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why do I know this
@Tiffany Ah I forgot to session_start(); ^.^
Gee thanks obama
@Tiffany it's not stiff when you pee, how do you not pull the rest back?
@PeeHaa maybe you could help?
@tereško I really don't wanna think about it.
yeah, why do you know this???
@sweg_yolo_69 The correct ini to edit is in phpinfo
@MadaraUchiha are you not proud of your cultural heritage
@tereško Not particularly...
@rabbitguy I know it's been offtopic tonight, but borderline dude...
But you know me, I think that all religion should be something you do at home
@rabbitguy I dunno. There are ways of doing it, how else do the other heathens do it? I've read a bit on reddit about how guys do it, but not a lot
by yourself
@rabbitguy That just seems like a very innapropriate question
@PeeHaa Yes, but my problem is that curl_init() isn't working. I downloaded it with apt-get install php7.0-curl, enabled it in the correct php.ini but it still isn't working
And not in large, government funded, tax exempt institutions.
@PeeHaa The only other reason I could see is that the extension_dir isn't correct
Mar 5 '15 at 14:12, by Sara
Define "doesn't work", does it sit around on the couch eating Cheetos and asking for more money all day?
of course... I am the one told that I went over the line
@MadaraUchiha I personally think that a society that is able to create artificial suns should not be doing "religion" at all
@PeeHaa Call to undefined function curl_init()
but that's just me
> But mooooooooom ~curl_init()
@PeeHaa that is amazing.
@Tiffany @rabbitguy I'm going to step in and suggest that maybe this line of conversation should end here before it results in flags
@tereško Do whatever the hell you want, that's the beauty of it
@PeeHaa that's taken from ##php on freenode
Just don't ask me to fund you!
And don't force it on me
They won't be from me but far tamer things regularly get flagged
@tereško Nope I just got it from chat search ;)
@DaveRandom yeah, agreed.
@MadaraUchiha "should not" instead of "must not"
/me has RL to do though so... knock yourselves out :-P
@tereško There's this great piece by Jim Jeffrey about atheism
nn @all
later @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom \o
@MadaraUchiha kinda a like "you should not trying to touch your tong to the sign pole in the winter"
I remember there was a guy here that has contribued to PHP, maybe he can help me?
@sweg_yolo_69 g'luck on that. :P
the again, that's only something people from north can relate to
I think his name was Levi or something?
@LeviMorrison could that be you perchance?
@LeviMorrison Could you help me with finding the installation path of php extensions?
Oh, that's easy.
It's an ini option.
@LeviMorrison Yes, but it I think it isn't correct
Is this Ubuntu or plain Debian or something else?
@LeviMorrison Basically I installed php7.0-curl, enabled it in php.ini and it doesn't work
Debian 8
URL accessible when script ran via PHP interactive mode on terminal but same URL was not accessible when script ran via apache and throws error "fopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname"
Do php --version for me.
PHP 7.0.13-1~dotdeb+8.1 (cli) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.13-1~dotdeb+8.1, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
It's from a third pary repo(dotdeb)
And php -m | grep -i curl
it just says curl
hey, do any of you use some chat software for internal business communication/collaboration?
Congrats! You have curl.
@LeviMorrison I may also have php5 installed as it was installed on the start
@LeviMorrison Despite all that when I do function_exists("curl_init") I get false and when I use curl_init() I get Call to undefined function curl_init()
I'm sorry then. I'm not sure what else to do.
That's all I have time to try to help you get through.
@LeviMorrison No problem, thanks for the time anyways!
Make sure your apache/nginx has been restarted.
I restarted both php and nginx
That's about the only other thing to try.
It's worth to note that php5 and php7 have different install paths
@MadaraUchiha btw, approximately the same distribution can be applied to "computer savvy" people (you could even argue that there is a significant overlap between those two sets)
@tereško My current prediction is that in X0 years, the "non-computer savvy" would be out of a job.
@LeviMorrison Could you tell me one more thing please? What's the default path for extension_dir?
@MadaraUchiha yes
As we push more and more towards automation, people who can program and maintain these automatic tools and machines would be the primary workforce.
they will be living on "The Basic" ad their only source of income
@sweg_yolo_69 It's like $prefix/lib/php/zts-0929230230
Them and insurance agents, those bastards would never die.
