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so... am i saying bullshits?
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
@webarto YOU are a bullshit :P
is my point of view wrong?
In this code public function as_object($class = TRUE, array $params = NULL) what is the array doing? Is it typecasting or saying only to allow an array as input otherwise make it NULL?
@crypticツ typehinting, not casting
@crypticツ Only allow an array or null
forces the argument to be array, if you pass something else it will throw a warning
You could either leave it out or explicitly pass null, both would be valid
I'm not sure why you would pass null but you could :P
@Lusitanian @webarto seen that you are not answering i had to assume that i'm not wrong about prepared statements. asd
array $params = NULL
Type hints can not be used with scalar types such as int or string. Traits are not allowed either. per the documentation, why are scalars not allowed?
@crypticツ because php sucks.
@crypticツ Because PHP deems it to be so
@crypticツ Limitation.
@webarto why the headdesk?
@crypticツ hes drunk
@webarto btw i'm feeling insulted, because you didn't answer to me.
@webarto did thou summon le wild Jack? ;-)
@crypticツ 3v4l.org/bmknO can you understand it? If you're expecting array, it is probable that you are going to operate on that array (or similar), either way, you can always check if param is set with ! $b, etc. It prevents needless check, like is_array, is_null, etc.
@crypticツ I believe Derick wanted to implement a type-hint for "scalar"
e.g. function bla(scalar $id)
But who knows what happened to that.
5 hours ago, by webarto
https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/177 + 9,338 additions :O
9,338+ happened :P
@Jack scalar $xxx is the only thing really needed... i mean you have f($anyType), f(array $array), f(classname $class) but you can't distinct scalars from other types
@webarto thanks for the explanation, I was wondering what use case would use it.
@wes Agreed. I think it would be nice to have.
named parameters anyone? :)
@Jack btw they proposed literally dozens of solutions about scalar type hinting "site:wiki.php.net scalar type hinting" but none of them was implemented
morning ...
hey @NullPointer morning fella
@webarto nikic is very active on github
What do you guys think of a Ruby RVM kindah thing for PHP composer
@wes hows you ..?
@NullPointer Yeah, he's a machine, morning Sir
so when you cd into a composer init-ed dir, it will create the environment for you, and put the bin into path
or maybe you can run a manual command to do that, like python virtualenv
and, good morning
does all php developer (actual php) are using c ?
@NullPointer fine thanks what about you? did you slept? :P
@wes yupp....just waked up
@JuanFernandoz hiya
@NullPointer Hola parcero!
Q: Permit the clipboard access in IE from JS by default

zerkmsIs it possible to allow the clipboard access for JS in IE(9) by default so that the confirmation window didn't appear? I need that for functional testing (selenium-webdriver based) of my web application.

