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@pmmaga It should have to match all parents, I believe.
(except constructors, which only have to match interfaces)
Check out repos under /srv/sources, run opengrok-index-all to reindex
I've concluded the that problem with lxr.php.net is most likely to be a problem with the web interface, the indexer actually doesn't have much scope for breaking things if it crashes, it will just not update the index, unless it crashes at the very end while it's actually instructing the web interface to use the new index it just created
I am so overjoyed at how successful I was at something I really thought I couldn't do, and almost gave up on multiple times
I feel lame for being so happy about it haha
@DaveRandom Good to know.
I'm surprised at this:
> # Accept the Oracle license
Parts of it look really magical indeed
Expected witty remark, possibly with a jab at the company.
What is wrong with people tonight
all the people who should be asleep are still awake
@LeviMorrison I've always wondered and never had a sensible answer - if you don't read it, are you culpable?
A script that accepts the license for me, without declaring it will, or asking me if I wish to...
hey all, I saw this string being passed from a SO question: '!^https?://!i'
does '! !i' mean something special in php?
@SyntacticFructose No it means the person who wrote the regular expression had an exclamation point fetish
it was a question on regex, and I don't think the exclamation points are actually being used as regex here
does this mean it will literally match ! as the first character?
The regex starts and ends with the same character, these are the chosen delimiters that do not need escaping throughout the rest of the expression
oh gotcha
instead of using the normal '/ /'
No, it means everything after the ! is part of the expression, any literal !s in the expression have to be escaped, and finally the trailing ! is the end
"normal" / yes
thanks, is that i a typo?
appreciate the help :)
the i means case (i)nsensitive
@PaulCrovella ty
it all makes sense now, awesome!
/ is unequivocally a terrible delimiter in a web-oriented language
where you have http:// and /path/ and blah
! just looks weird though
Lots of people use #
I use ~
if it's used as a delimiter though I won't have to escape the / everything right?
I'm currently using / for that reason
Using / when you're regexing paths or urls means the escaping leads towards unreadable expressions
@Leigh it's a terrible delimiter for some expressions, regardless of the language
isn't all regex unreadable :p , noted though I'll take that into account
Actually no, read up on the modifiers
some modifiers allow you to spread the regex across multiple lines and add comments
@PaulCrovella I've used tilde for ages, anything else bothers me :x
It's rarely used, and stands out pretty easily
the only ones that really bother me are when people use [] or ()
Isn't that a PHP special?
auto-matching of opposite delimiters
not sure, I very rarely see them.. but when I do... grrrr
yea takes a few encounters to realise it's valid
against all reason
not just that it's valid, but when I see those in a regex they immediately mean something different than "delimiter"
@SyntacticFructose if you want to really expand your understanding of regexs read amazon.com/Mastering-Regular-Expressions-Jeffrey-Friedl/dp/… - it's an exceptional book
cool, I'll throw that on my wishlist. Thanks @PaulCrovella
1 hour later…
Good morning
When people start to come on here and say good morning, it is a sign that it is time for me to go to bed
@Jeeves o/
@SagarNaliyapara Haha, I really wish I knew what you were saying.
@Jeeves you could be
@SagarNaliyapara But I'm a human.
@SagarNaliyapara Could be what?
@JoeWatkins moin o/
@Leigh Thanks Leigh! I used a foreach loop and got it working! codeshare.io/anzk73
posted on January 27, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
hey how can you use preg_split to split a string by these characters |/\.,:;_+
wow nice one! I didn't think of doing that.
does it not need PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY?
3v4l.org/22GgH depends on how you want it to work
it's ok, it worked. so you can just add characters to $chars to add a new delimiter?
that's awesome!
lol, not really
!!reminder report in 8 hours
Reminder set.
ta Jeeves
@Wes ok, thank you anyway.
oh i forgot Happy Friday room 11 ...
Happy friday @Linus
I get dark thoughts when I see that video these days.
Issue "dark thoughts" remains unresolved.
