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Is there anyone here, who is using virtualbox, docker, WLS or hyper-v instead of dual-booting to linux for development?
@rdlowrey Well, I'd appreciate if you could finish Artax v3 quite soon in order to not have to tag v3 based on v2 (i.e. just amp v2 compat) … as I guess we're to release quite soon I think … maybe a month or max two
linux desktop is the worst
@PeeHaa dikke bmw
@samayo what have you tried, because KDE isn't remarkably different from windows (pre-10) really ...
@bwoebi noted ... again ... I will get to it...
I mean generally the resolution is doesn't seem to make sense, everything is tiny specially the browsers, which I can't stand.
tweaktool doesn't help much
@Naruto Dat random ping
@samayo if you're on arch, papyros.io is quite nice for it
@samayo I agree with Joe, KDE is pretty good. Gnome is a pretty good choice too
@Saitama that looks nice.
@samayo I use vbox instead of dual booting windows.
We're getting a lot of candidates recently who are super into laravel / pyro
Not sure what to make of it.
@littlepootis I like using vbox, though I am experimenting with docker and WLS for now. But, I can't seem to use npm modules globally in Vbox. Due to the symlink issue
@Sean if you make a pile of them, you should only have to set the bottom one on fire and the rest will just eventually burn ...
@samayo what symlink issue?
@Sean reddit
@tereško you play Overwatch?
@PeeHaa ik, sorry :D it just popped into my mind, and I guess you prob know it ^^
tf2, anyone?
@Saitama nope. I am currently playing the premium ork genocide simulator
@Saitama I do, sometimes
@littlepootis Are you using guest additions to mount shared folders? I am using vboxsf
I haven't tried samba yet
@Naruto PC?
@Saitama yea, what else?
@Saitama no updates in the repo this year
but if you want to talk about that, we should move the conversation private, since this isn't the place to go ham about it
it's kinda moved into liri.io
@samayo what problems are you having? Maybe I can help
@Naruto i guess so...
@tereško symlinks on vboxsf
@tereško this! Basically, symlinks do not work on folders shared from windows.
something like ln -s /var/foo /var/share/foo would almost never work,
oh , virtualbox fuckery .. nope nope nope
Yeah, also SELinux does not recognize ACLs if the folder is shared :\
@samayo WSL is not bad.
So, 90% of the time, nginx does not work without disabling selinux :\
@littlepootis yeah, but it's too early, and has some unsolved issues
@Tiffany o/
@Trucy \o
Friend of mine started a programming class, she's finally starting down the road of programming. She posted a status on facebook on how she understands the existential crisis programmers experience over a fucking missing semicolon.
(btw, because of your description I asked this)
@Tiffany I think that good programmers have to hate computers/programming
If you don't hate programming, then you don't know enough about it
@Trucy hahahaha :)
They are two huge pet peeves of mine.
@Trucy I am not within any range of 'good programmer' but I despise programming
expression of anger at trucy's sweeping generalization
@samayo good, good, let the anger flow through you
@Trucy this
I HATE seeing in-line styles in code. I can understand if there's a very good reason, like there's no way to edit global CSS because of a WYSIWYG or something, otherwise there's no good reason for in-line styles.
@Tiffany mm.. feels like she is going to have a mental breakdown sooner or later
@Naruto she has ADHD like me, our fury waxes and wanes
just like Naruto has ADHD... except he's primarily hyperactive. I'm primarily inattentive
@Tiffany nah, I just got alot of stamina ;)
Glad I am not the only one who hates it @Trucy
@samayo :D
Seriously, some days I think about switching careers
Then my code works
I don't think I got to hate programming. I generally end up hating myself
@Rovak Just wanted you to know you'll be immortalized in this code forever - I called that custom function you made the "rovakSearchArray()"
You should if you get the chance, otherwise it'll switch you off.
@Ekin You shouldn't! The programming language is wrong, not you :D
How I feel when people say, they "enjoy programming" youtube.com/watch?v=rOYW2LxgOgc
@MadaraUchiha could you unfreeze 110670 please?
@Tiffany now I'll have to watch them all, THANK YOU
@MadaraUchiha 'twas fast ^^ thanks
@Trucy I love the Profound Programmer. I just wish they sold prints again.
@Tiffany Kindle FTW
@MadaraUchiha kindle?
@MadaraUchiha kindle for prints?
@Tiffany No
In place of prints
@Tiffany you could probably buy a printout yourself
Just paste the quote on some inspiring image and you're done
@Tiffany send it to your friend :D
@Tiffany They asked this question in JS
Automatic semicolon insertion is high-grade horse shite.
And I've just noticed that I haven't had a missing semicolumn for months now…
@Trucy Me neither, I treat them as compilation errors.
@MadaraUchiha I mean prints of the images from Profound Programmer.