1 more cv please
great thanks
@webarto again you beat me (This question is now closed - please refresh the page for updated status.)
Just FYI: selenium-webdriver support for IE is surprisingly better than FF
@zerkms why you want to close your own question? and why is it offtopic?
@wes: because I was lazy to google thoroughly
and got a link with an answer in the first comment
what i think about ie is only ^^
@zerkms Oh, great, #fml now :P
Anyone using MongoDb + codeigniter ?
@NullPointer cv-taker :D
guys, any interest?
@webarto any reason why not ?
9 mins ago, by andho
What do you guys think of a Ruby RVM kindah thing for PHP composer
here is what I have
Because CI
@webarto looks cool
@CAM Ok, disregard CI, what's the problem?
@andho Not following, sorry.
The Aggregate method in Mongo 2.2+
is not available in Alex's Wrapper
I would add the functionality, but I am unsure how to start
when (if) you use composer, you will find that you often have to type ./bin/phpunit or event ./vendor/bin/phpunit.
I did extend it initially a few months ago to support JS Queries as a sort of prepd stmt
instead of this I want to create a tool that will add this folder into PATH temporarily, but conveniently into the PATH of the shell
so with the dir added to PATH, you can just type phpunit to run PHPUNIT
@CAM My guess would be, fork the repo, write failing tests, make sure tests pass, issue a pull request.
Oh, you are telling me how to use git. Not the case, I am wondering how to add the actual functionality
@andho How did you installed phpunit? It should be like that by default.
@webarto "composer" :)
@andho Sounds better than typing full path.
@webarto great great
It's 5AM...
i always wake up early
@wes don't you mean that you sleep late?
I usually sleep late... around 3 AM IST... can't really do the rising sun wake up thingy
I thought ppl woke up early to do yoga and stuff... no? :P
the intention was that yeah... jogging in my case, but it is heavily raining... usually i wake up at 4:30/5am but today i woke up at 2 am LOL
i love the morning, but i can never get up to enjoy it
but i slept at 5 am this morning
triple booting mac osx, ubuntu and windows 8 on macbookpro
3 days, windows still not booting
Anyone here good with SQL? I need some help but the SQL chatroom is dead, and I figure most PHP devs know SQL
@andho do you actually need osx ubuntu and windows 8 on the same machine?
i like working on ubuntu, i need to develop IOS (html5 for now) on mac osx, i wanna play games and also would probably need to compile windows mobile apps on windows
But i am thinking of setting up compilation servers for each of the platforms later on, so i don't have to switch OSes whenever I needed to compile
@andho what about virtual machines?
I would run mac osx on a virtual machine if I could, I've seen articles about it but i think it's a lot of work and probably not need to buy the server version
i want direct machine access on ubuntu cox i like to play with stuff
and gaming on windows
also, it will be more hassle to interface with hardware with virtual machines, so compiling and stuff will be harder
triple boot will be just a one time thing
@andho does windows run smooth on macs hardware?
yeah, i haven't tried latest games yet, did run Batman arkham asylum fine. still haven't got it setup fully yet
Mac is basically PC now with intel processors
and they provide Windows drivers with Bootcamp, though they don't update it that often
would be nice to do the same on pc hardware... i mean installing osx on pc hardware
... or it is possible yet?
My new favourite db migration tool: http://phinx.org/

Migration tool is very important for large projects with a team
@wes Apple doesn't not license to non-Mac hardware
but there is something called Hackintosh project
they provide drivers and stuff for Mac OS X for different hardware.
@andho another reason to hate them
So if they have your hardware supported, it's possible.
Yeah, only reason I have a Mac is because my company gave me one
@crypticツ did not reply earlier
@webarto (same for, and @wes for that matter)
so my apologies
but @crypticツ NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO to codeigniter
do you need moar "no"s?
@andho sadly i will have to go in the apple thing too because my company wants to enlarge the mobile team
@Lusitanian YES YES YES YES YES YES more NOs
@Lusitanian no problem... you still can answer to me :P
that's why I'm am going to create a compilation server, so I don't have to run apple every time i compile. Or maybe virtualized one. Have to run the simulator to test apps thought :/
so what exactly do you have against prepared statements again
sorry you can link me to your earlier message if you want
i'm half asleep now though :D
ahha ok i will ask again, in future :P
any one ever come accross "Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]:"
i can't find what HY000 error code is
mysql has some nasty error codes
my php return json encode {"user": ["aaaaa","aaaaa1","aaaaaa","ashish","dov29"]} how to access from javascript
strange pdo does not like a left join tied with an inner join
json.parse @Nileshpatel in your JS code
any one SQL savy? could take a look at my question if you got spare moment
is my php return array is correct
Go to jsonlint.org and verify your json there.
nilesh it looks fine
But, jsonlint is a pretty nifty tool. :(
yes but how to access it from js side
ask SO question or go to JS chat room
i already mentioned nilesh to use that ^
I saw, but you missed the case. :)
lol well don't want to spoon feed too much :P
stackoverflow.com/questions/14950215/… see if u can work this issue out
That's quite alright.
@Dave What is the output if you change the order of your joins?
what do you mean change the order
SELECT *,t1.id AS theID FROM users
t1 LEFT JOIN (users_settings t2
ON t1.id=t2.tid
INNER JOIN extra_settings t3
ON t2.bid=t3.id)
interesting.. ill try two seconds
hmm syntax error
Oh wait
The ON has to come out
ON t1.id=t2.tid INNER JOIN extra_settings t3 ON t2.bid=t3.id' at line 4
ohh i see
good point
SELECT *,t1.id AS theID FROM users
t1 LEFT JOIN (users_settings t2
INNER JOIN extra_settings t3
ON t2.bid=t3.id)
ON t1.id=t2.tid
still got the error in my error log
Q: Unexpected token NL and LBRACE error in netbean