@LeviMorrison That's strange because at first it was commented out, and the default value was "./"
@MadaraUchiha insurance agents will become obsolete before the buss drivers ... now lawyers, those might be around for longer than developers
@LeviMorrison Sorry to be bothering you, again
@rabbitguy Correct.
nah, I'm good
You are kinda close to getting kicked @rabbitguy just a friendly reminder
Sigh. I became such a thief in this game @PeeHaa :P I made a locked door to someone's half done building and now he's knocking it :D
@Ekin hehehehe
which game?
7 messages moved to bin
@Ekin That is totally an asshole move. You got the hang of it fast :P
@PeeHaa might as well bin my messages since it looks like I'm talking to air.
I am literally waiting behind the door with a spear :D lol
I've considered getting that. How's the development now-a-days?
@Tiffany The keep changing stuff every couple of months :P
Inside of phpinfo() under Additional .ini files parsed I can find /etc/php/7.0/fpm/conf.d/20-curl.ini
but `curl_init()` isn't working nontheless
@PeeHaa lol. That's a good way to alienate your player base.
Are there any RPG elements?
@Tiffany They removed it
It was kinda badly implemented
It ended up being huge grinding sessions to get somewhere
ahh, fair enough
I guess I could take the route of apt-get install php-curl but then it would be very confusing with php7.0-curl and php-curl
so open world, crafting, PVE and PVP
Just PVP
When people talk about Rust, I forget there's a programming language called Rust
Basically don't trust anybody because everybody will try to fuck you over
See @Ekin's message 5 minutes ago :P
I have been obsessed with Ark, similar to Rust but better IMO
@PeeHaa yeah, pretty much like .... that zombie game that I can't remember the name of that was a mod to... another game I can't remember the name of
yeaaah that one
We wanted to get that one, but everybody told us it's really wasn;t that good
I haven't played it because avoiding griefing and griefing aren't really that enjoyable for me.
I can see the humor in it from someone else, but it's not my idea of fun.
@Tiffany Yeah I am totally one of those people who enjoy the misery of others :D
@bwoebi you busy?
@PeeHaa how did you guess that I've turned the computer on again just right now?
I enjoy the stories, like @Ekin's, but not so much doing it myself.
@LeviMorrison One more interesting thing. When I do php -r 'echo function_exists("curl_init);' I get 1
@bwoebi :p
@PeeHaa no seriously :-P
Look behind you :D
@bwoebi he saw your avatar pop up in the chat
@LeviMorrison So it works from the command line interpreter but not from nginx
like @FélixGagnon-Grenier just now
@Tiffany Uh, my avatar should have been in this chat the whole time!?
1 min ago, by bwoebi
@PeeHaa how did you guess that I've turned the computer on again just right now?
@PeeHaa A white wall :-P
I am having one of my stupid episodes @bwoebi
that was somewhat freaky :D
Lemme push so you can laugh and fix it
@bwoebi you should probably get a real avatar, btw
@bwoebi Look closer
just before the demo, totally ignoring any kind of git workflow bs, pushing to master and deploying to production
@FélixGagnon-Grenier :P happy to frighten you
@PeeHaa Ah yeah, there's a door :-P
@tereško hmm, why?
to not get lost in the crowd
@bwoebi I am going to suck at explaining what I am trying to do, but here it comes
@PeeHaa series 12, episode 54
@PeeHaa first show the code
@sweg_yolo_69 Is nginx using php5 or php7? echo the PHP_VERSION constant.
@PeeHaa now, where's the issue?
@JayIsTooCommon I'd star this if it didn't require context...
So just making a request and returning a promise
@LeviMorrison 7.0.13-1~dotdeb+8.1
However if I don't have a session yet I need to make a setup request first which is github.com/PeeHaa/async-chatter-bot/blob/master/src/Client/…
@LeviMorrison And it's the same from the the command line interpreter
@PeeHaa ah
And for some reason I am totally stuck
@sweg_yolo_69 Then you are probably missing an ini option like extension=curl.so in your PHP SAPI for nginx
Total brain block and I need a push
@PeeHaa just not so good at the game :p
Did GitHub status break again or was it behaving?
