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Always makes me sad to see votes from people with only 2 docs commits in the past 4 years
wait… commiting in docs gives you right to vote?
not necessarily, this person has the right, but only did 2 minor commits in the last few years
sad :(
@bassxzero Yes, I can confirm that trying a database on Compose will get you free t-shirts.
@MadaraUchiha Thank you so much. I've been stuck on that for days lol
@Wes npm i lodash done. No they're not. Strings are unicode. Sure there is, since ES6. Sure you can, with `string`
@bassxzero I don't think you caught the joke I was making.
Don't take me seriously.
@MadaraUchiha not sure if you're still trolling me or if my sarcasm was not picked up...
@Tiffany I listened to Rounabout on youtube and now it plays all the op/ed of Jojo :D
@Trucy yup :D
@bassxzero Sarcasm doesn't transfer well over text, and it's been a long day at work :D
@Tiffany I'm aware of this meme :D
(I'm aware of too many memes…)
SO chat suddenly turned on sound notifications o_o
@Tiffany :(
@MadaraUchiha I turned them back off. :P
@MadaraUchiha sorry :P
Does @MadaraUchiha turned on sound notifications?
@MadaraUchiha i didn't say it can't get better, exactly like php...
@Trucy Yeah, but I don't have volume on this machine
I wonder if @MadaraUchiha gets a "ding" each time I mention him
(inb4 pic with mouse hovering "kick this user")
@Trucy I wonder how many times I can kick you in an hour
Almost :D
@Tiffany oh god what the-
@Wes JS improved tremendously since you last looked at it.
And to be fair, since getting into TypeScript, it's gotten really nice.
The inferred generics are pretty amazing.
@NikiC Sure, I'll just try to isolate it first.
@Tiffany this is why i don't watch anime
the fuck did i just saw :B
The show is known for being over-the-top with stuff, for example, that video. The fights are also over-the-top and amazing.
@Wes That's the general reaction to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
As you've noticed, it's quite bizarre.
@Wes Also, a lot of the characters are named after stuff from western pop culture. Such as, ROBERT EDWARD ORVILLE SPEEDWAGON
@Trucy Not really, most JS frameworks/libs are slow
@Tiffany can't handle this sorry. had to close
!!reminder throw partay for @Ekin in 5 seconds
@Wes I know, spoilers aren't fun :(
Reminder set.
@JoeWatkins throw partay for @⁠Ekin
NO, LIES /cc @Ekin
Blame @PeeHaa :P He needs to pull
I did mah part :D
time to add a !!deploy command
@bassxzero /some/url/:param1/:param2?query
@PeeHaa you suck, do pulling and pushing and gitting ...
@Wes how far did you last? :P
Params are part of the pathname, and query is the query string
@Tiffany like 15 seconds
@MadaraUchiha another thing i hate in js is that you can't rebind this and then rebind it again
@Wes ah, the first like 30 seconds are lame, the truly ridiculous part begins after all of that, about 40 seconds in
@MadaraUchiha I'm trying to figure out whether I should have a database PK as a param or part of the query string. E.G /transaction/summary/14 vs /transaction/summary?transaction_id=14
that looks like kenshiro
it seems like a lot of anime involves sifting through it to find the watchable bits
one of the 4 anime i saw in my entire life (dragon ball, kenshiro, death note, and that guy without the arm. don't remember exactly)
@PaulCrovella if you can survive the unwatchable bits. it's a challenge
@PaulCrovella s/anime/porn/
I find JJBA fantastic, but I know it's not for everyone. It's truly a bizarre adventure.
You have to lose all pretenses of reality to enjoy it.
i'll wait hollywood remakes
Once upon a time, long long ago, I got into drinking good tequila (bad tequila being intolerable.) I spent a great deal of time (and money) seeking them out. One day I realized I didn't have to spend extra time and money to get an enjoyable drink, all I had to do was get not-tequila.
tbh good liquors are expensive
you can spend less on them and use them in cocktails
twitter.com/aaronlinde/status/829011329679634432 the internet, what a marvelous place
@MadaraUchiha forgot about this:
catch(e){ if(e.message.match(/^Cannot find module '(?:.*)'\.$/)){
though it doesn't look so bad with instanceof :P
@Wes this is a weak point of JS, I try to avoid it as much as possible.
