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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

12:03 AM
Hello there @StatikStasis
GOOD START! @StatikStasis
@Ekin Thursday
oh nice \o/ thanks
1 hour later…
1:21 AM
I'm off @StatikStasis. Have a good one!
2 hours later…
3:23 AM
@Derick By the time it would get published the vote would already have failed.
2 hours later…
5:13 AM
It bares repeating: If you have a repo with a branch called "Upstream" and then another branch called "DeObfuscated", something, somewhere has gone very wrong.
Also, UGH.
1 hour later…
6:14 AM
@IluTov thanks for the notification, fixed it
I am building out a CSV Processor that will take a CSV file, and using a generator spit it out line by line as an associative array using the CSV headers. I can't imagine that there would be different implementations of this. I pass it a CSV file, and it gives me the data when I loop over the rows. Would I still want to create an interface for it and use the interface instead of using it?
@mega6382 You are right, I removed the +JIT branch because I noticed most versions have JIT enabled by defaullt. I don't mind adding it if back my assumption was incorrect
6:34 AM
@Sjon thanks for clarifying that
@mega6382 np. I removed it because most people won't look at the rfc tab (which is why I'm considering removing it all together) and it doesn't make sense to run all script in (mostly) ignored versions
hmm, yeah, but you can make a special case for it where those that want it can choose to do so, and it won't be available by default for every run
@mega6382 I don't want to add too many hidden features, the quick vs live preview is confusing enough already
makes sense, there was some confusion over it the other day as well
I think most people don't realize the live-preview is entirely client-side
6:51 AM
@cmb This line from snmp.c can be deleted, isn't it?
> le_snmp_session = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(php_snmp_session_destructor, NULL, PHP_SNMP_SESSION_RES_NAME, module_number);
I've just noticed that one resource type remained in GD: le_font :/
@MateKocsis on a quick glance, it seems that there are no resource anymore, so this line and the definition of php_snmp_session_destructor() could be deleted.
Good morning.
@cmb Yes, thanks for the confirmation, this was my impression too :)
@MateKocsis I'm very unsure about what to do with that legacy font "feature". Actually, I don't consider it useful anymore (TTF fonts are way superior).
I'm currently trying to fix the build now by searching for suitable resources for the failing posix test ^^
6:56 AM
ah, thanks for looking into that!
@cmb If in doubt, we can add it to the PHP 8.1 deprecations list
Fortunately, finding a proper resource type is not so easy now ^^
7:15 AM
@GabrielCaruso at what hour will you branch off?
7:35 AM
@Sjon Note that jit_buffer_size must be non-zero for it to be enabled
@NikiC a, ha. Okay, guess I'll be adding the +jit branch back
@NikiC are there oother useful defaults or should I just add opcache.jit_buffer_size=16M ?
@NikiC right, i remember opcache.jit=off + opcache.jit_buffer_size=8M as defaults was proposed at some point to make it less weird
What does it mean if homebrew says "Error: re2c has been disabled!"
that is .. interesting. re2c.org says it's completely free and open?
7:56 AM
@@JitOptions or @@JitControl instead maybe?
@MarkR yes, and? :-)
@NikiC Commented on that commit to point out that it's in the public domain and it's preventing us from testing PHP
@beberlei is @@ final?
@mega6382 no, i am in the context of jit here, assuming/using the current syntax.
I know your point was unrelated to the syntax, but I thought maybe it had been finalized or something.
@GabrielCaruso thank you <3 best service
is 1pm 01:00 or 13:00 ?
I never know
burn am/pm in a fire
*be *precise
1pm is 13h, sorry to not use the 24h format, I thought it wouldn't help, looks like it's the opposite :S
8:30 AM
@Derick I thought the confusion would only exist with 12pm :o
I can't parse it at all
nor 4/8
I've NFC what that means without wasting too much brain power on it
And even thinking about it made me get it wrong, as it's 8/4
fork that shit
funny coming from ext/date maintainer :P
that's probably a correlation...
9:09 AM
shots fired :D
I'm having the following compile error with PHP 7.2

/usr/bin/ld: Zend/.libs/zend_language_parser.o: in function `zend_yytnamerr':
/home/derick/dev/php/php-src.git/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:1320: undefined reference to `yystpcpy'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/derick/dev/php/php-src.git/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:1327: undefined reference to `yystrlen'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/derick/dev/php/php-src.git/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:1348: undefined reference to `yystpcpy'
/usr/bin/ld: /home/derick/dev/php/php-src.git/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:1355: undefined reference to `yystrlen'
Google is not helpful...
