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Hello, everyone, need some help
with imagefttext
Depending on which version of the GD library PHP is using, when fontfile does not begin with a leading / then .ttf will be appended to the filename and the library will attempt to search for that filename along a library-defined font
will this be always true for Windows since the path would be C:\somefolder
4 hours later…
Unable to clone instance when private __clone defined – #74862
@tereško \o
Hi, I'm new to this stackoverflow chat
Hey everyone!
I need help with this code eval.in/828382
morning, bitches
mornin Joe o/
a 5.6 release has happened/is happening ...
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle.
@Jeeves ...
@Linus What's the matter??
@Jeeves nothing ,bye for now.
@Linus No!!!!!!!!
where is Wes??
What does "middle brain" mean?
@WesStark stop what you are doing with the logo. We need to change it again. Turns out, PHP itself needs an entirely new mascot… because…
https://www.facebook.com/danish.ho.1/videos/1430315987057401/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED (OMG! DOUBLED CLAWED HAMMERS ARE REAL… AND ALIVE!!!1)
hey @Jimbo
@Gordon ugh
@Kaori what ugh? you dont like it? That's the closed thing to real life tentacle p0rn you'll find
b.. bu.. but...
what is that btw???
@Linus hammerhead slug
thanks :)
@WesStark morn
@skoop I serve my team through R&D, removing blockers, handling the boring stuff and also creating cool stuff so we… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/882863088793419776
@Jimbo I serve my team Gin Tonics… that's good enough
I super fucked up the next 7.1 tag ...
@JoeWatkins hm?
can someone give me a tl;dr on wiki.php.net/rfc/class-naming? it mentions "our coding standard" several times… since when does php have one for userland?
@Shafizadeh weeelll ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midbrain
@JoeWatkins as in "hard reset and force push" super fucked it?
well everything is such a mess, stas turns up a day before tag and announces a list of 7 sec bugs that have patches in a security repo (that I can't access directly for some reason), so anatol merges them into 7.0 and 7.1, but misses news entries for most of it in 7.1, so I go to look for things to cherry-pick into 7.1.7 and only find one or two things outstanding .... but there are actually 8, they are just not mentioned in news
@tereško super fucked it as in, missing a bunch of stuff, and tag was supposed to happen two days ago ... still haven't tagged it correctly yet ...
IMHO, it's like with games: we'll wait till it's "ready"
@JoeWatkins 7.1.7 is already released right? Seems like you're pulling fixes that won't end up in there...
Q: Loops dates Followers for Chart - PHP JSON

AnnaLAI want to build a day-to-day date loop that relies on a JSON file. The loop should be adjusted to the graph. The problem that the dates in the JSON file are not necessarily sequential (depending on whether it's a business day or not) I want to view every day (regardless of whether it's a business...

can someone help me pls?
@Sjon no, supposed to be today
@JoeWatkins so how did it end up in archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/php ?
over eager package maintainers ...
they should not act until it's announced
lol. I already pushed it to 3v4l as well
the tag is created two days before announcement is scheduled, in those two days, it may be recreated and destroyed - as has happened with this release - the only time a release is ready is when it's announced on php.net ...
okay; good to know
@AnnaLA did you ever consider posting readable code? And not just by the lexer but by your fellow humans
@Sjon english pls. i can not understand you. TIA
Yeah, speak english @Sjon
@tereško thx .. just what's the reason of repeating "e" and "l" characters in "well" word ? :-) What's that supposed to mean?
mornin all
@JayIsTooCommon :(
@Shafizadeh that the word was stretched out
@tereško ah
@JayIsTooCommon it's English .. isn't it ?
no, its elvish
mornin all
Why Aerys docs doesn't work? I've got this link from GitHub's README amphp.org/docs/aerys it says 404 :/
@brzuchal The path changed, see amphp.org/aerys
I was wondering if I can create HTTP Server without IPC pipes - my need is to retrieve files from upload without saving them on disk, only in memory processing. Is it possible?
@brzuchal with aerys?