@Wes You can do that in PHP too (and in Java, and in ....) and there are better ways...
@bassxzero Depends on whether it's a part of the resource or not.
Based on how your URL looks, I'd say that it is, in which case, have it as a url param, and not a query param.
home time, ttyiab
@bwoebi What's the status of amphp/mysql, particularly this branch? I'd like to migrate it to Amp v2, but it looks like that should be merged at a minimum, and perhaps you had planned other changes?
@bwoebi I have updated the stomp client locally to work with v2 and the better API (v2 branch) ... API looks like this:
class Client
    public function publish(string $destination, string $data, array $headers = []): Promise<void>;
    public function subscribe(string $destination, array $headers = []): Stream<Frame>;
    public function unsubscribe(Stream $subscription): Promise<void>;
    public function begin(string $transactionId = null, array $headers = []): Promise<string>;
    public function commit(string $transactionId, array $headers = []): Promise<void>;
    public function abort(string $transactionId, array $headers = []): Promise<void>;
(see full text)
@Trowski Yes, that should be merged.
A draft RFC for ignoring inheritance rules on private methods. Any feedback is welcome
I get irrationally annoyed when chat gives a "see full text" link that reveals exactly one line.
fwiw I'm generally against anything that encourages people to make more use of inheritance
@rdlowrey Ooo, shiny! :-D
@PaulCrovella Or none.
@Trowski usage looks like:
Loop::execute(Amp\wrap(function () {
    $uri = "tcp://guest:guest@localhost:61613";
    $client = new Client($uri);
    yield $client->connect();

    Loop::repeat(500, function () use ($client) {
        $client->publish("/exchange/stomp-test/foo.bar", "mydata");

    $stream = $client->subscribe("/exchange/stomp-test/*.*");
    $listener = new Listener($stream);
    while (yield $listener->advance()) {
        $frame = $listener->getCurrent();
@rdlowrey I'm not sure whether connect should be explicit.
@kelunik It should be in the case that I have a microservice whose only job is to listen for events and I want to verify that I can connect prior to booting up
The other issue is that I want to explicitly use exponential backoff to reconnect without having to pass those options into the client and have it handled for me
(the PR for that backoff functionality is something I still need to submit to amp, BTW)
But maybe it's best to just build backoff retries into the client ... not sure
I do still believe there's value in exposing connect() even if the other methods implicitly invoke it before doing their work
The question of how best to deal with backoff/retry logic is the main reason I've kept it explicit for now
@rdlowrey You can verify that with a ping or so. Or make it explicit, but also implicit.
@rdlowrey We have to figure that out for every library.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML( htmlentities($source) );

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

$results = $xpath->query("//*[contains(@class,'$classname')]");
echo $results->length;
if ($results->length > 0) {
echo "jsi";
echo $review = $results->item(0)->nodeValue;
is returning 0 whereas the html contains that class
@rdlowrey I think this is a good idea, as it's a common problem, so it should go in the core lib.
@asifa why are you using htmlentities() there?
because i am not get html thats y
i m using curl to get website content
@Trowski here's the amp/v1 gist ... once I'm able to write tests and port it to v2 I'll PR
@asifa in which format is it then?
entire webpage
i want the raw html
thats y i used htmlentities()
$CurlStart = curl_init();
curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com/Recipe/Butter-Chicken-Fun-Food-For-Fussy-Kids.html");
curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20100701 Firefox/3.5.11");
curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
(see full text)
@rdlowrey For errors like this we've been directly throwing an instance of \Error.
@pmmaga I'd recommend a more specific title if final is all this is about. It makes it sound like it's about LSP checks, which are already excluded
@Trowski k, wasn't sure the best way to approach it. Will do going forward.
