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@Korhan sorry its looks fine to me
@NullPointer Are you able to save images with that code?
@Korhan i did not tried just read that code ... on tablet
@NullPointer Oh! okay. But I am unable to save.
Here is my html code.
I am getting this error Filename cannot be empty
hep tanned guys are same as vampire .. :P
@rdlowrey Yup, everywhere.
@rdlowrey It's like I'm seeing "Twilight" all over again (when someone reads this before offering me a job, no, I didn't see that movie)
lol Twilight.
@NullPointer noooooooooooooooooo
@webarto LOL, exactly what i'd expect
Real gentlemen proliferate by using assist instead of help :)
Jan 22 at 20:47, by DaveRandom
Yo dawgs, I heard you like help vampires, so I set up this room where help vampires can ask help vampires for help, so now help vampires can have code written entirely by help vampires.
Where can I find the help vampire room? (I need help finding it)
That sounds recursive in nature.
I dunno, @DaveRandom can lead the way I'm sure -- he should be able to help you
@Lusitanian Can you help me find the help room?
help plz i need help finding help room
@Jack Can you help me find the help room?
@rdlowrey press F1
@webarto Plz? Anyone? Can you help me find the help room?
@rdlowrey Don't look at me, I'm lost too.
I've been working on this all night. Plz help. Is anyone here?
is it urgent
my boss will fire me
This is what happens to me when I've been coding all day and night.
I get loopy around 2am.
One help vampire to the other: "Help me ... help you! Plz!"
my gf will kill me ... if i did not complete his project ..
@NullPointer - Hello
@RajeevK yo
@NikiC can u help plz? ASAP
dafaq is going on here again
@NullPointer - I left PC on & slept...last night....LOL
Thank goodness @NikiC is here to help us!!!11
@NikiC YES! can u help deploy node railsapp to heroku.amazon.js
@Lusitanian That's that new webscale project, right?
@rdlowrey that is the one, include mongodb sharding
@Lusitanian does it use /dev/null yet?
I heard /dev/null is faster 37 times
@NikiC too advanced, dunno how
sudo help me plz!
Stop helping before it is too late.
@Jack vampire is not in the /etc/sudoers list. This event will be logged.
Santa just added me to the naughty list .. :(
@Jack XKCD ftw
Totally :)
@webarto ;lol
Why does the payment section of my government always look like such a fecking hacked up solution?
@Jack its almost in every country
> If you are using a pop-up blocker, please temporarily disable it.
I mean ... come on!! Isn't it bad enough that it only works in IE?
@Jack lol....... that why ie is still a thing
I can't take it. Using another browser would throw these bizarre outlandish errors that magically melt away under the hot blazing sun that's called IE.
It's an utter abomination and they should get fined for all the grievances caused.
@Jack The problem is that you're asking for government efficiency...in anything...
@Lusitanian No, the government is efficient .. that's not the problem ... but they tend to attract contractors that basically adore IE and "get the job done" on only that.
@Jack my apologies I forgot you don't live in the US :D
People in the US want to be free, so it's no wonder the government is not efficient lol; where's the love :)
hehe, we just don't have anyone in politics who understands arithmetic well enough to figure out that spending more money than you earn is bad
@Lusitanian, psssh no problem print more money and raise the debt ceiling. Raising the debt ceiling is like raising the blood alcohol content level for drunk driving. Yeah you may now have less DUIs, but you didn't solve anything.
@crypticツ exactly, which is why that i've been saying we're screwed since about the age at which I could talk
Can somebody see...what is wrong in here - pastebin.com/uSZgFz3d ?
@Lusitanian got another cool i.sstatic.net/6pQFE.jpg image of puppy ..
@NullPointer my dogvatar is still cuter
@NullPointer - Please have a look to the link which I pasted now
I cant get the value in foreach in there...
Got it...thanks anyway
@RajeevK lol..:P
@NullPointer great job!
@crypticツ thankyou .. thankyou ...:P
hi everyone i finally hosted my website on hostgator but it seems to have one problem.u see i store the mail of the user currently connected in a session but after some time the session value changes and takes on another email from my database why is that?
@NullPointer - I was using unnecessary [0] at the first...LOL
@NullPointer - You can chcek my site today...hosting problem has been solved yesterday itself
@LilzVotcaLove link of your website please
@NullPointer themarketowner.com/index.php but it is in french
@LilzVotcaLove its ok .. i love french (while dont understand it)
@RajeevK little advice .. enable compression
Serving scaled images could save 50KB
Combine images into CSS sprites
@NullPointer i dont know why the session switches mail like that i never noticed it on my comp when i was designing the website on easyphp.
heading are really big ..you can set font little less
@NullPointer - for my site ?
@RajeevK yes
@NullPointer - Ohk...will do
@NullPointer - Did you see the code which I pasted in there ?
@LilzVotcaLove sorry like what ?
@LilzVotcaLove sorry but you can create more attractive design that that
green color of font on hover of link is .. almost invisible
@NullPointer yeah i know for now im just doing the internal stuff first
@LilzVotcaLove you can try like this ...
also what is mean by internal stuff first ?
night everyone
@Lusitanian g'night
make sure to try out
CakeIgniter: The content-addressed extensible modular event-driven module-oriented scalable cloud-based core-oriented framework. For all your development needs.
@NullPointer and hover the mouse on the links to the top-right corner you should see one loginbox display
@LilzVotcaLove yes that should be invisible after 5 second if both field are empty
@NullPointer by internal stuff i mean i was just concentrating on getting the php code to function properly
@LilzVotcaLove first step is always make design .. and than back end code
other wise you have to change most of code ..when you implement new design
you can also check some design here awwwards.com
@LilzVotcaLove you can also improve image quality ?
@LilzVotcaLove and now i think it going more than needed
Q: Signing Twitter trends API v1.1 request in PHP fails