Is it resolve I am missing somewhere somehow?
@JayIsTooCommon partly
yes, minute
What did it do?
Not 100% sure jay tbh
Terrible explanation v2 incoming jay:
I was in another room and it didn't report automagically there
however somebody did manually run it before it was going to report
if (!$this->isSetUp) {
    return \Amp\resolve(function() use ($text) {
        yield $this->setup();
        return $this->request($text);
@PeeHaa ^
Ah, yeah multi room doesn't work that's my fault. But it worked correctly in R11, right?
@JayIsTooCommon oh k :)
yes it did
@bwoebi <3 lemme check
@PeeHaa though, a better solution would be
if (!$this->isSetUp) {
    return \Amp\pipe($this->setup(), function() use ($text) {
        return $this->request($text);
@JayIsTooCommon Is multiroom hard to fix?
@bwoebi ELI5 pipe?
oh wait wat. It's calling itself
basically waiting for resolution of the passed promise, then calling the function and succeeding the returned promise (in this case, with the promise returned by request())
@LeviMorrison I have extension=php_curl.dll in my php.ini
@PeeHaa You forgot to set $this->isSetUp = true;
yeah I know. was busy banging my head against the wall
@PeeHaa for me, yes but I think for intelligent people it's fairly simple. I'm supposed to go through it with @DaveRandom at some point
let me see if you get a cookie @bwoebi
> Ziggo Dome
hey that's over here
Nl people are funny
@LeviMorrison But also, under Additional .ini files parsed in phpinfo() I can find /etc/php/7.0/fpm/conf.d/20-curl.ini
@JayIsTooCommon What, you have that orange thing
@PeeHaa \Amp\pipe() is basically the then() of JS/react
Ah I see kk
@JayIsTooCommon where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?
@PeeHaa In general you could have wrapped the whole function into a coroutine too (and used return $this->client->request(…);), but I don't consider that elegant, given that it's an one-time setup function ^.^
@PeeHaa I guess, I wanna book tickets but it keeps on saying weird things like ZOEKEN
@Tiffany UK :) Down the south west
@JayIsTooCommon search :P
@JayIsTooCommon ahhhh
@LeviMorrison and I notice that in php.ini I have extension=php_curl.dll but in other places it's loaded as php_curl.so
> object(Amp\Success)#12 (1) {
@JayIsTooCommon What do you want to book?
I am trying to use Amphp but it is making me sad
@sweg_yolo_69 Well... you are on Linux yeah? .dll is obviously wrong ^_^
lol, I google Amphp, and look at the contributors. "Huh, that person looks familiar...so does that person...wait, all of these look familiar..."
then I moused over the avatars and saw the names
That is a great story clap clap
thanks, I'm proud of it.
@LeviMorrison Yes, that seemed a bit weird. I'll try changing it to .so and see if it works
@Gordon ping
If I were better at PHP I could code 3 times as fast, finish 3 projects in the time it takes to finish 1, and therefore make 3 times as much money
@PeeHaa the weekend, apparently I have to use ticketmaster nl to book
@QuolonelQuestions why?
@Tiffany hahahah
@bwoebi Because it is still not possible to achieve selective concurrency in PHP
@sweg_yolo_69 Don't forget to restart.
@QuolonelQuestions you mean without library?
Either the entire application is designed around an asynchronous programming model, tightly bound to whichever concurrency library one has selected
Or you have no concurrency options at all
@QuolonelQuestions … that is inherent to it
is that this ziggodome.nl/event/1413492434/the-weeknd @JayIsTooCommon?
Fundamentally, my issue is that Amp\run cannot return a value
@QuolonelQuestions there is Amp\wait()
@LeviMorrison Still no luck :(
@LeviMorrison I feel like my extension_dir is incorrect since it's "./"
Do you know the organizer @JayIsTooCommon?
@bwoebi How does that help?
@PeeHaa yeah that's the one
@PeeHaa erm..
If it's mojo there is a chance I can arrange something
It is :)
@LeviMorrison is there any way I can find where the actual php7.0-curl is located?
