@cmb Thanks for getting me the account. I promise to use it responsibly. On that note I couldn't find any guidance on how to deal with bug reports so I just closed one for a test: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66612 Am I doing it right?
@Tiffany that's basically the same with Git if the commit has already been pushed; using --force is a last resort (and may not be allowed, and may anoy any collaborators)
@Girgias I assume that some/most of them are still valid; it's often hard to reproduce for me, because I don't have suitable COM objects available, and my knowledge of COM is pretty limited.
Right :/ I feel that's the issue with a lot of the old bugs, there isn't a reproducible usually with it so it's hard to figure out if it's still bogus or fixed
for bugs that are unlikely to be reproducible, you can ask whether anybody hits that issue with any of the actively supported PHP versions, and switch to feedback (I'm assigning myself in that case, to get notification of feedback)
Reading php.markmail.org/message/… make me wonder if the change to a docbook revision attribute wouldn't have made moving the git a bazillion times easier
there was an experience I had with trying to remove an incorrect change in SVN several years ago, had to contact the third-party who helped set up the code base onto SVN (it was like a year into starting that job), and I was trying to reverse the change, but couldn't figure it out... I was told to just overwrite it, that it couldn't be removed, and it immediately made me think of a bulldozer
Could do, although a history section would allow adding additional metadata like the change date, author etc without having to rely on the source code management software metadata.
Because dealing with the data embedded in the file to which it belongs is usually significantly easier than having to access an external metadata store. Especially something archaic like SVN
And that revision attributes takes this whole thing out of the equation as you don't need to work with a bloody SVN revision
Well it depends
Who knows
Cause a whitespace change or a typo will update the SVN revision tag
I'm imagining that one could do a pre-commit hook that would update the revision tag in the EN folder/repo except if your commit message is prefixed with [typo] or [ws] which then the translations could ignore
Personally, were it me, I'd have embedded the history right into the file, made it entirely self-contained, and checked against major / minor dates to allow for comparison. Have it done via a hook to save some time.
I still don't get why you'd want the revision history embedded into the file, that would take most of the file after a short time, and at that point because you're already using a VCS system (arguably SVN is shait) ... why not use that?
Like that looks like reinventing the wheel for no good reason
I wasn't suggesting it would have a full copy of every change in it, only a note for who changed what and when. Easily readable, easily modifable using the exact same tools as the file content itself. Fully self contained, no need for a hundred thousand git files.
hmm call_user_func_array() treats an array (2nd param) with non-zero-width, null-byte at first character array key as named parameters (resulting in a named parameter with no name). @NikiC: guess this is implementation specific?
The issue about the SVN to git migration is that currently every SVN revision needs to be mapped to a git commit and then the question is how does one move that to with git hashes
The revision attribute would be included in the docbook XML but is completely VCS system agnostic, as you'd already need a list of some sort that maps revision to a commit
arch: arm64 # LXD container based build for OSS only os: linux # required for arch different than amd64 dist: focal # or bionic | xenial with xenial as default
And then there is a cron script which will read all the files and look if the EN-Revision tags of the file corresponds to the revision written in the corresponding English version
And the point about that email thread, is that if 13y ago they would have used this DocBook attribute instead of this thing it would be relatively easy to migrate to git
@MarkR I don't see how that would help in any way with syncing translations with English, you still need a mechanism to know when one is out of date or not
@Girgias Your english files have a modified history, your translated files have a modified history. If the last updated timestamp on the translated file is less than the last major timestamp on the english, then you flag it as needing to be updated
@MarkR Writing all the changes which needs to be done to a translation is just a PITA and is literally why you use a VCS system, that's why I don't see the point of embedding the changes
It's basically the same as manually bumping a version number, but with the option to include who did it and what, to aide people in knowing where to look
hello. I know this is PHP forum, but I'm having problem with NGINX. real_ip_header is not working. I have real_ip_header ip; location / { allow ip; deny all; proxy_pass ip_of_proxy; } in sites-enabled/site.com
Are you sure real_ip_header ip; is a valid syntax? Looking at nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html I don't fully understand what 'field' is in the allowed ones ....but it doesn't mention ip, which would seem to be a common thing.
yeah, I'm trying to set it. I started with real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP; (for cloudflare) and it wasn't working (403), so I am trying to use a direct IP address. Nginx is missing some module maybe or something.