Morning 11
Quick survey: does the name "Erwan" sound feminine to you? If not, what about "Erwane"?
is this a PC tricky question? can i answer without getting yelled at? :B
Sounds masculine, only because of it's similarity to Euan
both sound masculine to me...
Also Eragon
And Erwane, Wayne
they sound foreign, and I'm scared of foreigners, so I hate them ...
@Jeeves Does Erwan sound feminine to you?
@Sean J'ai pas compris tu peux le dire a nouveau mais en francais.
Damnit, Jeeves
@Jeeves speak english
@Trucy No.
@Jeeves Does Erwan sound feminine to you?
@Trucy Don't you know you're gender?
I am gender?
(I played with Jeeves in french in the playground)
@JoeWatkins :(
great, now someone has to wash him
@JoeWatkins :)
it's pretty close to Ewan, which is definitely masculine ...
(and Erwan has celtic roots, it comes from Aerouant, which means dragon)
I thought all words in french were one or the other ?
It's a name (my name in fact)
And yes, words in french are either masculine or feminine. And there's at least one word which is masculine in singular, and feminine in plural.
Also, some names are neutral (like Dominique)
so what does the language say it is ?
French says that Erwan is masculine, and Erwane should be feminine
@Trucy TIL.
I could not find any magento room
About masc / fem switches in singlular / plural
(I never met an Erwane yet)
@Sean I think that's the only word (un délice royal, des délices royales)
Their was a kid in the year below me at school called Drew Peacock.
have you checked your birth certificate ?? because for 31 years of my life, I had my name wrong ... I was taught it wrong in school, taught to write it wrong too ...
Also I met a guy named Tim Burr once.
And nobody cares, if you write "des délices royaux", nobody will correct you because nobody knows this rule
@Linus hi
@JoeWatkins Yup my name is correct, it's Erwan. (I'm transgender, so that explain things :D)
thinking about changing your name then, or just trying to determine if other people think Erwan sounds masculine ?
Both :D
@geekhere hello
@JoeWatkins You had "Joe" wrong? O.o Or is it short for Joseph?
I was seeking some help in magento
Oh god it's Jay
Everyone hide
time to go to the other room
lol, hello to you too
@Sean Joe is what I always have gone by ... I was under the impression my proper name was "John-Joseph", with no middle name, I went to apply for passport and was told I had it wrong all this time, first name is John, middle name is Joseph, there was never a hyphen ...
@geekhere We don't magento here..
@Linus I was seeking help in magento. I posted a question on SO. Let me give you link
I think I'll change my name for "Erwane" because I love the sound of "Erwan" (and the E doesn't change the sound in french (in some cases)), but now that I'm looking for a job, if I can show a feminine name, it'll be easier for me (being gendered correctly) and the employer (gendering me correctly because my name sounds feminine)
@JoeWatkins Whoa. Have you considered changing your name officially?
@Linus then where? Because i could not find any room for magento
@geekhere there's a whole stack exchange site for magento magento.stackexchange.com
Mornin Jimbo
@PaulCrovella I already posted a question dude
@JayIsTooCommon love you... :-P
Whatcha get?
@Sean considered, yes ... problem is I have a passport in one name, driving license and bank accounts in another ... and everyone calls me another ... so I give up with names ... I'm krakjoe/Joe ...
@Jimbo is it contagious?
@Jimbo The cure for PHP?
bike ?
:D :D
@geekhere congratulations. good luck.
@DaveRandom :B thanks
Oooh I know I know, it's a brain isn't it? You finally bought one
Okay, so I ride it, and in this case it's not @PeeHaa's mom.
Jay's mom?
it's bike ...
She does live in Spain..
now i'm worried
@Jimbo picssss
yeah, we should get to see it ...
actually don't crash it this time
@Trucy cure for PHP? What are you even talking about? PHP is perfect!!! :-P
yeah, serious ... ducatti probably have some kind of limit on the number of bikes they will allow you to destroy ...
Also crashing motorbikes is a bit, you know, killy
lil bit
No outdoor pics yet, as I only got it last night but...
@Jimbo same color?
Do you still have your old plates?