I think yes
@brzuchal well, then sure. Aerys does hold everything in memory unless you explicitly write it in your responder…
I need to modify my app because it cannot save any uploaded files on a disk
@bwoebi Thx, I'll try then
@Kaori yeah, I'm already going to push this with my next commit, no need to PR ;-)
oh, k ;)
@brzuchal just wondering … how large are your files going to be?
@bwoebi is it production ready?
3 petabytes ?
@brzuchal Essentially yes.
@bwoebi Thx
@brzuchal so, just a question, how large files are you going to accept?
@bwoebi up to 250M size of whole request
@brzuchal uh … so, you're going to be interested in partial processing or can your data only be processed completely at once?
Only at once, but potentialy most of req will be max few MB
Hello every one
i have question regrading Webhook May I?
@bwoebi I need to process all files from request get control sums and validate their digital signatures, then I no longer need those files
!!welcome JaykumarGondaliya
Welcome @JaykumarGondaliya, please read the Chat Guidelines
@brzuchal well, control sums can be computed incrementally?
@Jeeves Noted Sir :)
@JaykumarGondaliya Right.
i.sstatic.net/Jjk4z.png < @bwoebi how about that font on the amp site?
what are you using for the docs btw?
i stuck to find specific room for that.
bdw Sorry For messages
@Kaori too thin
@Gordon ghpages/jekyll
font-weight: 400 could be another option as well
php DOMDocument loadHTML parses html tags inside comments – #74863
@Kaori why do you want to change the font at all?!
@Jeeves again?
@Gordon Yes I talked to you a few secondes ago.
because, Roboto is bae
@Jeeves secondes? are you spanish?
@Kaori No, I am a program.
yeah, he already announced that bug ...
@Jeeves then why can't you spell 'seconds' properly
@Kaori What did I mispell?
@bwoebi unfortunately no, because most of them are xades signatures they are xml files and there is a need to compute checksum from xml without <sign> part which is inside that xml
@JoeWatkins it's a new one. but it's bogus. the OP didn't get what he was told last time
@brzuchal ugh
I obviously shouldn't be doing things today
@brzuchal Anyway, look up parseBody() function and BodyParser class (you can either set a size limit per field and/or set one for the whole body)
as we found out yesterday (?), script elements are defined to contain CDATA and are required to interpret the first </ as closing tag of the script tag… so the op needs to <\/script
@bwoebi thx, I'll check that
@Jeeves what is your utility function?
@the_velour_fog 42
There is a bug in the docs amphp.org/aerys/classes/bodyparser it points to WebSocket section
@brzuchal I fixed it like 30 secs ago: github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/…
try again
ok, worked
Also amphp.org/aerys/more has non working links
@brzuchal thanks, will fix soon
Dumb question, got a colocated server, I have 3 static Ip's, I'm only using 1, don't know what the other 2 are and have never used them.. is there a way to find out what IP's are being pointed to my server without contacting the colocator?
what do you mean by pointed to my server?
if you want to know what network interfaces exist you can just type ifconfig into the shell
@bwoebi I may have also a problem with zip files because I need to unpack it's contents to compute checksums, and I don't want to store it on a disk, and AFAIK ZipArchive works only with filepath
I did that and see inet addr : 205.xx.xx.100 Bcast 205.xx.xx.106 . So that means 100-106 are IP's i can use?
i'll look up what bcast is
@brzuchal the zip file format is actually very simple… you could just write it yourself
Is it possible to open zip file from Aerys uploaded file stream?
@bwoebi so there are no ready too use impl?
@brzuchal github.com/splitbrain/php-archive/blob/master/src/Zip.php … I found an impl in pure PHP … which writes to a file. Should be very simple to adapt that code to write to memory instead
@bwoebi Awesome, THX
@brzuchal the maintainer seems even not totally inactive, so perhaps a PR would do it? ;-D
what's hit first .submit() or HTML5 validation?
the latter most probably
@JoeWatkins should I open discussion in php.internals or php.bugs? Assuming internals but wanted to check. Couldn't find an old thread on it so will start a new one.
@Gordon , thanks for the tip, after a mini heart attack (restarting eth0) I got it up the way I want it lol.
