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to yourself?
time to put kid to sleep .. laterz.
@Jack laterz....
@wes ZS is a good IDE if you plan to use the Zend ecosystems of products, particularly Zend Server because it integrates so well into ZS. If you dont need that, then ZS is soso. I used ZS for three years now and changed to PHPStorm.
PHPStorm is nice ; ) i can vouch for that IDE
@Korhan OK, well you probably need to change those settings in php.ini itself. You can change them at run time with ini_set(), because by the time you code is executed the server will have already thrown the request out. You need to change it in php.ini or (assuming Apache) a .htaccess file.
I like KATE or SublimeText, I have yet to meet an IDE that didn't get in my way
Hated Netbeans before I started my job, 5 months in - love netbeans
@NullPointer the best IDE for sure is VIM with a headless eclipse
@TimPost +1
@DaveRandom I am using xampp.
@Korhan OK well you just need to change the setting in php.ini then
To my surprise I have been searching couldn't find that file with exact name.
usually in /etc/
Rather I have php.ini-development and php.ini-production.
in xampp/php
@Korhan if you do a <?phpinfo(); ?>
if will tell you the location of the php.ini
@Korhan uninstall it and use a VM
@MarkH Does <?phpinfo();?> work? What about <?=phpinfo()?>
@MarkH It doesn't give me anything.
@Gordon Can't I run my code on this for the time being?
@Jimbo phpinfo(); should work fine
@MarkH Cool
@Korhan apparently, no ;)
@Gordon I don't have much time. :( to get familiar with another things.
@Korhan Make a script that just has <?php phpinfo(); in it and load it in a browser, and look which php.ini file it says it is using.
@Korhan then why are you wasting the little time you have with XAMPP? Your production server is not running XAMPP, so anything you get familiar with right now is useless on the production server. Install a VM that resembles your production server setup. Anything you learn on the VM then can be applied on the production server, too.
s/is not running/had better not be running/
Don't know why phpinfo(); didn't work before , but restarting the server gave it. @DaveRandom
But it points me to the same place where I checked.
But I am unable to find it.
@Gordon Thanks for your advice. Is it an open source?
ok... @Korhan
make a file in that folder with that name.
using the development template.
@Korhan Oracle's VirtualBox is free. Not sure if OpenSource.
@MarkH Then?
@Gordon Okay. Thanks.
@Korhan Well in that case rename the php.ini-development file to php.ini and change the settings in there. Although Uncle @Gordon is right, you really should try and set up a virtual env that is as close to your production env as possible
I am bit confused with this:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\Windows
Loaded Configuration File C:\xampp\php\php.ini
@DaveRandom Okay. I am renaming it. What settings I need to change and where?
@Korhan The same ones you listed above, that you attempted to change with ini_set() - although you may find it now works, as the default values in that file are likely to be closer to what you want
default for upload is usually 4 or 8
@DaveRandom Oh! Okay. I was thinking there were some settings need to be done while renaming it.
@Gordon VirtualBox over VMWare? I'm firmly in the VMWare camp...
its just less hassle to get VirtualBox running for most developers
; )
@DaveRandom box
ive tried the MS VM, VMWare and Virtualbox and the latter felt the easiest to handle indeed, though I couldnt even tell why it feels like that. I am just happy with it.
hello again
Uncle @Gordon... Intersting...
@ircmaxell they call me Uncle because of twitter.com/go_oh/status/266835065093378048
1 message moved to Trash can
Take that, lousy @Feeds post.
> Uncle Gordon is a team player, disciplined, communicative, constructive, engaged and ready to take responsibility for your project.
Ah nice
@DaveRandom ROFL!!!! Never seen that before
that likely explains the eMail i got back then
It actually one of the best jobs I've ever seen Google do of translating a web site. The whole thing is grammatically correct and all the word ordering is quite natural, which is an area where it often falls down.
Well, when you write the original language cleanly...
That also illustrates quite nicely the problem with using images as buttons - translators can't cope with it.
Hi interesting!!!
@DaveRandom But they look sooo nice!
@LeviMorrison Yes, but you can just overlay a text node on a background image and the problem disappears ;-)
@DaveRandom it's not an image.
Oh, it's just a translate fail :-(
I'll shut up now.
I won't do that.
That could get messy.
@DaveRandom it's a Dojo button. It likely gets created after Google is done translating
@Gordon Seems a little unnecessary in that scenario, why not just static content?
@DaveRandom progressive enhancement
I just didnt want the contact form to be visible initially
but if you disable JS it will be one static page
im pondering redirecting the domain to my about.me page though
not too happy with the current site
@Gordon It's considerably better than my non-existent one.
Well, I got rejected for Tek today
man, about.me is pretty nice, but twitter si broken
@ircmaxell there's coderwall.com as well
> In general be aware that we can't fully protect you from shooting in your own foot ...
@MarkH interesting.
@ircmaxell i kinda dislike that i requests for "update all user data" permission from github
yeah, fair enough
Fail Whale!
coderhitawall.com? ;-)
twitter's still down
Hmm, would it be considered "safe enough" practice to keep (the hash of) the last X used passwords in a database as part of a password policy that prevents reuse?
@ircmaxell how did you get the picture inside the box?
@Gordon under Biography, "Bio Photo"
@Jack yes, that's common
btw @ircmaxell how old is that photo ... relatively from say, the now? :)
@Jack the one in the vest?
that was 2009 IIRC...
ah. I see
but I pretty much look like that still
oh okay, that's not very old ... i reckoned it looked like one of those graduation photos heh
without ... the hat
No, it was at one of my brother's wedding
has anyone tried the scrypt implementaton from DomBlack? github.com/DomBlack/php-scrypt
was thinking of taking it for a spin :)
I am watching 1000 emails get sent. They are ~512K getting sent out over a crap DSL line so it's taking a few seconds for each one. It is really dull, but somehow strangely transfixing.
Although, substitute for a man. I think.
@Jimbo Up for debate.
Haha, Google image search? or do you keep that image url ready for occasions such as this.
@Pete Me?
@Jimbo Yeah
Kinda, it's a quick CTRL + T, images.google.com ---> "crazy person staring at computer"
Haha, tried and true.
Actually you can get rid of the second bit, just search right in the address bar then click images
/me isn't sad...
hmm, a php implementation of print_r ??
I need help with JQuery UI tooltip
why are all the function keywords title cased? o.0 ... language envy?
That's the least of the problems...
when I put `$( document ).tooltip();` I keep getting "TypeError: $(...).tooltip is not a function

