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@cyril I spent 5 seconds on the Aura.Http link you posted before seeing a glaring LoD violation. It's a really bad sign when the public facing README.md is "showing-off" a clear lack of understanding of OOP concepts. Not to mention, the last thing PHP userland needs is another narcissistic pile of framework crap.
Reference: $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
I am not to sure @hakre I am kinda stuck... — David Biga 1 min ago
@cyril Upon further examination, the entire Aura HTTP library is one big LoD violation. Have fun with that.
@rdlowrey it's too late, aura has been around a while
and is a member of php-fig
^^ i want to meet that person
@rdlowrey the rest of the libraries really aren't much better, and they also have a "system" which bundles all of them into one framework
@Lusitanian Yeah, looks like an untestable mess. I can only assume the "system" is a fully functioning service locator.
Though I can't be bothered to validate that statement at this time.
They also have a "PDO wrapper" which is kind of facepalm-inducing
Yeah, it really is.
That may have been born out of: "Hey guys, think people would want a layer of abstraction on top of a layer of abstraction which abstracts other layers of abstraction? Eh, why not."
@Lusitanian Only Super::$tatic has the full flexibility in the global namespace.
A: PHP - Concatenate values of 2 arrays into 1 new array

hakreFetch from both arrays until everything is gone: $final = []; $key = 'uploadData'; while ($array1 && $array2) { $final[][$key] = array_shift($array1)[$key] . ' ' . array_shift($array2)[$key]; } See array_shift and converting to booleans.

@rdlowrey lol thx, guess their routing lib is not better: $router_map = require '/path/to/Aura.Router/scripts/instance.php'; < strange way to create objects
A: How can I use var_dump + output buffering without memory errors?

hakreWell, if the physical memory is limited (you see the fatal error:) Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted I would suggest to do the output buffering on disk (see callback parameter on ob_start). Output buffering works chunked, that means, if there still is enough mem...

I need more votes ^^
@rdlowrey: what does LoD stand for?
@Jasper Law of Demeter.
Lord of Dungeons
It's a best-practice method for minimizing tight coupling between classes making for much more flexible OO code with much lower likelihood for breakage.
No need to go elsewhere to go somewhere. Go somewhere directly.
@rdlowrey fair enough, thanks
The Law of Demeter (LoD) or Principle of Least Knowledge is a design guideline for developing software, particularly object-oriented programs. In its general form, the LoD is a specific case of loose coupling. The guideline was invented at Northeastern University towards the end of 1987, and can be succinctly summarized in one of the following ways: * Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit. * Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers. * Only talk to your immediate friends. The fundamental no...
It is occasionally referred to as the "sometimes-useful suggestion of demeter", though
I think it helps when writing code.
certainly does and it's a good practice
thought it did for riding
@rdlowrey regarding $response->headers->set(), what would your suggestion be? $response->setHeader()?
@igorw Not sure at the moment, but you shouldn't be reaching through the response object to get to the Headers object it contains. If a response needs the ability to set headers, it should expose its own method (something like Response::setHeader($field, $value)) so that the response object isn't tightly coupled to the Headers object. Further, outside code shouldn't know or care how the response stores headers -- it should only care that the response object does store headers.
That way the internal implementation of the Response can change with no fear of breaking code that knows too much about how the Response works internally.
@igorw Also, having looked longer at your react library, please accept my saying that it's better written than I originally though :)
*thought (avoiding double ping)
@igorw Personally, I would also be rather tempted I would also look to create functions such as Response::setContentType and provide the direct header setting only as a fallback for headers that aren't used too often (or that I forgot about)
Is there a way to include a variable in a page using PHP other than session variables?
LoD is one of those "best-practice" gray areas though ... sometimes it can be very difficult to avoid violating it. It's not the worst faux-pas you can commit.
Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?
Because Oct 31 equals Dec 25.
@Jasper While that's the approach pretty much every HTTP library I've seen takes, I don't like it. My problem with that approach is that it's a leaky abstraction. There's a potentially infinite number of possible headers, so cherry-picking a few "popular" header fields to have specific methods only confuses the API ... It's much simpler to say, "All headers are assigned in this one way. Always. You don't need to confuse yourself with multiple ways of doing it."
maybe I've been watching too many FP videos, but http request and response seem like good candidates for data structures to me. mutable value objects if you will. as such, information hiding does not really make sense for them.
Basically those are all strings. And you have a parser. And then maybe a builder.
@igorw That's the same approach I took -- in some cases. It makes sense if you're building up a response to output to a client, but not as much if you're returning a response from an HTTP request. In that case I think the response is a value and not a variable. I have a StdRequest/Response for building up those objects ... but also an immutable ValueRequest/Response for situations where the HTTP message should not be altered.
oh sure, the "mutable" part is optional; can be replaced by a builder or such.
I'm not sure if LoD makes sense for data value objects / data structures.
@rdlowrey The thing about it is that I don't think you should see it as an abstraction over the header , but as an abstraction over setting the type of the content of the file. Much like how you could provide a redirect function that does indeed modify a header, but also stops further execution of that script
Fair enough. IMHO in those cases it really just depends on your tolerance for tight-coupling between classes. I haven't yet found a situation where with enough planning I couldn't manage to observe LoD, though. And I don't think anyone will argue against the merits of loose-coupling over tight-coupling.
hey @philip :)
Greetings @NikiC
@Jasper it depends what you are trying to do. aura in this case is trying to model HTTP. if you want to have a more generic abstraction over a response that encapsulates HTTP, then that's a different story.
@philip What brings you in here?
my God, you guys are evil geniuses, it is hard to even pretend to know what you are saying
Randomness, mostly
Hello :)
@rad: I'm afraid none of us understands your question, could you rephrase?
@rad include or require
I can't figure out how to change our SO photo
My apologies, this question is from a quiz.
"Show how to include a variable in a page using PHP."
I am also confused what they are expecting :-|
echo $foo;
maybe they mean cookies
@igorw If you are indeed modeling http, then the generic header setting is the way to go - I didn't see what it was trying exactly and I wouldn't usually try to make a model that's more useful than the technically seen most accurate one
ah, we have a "parent user"
@philip What photo? :)
the one here. figured it out. it didn't even require ImageMagick
:) Gravatar
it appears we have a topic specific user profile, and a parent user profile
`echo $foo;` === echo $foo;
posted on December 21, 2012 by Paul M. Jones