metawopsSince Twitter API version 1.1 every request has to be authenticated and signed via OAuth 1.0a. In my PHP project I want to make use of the Twitter trends API, especially I want to use the GET trends/place call. So it's read-only. Now, to authorize a request there's an excellent Twitter API docume...

zomg @ the signing code!!
@NullPointer sorry for the delay .sure i know i have to improve the design but i am just at the testing stage for the different internal function the website must obseve first once am done with that i can redo a more fluid design
@LilzVotcaLove yes its good .. i have rebuilt my first website more than 5 time
@NullPointer anyways if you still have my website open login using this mail [email protected] and as password use aaa
let me see
i have logged in
@NullPointer now you see the mail you used to login is displayed in the top right corner and it must show u [email protected]
@NullPointer after some time spent on the site just browsing the different categories and stuff the mail address displayed changes to another one like [email protected]
i see its fine could you give me link
@NullPointer ok click the link where it says "Voir profil" top-right corner
@NullPointer now hover the mouse on the animated divs on bottom-left corner where it says"Strategies de business"
@NullPointer click on it
@NullPointer and you should now see some icons click on the last one
@NullPointer did u see it?
@LilzVotcaLove sorry my net is not working properly
@NullPointer ok
@NullPointer Still can't get my head around where it goes wrong. Have been checking to manipulate.
Q: php include path by using .. (double dot) to reference

ShiroI got a question regarding, PHP include path, it behaves differently in two environment. Folder Structure: Windows |-C:\wamp\www\cms\themes\child |-C:\wamp\www\cms\themes\parent Linux |-/var/www/html/cms/themes/child |-/var/www/html/cms/themes/parent Linux Environtment var_dump(realpath(...

Can anyone understand what OP wants here?
@Jack I'm failing to see a question in there
So after spending some time thinking about decoupling and DI
Good :)
I decide PHPixie didnn't need deoupling cause of cacading file system
is there any hosting solution to run php+mysql+jsp
e.g. you can drop in a class into your applications folder and it will override any other class in the system
I'm pretty sure there is @vivekmodi
it's bascally file-level decoupling
Yay scavenger hunt for dependencies!
my application is in php but I'm using BIRT report viewer which runs on tomcat
I love you guys, but I'm on here for one reason - to tell you, if you're a fan of drupal - you're a dickwad.
if you helped write drupal - i hope your cat dies.
Q: Saving the uploaded image in server folder with different sizes

KorhanHere is my code where I have been trying for few hours to save the uploaded image in server folder with different sizes. But however image is not getting saved and unable to get where it goes wrong. Previously I used to write with binary as in my second code part below by bringing binary data som...