@NikiC final is the only practical effect but the implementation is actually skipping the checks. But it may make sense to only put the practical effect on the title :D
@rdlowrey Otherwise that gist LGTM.
@asifa I'm not sure what you think that function is doing for you, but it's not helping. Neither is including the response header in the output via curl_setopt ($CurlStart, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1).
so wat to do
@Trowski I was thinking I would make the v2 version not auto-wrap returned Generator instances to be consistent with the rest of how things are looking in the interop spec. Any thoughts there?
I want to extract div which contain the class name "method" @PaulCrovella
@rdlowrey I go back and forth on this. It would be nice if any callbacks given to code in the Amp namespace that returned a Generator would be run as a coroutine.
@pmmaga there is no final private. it should error (warning/notice) on that imho
and also i wanted to write the same rfc :B
@Trowski well this one is easy just because it happens inside a generator and so I just go with yield from but it would be nice for us to have a PoV on how we think we should handle those going forward
private is private, final doesn't make sense on that
@asifa remove those things, set libxml_use_internal_errors(true) to avoid a bunch of warnings, and fix your xpath expression so it doesn't incorrectly match things like <div class='methodlist'> - e.g. $results = $xpath->query("//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' $classname ')]");
should've continued reading: > The final keyword when applied to a private method should have no significance. :B
@Wes exactly! but yeah, i probably should change that title. sounds scarier than what it is..
@Trowski You don't want that everywhere.
i know.. it's abused..
3v4l.org/EUlbU i feared for a second that...
@PaulCrovella i am still getting the result as 0
blank page
@PaulCrovella thanks a lot
I want to ask how to extract the specific portion from the site
i want to extract the ingredients and method content
it can be from different site also
user can select any site
how to extracct that information
it can be from allrecipes or any other site
any idea @PaulCrovella
@tereško Yo!
how has your git initiative been going at work?
@asifa so take a look at the html and create the appropriate xpath expression to target that section, in this case something like $xpath->query("//div[div/@class='ingredients']") should work. You're not gonna get something that magically extracts whatever is in your head from any arbitrary site though.
@tereško we use bitbuckekt :-) ...! implementing a local version control failed!
@kelunik Probably leaving out Promise::when() (because it wouldn't be interoperable anyway) and Stream::listen() because it's a similar method.
@Shafizadeh did you try out GitKraken as GUI tool?
@Trowski And others, where a Generator return is totally valid.
nope ..! I'm almost alone there. I don't have enough knowledge for testing such things!
@kelunik Which could be almost anywhere. If we're going to have a situation we're you always have to try and remember if you can pass a coroutine function or not, then I'd rather just go with not everywhere.
@Trowski Exactly.
s/not everywhere/not anywhere/
@Shafizadeh and have you tried pushing for composer usage?
how to create the xpath i m not going to know the html
user will select any site
@asifa I just told you, you're not gonna get something that magically extracts whatever is in your head from any arbitrary site.
@tereško not sure what you mean exactly .. but we just use basic tools of git. Like: push, pull, status, add, commit,remote, checkout, rebase ..! that's it! I don't use anything else ;-)
@MadaraUchiha @bwoebi Our current promise specification is exactly how Benjamin would implement it now if JS had always had Generators.
@Trowski I don't know. Need to dive back in to tell you…
long as your awaitable (what you call promise) multicasts (you can subscribe to it as much as you'd like), is eager (when just subscribes to the operation rather than start it) and only resolves once - it sounds fine
@kelunik where did you quote that from?
@bwoebi Private email.
@rdlowrey Except that I disagree about unsubscribing returning a Promise, looks fine to me…
I'm in the mood of listening to DJ musics ..! Any suggestion?!
@Shafizadeh DJ Bobo or DJ Ötzi
@Shafizadeh dj shadow
@Gordon well I don't know what's the difference between them ..! I like to hear a music in loud volume and blast my ears!
@PaulCrovella I will try it .. thx
║ [10 seconds] without an accident ║
║   since [2017-02-07 20:17:16]    ║
@bwoebi So you think it's fine to not actually have the unsubscribe succeed?
