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@NikiC Seriously though, what the fuck?
3 hours later…
morning r11
First Trait wins on importing same methods with diff alias – #74872
@Samson lol
Morning room
Happy friday
Happpppy friday @Linus
Dad, I'm hungry. Hello, Hungry. I'm Dad
@Jeeves you hungry?
@Linus It's not so bad.
posted on July 07, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@rtheunissen I've setup gmail to send as @php.net by using gmail smtp servers and an alias ...
@rtheunissen GMail > Settings > Accounts > Send Mail As > Add another email address > Follow the wizard from there.
You don't need the outbound mail to travel via php's mail servers at all. GMail just sets the MAIL FROM as you instruct it to (though it does bother to verify you control the address first)
morning Joe,Sara
/me spies a release happening...
/me checks the date...
its made really complicated if you have 2fa (u2f or whatever) enabled on gmail ... it literally took me months to figure out how it worked ...
what release is happening ?
@JoeWatkins Um... The email you literally just sent to internals@ re 7.1.7 ?
oh it's just late email because I was waiting for mirrors and windows build last night
I only done the final tag yesterday morning ... everything went wrong ...
I dunno why I bothered waiting ... we don't even wait for our own announcements ...
Next in today's set of releases: #PHP 7.1.7. As with 7.0.20, this is a security fix, and we recommend you upgrade! http://php.net/archive/2017.php#id2017-07-06-3
Rules? Where we're going, we don't need... rules.
@Sara right, we dont need to stinking rules. if we wanna break something, we break the build!
and good nining
I follow the rules, but I do it in a zig-zag pattern, while performing cart wheels ...
mornin all
Does anyone here know of a good way to edit multiline cells in a mysql table? for example some CMS's will store an entire view of HTML as a field. now I need to edit one of those fields. from command line SSH session, without phpmyadmin...
Minor BC break: PCRE_JIT changes output of preg_match() – #74873
A: PHP 7: Whats bad about passing a non-variable by reference and why a NOTICE if function passed, but an FATAL error if array is passed?

Joe WatkinsThe term "non-variable" refers to any variable which the programmer cannot reference by name. These are temporary variables allocated by the executor at runtime: The result of a function call or some other expression, that is not assigned to a named variable. To pass something by reference only ...

am I making sense ?
@Sara I guess we both interpreted your response in the sense of "We take your security very seriously" after a major data breach
AKA "We are very open to discussing alternatives, but we are not actually going to discuss or even comment on the possibility of dual licensing the code, even though it has been brought up more than once already"
Well, that sounds rather foolish on both your parts.
I'm not sure how else to take it really. If alternatives are brought up but not discussed, what is one supposed to do with that?
I question your English comprehension, dude.
"You wanna dual license, sure!" Is not ambiguous.
Where does it say that?
Jesus fucking christ. I'll wait while you go read with your eyes open this time,.
You also state you're willing to amend/qualify the license in some way, that's also doable.
---> You also state you're willing to amend/qualify the license in some way, that's also doable.
You also state you're willing to amend/qualify the license in some way, that's also doable. <---
Shall I bold it?
Do you need difficult to understand words defined?
You're smarter than this, Niki
I said, "Let's go have a discussion and figure this out." Frank replied by saying the conversation was over and that he was being forced into something he didn't want.
It has been said from the very start that the preference of jedisct1 is to dual license the code (and that he's okay with doing that). There has been no discussion on that. Your comment says essentially that "Either you relicense to PHP, or there are 'doable' alternatives, even though we have not commented on any of them"
You're pissed about how I'm handling this? How about the way he's NOT handling it>?
Okay, you're not going to be honest in this discussion.
Handle it yourself.
I don't give a fuck if Sodium makes feature freeze, and since Frank doesn't either, it probably won;t.
I have no idea what's happening ...
"Handle it myself" to me just means merge it. Which does not seem to be fine
The real problem is that nobody here actually has a single clue what they are talking about
you are smart cookies, you don't need to argue...
Yes, I said that as well.
None of us are lawyers and none of us have anything really qualified to say on this
Not that any of you people read a fucking word I said,.
what is actually happening ? do we need a lawyer ?
@Sara Lawyers are not going to appear out of thin air on the internals list just by wishing for them
they aren't, but we can access lawyers
any one knows about socket.io
we done it a few months ago to clarify a copy/license issue ... when the year changed...
it was slow, but worked ... and it was free ...
