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@Gordon baaallshit.
@Gordon did you at least smirk?
@Gordon technically peace time laws trump directives made in times of conflict, which is what you are talking about ... it's not technically okay to shoot a welshman at any time, any where ...
but they're welsh? Surely the courts would understand.
disappointing, I know ... the most you can do is call them names, but they are pretty immune at this point ...
@JoeWatkins but but… the internet said so
Gordon.. fucking laugh at my joke.
@JayIsTooCommon bwahahahahahaha
thank you.
@JayIsTooCommon croseo
> It is legal to shoot a
Welshman with a longbow on
Sunday in the Cathedral
Close in Hereford; or inside
the city walls of Chester after
midnight; or a Scotsman
within the city walls of York,
other than on a Sunday.
> It is illegal to shoot a Welsh or
Scottish (or any other) person
regardless of the day, location or
choice of weaponry. The idea that it
may once have been allowed in
Chester appears to arise from a
reputed City Ordinance of 1403,
passed in response to the Glynd
Rising, and imposing a curfew on
Welshmen in the city. However, it is
not even clear that this Ordinance
ever existed. Sources for the other
cities are unclear; Hereford, like
Chester, was frequently under attack
from Wales during the medieval
you just were reading the wrong internet ...
hmm, too bad,but then again I dont even have a crossbow and what wouldI want in Chester anyway chester.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Shoot_the_Welsh
accidentally shut down windows rather than reboot. and it did the updates. something like 200 all at once, and it worked
i was already prepared to format
ok, if that is bogus, I at least hope that "In England, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day." is true
@Gordon technically, it's still illegal to be drunk in a pub in the UK
it's not really bogus as such, that particular one we can trace, but it's one of a large number of directives made in times on conflict that were either never tested or are in principle untestable in times of peace ... there's another large collection of laws like the longbow one, and the one about London taxis having to carry two bails of hay everywhere they go that are no longer enforced ...
@Dereleased lol
When taxi's used to be horse drawn, that made sense :P
@JoeWatkins now that you brexit you can enforce that again.
also, think about the wording of the law, it was never the case that this was a law to encourage the killing of welshman in particular places, but it's about restricting where you can kill in times on conflict ... in times of conflict an invading army can be killed, but the law is saying "don't do it in church or within the city walls, with some exceptions" ...
Man, to be from a country that played a large part during the Middle Ages, just the amount of history is astounding
Americans don't count the indigenous people as our "history"
cause we're rude
well, they're not your history ...
you just rocked up and stole everything ...
cough british cough empire cough imperialism cough
we were ... just spreading the happiness ...
@DaveRandom ping
@DaveRandom ping
@DaveRandom ping
you guys are doing it wrong
@DaveRandom ping
use @Jeeves
@Tiffany Link.
!!annoy DaveRandom
@DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom hi
I won't be surprised if he revokes my access now
@JoeWatkins why have you been so 11 absent?
that will still ping only once though
@JayIsTooCommon I know how to make SharePoint my bitch now
@JayIsTooCommon sometimes depression gets a grip on me, and doesn't let go for a while ...
if you use SharePoint, you're its bitch - it can never be the other way around :B
> your
@JoeWatkins .. sorry to hear that.
grip loosening, I think ...
I can relate to that ever since I started working on php-src
I learned a lot during training, and I think it's possible to move our internal portal system to SharePoint (ultimate goal), it just requires a lot of forethought and planning before we do anything because we have to figure out how we want it structured... I anticipate a lot of meetings in my future.
@Tiffany why would you want to use SharePoint?!
how are you doing @JoeWatkins?
quite poorly ...
@Gordon I want to get away from a shitty vendor.
@Gordon these are the same people who nominated trump.
@JoeWatkins :( sorry to hear
still in a lot of pain?
hey @JoeWatkins welcome back, where you goin with that flower in your hand yo?
@JoeWatkins would an 11 party on IoW help?
@Tiffany I admit it's been a long time I last had to do with sharepoint but moving from one vendor lockin to another doesnt sound like its much of an improvement
and sorry to confuse you with my new nick and avatar joe, i'm that wes :B
@WesStark Tony Stark adopted you?
@Tiffany well you asked, sorry if tmi ... I'm almost totally healed, but normal sex is painful and I have to take viagra to finish, and it takes more than an hour at the moment ...
@WesStark HAH!
