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@DaveRandom but yeah, well… I sometimes did push insane speeds over thunderbolt for copying on the order of 10 Gbit/s actually…
I'm aboslutely not opposed to when a copy is done in 10 sec instead of 2 min
@NunoMaduro Great. Do you want to respond on the list then, or should I?
I've answered already. @Crell
2 hours later…
Bug in source code ・ Documentation problem ・ #80910
@Jeeves er, wat
1 hour later…
@cmb It still seems to be ignoring the /Fo option. Any idea why? ci.appveyor.com/project/amphp/ext-fiber/builds/38429589/job/…
It appears if I could either get it to write the .obj file to C:\projects\ext-fiber\x86\Release it may work.
I squashed everything I've tried to a single commit: github.com/amphp/ext-fiber/commit/…
5 hours later…
1 hour later…
@bwoebi You're pretty good with Bison. github.com/php/php-src/compare/… Is there a way to drop the parens? The problem is that $foo is Foo|Bar can be parsed as $foo is (Foo|Bar) or ($foo is Foo)|Bar. The latter semantically never makes sense but I'm not sure if there's a way to rewrite the grammar or set the precedence to always get the former.
Q: Changing the array description text without editing plugin's core files with a filter function in wordpress

Lubo MasuraI have checked many questions from this forum about this solution, but I could not get it at all. I'm learning how to overwrite some text from existing array in plugin without editing it's core files so I will not loose my changes when the core plugin is updated in wordpress. What I have is this ...

Does mkdir() clear stat cache for is_dir? In other words, can the second is_dir return a different result in this case? !\is_dir($directory) && !@\mkdir($directory, 0777, true) && !\is_dir($directory)
@Trowski github.com/amphp/ext-fiber/pull/20 should fix it (but is super hacky)
Hello Guys!

Does anyone know what was the name of the technique in which constructors with type hittings were being filled automatically?


class Do {
__construct(Job $job){$job->run()}

and the job is like this: Job(Property $property);

There were some techniques or libraries that automatically were doing llike the following:

$property = new Property();
$job = new Job($propery);
$do = new Do($job);
For dependency injection you're thinking of autowiring.
No no... It's not DI...
It has a nice name, and so many libraries, but I can't remember the name!
Hmmm... It seems right. I don't know... You may be right! 🤔 Let me read it a little bit...
some projects also refer to it as constructor injection, separately from whether it's autowired, or manually put together.
And they are just parameter types. You don't the word 'hints' or 'hittings'.
I think they were right also. It's dependency injection, and they call the libraries injectors!
Dependency Injection: Meant to use as a helper library in a dependency injection mechanism to call your functions / methods with the needed parameters

I'm cleaning up the RFC page a bit. wiki.php.net/rfc/improved_error_callback_mechanism This RFC was accepted but never implemented. I'm guessing it would have to be re-evaluated anyway. Can I move it to inactive?
Someone unpin my post? It's accepted and we don't have any RFCs in voting. Can't unpin from mobile.
@Tiffany Done.
Didn't even know you could do that.
@IluTov I guess so, but maybe also say that you've done that on list, and link to the PR that also seems abandoned - github.com/php/php-src/pull/1247 assuming that is the right one..
Hm, I'm spamming the Twitter RFC bot a bit. There's no way to avoid a Tweet I reckon?
@Danack Ok, will do.
@X4748-IR observation: Do is the wrong name for that class, or indeed any class, it's probably a JobRunner or Executor. An object either does something or is something, and in general it should be one or the other, not both (this idea is part of SRP, the "S" in SOLID).
Class names should be nouns, method names should be verbs, and all names should be as descriptive as possible - so "do" would still be a bad name for a method, because it doesn't describe what it is actually going to "do"
naming stuff is notoriously hard in general though... the two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors
Semi-related - what do people use as line length limits these days? I have landed on 150 and it seems to be working with my workflow(s) but wonder if there are still good reasons to go shorter
I definitely find 80 impractically small in combination with "name things descriptively" ^
Executor seems like something taken from starcraft tho
Let me guess you played protoss
@DaveRandom 120 to 150 or there abouts