How does MIT licences work, do I need to put License and copyright notice on my website then?
Thanks will do.
@brzuchal :no. You just are not allowed to delete the licence file from the library, that you used
@tereško Ok, thx
@JoeWatkins what's the recommended way to digest/interface the mailing list?
Is it just email?
I think I get it.
Odd .. In this code, how myfunc() knows $called_from (which is index) refers to the method which is into class two?
because you never actually leave the class "two"
also, that code is a terrible idea
@tereško Ah I see. You mean if I make an instance of class "one", will a conflict be happened?
there would be no conflic
ok good
@tereško Also, this is the best idea in my case .. (if you could see my codes, you will agree with me)
@Shafizadeh then your code implements a terrible idea
nope .. it's just complicated ..! btw, do you have any better algorithm to achieve the same result?
we don't know what is the result
@Shafizadeh You're probably over complicating it. If you need that functionality, 9 x 10 your code is smelly. I don't know what you're trying to achieve.
@Shafizadeh all we see is that you have a class, which internally executes a "variable method", which would make that code extremely hard to debug
@rtheunissen there's also externals.io, but yeah, email primary source for interactive conversation whatever ...
gmail threads the conversations, most news readers should ...
@tereško yes it is hard to debug .. but it doesn't need to debug .. I need to just write it once forever.
ehh .. to be this young and naive again
@JayIsTooCommon you're right .. you need to know some other details to be able suggest a better idea. also, what do you mean smelly? :-)
@Shafizadeh smelly == bad.
@tereško all I'm trying do to is making a MVP of my website and launch it. I will rewrite the whole my website (from beginning) later.
Jul 14 '16 at 19:02, by Danack
They are nuts. Seriously, I consider some groups of programmers to have gone collectively insane, and you should do the opposite of what they do, even if you're not 100% sure why you should do the opposite.
Angular 4 adds new "else" feature. Also shown, new "as" feature. Yikes. How about we #UseTheLanguage instead of mak… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/880531829731639296
@JayIsTooCommon what if you're a dung beetle ?
or the coroner ...
A very valid point
yes, because any one of us could be a dung beetle, and the others wouldn't even know ...
judging by your smell, I'm going to guess you
they don't smell, they just don't avoid smelly things ...
speaking of dung beetles
@WesStark come back already
no reason to suppose they would smell horrible anyway, there are butterflies that smell of chocolate
@JoeWatkins what sad fucker was smelling butterflies?
the same sad fuckers that catch them with nets and then pin them to boards to display in their macabre butterfly dungeons ... I suppose while impaling the creatures, one might catch a whiff ...
We may have a butterfly sniffer amongst us
they are just fancy moths, and as far as I know, moths are made of dust ... they are awful ugly things up close ...
Is fancy a good adjective?
not in a formal sense, no. Depends on context
you wouldn't want to sniff one unless you were already into handling them, and sticking pins in them ... I think ... and I also think it's not a strong smell that travels long distances, it may only be really close up ...
@JayIsTooCommon ah ok
@JoeWatkins If i had to accuse anyone, I think it'd be @bwoebi. He seems like the kind to sniff butterflies.
I'm unsure how you, as the observer, has managed to detect that about anyone ?
unless equipped with an understanding of what qualities an individual would need to be considered a likely butterfly sniffer ...
@JoeWatkins a sixth sense maybe, or just instinct
HEY @WesStark !
@JayIsTooCommon nah, I'm not an emacs user.
i have doubt on wordpress,

that i need to show data by query variables forexample


so tell about it on that page

it can be done

and another question how to change like this

let me check with site thanks @RonniSkansing
just change perma link in wp-admin section under setting-permalink
i created home page its work fine but how can i change content by query variables?
i have created plugin ther also wordpress plugin too
10 mins ago, by Mahipal Patel
just change perma link in wp-admin section under setting-permalink
@dinesh detect the query in your code and use that to get content from your db?
yes @JayIsTooCommon
@dinesh Ignore the question mark.. I was telling you what you need to do.
        return ($this->pendingWrites > 0) ? false : ($this->size <= $this->position);
… that's a way to obfuscate
        return $this->pendingWrites > 0 && $this->size <= $this->position;
how can i replace all the content from my site include header @JayIsTooCommon
@JoeWatkins I am currently using linux.die.net/man/1/pdftotext and it works for my use case (just get the text of the pdf)
Mornings all
@Trowski Why do we require operations to have finished on the File\Handle before doing another operation? The operations obviously are executed sequentially internally. But is there a need that we do explicitly wait for the previous op to have finished?