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 13 mins ago, by Zach Saucier
@WesStark I'm against it. Looks like it's a random triangle floating in space because of bad composition (not having a full circle)
I'm always right.
i didn't particularly dislike nor like it @JayIsTooCommon i simply don't see better options.
no, go away. I'm right you're wrong.
btw, why does it need to be a full circle?
@WesStark (wave)
@JayIsTooCommon knowing what will help is the problem ... seems like nothing, I just have to wait for it to go away ...
@JoeWatkins a bit TMI, but I did ask. hopefully that gets better.
@Gordon We're already locked in because we get SharePoint for free. We get Office 365 for free because we're in education.
ah. go ahead then
@Tiffany ha sorry ... yeah, me too ...
ehy @Tiffany, suggestions? trunk is still a sketch i.imgur.com/a4200zs.png
@WesStark trunk entrance looks kinda goofy
like almost a nipple kind of I was thinking baby bottle nipple, but not quite
now that you said nipple, I see a nipple ...
trunk should be like a nose
maybe look at the end of the trunk of a real elephant, it's not that shape ...
yeah, nosey ...
@JoeWatkins Are you tempted to seek professional help?
first on is african iirc,
african has a better grasp
ahh, true
and bigger ears
we already said we like the smaller asian ears better
but yeah, i did research. but too many details are overkill for a logo
@JayIsTooCommon I have, they prescribe medication that makes me a zombie, which sometimes I take, but then I'm a zombie ... there's no real difference between incapacitated because of depression or the drugs to treat it ...
@WesStark probably so
i have a final card to play... lemme try...
is it a branch?
just go with the manatee
oh wait. or maybe make the trunk grab an actual speaker
@JoeWatkins my experience with psychiatric drugs has been keep trying until you find a drug that works, but I'm on an anti-psychotic, so it might be a bit different. However, they all seem to have the "gain weight" quality, which is pissing me off.
not conference speaker, but amp speaker
first drug I was on made me a zombie too, so I was put on something else, took probably nine? different medications until we found one that works
tried a few combinations, don't even know what I'm on right now ... two of something ...
Day 65 in Room 11, the natives are still trying to decide the logo of amphp.
Git rebase (in phpstorm) is being a dick. I just want to rebase onto master so I don't get a merge commit
I just get "can't do it", because there's a merge conflict somewhere
just use the shell
I'm convinced git rebase just flips a coin. Either it screws up your history or it works.
you only need phpstorm for fixing merge conflicts because that sucks via the shell
@Gordon Can't even do it with shell because it gives me the same problem
@Jimbo Just use the shell for every git op.
@Jimbo git mergetool && git rebase --continue.
So I need to fail the rebase first..
git rebase master
@JoeWatkins yeah, I've forgot all of the combinations I've tried, I just remember what I liked, but couldn't take because I'm allergic
i am amazed by how good i am at drawing. i definitely choose the wrong job
is there a difference between git checkout -b newBranch commitRef and git branch newBranch commitRef apart from git checkout actually checks you out?
@Sean No.
@WesStark That doesn't fit. :P
@kelunik imagine it well executed please :B i.imgur.com/8S3ribp.png
strtotime() doesn't accept date with spaces in it – #74797
@WesStark heh, nice twist
The menlo fixed width font isn't fixed width for chinese characters in PhpStorm.
@WesStark no :B
I tell you what would look good though
A branch.
can someone punch this guy
@WesStark ummm… no?
make it grab an amp with it's trunk please
Ohh that was the whole speaker thing..
An amp..
wrap the trunk around an amp
Or a branch..
why a branch?
@Tiffany I'm guessing you meant like a guitar amp, but my first thought for some reason was "How are they going to depict the elephant's trunk wrapped around an ampere?"
I need a bit of advise. I have a function that needs to return 2 arrays. Using list() I can retrieve both arrays. However: In PHP 5, list() assigns the values starting with the right-most parameter. In PHP 7, list() starts with the left-most parameter.
I need the order to stay intact. With version_compare() I could use reverse_array() to solve my problem. But, as php.net correctly states: Generally speaking, it is advisable to avoid relying on a specific order of operation, as this may change again in the future. So is there any other approach I should take?
why does it need to return two arrays? something something your function should be doing only one thing
separation of concerns I think?
Well 1 array contains messages that should be displayed to the visitor. The other contains id's required by the code for futher handling
@icecub use an associative array? or drop support for PHP 5. Actually there should be some advice in the php 5 -> 7 migration guide.
@icecub Just don't override your variable and you're fine.