The value in returning a promise is that you can ignore the operation if you want to, but if you care about the result then you can also guarantee you know whether or not it was successful.
Otherwise you have to forward spurious errors to the loop error handler
@rdlowrey Yes, it should return a promise.
@kelunik I'm with you. Bob is the only person who hasn't boarded the promise train
The only reason not to return the Promise is micro-optimization and that's far outweighed by the ability to determine the resolution or failure of the async operation
Even though it took @Wes a couple of tries to get the uptime ASCII graphic working, it's amazing
@rdlowrey It's not about the negligible perf impact, I just see no point in it, but I don't strongly object either
Good afternoon.
@bwoebi The point is the operation can fail and that's something you should be able to know about if it does happen
@rdlowrey I can't imagine any scenario where I'd care about whether that succeeded… it should IMHO be the responsibility of the class to not call the subscribed callback anymore. The fact that unsubscribing emits something on the protocol and may not succeed immediately is an implementation detail
I'd like to just have a guarantee "the callback is never called after I called unsubscribe()" … that's basically all I care about as a consumer
I.e. as a consumer, I have accomplished the unsubscribe as soon as I called unsubscribe().
I was talking about this
if you are using 3rd party libraries in your codebase, it might be useful
@NikiC actually I was wrong, the current implementation also allows static <-> non-static
@kelunik Great, I trust his opinion on this matter far more than I trust mine.
@pmmaga ah, right
@NikiC also, while looking into this I learned about inheriting private magic methods but that would probably be too much for the scope of this RFC..
@Tiffany i got to lvl19 before I noticed that there are hint on the right side
@tereško what's "3rd party librarie" ? what library for example?
@Shafizadeh well ... for example if you are using "Symfony Routing Components" or "SwiftMailer", or "Twig", or "PhpUnit", or "Monolog", or "Doctrine"
or even if you are splitting your own code in some independent libraries, that are shared between various projects
@tereško yeah, I got pretty far in as well before I noticed too, about when they started throwing CSS3 stuff at me
I was surprised how far in the attribute selecting was, I figured it would be earlier
that's CSS2 stuff
PHPUnit 6 uses namespaces ... time for a compat layer :-)
I'm setting up a CentOS VM at work, my very first VM at work, and other than vagrant. I want to try setting up a Liferay portal instance...
@Tiffany I'd rather just set up Portal.
@Trowski whazzat?
the game.
I'm slow on the uptake.
@Tiffany That's because you're not thinking with portals.
@Tiffany Great, and now I lost.
@Trowski meh, I never play. :D
@MadaraUchiha I'm thinking with the wrong kind of portals.
I dunno why I do, I always lose.
@Tiffany Is it your first brush with Linux?
I had an argument with someone in a kongregate chatroom over how I have free will of playing or not, and I choose not to play, and they can't force me. 'Twas fun.
@MadaraUchiha first brush with CentOS
I'm realizing that network drivers or something weren't installed because I can't use wget or even ping
or something
With my first swing of CentOS, I think I like debian more...
@rdlowrey So, my point is basically, that from the consumer perspective the operation will never fail.
@bwoebi And his point is that the consumer should be able to tell if the operation fails or not.
@MadaraUchiha It never fails for the consumer
But it takes a while to complete?
No, it's instantaneous for the consumer.
instantaneous as in, synchronous?
as in immediate. For the consumer it's like a flag
As in, I can do something like $foo->unsubscribe(); doSomethingElse(); and I'm guaranteed that doSomethingElse(); runs after I was completely unsubscribed?
Then yeah, I wouldn't return a Promise.
because you're immediately unsubscribed
I'd just return nothing (if there's no value to return) or throw synchronously in that case.
The driver will just blackhole any further updates on that stream to the subscribed callback
Hello Everybody, My name is Michael. I am new to this chat room. I am a Laravel Developer in Miami. Nice to meet you all.
@PHPGrandMaster Welcome
@MadaraUchiha so, it's transparently unsubscribing.