@NikiC No, lawyers will not magically materialize, thank you for explaining that to me. I would not have guessed otherwise.
can someone point me at the conversation where this is being discussed, so I can know what's happening ?
@NikiC What does exist on the list are people with a material interest in PHP's legal health. What does exist is a broader aproximation of copyright understanding than I possess alone. You see, many are greater than one.
@JoeWatkins No, I can't. Because the copyright holder for sodium refuses to discuss the matter at all.
Which is why I don't care at this point if it slips to 7.3
are you able to tell me what's happening in any more detail ?
I mean, I can guess, but I don't like to guess
I read "Gah" as "Why yes, you're right. This RFC has been approved for six months and yet his responses on PR discussion, both license and code related have been glacially slow. What an astute observation!"
See, I can deliberately misconstrue too!
@Sara That's probably my fault. I explicitly said on the PR that we'd like to have the code merged first before we start piling more commits on that PR
@JoeWatkins RFC vote says we want to pull ext/sodium into core. Sodium has explicit copyright and licensing which is postentially in conflict with PHP (I'm not sure, but it might be). The copyright holder won't discuss how we can make it compatible.
I've worked on making the extension ready for merging before and never had issues with lack of responses there
Six Months.
And now we're less than a fortnight from feature freeze.
THIS is why I'm pissed.
@Sara The licensing issue has only come up one month ago though. Nobody thought about it before. It was expected that this was just going to be merge and done
That and having my words either ignored or maliciously misinterpreted.
okay ... I dunno how I missed this whole conversation on the PR ... I guess I did assume it was going to be sorted by now ...
I think what is also part of the problem is that Frank is probably not on the internals list.
He has been responding wrt this issue on GH
He could say that.
No he hasn't.
I dunno if nikita is capable of malicious ... I get it though, this is stressful stuff ...
This is his first comment on the issue: github.com/php/php-src/pull/2560#issuecomment-307735082
It's not much, but it does state clear preferences
@JoeWatkins Interpreting "Let's talk" as "Fuck you, my way or the highway" is either malicious or incompetent. And I have too much respect for Niki's intellect to assume the latter.
@NikiC First and last comment
@Sara I'm not really sure what more there is to say from that side
@NikiC When Remi asks him to engage in conversation: He ignores it.
@NikiC When I ask him to engage in conversation: He ignores it,.
@NikiC No? Okay. What does this dual license look like?
After all this is a licensing question that has to be resolved on the PHP side. He stated his preferences and it's up to PHP to decide whether or not those are acceptable. But that has not happened. We're still at the point where basically relicensing to PHP is the only option on the table.
Bull Shit.
I want to slap you through the internet right now.
"We're still at the point where basically relicensing to PHP is the only option on the table." <--- That is a lie. You just lied. You stated a known falsehood. Liar.
@Sara Sorry, I understand now that you are genuinely open to exploring alternatives
Stop that.
That's just what the state of the discussion looked like from a perspective of results (i.e., it was the only option that has been discussed)
Again, I could not have been more clear if I had sent an exgraved invitation embossed with my own blood.
we can potentially take the BSD license as-is
so after "How do we change license then?" did the conversation go private, I seem to be missing something ?
you're willing to amend/qualify the license in some way, that's also doable
@JoeWatkins At that point I was pissed off at his disrespectful tone to be quite honest.
@Sara Okay, so we have options (we had them from the start). What do we do now?
hrm got to go
Please don't be too pissed
I just want people to fucking act like they're even listening
@NikiC I'm not mad, bro. I'm just hurt.
'cause people are going to get pissed at me when I have to say, "This isn't happening."
As to "What do we do now?" We pick a license solution that works for everyone. That's all.
Maybe that's a dual license, maybe that's BSD as-is, maybe that's PHP license.
The point I've been trying to make since the start is that I DON'T KNOW AND I AM ILL EQUIPPED TO MAKE THAT CALL ON MY OWN.
if everyone agrees to change the license, is that problem solved ?
Of course.
looks like only one more response is pending there ...
@Sara Yes, and that's just it. Nobody of us is equipped to make that call. I think the only response from the side of the PHP group we have was from Rasmus
Who said it was okay to use BSD, but in a somewhat ambiguous way (iirc -- referring to bundling libraries only)
I dunno what you are talking about but I am not going to get pissed at Sara… if it helps anything
@NikiC Again. None of us are singularly qualified. But collectively we are more qualified than I am.