@Danack do you know where? or just google it?
the amplifier doesn't have a distinctive recognizable shape
unless you mean a speaker
but that also. looks like a washing machine
it's not gonna work
I was thinking of a speaker
Thanks for the advise guys. I think I can work with that :)
what if you use two circles, one smaller circle at the top, and one bigger circle?
in amphp/design, 2 mins ago, by Wes Stark
@Trowski that's the logo, but i can do a different version for other uses, that includes the rest of the body
I take it you don't like drawing trunks :P
yes. i dislike spirals :B
@icecub wait.......it's only a problem if you're assigning the results into another array. If that is the case - couldn't you just combine the two as the return like tiffany said?
but just because software are really bad at generating them
@Danack thanks!
I'll need to refactor code at some point to support 7
@Danack I'm afraid not. The messages array can be of different size than the id array. It's for a file upload class. So if 5 files are uploaded, there will be 5 messages. But if only 3 are succesfull, only 3 id's
is that performed all in one function?
@WesStark it's... weird
@icecub so split them into $foo['file_upload_attempt'][] + $results['file_upload_success'][] ? aka I don't see why you need to split them into separate arrays.
I'd also strongly recommend putting these into classes, rather than arrays of 'stuff'.
yay, I'm learning stuff, I was thinking it should be a class
@Tiffany big meaty trunks?
@Danack You lost me there. I understand the splitting part, but putting them into classes? Why (and more impotantly) how?
30 degrees in the office even though aircon is running... halp
@icecub because procedural code sucks, most of the time
@icecub In an object oriented language, when you find yourself returning a tuple and using list() to retrieve values, you generally want an object.
@Patrick wat
@Patrick I'd go home.
I'm not joking.
Apparently HHVM ships with pgsql now
I'd go and work from home.
Maybe I'll switch so I can use Hack :v
@MadaraUchiha Ah I see. So instead of getting an array returned, I get an object. That makes sense :)
@Patrick the hot air end is meant to be outside, not inside?
@rightfold Why is that a reason to switch to HHVM?
@Danack oh
yeah going home soon, can't think in here
@icecub Because having your IDE autocomplete what keys can be used from some data, is a massive productivity gain. if you have 40 minutes I have a talk youtube.com/watch?v=YKXfOYTBaI4 - slides docs.basereality.com/InterfaceSegregationPHPNW/#
@Danack I'll gladly make the time for it
@kelunik it used to not have a decent port of pgsql, but now it does
And h2tp was abandoned recently (and had always been buggy)
So the only way to use Hack right now is with HHVM
@icecub don't not take the good advice (read: TAKE THE GOOD ADVICE) you get there, but the list() issue you mentioned only matters if you do list($foo[], $foo[]) = bar();. If you assign to named variables, e.g. list($foo, $bar) = baz();, then it doesn't matter if list() starts at the rightmost or leftmost parameter.
@Danack watching it now, you do have a nice full beard
@Dereleased Well list($foo[], $foo[]) = bar(); is actually my situation. But I think following the earlier advise will be better than to continue like this :)
@icecub Definitely.
Where's @DaveRandom now? He said he'll have time starting 6 hours ago.
@NikiC I have updated the arrow function preference page a bit; let me know what you think.
@Tiffany which really doesn't suit 30C weather at all....
tradeoff, keeps you warm in the winter, makes you swelter in the summer
@Danack 30C would be a break for me, and I have the same beard
@Dereleased you have aircon either at work or home though?
@Danack required for survival. Oh, you live in one of those places. Unwise, sir.
I'm happy I completely switched to using celsius a few years ago, because I can understand exactly how hot you guys are talking about.
it's a nice 23C in my office :D
O @DaveRandom, @DaveRandom! Wherefore art thou @DaveRandom? Deny your other work and be my DNS denizen.
@Dereleased That's what the F stands for, right?
@Sean You know it!
That's pretty much every reaction I get when I say I use celsius.
Is my rshift going?
Does this still work?
@DaveRandom should work on DNS lib.
pkcs7_en/decrypt does not work if \x0a is used in content – #74798
@DaveRandom just wanted to add to the pings.
I wonder how many he has now
lets ask
@DaveRandom how many pings do you have?
@DaveRandom I'm curious too, how many pings do you have now?
Evenin room
ugh, I remember what I'm supposed to be working on, and it's something I don't want to do
For #74798 - there is an ini setting where php converts line endings in file writes. Anyone remember what that setting is?
ah - auto_detect_line_endings
what, there are still people that think in farenheit?
@Danack Thank you very much for the tip to use classes instead! Your video was certainly a nice watch and my code is working perfectly fine now :)
cool, np.