(This is a response to Matthew Weier O’Phinney. Full disclosure: MWOP is both my friend and respected peer. Also, like MWOP, I am a voting member of PHP-FIG, and was directly involved in the recent LoggerInterface discussion among that group.) … Continue reading →

@philip Yes, there are bunch of sites, Stackoverflow is considered as the main :) stackexchange.com/sites#
Oh, I'm happy with the audio from my new audio recorder. So crystal clear
What sort of thing do you record?
ah yes, Programming With Anthony
and some songs
Why is that image on the SO 404 page?
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
@hakre could it be encoding?
@Happyninja The error message says it all. However, Off Topic.
@hakre sorry about that
@hakre I need this asap, please fix it now, urgent.
can you close asap? and then delete will remove problem completely. thanks.
@Happyninja nothing to sorry about.
@webarto Thanks, any feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.. It is there a solutions for this ?
I am click close it, its not working, someone please suggest solution.
1. Click close.
2. Did it work? (Yes => DONE)
3. No: Press F5.
4. Go to step 1.
I am close it with AJAX and jQuery + node.js
@ShaquinTrifonoff gist.github.com/… much thanks, its work now!
:6812812 apologies my english!!! i am new to dev plz be patient :) Thanks and hope you all a nice day
How does it work?
We are joking @ShaquinTrifonoff, not with you, but in general :)
Any comments/critism/answers to any of this rambling greatly appreciated, @ShaquinTrifonoff
@Lusitanian What its the best to do ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any Ideas?
tnx in advance
(lol, people actually post these messages)
You've basically carpet bombed your table with indexes; surely you don't need so many in the first place. And just keep in mind that only one key per table is used in the query; if another key needs to be used for ordering it will scan instead. — Jack 3 mins ago
They should unlock the index feature in MySQL only for developers with at least 100 upvoted answers in
@Jack carpet bombed with indexes. well spoken.
@Jack I'm sure there's a good reason for it. Maybe he gets paid by the index.
Okay.. So why would they do it?
He gets paid by the index and per column per index.
@MattPsyK no
@MattPsyK Yes and No. No, not limited to 2. But Yes, it has to do with connections.
Oh fuck...
By using a CDN sites are more likely to get a cache hit, then yes parallelization but HTML 1.1 isn't a standard :p
It's so that cookies aren't sent when downloading static files.
@ShaquinTrifonoff that's part of it too
( didnt mean to edit the post ) The reason i ask, is because i've read about moving scripts and such to the bottom of the page, jquery for example.
posted on December 21, 2012 by PHP Advent

