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What do I do when I get " The Zend Engine API version 420210903 which is installed, is newer."?
Maybe say what you're doing to see that error message?
Compiling PHP-8.0 and running make test
probably totally clean build from ./buildconf on.
/* The first number is the engine version and the rest is the date (YYYYMMDD).
 * This way engine 2/3 API no. is always greater than engine 1 API no..  */
#define ZEND_EXTENSION_API_NO	420210903
let me check
so....I don't think that'sa php 8.0 number -
#define ZEND_EXTENSION_API_NO 420200930
is in 8.0
yeah make clean seems to solved the problem, thanks
Well, hopefully tomorrow isn't terrible. Drove 1.5-ish hours out of town for booster shot.
But I'm prepared if I feel like crap
Got mine booked for Saturday....
@Tiffany I felt like crap the next day.
@Danack You got 2 AZ first? and a pfizer booster?
@Derick yes, or will have.
Three Pfizer
@Danack I wouldn't plan anything on Sunday. I was terrible the day after.
@Tiffany well aren't you Ms. Fancy Pants ;-)
@Derick :P
i need to go to bed, as I'm supposed to be at the gym in 7 hours...
I spent most of yesterday getting my apartment in order in case I felt like utter bollocks tomorrow
Ease of doing stuff. I'm not the tidiest person otherwise XD
@Derick good luck! Enjoy!
watching the latest "The Expanse", released at 00:00, isn't the best fit for that... but oh well
3 hours later…
@Derick wait what there's a new the expanse season!!!?
oh. my. goodness
it is really nice they don't release it all at once anymore, I'd literally just binge it from now until I can't stay awake
also y'all timezone is lacking
jus' sayin
Jul 12 '14 at 14:10, by Danack
UTC - the best timezone
2 hours later…
im fascinated how you continually pull quotes from 4, 5, 6+ years ago
after effects uses floats (in seconds) for seeking. what could possibly go wrong
rip my code indentation ;-;
ok i got it $this->{$this->foo};
@Ekin I have three Gibson Les Pauls (BFG, Studio, 50s Tribute) and a Peavey Jack Daniels acoustic
@OndřejMirtes if you got time, check your twitter DMs 😉
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier Yes. Started at midnight UTC.
hi Mark - did you get the email(s) I sent on Wednesday? Just making sure there is no gremlin on the line.
Morning Derick. Yes I did, thanks. I need to reach out to another department head as training is mainly going to revolve around them, my team is already fairly proficient.
Bloody hell it's too cold. If it weren't for the devastating ecological damage it would cause, i'd say we should forcibly tilt the earth the opposite way using giant rockets.
@Gordon right! I knew you had LPs but wasn't so sure. I'm getting the Tribute Humbucker \o/ I looked at the Studio ones too and was in between really, all of them are nice :D
also mornings, too little sleep and a lotta rain, excuse my engrish
@JRL Is there still some specific issue you have with operator overloads? (implementation wise, I recall you complaining recently)
@bwoebi sorry if it came off as complaining, lol
i gripe a little, it's how i program
@JRL uhm? I totally don't mean that negatively - it's super fine
but yes, the zend_std_call_op_override() implementation is experiencing two issues:
1. there is a memory leak that i can't nail down related to zend_object (probably due to the enum values)
2. the enum values are not passing as arguments correctly
there's others, but those two are the biggest thing making the current commit unplayable
some specific tests failing?
there's still errors in the JIT code that i did for ZEND_IS_LARGER
i.e. where shall I look at to reproduce your issue?
hmmm, well in the latest commit, there's about 40 failing tests. most of them because of either segfaults or memory leak warnings that happen when some random $obj == $val results in a call to the op override handler to check for an overload that isn't present
well, probably the tests in Zend/tests/operator_overloads/
there's several still failing on the last commit, all related (at its core) to the enum cases
give me a few min to track that down
i just don't know enough about c programming and zend engine to solve them i think. maybe i could, but it would probably take me 30-40 hours just to nail it down. i'm kind of learning the engine as i do this implementation.
definitely: do not deref zend_objects (unless you know what you're doing)
yeah, that was not my first attempt, was more a throw stuff at the wall situation at that point
I think your main issue was the ordering of the continue call there vs. the freeing
and then you were blindly trying the wrong things
i was definitely aware that i was blindly trying the wrong things, but as i didn't have other options that seemed the best i could do. i definitely greatly appreciate your help and expertise here.