@Tiffany Ah, lol
@MadaraUchiha I already have a kindle :P
@MadaraUchiha I don't compile m8, I'm coding in PHP 8)
Thought you meant printed books
@MadaraUchiha :P
@Trucy That only means that you're hopefully finding typos in runtime
@MadaraUchiha You would love Groovy! Optional semi colons, optional parenthesis, optional param names, implicit returns, the list goes on...
@MadaraUchiha yeah… I often miss compilation…
@pmmaga I don't mind loose languages
But I like that I have the option to strengthen it in JS
clang -Wall -Werror -pedantic -c99 is the way to go (not sure about flags, it's been 3 years…)
tfw a deployment went suspiciously well
If you don't hate programming, then you don't know enough about it
@Trucy :D
@DaveRandom nervous trepidation
I wish Code School had more php courses
I read that as "curses"
Does anyone find the syntax error in this line: $this->button->addAttribute('navigate', 'Title=10;Chapter=' . $chapterTimes[0] != '00:00:00' && $chapterTimes[0] != '00:00:01' ? $num : $num++); . ';');
); . ';');
instead of a missing semi-colon, it's an extra semi-colon...
Also please use some brackets somewhere, that inline ternary is very hard to read
Uhm. Jeeves tests are failing
Don't think this is on me?
Yeh I broke them ages ago
what do you guys think on TDD ? testing private methods?
how do you handle it
Let me take a look at them now
Oh okay, I thought I effed it up now somehow by adding 15 characters ^^
@DaveRandom I was going to say, injecting a ternary operation into an API is a bit wat. I understand if the API allows it, but still, it makes it confusing.
@0x13a I dont test private methods. only the public interface. If I need to test a private method it's an indicator that I might want an additional object for that piece of code with it's own separate unit-test
but you will have privates methods anyway in you class @gordo
if your private methods aren't covered when testing your public api, then wtf are they even doing there
like a private method that doesn't return anything is a bad practice or a private method that returns something ?
@0x13a yes, but if they are so complicated that you need to test them individually they might warrant putting them into a dedicated object instead. also what @PaulCrovella said: you are testing them through the public interface.
@Ekin no it was when I made !!alias, I did it in a rush and I didn't have time to fix the tests but we wanted the feature so I pushed it
I see :-)
@0x13a neither nor
@Gordon thx! so then i can assume private methods that don't return anything are bad practice
because i can't ensure anything from public API
Not sure whether to be scared that google knows me well enough that if I search for "table" it knows to show me HTML results.
@Tiffany time to switch to DuckDuckGo :D
@0x13a no, why? your private methods can mutate object state without returning anything.
@DaveRandom also....
@Trucy I've used duckduckgo. It doesn't find stuff well enough... probably because it doesn't have my viewing history...
@JayIsTooCommon I got like 10 mins :-P sorry, I should get some time tomorrow or thurs night though
@Tiffany weird. Or you're not explicit enough in your search queries :D
@DaveRandom :P no worries
@Trucy depends 😛 I didn't feel like writing out "table html" but it gave me the HTML 4 w3c site, so I ended up adding html5 to my query anyway.
@Gordon ok, then I'll have to test through public apis even those object state changes
I was looking for the MDN site
@Tiffany !mdn table on ddg yo :D
you should use ddg, at least for the bangs. For a while I !g(oogle) all my searches
!mdn for html/css/js, !php for php.net, !i for google images, !so for SO
umm... would it be nice for jeeves to have a thing like details about animes...
definitely no.
fuck no.
He's cooler than that.
@Saitama I like anime, and even I have to say no.
@Saitama fork him and add it to an anime jeeves variant :P
because I'll kill you all
@Trucy took me a moment to realize what you meant
@0x13a contrived example: pastebin.com/8TT5BVNE - as you can see, toUpper is a private method not returning anything. Putting aside that you don't need a dedicated method for converting the string to upper, the test below the class covered the private method because it asserts that the input string is returned in uppercase.
Oct 25 '16 at 13:50, by JayIsTooCommon
That and @Jeeves probably hates Anime, like everyone else.
@JayIsTooCommon You have a system?
@Tiffany yeah sorry, I'm having a hard time explaining my thoughts between my fatigue, profound programmer and my fatigue
I'm going to have to build a giant ass table with a lot of money amounts. There has to be a way to inject commas and dollar signs into the content without having to add them manually.
that turned rambly
!!xkcd hyphen
can someone explain me why people are so crazy about this Vue.js, it all seems like a template engine to me xD
@Tiffany if you use angular then you have stuff like format cell as currency
@Tiffany :before and :after pseudo-selectors?
@Izopi4a it ends in .js so there's nothing to be crazy about
@Izopi4a i like it, it sits right between angular and react.
