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Question 14 million, ladies and gents!
Q: Why has iphone browser crash using jQuery mobile frameworks

Ketan PatelI have iphone and android app build using jquery mobile frameworks and mysql database. below is my phonegap web app link http://dailyvedmantra.com/providerapp1/push1.html loign name :- ketanprovider please open your iphone phone some time after iphone browser crash and look my problem.

@Charles Why did no. 14 million have to be a bad one? :-P
Damnit, I was about to complain that 14M GET also sucked, but no, it didn't. Then I questioned that train of thought and decided not to compare SO with 4chan.
use define statements to make made up functions that simply comment out their arguments, e.g.:

#define fastcopy(x,y,z) /*xyz*/
fastcopy(array1, array2, size); /* does nothing */
didn't you just say that?
@Charles yeah, I did, I just had to find the find the fixed font button and decided to do so without hurrying, so I just deleted it to be reposted later
Good, I didn't really want to discover that alcohol makes me a precog.
Q: If I have a wav file with more than 2 channels how do I get the mean/aggregate waveform?

Soul EnrapturerI have a wav file with more than 2 channels,I have separated the channels after reading the wav file through AudioInputStream I can make an individual waveform from each channel but what should I do when I have to make a waveform which is an aggregate of waveforms from all channels?Could some one...

Wrong room.
oh sorry but its a general question
the design doc should break the algorithm down into a hierarchy of structured steps, described in a hierarchy of auto-numbered individual paragraphs in the document. Use headings at least 5 deep. Make sure that when you are done, you have broken the structure down so completely that there are over 500 such auto-numbered paragraphs. For example, one paragraph might be(this is a real example) - Display all impacts for activity where selected mitigations can apply (short pseudocode omitted).
I don't need a solved example ,just need to know how to do it
@Jasper Where are you finding these things? That's AWESOME.
The link was posted here earlier, but I was busy so I'm reading it only now :D
@SoulEnrapturer Music files and php cross paths so rarely that this wouldn't be the right place to ask even if you weren't using a Java library to access it
Actually I can't find some signal processing interested programmer,so I tend just to ask it everywhere so that if someone knows some thing ,i could have it from him
That's a quick way to get yourself kicked out of chat.
I love being kicked lolx
C compilers transform myArray[i] into *(myArray + i), which is equivalent to *(i + myArray) which is equivalent to i[myArray]. Experts know to put this to good use. To really disguise things, generate the index with a function:

int myfunc(int q, int p) { return p%q; }
myfunc(6291, 8)[Array];
Well...I didn't know you could use function returns to access array elements in c (still termed array dereferencing?). So that's educational.
@NilsRocine You didn't know you could do array[someIntReturnFunc()]?
Not specifically, no. Guess it makes sense...just an expression?
Yep, just an expression. It works in most other languages as well, by the way. (That includes php)
Yeah, I'd be comfortable writing that in PHP, but wouldn't intuit it in C. Just haven't messed around enough
A: How to attach events to new added html elements

dbasemanUse JQuery's on: $(document).on(someElement, "click", function(){alert(555);} );

Amazing, he's worse than me =p
@Jack You can use document.body instead of document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
@ShaquinTrifonoff Ah that's right :)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I have a settings file (which holds numeral constants for app-wise settings) (I know, not the best plan, but that's what I have).
Now I have two git repos, one is the local one, where I develop, and one is the live one, where I push my commits, and it updates a live server.
The settings file should be different for the local and live servers. I tried putting it in .gitignore, but it seems as if it doesn't work.
Anyone knows of a good way to achieve this? I could just explicitly tell git not to track it, but that's not what I want.
Note that git will not ignore a file that was already tracked before a rule was added to this file to ignore it. In such a case the file must be un-tracked, usually with git rm --cached filename
@PruthviNag That's not "untracked" that's "deleted"
well the source was from github, not good at git
@PruthviNag My bad, git rm --cached file worked. Thanks :)
or you can try add that file to .git/info/exclude
oh good :)
hi :-) i've a problem generating sql with zend framework 2. this code inside my Model/SearchTable
$where = new Where();
$where->like('name', $query);