@WesStark looks funny :-D
@FélixGagnon-Grenier a few million, in fact
@icecub awesome to hear
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Condescension isn't cute /cc @Tiffany
It's like asking if people still think in French. Yeah, if that's what there entire frame of reference is built around, probably.
Switching to Celsius was a conscientious decision. I had to switch everything I used to celsius and "learn" by relation.
I had to pretty much avoid Fahrenheit until a couple years had gone by and I had a decent grasp on what was relatively "hot" and relatively "cold" in Celsius.
@WesStark Cephalopoda Vulgaris. Nice twist. :)
posted on June 22, 2017 by trowski

Initial release on Amp v2.

@Tiffany How does that affect your baking?
If you bake. I assume everyone bakes, but idk
@Dereleased taking stuff too seriously isn't, either... I bake stuff too.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I had honestly completely forgotten that comment until I saw my ping. I just have fun defending FREEDOM UNITS. Or, do you want to have fun attacking them in a vacuum. Would you rather attack a strawman or a sock puppet?
I was not under the impression my comment was anything close to an attack, to be honest.
I have no intention of attacking anyone, since I also use farenheit on a daily basis, this was in the realm of "jokes".
We need to come out with some kind of rich-text tone system, maybe denoted by colors and symbols (so the colorblind aren't left out, but we can still have the shortcut). Of course, the U.S. will probably find a way to fuck that up too, by adopting a system only used by Nicaragua and Syria.
Attack meant in a joking context
like joust or jest or jeoust
no problem. gtg for now, laters
@FélixGagnon-Grenier <3 o/
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Also my baking question was meant to be, since @Tiffany is US based, does she have a stove that uses C, and if so, does she translate all the directions on things that come in F to C. Mostly because I'm curious about baking at 176.67 instead of just 350.
I'm trying to ask if she changed the units on her oven, or just basically does a pass-thru on those directions, as if it said "Set oven to Gargantuan Orange" and you just pressed the button labeled Gargantuan Orange.
implementing enums is hell
@Dereleased I still use Fahrenheit. I can't change my oven to Celsius, and I probably wouldn't want to because I'd have to convert units (if I'm baking like a frozen pizza)
I really only bake from recipes, and they use Fahrenheit
Before I learned Celsius, I found it funny that I used Celsius for CPU/GPU temperatures but didn't understand what was too hot for a GPU in Fahrenheit. Pretty much every monitoring program defaulted to Celsius and never bothered to change it.
@Tiffany If you quote chip temps in F people trip out
"Yeah, it's running at about 110, so it should be fine for now"
Should I be doing $this->className= new SomeClass in a constructor, or should I be pulling that from a DIC?
@CoderDudeTwodee neither. use dependency injection
(assuming you mean a service locator by #2)
@Patrick DIC- Dependency injection Container?
the container part isn't the important part
Yes, so dependency injection.
This is what I have been doing:

public function __construct(Database $db) {
$this->db= $db;

The database object comes from Symfony's Dependency Injection container using Lazy Initialization.
Looks fine to me
Wait @ircmaxell, is that you in the video? I watched that video when I was building the dependency injection, thanks man!
Someone a few minuts to assist me a bit? I have locally a file Archive.zip, I have a VPS, fresh Ubuntu installation with ngnix and mysql.
I would like to get my file on my VPS. ... I tried SCP -r /myFile/xyz.cip ssh@myserver:var/www/ but I get a permission denied.
I already tried the same with sudo... But no success.
Don't I have to set the SSH key from my OWN computer into the the server (vps) configuration? Somwhere in ~/.ssh/
OK I fgured it out hihi
@ircmaxell like
Gn all
nn you
@Dereleased <3
@Andrea Yeah. All the little details.
Plus Opcache.
@LeviMorrison Zend Engine >.<
@Andrea What are you fighting at the moment?
@LeviMorrison “the hashtable is inconsistent”
@Andrea ... that's fun. Are you doing anything clever for enum representation?
Would not have expected to hit that sort of issue.
@LeviMorrison I did one clever thing, and that caused problems, so I did a different clever thing, and that caused more problems, so now I'm doing something not-really-clever-at-all, but that doesn't really work either
var yolo = serviceRequests.status;
I love my job
cURL Improperly Sets Proxy-Connect Header – #74800
My head hurts trying to process this title.
That's not a PHP thing that's a being able to think of an algorithm thing.
I hate Magento. I have felt absolutely crippled and frustrated this entire project.
