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@DaveRandom you could… include vendor...
@bwoebi ?
in lxr
to follow crossrefs
Well obviously, I just don't get what you mean by "include vendor" :-P
well, include the composer vendor directory?
Is there any way to prepend a 0 before a undetermined length of number
You mean like in the URL path?
@DaveRandom hmm? I mean, when I see Amp\Deferred I want to be able to click and look at the def
@VishnuSBabu $foo = "0" . $number; like that?
i have been searching a lot but i only recevied sprintf("%02d", $num);
@Danack any other predefined ways?
What's wrong with that one?
@DaveRandom bah, lxr does split the tokens on \ … can't it internally use fqns? and have the links be fqns
ok so if i need the same in laravel
sprintf("0%d", $num);
@bwoebi oic
That could be difficult in terms of getting history to work
It considers each dir to be a "project"
And it would be looking for .git under the vendor root
Also, lxr doesn't like local variables and by default does a search on it instead of jumping to the def
@DaveRandom just indicating that lxr is probably not too helpful in that state
@bwoebi well to be brutally honest I'm not sure how useful it is for PHP code anyway, I mean where even is the "def" of a variable in PHP?
I haven't really explored what it makes of Jeeves yet
@DaveRandom class property… also local var … first def in the func?
way back in the day I used to use a perl script that functioned kinda like lxr, but for php... wtf was it called...
@bwoebi Yes, I'm just not sure how well it, as an application written by Java devs, actually makes sense of stuff like that in PHP
I have no idea how it works underneath
me neither
And frankly I do not plan on finding out
no idea what you can configure…
@PaulCrovella Probably @FlorianMargaine-woz-ere.pl
"sourceforge" should've been a tipoff
Well, it's been roughly 1 hour and I already hate building docker images intensely
@DaveRandom It's your first one; some pain at the beginning should be expected, right?
yes indeed, it's actually not as bad as it could be, at least when the build fails it caches the last successful step so you don't have to start all over again
also, unsurprisingly, the most challenging part is the bit that involves an Oracle product
(and btw I did some reading and a couple of people said that Oracle is better than OpenJDK for OpenGrok for stability reasons)
were they employees of oracle?
no idea, they were people on the internet in threads about how to set up opengrok
however there was at least one instance of "It doesn't work -> use oracle Java instead -> oh thanks now that works"
Hi guys
Have you notice PHP jobs pay much less than other
1 hour later…
OK so @LeviMorrison a) I managed to get the web interface of OpenGrok running in a docker container on the other server b) I'm now not sure how practical this is in terms of how the indexing is going to work
However I have re-proved to myself quite emphatically this evening that I do not understand containers so I've probably missed something
@LeviMorrison Well I don't know how much of it is a limitation of how docker works, but it seems that you can't really have a container run multiple services?
> ...I've probably missed something
One service per container, yes.
But for instance you can limit the memory that the OpenGrok service has, so when it crashes it just crashes the container instead of making the VM unmanageable
Can't you do that by limiting the memory you give to the jvm?
Yes but I trust the Kernel way more than JVM.
Well regardless, I'm now at the point where I'm going to have to get an understanding of how opengrok indexing actually works
Good, good.
In that when I got it running not in a container, it just sort of magically worked because it was on the same machine
I assume I can make it work in two containers but I will have to figure out which bits of the file system need to be shared
Oh also docker save and docker export are both hanging on that machine (opengrok-2) for some reason
no obvious reason why
Here's the secret dockerfile sauce reciper: gist.github.com/DaveRandom/0f4404d26be67a67e4d1a7175d75e66b
/me sleeps
nn @all
@DaveRandom Well.. they are on different machines.
You just want the FS to be there so if the container needs to be restarted you don't have to redownload, reindex, etc.
@LeviMorrison OK well in that case could I just install tomcat/opengrok on the host and mount /opt inside both containers?
/me did not sleep
We are only going to have one container per server up and running at any given time.
@LeviMorrison which does what? indexing?
I mean... my understanding is there is a web server part and another part that does indexing.
Is that wrong?
Ah.... all of a sudden your questions make more sense.
It just clicked.
which is the bit that eats all the memory and dies? I assume the indexer?
I mean it would super-suck if it was tomcat
The image that dockerfile produces does the web server bit, but I have just realised that actually that's not the bit that needs to be containerified
@DaveRandom We don't know
I would guess the indexer though.
