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Hi, Sorry I know its not appropriate and kinda rude but can anybody here help me? :(
Damn I have been trying to resolve Good guy Dave's conflicts for 2 hours now. I really need to disable the distraction called PHP chat
can someone please tell me how i would get all results from mysql where their timestamp is later than 2013-03-19 17:36:08, i am pulling my hair out
@elleyang See our room topic :)
> Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@PeeHaa Im happy using stdClass myself. I find arry's messy and all the '][''][']''[;[]
Sorry I just woke up from an unexpected sleep
'crap upsets me
Please, remove the function keyword in class context. Stop complaining your grep's will break and use modern tools! Thank you.
I got a deadline and I'm goin to be dead later haha
@elleyang Not sure that is a problem we can fix for you :P
@PeeHaa lol, fairy dust, good one. =o)
@PeeHaa do you use git or svn?
@TheWebs git
@crypticツ :)
@LeviMorrison Are you saying, methods will be called methods?
I know Im asking too much ,sorry :P
@webarto im sure you know how to do a patch......
@PeeHaa using the brand new "deadline reverser", a feature in fairy dust v2 beta, we actually can!
What do you guys think?
or im sure ill get t it
Worth the price?
@TheWebs No need to fork because of that.
@LeviMorrison Please, stop whining about wanting one less keyword so our tools don't break. Ain't broke, don't fix it! Thank you.
@webarto is it possible by any chance that you've called me a traitor?
@MadaraUchiha fake
@LeviMorrison Please continue talking to yourself :D
@webarto what is the exact spellign mistake
@MadaraUchiha who, me? no /runs ... looks good, mine died after few years, but it was cheap, kingston ftw.
@LeviMorrison has gone mental
@ConnorMiles How so?
@MadaraUchiha because, you wouldnt be able to but one for that price, especially a kingston
@LeviMorrison I want copyrights on self ping :P
@MadaraUchiha You are asking whether you should make the life changing decision of spending 22USD a.k.a E. 1.50 on something? ;)
@PeeHaa Hey, that's 22USD I'm still not sure I have :P
Soldiers in the IDF get paid 100 staggering $ a month.
@MadaraUchiha youll get it through and it will say it will have 32gb when you can only fit 4gb on it,
Hey don't complain. You don't have to do it.
Oh wait
Do you accept gifts in IDF? :P @MadaraUchiha How much do you have to be there?
@ConnorMiles Actually, the guy sold 652 of them and didn't get complaints
So I tend to think it's not the case
@MadaraUchiha go ahead then
everything should be fine now
@webarto 3 years
You can continue afterwards with an actual paycheck.
what is that
External HDD of course :)
@PeeHaa lol
@MadaraUchiha Where I am, it was after high school, if you don't get into college you go 2 years in army, and if you go to college, you don't want to finish until 28 years, so that you are not obliged anymore to serve :)
@webarto After high-school, you give 3 years to the army, then you can go to collage/uni/whatever
But 3 years is a must.
@PeeHaa wouldn't that be considered a SSD?
That's bad, m'kay :( Hope you're enjoying it.
@PeeHaa Used "live" rubber to fixate parts, nice :)
@crypticツ loool
True that
I object, usb flash memory drive.
solid flash drive?
@webarto my flash drives are made out of liquid
@Lusitanian Is server more webscale with SSD? I guess so.
@webarto of course
making progress never felt this good
@TheWebs right
i take it your not making any?
@TheWebs what does your framework offers me as a wordpress theme expert?
@NikiC morning :)
thats a tough one to answer.
depends what you need
I don't know what I need
foreach ($options->all_tasks as $single_task) {

How would one unset said $single_task objects?
Do I need your FW?
depends what you want to do. if you want a clean, organized theme framework, theme, plugin, child theme that is easy to maintain, easy to extend then sure. but you want to hack together your logic and your view then no.
foreach ($options->all_tasks as &$single_task) {
@TheWebs hint: @webarto is just trolling you ^^
@Pheagey try, maybe
@NikiC how dare you!
@NikiC woah, woah, no, he's serious
I'm sirius
@webarto nope; still dumps all the objects via:
foreach ($options->all_tasks as &$single_task) {

echo'$options->all_tasks: ';print_r($options->all_tasks);
Im srs
@NikiC I should have seen that coming
@Pheagey Is all_tasks an array or object?
Actually, $options is the obj

