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that means... every call, right
looks like it but I dunno, might mean never
can you say in english : the wicked connection between two wires
is wicked right word
"wicked" either is roughly synonymous with "evil", or slang for "good" (if you are 10 and trapped in the 1990s)
or slang for a very shit drink
what you say instead of thtat?
depends on context and what you're trying to describe.
^ that
I have no idea what you actually mean by that
I want to say : the bad connection between two wires lead to problems
You are looking for fucked up connection
Just say "bad" then. It's a perfectly good word.
I have a site called "siteB.com". I want to have a login form from any other website of any other platform to login to "siteB.com" . It should check the credentials of the siteB and login straight into siteB frm any other website. How to code tht web API for that in PHP ?
it is a report
ok thank you all
@Joe Always use uncomplicated words wherever possible. The idea of a report is effective communication, it's not a vocabulary exercise.
@DaveRandom u are 100 % right ... thank you
@DaveRandom You had time to find your slides?
user image
No but I found that
@DaveRandom hahahaha
how high are you there?
Even better
Probably quite
@JayIsTooCommon yes?
@littlepootis hello son
How long ago is that? :D
Well it was posted on FB 6 years ago today but it must be quite a bit older than that
I guess ~2004 based on where it is and what I and the girl in the background look like
Was about to say didn't know you actually was at woodstock :P
I would have been 8
@DaveRandom looks like kurt cobain
after he's been in his coffin for 3 months
ship it
Not too big a fan of that playful font right now, but meh
:( I miss angry elephant.
Does it have a name?
@JayIsTooCommon Yeah, but I have accepted it and embraced the manbearpigsquidhalfmoonelelhphant overlord
@Sean manbearpigsquidhalfmoonelelhphant
looks more like a 'betty' or something.
Mary maybe? But that's still a bit to fierce for that.
it looks like it's going to sell me cookies.
still not finished tho but i like these colors
@JayIsTooCommon in the back of an RV?
current status: installing wordpress
you are allowed to find me disgusting while it lasts
But I already did
if it takes longer than 5 minutes you should sue for misleading advertising
@Wes no no, legit selling me cookies. And the profits will probably go to electric vegan cars or something. That's what I'm getting from that eye.
apart from that, looks pretty cool :D
it's all wrong, but now i know how to fix it :B
especially the tusk is terribad now
The good thing is @Wes people already have tattoos of the amp logo tattooeasily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/19.jpg
shut up :B
/me continues doing work in silence :P
dem skills
now he's going to force me to buy the cookies. And then watch me eat them while calling me fat.
much better.
/me installs phpstorm patch. crapping myself out
just found the script for jurassic world 2 https://t.co/7BksrPn3NU
@PeeHaa that's bruilliant youtube.com/watch?v=Q6FxG3ll-lw
Meh we all have one of those n our backyard over here :P
@Wes at the risk of giving artistic advice - that looks a bit weird to me as the eye is too low compared to where they would be on a real elephant.
@Danack @Wes ^ @Danack - I just added the eyebrow, which I assume you think is amazing.
well @Danack that's totally not a realistic drawing. i actually think eye should be even lower
dreamicus.com/data/elephant/elephant-01.jpg look how big the forehead is
but i placed there because it's at least centered
all of the one's with tusks seem to have the eye either in line with the tusks where they go into the face, or just above there.
mornternoon r11
@Danack yeah that's totally not a realistic drawing. eyes are actually below the tusk line i.imgur.com/QRsWfk9.jpg
i will try to improve it in the next iteration, i know the tusk isn't perfect
you're such a prick..
better seen here
the sound is devided in two categories : hearable and ultrasonic sound ... Am I right?
subsonic, supersonic, sonic, iirc
Those are speech sounds
@Trowski ping me when you're here.
... those are strange divisions. Us humans can't hear sound at 30Hz, but dogs can. It's all sounds
@Wes but that you mention is included in ultrasonic waves which are above 20kHz
@kelunik yooooo
Am I right?
@Joe 30Hz < 20kHz
@FélixGagnon-Greniercyes that is hearable
yes true
but I mean the other types of sound
above 20kHz
I know it called ultrasonic waves
but is there any thing more than that
according to what I read ,, there are only two sounds ,, hearable and ultrasonic
@Joe no, it's not hearable. Human ear can't hear those very low frequencies (maybe it's 20...)
ok ,, you mean less than 20 Hz is called something?
@Joe subsonic
thank you
9 mins ago, by Wes
subsonic, supersonic, sonic, iirc
@Dereleased sup o/
@Joe what are you reading?