But yeah if we can contain the server and the indexer we'll know which it is.
well I think that simply sharing /opt and /srv would let the things work sanely-ish
And actually that image can do both jobs, just need to start different commands
I also am now understanding this a bit better :-)
/me actually sleeps now
3 hours later…
@Wes nice
@kelunik @bwoebi what convinced you to have value classes/structs?
i realized that anything implicit sucks. there should be immutable objects or mutable ones, and the conversion between them
I bought shoes from a drug dealer once I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day
@bwoebi Why did you merge github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/… into master? It was intended for amp_v2 only.
@Wes We only use them where performance matters.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2017 07:59:08 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 6790
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
can anyone ping git.php.net ?
➜ /git ping git.php.net
PING php-git1.php.net ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
--- php-git1.php.net ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
how strange
@DaveRandom ping
\o Fabor
echo '<pre>', print_r($cats). '</pre>';
Hello everybody
I am having an issue with above php array
can anybody help me here?
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
[0] => Array
[1] => Category A
[2] => Category B
[3] => Category C
[4] => Category D
[5] => Category E

[2] => Array
[6] => Subcategory F
[7] => Subcategory G

[3] => Array
[8] => Subcategory H

[4] => Array
[9] => Subcategory I

[9] => Array
[10] => Subcategory J

@user3733831 Use a pastie site please.
@hakre this can be closed right bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60620?
I want to create a category, subcategory list using this array
yo PeeWes
anybody here to help me?
that didn't sound nice
@PeeHaa is ther any compatiblity of this github.com/PeeHaa/Minifine with php 5 ?
nvm found it.
@FlorianMargaine just checking you are still alive :-)
@Linus Yeah 5 something should be supported
PHP on windows.. the bane of my existence:
Base address marks unusable memory region (fall-back to file cache)
Attempt to access invalid address.
OK who comprehends Docker?
woah, don't all shout at once
Thats quite a broad question :)
I have some pretty broad questions
I don't need docker. I have a cluster ;p
@DaveRandom don't ask if someone's here … yaddayaddayadda ;)
hey jay pmma
thanks PeeHaa
@Machavity Makes sense because I mostly see the usefulness in templates
OK so... OpenGrok has two components (two services, effectively), the indexer and the web front end. We want to run it in two docker containers because a) it keeps running out of memory and crashing and b) we don't know which element of it is causing that (maybe both). However, the indexer is expecting to be running on the same machine as the web service.
If I were to share /opt (where the binaries for tomcat and opengrok are installed) and /srv (where the repo data is) between the two instances, should that in theory work?
You are doing java. You're on your own man
why don't you use the available containers I linked a few days ago?
I... did not see that message
however at this point I think I've probably done all the work they would save me anyway
Is this the point where Dave realized he wasted several days of his valuable time?
Time he could have spend on dnslib ;-)
If it's just a matter of sharing some files, then you could create a shared volume for both containers
@DamienOvereem Only several hours. Also I did learn a number of things about how docker works, so I don't feel it's totally wasted :-)
True that. Lessons are always valuable.
@DamienOvereem got a brother called alistair?
@Gordon Right, that's what I was getting at, can I simply just do a VOLUME /opt and VOLUME /srv and it will work like it seems like it should?
Well. We are both dutch and share some physical traits (unfortunately those traits do not include the muscle mass). There is actually a good chance we are related.
The name Overeem is not all that common.
@DaveRandom tentatively. IDK for sure tbh
!!reminder bacon in 20 minutes
Reminder set.
moin joe
20 minutes? That's going to be some well cooked bacon
that's when I have to start cooking bacon ...
black bacon, the best you'll ever get!
@DamienOvereem I heard eating alot of horse meat can fix that xD
Different thing: it's about that time of the year where I need to start planning a nice php conference for my team. Anything specific worth going to this year?
@DamienOvereem location?
@Naruto Probably. But a good diet and excercise probably helps too ;p
@DaveRandom I am! just busy :)
2 years ago we did Berlin. Last year Amsterdam.
