroshan Pattern?
ofcourse, you can add regexes to help the user interface with input masking, but to do actual validations, I would recommend some special code for it
@geisterfurz007 yes, But it's from javax.validations.* anyway, I think there is no lombok annotation for it. isn't it?
Should still work
@JudeNiroshan why doesnt the pattern annotation work?
@Wietlol it works well. I want to know is there an annotation provided in lombok
If anyone knows about reactive streams, can you provide some input on this? stackoverflow.com/questions/58973576/…
Try to simplify your question. There is a lot of stuff here which is not clear where it's coming from and what its role like cacheResponse or DealsResponse. — Martin Tarjányi 19 hours ago
lombok doesnt care about such things tho
perhaps this might be interesting
Q: Using validation and other annotations on Lombok annotations

Droid_InterceptorIs it possible to using other annotations on Lombok annotations? Let's say have field Name and want to make sure it's not null when it's set using annotations. Before Lombok public class Person(){ String name; @NotNull public void setName(String newName){ name = n...

@Wietlol Note the complete absence of mosquitos thanks to my new mosquito repellant, the Samson Q2U ;)
aight have a nice weekend folks!
I dont get the joke...
perhaps after I watch the vid
which will be somewhere tomorrow
I'm getting arrayindexoutofbounds exception at lines 7 and 18 , can someone please let me know why and how I can possibly get the desired output (i.e. the sorted array)
Could anyone please look into it ?
Aug 2 at 20:05, by Wietlol
@fredoverflow what is up with the sound?
Aug 2 at 20:05, by Wietlol
you are having a mosquito plague?
@Tanuj What is the value of i in the last iteration of the loop? What array indices are you accessing in line 18 in that last iteration?
@Tanuj int[] b = a.clone(); java.util.Arrays.sort(b);
Assuming you need the original array unchanged. If you just want to sort the original array, java.util.Arrays.sort(a);
Has anyone ever told you that you got a very calming voice, btw?
in Lounge<C++>, Oct 3 at 19:09, by Rick
@fredoverflow I find your voice to be very soothing. :-)
Hahaha! It's true tho!
The proximity effect in audio is an increase in bass or low frequency response when a sound source is close to a directional or cardioid microphone. == Technical explanation == Proximity effect is a change in the frequency response of a directional pattern microphone that results in an emphasis on lower frequencies. It is caused by the use of ports to create directional polar pickup patterns, so omni-directional microphones do not exhibit the effect (this is not necessarily true of the "omni" pattern on multipattern condenser mics, which create the "omni" pattern by summing two back-to-b...
@fredoverflow Don't just respond with oneboxes :D
There are still people who manage to sound obnoxious on recorded audio. I think even without proximity effect you have a nice voice :)
Thanks! The proximity effect has only been employed in my last two videos.
Oh true! I have to admit that I didn't have the time yet to watch the latest ones but the sound difference is clearly noticeable!
I upgraded from a €50 condenser microphone to a €80 dynamic microphone, and the background noise has completely vanished.
Yup, no echo whatsoever!
Maybe I'll re-record some more old videos when I run out of regular video ideas.
The audio quality of my very first video is just embarassing.
@fredoverflow Ah I see, it goes over the array size limit at the last iteration.How do I overcome this ?
@Tanuj Modify the loop condition so it stops one earlier.
@fredoverflow Thanks for helping , I have a test tomorrow

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