@kelunik Here
is this correct english : Here are some benefits of the usage of the ultrasound waves
@Wes LOL. I totally opened that at work, and a full 20 seconds elapsed, contemplating your gorgeous hand drawn purple lines, before realizing what exactly it is these elephpants were doing
Changed the password of a shared dns account to a one more secure, sent out notifications to let the team know and how to get it. No more than a week later someone has reset it to something totally different and not saved >_>
@FélixGagnon-Grenier AHAHAHHA
@Trowski I think we shouldn't have DuplexStream, there's no such thing. One object might provide a ReadableStream and WritableStream implementation, e.g. a Socket, but it's one input and one output stream.
@kelunik Sure, so it can just implement both. But you're saying we shouldn't ever need to require a DuplexStream?
Yes, exactly.
kelunik u mean me
@Joe nope, @Trowski
@kelunik Makes sense, I've never hinted DuplexStream since it doesn't really make sense to.
@Trowski If we do, we just limit the APIs abilities, as it's no longer possible to pass different streams.
@kelunik So I was considering adding close to ReadableStream (and just extending Stream now).
@Trowski Technically that works as it's contravariant in return types, but I think it should have it's own API with public function read(): Promise<string|null> where null indicates the end.
Unfortunately, while (($chunk = yield $stream->read()) !== null) { doesn't look that elegant anymore.
@kelunik So basically back to what it was…
Well, not exactly, the old interface had length params, etc. that was probably too much.
Length etc. can be done by a Reader class.
Yep. The Parser class is perfect if you want to do a bunch of logic around a stream.
We should probably implement things like a chunked encoding decoder or gzip stream filter in order to test the API.
If I want each of my users to be able to download a zip but the zip file has one file that is specific to them (in this case the file would be a license) would the only way to do this be to make a new zip file for each user?
Which I had an update for actually… I'll finish the Stream refactor then look at that lib.
@kelunik chunked encoding test is a good idea
I think a composable stream API is one of the things that Amp currently lacks, but React has.
github.com/amphp/amp/issues/109 probably also applies more to byte-stream than amp streams itself.
@Trowski Re: Stream refactor: I think we should call it Iterator instead of Stream to avoid confusion with byte streams.
@kelunik I haven't felt a need for it
@bwoebi How many applications did you build?
How much did you try to compose different things?
@kelunik Well, I mean, that's the reason why I haven't built it.
I don't say it's necessarily a bad idea, just I haven't seen a need for it yet
@kelunik But what's it iterating over?
@Trowski Some values?
It's a stream of values :-D
And the API provides a way to iterate over them.
Emitter::stream() would then become? Emitter::iterate()?
Probably more getIterator()
Was hoping for some symmetry with Deferred.
Well, Deferred provides something immutable with ->promise(), Iterator isn't immutable, I think the asymmetry is fine there.
Technically promise() could return a different object every time, getIterator() shouldn't, as it's not read-only.
Sure… I'll tell the little OCD guy in my head to be quiet.
That's also one of the points that annoys me about cancellation, because then a promise is cancelled because one subscriber has no interest anymore.
There's really no elegant way to do cancellation. If you wait for all subscribers to cancel, then you have a race condition on subscribing before a prior cancels.
Subscribers shouldn't be able to cancel, only the originator of the task, which can just fail the promise.
... ok.
@Trowski correct.
how can I take the value of student first name and pass into db ?.........................<h2>student first name : <?php echo $first_name; ?> </h2>
here the first name is coming from the session that has been set
@kelunik With the .NET mechanism cancellation and promises are separate entities
thus eliminating that issue
@bwoebi I know, but there's still an outside entity that controls the resolution.
That said, the .NET mechanism is the best cancellation mechanism I've seen yet.
or can I do something like this. <h2>student first name : <input type="text" readonly name="sellername" placeholder=" selling price of the book" value=<?php echo $first_name; ?> class="radius mini" /></h2>
@Trowski What should go onto the website now and what not? Just a landing page basically? @bwoebi
@kelunik Landing page with a small (maybe live) coroutine example?
I'd like to have combined docs and API references in the future, but I need to rewrite / extend kelunik/daas for that.
None of the existing tools really suits our needs. We need custom tags for promise resolution / failure.
I think we should document all the things in ./docs. We should maybe think about how a tool could build a complete website from that automatically.
I want it readable on GitHub directly as well, as that allows docs (for older versions) to persist no matter how we change the website.
amp people I need to target v2 instead of master right?
You are now illegal, you can't ask questions any more.
Your face should be illegal
31 mins ago, by DaveRandom
http://i.imgur.com/4r5XMxo.gif .
lol I missed that :P
Is the messageresolverunwrapperdeluxe2000 still broken?
/transcript/message/36837319#36837319 (31 mins ago), by DaveRandom http:https://i.imgur.com/4r5XMxo.gif .
@PeeHaa Depends on the package.