like - i hope it gets run over by a truck, and is still half alive, and crawls to your house, almost makes it inside and then an eagle drops a rock on it and it gets pinned under the rock and suffocates to death in its own blood.
and i hope you see all of this while tied to a chair
but not in a kinky way. you've just been mugged and raped.
@SkippyChalmers Are you alright?
Also I hope your versioning system fails and you lose all your code. Basically, drupal is the biggest sack of shit i've ever seen in my whole life and I'm going to evangelise forevermore about how we should just find the original developers and send them vicious and mildly irritating hate mail. Douchebags. Absolute utter time wasters.
@Korhan </rant> sorry :P. I just realised how long we've spent on a drupal project and how shit it is compared to WP or even a proper custom build.
@SkippyChalmers Okay. You lost valuable time and resources because of it?
@Korhan indeed I have. I've never seen anything so backwards that so many people love.
@SkippyChalmers I feel sorry. Calm down and pacify yourself.
@Korhan you're right man. I need to chill.
its just... who would design something like that? Seriously... what makes me so angry is that so many people lvoe it.
@SkippyChalmers wut?
Shit compared to WP?!?!
I don't like drupal either, but that is just bollocks :P
Also WP is a freaking blogging platform. You cannot compare that with drupal
<strong>Good <?=daytime?> to you all</strong>
well, even I heard it a lot from the PHP guys. I am not a php head by the way. I am just coding it for my mobile app purpose. @SkippyChalmers
@Jimbo Morning!
@PeeHaa Remind me not to go on the base url for the image on the right --->
@Jimbo hehe. It's the recycler of the trashcan of the web what did you expect? ;)
@wes morning
Morningz @wes
hello peehaa, jimbo
Ever go home satisfied with some code during the day, and then next morning wake up and almost scream because you realised you missed something important in the code? Well this happened to me x2 this morning - I made a bad architectural decision.
@PeeHaa alright - i agree, both are shit but look at it from a point of view of getting a clean template up and running. With WP you can do this in about 2 hours.
So you can have: contact forms, different page types, blogs, testimonials, slideshows... everything - even a shop, in about 3 hours.
Drupal: 3/4 weeks.
and its still 9:42 jimbo... you have the whole day to discover new mistakes
@Jimbo Yep (sh)it happens
@SkippyChalmers Learn the software you are using
@Jimbo You got off light, you did it the next morning, pity the people who don't hit that moment of realisation until 3 months later...
Morning @all
@SkippyChalmers you know that magento with a standard setup include()s about 200 files for each single page view? exactly like drupal... i don't like wordpress and i don't like also magento, drupal or others "very oop" cms
morning DaveRandom
GOodie afternoon
@PHPNooB Already? Where in the world are you?
Morning good guy Dave :)
@wes drupal is not OOP :P
it is not? i always heard it is very oop :P
its full of partials
and a clusterf**k of mess
Morning @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom I really hate to trouble someone. But this has been bugging me and I guess you could find the problem in no time.
If the first O stands for obfuscated sure :)
oh Oh Poo!
A: Click anywhere but on the element to hide it w/ if-statement

JimboYou don't really need a lot of IF statements for this one. Pseudo-code wise, you want clicking anywhere on the <body> to hide the button, but clicking on the button to do something else. You can use .click() or .on('click', function() . . . to achieve this. See the code below: $('body').c...

