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Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari (source)
@Zoe but you're just Zoe, not Violent ZOe
1 hour later…
Maybe Zoe has something to do with Zalgo?
cue mysterious music
@Zoe What are you doing on your vacation?
now to wait...
@Tavo g'day
@JennaSloan What is g'day?
Something only dirty Australians say
Short for good day
@Rob false
I'm not Australian
"mostly only" then :P. You're the first person outside of Australia I've seen use it
In fact, I've never been outside the north western hemisphere.
@JennaSloan howdy. How are you doing?
Feb 10 '17 at 8:08, by geisterfurz007
G'day Mofty!
I was surprised by myself. I thought I started using it later :D
@Rob dirty o_0
@Rob now that I already pinged you once, why not a second time ๐Ÿ˜› How is your flying coming along?
Going great. Actually right now in the waiting room to get my medical done
Ayyyyy, good luck!
Only a couple lessons left until my solo
nice good luck
Thanks :)
@geisterfurz007 lmao the conversation that day
Can I ask again?
I cant find Array here --> docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/โ€ฆ
for example Array.length
because it is not in java.util.Arrays
A: Java: javadocs of arrays type

NPESee the Java Language Specification ยง10.7. Array Members: The members of an array type are all of the following: The public final field length, which contains the number of components of the array. length may be positive or zero. The public method clone, which overrides the method o...

@geisterfurz007 They could add length to Arrays
/javadoc Array#getLength
@geisterfurz007 like Arrays.length
That's not how it works though.
why they seperate Array and Arrays
Because they are different things.
then I don't understand how it works now
One is a Util class for working with arrays (Arrays) and one is used in reflection mostly (Array)
You will also find that you won't find any official docs for enum methods.
int[] is not a class like a "normal" one. So there is no javadoc for it.
@geisterfurz007 okay, this is very special. Is there something similar in Java?
An array you are using is something else than java.reflect.Array and something else than java.util.Arrays
At the moment I collect and sort all "my" Java functions into classes. :)
The only similar thing that comes to my mind are enums.
I can highly recommend the video on enums and their methods by our very own fredoverflow here
@geisterfurz007 Thank you. I will watch this. :)
I also found this interesting quote on the array topic:
> The Docs: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-10.html

An array is, in most ways, a primitive in Java much like int or char so in won't have instance fields or methods. The closest you get are the static helper methods in the Array and Arrays classes.
From here
How do you convince people that some failure was caused by a problem of connectivity on their end?
sometimes there are problems on our side, and of course in those cases we deal with it, but after we tell you that we received no communication to our systems whatsoever and you ask again for us to deal with this urgently..
Don't know how to put it more plainly than "we received no message, verify your system?"
"We. Did not. Receive. Anything. Period."
That's basically what we said. They're still asking for updates
I should mention there's also a somewhat political issue here as well
I work for a bank which is part of a "group", so technically they're part of the same company
they depend on us for a lot of their services
and I think we're paid for basic troubleshooting and fixing problems
guys I have Date value, how to change just time value from my Date value?
@IRvanFauziE Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
I mean it's correct that we look into it, but if we didn't receive the damn failed messages.. end. of. discussion.
@IRvanFauziE Hmm.. in what sense? You want a LocalTime?
I mean I have Date value (Fri Aug 02 00:00:00 ICT 2019) and I want change time value to 23:59:59
What class is your date of? I know 3 different Date ones in Java from the top of my head.
how to configure? I plan use .replace but not working in Date
Do you have some code to share?
@IRvanFauziE the new time system in Java is preferable. Dates and Calendars were always a pain, but understandably maybe you can't do otherwise
If you have to deal with Dates, then do:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1);
Date newDate = cal.getTime();
be sure that the time component is empty first, otherwise this won't be accurate
/javadoc Calendar#set
@Neil ok thank I'll try
but if you're trying to make an inclusive upper date bound
the best practice is generally to make an exclusive upper date bound of the next day simply
cool, this work!

