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lived here for more than a year, just unpacked last box ... found 8gb DDR3 and a few usb cables ... rest was boring ...
@JoeWatkins 8 GB DDR is boring too… I mean everyone and their dog now uses 16 GB DDR 4 at least
it's interesting that I don't know where it came from ...
yeah ... usually sell computers whole, or donate them to family member ... no good reason to have one stick of ram knocking about ...
stuck with it now, it'll hang about on my desk ... forever, I suppose ...
@LeviMorrison I guess @Andrea underestimated the impact mostly
I'm not sure what we can really do about that now ...
NullLogger or Decorator?
it was a product of much discussion and compromise ... revisiting those discussions doesn't seem worth it, unless we can suggest a better alternative ...
@Levi I wasn't considering it a major drawback either, but turns out to be…
Hey guys I'm trying to pass the id of an element into a php script, i'm using ajax i've got data: "id=" + $(".report_btn").attr("id"), on the call then using $id = $_POST['id']; on the php script to retrieve the id. however doesn't work and getting no errors.
simply removing it, not happening ...
@JoeWatkins Just make it having no effect, BC break should be minimal
@KerrialBeckettNewham do you see the value being passed ni the network tab of your dev tools ?
not a big fan of that idea ...
@bwoebi why not enforcing strict types?
@Wes that's going to be a big BC break…
not going to happen definitely
@JoeWatkins It's an option, not sure whether I'd support it though…
@KerrialBeckettNewham then the problem is not in PHP
@tereško Thanks
@bwoebi bc break for?
previous amphp version?
just in general
are the parameters actually being passed?
do you see them in the network tab?
@Jimbo wait, I though you were only here for like another few days?
then they should be readable in PHP
@tereško it looks like this in the network tab, not sure if it's supposed to have the ( and : (547:
are you on drugs?
lol, no. just messed up
So my colleagues are complaining that I'm too up to date because I know PHP 7 was released a year ago.
@tereško that wasn't the issue.
the issue is that you are unable to communicate the problem
7 mins ago, by Kerrial Beckett Newham
@tereško it looks like this in the network tab, not sure if it's supposed to have the ( and : (547:
this means absolutely nothing
@tereško I agree. I'm not very good at explaining.
@Trucy should be able to find heavy book to beat them with ... a keyboard may also work, but may destroy keyboard ...
@JoeWatkins or an old laptop. See, I found a use for them :D
@tereško yes. I will do that
@Shafizadeh you will also want to implement automated backups to your VPS
but the "how" part will depend on the size of your codebase
@tereško hmm, doesn't seem very necessary, we get backup manually per week.
well, the storage drives on your local server can just die one day
it's really unlikely
loosing all the codebase and the change-history would be a really inconvenient
I have had 2 hard drives die on me and 2 SSDs
apparently what I said is unlikely, isn't ;-)
your storage drives dying is not a matter of "if" but "when"
anyway, I have an exam tomorrow.. I'm trying to focus on this right now :-)
@Shafizadeh good luck ;-)
@Aladdin thx
evening roomies.
Why did the can-crusher quit his job? Because it was soda-pressing
@Jeeves get some new jokes.
@Linus How could I get new programming?
rip the creator of the kinder surprise, the guy that also contributed to the original nutella recipe. 2016 is not giving up
.. well, the pizza was nice
@Trowski github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/test/PromiseTest.php#L15-L28 shouldn't these lines be rather added to promise-test repo directly?
@tereško youtube.com/watch?v=s7pPqQGro2s "the truth"
@Wes your imaginary friend is not real, but my imaginary friend - is
@Wes stop with 2016 already, people are getting old, thus dying, it's not like it's 2016 who actively kills people, 2017 will have its people dying too. We won't be magically immortal in 2017. </rant> (nothing against you personnally)
@Trowski ugh … forgetting to amp\wrap leads to quite subtle bugs with code just not being executed :-(
@Wes also, the xmas is "about solstice"
@bwoebi why does amphp/file have no releases on packagist?
@NikiC it has tags…
@bwoebi it has tags, but they aren't on packagist
I can't install the master branch of aerys right now because of that
weird, and I can't edit it on packagist because only Daniel has access
I assume they were there presently but somehow got pulled?
After all the composer.json of aerys hasn't changed in a while and this used to work...
I guess so
@bwoebi @Trowski If Coroutine doesn't accept callables, how should I make a method a coroutine?
@kelunik coroutine() function does
@bwoebi No, I don't want a callable. I want the coroutine to run.
@kelunik then just new Coroutine($obj->methodReturningGenerator()) ??
Previously we had:
function asyncWork() {
    return resolve(function () {
        // ...
And no, I don't want to write:
yeah, now it's (function(){})()
function asyncWork() {
    return resolve((function () {
        // ...
@bwoebi Probably, else everyone will have to do the same.
yeah, that's what I mean
@bwoebi Yeah, but I still don't like there being two ways to interact with the loop - a correct way and a magical way.
@bwoebi No, we shouldn't have a dependency there.
@Trowski well… uh … as said, there would be only one way to interact for us
@kelunik @bwoebi Adding a Coroutine::fromCallable() constructor would be trivial.
@Trowski Why do you need to set it?
@kelunik to not have it interfere with other tests?
@Trowski Why not just accept callables?
@kelunik because side effect
@bwoebi Other tests should always clean up their shit.
@kelunik mhm, yeah
@NikiC I like siege, installed globally ...
@JoeWatkins I used a manually compiled siege because oss-performance requires siege 2.x. They say all later versions are buggy :D
@kelunik Which is why that code should be moved into promise-test, so those tests cleanup their shit. :-D
@NikiC aww
@Trowski fixed there.
the code looks really nice
you can remove it from amphp/amp now
@kelunik not 100% sure about the rename: github.com/async-interop/promise/pull/31/files can you please give it a quick thought and merge/close accordingly?
$ php -r 'echo date("M", strtotime("February")), "\n";'
> This allows libraries and components from different vendors to create coroutines regardless of the used placeholder implementation
doesn't quite read right
@FlorianMargaine yeah, 30th Feb doesn't exist
@bwoebi one of the subtleties that is so damn easy to miss during development
> of the [placeholder] implementation used
@JoeWatkins feel free to PR a better phrase
@bwoebi Why not sure? Merged.
@kelunik Dunno, wasn't sure whether proposal or spec is better
well, it isn't a proposal ...
@bwoebi It's not a proposal, it's the spec we're working on.
I was a proposal when I wrote the complete text.
@JoeWatkins Well, it somewhat is a proposal to all devs to eventually use it
then you call it a proposed specification ... but the thing is a specification
mh, okay
How can I use 100% CPUE all threads for ffmpeg?
Q: How to change ffmpeg -threads settings