public 'person_name' => string 'David Eddy' (length=10)
public 'task_id' => string '1087' (length=4)
public 'task_name' => string 'Main Task' (length=9)
public 'task_project_id' => string '5146' (length=4)
public 'task_developer_id' => string '30' (length=2)
public 'task_start_date' => string '2013-02-19' (length=10)
public 'task_end_date' => string '2013-02-25' (length=10)
public 'task_hours' => string '40' (length=2)
public 'task_percent_complete' => string '' (length=0)
@NikiC morning
@webarto if you really wanna know, go dive in and see what I offer. :D and @Lusitanian the internet is god
> 699 commits /wordpress-themes
Pratt parsers are fucking awesome
Not sure how I could have missed that before
/me is really going to merge shit now
@TheWebs I'm just preparing you for the real world.
foreach($options->all_tasks as $key => $value)
@Pheagey not sure, never done that ... why not array, nothing wrong with array.
its a series of objects inside a container object.
@webarto your questions dont ask anything I haven't answered
Most of this application passes data around as stdclass objs.
erg, almost done too...
@ɟɟouoɟıɹʇ uınbɐɥs hi
@NikiC nice
oh now it's HTML 5.1
@hakre didn't they adopt mozilla's versioning? I thought it was HTML22
js> if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
typein:1: SyntaxError: missing ( before condition:
typein:1: if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
typein:1: ...^
do you still have that media website php files?
> error: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files.
Nice one git
@Mirwais yep
php > if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
php > if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
php > if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
php > doh();
PHP Parse error:  parse error, expecting `'('' in php shell code on line 1
>>> if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    if you are happy and you know it, syntax error!
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
im using ajax to load new messages does anyone know how i can store a variable in javascript from the php file everytime ajax reloads it?
@ConnorMiles Pass the variable from PHP back to JavaScript in the response in JSON form.
@ircmaxell Wait, so "if you ar" is valid syntax?
@MadaraUchiha yes, no idea:S
@ConnorMiles Where's the problem?
no idea what that means this is my ajax

var chat = {}

chat.fetchMessages = function () {


url: '/ajax/client.php',

type: 'post',

data: { method: 'fetch', thread: thread},

success: function(data) {





chat.throwMessage = function (message) {

if ($.trim(message).length != 0) {


url: '/ajax/client.php',

type: 'post',

data: { method: 'throw', message: message, thread: thread},

success: function(data) {

@ConnorMiles Please, have mercy, format your code properly with indentation and everything,
Then when you paste your code, click the button
@MadaraUchiha it is formatted, that wasnt me who messed it up
@MadaraUchiha wheres the fixed font button?
@ConnorMiles it appears when you paste multiple lines of code
    	var chat = {}

    	chat.fetchMessages = function () {


    			url: '/ajax/client.php',

    			type: 'post',

    			data:  { method: 'fetch', thread: thread},

    			success: function(data) {





    	chat.throwMessage = function (message) {

    		if ($.trim(message).length != 0) {


    				url: '/ajax/client.php',

    				type: 'post',

    				data:  { method: 'throw', message: message, thread: thread},
@MadaraUchiha python...
Why do you have so much space between your lines?
@MadaraUchiha haha, becuase it looks good in my text editor different than how you see it ill take a screenshot for u
@DaveRandom ?
@ConnorMiles It still looks better IMO without all the linebreaks.
@PeeHaa ?
@DaveRandom I hope that cert is supposed to be in there?
I only use a single line space to separate semi-related blocks of code.
@PeeHaa Oh yes, it's just a self signed cert issued by/to localhost. It's off my dev server on my laptop. No security issues whatsoever.
im also one of them that dont write like this

function test()
echo 'test';

