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@AllenJB "DateTime now supports microseconds; will break a lot of code"
@PeeHaa what did you try that was not allowed in order to get that error message?
correct answers getting downvoted, guys advocating string concenation and input sanitation get upvoted
Also a thing I will never understand: People who claim changes that break (commonly used) code are "not a BC break". If a change isn't a BC break, then it shouldn't need a section in the the "Incompatible Changes" part of the upgrading guide.
@Sjon I don't think anybody reads those. Maybe give it a yellow background color?
@Patrick E_REDDIT
Q: Custom Login with Encrypted Password joomla

sayed manzoorI want to create a custom script in which user got automatically logged in when some special URL hit.And my problem is that I am unable to login with Encrypted Password. $username = 'prabhash76'; $password = '$2y$10$nIFUs.Nd6dagGL.3kbPsr.uPL/8kDns6Li8ac7rOpDCz4njynXkPO'; //encrypted password $...

@kelunik I had so much fun collecting those examples. I'll have a look at the yellow
hey @Sjon what do you use to generate your identifiers on 3v4l? I need a thing like that right now and 3v4l's is good, + #lazyweb
(as in the alphanum paste slugs)
@DaveRandom comma
@PeeHaa huh
@DaveRandom I have one for you if you want
hardware accelerated opengl on rpi ...
now it is worth finishing directfb extension :)
@DaveRandom Let me think what repo I used it in
@PeeHaa will test shortly, ty
@PeeHaa @JayIsTooCommon I'm going to go with '#@((?:\p{L}|\p{N})(?:\p{L}|\p{N}|\.|-|_|\')*)#u'
So that's unicode property letter or number, followed by 0 or more letters or numbers or those punctuation special cases
We ignore spaces, they aren't relevant in chat
What about !
> Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
> Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
@DaveRandom whats with the hashtags?
But what exactly counts as a "letter"? =D
> Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
@sweg_yolo_69 are the underscores in your screen name just regular underscores or weird unicode chars?
@DaveRandom regular
And I know you can have dots because I have seen 2 users who have them
@MadaraUchiha could you ping @balpha for the username regex pattern used on SO / SE please? <3
Off topic question, how can I find what group owns a directory and then change the permissions for that group?
Just tell him it's needed for moderation :P
@sweg_yolo_69 check the directory register for the group name
yo jesworth
@sweg_yolo_69 ls -l can tell you who owns it
@Martinn and how would I do that? :p
weski o/
so with ls -l I get:
permissions root username 4096 Dec 5
Which one is the owner and which is the group
owner is first
@sweg_yolo_69 just kidding I have no idea what you're talking about :p
Hello all
It turns out that the group is my username. How would I add rw permissions to my group?
* This method will create hyperlinks for all email and URLs in note
* @param type $noteText
* @return string
public static function linkifyString($noteText)
// Patterns for URL and Email address
$patterns = array(
// Replacement array for matched patterns
$replacements = array(
'<a target="_blank" href="$1">$1</a>',
'<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>'

// Returns string with hyperlinks for URLs and Emails
some one pls help me fixing the above code
edit your message and press ctrl+k please
which shld not linkify (create hyperlinks) for email IDs with double quotes
> which shld not linkigy
Also please review your sentences when hitting the "send" button
linkify, I imagine
@PeeHaa I'm going with that for now
It matches everyone currently in the room, anyway
@JayIsTooCommon : its linkify sorry
I've also added ALLOW_REPLIES
@DaveRandom kk. I'll update the wheel of blame in the mean time :P
@DaveRandom What do the hashtags do?
@Sean : yup you are right
@JayIsTooCommon ?
@DaveRandom how do I change the group that has permissions to a directory?
chgrp newgroup /path/to/dir
@sweg_yolo_69 chown (-r) pwner:group /directory
or that ^
I tried chgrp already_existing_group /usr/share/phpmyadmin but it didin't work
whe I do ls -l I still get root as the group
@DaveRandom i'm confused
The regex you posted had hashtags before and after (after #u) right ?
@PeeHaa preg_replace('#^:([0-9]+)\s*#', '', $text) seem reasonable in the !ALLOW_REPLIES case?
Everybody stop what you are doing and point and laugh at @JayIsTooCommon
@JayIsTooCommon oh right, that's just using # instead of / as the delimiter
@DaveRandom Yeah looks fine to me
Everybody stop what you are doing and point and laugh at JayIsTooCommon
Shame @JayIsTooCommon
hah, i'm not as social as you
hahaha @JayIsTooCommon
also @DaveRandom, your regex won't match spaces after the ping will it?