@DamienOvereem guess you missed the clue :(
@DamienOvereem I was going to suggest DPC. I hear good things about Benelux as well. If you don't mind unconfs, phpuceu
@JoeWatkins do you have a google account? /cc @PeeHaa @Gordon
I'm not sure I mind "unconfs". No clue what that means :)
room11.org has finally transfered to google domains and I would like to set up some extra admins
@Naruto I guess I did
@DaveRandom yes
@DaveRandom I think my info@mydomain address is a google account. But let me make a dedicated account
@Gordon can you DM me your address or something?
Oh boy, I need to work with personal data. Oh boy I think they don't have any idea of the implications. Oh boy France is extra anal about protecting privacy
@DaveRandom yes, it's very googly
pthreads address
@Trucy I personally like it. :)
@JoeWatkins dot org?
@FlorianMargaine Yup, we need something to protect privacy
@DamienOvereem he was suspended for a year, because of failed drug test, explanation was: horse steak with roids...
@DaveRandom plus.google.com/+gordonoheim or just info at first name minus last name dot de
@Naruto Oh shait, I remember that. Sorry the coin didnt drop before :)
geen probleem! ;)
@DaveRandom in your mail
@Gordon I guess we will stick with DPC this year then. Do you perhaps also know something about conferences that focus on more general development soft-skills? DPC has some talks in those directions, but I wouldn't mind haveing more of them. (DDD, TDD, Deployment etc etc)
@DamienOvereem phpuceu.org
phpunconference.eu’s server DNS address could not be found.
ill search :)
yes. sorry. I can never remember the right url
tnx chris
@DaveRandom yes, pthreads at pthreads and as you rightly say, dot org
OK right I added you all, you should be able to see it
@DamienOvereem the benefit of an unconf is that you can request any topic you like right at the conf. if someone is able to talk about it, they will offer to do so
I am just moving the records over now, I screwed up the transfer slightly and failed to copy the zone file properly
Yeah. I'm reading about it now. Interesting concept.
good job
@DaveRandom boo
@JoeWatkins thanks
I'm pleased
you should be ...
@FlorianMargaine well I have a backup of it, it's only 5 mins of typing :-P
@DamienOvereem plus, it's Majorica and tickets are less than 100 bucks.
@DaveRandom excuses!
and you get to see Jimbo. And likely me.
you get to not see me.
They had me when I read "Beach session"
also, I won't be there, if that makes it any easier ...
I actually was outsourced to Majorca for 3 weeks once, back when I did system management :)
Good times
@JoeWatkins definitely, thanks for confirming
how come they can run that for 100 bucks, but everywhere else wants like, a months rent ?
actually I'm not sure of the business model of conferences at all ... do they make money at that kind of price ?
I suppose they must, but maybe not from ticket sales ...
I that specific case: its kinda hard to reach. If they make the ticket prices too high, people simply wont show up.
/cc @bwoebi :-P
Tickets to fly there use up part of the budget
Could be fun to attend a PHP conf
(or C3, or FOSDEM, or any tech related conf)
@JoeWatkins bacon
@JoeWatkins it's not a commercial conference
they don't want to make a profit and they don't have to fly in speakers. so it's basically just the cost for organizing it
Are they a non-profit?
Well.. we are usually forced to spend the night in Hilton hotels (boss-guy likes his HHonors points) and holy crap Hilton Mallorca is awesome :)
thanks @DaveRandom
hopefully it will actually work properly now
@Trucy they are a "eingetragener Verein", so yes. equivalent of a non-profit.
/me loves events organised by non-profits
While I'm buggering about with it, does anyone else want an @room11.org email? Send the name you want and the address to forward it to room11 @ <my screen name> dot com
So @Gordon, in a totally non-biased way. Would you say it would be worth hauling 3 people from Amsterdam to Mallorca for that conference?
why not :D
I'm up for one Dave
Can you do a simple forwarding? :)
I can only do simple forwarding
Mailboxes cost real money
Cool ;) <firstname>@<lastname>.org plx
@DamienOvereem totally. it's usually good fun and interesting. you have to like the unconf format though and your boss might be biased because it's not a commercial conf with speaker lineup and program.
damien would be fine
@Trucy mail me what you want or post it in here or whatever (recommend using a private channel or obfuscate it, for obvious reasons)
@Gordon The "interesting" bit must be the dominant part (although fun is definately needed). I will have to get a budget for it :)
@DaveRandom I sent you a mail after seeing your edit :)
k, check your emails @DamienOvereem @Trucy
you have to confirm them
Heh. Never knew this worked with google:
"You recently added email forwarding from [email protected] to [email protected]. Please verify your email address to begin receiving emails sent to [email protected]. "
@DaveRandom did you have a peak at my poop?