/home/derick/dev/php/php-src.git/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:99.14-26: warning: POSIX Yacc does not support string literals [-Wyacc]
is perhaps a hint
9:24 AM
@NikiC is there a way with a flag or something to get the token stream that php parses on a file? getting a parse error that i am trying to understand
@cmb oh of course, i thought it didnt work on code that doesnt compile
9:39 AM
@MateKocsis @Girgias @cmb There aren't any more changes that urgently need landing, right?
@NikiC Not that I know about, I'm just fixing the OpenSSL Warning promotion but seems to have been cleared about to RC1 right?
@Girgias yeah
For PHP-8.0? I'm not aware of any.
I still can't get this stupid thing compiled :-/
Not even after making the patch from bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=79159 — @NikiC help? :-/
@Derick you did rerun buildconf, right? :P
9:44 AM
yes, buildconf --force
it detected "bison" instead of "bison -y" too
no idea really
what bison version do you use?
yeah, maybe too new
There were changes to the error reporting mechanism, maybe those functions got dropped
What would you recommend for PHP 7.2 to use?
Though it looks like we also use ystpcpy on master, so that can't really be it
9:49 AM
derick@gargleblaster:~/dev/php/php-src.git$ grep -r yystpcpy
sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg_parser.c:# ifndef yystpcpy
sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg_parser.c:# define yystpcpy stpcpy
that ifdefs it (in 7.2)
in 7.4 zend_language_parser.c does too:
Zend/zend_language_parser.c:#ifndef yystpcpy
Zend/zend_language_parser.c:# define yystpcpy stpcpy
(but not in 7.2)
@Derick Try setting %define parse.error verbose?
where at ?
Next to %expect 0
one sec
yeah, that fixed it
@Derick probably not okay for 7.2 though, it has a prehistoric bison requirement (2.4???)
9:57 AM
no, that worked on 7.2
(i mean, locally)
You'd have to check version availability. Maybe old bison versions need %error-verbose instead
okay, if it's just for locally
I've no intention of committing this
@NikiC no, I'm fine :) thanks
So ... apparently musl will just report any locale change as successful :(
@NikiC Win builds use bison (GNU Bison) 3.3.2
10:06 AM
openwall.com/lists/musl/2017/11/08/1 Man, the mental contortions people go through :/
10:38 AM
@Ocramius I thought .dev was abbreviation for developer? 😳
10:58 AM
what is it short for then?
device, possibly?
11:21 AM
yay, I'm not complete rubbish at JS
I am.
I'm doing a code challenge that uses CSS/JS, and it's been a while. But, they're relatively simple.
I mean this link isn't working, bocs it has &amp; : https://instagram.fhyd1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/116551749_188893475931012_5273903565040763894_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fhyd1-2.fna.fbcdn.net&amp;_nc_cat=100&amp;_nc_ohc=XoRJGZ6qWcYAX-GfLtT&amp;oh=5e683c2ba8547d538d3990091e9be3ba&amp;oe=5F52692B

Whereas this works : https://instagram.fhyd1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/116551749_188893475931012_5273903565040763894_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fhyd1-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=100&_nc_ohc=XoRJGZ6qWcYAX-GfLtT&oh=5e683c2ba8547d538d3990091e9be3ba&oe=5F52692B
binding events, showing/hiding HTML elements
12:00 PM
@Tiffany it obviously stands for devotion
therefore .dev is reserved for religious organisations
Same as .com is dedicated to COM ports for 1-on-1 Age of Empires matches
@PeeHaa Played for 5.5 hours straight! Finally finished the series. There were no save points. Very long ending to get through.
12:19 PM
@NikiC it is back btw.
12:35 PM
@Ocramius :D
12:50 PM
@StatikStasis how much longer was it after beating the mech?
1:08 PM
@Srinivas08 And how are you generating the RSS?
@Tiffany A loooooooong time.
@Ekin o/
Long time no see @FélixGagnon-Grenier
:) likewise
What have you been up to?