return $this->tableGateway->select($where);
generates this sql:
SELECT `search`.* FROM `search` WHERE `name` LIKE :where1
shouldn't :where1 be the value of $query ?
@PruthviNag Yeah, it's in .gitignore, but .gitignore doesn't work with pre-tracked files
@ycelik No
It's called Prepared Statements
morning .....
good mornings ;)
afternoon :)
@PruthviNag its always morning in chart room
haha k
@PruthviNag btw...good afternoon :)
@hakre very good morning
@MadaraUchiha can you provide a link plz dude?
@rdlowrey Shouldn't you be checking whether the socket exists here: github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/blob/streams/src/Ardent/Push/…
@rdlowrey Does this condition make sense? github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/blob/streams/src/Ardent/Push/… Isn't it equivalent to only doing false !== $socket?
Q: PHP: Array Function

user1752759I have a select-menu on my page, that lists the following system fonts in an array: $default = array( 'Arial' => 'Arial', 'Courier' => 'Courier New', 'Georgia' => 'Georgia', 'Helvetica' => 'Helvetica', 'Impact' =&...

Does anyone understand what the OP is asking?
A great experiment to illustrate soil erosion! This simple experiment shows the importance of trees as a part of our environment. The water that runs through soil with vegetation (left corner), comes out clear, while the other two without vegetation is muddy.
Yet, why do we keep cutting the trees in our forests and complaining why the water in our rivers are so muddy and dirty?
@NullPointer does it mean it's better to urinate in vegetation than on flat soil?
@cyril might be...but i dont want to eat them ....:P
Morning everyone after a while.
@tereško I like the gin and titonic variant.
@hakre Reading ... :)
@Jack I think 2.) is interesting. I first thought strpos might do that (maybe it even does?), but checking on ones own does give a benefit.
@hakre You gave me an idea to do some micro optimization ... or not, let's see how it goes :)
@Jack Yeah, that's how the fun starts :)
Here is the code of the idea (sorry, didn't share with the answer):
function find_repeating_sequences2($string)
    $result = array();
    $len    = strlen($string);
    $size   = floor($len / 2);
    $mod    = $len % $size;

    for ($times = 1 + $mod; $size; $size--, $times += 2)
        for ($offset = $times; $offset--;)
            $pat          = substr($string, $offset, $size);
            if (false === strpos($string, $pat, $offset + $size)) {
            $result[$pat] = 1;
    return array_keys(array_filter($result));
@Jack: This is without 3.) but having the "half the string" search. It only creates needles ($pat) that can technically be a duplicate.
But I think $pat = substr($string, $offset, $size); is the expensive part. It took way more seconds.
Right, because the substr is called inside the inner loop while mine is only called in the outer loop ... probably
50 000 Random Bytes:
Jack      2.83121 secs, 11460 sequences.
JackHakre 2.01919 secs, 11460 sequences.
HakreHalf - took too long, stopped after 30 seconds

2 000 Random Bytes:
Jack      0.01673 secs, 643 sequences.
JackHakre 0.01317 secs, 643 sequences.
HakreHalf 6.06637 secs, 643 sequences.

1 000 Random Bytes:
Jack      0.00753 secs, 261 sequences.
JackHakre 0.00567 secs, 261 sequences.
HakreHalf 1.37101 secs, 261 sequences.
Yes the needle creation needs to be optimized. If there's a fine way for that it would be interesting if this makes a difference compared to the original variant.
But I should let it run with a profiler first.
Just tested the code you've posted here just now .... I had to Ctrl-C the code lol
Not saying it never finishes, but it's taking a while heh
Yes even if it looked promising on paper, it just takes freaking long :)
Okay, now I'm checking the jackhakre i mean
Ahh, that one is faster =D good.
I think the substr() call is the remainder of my previous recursive implementation, so the elimination works pretty well for the average runtime
@hakre @Jack what are you doing?
A: Regex expression for matching all duplicate substrings of any length

hakreInteresting question. I basically took the function in Jacks answer and was trying if the number of tests can be reduced. I first tried to only search half the string, however it turned out that creating the pattern to search for via substr each time was way too expensive. The way how it is done...