@JayIsTooCommon no, in the ping case it's replaced with @\u{2060}$1, i.e. it just inserts a zero-width space between the @ and the username, so it still looks the same but doesn't actually ping
@DaveRandom but won't you end up with whitespace when tweeting?
Also til that if you copy @\u{2060}$1 out of PHP Storm, you get an actual zws copied to the clipboard instead of the escape sequence
you won't
shut up Jay
@JayIsTooCommon this is for messages posted to the chatroom only, not twitter :-P
Can we use this for twitter too? because commas break the handle detection
@DaveRandom how do I make /var/www/html have rw permissions for a group?
chmod g+rw /var/www/html
posted on December 06, 2016 by nikic

### Fixed * Fixed name resolution of nullable types. * Fixed pretty-printing of nullable types.

I tried that, but then when I do ls -l I get -rw-r--r-- for files inside that directory
got the water boiler replaced this morning. already paid for it. i have a spare kidney to sell, someone interested?
Are you using move_uploaded_file or something?
also lol you have a .
@Sean I already have files and directories in /var/www/html but the group can't edit them
@DaveRandom ?
chmod -r g+rw /var/www/html/*
oh fuck :P
@Sean basically I want 775 for everything in that directory
who is @PeeHaa. ?
Some alcoholic
> Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Jan 5 '17 at 10:59
Oh goddamnit :P
Did they plug the leak where you could do it on meta and propagate to all sites?
Sorry @MadaraUchiha I need you a lot today. Could you please revert my SO profile name.
@DaveRandom Looks like it
@Sean you sure that's the correct syntax? When I do `chmod -r g+rw /var/www/html/*`
I get `No such file or directory`
Yheah you're right
@PeeHaa. @MadaraUchiha please change it to @PeeHee_lol_no_i_wont_fix_it
And I explained that the information was irrelevant, it didn't work with any URL that didn't exist. I couldn't give specifics as it's sensitive information relating to the company I work for and you have to have security clearance to access it, certainly not something I can post online for the whole world to see. As a first time user I think this sort of behaviour is disgusting and I am very tempted to delete my account. Should've listened to my colleague when he warned me people on here were less than friendly. — howitoughttobe 3 mins ago
chmod g+rw -R /var/www/html
I was I hadn't downvoted it yet so I could downvote it after that rant ^
@Sean I did chmod -R 775 /var/www/html
What's SOP in that reply, PeeHaa?
!!mdn same origin policy
@PeeHaa. Sorry, I couldn't find a page concerning that topic on MDN.
[ Same-origin policy ] The same-origin policy restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with a resource from another origin. It is a critical security mechanism for isolating potentially malicious documents.
Ah of course
> sensitive information relating to the company I work for and you have to have security clearance to access it.
I bet he uses WordPress
Dude has a point though, you can run his code as is, adding in the missing } and it returns 200
@Sean Also, do I need execute permissions for php scripts and html?
@Sean He doesn't even wait for the request to finish
Oh yeah
But I'm not really being motivated to help OP now :P
@JayIsTooCommon I'm SC, not that it's relevant, they'll let anyone have it tbh :)
@sweg_yolo_69 Nope.
But you do need it on directories
Can I edit .php files which are on the server by my laptop? I mean can I open/edit them by a local software like sublime?
@Shafizadeh you probably shouldn't... are you trying to debug production?
@Patrick yes exactly
@Shafizadeh and have you tried to reproduce the error in the staging environment?
or dev
@Patrick what do you mean "staging environment" ?
do you mean using terminal ?
@Shafizadeh The place where you test your code before you push it to production
Ideally mostly a copy of the production server
Or are you just FTP-ing files to a shared webhost?
@Patrick Ah .. you mean local ..! well I don't like this approach :-) I like my codes be updated on the server when I press Ctrl+S
@Shafizadeh what.. NO
@Patrick yeah .. I'm trying to make a connection between sublime and my server by FTP protocol
@Shafizadeh ok, stop
Are you using git?
@Patrick nope
Damn I don't even know where to start. Your whole process is wrong
Start using git for everything right now. First priority
Then start with a master branch that you deploy. create new branches when you develop, when everything works then push it to master
ok, nevermind !! I will simply use a Remote Desktop Connection
Use gitlab or github to store your code, gitlab is free if you need private repos
@DaveRandom I use gmp_strval(gmp_init($uniq, 16), 58); aka base58
@Shafizadeh NO STOP. Learn how to do it right
Stop sticking your head into the sand and become a developer
@Patrick I don't know English very well, so I cannot learn it quickly .. it takes lots of time which I haven't :-)
@Shafizadeh In that case I hope you get fired soon. What a horrible way to approach your job
@Patrick :D
@Sjon Ahh OK cool, tnx
is your company not using any type of version control?
git, svn, mercurial, cvs?
lol who flagged that?