I’m busy. I’m an American living in the twenty-first century in the Northeast. You can go read the statistics, but I’m part of a group of hustlers. We get stuff done. I’m usually busy freaking out about things on my todo list. They usually break down into three categories: things to do at work, things to do for myself, and ways to improve my skills. The ordering is important here, because the s

ah yes, jquery
However because of how my page works, you cant access any of it as it hasnt been loaded yet.
the great swiss army knife that does everything
Stack Exchange uses cdn.sstatic.net, BTW
I know your going to argue that it is stupid and you can do everything with just normal js with only a few extra lines, but im not getting into that.
I can't resist to downvote. Sorry, please don't take it personally you always answer accepting create index lover. But what you do looks more excessive to me than with reasoning. — hakre 20 secs ago
I think i've actually had that arguement here before.
it's okay
it's not actually as bad as everyone here makes it out to be
it just gets annoying because people literally think that jquery is a language
@Lusitanian jQuery is NOT a language? =(
jQuery is javascript the jodle way.
The issue is to me, jQuery is better documented and available then js is. It just seems simpler to use.
@Jack har.
@MattPsyK Not true. Don't get blended by the light.
@MattPsyK not at all
MDN has a great JS reference
and there's all kinds of really good js resources
Reminds me of that fly who's attracted to the blue light and his friend is trying to stop him ... "But it's soooo beautiful" .... ZAPPP!
@Jack jQuery being the blue light, of course (:
Right, right
jQuery has earned its place though, levelling most browser quirks; that's basically its biggest draw for me.
right, that's the big draw
but tbh that's becoming less of an issue, even with ie
honestly ie10 is good enough for me to use it as a primary browser (though i don't, but it's damn good)
@Lusitanian There are still things that work in everything except IE...
@ShaquinTrifonoff indeed
but i'm telling you, it's slogan could be "Used to be worse."
Internet Explorer 10. It used to be worse. Brought to you by Microsoft.
> IE10. Sucks less than IE9.
jon stewart did a parody video of obama's campaign a while back that that reminds me of, the slogan was something like: "Obama 2012. It could've been even worse."
The browser you used to love to hate, now just hate to love.
all ya need to do is spin it right, Microsoft!
The browser that you're not yet quite willing to admit is "passable." IE10.
is there some translator for these?
> Please help me... Is there any query in my thread please revert me back...
And the question is not about databases or so - stackoverflow.com/questions/6275409/file-upload-in-php
Pls revert me back .. that's new .. sounds like an Asian mixup
pls fix my jquery plugin -- I use jQOP (jQuery oriented programming) but my jquery.jqop plugin isn't working!1
@Jack lol it is, see that alot in official emails around here
@andho and I always Nazi grammar them hehe
and there is "do the needfull"
@Jack I did not know that "grammar" is a verb
@igorw It is now :) I Nazi grammar, we are Nazi grammaring
@igorw @Jack you got Nazi grammared
It never stopped Shakespeare to make up new verbs like that ;-)
techinically lexing
@Jack english was an unstable compound then
And it's stable now? You're sure about that? :)
pretty stable
More like stable'ish
I'm fairly certain the world was supposed to have ended by now.
Ssshh, don't wake up the Mayan Spirits
Thanks .. you've doomed us all now. Meh, still received my wizard hat =D
^^ irony at its finest
i've seen so much of that lol
Did you know: The š in tereško can be typed by pressing Alt+0666
How about the omega character? :)
Why couldn't SO just force the first character of a username to be [a-z_] ... gah!
If only I had a numeric pad
@Jack Number lock?
ber Nc+
Typed with num lock on ^
since we're off-topic anyway...lol
and of course
ha ha
Can't imagine being a Mayan with many friends then ... unwrap unwrap ... oh, another calendar ... yay!
But because the calendar is only for one year, everyone would then think that the world would end on 21st Dec, 2013
@ShaquinTrifonoff That'll be what's said on Dec 22, 2012
They made kick ass calendar though, for their time.
Freaking outlived y2k
@Lusitanian So please share any thing you understand about that and please reply soon.
@hakre okay, i will research the and get back to you appropriately
> visited 953 days, 950 consecutive
181 days, 181 consecutive
SO needs an Addict badge for 1000 consecutive days
> visited 207 days, 178 consecutive
I didn't log on one day...
@ircmaxell Meta it.
You can't be the only one to get it.
Nah... Someone else can
@Lusitanian Thanks to anyone who may have an answer for this. ^_^
@hakre :D
Q: The mysterious Epic Punyon Beard

Austin HenleyI have just seen the hat known as Epic Punyon Beard for the first time. Does anyone have any information (or hints if you don't want to spoil it) on this mysterious hat!?!? Here are the given (but not so useful) clues: The hat in action: UPDATE: Shog9 states that the beard is possible but...