$( document ).tooltip();"
what am I doing wrong
@iroegbu Perhaps you're missing a require_once 'jquery.tooltip.php' :)
@Jack Isn't it like 5am for you?
Oh no, 3am
But still...
It's +8 rmb?
My brain is seriously not working today.
join the club
@ircmaxell thanks, I feel a lot better about myself now :]
@ircmaxell Love comments like this:
> // DEVEL: changed if() condition below
@PeeHaa: The constitutional meeting of the Open Sauce Initiative will be at FOSDEM 2013.
like ... changed if() condition from what to effing what?
> // DEVEL: we added array_reverse() so the proper file+line number is found.
and then obviously the next line has array_reverse() ... surprise!
Aha .. they thought that htmlspecialchars() will take care of all escaping huh ... noob mistake lol ... they don't take into account that binary data can seriously mess up the produced html in such a way that nothing is shown :)
especially so in utf8 pages
Seriously, these guys have issues ... they camelcase even php internal functions .. good luck if php would ever decide to get case sensitive heh
@Jack I don't need that, I guess... it's JQuery UI
I just added the .js and the .css files in my header
other JQuery UI widgets are working fine
hmm I don't think header('jquery.tooltip.js'); would do any good ...
Can someone please answer my question ?
Q: Do I need to modify links throughout my website once i change the URL structure?