Fuck, sorry, I actually accidentally pressed "Ok"
@tereško none of them ... we are using extplorer.net for seeing directory and edit files
It was a series of misclicks
@Patrick I'll take a look at it.. thx
On a second thought, the flag was well deserved
@Shafizadeh gods below, you live in 2002
Currently I have phpmyadmin installed on domain.com/phpmyadmin I would like to change the location to somewhere less obvious or limit it's access so that only my IP can load that page
@Shafizadeh ok ... so, if you are using FTP (or SFTP), I would recommend WinSCP. It has an option to enable continuous syncing.
But you really should learn to use git and start using at least privately
@tereško :-) .. is it an old thing?! it should be noted sometimes we use "Remote Desktop Connectio" (on Windows OS), but sadly it consumes lots of internet bandwidth
@Shafizadeh to be honest, I dont even understand what you people are using
@tereško Have you used Windows OS so far?
I have used Windows 3.11, 95, 98SE, NT4, 2000, Millenium, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
@tereško :-)
each of those for at least a year
then you should be familiar with "Remote Desktop Connection"
I am familiar enough with it to know that it is not a development/deployment tool
@tereško It gives you a visual window of your server
you server should not have a "visual window", it's a waste to use server's resources on generating GUI
It's basically a proprietary VNC
@tereško ok nevermind .. one question, Atom.io which you are using, can be connected to the server?
what server?
@tereško any thoughts on my question?
@tereško the server you buy from DigitalOcean .. in other word, your VPS
@Shafizadeh yes, it is possible, but I would still use WinSCP for that instead
@Shafizadeh stop connecting to servers, it is bad. Develop locally, then only deplopy the finished product to the server
@tereško what's WinSCP ? is it a IDE?
(if you are developing from windows system)
@tereško well I am
I give up, some people are too far beyond help
@Patrick I really don't know why are you insist on it .. for security reasons?
@Shafizadeh for hundreds of reasons. security being one among them (because you need errors for development but you should never show errors in production)
@Patrick Ah .. I got your point now ..!
And what about user experience? Your users will see broken content all the time
@Patrick what you are saying is true for Most Viewed websites .. yes their owners should edit their websites on local and then update online version .. but our website doesn't have even one user :-)
@Shafizadeh Look, you can either take a year or two and use your free time to learn how to become a developer, get a better job/earn more money/earn a promotion OR you can stay where you are and in 5 years you will be in the same place that you are now
@Shafizadeh and if it had one, they would leave after seeing the error messages when you develop...
I figured out what you are saying !
@Shafizadeh alright, then start with learning git and then move on to separating development and production. Then teach your coworkers
probably I do that ..!
It's not a "probably" thing... Many bad things can happen if you continue with the way you are doing it presently...
I don't know .. maybe I don't have free time for being change right now ..! That's why I've used "probably"
If something breaks, how do you rollback to the last working version of your app?
You don't need free time, just download git and start with typing git init
@iroegbu we get backup every week of our project
then commit your changes
it's one minute...
@Patrick :-) everything seems easy to you ... nice spirit you have :-)
@Shafizadeh It is easy, every decent developer on this planet is using a version control system... It can't be that hard can it?
Well, if you don't do it this way today, it'll cost you a lot more tomorrow
ok guys .. I will start reading more git tonight (I've read about git a bit already)
@Shafizadeh start using it right now. download it, navigate to your project folder and type the following:
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
@Shafizadeh all I can tell you for now is: do what your senior coworkers tell for now
we can resume this subject in the evening
/me has to work
@Patrick okay
@tereško alright .. great
mansuetude: mildness; gentleness.
How everyone's life going on?
@DaveRandom Hmmm? Why do you think that shouldn't give an inspection error?
new foo(); - gives the same error when PHPStorm can't find that class.
My kid asked me what being an adult feels like and I just showed him this gif https://t.co/QBVowFV1P7
It just means - I don't know about that class.
I just installed phpmyadmin on my VPS and there are 4 existing databases:
information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, phpmyadmin
Should I just leave them or should I delete them?
You should uninstall phpmyadmin
y doe?
@sweg_yolo_69 The first three are used by mysql itself. And the latter by phpmyadmin
I do agree btw that phpmyadmin is shit
@PeeHaa It's the only tool I know for GUI db administration. Anything else you would recommend?