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 23);
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
dateTo= cal.getTime();
that works too
@IRvanFauziE use Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY though
I don't know if using HOUR works properly, as in theory it only sets 12-hour time
oks thanks
@geisterfurz007 but int and char are also classes
Integer and Character are classes.
int x = 5;
x.toString(); //Does not compile. Because ints don't have methods
which is dumb if you ask me
they should just box it automatically like in C#
kotlin does this, and I'm happy for it
0.toString() will work in Kotlin
@Neil oh wow
well, I'm not going to argue in favour of 0..toString()
Why not?
it seems hilariously unnecessary
but that's what you do in javascript to get a method of a literal integer
Oh, you're towc, lmao.
well sometimes it comes in handy
Well if you have the habit of using primitives everywhere in Java and you have to write Integer.toString(someRubbish) everywhere, I'd much rather have fancy autoboxing.
(1..n).map { it.toString() }.joinToString(separator="")
Then again though you can argue that you could just as well remove the primitives from the language entirely.
it helps to remember that when java was created, c++ despite its flaws, was still very much performant and popular
I think removing primitives entirely would have made a cleaner language, but I think they were worried that it would create issues with performance
I mean they're not wrong, using primitives is faster
Because it skips creation of objects?
But it's not so much faster that it would make a significant impact in performance in your program, unless performance were a critical aspect like say for drivers
and uses considerably less memory
@geisterfurz007 yeah, there remains a slight overhead for that
again, memory isn't that big a deal these days
If you write a driver in Java you have a lot of different problems but performance is certainly not the biggest one.
Ah, yeah makes sense then.
that's not what will consume all memory on your computer
boxing every single number would probably also leave a lot of unreachable objects lying around
java has never been focused on performance, though I have heard that you can tweak the garbage collector in such a way that you get identical performance to C++
so garbage collection would be more screwed up
but there are some downsides to doing it that way, namely that you have to manually call the garbage collector
@Neil lies
maybe you can get performance in a similar order, but almost certainly not as good as
When you free up pointers in C++, you're basically doing what the garbage collector does but in bite-sized pieces
right, that's just raw allocation. It also says that overall performance is much more complicated than that
well my point was that you wouldn't use Java to write drivers or a game engine
it's not really built for that
though you could, I think you'd be faced with more challenges than it'd be worth your time to commit to
same could be said for kotlin really
@Neil do garbage collectors reuse allocated memory?
why would they? it's allocated
for example, if I use an array (object/pointer array) of size 1_000_000 and it falls out of scope (being garbage collected), if I then want another object array of size 1_000_000, should the garbage collector say "oh, I already have that much memory in the trash can, let me pull that out again"
(ofcourse, setting all values/pointers back to 0/null)
this means I dont have to allocate more memory, or free the old memory
considering the language prohibits arrays with default values (where you dont explicitly provide values on allocation), then this should be much faster
the same could happen for classes
although, I assume it would only be noticable for larger classes
(classes with many fields)
It keeps track of who has references to that space. When it no longer has references, that space is no longer considered occupied
or structs... when those are supported by the language
@Neil and when that space is no longer considered occupied... it can be reused, no?
no, not immediately
garbage collection just defrags the memory space so that allocation can continue on top
why not?
allocation can be O(1) because it simply allocates and updates the next free memory space
deallocation is O(1) because you're simply saying references to that space are 0
the garbage collection is the only part that takes effort
the alternative approach is to make allocation costly and search for a large enough consecutive space like C++
but then you won't need to have any sort of garbage collection
but there's also the possibility that you have the space necessary, just not in a single consecutive block
and therefore allocation fails for that reason
but... isnt allocation of memory really expensive?
again, it depends on your strategy
In C++, for games, a common technique was to allocate a large chunk, and then have a very fundamental memory management system using that chunk
It let you deal with it however you wished, and at the end of the program, you simply deallocate the large chunk
The only problem with that, was that sometimes allocating a large chunk in windows meant windows would try to "lazy load" that memory chunk, and simply give you a pointer
it would only allocate if you attempted to write in that block
so you'd have to write the first byte every 4k bytes (every block)
only then were you guaranteed to have the full amount
windows started doing this when you started having virtual memory. If there wasn't enough memory, it would still let you allocate and then deal with giving you memory only if you started attempting to write to it, and windows would then swap out a lot of blocks to and from the hard disk to make room
anyone growing up in the 90s knew what swapping was.. it was very very slow and it happened anytime you wanted to play a game which required a lot of memory
its clear I will not write my own garbage collector :D
How comes?
the only one I think I can implement is epsylon
Would still collect you too, huehuehue
it's hella difficult
