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I'd definitely wait until Monday to make any big decisions, and it's only 11 AM here. Over in Yerip, what with the time difference, it's like 8:36 PM on July 9th.
agree, Friday is over, let it go ...
@bwoebi Done.
It actually has a nice side-effect. You can assign headers to requests now that get overridden by body headers and you can set headers which override body headers.
Via $options in Client::request
Niklas, don't make me break out the kitten photos ...
@JoeWatkins Want a coffee? :P
php.net/manual/en/function.inflate-init.php @bwoebi How can we protect against zip bombs? We can't, right?
Because feeding 42kb into inflate_add might blow up directly.
Yep, we can't.
killall -9 php
oh and to protect against fpm vulnerabilities: killall -9 php-fpm ... works very fast, you will like ...
@bwoebi That's pretty stupid, because that can crash at any time quite easily.
@kelunik We may add a maxSize option to inflate_init in php-src in order to protect against this in future versions
@bwoebi Yes, please.
happy Saturday @Kaori
@kelunik iirc the format is a stream of compressed blocks with per-block headers, you don't know the full size until you process the last block, you'd just have to keep count as you go along and abort when you hit a sentinel size
@JoeWatkins same to you, dear sir
i installed,npm,.... node today for first time
its great innit
those huge list of dependencies for a single library
you know that feeling when a spider crawls across your hand? feels like that
lata for now o/
\o ciao
@Linus use node 8, with the lock file. you'll thank me later.
GUYS, I FOUND THE GREATEST QUESTION OF ALL TIME. http://stackoverflow.com/...
fuck you. gently.
@Kaori WELL PLAYED! I shall have my REVENGE.
buhaha :P
fuck. his revenge usually includes breaking php somehow.
@PaulCrovella … he can break PHP? meh … not as often as I or Nikita.
joe is better than all of you guys. <3 joe
are there any plans to allow type-hinting for parameters or return values for resources ?
@hakre I believe the official stance on that is "fuck resources"
@PaulCrovella Even if I don't like them, they exist but I can't type-hint them ....
you still wouldn't be able to type hint them
not in any meaningful way ...
@hakre yep, agreed. it's silly.
they are all the same type ... and if you pass a stream resource to gd, things will blow up, as they always have ... for it to be useful you would want resource<stream> or stream as hint ... so you want objects really ...
Commit stats for the first half of the year php-src.github.io
damn it
i know what that link contains
ive fallen for that trap far too many times
@Leigh the organization is called php.
No shit sherlock
9 mins ago, by Kaori
GUYS, I FOUND THE GREATEST QUESTION OF ALL TIME. http://stackoverflow.com/...
Project manager assigned 6 hours to find the difference between the files in two folders.
Do you even git diff, bro?
@JoeWatkins I'm fine with the object in memory, i want a pointer actually. But with the type of resource that couldn't be covered for type-hinting I guess. But at least it would highlight passing of bool false instead of resource for example.
@Allenph Do you even long lunch, bro?
Add maxSize option for inflate_init – #74876
@PaulCrovella Indeed.
@hakre it has such limited use though ... the chances of anyone bothering to do it are pretty much nil, better to encourage whoever is listening to make a start on converting resources to objects for php8, or php42 or whatever ...
you guys
dem stars. many traps. such friday. very not funny.
I had my speakers on.
@bwoebi We can close bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32197 now as dictionaries exist and actually work now (bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=73944), right?
At max.
you could take being given 6 hours as a challenge, to see just how complicated you can make the task of comparing the difference between the files in two folders ...
@Jeeves @bwoebi Can I assign that to you?
@kelunik Funny. Last I checked I was the human and you were the bot.
@Allenph good
embrace the tranquility
@kelunik I already self-assigned two mins after you created it.
@PeeHaa Can we somehow disable Jeeves' responses for message being replies to bugs?
@JoeWatkins You mean...rewrite git diff?
@kelunik yes.
@kelunik yunofun?
@Allenph train ai to rewrite git diff
@bwoebi It's pretty annoying.
meh :-D
@bwoebi Do you do that or should I?
What if...and just hear me out here...I put a single git diff command into a bash script knowing they won't look in it, then messed around?
@Allenph that wouldn't take that long ... I mean really go for it ... get new hardware in, new staff, why not ... even some AI ...
@kelunik feel free
@JoeWatkins If Microsoft can do something badly, I can do it badly fast, right?