I can say that with rock solid certainty.
Do you agree? Or do you think I am a stronger legal authority than the combined might of internals@?
Assuming you agree, then I hope you see why broader discussion would be beneficial.
Not ideal, but an improvement.
In particular, the input of anyone formally part of The PHP Group, who have a material interest in the state and validity of PHP's copyright.
I certainly agree with that
I can only reasonably assume that Frank hasn't even tried to contact internals@, despite multiple requests from Remi and I, because he hasn't made any statements regarding such.
Scott, bless his heart, is trying to do whatever he can to make the merge happen.
Yes, it's likely that he's not subscribed to the list
@Sara Scott who?
He reckons a relicense to PHP will do it, and so far he's got a lot of buyin for it. A heavyweight fix, but I don't care what solution we wind up at.
Oh, him
Looking at his issue again, it seems Scott might actually be the source of Frank's belief that the ext needs to be relicensed "PHP requires the PHP license".
But Frank's made his poor english comprehension clear, so it's hard to be certain.
Regardless of Frank's participation, there has not been much discussion from the PHP side either, and in particular no responses from the PHP group
I hold out hope that a message from him along the lines of "Hey, I wanna make this happen, how can we do that." would spark better conversation, but that's probably naïve
The PHP group only comments on important issues like what to call :: :P
Well, "The PHP Group" is only really two people who are actually active on that list.
Three if you count Andi, but he's hardly regular.
In fact, deja vu... I said EXACTLY this ten hours ago: news.php.net/php.internals/99803
Btw, the part about the copyright assignment...
That was a for example. I know it's unrealistic.
At least from Fred's response, that's already not going tobwork
"At one end of the problems scale we have..."
We can throw Fred's diffs out
He only touched two tests. We exclude those tests. Problem solved.
And without vthe copyright assignment I'm not sure what the license change actually fixes
That's a great reply for sending to internals@
Because it would still (theoretically) prevent moving code
Actually, I take that back. There's one easier and cleaner solution than all this.
We close the PR and walk away.
user image
Or we merge it and ignore the issue :P
After thinking about this a bit I have a strong suspicion that the PHP license is on very thin legal ground
This is me: Registering my strong disapproval of that course of action.
@NikiC Er.... no comment. Best to avoid that briar patch
Things like the relicensing clause, without having a CLA
@Sara such a great show. ended way too soon.
And we'll, really all the other parts it changes from BSD :D
la la la... not listening to this
Yeah, I suppose it is.
you're such a developer.
I wish. I'm mostly just sleepless
Good morning
yo boob
you really don't have anything better to spend your night than wasting time with copyright discussions @Sara?!?
ridiculous as it is ... it may seem like a waste of time, but actually may stop us from merging the code ...
@bwoebi Test runs, actually. The rest just filled the time.
why do people keep doing this 3v4l.org/RH213
oh well, then
anyone else ?
@Sjon I guess because 3v4l is convenient for multiversion benchmarks
@Gordon yeah that's too bad. Benchmarks fill up my queue
but I'm not sure what they expect to collect
happy rebeccaday
anyone know of a built-in way to get the path to config file set during ./configure phase (i.e. /etc/php, /etc/php5, /etc/php/7.0/cli, etc)
the best of got so far is grepping the output of php -i or phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL)
which is kinda crappy
@Sjon what time limit do you currently use?
no builtin way that I'm aware of
@NikiC 2.5s to allow time-based tests to sleep at least a second
but maybe that's simply to much if the minimum is ~70 versions
@Stephen Just checked. phpinfo is the only place it's exposed, sorry.
@Sjon Can you somehow limit CPU time instead?
posted on July 07, 2017 by bwoebi

* The `ParallelHandle::seek()` function now ignores whether the handle is busy, similarly to the other handle implementations.

@Sara thanks for checking.
Trying to decide if exposing it would be a good idea, an okay idea, or a terrible idea.
On the one hand, people have access to it anyway, so wtf, amirite?
On the other hand, parsing it correctly is such a nightmare.
@NikiC yeah; requires a rewrite but might be worth it. I currently use rlimit for the global daemon and custom logic for limiting specific scripts (runtime/output)
Not least of which because windows
@NikiC using rlimit for each script instead would also allow parallelizing
@Sara so, why don't you just expose the ini search directory itself directly?