fiddling with that questions answers - the non-regex php version(s).
@hakre Preliminary findings are that removal of substr alone gives ~5% performance increase (rejoice) ... the other 4.2% comes from the inner loop optimization that you did :)
It's not much, so more or less fiddling. It's a pitty that searching half the string didn't work out well so far.
My laptop just pretty much caught fire, it was actually smoking
(morning all)
stop that drug @DaveRandom
@Jack: I also wondered about duplicates in sub-needles. for example if aabb matches three times and aab matches three times, aab could be considered a duplicate or non-match for sequences, so to take always the possible maximum-lengthy sequence, but drop the (duplicate) sub-needles. (not per the question just generally)
@rdlowrey What kind of a shutdown were you doing on it? (RDWR presumably?) I've never actually done this, I've always just fclose()d them, I will take a look at what this actually does under the bonnet - I've a feeling it doesn't inform the other end of what's happening, it merely stops responding to traffic on the port. I also suspect that if you were to enable_crypto(FALSE) before you shutdown() it would mitigate the problem because it does the high-level shutdown first /cc @igorw
Also this kind of sounds similar to the issues you get because winsock reports RST as OOB data, @rdlowrey were you handing $except correctly (or at all)?
I need to buy a PHP book, which should I chose?
Minimum Reputation Filter Bookmarklet: javascript:var hideLower = 300; (function(exp, ctxt) {var item, coll = [], result = document.evaluate(exp, ctxt || document, null, 5, null);while (item = result.iterateNext()) coll.push(item);return $(coll);})('//span[@class="reputation-score" and . < ' + hideLower + ']/ancestor::div[contains(@class, "question-summary")]').hide();
@hakre Does it translate 62.6k sensibly for a less than comparison then? I'd have thought that was a stretch...
@DaveRandom ups. you are right. This is very bare so far, let me check.
@AlessioMTX I've always found "the internet" to be a good book for just about anything. In that case, php.net is probably the best resource. Why do you feel you need to a buy a book? What level would you say you are at?
@DaveRandom You have a question listing with that?
I use a little php only for WordPress, I'd like to do something bigger alone
@DaveRandom Hah, yes it does ;) At least with my setting to 1000. It works both with 3,745 or 87.4k
but don't ask me why.
@hakre Not tried it yet, will try and find one, I was just dismantling it in my head - also it's worth noting that .querySelectorAll() has (marginally) better browser support.
@hakre That is a little surprising, I'm going to go do some playing with that...
@DaveRandom Yes, I was surprised too, because you caught me not spending a single brain-cell on these cases ;)
@AlessioMTX Hmm... Well I'm afraid I can't recommend anything, but I've never found books to be that useful for that level of learning, I think that one learns much more by doing. Having said that, if you were to buy a book, I would suggest that you go for something that's language-agnostic, the world of PHP is full of terrible information.
@DaveRandom why is full of terrible information?
@AlessioMTX Mostly because it's a language that's very easy to learn, so every man and his dog thinks that they know everything - or at least enough to be able to write a book. It's a big part of the reason why PHP gets so heavily maligned by "real programmers". Also it contains many features that lead to terrible code, for example goto - everyone knows you should never use goto, yet PHP added it as a feature relatively recently.
@DaveRandom Thank you very much, so how can i start with PHP? I know HTML, CSS, js and C and I' ve just started assembly at school
@AlessioMTX you know c it mean you are familiar with branching and looping ?
@AlessioMTX read the PHP manual, it will help you learn the language
Yes with looping and I don't know exactly what is branching, maybe in my language I use another name to refer to branching
Sep 29 at 13:58, by Gordon
@hekko if you want to become an expert programmer, google SOLID, buy GOF, buy POEAA, buy Clean Code, lookup GRASP, DDD, CQRS, DCI … but dont ask for PHP books. That's the most reasonable suggestion I can give you when you ask for Expert PHP books really.
@AlessioMTX also check this ^^^
@AlessioMTX Well if you are messing around with lower-level languages like C then you should find PHP much easier because it does a lot of the work for you - there's no messing around with memory pointers, you don't have to declare all you variables or anything like that - assembler won't help you to write code in PHP but it will help you learn efficient way to write algorithms. Really all you need to learn is the available functions/classes and what they do - the manual is the best place for that.
Thank you @Jocelyn @NullPointer and @DaveRandom I'm going to read everything ;)
^^ that sums it up nicely - learn programming principles, not PHP itself, because PHP books are terrible for learning the programming principles you should be applying to PHP code.
@AlessioMTX ahhh.... branching like if-else
ahhhh yes yes XD
I call it programming philosophy
@AlessioMTX also data structure and algorithm
here you will get data structure and algorithm tutorial like anything
Please share your views. Any suggestions are very helpful. Am at a complete loss at where to start, any and all help appreciated what you think where error is. What are you doing wrong? Anything strange that jumps out in what your are doing? — hakre 40 secs ago
Thank you :D now is in my bookmarks
I know what do this night ;)
Plagiarism detection huh? Sounds like a teacher :)
Lazy teacher cum developer.
dropped the negative caches from your solution.
@Jack better then?
9% faster than your SO answer, from my rough benchmark at least.
@Jack "I'm writing a plagiarism checker, please show me how you would do this so I can plagiarise you work"
@DaveRandom Lol
Hence the "write your own damn plagiarism checker!" mentality perhaps.
the irony
I go to study. Thank you very much!
No worries :-)
@DaveRandom please leave a comment. :)
@PeeHaa morning
How's everybody this weekend?
Bit groggy, but fine because it's a long weekend
@NullPointer Epic and shameless badge whoring answer from minitech lolz.
Though I must say it's really hard to get reversal badge on SO
@Jack ...but that child is smart ...:)
Child? How old is he?
^ self duplicator, first failing, then following up with the mess, not knowing what to do. (and there is enough existing material about that)
just 15 according to his profile
Maybe he wrote it 7 years ago .. haha kidding, nvm, they calculate actual age :)
hi ;)
@Jack if image has taken very recently than i suspect he really 15 .. or 16 ,,
Never bothered to see his profile up close, but yeah, it's probably legit :)
@PeeHaa Bloody good. I think I have beaten Opera into submission.
Seriously, why does Opera get such a bad rap? People look at it with the same level of disdain that they apply to IE - why?
@DaveRandom That was fast
"php not working" ... gawd, statements like that are what muggles can get me furious with! ARGGGH!
@PeeHaa Not as fast as you think, I've been screwing around with it on and off for a couple of weeks. But also all that work I did to decouple it from Chrome for the FF port was 9/10 of the battle.
Lol, the dumbest questions get sky-rocketing upvotes, but not mine:
Q: How to activate the Tab from the Javascript Console below?