windows apparently went through a lot of memory management systems
Need music suggestions. Either female vocal EDM or metal/rock pl0x.
they used to think that it was best to keep track of every allocation, but that turned out to be a real hell to deal with
Gib name please. Spotify is blocked here ._.
nvm, I can google the link
Yah, that will do just fine. Thanks :)
@geisterfurz007 np ^^
@geisterfurz007 epsylon wouldnt
epsylon is a stub gc
@JennaSloan yes, I totally made Unicode.
@JennaSloan lots of stuff c:
@Wietlol so it doesn't even collect garbage?
@Neil Not available in my country ._.
@geisterfurz007 one might say it's too busy collecting itself ;)
music.youtube to the rescue. Added it to the queue; thanks Neil!
@geisterfurz007 that is the point
I bet it would make an exception for you tho c:
> Summary
Develop a GC that handles memory allocation but does not implement any actual memory reclamation mechanism.
Once the available Java heap is exhausted, the JVM will shut down.
TIL that there are escapable characters in CSS selectors.
you had an escaping issue?
I'd never seen the video for that song
It's a little seizure-inducing
@Wietlol Yeah, JSF adds colons because it's retarded.
Oh look what day it is!
its fredas!
Thank Talos it's fredas!
I almost wrote moron on that one, lol
You should not use words that can change everything with a little typo.
is 2 dangereux
you could youse "morning"
"moaning" :)
"Good mourning!" "That's not funny! Grandma died!"
"Slack has downloaded a new version, to update and restart click this notification."
update and restart... windows?
I will wait until monday, thank you
@Wietlol cya next month
but... its the 2nd of this month...
I said cya next month!!!!1
I think she really meant it. She's even got a 1 amongst the exclamation marks
how to translate !!!!1?
and !!!1!!!1!!!111!?
@kame means it is very serious.. even moreso if you see "one" spelled out
This is serious!!!!1!!one
Eleven spelled out makes it even more intense
:) serious, more seriously, seriousliest, most seriousliest1111ONE!!ELEVEN
English is not my mother tongue, as you know
my mothers tongue
well it's mainly because the 1 key is the same place as the ! on an english keyboard
but I have seen people write out "one" meant to be a sort of ironic purposeful mistake
@Neil thank you for explaining the Internet. :)
What can I say? I am the most amazing person ever.
Welcome to the internet! I shall be your guide!!!1ONE
remind me next week when I am ranting about JSF again
I feel well prepared now. Show me the entrance to the dark net !!!!2
Alhtough... Going to start flutter next week. We'll see ^^
this time next week I'll be in Sardinia :)
secret mafia meeting?
close.. vacation
with a secret mafia meeting during it?
and if I get some time away from snorkeling and enjoying my vacation, top secret mafia meetings, sure why not?
@kame why so serioust?
Okay this was 2 serious. ;)
@kame Very serious.
@geisterfurz007 totally
Do I smell a hidden /s there?
I would never be sarcastic! How dare you accuse me of such horrible things?!
I am offended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111oneoneone
There was a hidden /s there.
I am deeply hurt now. That was very rude of you.
Nah, I'm never rude.
Mmmmhmmm. runs away in tears
Eeeeks! I found a way to open multiple selected files in IntelliJ at once *-*
I was missing that for so long and now I found it (:
split (horizontally|vertically)?
@geisterfurz007 lol too late
@Neil coool enjoy
@Zoe Please elaborate
@geisterfurz007 what do you mean with open multiple files?
In the Project view, I wanted to highlight multiple files then do <some action> and have them all open in the editor.
I think eclipse does that with F3 but I didn't find a shortcut in IntelliJ before.
But just draging the selected files over works perfectly.
ah, nice trick actually
I can remember I sometimes go through an entire package double clicking each file in it
@JennaSloan Yeah that selects them but doesn't open them.
@Wietlol Yeah exactly, that's what I hated :D
@geisterfurz007 So click the "open" button
Which one exactly?
The one you get when you right click
I repeat: Which one exactly?
Either that's not Eclipse, or those aren't files.
rider has the option "edit > edit sources"
34 mins ago, by geisterfurz007
Eeeeks! I found a way to open multiple selected files in IntelliJ at once *-*
@JennaSloan That's why it says IntelliJ, yes.
intellij probably has a shortcut, but I cant find the right click option
[f4] is the shortcut
but that might only work on my machine
I would try [alt]+[f4] too if [f4] doesnt work
@Wietlol That's mah dude!
@geisterfurz007 I had no way of knowing you were talking about IntelliJ
but I dont really know why you would use a keyboard to select files
Obviously not! I just mentioned it in 2 messages before.
and while you use the mouse, you can just drag the files
Depends on what you are used to, I guess.
No clue how many times I already tried to hit F3 already.
how do you select file 1,2,3 and 6,7,8
without selecing 4,5
Just because you mentioned it doesn't mean you were talking about it
> click
so, you already use the mouse, so you can just drag :D
I hate both of you.
also, I have my mouse placed so that I can switch between mouse and keyboard without moving my arm....
so switching between them is no problem for me
I dont get why people want to do everything with the keyboard
I select with my mouse in the right hand and the left hand on the keyboard to hold Ctrl. And when I am done selecting, I now hit F4 with my left hand that is already there.
@geisterfurz007 cool story bro
@geisterfurz007 xD
@geisterfurz007 You wouldn't be wrong
@geisterfurz007 I use my nose pressing control, then using my middle elbow pressing ...
Why am I even restricting my hate to Jenna and Wietlol... I hate all of you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Except for wonderb0lt.
oh no, you dont hate me
save your hate for later
tbf, I think geis hasnt much to say on this matter tho
you cant just hate me
you must hate me in style
@Zoe oh dear, someone forgot the midnight chains again
1 hour later…
posted on August 02, 2019