@JoeWatkins Turning them into objects is wrong. And for the meaning, I could see in the code that a resource is expected to be there or to be returned.
it's likely the thing that will happen, it's the thing that gets discussed ... nobody ever seriously discusses introducing resource type hints ...
for all the years of proclaiming death to resources there have been 2 converted to objects
it's hard to take that seriously
that's also true
@hakre Why should it be wrong?
the main problem is streams ... it's ... nasty ...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier thanks :P i somehow installed node 6..
well, tbh node 8 is somewhat "new" (except in node's terms) so you might need to specify the version, but the lock file will really save you headaches
@NikiC (or anyone else), as a lighter topic change: Any major php5 versus php7 internals differences you want to make sure I cover on the podcast with Sammy today?
I've got a list, but I'm probably missing things.
@Sara What's on your list?
zend_string vs const char*/int
string lengths using size_t vs int
Compressed zval struct (roughly 2:1 diff)
Better hashtables
zval's generally passed by value, not by indirect heap allocation
inline properties
more magic?
Also, if someone else wants to come on, I imagine Sammy would be happy for the company
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ok will do tommrow thanks..
tmp/var allocations maybe
the new way memory for declared properties is alloc'd, and how they are accessed ... possibly you might mention the differences in custom object layout ...
I fall to bits when there are more than two people involved in the conversation ...
@Sara iterating over hash-tables is a lot less unpleasant than it was.
oh yeah definitely that
guys, guys. phproundtable
joe, bob
I can't do it
@DaveRandom lxr is ignoring me
@Jimbo not sure what was your requirements, neither if you succeeded, but here is a docker-compose that launches nginx that serves a composer built php app gist.github.com/Zvax/d0d3dd6be22051e2ebd3c92908529883
@Danack Good point. HashPosition was such a terrible API
in the public folder I have an index which requires the bootstrap file present in src folder, which in turn requires the autoload in vendor file
nginx serves the stuff, it seems to work so far
the nginx.conf must have /public as root and php:9000 as fastcgi_pass, the rest is standard nginx php-fpm conf
what do you guys reckon as a nice little templating engine for node?
is there a way to run vbox and xampp together
yes. just use different ports for apache... if that's the problem :B
right? i don't know what i've said
@Wes will you change your username in the near-future?
no that shouldn't be needed
@Kaori i will not
plz ;-;
@Sara fast_zpp perhaps?
@Sara mention about commenting the C code (not necessarily doxygen)
which is something i wanted as i want to dig into it but i find it difficult without comments
@tereško should remember-me set session and cookie, avoiding the need to loginwithcookie at every request (and, i believe, further breaking rest), or not?
acronyms, abbreviations are just undecipherable... a couple of words would be useful..
@jeremy depends on what you mean with "set session and cookie"
@tereško set session w/ account id and set cookie with the triplet (series, token, id)
if you are using a standard website, then you would use session and cookie
if you have a pure API, then you might just use the cookie (actually transmitted as a authentication header) for each request
.. though, this latter option has issues with async calls
@bwoebi / @WesStark Can do!
@bwoebi yo, join phproundtable please :D
@Sara uh … zvals are typically still passed per indirect heap allocation … the difference is just that zvals are now allocated in a single memory chunk instead of individually.
@Sara you won't find more than a few places where bare zval values are passed. Always pointers to stack or heap.
Only use magic when you use it to enforce less magic:
public function __set($name, $value) { throw new \Exception('Attempting to set non-existent property "'.$name.'".'); }
/Users/Bob/php-src-X/ext/zlib/zlib.c:966:4: warning: implicit declaration of function 'elseif' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
        } elseif (php_ctx->max_size == 0) {
damnit :-D
@WesStark it's actually live now: youtube.com/watch?v=aYEum_WZpWs
yeah i'm listening :D
@bwoebi it's elsif, come on!
@kelunik because I'd like to operate on the resource directly.
@Dereleased #define elseif else if
@hakre How is that related to a handle being a resource or object?
@bwoebi #define unless(x) if(!(x)) for bonus points
@Kaori echo " stackoverfiow.com" >> /etc/hosts
@kelunik As much as of a difference between a handle and an object.
that should pipe all requests to stackoverfiow to localhost right?
@hakre A handle can also be an object?
@LeviMorrison you've been mentioned in the php round table about twitter.com/WesNetmo/status/883369342049677312
i don't see why new features cannot be merged in minor, like 7.2.1
perhaps the only thing you want to do is make sure to reserve fn() asap
that sounded like autotune singing
... and now I really want to play portal 2
Evening r11
Labvakar tereško
for those who are listening and want to mess with the VM directly from the userland you can try out this :P
> i'm calling function bob()
@WesStark And I'm being invoked.
i wrote here just for you :D
I was wondering if some new switch-like construct but with behaviour like instanceof operator (not equal operator like in switch) does make any sense? Or am I just looking for another weird thing :/
switch(true) {
    case $object instanceof \MyClass:
        echo "It's MyClass!";
@brzuchal It is generally not advised to use instanceof very much … I think this is too much of an anti-pattern…
winter is coming
@Sara Are you aware of SCM_RIGHTS? (re: Getting fd from stream internals mail) … it's fully sufficient to just create a stream pair and send both ends to different children then.