hakreI'm using Chrome's javascript console (Ctrl + Shift + J) below the current opened tab. Is there something I can enter into the console so that the document in the tab above gets the focus and the console looses the focus? I tried with chrome.tabs but it only gives undefined

I mean it can be possible that the answer is just: not possible (security reasons), but I mean what's wrong with asking?
@DaveRandom The last time I used it (which was at least more than a year ago) it was rather shitty. I think I spent just as much time making some site Opera-compatible as I spent making it IE8-compatible.
@DaveRandom And you know, bad rep sticks for a long time. Look at PHP ^^
Probably it ain that bad now
@DaveRandom I'm going to rebuild my server in the next couple of days, so I can setup proper FTP access on it. And build latest stable PHP version on it. After that I want to test the auto-updater(s).
@PeeHaa Fine by me. I added a build tool for crx files to chrome-cv-pls, and it needs ZipArchive and openssl_* so if you are rebuilding PHP make sure you include these ;-)
Noted. Any more wishes?
Or other things that may prove useful somewhere in the future
@NikiC I'm not saying it's full featured, they're not exactly at the cutting edge where it comes to new tech, but at least they don't just make shit up as they go along.
I'm also going to try (again) to get viper7's codepad running again on the clean machine
@PeeHaa Not that I can think off off the top of my head.
@PeeHaa Cool
@PeeHaa Good luck with that (I have tried and failed a couple of times) - have you asked him about it? I know he hangs out on Freenode quite a bit...
@NikiC Don't celebrate yet it's a fucking pain
@DaveRandom Btw, the ff cv-pls ext uses the Addon SDK, right?
@DaveRandom Didn't know that. Thanks!
@NikiC Saw your comment on the regex mayhem question earlier ... didn't realize pcre could get down to such "performance", but i suppose it's all to do with unreasonable patterns right?
@NikiC Nope, all lovingly hand-crafted. Actually I was considering taking a look at that, but the only real reason is to make it "bootstrappable" (i.e. no restart required for install/update) which I think I can probably do anyway.
Why do you ask?
Crap, I g2g retrieve The Boy, sounds like he's woken up. I'll be back this evening, got some last minute shopping to do. Mostly booze.
Same for me. Booze and meat
@DaveRandom WTF
@DaveRandom Seriously, no wonder you had such a bad experience with it
Good mornings!
Also apparently the world is continuing to exist.
Moshi moshi!! ~hat~ =D
@hakre I love how OP goes "and then" ... "and then"
@Jack he has > 2000 rep, shouldn't still be asking poor questions
That's just sad then.
Love reviewing question titles like "strptime() function is undefined" and "php else not working".
@DaveRandom No, I definitely wasn't handling the OOB data correctly :)
@NikiC Yes, the @fclose is just a lazy way to do it -- I'll update that one. As for the if (FALSE !== $socket || $errNo === SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK) { ... I had errors without that when I knew less about what I was doing than I do now. I would expect to only need the FALSE check too ...
@rdlowrey really?
oh wait
i don't get it :D
wouldn't that mean that you can use a bool(false) as a socket?
@NikiC that's actually unrelated to the problems I was having before :)
ahhh...now i want to see someone to stop plain like that ...lol
@NikiC (I'm fairly confident I have resolved any issues at this point -- everything is working as expected)
A: Image upload script in PHP

