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Q: Difference between functions: array_diff_ukey and array_diff_uassoc

ZiarnoCan someone please explain to me whats the difference between these 2 functions: array_diff_ukey array_diff_uassoc They both take keys into the compare function, and based on those keys decide if the array element should be returned or not. I've checked the php manual, but to me they both seem...

Documentation issue ? ^^
@PeeHaa埽 wow
@PeeHaa埽 Zo, die hebben we te pakkuh ... man, that's a nasty hit!
Only thing that is missing is r kelly singing I believe I can fly
@PeeHaa埽 He did, but he didn't get further than "I buhhhhh ...."
@Jack :P
@Jack you speak dutch :O ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV On occasion.
@HamZaDzCyberDeV He's a traitor
Don't you know only the PHP language is allowed here? (and English) :-p
@PeeHaa埽 no, he's Urahara :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV He's what?
Traitor? Wait what? Okay I admit that I wasn't around for the coronation heh
@Jocelyn Language injection: echo 'Je parle FR';
Lol, he's got you there @Jocelyn :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum are clojure agents are the same type of agents you're talking about?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Nooooooooo....if someone ever notices that, they'll harass me with their questions in French :-/ I prefer to stay in hiding :-D
@igorw Probably, but I'm not sure, I only checked out clojure agents briefly. Look up AGENT0 , it's also LISPy
@Jocelyn I know that feeling xD
> Clojure's Agents are reactive, not autonomous - there is no imperative message loop and no blocking receive. The state of an Agent should be itself immutable (preferably an instance of one of Clojure's persistent collections), and the state of an Agent is always immediately available for reading by any thread (using the deref function or reader macro @) without any messages, i.e. observation does not require cooperation or coordination.
This is a problem reactive agents are very limited (although intelligent behavior can emerge in complex systems)
No cooperation or coordination or autonomy makes them look like actors and not agents @igorw
@HamZaDzCyberDeV echo "Hallo! Wie geht's?"
geth's noch
@Jocelyn german != dutch :p
php == german || dutch
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I know. Mine is indeed German.
@igorw Look for the book "introduction to multiagent systems wooldridge" it's what we're using, it's well written, and a good read
@Daniel Error on line 1
@BenjaminGruenbaum will look it up, thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum will look that up too :D
$php == ('german' || 'dutch'); // France not included
//Actually I was curious to try it xD
$php = 'aa';
$german = 'bb';
$dutch = 'cc';

