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@Paul hey.. my lector told us to use a factory class which validates stuff and then returns objects if everything is alright.. he told us to do it that way so that interface developers dont screw stuff.. but what hinders them to create all this objects manualy ?
@ThatWebNerd Those who can, do; those who can't, teach
i dont get it :D
@ThatWebNerd I don't know the specific problem that your lecturer was talking about, but a Factory is for creating objects rather than validating stuff. To do both would go against the Single Responsibility Principle.
@ThatWebNerd It means that teachers commonly aren't the best resource to learn, because they are out of touch with what they are actually teaching. This applies especially to information technology.
As a factory clearly is not responsible for validating anything (it would be called a validator then ...)
Time for me to catch up on some sleep, bye all
thx cu
let's assume i misunderstood the thing with validation.. scratch that.. but what is the reason i let another class create an user object and return it to me, instead of just creating the user object right away
exact example from school:

Factory starter = new Factory();
user = starter->getUser("username","password"); // he made this method static to avoid #new.. it didnt look right for me so i deleted the static
@ThatWebNerd Yea, there's no reason the factory methods should need to be static
Generally a factory is used when you may want to return different types of the same object. For example, your getUser() object may return a Teacher user or a Student user depending on the username and password
There's other benefits and negatives that come from it. I'm sure if you google it there will be plenty of articles talking about it
topic was building secure business objects.. for example an auction cant exist without a category.. he said that this can be done via factory which gets the category then #creates the auction object, binds it, and returns it
he said otherwise a interface designer might create a auction without a category and screw stuff.. but i found the term "dependency injection" which then confused me even more because now i dont know what to use
factories and dependency injection are distinct, but related concepts
dependency injection basically means that you pass dependencies in as arguments
which sounds pretty obvious (and is pretty obvious)
so instead of writing something like $foo = new Foo; in your method, you get $foo as a parameter
factories are just a side effect of that design. At some place you have to create the objects that you eventually inject, and factories do exactly that creating :)
That particle demo is fun: minimal.be/lab/fluGL
hey guys quick question
which table format should i use in my database?
@Dave Huh?
ok.. i think this is the question that bugs me: we have auctions that cant exist without categories. why would he say that by letting the factory create the auction, bind it to the category and return it is more "secure" ? i mean i can still create an empty auction object and try to persist it to the db without defining a category..