mseancoleImmediately I see globals. Avoid globals at all cost. Strike them from your memory. You will never need them. Ever. Globals are one of the worst things PHP has ever done. It is not always obvious when a variable is a global thus it is very easy to miss and sometimes impossible to trace. It is als...

@PeeHaa That's where the suggestion came from :)
I like mseancole's answers, they're nice to read :)
It's indeed a nice answer
Too bad OP just copy pastas it without trying to figure out what and how it does it
Indeed, the worst kind of pasta, copied pasta ;-)
IN most cases I like pasta, buyt this kind makes me puke :D

JKDFollowing is my HTML upload form where user can put his/her url. When User put wrong url it will show error message and wrong url value filed will auto populated. But It's doesn't show the user input value, It's just show Array Array Array Array HTML FORM: <input type="text" name="link[]" ...

Anyone here knows the posts2posts Wordpress plugin?
I feel bad for you @MadaraUchiha :(
I know :(
But no, not me
"know"??? wtf was I thinking :|
Hi from Poland :)
What's up?
HIya from the Netherlands. The only country in the world that matters :)
Last week one of our marketing fellas asked me for help because their WhateverPress threw an error at them ... so I was like -____- ...
@PeeHaa Damn straight haha
Where is End of World? I didn't see he on 21 December
@Saibamen Drinking beer, eating junk food. That's what's up on my end! What's up in Poland?
@Saibamen Yeah, they made a mistake, it's next year.
@PeeHaa: Yes - Piwo is beer :)
@PeeHaa: In about 3 hours i go to beer with my few friends and now I doing my paid job - spanie24.com.pl
Auto play sound :(
@Saibamen Are you really doing your job? ;-)
I wish I could get paid to troll in chat :D
@Jack: actually - no :D Break :)
That would be awesome!
/me shoots himself for his terrible English ATM
End of year review; @PeeHaa, you have trolled much this year; therefore we have decided to promote you to master jester!
I don't know what to say. I want to thank my friends, my family, uuhhhmmm all the booze I drank. And a special thanks to my girl XPath
@PeeHaa: You have a girl? wooooow :D
@PeeHaa Ehh, it's not the grammies lol
@Saibamen Does XPath sound like a girl's name to you? :)
@Jack: maybe virtual girl :D
for virtual sex :D
virtual x you mean
@Saibamen Yeah. It may not be the prettiest thing you have ever seen, but she has never ever let me down. I just have to ask the right questions and see gets me what I want :)
Every freaking time!
Q: Post2Post refusing to show linked posts

Madara UchihaI'm trying to construct a catalog page, made out of products and product-categorys. I have set up both post types, and set up a connection between them in functions.php (Using the Posts2Posts plugin. The problem I'm having, is that in my catalog-page.php, I can't see the connected pages (I can s...

If anyone knows Wordpress :(
Basically she serves to please.
Ok bye guys :*
later @Saibamen
-___- was that a kiss goodbye?
@DaveRandom This warning may be completely ignored. :-)

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