THough I guess those were UK plates actually
Still got my old plate in the UK, but you can't use vanity plates in spain
@bwoebi The perfect disease yes :D
nice (y)
@Jimbo can't you just register it in the UK?
JWJ is the best they could do
so beautiful ...
@DaveRandom I live here, I can have a UK bike over here max 3 months
I'd like to buy a bike, but it'd be far too risky in cold weather
Oh :-(
you just don't use it in real bad weather ...
@Trucy s/in cold weather//
do you have to register as an organ donor in spain, or is that on by default there?
@DaveRandom Yeah too :D
@DaveRandom s/in england//
@Trucy heresy :-P
Right, yes, the Spanish being famous for being perfect drivers and never having accidents
especially roundabouts, the Spanish are great at them. They don't even need to look
-_- that's ENCODING damnit, don't trigger me
user image
lol @Jimbo
I'd rather be on a bike in a strange country than a car ... it's difficult to get a car out of the way of crazy people ... when a machine can accelerate to 60 mph in sub three seconds, and 100mph sub 7 seconds, it's very easy to get out of the way of idiots ...
and into the way of other idiots
I have a fluent method like $model->clientContent()->toJson() but I need that clientContent() to be called dynamically. I tried $model->{$clientContent}->toJson() but doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?
just apply more power ...
@Frondor What does it mean you want to call it dynamically? What's the purpose? What do you want to achieve?
@brzuchal complex relationships on an Eloquent model, I need to call the relationship dynamically to create select2 lists at the creation time. So you can call either $model->clientContent()->toJson() or $model->clientPartner()->toJson() just with $model->{$someMethod}->toJson()
Laravel Dusk Is Coming to Laravel 5.4
@Frondor You need call_user_func([$model, $comeMethod])->toJson()
&$model ?
Thank you @brzuchal, I also tried something like that earlier but without success
Anyway, I found my error
@JoeWatkins forgot :/
@Frondor You're welcome
I needed to call it like $model->{$someMethod}()->toJson()
Morngin fine people of room eleven o/
Kinda ugly, but I've been working on this shit for 6 hours now
@pmmaga I summon thee
!!alias alias friday
@kelunik Command 'alias' is built in and cannot be altered
@Frondor You can use call_user_func to call any object method with or without arguments
@kelunik Nice try buddy.
@Trucy I know that @DaveRandom implemented a protection :(
@kelunik yes I fixed it, sorry :-P
!!alias \o/ friday
Command '!!\o/' aliased to '!!friday'
@brzuchal Eloquent is bitch disguised of a piece of gold. It won't let you do that
Well, it won't let ME do that, the way I need
!!alias "gonna get down on friday" friday
@Trucy I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
Jan 17 at 20:29, by Joe Watkins
people who use laravel deserve everything they get ...
!!admin add 7325979
User added to the admin list.
although that still won't work @Trucy
doesn't understand the quoted string, and wouldn't make a lot of sense if it did
commands cannot contain whitespace
Is anything wrong with laravel? @JoeWatkins
There is nothing proper
1) The author
Well that's not strictly true, it would create an alias but it would alias !!"gonna to !!get down on friday" friday
Yup, that's what I figured
Well, I don't care about the author so it was a dumb argument
@Frondor This is a hilarious question
we could expound the reasons we don't like laravel, or any monolithic framework ... but it wouldn't affect your opinion, you already decided it's good ...
@Frondor Ok 2) Facades
I don't stop using technologies because of their author, sorry, I'm not that dumb.
Jan 3 at 13:44, by little pootis
Of course, I designed my own website, using state-of-the-art tools like laravel, jquery and bootstrap.
Leigh, that's not a valid argument.
@Frondor In case of Opencart, that's really what you should do.
@Frondor No, it's one point that tips the rest over the edge
You're free to use facades on laravel, but you don't need them at all.
Actually they're both valid, shit authors take software in shit directions, it's not dumb to stay away from software that locks you in to detrimental paradigms
It's a piece of poorly architected rubbish with the single goal of making something work as fast as possible with little thought on architecture, best practices. Everything goes into marketing, and we all know what high flying sales people can get like...
i have my doubts people would like any framework here, no matter how "good" it is
Symfony components are okay :-) (imho) - Except Forms. Forms can sit on a cactus.