PHP7.0-xml dom.so: undefined symbol: php_libxml_node_free_list – #74865
@bwoebi this php-archive library IMO need's some refactoring but I might write one inspired by splitbrain so it could fully operate on uploaded zip files in Aerys without saving anything on local disk :)
@brzuchal yeah, it's by no means directly usable, but it would give you a great starting point.
Is there a way to get stream from request body not the string variable?
I mean strem for file fields
hello room
@brzuchal Are you using the amp v1 or v2 aerys?
amphp/aerys v0.5.0
@brzuchal okay, then you need something like:
@brzuchal github.com/amphp/aerys/blob/0.5.x/docs/performance/… see the example at the bottom
this gives you all inputs with the name "field"
If you need to operate on full file data, you obviously can just yield the $field variable within the while body to wait for the whole data
extension_dir = "./ext" now use current directory for base – #74866
Anyone ever had a problem setting an expected exception that has a custom constructor?
Does utilisation of code written by author on MIT license need his aggrement? Or can I do with the code whatever I want? Ofcourse with appropriate note about original author in my new code.
@brzuchal the license text says it … as long as you attribute it to the author accordingly, you can do the fuck you want with it.
Guys - why the shit does this happen : 3v4l.org/4aMUq, and catching changes it: 3v4l.org/7udll
@bwoebi Ok, I wanna do this the right way
Hello everyone. I'm looking for methodologies for development and deploy of websites for fast-paced agencies, a mix of project management, git, development servers and all that kind of stuff on how to do develop software properly, not only in technical terms but also in management and organization. Can you give your two cents on the subject?
That's not two cents
That's several books
My €0.02
@Gordon @WesStark Finished the logo yet?
who uses Lazy instead of Eager ?
why using lazy in the first place ?
in doctrine2
@0x13a do you know what lazy loading is?
yes, kinda
the point is if i have a list of object and those objects have associations with other entities, does not make sense to use lazy loading and doing different queries instead of doing one
If you have an parent with 50 children, and you get the parent, you'll also fetch all of the children as well if you load as eager. If you set to lazy and you only use the first 5 children, you don't query the db for the other 45.
What if you're not going to use those other entities?
well so yes, the difference is in that thing, if i use all or not
@Jimbo What. Why does it get the first 5?
Or do you tell it to do that?
in my case i have a list of objects and i need them all
we are using incorrectly the lazy loading that's why instead of a query i get many query for each join
i think people think lazy is always the right way to do it
but it's not
that was my point
Imo part of it is because people use an orm and don't understand how actually querying the db works
"It's not a db it's a key-value store!"
I found the wordpress devloper!
hahahahha nice. I kinda forgot about that one
@PeeHaa o/
whatsup broooo.. howz you..
I iz good man
How are you?
noice.. me is fyn .. :D
You still busy at browserstack?
@PeeHaa If your foreach looking for something until you find one in the 5th, you don't load the rest right?
Stacking all dem browser
2 hours ago, by Jimbo
Guys - why the shit does this happen : https://3v4l.org/4aMUq, and catching changes it: https://3v4l.org/7udll
@Jimbo Shouldn't you actually just be querying for what you are looking for instead of looping over a "recordset" to find what you need?
@PeeHaa Maybe you don't know what you're looking for. But sure :)
@Jimbo I saw it earlier but not sure tbh cc @bwoebi @NikiC
@Jimbo that would make for an interesting generator
@Jimbo what is the unexpected part there? that both are actually thrown and uncaught?
@pmmaga No, look at the object type that's being dumped from each example
@PeeHaa Yes xD ... porting their apps to React now, will lead the project in few days.. what about you?