sry that i annoy you guys so much, i just dont get him.
well like is MyISAM best ?
@Dave Usually you want InnoDB, but as always the answer is: It depends.
@ThatWebNerd It doesn't make it more secure
But (if I understand correctly what the factory does) it simplifies stuff
i don't seem to have that option in my drop down box in my table operations =/
@Dave Shared hosting?
vps linux..
you can configure mysql to enable/disable storage engines
these are the only ones i have available
you'll have to enable innodb in the config then if you want to use it ;)
ah okay :) wonder why its not set by default =/
2 hours later…
Thanks all, it was a fun talk...
@ircmaxell hello
you can tell me if i create my page with DOM php is it better or worst than create it with html and echo some php in it ?
G'morning all
Hi !
@ShyamK do you can tell me if i create my page with DOM php is it better or worst than create it with html and echo some php in it ?
@ShyamK are you there ?
@MikeBoutin I'm sorry. I haven't used DOM php. I usually just use html and echo/print out php in it
Ty dude
i go to sleep ^^
@MikeBoutin nighty nite then.. dont let the bed bugs bite
hi @ShyamK; whose system are you hacking tonight? :P
@Sam what made you think that I'm a hacker? :)
lol...every developer is a potential hacker
we are all one nasty experience away from having DoD ..:)
you seem in a good mood today. Any special about the day?
lol....I'm always usually in a good mood
Hi there! Anyone here knows how to reference the user-id inside the user profile page of a Drupal 6 installation?
how's the world of Android?
@RosamundaRosamunda not a lot of people on here use Drupal
so, it might be hard for you obtain the answer you need
post a question on SO instead
I can imagine when I didn´t find any Drupal chat room :) Thanks anyway! (I think I´ll just wait for the SO post to be answered :)
people on here use other frameworks though
hehe It seems so, ... hmm so bad, Drupal is terrific.
isn't it a PHP framework?
@RosamundaRosamunda Drupal is terrific? dint someone else say its not so great.. ? @ircmaxell was it you?
yeah it is a php framework, but, um, it has a kinda deep learning courve, and it has its specific way of doing certain stuff...
it's a PHP framework, and considering it's not usually mentioned here, it can't be that great; I'm not the judge of that, nonetheless
@ircmaxell in some reply to a link I received yesterday..
wikipedia just informed me that whitehouse.gov and data.gov.uk are built using Drupal
that's a Wow
ya but magento has a lot more power than drupal.. Its bigger, stronger..
magento is mainly an e-commerce site
however, I was of the opinion that a site such as whitehouse.gov would be built using a custom CMS; something unique, that'll only be known to the developers involved
@ircmaxell slides look good. though i think you should not have use the title when there is no mention of GRASP in your talk. it's misleading. Just SOLID vs STUPID would have been much better.
I think drupal is kiking asses right now, there are lots of official sites that use it now. And big private sites too (Sony and Warner use Drupal I´ve read somewhere, and the "community" site of Symantec)
*kicking sorry for the typo, it´s 2 in the morning here
which means that those sites will be susceptible to the shortcomings of Drupal, and thus exploitable; wasn't Sony hacked a few months ago? :)
sup yall
sup, Andy
so sam do you roll your own code or do you have a particular framework you like to use
well, I haven't tried any framework, and if/when I do, it'll mainly be to increase my knowledge in the field;
or if a client demands it
makes sense... it went like that for me when i tried kohana
scoured the code for a good week