@Saitama :P By all means make the plugin, I will just fight for it not to be enabled in here. We're better than that :D
2 messages moved to Trash
@Rovak almost five year old codebase written with PHP 5.3, angular is a pipedream
plus I'd have to learn angular. It is a goal, just not a priority atm.
Stop voting down !!! — JavaQueen 32 secs ago
@Trucy I think that's what I'm going to do. I wonder if I can do it without adding a class to every <td> though
can't do tr td cause there's one cell with text. probably can do tr td + td maybe...
@Tiffany yup, that's what I was about to suggest: use the full power of selectors
@Gordon Thanks I got completely your point
@Trucy good thing I'm pretty handy with CSS selecting :)
@Tiffany shit's tight, yo
@Rovak if you have angular, it is another layer of complexity, especially because it's pretty hard to find people who are good at both JS and PHP
One hates CSS because they don't know about selectors
@Naruto lol. I like how the answer to the question doesn't create a new object, or call the static function.
I like css
@DaveRandom i think you meant this: derickrethans.nl/xdebug-2.3-xdebug-debug-zval.html
@Tiffany the answer is as bad as the question, but I guess when you ask for shit, you get shit?
@Saitama it's like you're attracted to poop. Anime, css
@Trucy XPath is awesome
@Naruto GIGO
@JayIsTooCommon :( that's mean (to ANIME [they are glorious])
@Tiffany no idea what you mean by that ^^
@Saitama why do you call it animes? there's no plural in Japanese...
Chrome allows you to use xpaths with $x() in the console... run $x('//*/text()'); in your console ;-)
@Naruto I just looked at JavaQueen's profile… "Paris, France". I feel ashamed
@Tiffany THIS
@Tiffany @Trucy stackoverflow.com/questions/42093162/… made it more awesome xD
@Trucy looked at*
@Tiffany fixed
@Saitama 😛 didn't know if it was intentional like some denizens of 4chan, or accidental
damn those comments are hilarious there
@Naruto I nearly feel bad for JavaQueen
@Wes the behaviour around scalars changed in 7, it used to work like this (<=5.3)
@Naruto my favorite comment of the day meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/343160/…
@Tiffany ty for fixing my englishes
@Trucy np 😀 just let me know if I'm being annoying
@PaulCrovella the man has a point! ^^
It used to be possible to get a refcount of the actual zval for primitives, I forget why I once found that useful for something but I did. Whatever it was it will have been a horrible hack.
oh god @Jimbo, @JayIsTooCommon
haha, was just about to say the same :D
@DaveRandom some tactic to avoid recursion while serializing something perhaps?
@Tiffany The only spelling fixes that annoy me are those from people using french old spelling rules and denying the new ones which are easier
@PaulCrovella thats some next level stupidity
@PaulCrovella possibly. Whatever it was it will have been a problem that could have been better solved with an object
@Trucy fair enough
@Trucy DIVA spotted
@Naruto DIVA what now?
Can someone explain me the mistake which I do here kopy.io/SCDMC
@JohnDoe2 using php
@littlepootis hmm can you tell me a bit more?:)
@Naruto Oh, yes of course. I mean, her question is somewhat legitimate. But she doesn't show any research effort (at this stade, I maybe would have answered the question), but the fact that she doesn't want to put any effort is a no for me.
@JohnDoe2 You can't do shorthand on concatenate iirc
@Trucy it's the comments that are doing it ^^
@Naruto yes. But I think that going hard on her is unwelcome. If her question is wrong/wrongly formatted/other, just flag it and move along
@JohnDoe2 kopy.io/DvGWh
@JayIsTooCommon hmm ok I understand so I do it step by step thanks alot
i'm just there to read the comments, that is all
C'mon @Jimbo, I'm a Laravel developer... Should Laravel developers be disallowed from answering questions too? (Wondering if I need to go a delete every answer I've ever given) — Mark Baker 50 secs ago
Uh oh Mark Baker saw it xD
Hello, I'm Trucy, I'm living in Cantal, Franse.
is it possible to get the (switch) case value in each case ?
for example:
case 1:
$getI; // holds the current case value
@Trucy just make sure you don't look at her title
i've always wanted that job
@JohnDoe2 well… $i holds the current case value
@JayIsTooCommon oh developer with 2 p, didn't notice it at first
@Trucy Je parle du francais?
Because we, french, are developpeurs
Oh, wait, I fucked up.
@littlepootis That'd be « Je parle français »
@Ekin fixed
damn french..
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Right, forgot the áccènt, I was in english mode :D
@DaveRandom \o/
@Trucy Je suis an English person.
I don't know if French has more insults that English/other languages
@Trucy probably not, you can just call each other French
@bwoebi Yes... with some assumptions. 1. There is more code that will be written than code that will be broken. 2. We can detect a sufficiently high enough percentage of breakages before going live. 3. Multiple features are simplified/built on top of it.