@JRL I always forget the proper flags for jitting… do you have the invocation of the failing test at hand?
not at hand, no
though you should be able to reproduce it
it went something like this
for (i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
if (i > 5) {
echo i;
and the result was that all numbers from 0 to 10 were echoed
obviously with JIT turned on. i think that was with the ARM64 instruction set
I don't have arm64 at hand :-/
that's another thing where i was sort of making an optimistic attempt
i didn't actually expect to be able to solve that on my own
as i have zero experience in assembly
other than MIPS programming i guess
however, the diff shows all the places that changes need to be made, even if they aren't the changes that should be there
i'm fairly certain that the issue is with the swap variable, which should be needed any longer now that separated > from <
github.com/php/php-src/pull/7388/… am I blind, or is larger just copied from small, with zero difference in code?
however, it was very difficult to follow the logic for what circumstances swap could be set, and what other related things might be triggered
essentially copied and reversed
the conditions that is
since > was a reversed < originally anyway
like i said, i think the swap branching isn't needed now, but i wasn't sure and was just giving it a sort of exploratory attempt
the .dasc files are the main issue im referring to
not the trace file
though i suppose that could also be incorrect
@JRL Are you aware that the opposite of larger is not smaller, but smaller_or_equal? you seem to have swapped the wrong ops
i thought i caught that mistake about halfway through
but perhaps i didn't
staring at lines 6920+, no
well, that would be a problem then
lol, im sorry, a lot of this i was breaking the parts i knew needed to change so that i could see what tests fail, then i started debugging through trying various things and watching the debugger. but several parts of the patch got left in some half unfinished and half purposely broken state that i decided i'd need to come back to later once i had someone more familiar willing to help.
though the incorrect swapping was not a purposeful breaking
well im heading to sleep
lol dude
Any quirks I need to be aware of with symlinking a specific vendor on my composer vendor folder and phpstorm
My code works but phpstorm is not recognizing the classes
@MarkR That's OK. There is no hurry. Just wanted to make sure the kraken hadn't eating emails (it has happened before)
I used to contribute to php-src a few years ago and I would like to get involved again
Is there anything I can help with ?
@ArnaudLeBlanc maybe you want to start with some bug or PR triage? (i.e. github.com/php/php-src issues and pulls)
But otherwise feel free to do whatever you want; there's lots of stuff to do almost everywhere.
Hello, anyone know of a tool for converting php and html into templates and controllers (or even just separate files )?
operator overlords RFC
Apache Security team has come up with the advisory of CVE-2021-44228. Along with this bug, the Apache team has fixed a couple of more vulnerabilities in Log4j. You can check the description and mitigation/fix of the vulnerabilities. So we strongly recommend patching your application (server) before it gets in the hands of bad actors. Follow Apache guidelines to fix the vulnerabilities.

just in case anyone is using log4j
@ArnaudLeBlanc Eh, probably a lot of "old" extensions could use some love and some refactoring maybe? I've been doing a bit of that from time to time moving char* + size_t arguments to zend_string* when it makes sense (as it may save on needless recomputation of strlen() ) but not sure how much of that I've already chewed of lol
Oh this also this old PR from Sara that might be good to revist: github.com/php/php-src/pull/4132
Thanks @gi
Why did the Zend Framework get rebranded? Seems a bit weird considering all the zend_* stuff
Because they are completely unrelatded things?
They aren't?
They are
Not even same people behind it?
Zend framework was/is a PHP framework, Zend Engine is the thing that powers PHP
15years ago sure
Thanks @Girgias @FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier @cmb
But not for a long time are the people behind one working on the other
Like I know fuck all about Laminas/Zend Framework but I can navigate the PHP engine
Also Zend got bought out by another company 6years ago IIRC?
I've never used it myself. I just always assumed it was a php framework that took advantage of some low level things and quirks only people working on php would know.
Zend Framework got rebranded because Zend (the company) got bought by Perforce, and there was a naming right conflict. The maintainers also stopped working for Zend (then Perforce), and that was all weird too. Now, some of the maintainers work for Zend/Perforce again.

The Zend Engine also has that potential naming clash, but it was never brought up.