@Lusitanian It's an endless stream of these phrases.
Can anyone post an elegant solution or even a hack that works? Thanks in Advance.
Throw away badge, visit the site for exactly 999 consecutive days.
@hakre What's the question?
@Jack any question. need some one to tell me what is wrong please ^_^
@Jack press the submit button: eval.in/5074
Hello all, has anyone had experience or heard of this VPS company? prgmr.com/xen
Kinda skeptical about it, those prices seem to good to be true lol.
those prices are eh
seems legit
12 bucks for 512 mb of ram is about average
64mb is enough for everyone
Then I'm not looking in the right places lol, that has been the lowest I've found since, and yeah for sure 64MB can make the world run round :P
PHP Y U HATE ME SO MUCH!!!1111 ... check out this awesomeness:
while (!is_resource($sock)) {
^ that yields:
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
... ad infinitum ...
Thanks, php sockets extension
Speaking of VPS's... is vps.me good?
no idea, but take the free one and try it :)
1 gig of ram for $10 / month seems like a good deal
just remember, you get what you pay for
you do
@ShaquinTrifonoff I tried and the phone verification they require doesn't work :P
@rdlowrey I'm struggling to decode this, please can i have some advice on this? ^_^
i dropped a support ticket to ask @ShaquinTrifonoff though i won't hold my breath
@hakre The while loop should only run while $sock is NOT a resource ... however the var_dump on each iteration clearly says that it IS a resource.
still kinda need it it works to have a free small server to toy with
@rdlowrey he's trolling you with phrases
@Lusitanian this time only partly.
Oh, sorry. I'm in non-blocking socket hell. Too annoyed to notice :)
I actually wonder why is_resource() is lying.
because it's a lying liar of a function
A resource of type unknown ...
@rdlowrey what happens if you call get_resource_type on it
presumably you get unknown?
@Lusitanian "Unknown"
None of the usual stream_* functions work on it either as they don't see it as a resource
potential bug
I'm slowly narrowing down possibilities ...
NaRQ = Narcotics Recovery Equipment ... apparently.
I know I'm a little late to the party of posting maya-images, but this one is too good not share:
user image
@hakre Yeah, tried that ... it triggers an error because it says it's not a valid resource :)
@rdlowrey from the phrase lib: "What needs to be changed in order for this to work?"
hI GUYS,i HAVE ONE DOUBT.If i use method="Get" in form tag,should i use only $variablename=$_GET['id']; or i can use $variablename=$_POST['id']; throughout the form.
@picasa you can use $_POST also
jumping between ubuntu and macosx :/
Okay guys, I need some bugs.php.net searching mojo.
When passed various anonymous functions, spl_object_hash returns the same hash every time.
That can't possibly be right.
Unfortunately I have never succeeded at finding a freaking thing on that useless excuse of a bug tracker...
@Charles here's your google foo for today: site:bugs.php.net spl_object_hash returns the same hash every time
here's one more
no political affiliation implied or stated, but someone sent me that a while ago
@andho Not every time. Only with anonymous functions.
Surely I'm not the first to find this. It was pointed out to me after I stole an answer from @hakre :p
@Charles that search term should work with any query right
yeah but you're missing my point :p
The query you provided is not the same thing as I'm looking for.
@Lusitanian that's a nice one
heh, i like yours
@Charles ok
i made that joke a long time ago and wanted to do a comic like that but i have no art skill
Ahaha, pebcak.
Stupid freaking typos.
neither do I, I just linked to an image I had seen before (somehow that works for images yet not for written jokes, strange...)
I can't believe the end of the world is late, now I'm going to have to find some way to waste the time until it arrives.
it's because it's not december 21st in Mexico yet
I have an answer: GTA Vice City
Is that a cause, a solution, an excuse, or a passtime?
all of the former
The correct answer then, would have been "yes."
I love using that one when presented with a logical OR.
Drives the wife nuts.
my bad for assuming XOR
@Charles Same, and yet she can't help herself to phrase her questions in the same way again ;-)
Thanks @andho.If I use method="POST" in a form,can i use $variablename=$_GET['id']; in another php page.
@picasa no
you should just do @_POST['id']
@picasa yeah, if you send 'id' in as a URL parameter
@picasa but not if 'id' is a field in your form
@andho I stand corrected
@Jack Mr. Index is back, his new friend is subselect: stackoverflow.com/questions/13982999/…
oh goodie!
Anyway, there is a $_REQUEST which is a combination of $_GET and $_POST (and $_COOKIE), but I would advice against using it as it is better to just make sure you know where your data comes from
@picasa method="POST" action="/url?id=5" // As andho said, the id isn't a field in your form, but the url parameter
(Oh wow, I really thought picasa was playing the same game as you guys were a bit earlier when I saw his original post...)
Here I mentioned 'id' is a id name in input tag
No then.
@hakre Who knew that a correlated subquery would be such a boost.
@picasa everything you send in a form with the method as 'POST' can be accessed through $_POST
<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">
@Jack impossible
sry,1 sec.I missent
@Jack Eh look at the indexes. That guy has no plan at all. Mysql would re-use exisiting indexes, no need to create two nearly indentical ones.
@Charles @Babo @Paul @andho Hi!!!!!
<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">
Also he puts a varchar 255 column into an index. That is useless
@Korhan hi welcome to the new world
@hakre I'm going to ... slowly ... step away from that question, then turn around and run!
All that stuff. I asked him why he does the indexes, and he couldn't say, only playing the "oh I'm offended" card.
New world?? What made it new? @andho
the apocalypse
<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">, can i use $name=$_GET['firstname']; in another hello.php page.
@picasa now your question is better, and no, you cannot use $_GET to access the form data as the form method was set to 'POST'
@andho that actually make more sense then you'd think, the whole thing people got so upset over was basically an integer overflow problem in the Mayan calendar
@Jasper so what are you saying?
@andho :D Do we need to imagine that world is new and reincarnated?
@Korhan yeah, just try to make this one better, be thankful your lives has been spared.
@andho well, since their calendar wasn't signed, we are in a way back in their year 0, which could well be translated into coming into a new world
Ooh, ooh, I found a bug in the chat!
@Jasper yeah?
Aw man, I'm totally telling that one tomorrow. "Na, the calendar was just using a signed int, thankfully the overflow didn't destroy the world."
@Jasper aah
1.<form action="insert.php" method="get">
Firstname: <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname">, can i use $name=$_GET['firstname'];,$name=$_POST['firstname'];,$name=$_REQUEST['firstname']; in another hello.php page or in same insert.php page. 2.<form action="insert.php" method="post"> can i use $name=$_GET['firstname'];,$name=$_POST['firstname'];,$name=$_REQUEST['firstname']; in another hello.php page or in same insert.php page.
@andho :)
@ShaquinTrifonoff When you edit a to change what message it was a reply to, if you keep your mouse hovering over your post while the ajax/server update your post, the original replied to message stays highlighted and can never be un-highlighted
@Jasper yeah i just saw that too
Q: Is it acceptable to ask for downvotes (as a form of self-punishment)?

