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If it is being outperformed by other applications, then that sums it all up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw, check out this one: hashcat.net/forum/thread-2238.html
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Clear, lack, of, understanding, of, the, protocol. AJAX and WebSockets address completely different problems.
@hakre Very nice!
Off to movie, bye
@m59 you still haven't told me what exactly you're doing with your cookies
I asked why I should set a session var like $_SESSION['auth'] = true; when I could just check my cookie with the db on each page and set $auth = true;. Since I'm using the cookie for persistent login anyway, it is going to be there....why add sessions which is just another vulnerability?
@m59 I get that, I want to know how are you dealing with the cookies and persistent login in a secure way
I explained the whole thing above...
@m59 what are you storing on client side?
e.g.: some token?
user/token/series identifier
and then doing some awesome checks to identify some possible scenarios (attempt to brute-force, cookie stolen)
and responding accordingly.
someone faked a cookie = ip ban? (haven't studied into that enough to decide)
someone stole a cookie, delete db records and warn user until pw is changed
@m59 Care to share your code?
How do you decide that cookies are stolen?
@PLB using the same token twice
Or using any kind of old token but with a valid identifier
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lack of understanding of ~somethings is the reason, why we are all here.
It would take me a bit to get the code ready, and some of the checks I haven't finished...it follows that link @MadaraUchiha
Just for the sake of my question...can't we just assume that I secured my cookie properly? Rather than getting an answer to my issue, I only get questioned back about securing the cookie.
@m59 If you have followed that articles. yes
@PeeHaa埽 Yes, as in yes I don't need a session?
@m59 Yes you are going to need a session if you want to have a functional website
How are you going to store data to be transferred between pages?
Now that's an answer I'll take :)
I haven't needed to yet.
and, it's better not to store that stuff in a cookie because if the cookie were stolen, so is the info?
@m59 You haven't implemented a csrf token?
@m59 exactly
No, I'll read about it
so, that gives me a reason to start a session, that's all I have been looking for.
next question then - lol
@PeeHaa埽 since the session could still be stolen, what are your thoughts on checking the cookie on each page load anyway, then destroying the session if something doesn't add up?
just not worth it?
@m59 Alright, that link is enough, thanks
The thing is, unless you use a session (something like $isAuthed = true), the access token woud be regenerated each time you visit a page
@m59 Depends in the site I am working on. It doesn't hurt though
Definitely won't hurt
@MadaraUchiha that kinda sounds awesome lol. The more it is regenerated, the faster someone would get locked out
err, well, that's only if the hijcker and victim were on the site at the same time
@m59 What makes you say that?
Even if the cookie wouldn't get regenerated each time, once the real user attempts to access the site both tokens are invalidated instantly
victim is on the site, hijackers gets access - token changes, victim refreshes - token invalid
I guess you could manage without a session too though
right, but if the real user is already on the site when it happens, he won't find out until he comes back later, rather than as soon as he loads a new page
because the session is the only things he is relying on....token won't be checked until there's no session
Now that I've worked it all out in my head, though, I should mention that there aren't any page reloads, LOL, so it doesn't matter
all ajaxy
In that case, you need to poll the server once in a while to figure out if the token has changed
nah that was silly
it is everytime I ajax to the server for info that I need to check
which is basically a page load haha
Well, thanks for discussing it. Sorry if it was difficult. @PeeHaa埽 @MadaraUchiha
So, what do I need to know about CSRF tokens? No one has ever mentioned it before and I'm not sure where to start.
@m59 What will happen when I put an image up on my site with the following code:
<img src="http://yoursite.com/delete/important-stuff">
And you are logged in?
Delicious ice cream for everyone?
Not so much
Heh, I see what you mean.
They can basically make me send a PUT/POST/DELETE to my api
@m59 Appending a csrf token to actions / request prevents that
any articles you recommend?
Not off the top of my head. But the basic idea is pretty simple
@Wes Evening
hey :P
So, I probaby should protect from this anyway (I'm assuming) but this looks to only deal with actions when they are in the url rather than restful nouns...
@m59 Define "restful nouns"
get/post etc, stuff in headers
not in the url itself
oh, right, not url params
It's based on requests
It doesn't matter whether you are putting it in the url, headers or body of the request
how would an attack with headers look?
oh nm...I think I get it
it would just be in the php on the page you visited, just the same
man, if hacking weren't evil, it sure would be awesome :)
I appreciate the brilliance. Not so much the evil.
I still think hacks are cool when they are smart
OK I'm in serious need of some help
completely unrelated to PHP so tell me f off if you like
well, there are some hackers that do good things.
@AdamLynch answers.yahoo.com
@AdamLynch go for it.
I've got a hard drive that won't boot with some verrrry important stuff on it. I think its because the power was removed and a sector is corrupted or something. Happened with a previous laptop and repaired with a tool on the hirens CD
Now here's the challenging bit
this is what I have: the laptop, the unbootable drive, two other blank hard drives, a nexus 4, a ps3 and another laptop with a CD drive too (but no drive with an OS)
Is there anything I can possibly do?!
@AdamLynch First I would sector copy the disk to another disk and after that boot with a recovery tool
sounds like a job for a computer repair shop
I could sort it if I had another laptop I could burn a CD with but I dont
part 2 of your story is: backup really important stuff to bluray disc and put it in a fireproof safe
peehaa, I assume you wrote that before I finished
m59, there some important stuff I was working hard on all day today, so not sure that would help
but I will be buying a nas system. This is the second time this has happened
@AdamLynch why?
I like tinkering with things and I usually fix stuff, but considering your options, I'd go with a repair shop
Why what?
1 min ago, by Adam Lynch
peehaa, I assume you wrote that before I finished
yeah but I'm in Belgium and everything is closed until monday
guys i can't find the add comment button to add a comment to some question why is that?
peehaa, you said sector copy then use a recovery disk
can't do those without another computer
Why not?
Well i'd need to burn the recovery disk for one thing
@AdamLynch Or just dump it on one of the hdds and boot from that
and for the copy I assume I need another computer with an OS and a hard drive enclosure
But dump it how?
nope. There are tools that just let you copy a disc
No need for a full os
@ShadyAbdAlrahim I think you need more rep first
Undefined index what? If if says, Undefined Index act then you should probably try $action = @$_GET['act'] ... — php NoOB ఠ_ఠ 2 mins ago
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ That's wrong
not really i actually used to comment when i had less reputation
But how would I get those tools?
how would I run them?
@AdamLynch You are on the internet now aren't you :P
on my nexus 4
@MadaraUchiha Yea, I know it is a bad practice, but the OP made me lose hope.
I will try to omit that part next time
I'd be delighted if there was a way using my nexus or my ps3 or something
@AdamLynch ow now I see. :P
Do you have a usb cable for your hdd to your phone?
LOL, I realize this is a different scenario, but reminded me of a troll that was on SO saying he couldn't download Linux for his computer because he didn't have internet access.
Because IIRC the nexus can act as a usb host
I should have mentioned $action = isset($_GET['act'] && !empty($_GET['act'])) : $_GET['act'] : false ;
peehaa, no. I didn't know they existed
I saw a post on how I could use the nexus to boot it as a Linux drive effectively but I need a computer again :/
I'm close to just paying a stranger to rent their laptop haha
@PeeHaa埽 hmm. I can't find out how to deal with this csrf token with js/ajax like I have it
I only have one page load and then it's all ajax to my api's index.php
oh and even the pages change via ajax (I load a new js file / html file into the main content area)
@PeeHaa埽 Here's what I thought of so far..

