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Something is vague for me. In SO, an user who has gold PHP badge can close a question which has PHP tag. Right? Now what about editing a question and adding php tag to it (while php is unrelated for that question) and then close it?
I mean an user which has a gold badge in any language can close all questions. Is it possible or SO handles that?
@Shafizadeh SO handles that
I don't remember... either it's "list of tags when the question was created", or "gold badge AND didn't change the list of tags"
ah, right
also, there's a real scary angry mob on meta just waiting for that to happen and lynch said user
that's a real deterrent
Is it? It's only really a deterrent for people who ever go to meta
... well. yeah, that's totally right
I just now remembered a specific php user with 300k rep that I never once saw on meta or in this room, and that totally feed vampires on a hourly basis
sure, there are a couple of those
@Tiffany I'm torn over this. It is a duplicate, but the mentioned dupe isn't much better in terms of question or answers and include resolution is an unnecessarily, and frustratingly complex set of rules. The general rule of "make it relative to __DIR__" does work, but explaining the nuances of the various behaviours and exactly why one should use that rule is possibly even beyond the scope of an SO post.
refer to the PHP manual
__DIR__ is the only valid way to do paths in PHP
people suggesting $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
> Ingenieurbüro Kuntzsch GmbH
There are some unfortunate german names aren't there
@bwoebi keep typing password into chat, suddenly my pc is not locking when I leave it ...
@Saitama wat
did I say something idiotic again?
Oh didn't...
I heard threads can make your dick fall off ... also, the guy who wrote it is unhinged ...
@JoeWatkins is that what happened to you?
!!urban unhinged
[ unhinged ] crazy, insane, psychotic, confused; a basketcase. not attached where it really counts, much like a door.
> much like a door
much like a door?
@JayIsTooCommon yes
@JayIsTooCommon Glad it's not just me
@PeeHaa it still is.. we're one.
you guys should marry each other :D
I am about to take a shower. Now I don't wanna anymore
we should indeed
@Ekin you can be our bridesmaid
and what about the best man?
Can i be the ring bearer
sexist, I'd make an excellent bridesmaid ...
I want to answer PHP questions so that I both improve myself, and I gain rep, but when I watch questions go through, they just depress me. They're usually either duplicates, too broad, or it's simply a bad question... and there's a bad answer to accompany it.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier would probably be the best man.. @Wes chef, @DaveRandom and @JoeWatkins can be adult entertainment
Hm... so Travis is still on Ubuntu 14.04 and they have no plans of providing newer distributions
@JayIsTooCommon agree
Tiffany I'll sell you 500 rep for 5$
@JayIsTooCommon shall I not be invited? I cri...
you first tho
@Saitama you can be the outdoor photographer
@WillParky93 stop that pls
@JayIsTooCommon I am not now, never have been and never will be an adult. Or entertaining.
Was joke sorry felix
btc only tho
hear here
@DaveRandom but you can wear a skirt and strip === adult entertainment.
a traditional catholic wedding.
I think 14.04 is still supported though
they'll maybe upgrade when lts expires, possibly ?
ternary operator can be used to have multiple else ifs?
which isn't really ternary in that situation
oh, nevermind, I see the second question mark
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi has no idea what he's doing
@NikiC don't we all?
How many kittens did this developer kill
the ending of the block is
too much to post here, nvm
@Tiffany that's just the nature of php questions on SO... (I don't know if other tags/languages suffer in the same way, I don't browse anything other than PHP on SO).
evening room
ahoy-hoy @Linus
o/ salathe
BCMath errors/warnings bypass PHP's error handling – #75169
Any of you aws guys ever restored an RDS snapshot?
@NikiC but yeah, ultimately, I probably still have no idea what I'm actually doing :-P
@Fabor I did like 6 months ago.
and hi \o
posted on September 07, 2017 by CommitStrip

Weird question guys, using a query to SQLite, how can I simulate a slow query. Something like a sleep within the query or something super slow. As in, takes 3 seconds + to execute?
Ideally entirely within a SELECT.
Does anyone know what "Seek error" means?
select from create temporary table join other table where unindexedField like single letter?
@Jimbo SELECT SLEEP(5); ?
> Error: no such function: SLEEP
@Jimbo sqlite_create_function($dbhandle, 'sleep', 'sleep', 1);
Also, why the cock you want this?
@Danack Proving how running a db query in an event loop is the worst idea ever
by simulating it being a shit
@Jimbo running a synchronous db query in an event loop...
@DaveRandom yes yes
@Saitama what's it supposed to do?
I can't get back
but, it's beautiful
its just a prototype for the jeeves dashboard thing
oh, I should add a close button... right
@Danack This is for sqlite3 yes? Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sqlite_create_function()
i knew there would be a hentai thing
I just couldn't think of anything else :D
done, should be better now
also, ping @DaveRandom . see above link ^
@Jimbo I grabbed the first sqlite in google - maybe php.net/manual/en/sqlite3.createfunction.php
> root@e4f0d6ac4a40:/appdata# php -i | grep PDO
> PDO support => enabled
> PDO drivers => sqlite
> PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x => enabled
Yep that one
Guys, do you have something named "shaba number" in your bank account?