how was it?
meh, its got a LOT of usage of globals and statics
not too great for testability
I recently started using classes, so I haven't had the pleasure/pain of unit testing yet
i gotta say, it is very well worth it
i recently switched over
classes? oh yeah
no to unit testing
oh ok
makes finding bugs a lot easier
and refactoring a lot easier too
really? sounds very interesting
its one of those things you gotta just do at some point to really understand its advantage, b/c just a month or two ago i remember hearing and reading about all the perks
but i didnt really believe it'd make that much of a difference
til i bit the bullet and just set up phpunit with MAMP (which is a total pain)
so, do you test it for the whole application, or you test each class individually?
well, kinda both i guess. the latter in the sense that i write a "test suite" for each class where its practical. the former in the sense that you dont have to run a bunch of tests manually, you actually run all your tests at once using a single command
all that partly makes sense; but I know that once I bite in, it'll all make sense
how can i push multiple values of a variable in a query string into an array and make this array persist
@tree to make any value persist, you can use a session object, and call it each time you want to add a new value of the variable into the array
@Sam do you have a simple example on how to add for example a $_get value that changes everytime the user clicks a link?
you want to persist the array, right?
and you know how to create/work with a session object?
a bit
i try to add multiple values that come from a query string variable and it does not persist
something similar to this will work
since it's a session object, you can retrieve it on any page you want, without any hassles
function add($pid){

array_push( $_SESSION['s']['value'], $id);

what i posted does not work
everytime that code runs, it re-creates the session object, thus, throwing away all the previous data
remove the first line
and instead of using array_push( $_SESSION['s']['value'], $id);
try this
$array_name[] = $value;
$_SESSION["array_name"] = $array_name;
I can't test the way you do it, so I can't say if it'll add the value to the array or not, but my way will certainly do
ok thanks! i going to try it
are you creating a multi-dimensional array?
@Sam yes but it looks like i dont need to as it's only one kind of value i need to store
if you are just storing a single value obtained from the URL to the array, you don't need a multi-dimensional array
hi Anfurny
How's it goin.
quiet and good here
does it say May 18 as the most recent Q date on stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php for you too?
ah now its back to normal
Hi to all
stackoverflow.com/questions/10715095/… the dup is for an array and the OP's problem can be solved without one
I have a doubt how to send the email using codeigniter .i tryed but i didn't get , it showing the error
Message: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to ssl://smtp.googlemail.com:587 (Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?)
Can any one help
Any thing i need to install
can any one help me in joomla
@Gordon hello
@jay hello
Hey guys! Could anyone take a look at pastebin.com/wr3V8h6L and give me comments? I'm trying to create salts for password hashing (Blowfish via crypt()) and my goal is to present this function as a simple way of generating these without including larger libraries for the same (small footprint application).
Q: Where to download frutiger std 46 light italic font

user1376575I want to download this font "frutiger std 46 light italic". if any body has a link to download it free of cost then please send it to me.