@WesStark that's gal of whom there's a clip on ph, right?
emilia clarke, iirc...
Why instance of is anti pattern?
it's normally strange to not be aware of the class of the object that you are using at any given point. If you use the object hint though, you're not sure :P
it's not if you use unions even if phpeople think they don't need them :P
@kelunik An object in sense of memory, not userland OOP'ish object. It's a different paradigm.
In case you have still problems to differ between those two variable types.
:P now it make sense.
Segmentation fault in zend_mm_alloc_small – #74877
@Linus Where's that?
low level coders, is there a difference between "invoke" and "call" ?
@Kaori you need to quit with anime
emm ... guys
you usually look for one type only @Linus but it could be legit to accept more types
can anyone recommend a good UI library for building admin interfaces (as in CSS/SASS + JS/ES widgets) ?
other languages do that all the time with method overloading. in php it would be done with union types
@pmmaga right, I forgot, I wanted to use switch(get_class($object)) and case strings, thx
@bwoebi why using instanceof is anti-pattern?
@brzuchal because you already have type declarations
@tereško what is the purpose of the theme?
@WesStark ;-;
fu so chat
to build admin panels for integrated control of various services
right now i use instanceof in substitution of union types and type variance. but it's like one method each 100 that needs that...
@tereško At work we are thinking about a theme called metro3 youaddon.com/portfolio/detail/36/… not sure if it is available without the framework ... but check it out
If you find something let me know
We're trying to find an admin theme suited for a banking/accounting tasks ...
build one!
@Samson if you can (or are willing to) buy that shit: wrapbootstrap.com/tag/dashboard
Nice find, I think we will look at this ...
Why is it shit?
it looks like ars :D
> Change -> to dot(.)
@PeeHaa +1 Not sure why so many internals are against it...
You are a good troll or a fucking idiot :P
/make php great again !!
@PeeHaa or both :p
Cannot be. Again means it was great at some point
@PeeHaa if your argument boil down to "because JS 1.0 does that", you might need to revisit the drawing board
Couldn't agree more
@Samson because there is not a single sound reason for it?
there are a lot of cool things, that come from ES6+, but they, like PHP, are basically fixing the horribleness of 1.0 release
Kinda weak argument bth, I did a quick read and the only argument against it was because string concatenation.
maybe i need to read the rest of the arguments
which is better than not a single argument in favor
^ that
@PeeHaa means change php to java :P
true dat
@Linus Change php to java even more
@Linus there have been people trying that for two decades now
@Linus Depends. What perhaps was more of an issue is to look for many different types (that switch statement).
@PeeHaa Yeah, I say that post, laughed, then moved on. That was such a "No".
@Sara I am still laughing. Blame the booze
booze is bad for your health, y'know
whereas anime is not
In your opinion, which of the expected results of this bug would be better?
@Kaori I never heard anybody suggest tentacle porn for anything. I do have heard people suggesting alcohol is good for stuff
@hakre thanks
im not suggesting tentacle porn tbh tho... there are far better hentais out there, but animes in general
Correct: Throw an error. PHP-Way: Quietly remove the invalid prop names.
or munge them into something it would rather see, clobbering anything in its path
@PaulCrovella Do you even scroll bro?
Still borken for me
nope, totes borked
I've considered going so far as to use firefox for chat, but haven't taken that plunge yet
I'm still waiting for the next good browser to take over chrome in general
u guys can't auto scroll?
anything "new" is just a reskin of chromium anymore
yes :(
And Chromium has been fucked for years now
@PeeHaa Why?
Slow, bloated, resource hungry, broken in several ways re rendering, crashes, huge
I don't have any problems with it apart from the resource hungriness maybe.
Oh, and one specific site, but I guess that's the site that does something stupid.
that doesn't bother me as much as chat not friggin' autoscrolling anymore
yes, I reckon that would be a pita
And to make matters worse people think it's a good idea to distribute chromium in a package to develop apps on
electron ftw!
@PeeHaa you mean, like Edge?