Or that's just in Iran ?
I don't understand what some of these error codes from ZipArchive::open mean or when they might occur... Like what's the difference between ER_OPEN and ER_READ, and wth is a "Seek error"?
S.E.E.K. error is when "Specific Entity Exceeds Knowability", it is when an attempt to read data is hampered by the fact that the data is not present (I am lying)
mt_rand() bias on 64-bit machines – #75170
@NikiC any suggestions for the inline function thingy? :D am i wasting my time? :B
@Wes hm?
16 hours ago, by Wes
speaking of bad ideas @NikiC guess what this does
/** @inline */
function bar(){ echo "foo"; }
i have no idea how to solve recursion though
i'm not sure if i should continue it :B
right now it works only if the call is the only thing in the statement. if i use bar() in an expression it doesn't work
also when i inline methods into another class they can't access the original class' private members. i think i can just leave the error be in that case
and no clue about recursion. maybe i should inline up to a certain depth and then recurse?
what i did so far was relatively easy, not sure if it's actually worth the effort finishing this thing
@Wes Probably not worth it if you can't inline across classes due to visibility
NGINX Unit thoughts?
accessing privates with reflection is going to make things slower than they were originally. the only solution i can think of is converting all privates into public, but that's never going to work well :B
@JayIsTooCommon good morning. fuck you.
You're Italian aren't you Wes?
@MadaraUchiha I switched back to regular chrome but just tested canary and it worked as intended. So fixed. :)
yes pizza tortellini spaghetti
mamma mia. i have the whole
@NikiC Can't trivial code parts just have their visibility checks elided somehow?
@bwoebi talking about precessor based inling there
actually i could access private properties doing (array)$obj which is probably faster than reflection
there's still the problem of methods
it is a fuckload of work tho :B
Wasn't there another way with closure bind?
yeah but that's going to be as slow or slower as there were no inline applied, and it's the same for reflection
Hi. My name is Closure. Closure Bind.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The name's Bind. Closure Bind.
Git masters...I have a weird situation. I have two files distantly related to each other...but both have been worked on independently in different directories. I now need to merge these two files together. I found their ancestor after rifling though the commit history of each file.
git merge-file <current-version> <common-ancestor> <other-version> seems to not do anything.
Merge it manually?
That would be a train wreck.
@NikiC this is the perfect response
git merge-file <current-version> <common-ancestor> <other-version> SHOULD do something, right?
@bwoebi uh
@FélixGagnon-Grenier u suck :B shouldn't it be... name's bind, closure bind
@Andrea not liking it? :-(
@bwoebi she meant the other way around, no?
@FlorianMargaine I am not sure. I interpreted it like generating C code via PHP code which is interleaved in there?
@bwoebi I understood it as embedding PHP code in C code
(using a special preprocessor token)
@FlorianMargaine yeah, exactly. preprocessor time is (C) code generation time.
so a PHP to C transpiler in GCC preprocessor?
@Wes So isn't it "Fuck-ah you"? :P
it issa
@NikiC @Andrea @bwoebi you guys might like this snellman.net/blog/archive/2017-09-04-lisp-numbers
shit... I fell back on this thread, then on that person's profile meta.stackoverflow.com/q/323202/576767
what a... dense... person
help me understand why the edit was so important
? what do you mean, so iumportant?
huh? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… has wikipedia learned how to joke?
Hello everyone, I am just wandering why I got question ban while I never got downvote for the last three years. I just asked question one month ago and I got an upvote. If any one can help, please tell me why I got banned and what should I do.
if you have deleted questions and/or answers, that count towards the ban too
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what do you mean?
that if some of your questions or answers were deleted, they would still count towards the ban
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but I just asked question maybe 15 day ago
what is wrong now
@sabsab Did you recently delete questions / answers?
I am also answering questions now and I'm getting some reputation
It's must be a mistake
@PeeHaa no I didn't
You could be just on the edge
Just write a good answer and you will be good again
why don't anyone understand when I speak?
All what I did the this weak is writing some good answers and one of them is accepted and the others are upvoted. @PeeHaa
@FélixGagnon-Grenier What's that? Could you rephrase please?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier man it must be your accent
hehehehe even the question banned user is trolling you @FélixGagnon-Grenier :D
I like it
@PeeHaa now you are trolling me :(
I am not
Must be my accent :P
I concur, @PeeHaa is totally ok with you making fun of me
I am not making fun of you I just need help :(
why Stackoverflow heats me
it must be my accent
@sabsab I cannot see your deleted question/answers but I am sure there is one
@sabsab Either way:
4 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Just write a good answer and you will be good again
yes I deleted my stupid old questions three years ago not recently
@FlorianMargaine yes, like that I understood it
actually there was a post like that a few days ago on meta
what you must undestand is that even when deleted, the score on your downvoted posts stays related to your account
so, if one of your newest (or oldest, for that matters) posts receives a downvote, it is possible a ban will be triggered again
@PeeHaa thanks man I think my good answers and upvotes are making stackoverflow jealous.