@Mayankswami That was a pretty off-topic question for SO. Probably gonna be closed.
ya that is what i want
@Repox what about @ircmaxell's github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-PasswordLib
wut? ircmaxell is offline?
that's a first
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I was actually hoping I could avoid including other projects as this seems redundant for simpler things.
@tree Still on the same issue as yesterday right?
Is this a good place to talk about Zend Framework?
hello everyone. excuse me do you know why a PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(...) call may produce empty target in the resulting Makefile?
Q: PHP_NEW_EXTENSION() does nothing

Bubba88I'd like to ask if my guess is correct: I'm writing an extension (using C++ as the programming language) and when it comes to actually makeeing the configured sources and macros my Makefile contains following settings. PHP_PECL_EXTENSION = extensionname SQLSRV_SHARED_LIBADD = PHP_MODULES = PHP...

I work with Zend Framework a lot and recently my project had a lot to do with forms in steps (more like the next-next-finish wizards on Desktop Apps). Was wondering if there is a third-party class that does this outta the box
@burntblark you might want to google for "zend wizard form"
@Bubba88 No, but I'll gladly +1.
that's what I've done
@LeviMorrison Oh well thank you :D cheers
@Bubba88 yea done that. Zend itself doesn't have any
@Bubba88 Just figured this could be a recurring problem and someone somewhere must have something or an idea
Hi there, I wanted to ask a quick question here before posting in SO, lets say I have a php page with a form, I'm going to get the $_POST variables from the select and inputs, and I want to send them by mail, I'm not going to insert them in a DB nor I am going to echo them in a page, how should I validate and clean the user imput? is htmlspecialchars enough?
@Trufa if you send them in a plaintext mail, I dont even see the need for htmlspecialchar'ing them. although you might want to do that anyway in case the email is displayed by some online service that turns plaintext into html, e.g. some webmailer.
@Gordon Ok makes sense, play safe anyway!
So with only that I should be fine? using this variable $name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['fname']);
for example?
Any extra precautions you might think of?
@Gordon thanks for that, comes in handy!
@Gordon could I ask you one more quick question if you have time?
@Trufa i dont have time, but shoot
My form has a email field to where I will send a confirmation email, I shold check it too right? I
I should check that no more that one email is there?
@Trufa definitely.
If not I guess it could be exploited by sending thousands of email separetaed by commas
Is there a function I should used?
@Trufa there is a filter for the filter_* family (the one I linked you to) of functions called FILTER_VALIDATE_MAIL which can do the validation for you easily
Ohh great!
I was thinking something along the lines of if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/",$email))
but always better to use a function
If you're not using phpMailer or any package like that, the also be aware of header email injections :-)
you can edit the chat posts :)
@w00 iirc that isnt an issue anymore since php 5.something
@Trufa that wouldnt properly validate the email according to RFC anyway
ahh nice, didn't know they fixed that
@Gordon ohh, even worse then... It is really really hard to find trustworthy tutorials out there!!
@Trufa Only chuck norris can really validate emailaddresses
It is true though :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa do you have time for a quick question
it depends on the question :-)
Ahh never mind!
ohh wait :)
damn .. i feel like dying ... just need 3 more hours
@RepWhoringPeeHaa can I filter for more that one thing at the same time?
@Trufa what do you mean?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa for example, should I validate the email for FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS?
@Trufa if it validates as an email you dont need to sanitize it
@Trufa isn't validate email not sufficient?
@Gordon great, thanks Gordon!
@Gordon This will also make sure that it doesn't send thousands of comma separated emails right?
You can validate email address.
@Trufa yes, because [email protected];[email protected] is not a valid email address
@Gordon awesome!
thanks a bunch!
Mornin' everybody
morning bill the butcher
@webarto Haha, you noticed? :P
@webarto Did you actually just beg for upvotes?
@burntblark lol, yes now it's sorted, it was just about using the isset function!
@webarto you were supposed to closevote on it, not answer it
I don't give a damn about rep, just answered the other way... closevoted ;)
> You have been invited to join a chat in Room for The Hulk and Gordon
sorry, i dont feel comfortable alone in a room with a borderline passive aggressive schizo
i am doing serialize(array($_POST))
but some post data dont want do serialize
how i escap like $_POST['id']
any body help plz
Hi everyone, I have just finished learning PHP but my sql is not amazing. I have a very good tutorial on MS-SQL but I always use MYSQL. I have heard that the queries are not structured the same, is this true? Also if it is, will learning it help me in MySQL or mix me up. Thanks
@Gordon I need help from an experienxed person, can you help me out
Wow! Finished learning PHP! I've been at it for nearly 6 years and haven't finished learning yet. I guess I'm a bit slow :)
:-) If you want I can help you along!!! echo means print!
aah, now I've finished.
I knew that would do the trick. :-) Can you help me out on my question though
@yehuda currently busy, sorry. But yes, MSSQL is somewhat different. But it's nothing you couldnt learn. Think of MySql and MSSQL (and PLSQL, etc) as various dialects of SQL
@gordon so learning the syntax for MSSQL will likely mix me up because I write all my Code in MySQl? thanks by the way
this is the tutorial, will I benefit form it anyway? <a href="http://www.lynda.com/SQL-Server-2008-tutorials/essential-training/71929-2.html">click here</a>
@yehuda that depends on you. if you have trouble remembering what is valid in mysql and what is valid in mssql, then it might confuse you, yes. if it doesnt, then no.
@gordon i think I can cope with knowing 2 syntaxes, is it considered hard to not get mixed up? I have a good memory? I think I am right by saying most of what I will learn can be put to use on MYSQL too! Right?
Use both MSSQL and MYSQL, never had any trouble with it
@yehuda you'll never know unless you try
And I'm not what you'd call "experienced" (thought that might also mean less difficult querieS)
is weak today :(
If I could I would @Gordon
@gordon thanks for the help, do most of its concepts apply to both though?
@Bono thanks, think i am gonna try it
@bono, when would i need MSSQL if i only write web applications
I done that but there is nothing like asking someone who has been there and done it. stackoverflow.com/users/208809/gordon
Q: MySQL, MSSql, Oracle: When to use which?

