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8:00 AM
@LeviMorrison a chat would be so much better than the mailing list for discussions. i'm kind of reading the arrow functions discussion and what i've noticed is that people jumps in the discussion without reading what has been said before. there is no actual discussion, only noise
hey, it's friday, how to automatically generate /**@var Foo $foo in PhpStorm?
oh, is internals noisy ?
> ♏ Scorpio | Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
You’ll feel like a kid again this week, thanks to an unexpected visit from your Uncle Joe.
8:00 AM
@Wes chat doesn't really work for history though
@CoderDudeTwodee Just do the standard way - put all your source files into src/ directory and then add in composer.json "psr-4": { "Pandora\\": "src/" } and that's it! Then if You want to load class for eg. \Pandora\Mother\OfGod simply put that class in src/Mother/OfGod.php file :)
though he's a prick, Trump has done something right for once
@PeeHaa that is just as useless because "history" is 99% noise, though
@Wes And yet you are complaining that people didn't read the history :P
@CoderDudeTwodee every directory name under src/ need to have exactly the same name as in your namespace and every class needs to be in file named exactly the same just with .php extension on it.
8:02 AM
fwiw I can see the usefulness of the direct feedback chat does
i'm not blaming them in fact. it's just the medium that is wrong
@brzuchal got it
@Wes Build a chat. Room per discussion :P
Star list
Room owners
If only there was such a thing :P
Sounds distracting though :)
8:04 AM
there is slack, there is stackoverflow...
it'd be cool to convince more of the core team to use 11
@PeeHaa right, best get rid of the topics and all that
@Wes I like Slack very much - it has an app for mobile and desktop
when a small team are working on something, it makes sense to have some kind of live chat ...
it doesn't make sense for all of internals to live chat ... it cannot work
8:05 AM
isn't there an active irc somewhere for internals?
also a decision log would help. it's basically a "bug tracker" for ideas
@Wes https://php.slack.com/
> If you have an @php.net email address, you can create an account.
there's an irc room for pecl
@brzuchal What is that?
irc is terribad
8:06 AM
never seen anyone using slack
@brzuchal @PeeHaa how many spelling corrections do I need to make for this again :P ?
@Wes you shut your whore mouth
@PeeHaa in clask you can create chat, ant somebody already did that for php.net domain
Yes I know I see that
But what's up with that channel?
And it could be setup to allow registration to everybody with an email from some domain
8:07 AM
As in who is in there and is it active and what is being discussed in there?
I don't know I don't have an email in php.net. How can I get one?
That is dissapointing
@PeeHaa That I don't have an email in php.net ?!
I'm ashamed of myself :(
8:08 AM
@brzuchal, how do we reload composer again? xD
hoi sean
@CoderDudeTwodee run composer dump-autoload
@brzuchal No that you shared some php channel, but don't know what is in it :D
PHP Yorkshire on Saturday, woop woop.
@brzuchal :P
8:09 AM
I am new to this, thanks
@PeeHaa I wanted to create one but someone did this before me :(
@Sean didn't think they had the internet yet
@Sean better bring your punchcards
@JayIsTooCommon They don't, their slides are on sheep.
8:11 AM
@PeeHaa Yes, sorry I'm hiding
/me hides from PeeHaa
@JayIsTooCommon At least three patches, but more importantly willingness to keep contributing
did you approve that other patch or did I need to add those driver things to it?
stackoverfiow.com chat is not bad, but has no mobile client, slack has pretty goot one and allows private channels creation, user management and dnd mode
why do you need a mobile client ?
8:14 AM
Bonuspoints if you add the supported drivers next week @JayIsTooCommon
@brzuchal is there a adnd 2e mode?
@PeeHaa okies <3
dungeons n dragons?
@JoeWatkins because when I got notified from stakoverflow app on android it redirects me to chrome app with chat and responsing in it isn't so comfortable
@PaulCrovella i dndt hear about that
@PeeHaa china's free practice in a nutshell pbs.twimg.com/media/C8yowehUAAAaYlD.jpg
8:17 AM
yeah saw it :P
they couldn't go on track because smog
@brzuchal PHP Fatal error: Class 'Pandora\src\lib\Validator' not found in /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/personvalidator.php on line 26
@CoderDudeTwodee Dude you're not listening carefully, remove src from class namespace, The src/ dir is the stating point for autolaoder to look for your source files
@brzuchal Pandora\lib\Validator?
sorry :P
8:21 AM
!!? psr-4
Search for "psr-4" (https://www.google.com/search?q=psr-4&lr=lang_en)
• PSR-4: Autoloader - PHP-FIG - This PSR describes a specification for autoloading classes from file paths. It is fully interoperab… (http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/)
• php - What is the difference between PSR-0 and PS… - 21 jul. 2014 - I've recently read about namespaces and how they are beneficial … Read PSR0 and PSR4… (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24868586/what-is-the-difference-between-psr-0-and-psr-4)
• How and When to Use PSR-4 Autoloading in Your Cra… - 1 jul. 2015 - If you're developing a reasonably sophis
@CoderDudeTwodee ^^
How hard it is to get an email in @php.net ? :P
@brzuchal What do you need it for?
To get to that chat! :D
That's not how it works
Don't you have rfc karma already btw?
8:25 AM
Yeah, I know
RFC karma I have
what is the green tick and icon jump supposed to signify on phpstorm, mac ?
@JayIsTooCommon Top right?
@brzuchal PHP Fatal error: Class 'Pandora\lib\Validator' not found in /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/personvalidator.php on line 27
@JayIsTooCommon screeny?
@brzuchal What's your name?
@PeeHaa Michał Brzuchalski :)
8:26 AM
hmm don't see it
@CoderDudeTwodee do you have file src/lib/Validator.php ?
no in the actual dock, hold on i'll wait for it to do it again. It goes realllly slow, and then comes back to normal with a jump and tick.. happens after compiling
I assumed people with rfc karma would end up on people.php too
what is in your composer.json in "autoload" section?
@PeeHaa No only those with svn account or something like that
8:28 AM
You would think for a standards advisor, php-fig would have a bloody standard for their PSR document layout
@brzuchal Don't think so
There are people in there without karma for anything
   "autoload": {
    	"psr-4": {
    	    "Pandora\\": "src/"