1:19 PM
personal stuff, mostly, now somewhat back at work
Nice! WB
:D what was that game you streamed?
That was last night's final segment.
1:21 PM
omg is beautiful
It was great!
Probably back to Days Gone now.
Unless I think of something else.
Yes... for now.
It will come out on XBOX and PC later.
hmmm. they seem to have reworked the materias?
Probably about the time that part 2 exclusively comes out on PS4.
There somewhat close to the same; no All materia though.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Sub! Sub! Sub! begins chanting
1:24 PM
one of us, one of us :P
Had to switch it to Jap - the English dub is so damn terrible
Really? I like the voice over actors they got.
Oh, happy Feature Freeze Day, @Sara :D
Especially Tifa's and Aerith.
1:26 PM
pretty sure you ain't actually hearing Tifa when she's on screen ;)
And for me, Barrett is PERFECT! True to the original.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier =P
There were lots of surprises in the story.
pls no spoils ;)
No, I won't.
No worries.
<3 almost considering impulsively buying a ps4 just for that remake
Do it!
1:28 PM
I impulsively bought mine last year just for Days Gone after watching a play through of it.
Days Gone is amazing, so you can at least get two great games.
FF7 Remake is very linear at times; more than I like for games to be this day in age.
And there are times where the boundaries are impassable when they clearly should not be. But the graphics are so beautiful you let it go... eventually.
The original game was ok in that regard iirc?
Umm... I guess it was sort of linear too. But it was 1997. It was more acceptable I think.
After open world games like Skyrim, I don't give a game a pass. But this is a remake so... I let it slide more than I usually would.
Plus all of my nostalgia from getting the game on release day.
FF VI was always my favorite though.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I completed it in about 48 hours over 40 parts for the stream. But I try to talk to everyone and hear all of the dialogue.
hmmm, sounds long enough. is it complete until sephiroth? what's that part 2 you mentioned?
Oh! So they are breaking the game up into 3 parts. So this one ends at the end of Midgar. The next one may come out as early as March 2021... but that is hopeful at best.
1:36 PM
@Danack May I borrow some of your time and ask for a look over wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax_change ? (Happy to discuss in DM too)
@StatikStasis hmmm, that sounds like the first cd
gets old ps out of wardrobe
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Oh! And you're in for a real treat; since we have moved beyond simple sprites like in the original, they really fleshed out Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge. Such lovable characters.
1:38 PM
fastcgi_finish_request() doesn't finish request ・ FPM related ・ #79928
Incident on 2020-08-04 13:48 UTC ・ Git Operations has Partial Outage
@NikiC Did you every respond to my email about github.com/php/php-src/commit/… breaking things? :-)
1:54 PM
If I have a GET variable where the only acceptable conditions are "open, closed, or all" and I am using htmlspecialchars() when assigning to a local variable and validating it is one of those three, is there still any risk to XSS or should I cast them to an int instead and validate it's an integer?
All issues have been resolved!
That would be a great headline to hear on the news one day; All issues have been resolved.
@LeviMorrison dmitry has already given his +1 on the system entropy API, sammy asked him for feedback again yesterday, imho this could just be merged by you.
@StatikStasis You need to use htmlspecialchars() only when you're outputting a string to HTML.
2:09 PM
@OndřejMirtes Yeah just had a conversation with someone else. Doesn't really apply here as a concern. Thanks for the feedback.
It's basically validated afterward and the SELECT statement uses an int for the condition based on this GET variable, so no worries.
@StatikStasis With SQL you need to worry about SQL injection and not XSS.
I use prepared statements.
Not worried about that.
@OndřejMirtes Appreciate the advice. =D
I'm not sure whether that fixes the problem I had with it... let me check.
Regarding https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shorter_attribute_syntax_change: I'm not sure if the "No" for <<>> for "Difficulties with Userland Parsers" is true.
`<<Attr(4 >> 1)>>`
I think there are the same difficulties to find the correct end of the attribute as for the other syntaxes. (which is doable and already done in many other similar cases in libs like php-cs-fixer/phpcs etc.)
2:18 PM
@gharlan its not a problem for userland parsers though, >> is already existing token T_SR
i was wondering if the actual point here was "Reusing existing tokens?"