@MarkH hehe
so which could be an alternative to wp nowadays?
/me heading over to JS
@wes Notepad
WP is very popular these days
its more than a CMS
Actually, it's not even a question as far as I'm concerned. @Jimbo
depends what u need... if u need ecommerce and cms
i'd recommend Lemonstand.
@Jack Feel free to close it after upvoting someone who was helpful :)
@MarkH IT's not a CMS
Also, good morning :)
what's not?
lol, my tabs in chrome just took on a life of their own - turbo cycled on their own
1 through 8 repeatedly.
@Korhan link?
> The exercise that I am STILL working through is one where an objects function used to be used statically as well as via $this ... if $this existed use it otherwise generate a static result. As far as I am concerned still there was nothing wrong...
> As far as I am concerned still there was nothing wrong...
> nothing wrong...
huh? lol?
@DaveRandom link?
@DaveRandom Ow right. I mostly ignore Lester's mails
@DaveRandom Link.
@wes i agree, i hate them all. Some just make a bit more sense, drupal takes a lot of the html away from your grubby mitts
@PeeHaa it's not about that is it... dont accuse me of not knowing how to use it - I do know, it's a comment on how difficult it is to use even if you can.
@PeeHaa I can actually not like something and be comfortable using it... that is a thing.. because someone complains about software doesnt always mean they are noobs :)
@SkippyChalmers magento has about one thousand of files containing only "xxxxxx extends Exception{}"
@SkippyChalmers I agree it is a steep learning curve. :)
Magento is just horrendous
@PeeHaa I know but that thread has been amusing me somewhat. For me it should just be an E_PARSE, it's one of those PHP4 throwbacks that is the exact reason other languages are laughing at us. It's funny to watch people trying to justify themselves.
@DaveRandom Love the reasoning for half-static, half-instance method ... make up your mind! lol
Sometimes I wished that PHP mailers are more like SO ... with downvotes mostly, so I don't have to read off-topic stuff ;-)
@Korhan What do you get if you echo $file1; before the thumbnail_image() calls?
Was thrawling through the discussion between Pierre and Zeev thinking "why am i doing this?"
@Jack I know, I really wish that. You can't really respond with "f*ck off, you are a bell end", but I regularly want to.
Hmm, today is a surprisingly good day for answering JS questions apparently ;-)
@Jack Yeh but at least they are being constructive. And I'm not sure I like the way that is going, Zend are offering to open-source something that is known to work and has been used for a long time, I see no reason not to pull it straight into core (although it's probably pushing it for 5.5). The argument of not pulling something external directly into core doesn't apply to this IMO, because it's Zend.
@DaveRandom C:\xampp\tmp\phpD297.tmp
This is what I get when I echo it.
@DaveRandom It's kept constructive mostly thanks to Zeev though IMHO.
People seem fixated on the idea that "if we make an exception for you, we'll have to do it for everybody" but actually that's nonsense, Zend are in a unique position. And it's not like they are forcing everyone to use it, just making it available.
I can imagine why projects should go through the idea -> pecl -> core route, but that's for projects that haven't proven themselves yet ... but this is a whole different thing .. it's "web-scale" haha .. j/k
it has been proven to work ... and work better than apc itself.
what's not to love.
@Jack Indeed. I'd hate to see all this resistance end with Zend pulling the idea of open sourcing it at all
@Korhan I can't see any reason why this wouldn't be working, but at the same time your code is a bit messy :/ I'll take a look at re-writing it in a way that it makes sense to me in a little while (busy doing real work atm)
@DaveRandom Okay. Thanks.
@DaveRandom Don't go on the base URL for the site Pee posted on the right -->
@Jimbo Well obviously that's going to make me do it. Consider this a thankyou gift.
@DaveRandom I'm glad my boss was focussing on his laptop as that flashed for a second with my hand hovering over CTRL + W
He would've found it funny, but still.. LOL
No, I won't star that /me maintains self control
guys, a quick question
in Java they have public void f(int ... a) to pass unlimited arguments
is it possible in PHP with key & value ?
passing like "a" => 1, "b" => 2
@TemporaryNickName You mean you want to pass an array to a function?
but I don't want to array("a" => 1)
func_get_args() @TemporaryNickName
@Jimbo In java we have var args like we can send as many parameters as required.
like f(1,2,3,4,5,....);
@Korhan So your function that you're passing your parameters to doesn't know the number of params you're passing in?
Is there any such facility in php?
@Korhan Yes, func_get_args() :)
That's what his doubt is.
@Korhan func_get_args()
Jacks got it lol
@wes hey, havent seen you for a week :) @DaveRandom It works now great, thanks again =)
I was just trying to get clarification :P
@all Okay. func_get_args();
@TemporaryNickName look at that.
It's a weird one that though, for a reason I don't understand you can't foreach directly over the return value of that function, you have to put the returned array in a variable first
hey @Smiley yes i slept a lot LOL
I guess it must be something that do with it being a language-construct-kind-of-but-not-really
@DaveRandom Yeah, you probably can't reset the internal array pointer or sth.
Normally you would array_slice() it before passing it down anyway, but it's peculiar nonetheless.
@TemporaryNickName What you are referring to seems to be named arguments, which you can't currently do in PHP. You will need to know the order in which you expect arguments to be passed, because you can only access them by index, not by name.
Can anyone suggest characters that can be passed via URL without encoding? Can't use +, \, / or -
I kinda just need a unique one
func_get_arg expects index of an array
@Jimbo Why without encoding?
underscore @Jimbo
is there a way to get values by string key?
Ooh underscore!
Cheers @Jack
Dash as well actually
Exclamation marks work fine as well
@DaveRandom I'm lazy :)
@DaveRandom crap, I'm just going to pass in an array()
@Jimbo .
Most utf characters
@TemporaryNickName Don't forget about the PHP5.4+ clean array syntax, if you pass in ["a" => 1, "b" => 2] then it's only 1 extra pair of brackets
@DaveRandom wut? codepad.viper-7.com/By39Z1
@TemporaryNickName Did you want to pass multiple arguments to a function?
@Jack yeah
@wes Uhhh... wat. I have no idea where I got that idea from then. I'm sure I've done that before and got "inavlid argument supplied for foreach in..."
in that case you would use call_user_func_array('my_function', [1, 2, 3, 4]);
Just ignore me.
@DaveRandom sick, I will give that a try thx
@DaveRandom Yay new tiny avatar
double ping for dramatic effect
New here
Hi New
I'm Chris
@Jimbo what do you mean exactly about the urls?
@wes Well our framework uses regexes within the router. For example: "/segment/(\w+)/(\w+)$" means obviously "/segment/<word>/<word>" - I was looking for a character to place in the url that will be unique (for DB reasons) but still conform to the word regex check
i dont think \w will allow any non-word characters
Actually \w === [a-zA-Z0-9_] I believe.
Does anybody here understand how to pass a variable to PayPal that it returns in the IPN? Such as a user_id that I send as a hidden form element? That is then sent back as part of the IPN so I can match it to the relevant MySQL row and set to paid_status to 'yes'? I found a bug in my code, currently I match the email sent in the IPN to a user profile. Problem is, users can have multiple subscriptions and accounts for one email on my site, currently the IPN updates them all to paid!
@MikeAshfield custom
@Jack exactly

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