@DamienOvereem interesting strongly depends on who's there to give a talk. also, it's in your hands to some degree to make it interesting by requesting (or offering) topics. requesting will not always result in a talk, but recursion: depends on who's there.
thx dave!
@JayIsTooCommon no I spent the evening fucking around with java and docker
epic typo
I've been the last three years and was never disappointed.
@DamienOvereem np
Kinda figured that. Unfortunately that is also the risky bit. It's difficult to get a budget for cases that do not have a sure result. Oh well, I'll put some thought into it. Thx for your advice @Gor
Everyone who had an @room11.org email address will have a confirmation email for the new forwarder at google. Addresses won't work until you confirm.
@Jeeves ta
@JoeWatkins Ask Jeeves.
@Gordon ic
!!issue does not comprehend idiomatic engrish - ta == thanks, EVEN BABIES KNOW THAT !!11!!!!11!!
cleverbot is pissing me off a bit
clever is an overstatement
Has anyone a little of time to review short RFC is it correctly written in English?
You are doing java. You're on your own man
@brzuchal Ommit -> omit
@JoeWatkins Yes because tak really make much sense...
Stupid "english"
@brzuchal I'm not an english native speaker, but I'll give it a read-over.
@DaveRandom Thank you :)
@DaveRandom thx
Also @brzuchal a better description would be "remove requirement for authority portion of user stream wrapper URIs"
@JoeWatkins Because of you I looked the signification of "ta" and "ta-ta", and I don't understand why we aren't using them on a daily basis
@PeeHaa if you could merge this, ta github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/pull/149
The introduction bottom sentence needs restructuring imo
However @brzuchal for the record I don't support making this change, it is a massively breaking change, at the very least it must target 8
@JayIsTooCommon I can merge, but cannot deploy. I don't have my key on me
This RFC proposes to add a new flag, STREAM_IS_URI, to use..
@JayIsTooCommon Maybe ask @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom Ok, so I'll put a question mark and ask for opinion at discussion time
@Sean Thx
@PeeHaa That guy scares me :/ @JoeWatkins will just have to suffer the ignorance for a little while longer
Passing the new flag allows a user defined Stream Wrapper class...
@Sean Got it
@Trucy I am and do, I never really grew up ...
@JayIsTooCommon mergificationified
@Jeeves @DaveRandom ta
@PeeHaa Jeeves is THE man.
It's really annoying me that travis is failing, lmao.I know what I'm doing this lunch
@JoeWatkins "never really grew up", only kids use "ta" and "ta-ta" ?
@DaveRandom ta
Also @JayIsTooCommon you have commit access, do it yourself :-P
oh .. yeah.
shit like that doesn't need discussion or review, just do it
Can you deploy too pleeeeeeasee @DaveRandom <3
@DaveRandom i forgot init.
ugh I have to do everything round here
Nonsence @Trucy. I always use "ta-daaa" at my sprint demo's!
Sorry :D
I don't see why "ta" or "ta-ta" could not be used!
@DaveRandom I have been running for 12 seconds, since 2017-01-26 09:50:15
@Jeeves ta
@Jeeves ta lad
@DaveRandom You're welcome!
@Trucy ta is one of the first words we learn to speak ...
@JayIsTooCommon You're welcome!
Thanks @DaveRandom and @Sean
@JoeWatkins So basically, "thanks" is the first work you learn? How english of you :D
Is it possible to change url on wiki, or should I simply create new one and move content ?
@Trucy Well it's doubly useful because it's quite close to "tea" as well
@brzuchal just keep the old one ^^
@kelunik Ok
ta-ta is bye, isn't it ?
@Trucy ofc, you can still be hung drawn and quartered for bad manners, from 18 months, I believe ...
@JayIsTooCommon yeah
Yes but no-one uses "ta-ta". ttfn or gtfo.
Going to work now
ta-ta all
I call bullshit.
fulminate: to issue denunciations or the like.
@Jeeves ta-ta.
@Linus You're welcome!
it should pin those if pins are < 2
moin mada
@Jay looks at what just happened and cries to himself ...
what happened to word boundaries ?
@JayIsTooCommon can you update your change to ^ta$?

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