@brzuchal this is my personvalidator.php
namespace Pandora\lib;

require(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');

use Pandora\lib\Validator;
@PeeHaa github.com/php/web-people/blob/master/include/misc.php#L25 this one is responsible for listing all users in people.php.net
I think so
8:31 AM
@brzuchal Yeah it's all based on master
@CoderDudeTwodee have you called the composer dump-autoload after reconfiguring "autoload" section?
namespace Pandora\app\lib;

require (__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');

abstract class Validator {
@brzuchal this is my src/lib/Validator.php
@CoderDudeTwodee Dude you have different names, in your namespace is an app/ part and you're tending to load Validator class with class name without app/
8:33 AM
Missed that
@PeeHaa what is master.php.net ?
@brzuchal The master database for php sites
notes, users, mirrors etc
Okay that one is fixed @brzuchal
but this is the one which bugged me all the time
@PeeHaa I made an actual badge-of-shame generator last night blame.daverandom.com/Room-11/Jeeves blame.daverandom.com/krakjoe/ui
8:35 AM
Hi everyone :)
I saw it. Pretty awesome :D
I need some help with try catch section of my code..
is anyone willing to help plz :)
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Pandora\model\User' not found in /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/personvalidator.php:58
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/personvalidator.php(184): Pandora\lib\PersonValidator->__construct()
#1 {main}
thrown in /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/personvalidator.php on line 58
@DaveRandom i was gonna fix that up for you but then i didn't
8:36 AM
@PaulCrovella you hero
@PeeHaa sorry I am new here.. Cant i post codes to solve it?
@Saurabh Edit your message -> ctrl+k
@peeHaa Edit your message ??
Okay @brzuchal I think they casing matters here.
8:37 AM
@PeeHaa ?
sorry, I will have to fix a few things.
@CoderDudeTwodee Try to debug a little or check namespaces and called class names or paths or file names
@Saurabh Yes click the arrow before it
@brzuchal Yea, I will be back.
@CoderDudeTwodee psr-4 is case sensitive
8:38 AM
@PeeHaa sorry I am new here.. Cant i post codes to solve it?
@Saurabh Post your code again and use ctrl+k to format it as code
ohh okay :)
 public function postCreatePost(Request $request){

    	$this->validate($request, [
    		'head' => 'required|max:140'
    	$post = new Post();
    	$post->head = $request['head'];
        $slug = str_slug($request['head']);

        try {
           $post->slug = $slug;
        catch (\Exception $e) {
            $slug = str_slug('some slug');
            $post->slug = $slug;
This is my code
@Saurabh Is it Larevil?
8:40 AM
Yes this is laravel
Why would that throw an exception?
property assignments should not throw exceptions
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Pandora\lib\mysqli' not found in /var/www/pandora_main/src/lib/DBhandler.php:97

