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oooh yeah I could just check for the var right?,

if [[ -n $DOWNLOADS_DIR ]] ...rm...
I think a defense in depth is good....so do everything.
@webarto she's like a thin Adele
go home parser, you're drunk
@crypticツ exactly what I thought :P
Question: i use Amazon s3 + Cloudfront for delivering assets on a webpage, but it looks like css / javascripts are not loaded... when i view the source code in chrome and click on the url of the assets, ( any .css or .js file ) the file is being downloaded ( like when u right click save as ) and not shown in the browser window as usual, can this be a problem with the http headers?
Never use sudo to make a sandwich. You can end up causing damage to your kitchen =o(
Thank you for reminding me that I have dishes to wash...
I must, that is... I was a victim of sudo washdishesoryouresleepingoncouch.
Which isn't necessarily bad, but I don't know the PIN for naughty channels.
I hear that the internet may have some naughty stuff on it as well.
Hey all. Anyone have some advice on this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/16974237/…
Noob question, I'm sure.
Nah, deep pocket inspection and stuff... I said I can't work without learning from Stackoverflow.
I know @DaveRandom is in the same boat too.
@Wes Hetzner.de I would say, mate.
it's friday, friday...
Disclaimer: I'm drunk, again.
@blackairplane where are you getting the var $object from?
@LeviMorrison what do you need VPS for exactly, mate?
Within a public function within a Codeigniter model class
also what exactly are you trying to access? You should not be modifying the object itself, but rather extending the class for which the object is created by. You can extend CI core as well.
$object = call_user_func_array( array($this, 'get_by'), $args );
Yes, it is an extended class from CI_Model
@webarto thanks, you're not the first that suggested hetzner, so i'll go with it
Update your question with the code from said model @blackairplane
hey @Wes
: )
hey miss
@sectus sigh
@Wes It's an institution.
@Wes , almost 15 minutes "friday"...
it has to be friday in every timezone before you can post that, @sectus
@Wes , but... but... why?
i'm sorry sir... please delete it.
@Wes , cannot delete... i flagged it.
Where is @Gordon ? I haven't seen him for awhile, did he say if he was heading to higher ground from the flooding?
1 message moved to Trash can
@sectus don't flag it, it annoys 10K users, and looks bad on your account =o)
LOL, i'm sorry, my bad, i was kidding
@blackairplane where is the get_by() method code?
@Wes , nevermind...
@crypticツ , kk, i ll try to be nice.
@crypticツ I'm working on a variation of this release: github.com/jamierumbelow/codeigniter-base-model/blob/master/…
see line 156
for get_by()
@blackairplane update your question so that others are aware of that.
@blackairplane Also you should read the CI documentation, that github class is named MY_Model which is the name given to a class that is to override the CI core model. You have renamed it so it is Custom_Model which does not override the core model.
@crypticツ The way that it was implemented, it is properly extending the CI core model as other models throughout the application are working.
I'm not sure how, which is why I'm here, but it does seem to be extending properly.
guys what's generally the policy of hosters about passwords? i mean if i have root access on a vps and i change my password, could the hoster still access my files? and what about shared hosting? do you know, for example, if the cpanel's password is actually private? and if cpanel managed accounts' files are encrypted?
@Wes policy should differ from host to host, but if they have physical access to the server they ultimately have access to the files. As for encryption I've never heard of a host that encrypts your files, they just setup proper (hopefully) user/group permissions. If in doubt always encrypt off-site before moving sensitive data to such a server, or don't put it on the server to begin with (safest)
but what about vps. if files are encrypted and they don't know the root password, how could they access data?
i'm talking about a system-level file encryption, iirc when you install linux, it asks if you want files to be encrypted or not... can these files be served via http? (not confident with linux nor file encryption)
@webarto I would run off with Florence Welch right here and now. Any time. Just FYI.
God damn it I have to go to bed.
Indeed =p
only after you listened the song @DaveRandom
@webarto I play around with PHP configurations and builds with different compilers.
Ceremonials is the only CD I've bought in like 8 - 10 yrs
I've only started buying CD's after I got married ;-)
My phone was broken when it came out and I wanted to listen to it on the way home from work
@Wes Yeah, Compact Disc you know ... the stuff where your mp3 and flac usually comes from =p
:o last cd i bought was the fat of the land
fat of the land ... prodigy?
Right, now I really am going to bed
nite @all
but i bought an iron maiden random bootleg vinyl some months ago xD
night @DaveRandom
vinyl, nicer :)
I've bought mostly classical recordings on vinyl, but the occasional armstrong album can be found too =D
i started collecting them many years ago and i don't know why i'm still buying new ones since i never hear them... i have 100$ vinyls that i listened one single time in 10 years, and only for mp3 ripping
plus they are not rare
I didn't go further than maybe $30 :)
And for that money you can get all Beethoven's piano concerts lol
Granted, there are only five heh
for example i bought the 1983 recordered original "kill 'em all" of metallica
@DaveRandom I found out what happened, you will facepalm
for about 150$