@JayIsTooCommon lmao
//How can I code something like this:
      $num = $time != '0' ? $count : $count + 1;

instead of going through each case statement like this:

      case 1:
            $num = $time != '0' ? $count : $count + 1;
    case 2:
@JayIsTooCommon lol :D
@JohnDoe2 chat formatting is a bitch, pastebin is probably better
ok sorry 1 sec
I though it may look ok :D
you may look okay
@Trucy all light-hearted btw.. i'm sure you're not all that evil :P
@JayIsTooCommon Don't worry, I don't take insults directed to french seriously. You make fun of us, we make fun of you :)
@0x13a What @Gordon said. If you can't test all of your private code simply by exercising your public API you probably need to refactor your code. Note that doesn't mean you don't need code coverage on your private methods ... only that you should be able to gain coverage on those methods by various use of your public methods.
> It's like wiping your arse with silk, I love it.
@DaveRandom wut?
How old are you?
In fact forget that, you should have seen all of the Matrix films anyway
all one of them
@DaveRandom oh, I got it now. Never watched it/them in english sadly :(
Oh I wonder how they translated that bit to French
Litterally iirc
I assume they didn't include the actual cussing though
Really strange. PHP segfaults if a add a HTTP response body to the exception message.
php: /home/kelunik/.php-build/release/Zend/zend_hash.c:550: _zend_hash_add_or_update_i: Assertion `((ht)->gc.refcount == 1) || ((ht)->u.flags & (1<<6))' failed.
@Ekin btw, I think Joe meant for it to return id when you create a reminder
!!remind me to dance in 5 seconds
Reminder set.
@JayIsTooCommon me to dance
Issue said "reminder should return id in response for deletion" though?
perhaps strip leading "me to " from those
Hence I thought it was about the 'unset'
Yeah, as in he wants the id in the response so that he can use it for deletion
i think
lemme try get context
@PaulCrovella I have a PR to finish with all those sort of goodies :(
Jan 25 at 11:24, by Joe Watkins
@DaveRandom would be nice to be able to copy/paste that id is all ...
If I got it right, you can see the id on
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Seconds left: 6983730
• what happens → Id: :35514705 → Thursday, 21st December 2017 00:00 (UTC) - Set by Trucy - Seconds left: 27330870
(maybe make the ID a link to the transcript?)
You mean on ^^ above result? If so, multi line will f it up though
Sorry I'm dealing with way too stupid people on one hand, I'm processing way too slow
@Ekin yup. And I (still) don't know about chat limitations
I am making an android application where there will be facebook login. My plan is to fetch information from facebook and regsiter the user of my android app on my server.
My plan is to fetch information from facebook and regsiter the user of my android app on my server.
But the issue is that if somebody can get access to that link he/she may do a fake post request and will be able to enter fake data in the database. What method do people use to prevent such case?
@ShubhamNishad it's a PHP room here, you should look for the Android room
Trucy, I am asking php question only
because the server will have a php script. I am not asking for code but a concept.
Oh! I see
to prevent people from doing fake POST request to register fake user.
Where can the user input something?
They just input their facebook login and then YOUR server gets the information from Facebook API, right?
They won't input anything. It will be fetched from Facebook login on android app. And then from the android app I'll post it to my server by doing a POST request to some URL on my server
@ShubhamNishad ip filtering, request IDs
@ShubhamNishad A client must present an authentication token to post
A client can get the authentication token by logging in.
Now your attacker must steal the authentication token from a user in order to post as them.
Or guess their passwords.
@bwoebi @JoeWatkins idea about typed props gist.github.com/Netmosfera/3096b82ccbbc4a03302b1d12ff05a67c
@Wes Looks like you're approaching TypeScript more and more every time we talk about types
it's not that types were invented by typescript tho :P
i will never touch js seriously i'm pretty sure of that. php is fucked up but js is fucked up more
@Wes "I hate Thing A, there fore I will never learn anything about Thing A."
this attitude seems a bit ... emm ... shortsighted
i think typescript is quite sensible
compared to JS (which, coincidentally, you know nothing about)
but itself is everything i hate about js, the fact that is a preprocessor
i know javascript, and i hate it
@JayIsTooCommon better with this?
@Ekin I think that's what he meant yeah :) /cc @JoeWatkins
Does this seem accurate?
i hate its stupid types, it has no decent minimal bundle, i hate that strings are ucs and not unicode, i hate that it has no unicode support in regexps, i hate that i can't go newline freely because newline means ; @tereško
I'm trying to figure out when to use route params vs query string in PHP
that's for a starter. i mostly hate dom though. or rather, i hate how inconsistently it is implemented in the various browsers
i hate the prototype madness. with all the proto and stuff that i keep forgetting how it works even if i learned about it a million times
and i'm not mentioning type coercion because that sucks in every language (in js sucks more though)
Evening room
@kelunik report a bug

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