NullPointerI am using netbean7.3 and in code below @keyframes myfirst { from {box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #666666;border: 1px solid #444444;} to {box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #DCDCDC;border: 1px solid #d6d6d6;} } i got error however it can be solved by using { after @keyframes myfirst i just want to kno...

@dave I'm pretty sure it's related to the order in which the tables are being joined
if i inner join user_settings to users i might not get all the user's cos some may not have settings in place
What happens if you LEFT JOIN users_settings and extra_settings, since there might be user settings without any extra settings, or is it not possible in your schema?
if any one know solution or if its a bug than please let me know
@NullPointer switch to eclipse. :P
@AshwinMukhija it isnt solution :P
@AshwinMukhija i get the same error also on eclipse ahahahahah
@wes lol
@AshwinMukhija :P:P
btw it is a relatively new css syntax, so it will be fixed
@wes yupp
extra settings always exists with user_settings ... sorry late reply @AshwinMukhija
6 mins ago, by Ashwin Mukhija
hmm :S
/me confused
@wes u get same issue as i ?
ohh wait never mind
@dave The best bet to debug that I can possibly think of is to get the execution plan of the PDO statement, and the execution plan of the same statement in PhpMyAdmin and then compare them
I can't think beyond that.
hmm it doesnt like a simple inner join without the left join
wonder if its just related to joins
If anyone can help, I'd love to solve this sooner than later if possible:
Q: What would cause simplexml_load_string errors on one system but not another?

Wesley MurchI'm dealing with a third party PHP library that I can't edit, and it's been working fine for almost a year. It uses simplexml_load_string on the response from a remote server. Lately it's been choking on large responses. I downloaded a sample file of a response (about 22MB), here's where I ended...