Anderson GreenPlease downvote this question: I'm a bad person, and I deserve a bad reputation. I want to lose all of the reputation that I've gained in the last two years. The kind of text above is what I'm referring to. If I realize that I have made some sort of mistake (and that I ought to be punished for t...

@ShaquinTrifonoff Hey, I haven't observed you were here.
Once you understand what the predefined variables are, and how they get populated, you will understand.
@picasa and what is the purpose of these questions?
Seems it is upvoted. Contrary to what OP asked :P
@andho. because,am highly confused with those methods.I am struggling in my Interview.
Welcome to Meta, where asking for voting one direction gives you the other.
@Jack And it's gone
After getting 2(?) upvotes
He deleted it
Three, to counter the two down.
@ShaquinTrifonoff It initially got downvotes, but because that's what he wanted I started upvoting him :)
@Jack That's what I did too lol
I guess He couldn't bear the opposing activity ;)
You should check out this meta question then .. he keeps going on and on
Q: Why was this question (about browser-based remote desktop software) closed as "not constructive"?

Anderson GreenPlease downvote this question: I'm a worthless person, and I deserve a bad reputation. One of my questions, Embedding a desktop application window in a web page, was closed as "not constructive", with no specific explanation being given as to why it was closed. This left me wondering what the ra...

Alright, I've finally got my git repository fully up and working
+1 because you said specifically to downvote your question. — Shaquin Trifonoff 25 secs ago
@Jack, the n00b beanie suits your avatar very well.
@Charles Thanks .. just like the wizard hat =D

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