@kelunik I am at the chapter server now. So aerys
http:https://i.imgur.com/4r5XMxo.gif .
ugh damnit. so much fail
@PeeHaa v2, but you won't have much fun.
Things will change there.
ugh really :(
Yes, because streams will change.
@PeeHaa By the weekend I think we'll have this settled.
@kelunik Damnit :P That's the first thing I will need before I can continue with what I am doing :D
I guess I could write the stuff around it in preparation
@Trowski Oh
I can wait a couple days \o/
@PeeHaa we need to handle the dot-hack
@PeeHaa You can also just contribute :P
@kelunik I am kinda contributing
@DaveRandom yeah probabky
I am writing a tutorial @kelunik
@DaveRandom You just need to use ?x instead of a dot.
Well that won't help with tweeting
right now it parses onebox HTML
which is not awesome but it was easy
@kelunik Amp\Iterator\fromIterable() :-P
yes yes I suck, tell it to someone who cares @PeeHaa
@Trowski See, the name fits.
@DaveRandom should work on DNS lib.
It does. And we can rename amphp/byte-stream back to amphp/stream \o/
@Trowski I'd keep it that way I think.
You'd rather ByteStream for the namespace? That's fine I suppose.
It makes it absolutely clear what it is, a stream of bytes.
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom sucks.
Tell me about it
28 secs ago, by JayIsTooCommon
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom sucks.
Ah you just did
Sorry :P
I wrote so many factories and strategies I've forgotten the point of the original codebase :'(
@Jimbo Quick get a java job now you have the hang of it
Is there a "how to debug PHP segfaults on TravisCI" somewhere? Question triggered by github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/…
@SebastianBergmann tweet to the travis support people, and ask nicely for a login to a box, is probably the best way.
Oct 5 '16 at 16:24, by Danack
Also, in case that doesn't work: gdb -batch -ex "run" -ex "bt" --args /home/travis/.phpenv/versions/5.6/bin/php -d extension=imagick.so -d extension_dir=modules 2>&1 might come in handy at some point..
Also might be handy.
I want to publish my own website. I haven't started the developments yet. I want to have my own domain name like www.judeniroshan.com
and I also want to use AWS
I think, AWS EC2 would be enough for me
But when I go to godaddy they are saying domain name and host space
but, what is this host space?
Do I need it as I want to use AWS EC2 to deploy my application?
Whatever you do don't do business with godaddy
ohhh, okay. Then, where can I buy this domain name?
Wherever you want
@PeeHaa Can't really recommend them. blog.kelunik.com/2015/11/22/namecheap-ssl.html
Ah yes they pulled that
So not namecheap or godaddy :P
I haven't checked it on godaddy. One of my friend told me, not to search the intended domain name in Godaddy as they track it and increase the price of it when I am going to buy it
@JudeNiroshan godaddy is a terrible company filled with that kind of crap
@PeeHaa Well, at least they changed it shortly after.
@DaveRandom Apparently this should make me understand async, but it doesn't :)
@Jimbo The first is callback hell
The second is then? hell :P
The last is coroutines
hey everyonemorning
@kelunik Still they he came out pretty strong
@PeeHaa Is that await the same as yield?
@Jimbo Similar, yes.
Well we don;t have await (yet)
But it makes the code linear again like yield does in amp
quick question how can I get the value of $firstname that is received in session
to database
posted on April 27, 2017 by CommitStrip

I am actually writing a series of blog posts about just that right now @Jimbo
@Smple_V write some code to do it?
@PeeHaa Can you assume zero knowledge and really go from the basics? :-)
yes that's what I am doing
or rather it's the intro of the series
@Danack yea like I thought of something like this <h2>first name : <input type="text" name="bkprice" value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>" class="radius" /> </h2>
but its aint getting through
@Jimbo It has pretty animations too :)
my bad there was a typo thanks anyways
Is it normal that vi editor sees \r\n as literal characters?
And you may just be the perfect person to tell if I am doing it right @Jimbo
@Alesana Probably just \r
@kelunik @bwoebi Stream → Iterator with all the CS gods satisfied and a field of green tests.
@PeeHaa I should probably use just \r or it probably just sees \r as literal characters?
The latter
\r is a windows only thing as line endings
@Trowski Why didn't you rebase onto master?
@kelunik I did?
Ah right. It is just showing \r, \n and \r\n all with their literal characters. I am making the file via PHP. Also, the actual new lines in PHP are seen as a new line in the vi editor
@Trowski My commits on master show up there with kelunik + trowski and are also included in the diff.
@kelunik Hmm… guess I did it wrong.
Did you pull master before and then git rebase master in your branch?
waiit... what happened to Observable? is it gone?
is it Stream?