@LeviMorrison AWS is not an option for you?
@Jack Maybe is, maybe isn't. I want to hear about what people like and don't.
@Wes You bought a master recording? That's cool :)
yeah ;)
@LeviMorrison It's pretty reasonably priced and you can turn it on and off whenever you like ... that's definitely a plus for test machines :)
but they are not actually rare apparently, not so valuable
but it's still cool
@Wes Depends on the time as well ... records from the late 70's, starting 80's are harder to get.
depends by the artist i guess
It was a transition period, so there are physically less recordings ;-)
actually i'm not sure they are totally original though, but the covers (that look really old) say that were recorded/printed in the original release year... but i think some may be fakes
i wonder if there's a way to know if they are actually original or not
Wish I could tell you how :) it comes down to trust, really.
yeah i guess so
And, probably most importantly, if it sounds great, who cares ;-)
Unless you're trying to make money off of it heh
lol, no, i'm a fan of music
1 message moved to Trash can
It's times like these I'm glad I have that ability.
SME is doing a great job in alleviating load from YouTube servers; now, when people want to listen to videos in a playlist they will just rip them from the site ... much better :)
hey i got a small prob.
i'm doing sever side validation
and i need to validate a field for numbers only
for contact number field that is
so the field only can have intergers, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
use this regular expression "/([0-9])/"
Are you looking for ctype_digit()?
@YogeshSuthar No, no.
will this work
i prefer to use php built in functions rather than using regex. It's more cleaner.
1 min ago, by Jack
Are you looking for ctype_digit()?
@ArmeshSingh so use ctype_digit as @Jack given
does ctype_digit accept decimals?
cause i only want integers, no decimals, no whatever other characters.
what are decimals?
check the link you will get your answer. And it will not taking float numbers
ok it seems to not accept decimals
i checked using a PHP parser
another question
will this return true?
i think it does if i'm not mistaken
@ArmeshSingh just var_dump() it to see
@ArmeshSingh we are not your php interpreter!
i'm just double checking
test it on codepad @ArmeshSingh
i had a codepad open in the other tab
and i already test it
@ArmeshSingh Next time, do single checking only.
i'm new to php, so I just double checking wif u all
cause, 1 problem in the code.. and it's so hard to find the problem. Sory guys i'm so paranoid
i'm using this phpcodepad.com
Hi all !! anyone let me know the reason of too many downvotes for this stackoverflow.com/a/16976269/639406
@swapnesh It's just two downvotes.
lolzz you get upvotes. :)
because it's such a noob question
@Mr.Alien morning
and can be google'ed easily
@swapnesh Please don't mention the single vs double quote ... ever, unless you're talking semantics.
@Jack I will take care..actually this performance comaprison I saw on on of stack post so thought to mention
@swapnesh because it's basically a parse error question. Should never have been answered. If you wanted to tell OP how to fix it leave a comment. Answering such questions just pollutes the PHP tag with useless Q&As.
dafuq, someone actually bothered to +1 the question =/
@YogeshSuthar bizarre, the answer received one more upvote and one more downvote ... strange.
Back at -1 ... it's like an army of downvoters lol
@Jack I am also amazed. May be someone is taking revenge by downvoting. :)
@Jack that was me downvoting it =oP
@crypticツ but why? what in there is not useful?
@Jack Are you being serious?
lol, dat army of answers
@Jack @crypticツ See the accepted answer with 2 upvote, it has link for w3schools.
@crypticツ Yes, quite.
@Jack I'm so confused right now O_0
@crypticツ The person who answered is in the same room; it would be more courteous to tell him what's wrong about it in your opinion.
@Jack im talking about the question
I was talking about the answer, like, all along :)
Hello guys, so I have a pretty weird problem that I can't get around. I have a string variable thats 18 characters long "123456789abcdefghj", but when I do a var dump on it I get an output that this string has 43 characters. I'm getting that string from a query request to a database. I have no idea how to make the program realize that it's 18 characters and not 43
try strlen
I get 43.
may be it has spaces use trim and then strlen
If I do something like substring 0, 17 I get the first like 5 characters.
There are no spaces.
The only solutions I've seen is to try convert from html and to change the encoding of the string. But none of those solutions help.
Is there an API to use Google's search capabilities with PHP?
@Ihsan they were declined in mass voting. A few votes were missing...
I'm not talking about their Custom Search API (which you can only search sites you register). Something that you can use to query anything, including the "site:" keyword?
Does anyone know how to get onto a php irc on freenode?
hello i created a form with dynamic text boxes by selecting a dropdown suppose if a user clicks 1 then he will get 1 text box.my question is when user selects 2 textboxes and enters the data . then how the value is stored into database kindly suggest me an idea
@EGHDK with IRC client
What's the sudden interest in ##php?
@EGHDK You can do bin2hex() to find out whether you're dealing with UTF8 or UTF16 encoding.
:) i already did it using loop in each data in php. I think an SQL expert can solve that issue in MysSql itself.. — Fasil kk 53 mins ago
It's not possible, but I'm sure an expert can solve it ...
Hello, Joe.
Good morning.
Wazzup sub?
A: PHP - issue when access other variable