$php == $german || $dutch;
$result = $php == $german || $dutch;
var_dump($php, $german, $dutch, $result);
string 'aa' (length=2)
string 'bb' (length=2)
string 'cc' (length=2)
boolean true
@BenjaminGruenbaum afaik the main reason why they are not called actors is because a) they don't have any behaviour. you actually send them the functions that they will call on their state, and they queue those. b) lack of co-routines / light-weight threads.
lol I think $php would return an error, would be surprised if that wasn't taken already
although it's probably not come to think of it
It isn't throwing an error @Daniel
@HamZaDzCyberDeV /*Output string 'french' (not included) */
yeah I realized that after seeing yours
@Daniel did/do you use WAMP ?
why do you ask?
Because it's made in france :p
then never! lol jk
I like Gojira and they're from France
@igorw Actors provide safety, if you know WebWorkers in client side JavaScript that's an actor models (Here is a video about the concept in JS youtube.com/watch?v=zKuFu19LgZA&t=40m40s )The core concept of Agents is that you seperate your system into independent modules, but you abstract the way they communicate. Objects don't just have state they have goals , they don't just invoke each other in a defined way, they communicate and reach agreements.
So far the only good product from France is Handbrake <3
For me, at least :)
@Jack not much into wines ,are you
Instead of your Consumer object getting a DB reference, a Consumer agent is introduced to a DB agent, and the Consumer model asks the DB agent for a connection when needed. If it's in the DB agent's best interest, it complies.
@tereško My wines mostly come from Australia :)
And I was talking about software products =p
well .. those ain't too bad either
Yep, not too shabby =D
symfony is from france ..
okay bbl people
ah, didn't know that :) i like the http foundation classes heh
i've only contributed into symfony once and it was rejected ... bah
because obviously rss and atom posted data is much more important to support (by default) than plain form post =p
Who uses forms anyway
yeah, that's so passe, previous century crap.
@BenjaminGruenbaum also looking at c2/ActorVsAgent, looks like clojure agents are a very primitive form of actor that could be used to build a more isolated actor model on top of.
Is there any way to add an extension (to php.ini) without having to restart the web server?
I think it's something a Clojure programmer can shed light own. I'm pretty bad with LISP altogether and with clojure in particular
I'm working with a hosted continuous integration service and I want to install the MongoDB PHP driver
but I can't restart the server
@AdamLynch nope, not possiburu!
@Jack so it's the server that loads the extensions?
Like I couldn't say php --ini locationOfNew.ini script.php ?
Well, no ... it's the php module that loads it.
@Jack well, yeah that's what I meant
If you're running cli this is of course not a problem.
wait what?
not a problem?
php -dextension=mongodb.so script.php
dunno what the .so is called.
well, ya but -dextension? GREAT
yeah, ... , well, it's not accessible from web server though.
not sure what you mean by that
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have a fairly good understanding of how it works in clojure, but I don't know enough about how actors and agents are defined and work in other languages. .)
@AdamLynch i mean, you can run a script from cmd line, but if you need mongo in a script that runs as part of a web request it won't work. unless you restart web server.
@igorw Oh, I have a very good understanding of the theory, but I've never used an agent oriented programming environment, I use agents implicitly in my code all the time though :)
@Jack ok. I guess that kills my hope then
I doubt I can restart the server haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum just found a PDF of that Wooldrige book, added to my (ever-growing) list
It's a good first read on the subject :)
@Jack So I guess I have to think about a way to mock MongoDB in my tests/builds
doesn't sound fun
@AdamLynch just restart it lol
From AGENT0:
> In [9] we defined the concept of agent oriented programming (AOP), which can be viewed as a specialization of object oriented programming (OOP).
blowing up everything!
@igorw You're reading the Shoham paper right?
AGENT0 was never intended for actual use, it's a concept language
Also, I guess aspect oriented programming wasn't as popular as it is today :)
that's the one I looked at, yeah
@HamZaDzCyberDeV but it's hosted CI
I can't
I don't have the permission to do that haha
@AdamLynch Hack it :p
I can't even download the mongo TGZ anyway because curl says it doesn't know the host
@HamZaDzCyberDeV write my own hosted-CI might be more reasonable haha
@AdamLynch lol was just a joke, don't hack stuff that isn't yours or without permission
@HamZaDzCyberDeV of course :)
A more reasonable request... How can I find out which extensions are in the php.ini from the command line?
Just in case they already have it (doubt it)
@AdamLynch php -m
@PeeHaa埽 merci
[exec] libxml
[exec] mbstring
[exec] mcrypt
[exec] mhash
[exec] mysql
[exec] mysqli
[exec] openssl
this ended up being the version of the test script i sent over to the recruitment agency. github.com/bizzehdee/example-php/blob/master/example-oo-cli.php (ditched singleton and comments). they came back with "no error handling, no error suppression, no unit tests", error handling is built in to how the code is written, not sure what errors could possible come up. error suppression? seriously? and fucking unit tests on such a targeted piece of code that relies only on PHP its self
how could i have implemented any error handling or unit testing into this piece of code without it just being pandering
Error suppression @unlink
i know what it is, i just didnt think serious places actually used it as a valid form of error handling
There are only a couple of places in code where it is allowed imho
in the comments in the header in your email address, and in the git log saying "dont fucking use @ to suppress errors"?
@bizzehdee No. In the example I just gave you :)
Also while (@ob_end_flush()); comes to mind
@PeeHaa埽: im more interested in how i havnt handled any possible errors, and how that code would implement, and benefit from unit testing
There is lots in there that can be tested.
examples please?
You kinda made it hard to do because of the use of a superglobal in there: github.com/bizzehdee/example-php/blob/master/…
github.com/bizzehdee/example-php/blob/master/… return value is tested for its length within the loop its self later on
How is that "tested"?
That's a loop
what possible tests could there be other than testing if it is an array and that it has a length of more than 0?
I supply this set of data to that method and I get these values returned from it
if i set ?o=file.csv or example-file.php -o file.csv, the only way of me finding out what FetchArgs is expecting is to check argv, or getopts or $_GET, which is what im doing. this is what im trying to say, i dont get what im supposed to do with this
@bizzehdee That shows a nice design issue in your code
What does this code do?
okay I have a question, anyone know the absolute best way of verifying unique users? For instance by ip will exclude different people at a coffee shop, session id's change when the browser is closed, cookies won't work if they're cleared/blocked, etc.
And how would a unit test have helped you there
I know am not suppose to to micro optimization but i just notice that IteratorAggregate slows down my script by 3 sec .. thats a lot
@Daniel Send somebody to every user who logs on
checks if $_GET exists, if it does, loop through all its values and recreate an argv like array to return
visual verification
won't work for twins!
@bizzehdee yes! and...
thumbprint verification maybe
@PeeHaa埽 any ideas why ?
so I'm guessing by ip is the 'standard' way?
It's about the last two words of that exact statement @bizzehdee
@Baba Sorry. Can't help you with this one
@PeeHaa埽 Oh ok thanks
@NikiC ping
Just ping everyone in here @hakre @Gordon @NikiC
@PeeHaa埽: ive updated the script already, i realised hadnt committed everything before posting the link
it was missing return $args; :)
@bizzehdee Either way that should prove the point about unit testing
@bizzehdee Exactly
Anyone ever used something similar?