Okay, wtf!
@brzuchal lol
DBhandler is an extension of mysqli
8:40 AM
@CoderDudeTwodee use mysqli
or \mysqli
The column "slug" is a unique one.. so if it is not unique i get an error "SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation"
What @DaveRandom is trying to say is use \mysqli
@Saurabh You are just setting a property
@Danack Where would we be writing up documentation to? The imagick repo?
i want to catch the error and make slug unique and then store it in db
If that does anything with a database it badly wrong
8:41 AM
I'd love to help
@PeeHaa can you please expalin
$foo->bar = 'foobar';
That does nothing with a database
So expecting an exception from a database is not going happen
Thanks, it worked
I did so many things wrong.
It just sets the property bar of the $foo instance to foobar
And nothing more
8:42 AM
@PeeHaa perhaps Post has magic setter and touches db then, it's Larevil so you never know :)
lol that would be baaad
@PeeHaa It's just Larevil :)
@brzuchal Should classes be PascalCased?
        public function postCreatePost(Request $request){

        	$this->validate($request, [
        		'head' => 'required|max:140'
        	$post = new Post();
        	$post->head = $request['head']; //get head from form
            $slug = str_slug($request['head']);  //assign head to slug

            try {
               $post->slug = $slug; //try to insert slug to db if its unique
            catch (\Exception $e) {
                $slug = str_slug('some slug'); //else make slug unique
@Saurabh you're not listening to what they're saying... they had no problem understanding your code
8:45 AM
yesterday, by Danack
Jan 7 '16 at 21:34, by Danack
Dec 15 '15 at 11:25, by Danack
19 hours ago, by Danack
In totally unrelated news I need to get a T-shirt that says "STOP COPYING FILES AROUND AT RANDOM, FUCKTARDS"
!!? psr-4
My code throws an error if the slug is not unique. but it inserts to db if slug is unique.
so the try section is working.
But it doesnt goes to the catch section if it is not unique.
3 messages moved to Trash
@CoderDudeTwodee please read the PSR-4 you are trying to use
@JayIsTooCommon Okay
8:46 AM
@Saurabh wait...
The issue is that this code does not do what you think it does
$post->slug = $slug; //try to insert slug to db if its unique
That comment is wrong
It doesn't try to insert it there
somewhere there's a call like $post->save(); or $db->save($post)
That's what you need to wrap in try/catch
yes there is..
8:48 AM
OK, well that's the thing that will throw an exception
$post->slug = $slug; is just assigning a value to an object property
it won't ever fail
the thing that will fail is when you try and save it to the database
okay.. letme look into the code again.. please wait i will be back in a moment.. and thanks for this insignt
@DaveRandom unless __set stupidity
Yeh but the description of the problem suggests no
also even larawut isn't that dumb
As in general, do we use PascalCasing for class names?
That's a convention, yes
8:50 AM
@DaveRandom saying shit like that just ensures that it will be
also even larawut isn't that dumb
@CoderDudeTwodee Most modern frameworks do, even Larevil.
Huh... with the new phpstorm update all vars that get concatenated are coloured white :(
9:00 AM
@Ekin been like that for a while. i thought "no point submitting the bug, as they will notice for sure"
but apparently they didn't...
Mar 31 at 9:49, by Wes
phpstorm 2017 is not exactly stable. i'd wait for a .1
huh, been like that for a while?
funny thing, the EAP worked, they fucked up something just before the release
@Ekin you mean $a = "a"; with valid style, while $a = "a" . "b"; with no style applied, right?
I mean $a = $b . $c or $a = $b . "c", in both cases rhs is all white
including the variables on rhs... which just made me confuse them with plain strings
i am not getting that behavior
I got that with the 2017.1.1
9:06 AM
@DaveRandom Thank-you so much :) this solved my problem.
everything with the concat operator turns white it seems... lol... even stuff like time() . 'foo' makes time() white
Thanks for clearing my concept
i suspect my theme never got updated.. i tweaked it slightly many versions ago and it stuck
@Wes Does it also do that for darcula?
9:07 AM
cc @Ekin
Didn't notice it yet
though maybe you don't notice it because default style matches the string one
i couldn't cope with a white background
9:10 AM
@PeeHaa thanks for the help :)
ugh... annoying, very
I funked up eyes because all of the white in the dark :-)
i just set the monitor to a lower brightness.
this one has the same amount of contents as the ceiling of the sistine chapel :B
but it is executed pefectly
this is my fav so far
9:17 AM
I like that one
very simple and clean
For some reason I find dark + that green super sexy
Are there any naming conventions for namespaces?