YeshI'm in process of cleaning my URLs. Say I have a URL http://www.example.com/index.php?id=12345&name=some-name I just changed it to look better using mod_rewrite http://www.example.com/blog/12345/some-name Now the pain is the page index.php is not loading any images, css files and the anch...

` <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.3.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.0/jquery-ui.js"></script>`
@Jack header('Content-Functionality: works-properly');
but in my case the files are local
for now
@DaveRandom require_once('just_make_it_work.php');
@DaveRandom That code should be outlawed!!
@Jack Actually you're right, we forgot to wrap the entire project in a try/catch.
At least that particular outlawed code is decent enough to have unit tests lol
@DaveRandom There's no need for that; set_exception_handler(function() { });
No, not safe enough. And we should be using pcntl to catch SIGSEGVs as well.
@DaveRandom Should be safe enough, it's similar to a global catch. Oh yes, the signals!
Wait what?
I read a blog post once saying you can handle SIGSEGV in userland, never actually tried it I admit
(in case you haven't figured it out yet, that project is a joke)
@DaveRandom I realized when I saw the unit tests haha
Handle SIGSEGV in userland? Only Chuck Norris can do that.
Here it is. Never actually tried it (or had cause to) but interesting nonetheless.
Have a good evening all
@rdlowrey Holy crap, well spotted. That could have ended badly.
It still needs a set_exception_handler() =p
@Jimbo laterz
Those nasty uncaught exceptions are PITA
@rdlowrey also please check if doing the settings was successful and if not refuse with a message that the PHP version is incompatible :)
@orourkek yeah...
actually, if you do @error_reporting(0); you wouldn't need @ for the rest right?
Doesn't matter. Suppress all for safety.
How could you sleep at night knowing there's two function calls with possibly unsuppressed errors?
Yep, h4x0rz might see dangerous error output.
Supress all the things!.jpg
Actually, it's probably a good idea to explicitly header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 200 OK'); as well. Don't want any of those pesky browser error pages.
Good point. If you let attackers know they caused a 500 they'll know they're on to something. Best to respond with a 200 for everything. DISCLAIMER: this is a joke. You should never do things like this.
@rdlowrey Someday somebody might see that out of context.
lol probably. editing ...
I couldn't resist to improve it.
There we go. Nice work, @Jack. Maybe we should register_shutdown_function() just for good measure and maximum protection?
@rdlowrey I suppose we could try to clear the last error in there?
Hmm no, that's not possible.
function __global_shutdown_handler() {
    if ($err = error_get_last()) {
        echo "This definitely did NOT happen: " . $err['msg'];
I don't think we could do any fixes inside the shutdown function unfortunately.
okay, we could do that
error_get_last() will still catch the suppressed errors.
Oh yes; in fact, I'm using that to catch fatal errors and mail them to me :)
For those nasty null->method() issues.
You have to be careful with that because if your mail routine causes another fatal error PHP blows up and California falls into the ocean.
@rdlowrey That's why the mail routine is the only tested part of my code =D
@Jack Those are nasty.
I'd really hope they would just throw an, without sounding like Java, new NullPointerExeption()
or ... MethodNotFoundException()
But this of course goes against the "no exceptions are thrown from the core" dogma.
which is really starting to lose its shine
@orourkek lol
nothing to see here, move along.
@Jack So what you're saying is you want them to make an exception to the rule for you?
har har har
@DaveRandom Oh Dave, Thou really cracketh me up!
I made a funny.
Evening all
@PeeHaa evening ...
peehaa it's the afternoon, not evening
lol evening :D
@Michael That's because you are in the wrong timezone
in graph api facebook
And I need help in getting some beers and smokes
@PeeHaa oh
its very small problem for you as you are good developer but for me its very big lol
I'm not a very good developer. I'm actually pretty new here
Better start learning in that case
so the problem is somebody told me that how to do here (
if you get the likes count that means you have the fan_page
and if you get the message attribute than it means that its a post_id
easy as that )
i want to get to do know how to check its a fan page or post id
so he told me that but know i want to write php for this lol :D
@hakre Link? This 404's: hakre.github.com/OSI
only god can help vampire ... no other can ..
7 messages moved to Trash can
@NullPointer Less god more wooden stakes :)
@webarto Yeah, that will do just fine as a "nothing happened" error message :)
@PeeHaa yes I'm just setting up some pages currently.
hurry! :)
But actually wanted to ping you because of the WE. I'll be there already tomorrow in the afternoon I think.
and help garlic ...
@PeeHaa lol
@Jack garlic how ?
@NullPointer wud? o_0
@PeeHaa In the meantime you can find the Open Sauce Definition (OSD) here.
why garlic ?
I plan to have a full License approval program, Initiative Partnership program and the "S inside the Circle" Open Sauce mark into Unicode.
woooo plan ... o_O
I like it @hakre
Q: Picking what to eat at a restaurant