Oooh fancy
@Mr.Alien You're alive! Welcome back! Also, something about a duck? Or something
@PeeHaa I don't like it but I have to do it
I am busy as always writing dem phps for clients while ranting on twitter
@Mr.Alien It's the newest hype bro
in recruiter message on jobs:
Part of being a js dev
@PeeHaa I might make your opcache fancy soon by adding npm shit with sass and better better js
> Hi Félix,

Hi [redacted],
I hope you're well ;)
Gotta catch dem frameworks
not sure how I should interpret that
@Mr.Alien yay
@Jimbo damn.. long time bro :D howz you?
like, they're so busy they send the same mail to many people?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Just give them your life story
@Jimbo The uncaught exception handler isn't showing previous......It's showing the inside one, and then the 'next'.......which is the other way round to userland error handlers. But it doesn't look incorrect.
All of it
@PeeHaa yea exactly, people want that.. so recently I was taking interviews for frontend peeps, turns out, everyone has react and angular on their CV, but if I ask a basic js scope question, they fail.. also, I asked why react? They say it's faster than JS and am like niceeee
@PeeHaa will need your help if I couldn't setup.. make sure you've teamviewer installed and my mac will be all yours :p
@PeeHaa yea I swear, they say it's faster than vanilla js..
Yeah I have it
@Mr.Alien I went to the JqueryUK conference 2 years ago (and actually am wearing the tshirt today), and there was a talk about what is the 'event loop' which I thought would be empty, as all Javascript devs should know that already, right? Nope - packed out.
@Mr.Alien Another nice follow up question would be asking them what stinks most about angular1, 2 and react
@Mr.Alien well, writing a component is faster with react than vanillajs. tldr what the hell are they even comparing?
Angular 4 adds new "else" feature. Also shown, new "as" feature. Yikes. How about we #UseTheLanguage instead of mak… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/880531829731639296
@Danack You have the jquery shirt on now? pics or GTFO
@Danack yeah saw it :D
+1 for pics
@Danack My problem is: I'm setting PHPUnit to expect the first exception. Then, I change the exception constructor to take some custom parameters including a caught (previous) exception, make a custom message, and call parent:__construct($msg, $e->getCode(), $e);. Simple. But when I add this custom constructor, phpunit says it gets the wrong exception, which it does, because of the 3v4l code
So the only behaviour I change to go from working code to code that doesn't work, is to have a custom constructor in my exception that calls the parent
idontknowwhatimsaying.gif can RuntimeException and Exception not have the same "precedence" or be treated in the same way?
Don't know why the beards doing a seaweed impression.
@Danack that's actually gorgeoous
@Danack Awesom
See @JoeWatkins at least somebody is still devoted to the beard
@Jimbo I think you might be just misreading something - on the line "// It's not of type AException any more", either that comment is wrong, or you're wrong.
I just opened it specially for you
I am not disaapoint
!!urban sqint
whatchoo talkin bout willis
Dunno. Weird french canadian talking
he probably plays le violin too
huh, Rasmus is keynote for NW
@Danack It's not though, it's of type: object(T)#1
@PeeHaa le fair sized violin at that
Search for "squint" (https://www.google.com/search?q=squint&lr=lang_en)
• Squint - Look After Your Eyes - Squint (also known as strabismus) is a condition that arises because of an incorrect balance of the… (http://lookafteryoureyes.org/eye-conditions/squint/)
• Translate "squint" from English to Dutch - Interg… - English to Dutch translation results for 'squint' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible… (http://m.interglot.com/en/nl/squint)
• Squint - Wikipedia - Squinting is the action of looking at something with partially closed eyes. Squinting is most often… (https://en.wikipe
ah :D
hmmmm.... the third one
@Jimbo yes? you're throwing a T, and that has an AException stored inside it somewhere....but you're catching the thrown exception.
like, the one that's like when you look suspiciously at someone
3 messages moved to Trash
lol wtf was that
@Danack Does catching the thrown exception discard it? Maybe I have a more basic understanding of exceptions
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