@ln-s En Taro Tassadar!
morning guys
@MarkR psr-2 says 120, and I don't hate that standard in general, 120 still seems low when everything is widescreen though
I am working on developers.google.com/display-video/api/guides/getting-started/… PHP API and I have generated an authentication URL for the user to authenticate.. Is there any way I can ignore that google authentication and redirect user to destination URL?
Bob presumably used a limit of ~800, my eyesight isn't bad but omfg he is the only person I have ever seen who actually uses every individual pixel of a retina panel :-P
@DaveRandom on a 1080p monitor I get about 130 leaving a few hundred pixels on the left for file navigation. On my 2560x1440p which are my main work monitors I could go a bit further,
1920 wide?
that sounds like a sane metric
maybe 120 is better in that case
@DaveRandom I really like 80. This allows multiple files side-by-side, especially nice for 3-way merges and code review.
In C the 80 column limit is really hard though, because it doesn't have namespaces nor methods.
If you and everyone you work with can't fit two panels side-by-side for code review, then I'd say it's too large of a column limit. You are doing code review, right?
@DaveRandom and counting things
we could even make that counthings
English is difficult, should it be "counthings" or "countthings"?
@IROEGBU that's the joke :P
Or at least part of the joke
Portmanteau all the things!
@IROEGBU just count?
I got the joke
I have a usability problem in my house. You see, the computer desktop is in the way en route to the kitchen from the bedroom, which makes either trajectory from K to Bd very much at risk of simply ending at the computer.
@LeviMorrison Don't you even multi monitor, bro?
Yes, but that's not how I use the other monitor.
Even if I did use it that way, doing a diff with 150 column limits across 2 screens...? I don't think that's so great.
I jumped on the ultrawide curved screen bandwagon last year and I'm really satisfied
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 34"?
sometimes I put my older 1440x900 monitor next to the new one and it's like, how can one even see on that small display
I use 2x 27" 1440ps as my main workspace and 2x 24" 1080ps above them for auxiliary and coms. I'd really like a 49" super ultrawide to replace the 2x 27" below but i'm waiting for something maybe QLED
3 are usually taken up by IDE + Preview + Debugger, 4th is usually Skype / Slack
I want to stick a third monitor on my workstation, thinking of taking my primary monitor off my home computer and turning it portrait for my workstation, then buying a shiny new awesome monitor for my desktop
Juggling windows on two monitors is becoming... problematic...
That reminds me I should see if amazon has any cheapo TVs I can use for a monitor
well, I believe the emotion I am experiencing right now can only be labeled as "jealousy"
I've tried to hide it under a "bah, I don't even need all that screen" sentiment but that was a lie
Are you a professional programmer?
Then invest in yourself. Extra screen real-estate is primarily a productivity tool.
@cmb Awesome, I should be able to use most of the same code across windows and posix for fiber switching. I see I'm still getting the same Termsig=-1073741784 on Windows upon fatal errors in a fiber that I have since 8.0.4.
Any idea how I can detect 32 vs. 64-bit in config.w32?
@Tiffany jealousy intensifies
I really like the wooden setup
he built that
he built all three, actually
My biggest issue is desk space x_x
@Tiffany some hints of inspiration have seen the light of day :)
@Trowski fyi - that number = 0xC0000028....which appears relevant.
@MarkR well, you're an engineer :P
@Tiffany You've seen behind my desk :P I already have several custom modifications lol
I made an additional wooden frame to sit above my floating shelf so I could raise my other 2 monitors + DSLR up
@Trowski and no real idea, but this kind of looks like something: github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
@Trowski there is the global variable X64
> X64 = toolset_is_64();
imgur.com/a/QGzE6uo could do with some dusting.
tool detection. something something, pebkac.
@Trowski -1073741784 is 0xC0000028 which is STATUS_BAD_STACK (An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation.) The termsigs for Windows are new in run-tests.php, so this may have happened earlier, but would have been silent.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 3 things you should never, ever skim on as a professional keyboard sitter:

* Your bed
* Your office chair
* Your office equipment (keyboard and monitor in particular)