@Crell congrats :)
@StatikStasis ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[<<@@ , T_ATTRIBUTE>>]
@StatikStasis deep breath ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
2:24 PM
You don't think that is the definition of beautiful syntax? C'mon... tell me it isn't. =D
@Derick At the risk of being annoying/repetitive, I just want to make sure we've considered all the options. %Attr (or %[Attr]), <Attr>, ^Attr (or ^[Attr]), @=Attr are other options with no BC break. There are more options (like *Attr/|Attr) but they look strange. I didn't mention it in the mailing list in case I might regret it.
If you have a patch, I'll add it :-)
I thought <Attr> wasn't considered because of the potential future of generics
@SebastianBergmann why do you have the page locked? :-)
2:25 PM
yes, you clicked "edit" or something
@StatikStasis You're missing # ^^
and now I can't, because it's locked
Minutes ago, yes.
2:25 PM
Currently locked by: sebastian
Lock expires at: 2020/08/04 14:39 (14 min)
@SebastianBergmann I think you can click edit again and then cancel, that should release the lock.
maybe he's making changes to it, and that's why it's locked? :)
I even logged out. I'll login again and try to release the lock.
@NikiC It creates a weird error
Needs a 14 minute break.
2:26 PM
/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/configure: line 4432: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/configure: line 4432: `  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6'
ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/master/bin/php-config' failed
Clicked cancel. Try again?
works again, cheers
And somebody should update the wiki software at some point. :)
wait until the entire screen fills with little yellow boxes...
Make your browser window small enough and it already does ;)
2:28 PM
@SebastianBergmann PRs welcome: github.com/php/web-wiki
@salathe authentification = authentication Never mind... this is a word. I have never heard of it. Sorry. =)
The <<>> to «» can be turned off in some configuration file.
@IluTov github.com/php/php-src/pull/5928 use this as a base for a patch (i will fix the remaining test failures in a few minutes)
Although authentification is less common. english.stackexchange.com/questions/7844/…
Did not know that was a word; TIL. You? @Tiffany
@beberlei "Reusing existing tokens" for me is a downside of <<>>. I contribute from time to time to php-cs-fixer, and I think it makes handling it harder, because T_SL can be something different than a binary operator. So in places where binary operators are handles, extra code is neccessary to check if T_SL is actually the binary operator and not an attribute.
@StatikStasis I did not, huh.
I love learning something surprising every day.
@NikiC sorry to be annoying about @@Jit attribute, I can't get dmitry to reply. as it stands now we have a /** @jit */ trigger in the code, I settle for just adding an attribute to disable Jit for now, but ultimately at least we should remove trigger mode 4 completly: github.com/php/php-src/pull/5915
@SebastianBergmann Fixed
2:35 PM
@Derick Thanks!
@Tiffany "Please authentificate your authorifization access!" Sounds like a line from Daffy Duck.
authentiptthhhhficate your authorithiptthhhhation acceptthhhh
2:53 PM
@beberlei @Derick Forget it, I've actually just compared my suggestions with @[] in a few examples and @[] is almost always more readable. The only one comparable is %[] with the advantage of no BC break but the disadvantage of unfamiliarity. I'd probably vote for @[].
3:05 PM
> @[...] provides no forward compat with a roughly equal chance of easily fixed syntax break. Given that, the choice seems obvious to me. Change my mind?
> The primary vote of an RFC, determining overall acceptance of the proposal, may only have two voting options and requires a 2/3 majority. This means that the number of Yes votes must be greater than or equal to the number of No votes multiplied by two.
@Derick That most recent email to security@ I read the To: line and saw "Darek" and thought, "Well, this will be an unusually specific bit of spam..." (which it turned out not to be at all, but rather a nice new feature involving an actual person named "Darek")
@Sara I always thought the forward compatible argument was somewhat flawed. Why do we care about it here but not with any other syntax change? If we actually did care, we could introduce a more general solution (like a #if statement).
@Sara Ugh, also, people not knowing how to spell names when emailing them.
@IluTov In general, we don't care about it. However, all else being equal, I would use it as the tie-breaker.
For example, I voted for @@ in the last RFC.
To me, at the moment, I see several co-equal options, one of which gives forward compat.
@Derick My reply also was about to go slightly different before I noticed it was from Johannes. :)
3:13 PM
@Sara Fair enough. I'd still pick the one that looks better over the one with better forward compatibility (as that can be improved in other ways). In a way, I almost dislike abusing the forward compatibility, might lead to confusion. An #if PHP_VERSION >= '...' would make it much more explicit.