@Izopi4a Pretty much :)
And if you want to know about ORMs, talk to Jimbo, he loves that stuff
@JoeWatkins pong
@Frondor that's actually a good criteria. you can tell how good the software is from its author
Oh yeah, and Active Record.
Seriously, you advocate active record because it's "easier". That's absolute garbage.
@pmmaga is this covered by another test ?
considering how hard software development is, "you are wrong because i am right and you are not me" kind of "arguments" just say everything
and there is a reason for that, i mean any framework comes with .... what ... 10 deps and a milion lines of code, and you make your shop using 1/10 000 of it, when you could make that on your own with 2-3 composer packages
(reminds me that I should read this )
@JoeWatkins Yup
You'll find there are two types of people in this room. People who come in to ask a question and focus only on monetary gain, have no passion, and choose a framework that suits their purposes (Laravel), and those who are passionate and care about maintainability, architecture and doing things the right way - and teaching juniors how to progress their knowledge in these areas (regualrs)
@pmmaga excellent, and did you make test against any other branch ?
And doing things the right way and pragmatism are absolutely not mutually exclusive :)
Oh my god, enough rubbish read for today. /off
@JoeWatkins nope, not yet. would it make sense to target anything other than master?
i suck and i am here to get some help, I found this chat thx to @JoeWatkins . Thank you Joe - love you / nohomo :D
This room is getting grumpier and grumpier against newcomers
I'm considering that ... I don't think anatol will let it in, but I want it, and I don't see that there is a major BC break - swapping one fatal for the correct fatal doesn't seem like a bc break to me ...
but anatol has like locked down 7 ... I'll ask him about it ... he may want it too ...
@Trucy get better newcomers
@JoeWatkins All right, let me know then and I'll change it if necessary
@Trucy i am a new comer and i think its fine, i guess there is a bit too much "stuff" but still i really like it here
@pmmaga k, and thanks ;)
I don't think we are hostile ... direct, unambiguous ... these are different from hostile ...
@Trucy Well put it this way: my tiny avatar list (ignore list) is pretty small. I only ignore people who are offensive or persistently wilfully ignorant - ask ridiculous, vague questions and don't listen to the answers. That person apparently is already on it. Thus they are clearly a repeat offender.
@pmmaga just to note, it usually makes sense to target the lowest applicable branch in release cycle where there are no bc breaks, fixes with bc breaks should target master ...
@Trucy He started it :P
where patch doesn't apply, open new PR for higher branches, and we can empty merge to keep history sensible ...
Does anybody knows if php its gonna implement the jit engine ? and is it really that good ? should i be excited about it ?
you should be shitting your pants with excitement
@Izopi4a Maybe if you're doing huge number calculations :)
Like loads, really fast
and yes, it will happen ...
it already exists ... zend-tech/jit-dynasm branch ...
hasn't that been an experiment for quite a while now?
@JoeWatkins Yup, I've been trying to do so. In this case, although only for very poorly designed code, it will be a BC break hence the choice for master.
In case you're wondering, a dynasm is the thing that you have when you see how fast your code just ran
@pmmaga what's the break ?
The following error occur for my website:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'mydb_db'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/fiveghr/public_html/don/dbconnection/connection.php on line 8 Could not connect: Access denied for user 'mydb_db'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
@abdul make sure you are using corect username / password, and also if the user has access from this Ip address. localhost !==
@PaulCrovella this is the second round of experiments, it started out very different to this ... believe this is what we'll merge at some point ...
@abdul The user does not exist on the database, you got the password wrong, or the user's host field is not configured correctly
One or more of those things is true
@JoeWatkins The code on the new tests doesn't throw anything currently: 3v4l.org/pblqI
@DaveRandom I didn't know he was on your ignore list. I should start doing that
@JoeWatkins things are looking better this time around, I take it
@PaulCrovella much
@pmmaga well ... well ...
@Jimbo ignore early, ignore often

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