JacobWorking on a tube site. I'm running videos through ffmpeg on a linux dedicated server to convert to mp4. The server specs: Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 8 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7 Thread(s) per ...

wrong room, completely the wrong room
i know
if someone knows about it. else its ok
Personally, I just use AWS Elastic Transcoder and not bother troubling myself.
@staabm twitter.com/markusstaab/status/814819721518469120 this doesn't help very much… either your buffer has some space left or it is blocking … it is very rare that the buffer is coincidentally exactly full and it actually reduces blocking.
(well unless you send just single bytes or always exact divisors of the kernel socket buffer size)
@bwoebi Ok, thanks.
@bwoebi @kelunik Should I add a Coroutine::fromCallable() method?
I usually just declare a private method and call that, but I can see where it would be useful.
@Trowski I used to do that, too. But now I always use resolve + anon func.
There is no resolve function anymore… suppose that could be added back.
@Sherif Thank you very much
Hi everyone, my first time in this room
@Trowski resolve is basically the same as new Coroutine now, but new Coroutine doesn't accept callables.
If I want to create a custom regex snippet to be used in regexes, what is cleaner?
A Defined constant that should be used like this? '/'.ELEMENT.'/'
Or a custom function that replaces things a token, which should be used like this '/\el/'?
Or just putting it in a variable and using it through the string parser like this "/$el/"?
@TomasZubiri Why not something like $pattern = "/%s/" and that way you can do preg_match(sprintf($pattern, $whatever))
You might also want to consider preg_quote somewhere in there.
cool, my bank has added "3 factor" authentication
What's the third factor?
phone, single use SMS code
Wha? Then what's the second factor?
code cards
What's a code card?
You mean the cvv2 code on the back of your debit/credit card?
they have electronic keychain things for "business clients"
Ah, that's like that mastercard virtual crap.
@kelunik It should not be the constructor's job to invoke a function. I'd much rather have a separate function for this.
@Trowski @bwoebi github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/Coroutine.php#L81 < It anyway invokes code.
I don't see a problem there.
@Trowski I think I'd prefer Coroutine::run or Coroutine::call if we go that route.
@kelunik Having the constructor invoke code has always been a problem from a purity standpoint, that's correct.
@Trowski I know, but we do that anyway.
@bwoebi @Trowski Did you use Amp\coroutine anywhere yet?
@kelunik Nope.
It may be a nice function, but I can't imagine use cases. I'd like to drop it. We can always add functions if we need them. We can't remove functions if we don't need them.
@kelunik It would be more useful as a function taking a callable and returning a coroutine.
github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/functions.php#L211 < I'm not sure about adapt, callables passed to then must return a promise again, no?
Ah, no, it's only returned by the implementation.
@Trowski Right, then it's basically resolve / new Coroutine.
@Trowski @bwoebi Did anyone of you look into the event extension?
@kelunik No, I had planned to. It should be trivial to implement based on the uv loop.
We really need better names for first / choose...
first I had called any, not sure if that's better.
I'm probably doing something obvious wrong, but preg_replace ('/^pattern/', $v) would only work on the very first byte and won't match other lines. The variable just gets its contents from a text file. Why could that be?
choose I called race, which again I'm not sure if that's any better.
@JoeWatkins hey, thanks for the list of podcasts I have never heard about
you heard of three devs ?
that's the one I go on sometimes ...
@Trowski We already have any.
@JoeWatkins nope
@AbrarAhmed I'd strongly recommend aws.amazon.com/elastictranscoder and trying to use all cpus for 1 video process is quite likely to be not a desirable thing.
oh, fair enough :)
@ЗахарJoe You did that by adding ^ in front.
@kelunik nope
@kelunik That one I had called settle
wait, no, I know one of the podcasts there: "Coder Radio"
it's shit
@Trowski I think any and some are fine.
I thought it would match the beginnings of lines after returns, not just a beginning of the file or a variable...
@kelunik Yeah. I honestly don't really care much about the names… if you feel compelled to change first and choose to something better that's fine.
@ЗахарJoe You can add the m modifier, then it does that.
^ that
fwiw, I only know some of the php ones ...
interval and range seem like nice helpers, but what are the use cases? Do we have any in our own libs? github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/functions.php#L715-L768
@kelunik Yep, it does. Never had to use that modifier before, shame on me. Thanks!
@Trowski I think 0 should be fine here: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/functions.php#L727 no?
@JoeWatkins I only knew Town Hall, and it's dead
@kelunik It could be, but would require special handling.
@kelunik @Trowski I agree we can just remove these funcs, they're like trivial 5/6-liners when needed
@Trowski Better there as every time I use it.
@bwoebi Basically strict_types didn't really work as advertised because of callbacks. This is why I voted no (among other things, like not liking declare()).
@bwoebi Which ones? interval and range?
I think too many people just wanted the feature regardless of the drawbacks.
@LeviMorrison yeah :-(
@Trowski coroutine even has a use case here: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/functions.php#L680
@kelunik I agree, choose sounds weird… I'd have no idea just from the name… choose… what?
@bwoebi race
The word you're looking for is race
It's a race between the promises you pass, the first to reach resolution will resolve the returned Promise with the same result
!!mdn Promise.race
[ Promise.race() ] The Promise.race(iterable) method returns a promise that resolves or rejects as soon as one of the promises in the iterable resolves or rejects, with the value or reason from that promise.
^also note how the word reason is used (unrelated) ...
You resolve with a value, and reject with a reason
@JoeWatkins the value or reason
but not the value or the reason ... "reason" is already defined ...
"the value or reason" is grammatically correct.
What's wrong with that?
+     * The callback receives `null` as first parameter and `$value` as second parameter on success.
+     * The callback receives reason as first parameter and `null` as second parameter on failure.
it doesn't say the $value, doesn't need to say "the reason", reason and value are both defined ...
Why isn't that `$reason` though?
For "package-internal" classes, we could export a class to the namespaces it should be visible in, as part of the definition.
namespace Foo\Bar\Qux;