@PeeHaa the green/black is close to the old SO header when you got an upvote. you're pavlov's rep whore.
9:20 AM
I added Pandora\\ on src/
Which doesn't sound right.
Should it be something like Application\\?
Application is useless as a namespace
That doesn't tell you anything
red green
@PeeHaa What would be an appropriate namespace for that?
@Wes I like that one on black background
9:22 AM
If the project is called Pandora, that sounds like a fine root namespace
@CoderDudeTwodee check out PSR standards
i wonder how many root namespaces floating around out there are literally "vendor"
hella annoying eh @Ekin ?
yeah so bad :(
is this still 2017.1?
9:25 AM
all them functions turning white...
also eap
I'm staying on 2016.3.3 until they sort some of this shit out
yeah sounds like a good idea
In eap for 2017.1.1 there is recursion detection like in GO which I've suggested to apply for PhpStorm also :)
I am on 2017.1.1 , and license just expired. perpetual fallback license not working. any idea to which version I should downgrade ?
9:28 AM
@Wes You must have changed something, doesn't do that for me
@Leigh version?
@Vamsi iirc it's the version that was current whenever you bought your license, if you log in to your jb account it tells you on the site
2017.1 EAP
EAP from 15th march
yeah up to some point it worked, but last 2 eaps plus 2017.1 release were broken
these are the ones i've tried
that is probably the last one that worked @Leigh
@DaveRandom thanks , will try
9:30 AM
Also, your little anim doesn't have the parameter name hints, did you turn them off?
@Wes from what people were saying when it was first released it might be worth nuking your config files
a few things people had sounded like a borked import
There are auto-formatting settings regarding spaces around things, but they're off by default (or were?)
> nuking your config files
i have two installs @DaveRandom one is the eap which i use just to test features basically, and that has a clean config
9:31 AM
and both have the same problem
@PeeHaa by which I mean "make it so the editor can't see them and re-import them"
just use Atom, or VS Code
Downloading 2017.1.1, lets see
@Leigh why are you doing that to yourself :P
VS Code is alright for Go, unless it's suddenly had tons of work done on the PHP side, it wasn't so great
9:32 AM
@Saurabh no worries :-)
trying a fresh fresh fresh profile now @DaveRandom just to be sure
Get one of the branded ones, the supermarket's own ones often just aren't as good
@DaveRandom unless you're talking pop-tarts, in which case the store brand is inexplicably better
ew the fonts changed
but also, not able to repro your concat operator case
@PaulCrovella I'll have to take your word for it, I have never successfully eaten a pop-tart and retained the epidermal layer of the roof of my mouth.
9:36 AM
that's disposable, it's what it's there for
Darcula 2017.1.1 - not happening, no matter what I try
@wes has an uncanny ability to break his tools
@Leigh Just updated, all fine for me
> Fucking Windows 98! Get me Bill Gates.
@Jimbo Yep, fine for me, can't repro wes' issue
9:42 AM
Oh cool, here's all the third party software used by PHPStorm
@DaveRandom same issue
@Linus You sneaky fucker, nice link ;)
!!is @Wes cursed?
God, yes!
@PaulCrovella you noticed that too? i thought i was being paranoid
me trying to do anything https://t.co/IaGavBFBRr
9:43 AM
@Wes if that was you his shoes would've fallen off
everything i do is a pain, no matter the difficulty
Yeah I don't see it happening on Darcula
<insert platitudes about PMA and self-fulfilling prophecies here>
@PaulCrovella maybe his dick has fallen off in the crash, but you can't know
@Ekin you weren't using darcula in the first place? what's wrong with you o_O
9:45 AM
I have tried to move to Atom, but to get even basic things like Go To Declaration, it fails. I have tried these addons atom.io/packages/search?q=PHP%20Integrator
I have just discovered I have been over-paying my credit card for 6 months and they owe me nearly £1000
did you guys see a velociraptor pass too?
@PaulCrovella boring colours -_- but fiiiiine, I'll use it
> basic things like Go To Declaration
unrelated, wtf is liat? why would someone name a variable as liat...
!!urban liat
9:49 AM
[ Liat ] A Liat is a person who is pretty shy, but can be incredibly outgoing at certain times. A liat is usually hot, and tall. Liat's generally make for amazing friend's and great dinosaurs. You could never hate a Liat, no matter how irritating they can get at certain times.
Ah that would be me
but we hate you
@Jimbo :p
No you don't
It's right there in the description
we had a vote. sorry.
9:51 AM
Hmm nothing about votes in the definition
!!peehee leave
@PeeHaa should be pitied.
ugh, fine.
9:52 AM
He seems quite biased
he would be
It's called people skills
It's called nepotism.

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