What's the difference between "junior" and "senior" ?
@Shafizadeh in what context?
junior is usually young and inexperienced while senior is old and experienced
well there isn't any. Just I want to know what's the meaning of "junior" and "senior" in recruitment-ish contexts.
@Gordon Ah I see
ah, yeah, then it means an inexperienced dev versus an experienced dev
got it :)
there is no clear definition what makes a senior though
how are you supposed to debug something if gdb crashes all the time
@NikiC with strace?
I found it doesnt work too well, but it can give some clues
I am getting a getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution error and also a stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl, would something wrong with the SSL certificates result in a DNS failure or would it work the other way around?
@Alesana I would guess DNS but I don't know. Do you have the option of running a port 80 host to try and establish the socket there?
(Just to test.)
Q: Temporary failure in name resolution : Host name lookup failure

GeoffreyF67I've got a script in PHP that's been running fine for months. It recently stopped working. This script connects to gmail to send out an email to my customers. Recently, I started getting this error when I run the script: The SMTP connection failed to start [tls://smtp.gmail.com:465]: fsockop...

I didn't even try restarting Apache, haha I will try that and if that doesn't work figure out whether it's SSL or DNS :|
I'm 95% sure it's DNS.
Yeah it is the DNS
I think I will just not ever take a vacation again, everything broke after I did >.<
my convo yesterday was on par
actually scratch that my whole time being here i've asked said stupid s**t
"I do Google after the interview."
so ... how's the steam sale?
wonder how many incompetent "developers" apply for positions like that
from my experience at the other side of the desk: way too many
Uh oh, I tried restarting the service network on my centos server and now it won't connect :O
@tereško I usually ask candidates to self-rate their skills in $language. I mostly get 10's, somehow. Just lucky I guess! Then the questions begin, and... I mean softball questions, like, "Difference between abstract class and interface". The worst part is asking someone to write code, a simple problem e.g. write a function that solves for a factorial, and then you just sit there for 30 agonizing minutes while they stumble through it.
I should just start timing my questions, because I don't want to just stand up and say, "Ok, clearly you don't get this, let's stop.", but if I started with "Let's see what you can do in 10 minutes or less" it wouldn't be as weird.
the main difference is that the senior knows what to google and can apply the results
@Dereleased That's interesting because even if I truly believed my skill level was a 10 in $language then I would still report it as a 9
Most common things I say after I ask candidates to solve for a factorial:
- That will always return 0
- That will always return 1
- That returns a sum, not a factorial
- Can you tell me why you decided to use division there?
@Alesana I self-report as a 7 in PHP. If I do this another 10 years, I'll consider 8
@Dereleased the few time someone asked me to rate my skill, I asked "what is the scale, what does 1 and 10 mean in this context"
also, if someone arrives in this thing, then I would immediately hire that developer: madeinproduction.com/products/php-6-certified
@tereško painfully slow at the moment.. :P
im a solid 3
@tereško 10 means you know every language feature and how it is expected to be used, and you are actively on top of every release, learning its features. You've memorized at least 80% of the standard lib. 1 means (I don't have a solid example for 1)
Im a solid 1
Also would hire that shirt
idk even know about sprintf
@Dereleased then I should go with 6
@user7594714 like printf, but returns a string instead of printing it
I would have to google what printf does
@tereško I'd imagine your skill at general development is a higher number. I'd put my general skill at about a 6. I assume $teresko >= ( $me + 2 ) for the language agnostic stuff. I've learned so much reading your SO posts. But I'm going to stop verbally fellating you now.
1 means you are recently aware that Java and JavaScript are two separate languages.
you have to look at it in context: there are at least 8 regulars in this chat who write the language (as in the C shit that PHP is compiled from and the associated RFCs)
wait why would you use sprintf when you can just "{$var}"
1 in PHP means you don't know what version (as in A.B, no third component) you prefer.
@user7594714 formatting!
$foo = sprintf("%04X %.3f %-25s", 33, 162.12345684516576, "short string");
... or you don't write CS:GO sites
yeah you're right there is a big reason
@tereško Yeah, and I have them on a kind of pedstal as well. I feel like I'm probably in the 75th percentile of the non-internals regulars.
i really thought i was atleast 3
but i really am 1
> Twig and YAML sounds like a bootleg DVD knockoff of Lilo & Stitch ~ John Oliver
@user7594714 The s/printf thing was a bad example. But the more you consider yourself a 1, the more you'll hunger for 2.

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