@IGP I'd say Symphony does more of those weird things, but I don't that much exposure to PHP frameworks anyway
It's misspelled on purpose.
Argggg I always forget the weird spelling
misspellt* ;)
Makes it easier to google for :-)
@cmb That's Mr Pellt for you.
me spelt it how I feel it shouldof been
should have been
"should of" is not English.
lol. at some point in the past, I had an english class where the teacher spkoe of that contraction, iirc it was of roughly the same status as don't or won't
@Derick Thanks for clearing that up!
No...... NO NOOOOO
@IGP Zend / Perforce still let Dmitry work on PHP in his work time too
but he mostly does the complicated stuff that nobody else understands, like the JIT engine ... which is scary
The bus factor of PHP would increase by removing JIT...
That's one of the reasons this whole php foundation thing was formed right?
Yes, mostly.
@JRL I prefer to recycle, rather than make the same joke twice...
@GabrielCaruso just out of curiousity do you know what the words here are trying to say, in particular "but in the homologation machine works. Must be something with my S.O or something else." ?
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier not enough control, you must spawn more overlords
Friday all o/
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier Are you making sure you get enough sleep this month while you still can? :D
hahaha trying my best :)
I started going to sleep at like, before 10 pm sometimes
I feel very adult
You are somewhat lucky that the crazy busy period will be mostly over sooo nice timing! :P
pro moves all around :P
I worked like, 10-15 hours per week for the last year and a half, it will be an adaptation period to be sure
... I can't wait tho
It's going to be fun \o/
@ArnaudLeBlanc Cool :) Literally anything you think is fun, RFCs, fixing bugs, refactoring, reviewing PRs, improving docs, everything is welcome.
@IluTov imo, maintaining a list of stuff that could be worked on, by people who are not fully up to speed on all aspects of internals is something that would be useful and could be done by an alleged PHP foundation.
I've got the same problem on Imagick.....there's loads of stuff that I could theoretically pass off to other people, but I've done most of the easy ones, so the remaining ones require quite a bit of instructions to be written down, and hand-holding someone through the problems.
@Danack Yeah totally agree. We could add an "easy" tag to simple bugs and also create issues for refactoring stuff.
hello, I am working with synfony, but I am looking if there is any graphic tool that allows me to design a database and then export it in some way or obtain the commands to execute in doctrine, for my project in synfony 5.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Just the schema or the entire database?
@IluTov schema include relations???
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Yes, schema usually refers to tables, constraints, triggers, etc.
ok all of these except data...
but that i need is a ouput compatible with doctrine XD
You can use Doctrine migrations (doctrine-project.org/projects/migrations.html) to generate a schema. Although beware that if you've created your schema manually until now the schema might diverge if you haven't configured your entities correctly.
If you need your data, just create and import a backup.
I think I'm not making myself understood; currently I don't have anything from the database, just the idea of how I'm going to build it; So the first thing I have to do is design with a tool, but I'm looking for one that allows me to see the fields that I need in each table and the relationships ... this is without initial data ...
thinking about a tool, then to finish this design it allows me to somehow create the entities for symfony 5 or it allows me to extract the commands that I must execute to generate the entities from the synfony console with doctrine automatically.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Oh I see. Doctrine migrations is probaly the way to go then. You'll create your entities, then run doctrine:migrations:diff which generates a diff SQL for you, and then you run that to update your database.
i not have the entities
i need create its from a desing tool ...
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Doctrine migrations only supports code first AFAIK. Creating entities is easier than creating a database schema anyway.
@IluTov i need start creating the desing XD
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Why?
saves me time.
I would highly question that.
This would be the order:
1. create the layout.
2. generate the entities (from a tool)
2.1 Entities can be in doctrine commands or php files synfony 5 and doctrine compatible entities.
3. we continue with the programming ...
a find this but not is for free XD
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent if you've ever seen someone use a tool like that successfully, you should use the same tool they do. If not, then maybe hallucinating the best way to solve a problem isn't a great path to follow.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent doctrine can generate entities for you based on your schema
@Danack they said the same about SVN then GIT XD was born
@PeeHaa yes but i can fill it from a console ... witha a command line
@Danack i am searching a tool that export a design to command line like this :
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent This will generate entities. Doctrine migrations can generate SQL code from those entities. I'm not sure what else you're looking for.