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousAugust 2nd, 2019nextAugust 2nd, 2019: Sorry this comic doesn't have Waluigi in it, but if you're in the future and going back through the archives: good news - the next comic you'll see has Waluigi in it!!– Ryan

Stalin died in March 5, 1953 after he suffered a stroke. He was embalmed and preserved in Lenin's mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square until 1961 when it was removed and buried near the Kremlin as part of the de-Stalinization process. (source)
Hi, C# dev here. Ive never done any java. What is the name of the package used to get user input in console. Not the read line the Get int, get double thingy. Im looking to port the thing in C# in order to learn some java etc. So if you have the name of the lib it would be nice?
@xdtTransform Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! I'm Oak, one of the room's bots. If you want to ask a question, just ask it and someone will respond if they feel like it. But remember that this room is not a help desk or tutoring service! If you want to just hang out, then welcome aboard! Oh, and the room's full list of rules are posted here.
@xdtTransform normally, you would read the console by using a reader on the System.in or by using System.console()
but if you want to just read numbers and such, then perhaps a scanner might be more what you want
it depends on how you use it tho
Yep that's it. Scanner. Thank. Will play with it this WE.
@xdtTransform Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String str = sc.nextLine();
@xdtTransform Scanner can be a little weird sometimes
It helps to think of Scanner state as a sort of cursor. So if you read input and you're at the end of the line, and then call scanner.nextLine(), it doesn't read anything
it simply moves you to the next line of input
if you're at the beginning of a line, calling scanner.nextLine() will read the entire line on the other hand
how is that weird?
it was weird to me
but you are weird
Happy Friday, Jaba!
2 hours later…
@JennaSloan meh
@towc yep c:
1 hour later…
yay, I used fredoverflows boole tool
return if (a) {
    if (b) {
    } else {
} else {
    if (b) {
    } else {
return if (a == b) {
} else {
@Wietlol Huh? That seems incredibly verbose. xD
its a very common pattern tho
it is a simple contains check
the class contains 2 fields, a Set<T> and a boolean (telling to search for the presence or absence of the element)
the check function must do a set.contains(item) if the boolean is true
and if not, it should do a set.notContains(item)
or... set.containsNot(item)
or something
you get the point
a is the boolean property
and b is the contains check
the first version is verbose, and the second version is vague
(the returns of 1 and 0 are just placeholders here, in reality, those are sequences that are being returned)
(the class is the implementation of [a-z] and [^a-z])
@Wietlol return a == b? 1 : 0 ftw. Or, in C++, return int(a == b);
@Wietlol Ah. Yes, the second half of the code is much more compact.
@Zoe It looks like Scala code.
Also, the 0 and 1 are placeholders, not literal integer values.
Oh xd
@Zoe kotlin has no ternary conditional operator
its words all the way
@Wietlol no, but it does support an alternative
hi sir
in a spring based web app, if default bean scope is singleton, does it mean that when a user registers himself by providing his details through a form, the same instance pojo User will be shared among multiple users?
what should be the scope of bean User (pojo)?
I havent really done much bean based stuff at all
cant really help on your issue there
ok thanks
Just had a coding test at a quite big company, if I go through to next step, I will personally mention you guys sometime. This chat is sometimes like a rubber duck you know? Quite handy at times.
@sockevalley have you tried turning it off and on again?
@fredoverflow what is up with the sound?
you are having a mosquito plague?
@Wietlol I wasn't at home during the recording, so I used my crappy laptop microphone, and you can hear the fans spinning :(
@sockevalley Being compared to an inanimate piece of plastic is quite the compliment.
@fredoverflow is there a reason you use arrays instead of lists?
1 hour later…
Hi, i formated my pc and now i can't get acess to my db
i have this error: "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed"
And yes, i've installed everything

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