Good for `@[]` syntax that all these occurrences haven't been changed to short list syntax so far. ;)
@gharlan That's a pretty useful tool :)
@pmmaga It'd be great if it wasn't for "The search was stopped early because it would take too long to check every file for this regular expression." :(
unserialize function crash ・ Reproducible crash ・ #79929
@IluTov just show me some ads and fetch the rest! :D
3:18 PM
can anyone help me with spreadsheets API for searching row by column value
@pmmaga Haha yes, I've got all day :P
The creator says a "ignore comments/strings" is feasible (as that removes most of the false positives) but I'm not sure if that's gonna happen anytime soon.
@JitendraPathak Help as in how? You'll need a specific question if you expect anybody to give you a useful answer ^^
Well, I got the 4th monitor set up... and ye know what, I don't think I like it. I feel kinda like they're closing in on me. I should probably have gone for a 4K TV and mounted it to the wall to provide always-on diagnostics
@Sara I'm struggling whether to send my kids back to school this freaking month. On one hand, Utah's rates are fairly low compared to most states and they do need a better education than I've been giving them at home. On the other kids are very efficient at spreading infections and I'm overweight and had breathing issues as a kid so I'm high risk. Ugh.
i am majorly annoyed about @@Jit attribute (and more things in jit!). Lots of things should have been worked out by now (attributes, instrumentation)´ but aren't
@MarkR First world problems :P
3:23 PM
@beberlei Sammy has quite a few unpushed changes for tests; I am struggling to get generators right, myself.
@IluTov Trying to combine my workstation with a small-scale network operations centre >.<
3:33 PM
@IluTov "looks better" is MASSIVELY subjective. :)
@Sara Of course, I wasn't arguing for either of them ;) I meant whichever one subjectively looks better to you :)
@LeviMorrison My two cents as someone with no kids is to keep 'em home. But as you say the tradeoff on their education is real. :/
@IluTov Ah, well, I don't actually have an opinion on their aesthetics, tbqh
I am trying to search row by column value in spreadsheet (Google Sheets) API
Google documentation having API for find & Replace but no API available for find/search.

Some approches i already tried to achive searching by value in spreadsheet.
which is not exact solution but i could achieve the same but i hope if i can get proper approach of searching in spreadsheet by API'
@JitendraPathak Knowing absolutely 0 about Google's spreadsheet API, does this help? developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/…
Guys, I'm writing a e-book, can I sell it on amazon?
does it need any license?
3:38 PM
@IluTov I am creating a question thanks for response
@JitendraPathak Actually, probably not. Anyway, you're unlikely to receive a better answer here unless somebody has experience with that API.
@IluTov Yes i understand i am also first time working with spreadsheets
@JitendraPathak This SO question looks relevant. stackoverflow.com/a/49439220/1320374
@beberlei I agree that we should remove the extra trigger mode
3:55 PM
@MarkR Nah- just need to add a 5th monitor. I always like having a center monitor rather than a bevel center setup. 3 monitors, 5 monitors, 6 monitors (stacked 3 and 3) all look good to me.
@StatikStasis no, you need a quorum. 3, 5, 7.
@FlorianMargaine Ok... can we just stop for a moment to recognize the awesome new avatar.
I feel like I am about to watch Spongebob. =P
When are you getting your new avatar, @StatikStasis? :P
@FlorianMargaine I binged the Pirates of the Caribbean movies last week... so it's fitting...
4:02 PM
... no
omg... hopefully soon. I keep getting busy and have not completed the form. I have it open right next to this tab. Soon!
@Tiffany HAHA! I just rewatched the first one night before last.
@FlorianMargaine I take it you don't like them?
my little sister liked them too much for me to appreciate them
Ahh, that would do it
especially given how much she raved about Orlando Blooooom
4:03 PM
Missing an o in the last name.
Just one more...
I had never watched them before, figured I might as well while I have a month left of Disney+
@StatikStasis Currently at 2-down, 2-up ... I'm thinking it would be better just wall-mounting a 43" TV to the wall, attaching a spare raspberry pi to it and using that for dashboard duty.
@IluTov Yes i am looking for same mention in this question but this approach is not correct.