that really pis*es me off
k great. I've just pulled the PR. Gonna write up a quick backend for chat and check what greatness you have just PR'ed
@MadaraUchiha so anyway...?
Feb 15 at 14:35, by Gordon
@ConnorMiles I still don't quite understand the problem
@PeeHaa If you run the updated start.php you'll find that now multiple clients from the same browser session don't emit a "entered/left the room" message, it uses the cookie to track the session. I had some real issues getting Chrome to behave re: cookies so I cheated and took it out of document.cookie and put it in the URL vars
And frankly I should go to bed now :P
@webarto would love helping you out.
He digs jQuery.
Oy :D
@MadaraUchiha i want to pass the id of the last loaded message to the ajax so then i can pass it back when getting more messages so that i can append the new messages that i get that are newer than the id i stored. make sense? instead of loading all the messages again
@MadaraUchiha oh, ok
@webarto Tell him how to pass multiple variables from PHP using JSON
@MadaraUchiha he dont like me lol
{"id":"....", "message":"........"}
Can't, tweaking the templates.
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs Is it possible if you could upload it to the free web service you were referring me to awhile ago?
@DaveRandom $callerStr are we just making up variables now? ;)
@PeeHaa Ahh crap, I had some debug_backtrace() in there earlier
@webarto wow...
@DaveRandom :)
@PeeHaa Hang on I'm just fixing some docblocks, I'll sort that out as well and PR in 5 mins
Hello everyone :)
Hello @HamZaDzCyberDeV
the easiest way to use github as a blog: jekyllbootstrap.com
no need to mess with ruby locally
@ircmaxell But you saw that :\ (your message near below)
@Gordon it's not hard to run it locally
still fails on a lot of stuff anyway... my feeds still don't work
@Ocramius it is hard to run when you cannot get the gems to compile, which was the case on my windows machine
oww :(
Just use blogger. It's easy
@PeeHaa so your websuckets are coming along nicely, then?
@Gordon i like octopress quite a bit (personally had no trouble with it on windows, YMMV)
@Lusitanian Ask Dave about that :)
@DaveRandom how are @PeeHaa's websuckets doin'?
@Lusitanian saw it. looked neat.
@webarto I got a workaround to my unset issue.
@Pheagey Great, not the way to be done IMHO.
Agreed, but Thursday is deployment + its been commented to be re-factored.
// @todo I should change this muhahahaahhaaaa
//todo Someone should re-factor this 'cause no-one asked how long it takes to do right, instead we just get told. So here ya go, its done...badly.
hey guys whats up
BTW is the PTRACE of death only an RHEL issue?
i am working on my project so i need some suggestion actually i want to connect my <html form with time limit so like in 5 min we can only submit form just one time then for next submitting user have to wait 5 min
@MalikUsman Do you want to have that time limit counted by the users browser or the server?
both would probably be best, for security/.
I mean both are alright
which one you suggest me ?
@Lusitanian Like this /cc @PeeHaa
any tutorial about this you see any where
Use jQuery on the front end, AJAX call the DB get time of last submission, if > 5 mins show form. If < 5mins show message.
When the form data is sent to the server to be saved have PHP check the datetime of the last submission and the datetime of the current submission.
@ircmaxell +10 :D
Oh thanks
@ircmaxell lol!
@Pheagey any tutorial you saw about this :O will be best
@MalikUsman Not specific tutorials. But jQuery / PHP manual will get you a long ways :).
resolving conflicts like a pro
@ircmaxell stahp
Ok thanks @Pheagey
n/p buddy. Good luck.
See you all tomorrow...
@ircmaxell every movie displaying technology ever....
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs Thanks :)
Woot, up to 1823 twitter followers (4802 tweets). Which will happen first: 2k followers? Or 5k tweets?
@ircmaxell 2k followers ;)
but let's do that math
for each tweet, you gain 0.38 followers
the number of followers you need to reach 2k is 177
thus you must tweet 466 more times to reach 2k followers
therefore 5000 tweets will happen first
I don't think so...
this is verifiable, 100% right, and has perfect basis in reality because the only variable followers depend on is number of tweets
I've gained like 400 followers this year (2013) alone...
@DaveRandom I see a lot of failure detection / prevention :) Mi liky
@PeeHaa you should write a chat app
see, 1825 followers and still 4802 tweets. So...
but lol, nice
you'll probably hit 2k first realistically
btw nice post on csrf
@PeeHaa Yeh there is a massive security problem surrounding websockets that needs to be discussed actually, something that @rdlowrey would be interested in as well (although he may already know). Because a websocket frame specifies the frame size in the header, and that size is up to 2^63 bytes, it would be very easy to make the server fall over by specifying a frame size > max_memory and then just feeding it nonsense data - since the whole thing is currently buffered in memory...
you can see where this is going
It needs a mechanism to dump the data to disk above a certain size (or something)
Effectively meaning a buffer overflow??
Possibly just reject frames that state their size to over a certain limit, I can't see any reasonable use case for a frame of any real size, it seems to completely negate the whole point of websockets (to me)
@PeeHaa Exactly. At the moment it's just stored as a string var
Also when unmasking I think it actually needs triple the memory of the data size, if my understanding of how PHP would handle it is correct
This could be optimised for memory usage, but it would end up being noticably slower I think
And it would still need 2x the data + 4 bytes at a minimum
Although I would like to verify that my understanding of how PHP will handle this is correct
I'm thinking that php://temp might be the easy answer
I'm sure somebody in here can confirm / debunk
But that would mean that you receive the data as a file pointer, which has it's own problems in "userland" (the app that wraps the lib)
Well basically, you have a string that is n bytes in length, and you need to XOR it with another string that is n bytes in length. So (the way I understand it) PHP will need to two input strings (2n bytes) plus an output string (n bytes) making 3n bytes in total
But because the masking key is a repeated 4 byte pattern, you could do it in substr() 4 byte blocks, but that would still require n bytes (input) n - 4 bytes (substr() output), and 2x4 bytes (XOR operands) on the first iteration, making a total of 2n + 4 bytes.
That's how I think it works, I could be wrong.
Sounds plausible
Plus I think the loop would make a noticable difference to CPU consumption in something that's supposed to be a realtime app
A lot of this can be mitigated by dumping to disk, but that's even more I/O
We needz moar non blocking
@PeeHaa node.js
Is there some smart way of automatically restarting the server when it crashed?
on win
@PeeHaa Indeed, I was toying with the idea of pcntl-based worker processes, or maybe playing with the shiny new pthreads
@PeeHaa while(true) { if($server->isCrashed()) { $server->restart(); $visualBasic->doEvents(); } }
@PeeHaa Define "crashed"
@DaveRandom syntax error
Oh nvm. batch script and the magic goto :)
message to all:

if your building a login system what security steps do you take because at the moment all im using is sessions
@ConnorMiles that is kinda generic O_o
there's nothing wrong in using the session btw... that's one of its use cases
@Ocramius yes but you dont just use sessions do you?
Yes, I do
@Ocramius oh ok fair enough ill stick with that then
is this even possible?

function checkset($var){
		return $var;

i want to create a function to check if a variable is set if it is return the variable?
isset() does it, why do you rewrite it o.O ?
@ConnorMiles that's not possible, isset is not a function, it's a language construct
if the variable does not exist at call time, you will get an error
unless you use "@" which is a bad idea :p
didnt think so
@ConnorMiles what should it be good for??
it just would have been making my code look better and easier to read, but it doesnt matter
why not if( $var )??
@ConnorMiles you should never have to check if a variable is set, that quite probably means you're doing something wrong
assoc array keys, on the other hand, I'd agree with you that PHP is not helping much there
@igorw what about $_POST/$_GET ?
but in that case it's easier to write an array specific function
im making a core template so i was going to check if the page title is set
@igorw I have to disagree with that (in PHP, which doesn't distinguish between null and not defined)
isset() is already clean and neat, so no need to write a func ...
@all I was wondering if there is a limit to N users connected at the same time on 1 room on SO ?
@DaveRandom mostly love what I am seeing here! :-) Not sure about that <sub><sub><sub>trait</sub></sub></sub> though. Might think of something later. For now I'm going to sleep and dream about websockets taking over the world as we know it
@DaveRandom while both result in a null value, it does distinguish via error handling. there are a few legit cases for checking if a var is set, and I could see a template as one of them.
:7814293 it would actualy be this though right?
	echo $page['title'];
Laters all
@PeeHaa good night ...
@PeeHaa sleep tight
@PeeHaa I know, I agonised over that for a while, it just pained me a bit to have those 3 methods char-for-char in three different classes.
@PeeHaa night
Yeah I feel your pain. And yeah that's what traots do, but still Traits :'(
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs Send me the URL for the website if its up please :)
if ($PeeHaa < 'typing') { sleep(); }
@MirwaisMaarij It's not up yet, I'll send you the URL when it's up
@PeeHaa I am very much open to burninating it, I am still sitting on that particular fence
@PeeHaa really night
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs Sure, thank you :)
@ConnorMiles function checkset(&$var){ return $var; }
what does the & do?
@dev-null-dweller DAT CODE, can you explain ?
it means pass by-reference
It's a reference
@igorw One place where I do tend to use it is when checking for optional args to functions (that have a null default value). I realise === null does the exact same job, but I do like that readability of isset()
so it creates null valued variable if not present in calling scope
and returning null is same as not returning anything
@dev-null-dweller @Lusitanian thx, will read on "pass by reference"
@dev-null-dweller I thought about suggesting that but it's a bit blegh, it leaves the parent scope with a phantom defined var if it didn't exist
@DaveRandom lolz
@dev-null-dweller that works perfect i was under the impression it would have been impossible becuase the $var would be 2 $var's right
I (kind of) wish that $var1 = $var2 ?: $var3; suppressed not defined errors. That's probably a bad habit from JS though
@DaveRandom Yup it's huge drawback, especially for arrays since it creates new keys
@DaveRandom most of the time optional args are objects (in my case anyway), which means I either just do if ($var), or if it's an assignment I use ?:.
and yes, sometimes I wish for that as well
I avoid both isset and empty to check for null, because both of them imply that the var does not exist.
why i get errors when i use arrays like this $page['style'] = "$app['root']/css/login.css";?
@ConnorMiles you mean "why"? and did you read the error message?
yes, whitespace error
@ConnorMiles use {$app['root']}/css/...
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs ok thanks
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs or $app['root']."/css/login.css"
@dev-null-dweller of course, but the other way is simpler
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs and slower. Micro-optimization FTW!

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