Sorry for distrusting
@sabsab :P
Good luck on lifting the ban. You are probably close enough anyway
@PeeHaa I hope that brother, I wish that I get close to your reputation. If you are in my country you can be the president with that. I getting close to that :P
Not sure I would want to be president of your country tbh :P
Sounds like one hell of a job :D
Also note that reputation doesn't mean anything
@PeeHaa Yeah it is exactly hell. You will be boomed with more than 20 country like what is happening right now in my country.
It is easy for you to say reputation doesn't mean anything. I think it means a lot.
Yep. Hope you don't mind me passing on it. Thanks for the opportunity though :P
It's amazing how websites slowly stop working correctly or start behaving weirdly if you use an old browser.
minor: We are investigating delays with webhook deliveries as of 2017-09-07T21:12:03Z
@sabsab Meh. There are a lot of people answering stupid RTFM and duplicate questions
Every moron can do that
I am proof
@PeeHaa yeah that's what I'm trying to at the moment. Duplicated stupid firebase questions :D. they are gift
@FélixGagnon-Grenier don't bother I am going
@crypticツ you ok? how bad is it?
I don't want you to go, or anyone
I am not going because you don't want me to go. It's just free country :D
@PeeHaa Are you even worthy of the title moron?
@bwoebi gee tnx Bob :P
Also to answer your question: hardly
just wandering
@PeeHaa why you are mentioned in the group guidelines
oh lol
Because the people in here are all dicks
lol I can see that
I am not following guidelines at all
I would be a dick
You cain't ahgnore Payter!
Side effects are annoying. error handlers being able to be triggered nearly all the time, object property accesses possibly invoking a getter … meh. why is this PHP thing such an unoptimizable clusterfuck…
whoosis: an object or person whose name is not known or cannot be recalled.
git.php.net/… … ummmm. that's actually an ABI break, no?
@bwoebi prollaby
@bwoebi time to branch php. introduce getters and fields, drop all "magic"
remove all custom error handling, everything is exceptions (or fatal failed to compile)
/me is now so far off the deep end this isn't even worth continuing
Happy frydai
but uh well… we need property types and use more final on our classes, for perf reasons … I fear :x
… or, we could just set __get() and __set() final and make them unconditionally throw.
that's be fine too.
then the optimizer could recognize that and we're all happy for the regular properties of a base class.
Did Andrea take hold of @bwoebi's account?
why? :-D
Am I speaking like her?
@bwoebi please don't forget __call, __callStatic
Although I rather like __toString, __invoke.
but those aren't as much "magic" as they are "implicit cast" IMO
@NikiC i've mentioned you here, maybe you want to have a look youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-37978
@Dereleased nah, there's no issue. The problem with properties is that you can unset() them and then they must trigger __get()/__set() upon access/write
@bwoebi heh, something like that, or I just plainly misunderstood your ideas ;)
@bwoebi I understand your reasoning, but I think they should be dropped as a group because they're birds of a feather. I suppose your issue is more limited in scope, and to that I say, dream bigger!
Is learning C a valid strategy to earn a php vote?
(@bwoebi then takes the wrong direction from me and makes anything Callable also unset()able)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well, that's ultimately what I did.
Yeah, but you're like, a genius
What about peasants like me?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Shut up and consider yourself just as much a genius as we all are: not at all.
it's not easy handling something as big as php's source. i am clearly not good at that. i can't even handle simple php code :B
you are a genius in respect to us for sure :B
> Nikita misunderstood what HKDF is made for.
He said key derivation that generates AES 128 bit key from AES 256 bit key for
compatibility reason as follows is "textbook example" and good(recommended?)
Yeah, pretty sure I did not say that
Perhaps you misspelled "fuck off"?
@Wes still got time. The latest forecast track has the eye going directly over me. Hopefully it should weaken by the time it reaches me, but forecast says it's likely to maintain most of it's strength for awhile. About to head to mom's and drop of supplies.
good luck :( haven't you considered to leave for some days?
The only places really being evacuated are low lying areas which will be flooded by the storm surge. My friends in Miami have already left, as Miami will be under 6-10ft of water. I'm probably going to get wind damage mostly. The only good thing about losing power is I have an excuse to read books I've had collecting dust for years. =oD
Shit. You be careful out there.
yeah good luck, that thing is a monster... the pictures from hawaii, shit. there's basically no hawaii left, miles and miles of just destruction :(
eh, hawaii lol, i mean caribbean
@Wes that'll learn these paradisiac islands to look so good.
I wish I was in a place to reply to Y..
It's on the verge of spamming now
i doubt that haiti or cuba look that good. it rains on rain there... literally
do you say that in english? "raining on rain" means that things are bad and even get worse
First I've heard of it
> It never rains but it pours
@johnregehr @shafikyaghmour The problem with good C++ is that the next morning you'll be sober and the code will still be C++.
@Wes yeah, that is quite a common saying
TIL: ping supports octal IP notation … (single zero-prefixed digit string)
@Andrea apparently there's a really high chance of seeing aurora in north of Britain right now.
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