$headers = apache_request_headers();
$full_client_id = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '|' . $headers["X-Forwarded-For"];
@Daniel Don't trust X-Forwarded-For
yeah I figure it can be easily bypassed
@Daniel Why do you need to get the unique users anyway
I.e. what's the use case
still, it would have missed that non existing return and hit return array() and as a zero length array is a valid one for the processargs later on, a unit test would be pulling up false positives on that
because my boss said so lol
or false negatives even
@bizzehdee no it would not
@Daniel: does your boss write PHP himself?
basically need to send the clients a list of non-duplicate submissions
You provide the exact data and you know exactly what it should return
of course
If it returns an empty array your test will fail
it's almost more of a 'can this be done' question for myself, we'll most likely just set a cookie
@PeeHaa埽: so in ProcessArgs, check for cli && argv, cli without argv and then get as i do in fetchargs, and depending on which one i get, run a different test, thus adding around 20 lines of more or less duplicate code in order to run those tests?
@Daniel I think a cookie is indeed your best bet. Theer really isn;t a foolproof way to do what you want
that's what I was thinking too @PeeHaa埽, just thought I'd check in here
@bizzehdee You don't add you unit tests to your code
@Daniel: use their email address with a validation url, tie that validation url to their browser user agent and their ip or something to that effect
It's separate
yeah that's similar too, I think we're just going to do a couple checks and the cookie
Also I would have injected that data into the class
I did realize though technically you could check for ip, and then $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], but again that could be exploited. Also wouldn't work if it's the same browser/op system
@PeeHaa埽: could you do me a favour, could you grab the script and do a small example if you have the time, this is sort of a stumbling block for me at the minute and im not sure how to go about this
Although that may prove somewhat hard to do with that stuff coming from possibly different plkaces
@bizzehdee A really simple example of a unit test: This method only returns a value based on a key: github.com/PeeHaa/PitchBlade/blob/master/src/PitchBlade/Storage/… So I just set the value and call the method and check whether whatever it is what it is returning is what I expect it to return: github.com/PeeHaa/PitchBlade/blob/master/test/Unit/Storage/…
Ìf that returns what I expect it to return there is a good chance both the set() and the get() methods do what they are suppose to do
thanks for the help @PeeHaa埽, i dont get how im supposed to set $_GET or $argv myself to test it with within a testing class though :S
Another simple example would be the translation class with this test
@bizzehdee That's because normally you would want to inject those into the class in some way.
@PeeHaa埽: so rather than calling FetchArgs(), i should FetchArgs($argv) / FetchArgs($_GET).. depending on the sapi so that in the test i can send some set data to fetchargs?
Or have a method which get the arguments whether they come from GET or argv
is isTrue(App::Create() instanceof App); a valid unit test too? ie, testing the static App::Create method to make sure it returns a valid instance of App ?
You can then mock that method to return whatever you tell it to retuirn
Given an arbitrary past DateTime and a repeatable $modifier (+2 weeks or whatever), is there any more efficient way to determine if another (today's for example) date falls in that series; that it would be a multiple of 2 weeks starting from the past date? (does that make sense)
@bizzehdee Yes
Any more efficient than iteratively applying the modifier, and testing against the conditional date (today in that example)
@Bracketworks You want to check whether a date is in some range?
@PeeHaa埽 Not simply $past < $date < $future, but if it falls on an occurrence in the series based on the $modifier
@bizzehdee It may be a bit hard to grasp writing unit tests at first (and I still suck at it), but once you get the hang of it it really isn't that complicated and really useful
Example (kinda)
$startDate = new DateTime('2013-01-01');
$untilDate = new DateTime('2014-01-01');
$todayDate = new DateTime();
$modifier  = '+6 days';