You will spend a third of your life lying on your bed, and a third of your life sitting on that chair, typing on that keyboard, staring at that monitor. Make sure they're all the best (for you) that they can be. They're worth spending the money on if you get better comfort out of them.
If you're going to splurge somewhere, that's the place to splurge.
@MarkR The XML is mostly a 1-to-1 conversion with some specific HTML tags with classes, the only tricky bit is getting the links for classname/interfacename/function tags
@Girgias Is there a phd command to build only a single file or does it need the entire thing?
You can build with an incomplete manual from what I recall, but I don't really use it lol
I kinda know how something will look like just from the XML now lol
@MarkR there is - I can't remember the details but it's in here: github.com/Danack/PHPDocTool/blob/…
I thought I had a non-docker version of that......but maybe forgot to push.
It's actually quite depressing. Docker on OSX is just too slow to watch for file changes in the manual.
Oh really, a docker build. Thanks Danack that will likely save me a chunk-o-time
maybe, maybe not.
How are peeps doing, just finished handling tech support for the second day of a math conf ;_;
@Girgias cleaningggggg and getting sidetracked with lunch
Don't remind me of chores... I got too many to do D:
Why are you running tech support? O_O aren't you like... about 7 layers higher than that
need to make some more progress today
@MarkR I was just there to handle any issues which arised with... MS Teams
Because it's shit
Honestly I was mostly reading a book
cue @DaveRandom rant
@cmb @cmb X64 is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm guessing I shouldn't even worry about ARM on Windows yet?
@cmb Yep, I found the commit where that was added. I wonder if invalid stack just means that it's the wrong one, since it's unwinding from within a fiber instead of {main}.
I don't think that ARM on Windows is supported anyway.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it then.
I'm not sure about that STATUS_BAD_STACK; might also be a misalignment, but likely it's like you said. Should probably catch that error, at least.
@cmb I know basically nothing about Windows. How would I do that?
@Trowski I just found hpdc-gitlab.eeecs.qub.ac.uk/rgribben04/rg_fyp/blame/master/…; look at line 906ff.
If that's what happening with ext/fiber, just catching doesn't look right.
Aren't fatal errors in a fiber a general issue (even if not reported on Linux)?
@cmb I assumed they would be, but everything seemed to work as expected. The error may still be hidden on *nix.
We're aborting anyway, but it would be nice if it wasn't noisy.
@MarkR yeah, I remember now. I did some work on trying to make some tooling for a webpage that would should you a list of files that have changed, so you could click on them, and see what they look like. But the file watching was far too slow inside docker, which meant the file watching needed to be outside....and between that and cross domain requests being aggravating I realised the attempt wasn't going to work...
I think just having some easy to use scripts to pull down the relevant repos, do the initial build, and then watch and say which pages have changed may be the way to go.
@Danack Where did the cross domain come into it?
for displaying pages showing info about the build process, without also putting those paths in the server that is serving the doc pages.
@cmb Ugh, sorry if you're getting appveyor emails, git rebasing is hard :-P
@Danack This would be something done locally?
that was the idea.
I saw you had nginx in there, you wouldn't necessarily need to put them directly in the same root but could map a sub-url to pick them up from a different directory, if that helps
yeah....but if people also need to run something outside of docker for performance.....at that point it's just too complicated to explain anyway...
@Trowski I think this is about bailouts, and that would have to be handled in the engine: switch to {main} before longjmp().
or maybe even more complex by storing the current fiber along with the jmpbuf?
I think it's only Docker on Mac which sucks, so if you can get it working, performance shouldn't be that much of an issue for most I'd think
a lot of terminals these days seem to support emitting clickable urls in them, so just saying "rebuilt page"; in the file watcher would be better than having to run multiple things, maybe.
@cmb Yeah, I don't think I can fix this in an extension and I'll just have to address it when moving into Zend.
@Danack I have little to no experience with the docs so was hoping there was something where I could type the XML in one side and have it automatically render as it would on php.net on the other. Which is why I was wondering about full rebuilds or not
Kinda like phpstorms markdown view
3 hours later…
Mar 21 at 15:53, by Danack
Bristol current status, "restive".
There is a slight possibility, that "restive" is an understatement.
@MarkR This is (was?) a project called PHPDocumentor (I think) that would do exactly that. You'd run a whole webserver and reload after updating the XML file, but the render would be essentially immediate for that page.
Oh really, that sounds just like what im after
Yeah. NFC if it's maintained, but ISTR it existing once upon a time.
Personally, I just use the FIHTW editor.
(F) (I) (H)ope (T)his (W)orks
The only PHPDocumentor I know of is one for docblocks?
Maybe just PHPDoc then?
Now that I have my new CPU, how can I compile PHP to best utilize all cores?
@Dharman How many cores do you have?
add -j24 then, or -j30 if you want to max out.
NMAKE : fatal error U1065: invalid option 'j'
ah on windows, I don't know unfortunately
Just to make one thing clear; Do you want to optimize all cores while compiling PHP, or while running PHP?
Okay. Just wanted to make sure that wasn't a wacky misunderstanding.
I don't think I can run PHP on multiple cores at once
