So when ::getWorld returns, you'd need to have a check run, to verify that as the returned value is being introduced to the caller's scope, that it's allowed to exist there.
I guess that makes sense, because if you can reference it (you are probably the package author), then you have the responsibility of deciding whether to expose it via return or not
Just thinking briefly about it I think on unserializing it can check scope and throw if necessary. But that may render it unusable in all serialization or something.
@JoeWatkins … because it's commonly abbreviated $e in every code you write … $e as in $error or $exception. Suddenly using $r/$reason would be quite weird.
@Levi anyway, what's frustrating is when I need a function of a certain complexity, it's in the vendors source, but I'd have to duplicate it to be usable :-(
@bwoebi I agree that can happen but most of the times it is intentional. They do not want to commit to maintaining that API because they want the freedom to refactor it without care.
@Ocramius if you could hide symbols in your projects how often would you expect to use it? As in, if you could hide Zend\SomeDetail from anything outside of Zend?
If I want to set a version number so it can be accessed globally, but I want it to be namespaced. Is it best to just define() with a prefix or use const and set a namspace?
@tereško seems pretty :-) ..! btw, if you have some free time, please see "me before you" video, and tell me how much are you and Will Traynor similar ...
holy fuck my dad is a web developer from the 90s. I send him @Patrick's guide on No Framework Tutorial, and he says, "I don't think I've used frames." facepalm
he also follows it up with, "I like frames, only easy way to to keep a header."
I'm fixing his website, he finally gave me access to it after...oh... two years
with him telling me "I'm in charge of the website because I have 1% ownership in the company." Kinda hard to be in charge of a website that I don't have access to.
the damned PHPMD is telling me that my identification service has too large number of dependencies
it seems that it's counting exceptions as "dependencies" (of which I have 8)
is there a way do define in PHPMD, which symbols should be ignore in the dependency count (preferable as a docblock comment above each targeted use statement)?
C++ has no explicit naming and just calls it "result" ("which can be a value or an exception") (methods are "set_value" and "set_exception") … and calls a resolved Promise "ready"
@TomasZubiri PHP sets a maximum memory usage that a specific script can allocate. This is highly dependent on your host, but trying to load a few of these files in memory can certainly result in a fatal memory usage error.
@Trowski @kelunik As a compromise I propose only two states "pending" and "resolved". A promise may then be resolved with a pair $exception, $value, at least one of which is null.
That's what I find quite some languages doing (python, c++ for example)
No, but I never felt a reason for discussion as it sounds very natural to me
@Trowski If we really feel like we need to change that, I'd like to resort to some neutral wording avoiding these words fulfillment, rejection, success, failure etc. completely
I don't know if anyone knows this but if I want to ask a somewhat random programming question that isn't related to fixing a bug then is So ok for that?
OR i could build a time machine, go back 1 week, wait that cold finishes, help the old me to build the time machine and wait for the new year in full health
@JoeWatkins LOL. We apparently had a customer ask for it, so we tried out the 7.1 ZTS, didn't see any particular issue with it, so figured "hey, it's on them if they break their own world with it. We're just a tools vendor." :-)