@MarkR 42" center; 2x 27" vertical on left, 2x 27" horizontal on right.
... I have a single 21" (maybe 24"?) monitor... laptop lid closed.
4:05 PM
I hate working on one screen now. I feel so limited since I have multi monitor setups at different locations I work at.
One 25", one... 22"? I forget the size exactly. I can't go back to a single screen.
I'm using 2x 27" @ 1440p on the bottom for my main development with 2x 24" @ 1080p up top, one for comms and one for monitoring, but I think I'd prefer to have a bigger screen, mounted a couple of feet further back
Used to have triple, but one of them died and never bothered replacing it.
I've used multi monitors setups for years every now and then, but now I just prefer not having to move my head around and focus on a single thing all day
To be honest, ever since I started coding on a vertical monitor, I absolutely love it.
Seeing so much more of my code at once is nice.
Have coded on vertical monitor now for 4.5 years.
4:08 PM
One of the threads in r/PHP is about handling a tag system for a porn site xD
I wanted to get a vertical monitor for my second monitor, but couldn't find one at Staples, and I was too impatient for online shopping
I should get a second screen again for gargle blaster
@Girgias Well a certain hub for adult material uses PHP if memory serves, and that has to be one of the most trafficed sites on earth
now that I need to use it for streaming and so on
@MarkR Yeah PH does indeed, they do hire regularly often too IIRC
4:10 PM
Just get a nice 27" Viewsonic and flip it with a monitor mount form Amazon.
@Girgias one of the more reposted "lol php sucks" memes posted to programmmerhumor is a comment from pornhub hiring for a PHP developer, and someone commenting "yeah, I don't want to reveal to my family I work with PHP"
The essential thing to remember about programmerhumor is that 90% of them have never worked as programmers :p
@Derick I run Streamlabs OBS on my vertical one since it let's me see more of the scenes clearly for the way I have it formatted; scenes, subs, etc.
that seems clever
that's what I need my second screen for
4:11 PM
@Derick okay, I have to ask, wtf is a gargle blaster?
my remote control isn't quite good enough
@Tiffany Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference... all my machines are named after spirits
the firewall is called "water" :-)
All of my flash drives are named after LoTR characters.
My main flash drive of holding is named Baggins
@Tiffany sorry, around 2:20
4:14 PM
smile.amazon.co.uk/LG-43UN71006LB-Smart-Freeview-Freesat/dp/… something like this looks like it might serve as a useful dashboard if anyone has any knowledge of TVs?
LG makes good stuff.
@Ocramius worth watching the whole thing anyway
3x HDMI ports. Smart TV built in so you can watch Netflix, Hulu, whatever via WiFi connection when you wish to be distracted.
@Derick Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy spirits, or just spirits in general? And is one of them named "ghost" or something relating to the supernatural? :P
Or only alcohol
singlemalt, gargleblaster, water, whisky, vodka (some retired)
4:20 PM
Never heard of "water" alcohol
But I haven't drank in 20 years so- might be why.
Time for gym; bbl.
@IluTov I have created a question with all details on SO : stackoverflow.com/questions/63251026/…
"hard" water is a thing, ...interesting
That's water that has viagra put in it?
Makes a complete mess of your kettles
@Tiffany is it ice?
@FlorianMargaine cool new avatar, but I am sure that @Wes can make it even better :P
I have no doubt he can
4:32 PM
It's alcoholic water, tried googling for "alcohol named water," but found spiked instead
let's hope he has time on this Halloween to make some
4:49 PM
@GabrielCaruso noooo
@NikiC Please, don't tell me I fucked something up
you created a branch :(
@NikiC Isn't a branch that is needed to be created?
A release branch is a huge waste of our time if nobody wants to work on 8.1 specific changes yet
It means we must perform a merge for every single commit that is made
@Derick Banjamin ?
4:55 PM
sorry what?
I will jam as much as I feel like thank you.
> Out of Banjamin's suggestion[1], I've updated the Shorter Attribute
Syntax Change RFC to
ok, oops
@NikiC I'm sorry, but was something that I align with Sara
Wanna send an email to discuss it?
@GabrielCaruso whom to?
Sara, or release-managers@
It is documented as something that needs to be done before beta1
4:58 PM
Didn't we create the PHP-7.4 branch upon RC1 or something?
Which is our case today
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