solved it \o/
What was the issue?
inside my while($row = $stmt->fetch()){ }
i had another query
which also used $stmt
so second iteration the while loop was like "wtf?"
is it possible to "SELECT * FROM table" with a SET field=true at same time ?
or would two queries be needed
You would need 2 queries.
pity they can't do it. would save lines of code
They should really come up with triggers for select
yeh i like using bools as ways to lower work load
Anyway, I should get to work now. I'll probably be back in an hour.
ok thanks for the help by the way :)
i am facing problem in symfony 2.1 security
Hello.. I am having a major caching issue. I have done everything I can think of to remove a Seadragon deep zoom image from the cache, but I have had no luck. I have even set my browser to always send for new data. Any ideas how I might track the file and remove it?
From your cache @atomSmasher?
I believe so. If I go to my providers ftp site and look at the image it is the updated version. But my webpage is still showing the old image.
Try a different browser or just clear all the cache in your current one.
IE is showing the change. Firefox has a serious problem with letting go!! I have turned off all of the caching settings in the about:config file and removed the cache using the option in the options dialog. It's still pulling from a magical cache somewhere :(
I think if you hold CTRL or SHIFT while you click the "refresh" button it clears the cache for that page load. Something like that.
hmm, I will give it a whirl
shift is the only cure to cache on steroids. Thank you!!
@webarto gm
good mornings
@hakre morning .:)
@PeterJennings yo
i want to validate the field...that take only numbers....
@PeterJennings php
@PeterJennings you can use is_numeric
@PeterJennings to validate int use is_int
@NullPointer: Sometimes is_numeric is not what people want when they say "numbers".
And is_int doesn't really work for user input
@WesleyMurch than regx
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $str)) {
  // contains only 0-9
Depends what you want to allow. Decimals?
@WesleyMurch that will work too
i am trying...isnumeric
Fractions? Should 6 ½ pass? :)
if(!is_numeric($number_farmer_groups))$validation.=' # Number of farmer groups (Only Numbers) \n';
filter_var($number_farmer_groups, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) ... if it comes from GET or POST, you can use filter_input().
There are options to say what kinds of numeric is accepted.
Hate to spam, but would love if someone took a look at this, it's the reason I'm still awake... chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7796755#7796755
@WesleyMurch First hunch ... error_reporting differences?
  preg_match('/^[+\-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/', $value) ;
values user enters....those values go into mysql database...later use with session variables..
@WesleyMurch You can use libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
@Jack nope it's not the error settings, but I'll read up on the other thing you mentioned, thanks.
@Jack Check out the whole thing, there's more than meets the eye.
Different filesizes for the same file, for instance.
And even if errors were off, one returns true and the other false.
@WesleyMurch Yeah, I'm reading it ... well, different file size is easy to explain though.
Probably newlines :)
\r char?
right something like that
The failure could be due to diff libxml version.
OK so that makes sense.
Let me check phpinfo
Hmm, the working server has libxml Version 2.7.7 while the other has 2.7.6. I guess I have no choice but to investigate that. Is there anything else I might want to check?
@Jack by the way thanks for taking a look.
Might be a off topic question which type of keyboard you use ergonomic or natural
Hmm, that's not a very big version diff ... too minor to introduce a regression like this.
@BasicBridge Tenkeyless :)
That's why I felt a sigh when I realize I should proably still rule it out, doubt it matters.
when i click on the submit button...the form is not validating....
<td align="left" class="red"><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" class="btn btn-danger" value="Update Assessment" /></td>
@Jack ok
@WesleyMurch The errors don't seem fatal though, that's the weird thing.
Did you read my comments too?
Size of the string seems to matter, smaller responses are fine, and the error is always near end of file.
i am using form... <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="#" onsubmit="xajax_assessmentStep2(xajax.getFormValues('form1')); return false;">
or end of string i should say
@PeterJennings I think you need to ask this in javascript room
@WesleyMurch hmm ... memory issue then?
Nope it's very fast. That was asked in the comments as well. Can't be that, and the error messages dont support the theory.
@WesleyMurch If a shorter string works, that would be a sign.
The test case runs instantly, but yeah - I thought maybe an issue with reading the file but that's not the case either - it's the simplexml_load_string...
simplexml_load_string() has to build a whole document tree though.
I'm working around it for now. If it was out of memory it would say so though right?
simplexml_load_string's first argument is an XML document as a string, not sure what you mean "build a whole document tree"?
@WesleyMurch And what's the output of the function? An object right? And inside? Even more objects :) and those have to be created internally
Not sure whether it would say it's out of memory though
I suppose it should.
Any one from India?
@Jack What's up with those errors that look like this:
Warning: simplexml_load_string(): LOTS_OF_WHITESPACE ^ in /path/to/test.php on line 19
$jsonContent = "{\"block_face_line\" : [{\"longitude\" : -71.34345555,\"latitude\" : 42.7794343 },{\"longitude\" : -71.4473179666667,\"latitude\" : 42.7336227666667 }, {\"longitude\" : -71.4461721166667,\"latitude\" : 42.7321493333333 },{\"longitude\" : -71.4473179662267,\"latitude\" : 42.726227666667 } ],\"block_face_curb_side\" : \"LEFT\",\"block_face_collector_id\" : \"1\"}";
$url = 'https://parkme.goldenware.com/cgi-bin/db.test?COMMAND=add&TABLE=block_faces&USER=1&SUBSYSTEM=JSON';

$ch = curl_init($url);
Are those supposed to be pointing to the place where the error occured?
didnt get response back
@WesleyMurch It tells you at which column the error occurred.
OK, just wasn't sure.
How is someone suppose to answer this lol stackoverflow.com/questions/14951946/…
who is drupal civicrm expert?
morning fellas
@NullPointer :)
@NullPointer : hi
I want only response data in curl
not data - time and server name
@NullPointer : ??
@NiravRanpara sorry little busy
@NiravRanpara not expert in using curl
@hakre lol (Live Insult)

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