I was thinking that ... it may even allow better error messages from internals
@bwoebi Sorry, I missed the part where that was what was being looked for
@Sara i only want it for a deployment tool (i.e. knowing where to stick extra config files - e.g. Debian 5.x to 7.x changed the path structure) - I can't imagine its that useful from within php itself, really?
Oh wow, I misread the entire question
I thought you were looking for the ./configure line
((Haven't slept))
@Sara well, he is … somewhat … in order to solve his problem.
@Sara i mean, that would work
we could possibly detect where there's a mismatch between configure'd and runtime options, "could not find some.so in runtime extension directory, but has been found in the configure'd extension directory" ...
but it'd still be more schlepping through the string
but some builds also do completely hide the configure line, so that's not necessarily too helpful
I think we are considering exposing it in a useful way @Stephen
given how it's presented (i.e. KEY => value) it'd even be handy just to have access to the output of php_info, as an actual array
Okay, so... no. Those aren't exposed either, but I'd be a lot more into exposing them.
right - it's just a different format to phpinfo() anyway right
I thought we were discussing exposing the configure options as an array, or something useful ...
Well, also, they're way more usable as pure strings
/me awaits the inevitable "how do we name the keys for this" discussion on internals.
ini_opened_path() === '/usr/lib/php.ini' or ini_scanned_path() === '/usr/lib/php.d/'
The bad news is that this can't get voted on in time for 7.2 feature freeze, and it's not critical enough to override the freeze, so it'd be a 7.3 feature and that's about 18 months off
Hope you didn't need it any time soon...
you can include a self contained feature in a stable release, just wait until after GA
lol it's not a huge issue
@JoeWatkins I really want to respect semantic versioning at least a little bit.
@Sara I really don't want to use semantic versioning in PHP.
One always gets a config.nice after ./configure, right?
php -r 'echo dirname(php_ini_loaded_file());' actually works for now.
more schlepping. but, still. it'll do.
@Ekin if successful
phenology: the science dealing with the influence of climate on the recurrence of such annual phenomena of animal and plant life as budding and bird migrations.
K right
@Sara we don't use it and we shouldn't pretend we're following it. The only real guarantee is really no BC breaks in micros (as much as sanely possible).
because if we pretend, you anger people when you inevitably have to do something that doesn't fit with semver ...
that too, yes.
@bwoebi If you wanna RFC it targetting 7.2.1 (or heck, even 7.2.0) I'll merge it if the mob says to.
monrnings o/
also ABI, we try pretty hard not to break that ...
@Sara we're not talking about even RFCing that.
yeah this is the kind of thing we kick under the door when nobody is looking ...
Just "shhh, pay no attention to the diff behind the curtain"?
@JoeWatkins yes. (that's what I also included in BC break … there the guarantee is even stronger)
Eh... I could be convinced.
@Sara yeah, we PR it, a few people from core review it and it's good for merge.
It is a REALLY tiny diff with (to me) obvious implementation and naming...
PR first, that's fair.
oh yeah, we always do the PR thing ...
"always".... pfft, you youngin's
speaking of reviewing and merging things.. maybe this would be neat to fix in 7.2? :P
@Sara sneaking things in may still miss some relevant concerns...
Just like Dmitry pushing his premature optimizations, hehe.
@pmmaga When I'm awake... :)
Yes. Much like that. :/
ensure that it appears as if the rules are being followed, especially when the rules are being broken #php #internals #101
@Sara ;)
@JoeWatkins That belongs in README.RELEASE_PROCESS
wow. what did i start.
guys i was just trying to find a quick fix, i wasn't trying to start a philosophical discussion about releases :P
@Stephen don't start discussions if you're afraid of them derailing :-D
fyi i found a solution, so you can all just forget this whole thing happened
it's too late, this thing is bigger than you now ... all you can do is stand on the sidelines, head in hands and watch through the gaps in your fingers ... assume your position ...
So... um...
By which I mean... fuck me. Good night.
@Sara which doesn't give you the dir if it's empty
(but it's TBH likely that it isn't)
and doesn't tell you what php was configured with, if there was an ini entry or command line option overriding ...
wtf no image?
or if the sapi hardcoded the path (I don't think any do, but they could)
@Sara yes, that's essentially what I'm using for now
Okay, so php_ini_scanned_path() should maybe be added...
php_path() {
${php} -r 'echo dirname(dirname(php_ini_loaded_file()));'
I thought you wanted to tell the difference between the configured path (with configure) and the path passed to cli, or found in ini ?

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