@bwoebi Right
Are there any Laravel developer here?
@MadaraUchiha And that's where @rdlowrey and @kelunik seem to disagree with me
@bwoebi An unsubscribe frame needs to be sent, which could fail. From a consumer side you probably wouldn't care, but it is nice to have the ability to find out.
@Trowski why would you?
@Trowski What happens with the consumer if it fails?
As it's currently implemented, it would continue to receive updates, which doesn't seem correct.
@Trowski I mean, if I see "unsubscribe" fail, I'd expect to see further updates
And that's totally against the spirit of a sane driver
If unsubscribe fails, should it just keep sending the unsubscribe frame?
That's the problem with not returning the promise, is that the driver then needs to do something sane on failure.
@Trowski yes, with a backoff mechanism ideally internally
@Trowski exactly that's what should happen.
@bwoebi This seems reasonable. @rdlowrey You need to submit that PR. :-P
@Trowski What can the consumer do to recover in this case?
@Trowski And perhaps fail the whole connection at some point, if sending 5 times fails or such [because that means that the server is borked]
@MadaraUchiha Retry or disconnect.
@Trowski and the same applies to Websocket\Endpoint::close() btw.
@bwoebi Yeah, it's going to close the connection regardless of if sending the frame succeeds or not.
@Trowski right, and that's why no Promise shall be returned there either
@bwoebi Makes sense. I'll remove it when I get a chance.
awesome that we agree here :-)
Would it be possible to factor out some of the common HTTP stuff into another lib so it could be shared by Aerys and Artax? Or are their just too many differences to make trying to share code pointless?
@Trowski Aerys in particular needs to dynamically stop the read watcher as appropriate, in middle of the parser… (in order to prevent to allow e.g. bigger sizes which the responder can set when it's run)
or prevent responses to multiple HTTP/1 requests being sent at the same time, hence it's disabling read watcher between requests
with Artax there are no such requirements, responses just come in in order of request
also server and client stuff is different for the first line
You could factor out, but it will most probably come at the cost of readability and maintainability. IMO.
what can be easily moved out into another library is the HPack code. @Trowski
So...... github.com/mkoppanen/imagick/issues/200 + php.net/manual/en/imagick.setresourcelimit.php ..... is there any way to work around the 32bit limit on integers on 32bit PHP, or should would it be better just to have a setResourceLimitEx function
@bwoebi The basic parsing is still the same, but there's probably enough differences to make it more annoying than helpful…
@Trowski yes. You'd need to inject specific code at too many places
The websocket stuff is very, very similar… I copied and pasted Aery's parser into amphp/websocket and only made a few changes (that could be in both).
@Trowski yeah, websocket parser could be in fact factored out
Would it be bad if Aerys depended on amphp/websocket?
@Trowski well, it means that unrelated API changes in amphp/websocket affect Aerys composer file too
@Danack … well, just accept float? They're precise up to 53 bits? … and numbers greater than 2^53 don't matter anyway in the context of that function
....and then I take a shower afterwards to get clean?
I guess it would work.
@bwoebi Right. I was thinking I could unify things like the Message object being the same between libs.
But we don't want API changes to affect something unrelated.
the Message object could go into Amp\Stream
but websocket code, no idea
@bwoebi Amp\Message could even gain the isBinary() method.
@Trowski uh, would isBinary() not need to return a Promise in amp\websocket and a boolean in aerys?
@bwoebi That's how I should do it, yeah.
There's probably too many differences to factor out anything but the parser.
hi! I am trying to run unit tests
I have a class with all the functions to test
and there's a specific function that says that not exists when I try to run its test
and the name is the same
that is the class where the functions to test are
and this is the test
I get an error at line 45 that says "Call to undefined function App\fibonacci()"
I found the error. It was that I ned to call for recursion from $this
It seems like it would be really difficult to mock a method that returns a promise
Or more simply, to just mock a Promise
Since a promise does not return a value directly in response to any of its method calls, but via a callback passed to the first parameter of its when() invocation

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