Gautam3164Instead of require 'index.php'; try to include like include 'index.php';

Magento question anyone?
Can I rename index.php to index_main.php? Will that cause error?
@JeffreyCarandang Why don't you just try it and see?
hmmm, it's a live old site. Running 1.4.2
I don't have clone set up yet
@Jack any improvement in that answer..??? You can also edit that question..:)
@Fasilkk What answer? And why would I edit a question?
Just to improve readability.:) Let an expert to solve it..:)
I am saying about that check_in_date and check_out_date problem.. myqsl query problem..
My stackoverflow account was blocked to ask questions,Anyone know how it open?
I am getting "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more."
this error
Shin.. that is not error... they blocked..
how to resolve it?
I read faq
is any way to reopen it now?
Or shall i create a new account for ask my question?
@Fasilkk In the current state, it can't be solved; because you would have to create all possible date range permutations.
@shin Post on meta; don't create a new account.
@Jack,"Post on meta; " can you explane? I can't understand
@shin Go to meta.stackoverflow.com and post a question about your account status.
@Jack then i am going to create all possible date values..
@Fasilkk imho, that's just stupid, but hey, it's your life :)
I have to check if a user is in 2 tables
@shin And seriously, read this post first.
@Duikboot with a join.
But when the user is not in the bost list I have to check them seperately
yeah but that's not my question :-)
if special evnet user 1 return a result now
will the if else statment also check for event 2?
@Duikboot That code won't even compile.
It's not funny.
@Jack that query must be solved. I will solve it before i die..:)
bi room
i am new to php
Better @jack?
so had one newbie question
how do we seggregate layers in PHP ???
@Duikboot No, still syntax errors.
@Jack this is all possibilities.. sqlfiddle.com/#!2/db982/1
@Duikboot No. Do us all a favor and test code first before posting.
in JavaScript, 13 hours ago, by Jhawinsss
The PHP room isn't as friendly as this room...
Ok you are right @Jack
@Jack For what it's worth, given my dislike for PHP, I always speak highly of this room ^_^
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're too kind ;-)
It's the opposite for me, although I speak highly of JavaScript, I dislike the random room chatter :)
We have good stuff going on often, but it's hard to see because we get a lot of noobs and we feed them too much.
in JavaScript, 13 hours ago, by Gacnt
I should be a porn director
Like that kind of "good stuff"? :)
lol. We have a lot of really classy stuff in the JavaScript room
in JavaScript, Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
in JavaScript, Mar 18 at 20:08, by Loktar
I've been to gay clubs more than regular clubs lol
@Jack PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor Then it should named like HPP , Y named PHP
^ _ ^
@Yogus Personal Home Page
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you serious !!!
@Yogus No, PHP stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", recursively.
Just because something is self-referential doesn't make it recursive :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just like how drinking Droste doesn't make you recurs? :)
(recursive acronym is a think though, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_acronym )
So we're both right =D
GNU's Not Unix ... hahaha, I never knew that.
Lol :
I should be a porn director
so I can make, remakes in canvas :P
I have to do front-end a VB guy... I wish I could just do HTML for him.
dragging and dropping form elements isn't easier
"Integer strings", a new type in PHP? :)
@Jack KDE too
@Jack also linux and wine
Help please
Q: phantomJS executing successfully but no screenshot being created

asprinThe following files are being used to create a screenshot: ons.php ong.js ons2.php All these files along with phantomJS binary are in the same folder. The folder's permission is 744 ons.php $forMonth = date('M Y'); exec('./phantomjs ons.js '.strtotime($forMonth), $op, $er); print_r($op); ec...