user loads my site (this only happens once during the whole visit)
php generates the token and stores it in the session and cookie
my js looks up the token from the cookie and appends to to all requests
the requested php file then checks to see if the token in the request is the same as what is in the session
@tereško There isn't a reason that exists in this world, that I should be ashamed for, giving that comment.
mine isn't rooted:/
hey i created a room at stackoverflow how do people come there?
@web2students.com there are thousands of rooms, it depends if people find your room interesting, we are in PHP room because, we are interested about PHP.
I hope you get the picture.
Your room is actually number 31384 meaning, as of this moment. there are over 30K rooms. for almost all programming languages. So, I highly doubt it will be full of people anytime soon.
hm i m new to stackoverflow rooms, soon i will learn, when i was new to stackoverflow, my id was banned, but now i learned how to ask, answer others so i should not get banned...
Hi, i wanted to know if mysqli_close() also frees up the memory, or we should always call mysqli_free_result() before closing connection?
@VishalVerma is there ANY reason why you insist on using the procedural API ?
@VishalVerma i don't know but it's better to use free result also. because, you will close connection 1 time but u can fetch result many times and each time if u free result it will be good
yes, around 100 pages of site uses mysql_connect. I plan to first migrate to mysqli, and maybe to OOP in future. Also I don't see direct advantage of OOP right now
u can try pdo also,
@web2students i make one fetch and then close. So in this case, you too don't see advante of free_result.. incase i was making multiple query calls, than i too agree with free memory.
Hi. I have an oop question. Let's say that you're building a lib that reads config files and uses a parser object to translate config files into an array. There are more parsers available (Eg. Yaml, Json, ini,..). How should I make the config object aware of these drivers/plugins?
yes vishal
To narrow down the question: will mysqli_close() free up the memory too, apart from relinquishing socket connection?
vishal sorry, i don't know
no probs, let's see if others have some experience with this
@JanL you are using framework or developing your own?
@JanL registerParser() method in the config object?
Just messing around with my little framework
i would just inject an adapter in the parser .. something like new Parser('/path/to/config.file', $adapter);
@tereško Something like this? $config->add(new JsonConfig('config.json'))
or you can write the parser in such a way that it already expect a data source to be injected: new Parser( new JsonReader('/path/to/file.json') );
yes , that's the other option
so many frameworks.... i also want my own framework..but i have to be more experienced and need time to develop it
What do you mean by adapter in first example?
@web2students.com you might find this post useful
@Jan i would do something liee $config = new Config(); $config->registerParser( new YamlParser); $config->registerParser( new SomethingParser), $config->load(file.yml); // chooses Parser based on File ending and / or content
@JanL "file adapter", "file reader", "file parser" ..
@joschua011 and the point of this would be ... ?
If you were using some Framework with Dependency Injection that would be a lot more elegant
@joschua011 dependency injection has nothing to do with frameworks.
DI !== DI Container
also, dependency injection in no way mitigates the fact that your approach would lead to SRP violation
Hi all.
Would it be ok if used the same config class for reading and writting files?
i honesty see no point in actually having a "config class"
and why would you want the ability to write config files via a class ?
I hate it when gecko and webkit think to have to interpret CSS properties differently :-(
@tereško You look very patient today...
How can you tell? Did the lack of blood on the walls give it away?
@tereško Do you consider yourself creative?
@tereško For instance: giving admin a nice GUI to change parameters in config files
@JanL That's usually the job for the database
@JanL and how does that relate to a framework ?
@tereško loool...
@tereško Zend has classes for creating bar codes, so why the hell not?
@tereško I followed the last 10 minutes of the chat and I felt like a grenade ready to explode and you still are calm... Well I guess there exists enough serenity around you...
@JanL those are not part of core framework
... or at least i hope they are not
@tereško wish, hope, pray for ....
6 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@tereško Do you consider yourself creative?
@MadaraUchiha depends on when you ask ... usually no. My most notable characteristic is "being lazy"
@tereško Well then, get creative!
Watch it through ^
@MadaraUchiha This is not @tereško or he is possessed... :)
@tereško in my case they also aren't. They are optitional features ;)
@MadaraUchiha i want my 3 minutes back
@tereško My initial reaction was
But I guess that works too
@tereško It's actually deeper than it seems
@MadaraUchiha my initial reaction was: "he's channeling a project manager that i knew"
@tereško Sorry for bugging you. Thank you :)
I came up with something
@JanL , watch the lectures from the post that i linked you to
@tereško But they aren't really in order
yeah , but that post also contains some info about routing
A: MVC For advanced developers