@PeeHaa I think I will, let me know when you've done post #1
@Ekin Iterator.
@kelunik I merged then rebased, apparently that messed it up.
while (yield $iterator->advance()) {
     printf("Stream emitted %d\n", $iterator->getCurrent());
Fixed now though, take a look again.
^ The names really fit now. :)
@Jimbo will do
Ah I feel stupid I completely forgot about the difference between a single and a double quote
@Trowski I'll create a PR so comments work.
@kelunik Hmm… I missed that "Stream emitted %\n" there.
@Trowski I didn't notice :P
Or do you want to create the PR? I don't care, I just want to comment on the diff instead of individual commits.
Doesn't matter
@Danack how can I get the value of the session passed in the database
sorry I was talking about a different querry earlier and resolved that
still not able to get the value passed during the session into db
21 mins ago, by Danack
@Smple_V write some code to do it?
yea like i did something like this <h2>Seller name : <input type="text" name="first name" readonly value="<?php echo $first_name; ?>" class="radius" /> </h2>
So, I'm rewriting an application. The previous developer used unsalted SHA512. I need to convert to my new hashing scheme. I should be able to get the plaintext password from the unsalted SHA512 with a rainbow table. Ideas to do this programatically without a 900 GB table download?
@Allenph why do you need to convert to your new hashing scheme? And what is being hashed? And why do you have your own hashing scheme at all?
@Danack never mind thanks typo again dammmm... just rushing through some pending wrk
am on fireeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
@kelunik I'm confused. Did it change like Observable -> Stream -> Iterator?
@Danack The previous developer simply SHA512d passwords with no salt.
@Ekin Yes.
I can rainbow a test password in like 2 seconds.
I should stop trying to follow up until it's finished maybe :P
I see, thanks
I'm using password_hash.
Well, there was Iterator and StreamIterator in addition to Stream, but we decided it's better to just have Iterator.
Away for now, PR looks fine @Trowski, see you later.
Might be online on mobile if the presentation isn't that good. :P
@kelunik Sounds good, I'll make those few changes later, I should do more work.
@Allenph the standard way to migrate this is to use the password as users enter it on the site:
$password = $_POST['password'];
if (password_verify($hashFromDB, $password) === true) {
   // Log user in
if (shitty_old_password_check($hashFromDB, $password) == true) {
   // save password in DB with new scheme.
   // Delete crappy old hash
   // Log user in

// Login failed
And either adding a flag of 'password needs migrating' or storing the bcrypt hash in a separate field from the crappy old hash.
After that's been running for long enough, you can invalidate all the old hashes, and force the remaining users who haven't logged in since you put that scheme in place, to have to go through the password recovery scheme you should have.
/to the pub.
@Danack That is a MUCH better idea. Thanks.
msgID sentBy sentTo message sentTime is my table to store msgs every thing works fine but now i want list of users who sent msg to x or recieve msg from x on his account I tried my query SELECT * FROM user_message LEFT JOIN users ON user_message.sentTo=users.userID
WHERE user_message.sentBy='".$_SESSION['userid']."' GROUP BY sentTo UNION
SELECT * FROM user_message LEFT JOIN users ON user_message.sentBy=users.userID
WHERE user_message.sentTo='".$_SESSION['userid']."' GROUP BY sentBy but it shows multple users i
sorry for improper posting I really dont know how to align here
evenin roomies
SELECT * FROM user_message LEFT JOIN users ON user_message.sentTo=users.userID
WHERE user_message.sentBy='".$_SESSION['userid']."' GROUP BY sentTo UNION
SELECT * FROM user_message LEFT JOIN users ON user_message.sentBy=users.userID
WHERE user_message.sentTo='".$_SESSION['userid']."' GROUP BY sentBy
Proper Query
msgID sentBy sentTo message sentTime
My table
Good timezone, folks. Any OCI8 users in here? I'm trying to figure out what happens if you pass only OCI_RETURN_NULLS or OCI_RETURN_LOBS as the mode to oci_fetch_array, without adding both/assoc/num
damn i missed taylor otwell at sammyk's round table youtu.be/HyJP5Fv5yQI
seems a normal guy tbh. he appears so full of himself on reddit...
@Wes yes. yeah, maybe hearing him out would actually have improved my opinion
Anyone for my problem please ?
Hi can anyone give me an explanation what excatly is done in this answer ? stackoverflow.com/questions/15153776/… it is about converting a base64 to an image and it works, but I want to understand what excatly happens and why it finally works.
!!mdn data-uri
[ URI ] A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a string that refers to a resource. The most common are URLs, which identify the resource by giving its location on the Web. URNs, by contrast, refer to a resource by a name, in a given namespace, e.g. the ISBN of a book.
hey joe

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