Does anyone know how to log an exception backtrace with Monolog?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Your notion on classic stuff that goes on in JS room is merely a blip on an otherwise downward trajectory ;-)
@Jack It's just the time, usually people like Octavian rlemon, Florian, copy, Esailija, Jan, Shmiddty, etc are there.
@Jack we should be less nice (the JS room).
That is working but not correctly. What could be the best way to check all of the statements? :)
If the both events check is true the other 2 doesn't need to be executed anymore
By removing the else.
The thing is I receive no echo's :/
@Duikboot That's what it does now ... if Both, then don't execute the other ifs
@LeviMorrison Has your search been successful yet?
Morning btw.
@Duikboot 3v4l.org/I3Htm it execs the next conditional only if the previous is false.
I think this room is the only one that is really active on SO.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood friday monring room 11!!
@PeeHaa埽 morning !
i was thinking that, if i can make a simple markup language that would only allow a few selected html tags in the textarea, but how do i proceed!
markdown is prone to xss
really? I didn't know that.
@blackbee Dont know what exactly you are trying to do, but php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php
@blackbee Do you have a source of information for that?
i am tryin to mke a q&a forum like SO .. so i want to prevent the xss attack from the textarea at the same time allow some html tags... like br, a href, lists and a few others to enable formating
i will be back in 5 mints, after lunch... juss hang on
@blackbee Do you think anything you write yourself will be any more secure than something like markdown?
@blackbee Also, you can always filter the output from markdown with something like sourceforge.net/projects/kses.
@PeeHaa埽 Happy friday!
Hmmm, there's "kermis" here! :o
It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down drunk on Friday
@crypticツ Do tell...
@tereško lol, nice collection of tags it had
I just found out that I can vote to reopen and then still vote to delete a question .. >D
Morning all
@Jack Yeh you can flag and star posts as well. And stars look really pretty with a blue background.
@Jack But... that's evil!
I call it healthy curiousness.
@vascowhite well, i don't know if its more secure but if i use htmlspecialchars then i eliminate all the tags so no formatting, but if its like i can map the defined tags into an array which will have a set of allowable html tags and exculde others.
like [html]=><html> [br]=><br> or by xml
this in markdown would be xss
>hello <a name="n"
> href="javascript:alert('xss')">*you*</a>
i mean i have been said about htmlpurifier but thats ok, i am keeping it as a last resort..
@blackbee You just described BBCode :)
o, um i didnot know that... had an idea
@blackbee Personally, I would stick with markdown and filter its output. Much simpler.
@vascowhite No, this is "blackbee" code :)
@Jack You're very quick for a Friday morning :)
That's because it's already 5pm and I've had two coffees ;-)
The weekend looms :)
how does stackoverflow do it?
With Markdown :)
3 mins ago, by vascowhite
@blackbee Personally, I would stick with markdown and filter its output. Much simpler.
With some custom stuff I believe.
well..... fine
blackbee code sucks markdown rocks
Q: What HTML tags are allowed on Stack Exchange sites?

Jeff AtwoodThe Stack Exchange engine uses Markdown for questions and answers. Per the Markdown spec, you are allowed to freely intermix HTML and Markdown tags. However, it does not allow all HTML tags, as that would be an XSS paradise. What tags then are allowed in posts? Return to FAQ index

Why no <blink>blink</blink>?
then i can do one thing, in the markdown input, i can check the url in the href or src , if it contains something like javascript: or vbscript: then ...
@NiekBergman I was going to say that :)
The marquee tag is a non-standard HTML element which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right automatically. The tag was first introduced in early versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and was compared to Netscape's blink element, as a proprietary non-standard extension to the HTML standard with usability problems. The W3C advises against its use in HTML documents. Usability problems Marquee can be distracting. The human eye is attracted to movement, and marquee text is constantly moving. As with the blink element, because the marquee tagged images or text are not always com...
<bgsound src="C:\Windows\media\town.mid"><h1><marquee>Hello everyone! Welcome to my new website! I hope you like the music!</marquee></h1>
Oops, forgot to add loop="infinite" to that bgsound tag ;-)
I was so proud of the day that I used an <iframe> to keep the <bgsound> playing throughout all my pages ;)
@vascowhite do i use markdown with kses or both of them?
I hope your playing Rick Astley on that

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