And don't laugh at me here
I was really hoping that would be actually good
TBH, it's actually quite good
It's ok, but has some really annoying rendering issues
well, it's way too minimalistic
and I have now migrated to Vivaldi, which is using chromium's rendering engine
vivaldi is quite nice as well...
the ui is a little bit more clustered than chrome probably, but still...
the customizations are cool
that's basically me, when I read somewhere, 'DO NOT GOOGLE 'XYZ''
@WesStark this might need to be sent to people who chant "impeach trump"
@Kaori good thing that you aren't the vice president of the united states
@WesStark I'm not sure merging into a .1 is a good idea but the hold up right now is our voting doodle is broken :'(
(voteType='multi' is just doing single)
@tereško eh. it's hard to choose :B
@WesStark well, one is a religious fanatic
IMHO, the choice is pretty clear
i'm not so sure
@WesStark that could be titled "when you don't believe in space flight"
depends on how fanatic he is. like "can start an actual crusade" fanatic level?
^ yes
he was chosen in order to secure a victory in specific states
republicans historically funded nasa more than democrats though, afaik
yes, but in 80s it was the GOP was taken over by religious fanatics
kinda what now is going on with communists and the DNC
it's a fucking pendulum
as much as I get annoyed, when living in the Democratic Republic of Buttcrack, at least we are not a two-party system
@PeeHaa When is async twitter ready?
@kelunik Probably monday
that's suspiciously non-specific
@PeeHaa :-(, wanted to push the release statement with the that.
gitamp is still ready though :)
That doesn't help me tweeting. :P
oooh I see :D
Sorry didn't read. Err did read but didn;t get it
Probably because of the typos.
@PeeHaa go home, you're drunk
I am home
s/home/home && drunk/
Nite all
I can be at home \ Home and drunk and uppity \ Yet where are my beers?
night, chaps o/
Is there and argument to diff which just provides absolute paths?
@Sara i have a semi-working fix that is mimicking hhvm but i would definitely go for the correct way. not sure if it wouldn't be summoning the bc break outcry though, after all they are currently accepted but inaccessible ATM
Data race in ZTS builds – #74878
So I'm really good at making our internal tools, but there's kind of a more political problem with our products, for example users report issues to a support team, who tries to find a workaround, if there is a workaround, it is never reported as a defect. So if something crashes instead of reporting a user error, it's not a bug, because the user made an error.
Where can I find resources on these kinds of non-technical software development problems?
@LeviMorrison it's a new feature that won't affect existing code. unless you have a fn() obvs
@JoeWatkins opengrok01 is down again /cc @LeviMorrison
Can't do a lot to investigate as currently sitting in a field at a festival
Also phone chat is v hard
Man the Drupal community is the most helpful community I have seen since I started learning to program.
that statement has seen some bumpy ride lately
@DaveRandom sounds osum
@DaveRandom u high m8?
if you are sitting in a field at a festival and are not high, you are doing it wrong, I think ...
/me keeps quiet
yo anthony
/me waves
ensure that it appears as if the rules are being followed, especially when the rules are being broken #php #internals #101
what happened this time?
Sara was being a stickler for the rules and suggested that we actually RFC a thing ... we had to educate her about kicking features under the door while nobody is looking ...
@ircmaxell We were talking about when to RFC versus when to yolo push iirc
"educate me", pfft.... I pushed PHP's first GOTO implementation without discussion.
I wrote that book, son
my rule of thumb is, in the 24 hours before big event, one can yolo push
@ircmaxell totally unrelated to current discussion, but you probably missed a thing ... maybe just read this
@JoeWatkins dude, congrats, and hope all works out well
@Sara muahahaha. Well played
/me commuting home. laters
@ircmaxell <3
lata felix
@Sara hehe
@JoeWatkins I can't even imagine how difficult that conversation/decision is, and can only say that it's huge that you were able to do it (even if it hurt/caused pain).
Didn't know you can actually name the data-sets for PHPUnit data-providers, which is actually quite cool if a test fails: stackoverflow.com/q/44893427/367456
@ircmaxell they were the hardest conversations to have, and I've had my whole life to figure out what to say, if I ever had to say it ... I feel lucky that life is still intact, that my wife is still with me, and not just with me, but somehow able to offer me seemingly unlimited support and encouragement ...
she's been on dating apps and websites, and today held my hand while I had a pride tattoo on my neck ... she's fucking amazing ...
congrats joe
/me is afk
@JoeWatkins dude, that's so epic. Awesome!
spread the luv! really nice to read and best wishes.
@DaveRandom Sadly I've restarted it twice already :'(
i.imgur.com/WeMz9wp.png in case you feared that the shape was too simple
@JoeWatkins missed that too … excellent that it went well for you :-)
2 hours later…
Wrong path returned by ReflectionClass::getFileName – #74879
ugh... I ate too much burritos
@Sara @JoeWatkins can't manage to find a way to add an alias / another address without attempting to go through php.net.
I have an idea..
Got it working - Joe's idea to send using the Google SMTP server is genius.
@tereško should loginWithPassword() create 2 entries in the identities table or just 1?

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