@good_evening er.....it turns out I have no idea - but it sounds like other people struggle with it, and maybe real_ip_recursive might work better serverfault.com/a/414166
> The parsing of the X-Forwarded-For header is indeed flawed in the nginx real_ip module.
maybe debug it by turning off the deny rule for now, and passing through the IP that nginx thinks is the real ip in a header, so you can debug it on your backend?
Yep, tried real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; real_ip_recursive on;. Tried turning off deny all and checking on the backend as well, and on backend it shows proxy's IP address. I'll go insane I think.
@good_evening Good plan. Very popular in 2020. Ask a question on Serverfault as well though....this is likely to be something dumb in nginx that needs some specific incantation.
Hey Folks. Can someone help me with what the current status of git.php.net/systems.git is? Especially in regards to doc.php.net? Are the changes pushed to the servers? Or are they pulled from the servers? As the git repo on euk2.php.net (which hosts doc.php.net) has last been updated in 2015....
Is there syntax that allows calling a closure assigned to a class/instance variable ? I am not sure but I think there was something with { .. } and I cannot get it right. Or is it only call_user_func ?
@good_evening you will almost certainly want to allow both your ipv6 and ipv4 address. We use a... somewhat more complex setup for IP blocking on certain environments, and whether the browser chooses ipv4 or ipv6 to connect seems to be at least somewhat arbitrary.
@Sjon we are using cf. we have no ipv6 routing from cf to our backend, and I will arbitrarily report my ipv4 or my ipv6 address depending on the hostname I connect to (they're all cnames in cf dns, and all set to cf proxy)
i.e. two hostnames (subdomains of the same 2LD, i.e. test.foo.com and dev.foo.com); when queried via DNS both names return the same 6 addresses: 3 ipv4, 3 ipv6, in the same order. browser connects via ipv4 for one, ipv6 for the other.
@cmb experimental implies it might be going away. "WIP progress" would be more likely to get people to using it. Also, who should Andreas talk to about being added to that repo?
@Dharman probably not, that would be cross-posting. If you've sent an email to the wrong list, just forward it to the right place, with a 'I probably should have sent this here'...
just to compensate for my presence here: if anyone ends up thinking that a Hungarian version of the announcement is necessary and writes one, I can take a look (at least for grammar and typos)
@BruceStackOverFlow also, I'm not trying to discourage you from helping, I'm trying to help you narrow your focus so that you have some idea on where to start
@Tiffany Ok I think to start from one of this bugs.php.net and to select something that I can solve. Technically I don’t think I have problems, I was worried about process
@BruceStackOverFlow if you fix something, or even just have a partial fix, and need more help on getting it finished, opening a PR on github is a good place to get feedback on specific bugs. Or here.
One problem is that most of the things that are easy to solve, are likely to have been solved already. Which leaves mostly nasty bugs that are difficult to solve...
I thought you were making a joke about the concepts of heaps and stacks being weird, and I can't remember if python has data structures for either of those
Well not when it comes to heap vs stack as in where variables live. There are heap queues in the standard library. And yeah, I have no idea what those things really are :D
And I'm aware that it's inclusionary to want people to be able to use their respective native languages for coding, it's just not what my brain is trained to read
I have worked for many years in c / c++ now only PHP. But I think if I can find the time, I can update my knowledge and try to give support ... In this beautiful language. I have already compiled the PHP for my personal experiments to understand some PHP behaviors. sorry for my English. I might waste some time but I would like to try. Sorry for the English I'm italian.
@AndrasDeak Programming itself is trying to sublime some sort of problem into general idea (called solution) or to say abstracting all characteristics of problem into one general truth, or analysing and dividing problem until each division becomes problems that can be sublimed into solution. Following that one, writing code in multiple languages is not step forward. #justsayin'
@Tiffany Ok not problem :-) I try to organize myself and solve some problems, in case I go back to chat and ask for support, to proceed with the right modalities
I remember long discussions about the nature of that problem in here, I'm guessing mostly involving @NikiC and @LeviMorrison, I don't remember the exact nature of it
this migration from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com is of so many surprises.... and all need fixes. maybe xdebug should be disabled when building phar files in ci then.
I think your hint is good. this is in a phpt test that runs within phpunit, so xdebug is enabled for sure. as it's xdebug 2 most likely more settings are enabled than original coded for.
I can look that up in the xdebug docs and should be able to add the ini settings to the test.
If you have access to BBC iPlayer somehow, I recommend Bitter Lake which is back on there atm, it's an Adam Curtis documentary and not exactly light viewing but a great watch
@AndrasDeak The order is probably correct. But it triggers some other issue which breaks tests that have previously worked which just feels like going backwards -.-