Saj What's the limitation? Is there a specific volume of data each can handle regardless of disk space? When to use what assuming licensing is not a problem?

@yehuda You might need it if you use .net and asp (I think). I would learn it if/when you need to rather than learning it just in case you do.
@yehuda I use MYSQL for web-app, MSSQL for C#
@bono Ok i get it, so i dont really need it at the moment. One last thing though, would learning all this stuff help me with my MySQL as well? lynda.com/SQL-Server-2008-tutorials/essential-training/…
I doubt it. If you want to learn MySQL stick to MySQL, you don't want to muddy the waters. It wouldn't do any harm to learn about general db theory though if you can find something generic.
@yehuda Dunno, as I said IMO I've never had any trouble between the two, so you might pick up some things.
@vascowhite thanks, but i know the guy is a great teacher, and i thought that it would help my MYSQL to learn about stored procedures and stuff like that and indexes
@bono like stored procedures and stuff like that and indexes?
@yehuda You might yes
@everyone, thanks so much!!! Will be back, you all helped me loads! Good day
@yehuda NP and thanks for the tip :)
@vascowhite +1 :-)
@vascowhite you might as well just tell me aswell now that i am here, how often do people back up their databases and do they do this automatically
using our plugin service
@yehuda Really depends on the needs don't you think?
I don't know about others, but most of mine are replicated each day automatically. Unless I'm told not to by the client. Saying that, I am a part time dev (It's not my real job) and I only have 10 - 15 projects under my belt.
@bono website like stackoverflow forum, what do websites with constanlty updated user content usually do
@vascowhite do you have to know linux for that
@yehuda I think they would back-up daily (and automagically, yes)
@yehuda I only know enough to get by. I usually run a php script with a cron job.
@vascowhite, ah, with the $sql of the script being somewhat similar to mysql -dump - etc etc?
You have 1k+ rep. I except you to know how it works by now — RepWhoringPeeHaa 1 min ago
basically yes. Then you can tailor it to suit. I've never had speed as a critical factor, so it works for me, not sure how it would scale though.
@vascowhite on hostgator just to write a command you have to know linux already
I use amazon ec exclusively now. I need some basic linux knowledge for that, but it's mostly house keeping stuff. I'm learning though :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa FGITW?
@vascowhite cheers, i'm off, ta for your help
@vascowhite It seems like it
@Bono i'm back for one more thing, you say back up daily automagically, do people overwrite their previuous one every day
Morning all.
@yehuda Not every day no
so how do you back up daily but overwrite not daily ? :-)
@yehuda Though there might be people who do it. There are different kind of back-ups. You should look into which one best suits you
they dont take up a lot of storage do they
You do one full back-up for instance, then you back-up all the changes and new files on a new back-up
@yehuda Again, depends on what you're storing and how much
@Chris morning
Aww, you're the only one who cares
Afternoon all
@bono thanks
Good morning
morning @ircmaxell
how's it going?
good :)
hey @ircmaxell how was the talk yasterday? I had to go to bed at about half the talk
@ircmaxell Great
@ircmaxell and tnx
hi there ;)
nice talk ircmaxell
I was watching you live ;)
Oh, and @Gordon: I did have GRASP in the talk. I pulled it at the last minute due to time constraints
@ircmaxell kk
in 5.4, is there any shorter way to do this?
 * @param callable $callable
 * @return \ReflectionFunctionAbstract
function getCallableReflector(callable $callable)
    if (\is_array($callable)) {
        list($class, $method) = $callable + [null, null];
        return new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
    if (\is_string($callable) && \strpos($callable, '::')) {
        list($class, $method) = \explode('::', $callable) + [null, null];
        return new \ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
    return new \ReflectionFunction($callable);
Hi everybody
do someone ha a clear answer to this question ? stackoverflow.com/questions/10713106/…
How do my page will be slower if i code it only with php DOM html ?
I'm developing a web application, and i want a clean understandable code
who will grow over time
@MikeBoutin It should come down to maintainability and not speed
@MikeBoutin Don't do premature optimisation.
If some parts of the page templating process are easier facilitated with DOM manipulation, then do it that way.
ok, so it's good for maintainability but does my speed will be handicaped
i do the whole page with dom from the doctype to the footer
@MikeBoutin Yes, but unless you're doing something "wrong", any approach should be reasonable as far as run time
So do you know if it will have a big impact on the run time ?
against echoing some values
@MikeBoutin It could; consider the fact that with DOM, you're making a lot of method calls.
echo isn't a method too ?
echo is ` language construct`
Technically, its a language construct. In any case, you'll simply need to benchmark
If we're taking bets here, I'm going to put 9000 internets on DOM being slower.
why is echo used in someplaces and in other places print used? Aint they both meant for the same thing?
or is there some deep dark secret lurking in the murky waters? :)
> Returns 1, always.
@ShyamK With regard to print
@ShyamK print !== echo
echo print(2); // 21 whereas echo echo(2); // Parse error: syntax error
print does not exist
at least that's how I see it :P
there is only echo :)
@NikiC eh? print does not exist?
What I mean is: Never use print.
I don't think I have either.
Besides, <?= is described to "echo" the expression.
Well the site that I was asked to change is full of print .. first time I've seen it. I usually used echo..
@Bracketworks I really hate the shorthand syntax. God might know why they are enabled by default now
@NikiC What's wrong with print?
php meant echo.. echo this echo that.. I was doing that on every second line to learn oops concept and function data flow..
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Yea, I only use the shorthand echo. PHP started (read still is with OOP stapled to it's forehead) as a templating language, may as well give it what it wants.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Nothing in particular ;)
@ShyamK Change all of their output statements to file_put_contents('php://output', $string, FILE_APPEND);
@Bracketworks What about readability?
@Bracketworks what does that do?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Nah, the way I see it, the longer a line of code is, the more important. This way everything will stay through to its age in legacy
@ShyamK The same thing as echo... sort of (don't change anything)
"the longer a line of code is, the more important"
@Bracketworks isn't that like writing to a file or something? appending to a file?
@ShyamK It appends to the PHP output stream, so yea.
I would recommend reading up on streams, both PHP specific and language agnostic. Useful, albeit quite unused in most PHP applications.

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