@Danack Because func::class and const::class both work (they are resolved at compile time before the type of the symbols is knowable) and are potentially useful
I personally use mysql workbench if I have to use mysql
or, well, at least for functions it's potentially useful
@PeeHaa I use heroin
Yes we know you do. How did that work out for you? :P
Well, I'm no longer aware of my problems, which in many ways is like not having any problems
@iroegbu OK, but phpmyadmin is located on domain.com/asdflk;asjdfklhlkadsfxvz and ther is also a web auth
@iroegbu And I won't have any user supplied data in the db
@Wes what's the status of github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/pull/114?
It's open. It says it right there.
@iroegbu I also access phpmyadmin on an incognito browser, so any type of CSRF will be obsolete
@DaveRandom This annoying and it's only Tuesday \o/
I can't wait for what's coming even closer to friday
I am an AaaS in every sense
@sweg_yolo_69 wat
@Patrick double wut?
@Levi replied to Yasuo
Fyi @Levi I've discovered in the patch (not in the RFC) that he actually wants to allow returning array|false for decoding…
@DaveRandom except that it doesn't. It won't work with use function \cc @Danack
@bwoebi well that needs fixing.
@DaveRandom good luck with classes having the same alias as a function
(that's the reason why use function is a separate thing at all)
@bwoebi ugh
Can't we just have a priority system?
(and that's also why ::class is aptly named \cc @Ocramius)
@DaveRandom that'd be even worse … yay for guesstimating what will take actual priority
@bwoebi not really, it would only matter when there's a naming collision, which is almost never
@DaveRandom unless there is.
@bwoebi Not really, just class -> function -> const
@DaveRandom so, if there happens a function foo in the current ns returning an instance of \Bar\Foo, foo::class will return \Bar\Foo, right? … when we want to call foo()
Urgh, I see 0 need for the session serializer stuff
like, none at all
@bwoebi damn it this sucks.
@DaveRandom To play devils advocaat:
$classname = foo::class; // This line has an inspectable error, when you look at it from a particular angle.
new $classname(); // This line has no inspectable error.
hello @ll
long time no see
@bwoebi Veto that. Sheesh...
and Shong!
@Gordon that's wacist.
@bwoebi At least in this one case we can thank the heavens that union types with |false didn't pass :D
@LeviMorrison That's not related to union types, that's related to Yasuo doing bullshit.
@Danack tell @Jimbo
@DaveRandom Something, something, separate symbol tables, something something.... /cc @bwoebi
@Ocramius That's because there is no need for it. Everything being proposed can already be done.
@LeviMorrison Shhhhhht.
@Leigh so why is he calling FUD on the ML?
@LeviMorrison mumble grumble [unintelligible] complain
Default defensive manoeuvre - he always does it
@Leigh Why is he then even proposing the draft if there's no point in it?
Because it's Yasuo, he has to touch things
And btw. let me state that there's some need
evening room
I'm not seeing it
@Leigh I have cases where I wanted to store sessions in the database (e.g. mass user session deletion, broadcasting a block to all sessions) … thus, these were fields which were added to the session
currently you need to deserialize sessions
we can use php_serialize as session serialization via ini setting and call serialize()/unserialize()
If you're storing your sessions in the db, not sure why you need to serialise at all
@Leigh because that's how the session save handler works…
Also what is stopping you to use any format?
@Leigh you get a serialized session and then you can store it
@PeeHaa Has to be a C extension to do that.
@Leigh basically, Yasuo is solving a problem, the wrong way round.
@bwoebi pretty sure SessionHandler::write get's called, and then you can do whatever the hell you like
@Leigh You should be, IMHO, able to just straight return the session array from somewhere and similar for encode
Like, ignore $session_data
@Leigh yeah, but SessionHandler::read() requires you to return the data in the requested serialization format
Does the serialization really hurt that much?
@bwoebi That's far less of a problem
Unrelated; anybody successfully printed something using php?
@PeeHaa I didn't realise you had vote privs \o/, how long have you had them?
@PeeHaa print $var
@PeeHaa well subtle bug source #1, libraries usually assume we have the crappy session serialization format (which for weird reasons isn't serialize()) set in ini
I think I need to do it, but it sounds really painful up to the point that some exec call is goingto be easier
@JayIsTooCommon ?
I voted what?
#2 these libraries have to implement their manual encoding/decoding because there's no directly exposed function for deserializing the session serialization format
Brexit? Yeah sounds about right
You can thank me :D

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