class Hello {
    exports {
it isn't a variable
> .. , because Alex Jones is just a humble water filter merchant.
priceless quote
@JoeWatkins What is it then?
well it of course is
but for some reason
function($error, $value) { /* ... */ }
is given as prototype ...
@Dan What about:
Because the reason is generally an error (Throwable in PHP's case, Error in JS's)
But I see the point
module Hello;

class Hello {

@bwoebi @Trowski @kelunik why isn't $error called $reason ?
@LeviMorrison So modules exist independent of namespaces?
@Dan That or replace them.
My guess is that namespace would just become short-hand for "export everything" if they are "replaced". This would preserve BC, yes.
Following that, I think modules should exist alongside.
@LeviMorrison For BC of course.
I could see modules working, and visibility restriction working on the module level. In that case it would be akin to namespaces/assemblies in .NET, for namespaces/modules respectively.
The other approach to modules is making a special phar with a manifest or something.
At this stage without more details I can't really say which I'd prefer.
I ... don't understand why phar exists ...
I like phar :-P
Hmm why not something like
@JoeWatkins It mostly saves disk space by removing some of the block allocation overhread.
there is no shortage of disk space
anywhere ...
It also makes distributing things easier.
export class Whatever { ... }

// in another file

import Whatever from 'path/to/file.php';
I personally think namespace-based visibility exports would be sufficient. A lack thereof would essentially be export { * }.
The module identity becomes the file path
But honestly before we talk seriously about modules I'd like to join symbol tables.
@MadaraUchiha Eek, that would make for a good deal of boilerplate though.
well .. not really ... it makes editing things impossible is the best reason not to have it ...
I really don't want:
@Dan I dunno
import class Hello from Hello;
import function Hello from Hello;
Autoloading always felt magical to me
@LeviMorrison You can define a class and a function with the same name?
oh yes
@MadaraUchiha And a constant, and a namespace.
@MadaraUchiha yes
@LeviMorrison Neither would I, the ownace of visibility definition goes in the thing being defined. And if something tries to use something non-visible, it explodes. Using namespaces as the visibility-modified container ensures autoloading still works.
So everything is implicitly import everything I can see;

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