tereškoYou cannot even begin to delve into MVC before you have comprehensive understanding of OOP. That include OOP practices, principles, laws and common patterns (and no, singleton is not an oop pattern). MVC is an advanced architectural design pattern, which requires solid understanding. It is not m...

The order here is better imho
/me gonna watch some more startcraft
@tereško I think I can guess who :P What SC are you watching?
idra casting again?
Shirley, idra's never casting SC again?
@BenjaminGruenbaum naah , i am watching "Shoutcraft America" tournament
@tereško Nice, I like AxSlav, there are some good games there, enjoy :) I'll stop pinging you in the middle of games now.
btw, have you seen this matchup? youtube.com/watch?v=hNd9WesNTr8 .. especially the 3rd round
Actually I haven't and I've watched quite a bit from MLG dallas. I'll check it out :)
I miss a lot of good games from the lower rounds :/ I don't have as much time as I've had to for that.
Evening @all
@MadaraUchiha any joy with the proxy?
have any one test urorbit frame work ? fw.urorbit.com
seems dead
@BassamEssa it's crap .. i actually took a look at it
the overall impression is "my first framework"
@tereško very nice game! Kind of stagnated towards the end but very nice.
well , yeah , 3rd rounds end was bad .. but the first part was awesome ... especially the nuke
@BassamEssa the bottom line is this: you have a lot to learn in both php and javascript
@MadaraUchiha for some reason that post just now got downvotes ... lol
on a different note .. could someone look into this: stackoverflow.com/questions/17003210/…
@tereško thank you , wont to see you cms i build it in this framework ?
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageantialias() in /var/www/hawkfalcon.com/public_html/sig.php on line 36
I keep getting this error for some reason.
I installed GD on my server, but to no avail.
Hey. Does anyone know what is wrong with my script? pastebin.com/tEnQM5cv
It keeps erroring on my SQL statement
your if statement is way too wrong man
    if($login_ok) ?
i'd link the $_POST[]; to a variable first
morel ike $something - $_POST['name of the field you want posted'];
$something = $_POST['name of the field you want posted'];
then if ($something != null) {

im using curl to post into a page the XML that im retrieving, the data is showing but i only want to post the second element, which is "count", i dont want to post all the xml into the page, how i can I do that?

to post the xml result im using:

$ch = curl_init('http://myapp/xml.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
$result = @curl_exec($ch);
if($result != false) {
$xml_doc = simplexml_load_string($result);
try that out it maybe the error there
ups sorry for the format..
Anyone knw about my above erroR^
can you show me your code hawkfalcon please ^_^?
@ShadyAbdAlrahim Its something with imageantialias($image , true);
Its like it isn't seeing that function.
well, i've not used that function before, but i found a good example that may help you
@ShadyAbdAlrahim Yeah, looks as though its right, but it doesn't seem to be working

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