I repeat again: I am looking for a tool that allows me to design my database, the design I want to do is something like this:
ah, so without doctrine? you just want SQL directly from a tool like symfony maker?
By having this finished design that allows me to export to command lines similar to this one that I use in doctrine:
@SaifEddinGmati He wants Doctrine entities. He just wants a tool that generates the schema first and then the entities. Which I don't know why it would matter.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Most db GUIs come with a tool like that afaik
@PeeHaa I know but they don't export to CMD doctrine
@IluTov yes but i like to do this automaticaly from the design tool ... or even that export to Command line that implemente doctrine XD
"but i like to do this automaticaly from the design tool" - that implies you've done this before. Why not just use the same tool?
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent you cannot export the make:entity command anywhere, as it requires user input, unless you are creating a script that will keep feeding it input.
@Danack and @IluTov i sent you DM on Twitter, please check them out whenever you can and let me know what you think :)
@SaifEddinGmati This is false; I suppose that if I already have the design with the names ... the tool would substitute the data that are necessary to be placed by hand by the names and design data ... and the output would be a sh or batch file or some executable of lines command
@SaifEddinGmati Already answered :)
I'm still working on a 'ah, this is a cunning trick so you can send me a bomb', joke.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Why do you want to jump through extra hoops instead of just following the workflow that was actually intended here?
@Danack gonna deliver pizza to your door
@Danack I have not done it before, I am looking for a tool that can do it ... if you do not have knowledge of any tool, then we will leave it here. Thanks also.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Also, your schema is tiny. You can literally create these entities in 15 minutes.
(If that's your entire erd)
@IluTov is a example that i take from internet
31 mins ago, by IluTov
I would highly question that.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent ok :P
If not, then maybe hallucinating the best way to solve a problem isn't a great path to follow.
just do it in code........or whatever the recommended doctrine way is.
@Danack they said the same about SVN then GIT XD was born
@Danack just a tool XD
literally no one wanted to stay on SVN when git was released. Well, no-one who wasn't deranged.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Database first isn't new. It's just that few people still do it today.
I had a stupid idea ok ...
currently I do the schema layouts manually (like the image I show you), and then I have to go to the console to create the entities one by one (no matter how many they are) using the command php bin \ console make: entity and filling the data manually this is supposed to then generate the necessary files and directories in synfony which are the entities.
I thought that some tool could do all the manual part from the design.
the use of doctrine is only to do the update later ...
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent They do. Doctrine does that for you
@PeeHaa Doctrine need the entities files in sinfony directory with the righ annotation
and entities files is generating by me manualy ...
and is that i think avoid ...
@PeeHaa forget it, thanks for everything.
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent Shit, Doctrine really can do that. symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/reverse_engineering.html Didn't know.
But note:
Can't post because it's too long. Just read the disclaimer.
> Doctrine is able to convert approximately 70-80% of the necessary mapping information based on fields, indexes and foreign key constraints.
Don't expect it to work perfectly.
@IluTov shit, don't you understand that the database is empty, don't they exist? where I will get the CREATE script ...
run php bin/console doctrine:migration:diff -n, and doctrine will give you the script in migrations/ folder ( if you are using symfony >= 4 )
@Arcanis-TheOmnipotent You said you wanted to create the database schema with a tool o.O Just use any database tool then, and generate the entities with doctrine:mapping:import. You're really not making this easy.
2 hours later…
@IluTov kinda read that fast as "the omnipotent shit" and that's pretty based
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier lol
Woke up feeling fine, have started feeling eh as the day has progressed. Ignoring hunger pains while recovering from a vaccine is a bad idea.
Hard to believe just how stupid that is
> This response contains a path to a remote Java class file (ex. http://second-stage.attacker.com/Exploit.class) which is injected into the server process,
It is at least a webscale vulnerability.
I've been having fun with that all day, log4j might as well be core library, literally everything uses it and nothing ever updates it
e.g. it's in the unifi controller app which makes me thing ubiquiti probably use it everywhere since their whole platform is java based...
... so off to hockey with me, it's probable I get back here in some hours and drunk tell everyone how I love y'all so I'll do it now. I love y'all.
I'm keeping it for next week, to get two at once
if I can, maybe
lemme get that started... I love y'all!
@NikiC Yeah, it's been a fun day...
It's somehow funny how Minecraft is mentioned in every article as being affected.

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