Benjamin GruenbaumSo, I'm sitting here at a restaurant with my wife and I'm wondering what I should eat. I was explaining to my wife how I was deciding what to order and then I remembered the sock question. Now I'm wondering what algorithms I should use when picking what to eat. My wife sometimes takes 20 minute...

@NullPointer awww why vote down :(
@Michael i didnot
@NullPointer no i mean why was it voted down
@Michael those who dont have wife are jealous of him .. i think
now i am going to downvote ..:P:P
nullpointer dont do it
@PeeHaa lol seriously ... ?
@Michael kidding i dont dv until post is really bad
@NullPointer k
A: Is there a plugin for google-repo

Fred GrottNo repo is python oriented no eclipse plugin

Best Answer Ever.
@LeviMorrison dafuq
@hakre nice logo, it's webscale
^ I wish :(
@webarto ?
/me is opening a beer
Change ^ with the sound a beer makes when opening in your country :)
@PeeHaa I can't hear that sound because of 2L PET :P
That's because I'm more classy than you :)
And have more money :P
I can be classy too, bitch
how to be classy, poor man's guide
so guys , what have i missed ?
.. been looping this song whole day long
anyone comfortable with sphinx?
That sounds weird.
he means the search-thing
need some guidance on searching related articles
@tereško Hi, working class, nothing much I think, although I haven't been here much today, maybe: hakre.wordpress.com/osd
wouldn't it be much easier to implement the list or related articles based on internal tags ?
basically, when you add an article , you also add few tags that are not visible to the visitors of your site
i have articles and keywords defined by user
It would also a lot of faster.
and based on them you gather the related stuff
articles are news and keywords are filled by administrators
so i cant figure out how to create the search query
using sphinxql
you don't .. as i said , you should base it on tags keywords instead , and that could be gathered simply with SQL
Do you have following: PHP version of Sphinx searchd client (PHP API) ?
no i use SphinxQL
Not what I asked, but OK.
You don't have a specific problem.
You have a major issue.
ok ill try be more specific :)
table articles - columns, title, body, keywords
so i open a specific article on a page
and want to display related to them, using keywords of that article
That is a feature, you can't get more help than @tereško gave you. It's like you've said, I have PHP and server, I want a webpage.
But OK... 1.) Do you have a client for Sphinx?
i dont user the API, i just connect with mysql_connect to sphinx search deamon
this gives me possibility to make search with sql (well, sphinx specific sql) queries
i try SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH('"keyword1,keyword2"/1') LIMIT 0,5 OPTION ranker=matchany but that doesnt even give me back the source article
You don't have a problem, you have f* problems, plural.
oh well, will dig in manual then :)
How exactly are you connecting to Sphinx?
but search is working, in other places it works fine
just need to figure out that specific query...
Why don't you ask a question on main site then?
a mysql_* function in php chat? Kill it with fire!
I said, problem**s** :P
searched SO, but either almost no one uses SphinxQL or the problems are little bit different
@Lusitanian good morning grilled double cheeseburger, grilled onions, grilled cheese, grilled cola.
@DenissKozlovs Just ask a new question.
I use Sphinx at work, but not SphinxQL
i think i will
@orourkek Should be the same thing...

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