I mean, in ZTS mode it can, but that's splitting hairs. :)
50 processes through FPM, it's the only way to be sure :-)
Any given request is a single core. :)
And yeah, dunno how to do the equivalent of -j on windows. shrug
Is windows even an operating system?
I'm downloading docker
hopefully someone can help me teach how to set it up using docker
or WSL
I never used either of them
@Dharman I think it's -nj22 for win
Still the same
If you're not actually compiling to run it on windows, yeah WSL is brilliant
Ok, I got docker and I have absolutely no idea where to proceed from here
It also installed WSL
@Dharman nmake doesn't support parallel execution; cl.exe supports it by default (multiple threads for a single compilation unit)
how do I use cl.exe?
is it the same as nmake?
@Dharman Make sure you bump yourself up to WSL2, it requires a few extra tweeks but is much better (as longa s you're running off a WSL2 drive)
that's called by the build chain behind the scenes; IOW, you don't pass any args for parallel execution on Windows
@MarkR Mark, at the moment what you say means nothing to me. I don't know what WSL is yet
@Dharman WSL is Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL1 was kinda like a VM, WSL2 is more of a fully integrated Linux kernel with much faster performance, but the IO sucks when using windows mounts, it will set up a native linux mount you can use which is about 20x faster
@Dharman buildconf && configure && nmake does it's best to improve build speed by default; nothing to tune there
No wonder my dev server has been slow as all heck recently:
Opcode Caching Disabled
@cmb Ok, but it's using only 9% of CPU
yep, not much to get with MS tools here :(
well, I guess that msbuild supports parallel builds, but nmake doesn't, and transition is basically impossible
Ok, then I need to find some tutorials how to use WSL
WSL is basically a Linux system
yeah, but how do I use it?
if you have WSL, there should also be an Linux; check whether Debian or such is installed
press Windows key; type "debian"; if found, press enter
I think I need to install it separately
You basically type 'wsl' into the shell and you're inside a native ubuntu shell. But it also does some fun proxy things with docker so your windows-cli docker commands run inside your linux distro
All your ports get auto forwarded too which is a great help
@MarkR o rly
Yeah, if I use docker on 8080 even though it's running in ubuntu it'll be 8080 on my local system thanks to the wsl + docker connection
Ok, I typed uname -r and I got 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2
so now I assume I have to set up linux environment for PHP SDK
apt not found
Which distro did you install?
Grabbing ubuntu from the windows store is my preference
I got Ubuntu
a new window popped up but in my VS code I still do not know how to use it
So if you ls under /mnt/ you'll see your windows drives
oh ok
navigate to where you cloned the php source code then do ./configure && make -j24
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
did you cd into the directory the source is at?
yeah I'm in /mnt/d/projects/php-src
if you ls it you see everything you expect to?
yes, but I have low expectations
There is bat configure.bat and configure.ac
PHP will not recognize change to upload_max_filesize ・ PHP options/info functions ・ #80911
you may need to apt install autoconf
it didn't help
have you read through php.net/build-setup.php ?
there's lists on there of the Ubuntu packages to install
ohhh try ./buildconf
no, I don't think I have seen that page yet
-bash: ./buildconf: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
looks like your Windows git has mangled your line-endings :(
god I hate that feature
oh god
how to undo?
Yeah nuke your repo and clone it in WSL :p
yeah, that's probably easiest
sudo apt install git; git clone https://github.com/php/php-src.git
ohh yeah, it's all coming in together now
after make -j24 I get make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
Once you've cloned it run ./makeconf then ./configure
There is no ./makeconf I ran buildconf though
err yeah that
ok, I ran it again and now I get red errors
fatal error: zend_config.h: No such file or directory
I'm so close
I remember when I first set it up. I had no idea about the Linux toolchain :| bad times
I still know almost nothing about it
why are the header files missing?
clean all the things, rebuild all the thing, rinse, repeat...
make distclean; ./buildconf; ./configure; make -j24
No package 'zlib' found
do I need to install it from apt too?
use ./configure --disable-all
it will give you a build with all the extensions turned off, but at least not need all their dependencies
then you can add bits back in as you need
still compaining fatal error: php_config.h: No such file or directory
ok, sudo make_me_a_sandwich worked
thank you
Got it working? or just appreciative of the sandwich?
I got it working
at least it compiles without extensions
Wait, sudo make_me_a_sandwich works in the PHP directory, or is that a WSL and/or Ubuntu thing?
/me wonders why pages still lagging... realises that chrome is having to parse 20mb of JS each page load
Ok, now how do I connect to my MariaDB running on Windows from WSL
point it to your LAN ip address
If you've got the firewall on you may need to allow it
so localhost won't work
Not from Linux -> Windows afaik
@Tiffany lol
IP doesn't work either
I think I will stick to Windows
It is so much simpler
Did you open the port? :)
No idea how to do that
Run > Windows Defender Firewall w/ Advanced Security > Find Mysql / Maria and allow it access
I've just taken to running mariadb locally on the ubuntu box now in docker
There's no mariadb on the list
did you do it from a zip or via the installer?
did I do what?
when you installed the db app
I installed it via wampserver
@Dharman how did you install MySQL/mariadb?

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