// how do I determine if at some point
// between $startDate and $untilDate,
// at a rate of $modifier, that $todayDate
// occurs
@Bracketworks Don't know :( But I don't see a more efficient way than iterating the thing
A tiny improvement may be checking whether you want to start at top or bottom depending on where the current date is in the range
See what I mean, jelly bean? Right now, I'm just iterativly applying $modifier against a copy of $startDate until it's greater than $untilDate, greater than $todayDate (both resulting false) or equal to $todayDate (resulting true)
ow wait. lemme thnk
Ah ok; shorten the cycles.
@Bracketworks the interval is 6 days not 7 ?
Wait, no; that would throw off the modifier.
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Any arbitrary interval is acceptable.
@Bracketworks yes
+9 Tue (add nine Tuesdays, is oddly valid)
Nopez don't see it :(
Damnit I have been staring at the following for half an hour without spotting the stupid error / typo:
Yea, I can't think of any way to do it either; I was trying to remember some basic sequence/series algorithm improvements, but because of the huge possibility space of $modifier it can't be improved that way.
...........................................EEEEEEE.PHP Fatal error:  Interface '
PitchBlade\Security\Generator' not found in C:\Websites\
PitchBlade\test\Mocks\Security\Generator\Fake.php on line 28
Unless I begin parsing the $modifier string, but that... I do not want to do.
@Bracketworks That crossed my mind for a brief second. Right before HELL NO!
lol, I believe we are quite on the same page.
A wild @webarto appears
I could parse it for simple modifiers; [+-]n (days|weeks|months) and use some math to optimize it.
@PeeHaa埽 Saw C:\Websites, leaves.
No I can't, cause then I have to handle month lengths; eff it. Its fine.
I develop on windows and fucking proud of it
C:\git\helpdesk>git checkout -b feature ...
I develop on windows because it's unlikely I'll fuck up anything like wild rm -rf ...
@Bracketworks You may want to ask @Baba. Maybe he has some smart solution
@PeeHaa埽 Perhaps I will; I'm going back to finalizing the interface.
@webarto I develop on Windows, because *nix isn;t desktop material ;)
I'll screw with the bolts later.
@PeeHaa埽 you are right ... any question about beer is welcome
@PeeHaa埽 I just made that up. Cool :)
C:\Users\Dejan>rm --help
Usage: rm [OPTION]... FILE...
Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).
$startDate = new DateTime('2013-01-01');
$untilDate = new DateTime('2014-01-01');
$todayDate = new DateTime();
$modifier  = '+6 days';

// how do I determine if at some point
// between $startDate and $untilDate,
// at a rate of $modifier, that $todayDate
// occurs
Is that the question ??
@Baba yes?
@Baba Yes
@Baba Yes!
How to get the possible match without iterating
@Baba That is the question; but $modifier can be any arbitrary, sequence generating modification string.
@NikiC seeing some performance issue with IteratorAggregate
@Bracketworks that is easy ... how is that aproblem
No, just clarifying that it can be +2 days or +9 Mar or +5 Wed
@Bracketworks One moment let be write the code
"What are you doing 9 Marches from now?"
"Not sure, but in 11 Augusts we're going camping"
^ DF ??!
why is a stupid JS script allowed to freeze my browser?!?!!
and that's why i hate JS
@kaᵠ Chrome?
FF, froze it for... 1 min?
till FF told me a script is unresponsive and if i wish to stop it...
Ooh, FF is bad for that; Chrome'll just crash the tab, no?
just a sex
@Bracketworks Depends. I have seen Chrome crash and burn
Likewise, but not in the firey fire of Firefox.
Chrome is responsive, lets me use tabs, but still stupid script uses too much CPU !! this should not be allowed, since everyone has jabbascript in their webites !
I got my parent's dog a chew toy, it looks just like the Firefox mascot. I've noticed similar performance characteristics too.
@Baba go ahead... :)
@Bracketworks I coded a solution, but I'm not sure if it's 100% reliable
$start = '2013-1-1';
$end = '2014-1-1';
$today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) / 86400;
$interval = 7; // in days
$range = range(strtotime($start)/86400 , strtotime($end)/86400, $interval);
$status = in_array($today, $range) ? 'yes':'no';
echo $status;
@HamZaDzCyberDeV It's not about range :)

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