Platinum TM / Mojo, Regulusweg 5, 2516 AC, The Hague, Netherlands?
@sweg_yolo_69 The extension_dir is the same for both command line and nginx?
@PeeHaa oh?
@JayIsTooCommon I'll send them a mail and can let you know tomorrow morning
@LeviMorrison I don't know how to find the extension_dir for commaind line. For Nginx it's extension_dir="./"
@sweg_yolo_69 ini_get('extension_dir)
@PeeHaa tyvm, one of your clients?
Make sure to mention my good looks
No promises though. It's a bit hit and miss with tickets when I call them
@JayIsTooCommon Yes will do
@QuolonelQuestions … it returns a value.
No worries, appreciate it either way :)
@LeviMorrison /usr/lib/php/50151012 for command line and "./" for nginx :D
@LeviMorrison I think I see the problem now :D
@bwoebi Does it? I can't even find it in the documentation
That docs need an update :x
But do I still have to use run() or is it an alternative way to start the reactor?
@LeviMorrison Well that took TOO FUCKING LONG.
Dotdeb( the repo from where I got php7) seem to have errors with their extensions and extension_dir :(
Everything is good now btw
@QuolonelQuestions yes (the latter)
@bwoebi OK but I am having trouble getting my proof on concept script to work
gist: bc5fcf484aff89ad81c201222b53ea30, 2016-12-06 23:06:07Z
    public function testAsync()
        $server = $this->startServer('delay');

        $start = microtime(true);

        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
                $sock = fopen('http://' . self::HOST . self::URI, 'rb'),
                function ($watcher, $sock) {
                    try {
                        self::assertSame('foo', fread($sock, 0xFFFF));
                    } finally {



        self::assertLessThan($start + .75, microtime(true));
@QuolonelQuestions uh… is the server running in a separate script?
This launches a web server in a separate process that waits .25 seconds before responding
you do a fopen() on http:// …
Yeah? Hello?
yeah, that's synchronous under the hood
I need a socket to pass to onReadable
you need to directly do it manually over TCP
What the fuck
and that's why we have libraries like Artax, which do the http heaving lifting for you
What's synchronous? fopen() or the HTTP wrapper?
@QuolonelQuestions both
Why does that even matter? How does that stop stream_select from working?
@QuolonelQuestions because fopen() does not return a resource stream_select() can poll on
Even if they operate synchronously, they should be operating synchornously in parallel to each other!
Well this is some shit
stream_select() needs a stream socket resource
I thought it just needed any stream resource
That's what I've given it
I already had to rewrite my connector to use fopen() instead of file_get_contents
At least that way it would still leave concurrency an optional extra
I want to include amphp as an optional bolt-on to my library
@QuolonelQuestions That's going to be quite hard
But if I have to use "Artax" I am completely bound to the library
The best I could do is offer an async analogue for each connector type
@QuolonelQuestions well, you can still use \Amp\wait() with Artax
I think it's fair to conclude that I just cannot realistically achieve concurrency
PHP needs concurrency primitives in the language like what C# added in 5.0
Get @NikiC to add that for PHP 8
@DaveRandom took me a moment to realize "Celtic" here doesn't mean what I normally think first
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It kind of does actually....
@bwoebi I want to address the third limitation
Do you think it will be possible to achieve that?
Sub-imports are documented here
@QuolonelQuestions you'll need to embrace some promises lib directly to achieve that…
Wait, you already understand what is happening here?
I was in the middle of typing out an explanation
Essentially I am iterating over a multi-dimensional array recursively and any number of values may trigger a sub-import. Each sub-import blocks the mapping operation while it downloads the data. I want to parallelize all the sub-imports so they only take as long as the longest-running download instead of the sum total of downloads
^there it is anyway
@QuolonelQuestions Well, that's what I thought
OK, nice
That's pretty insightful of you
So... it's possible just using promises?
I don't even need an async library?
@QuolonelQuestions you still need the async library to resolve the promises
And can I use file_get_contents or do I need library-specific implementations of all networked protocols that are inherently non-blocking
@Danack they sing their team anthem with harps?
@QuolonelQuestions well you can, but it won't speed anything up
That's no good
This is very sad
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes. That is precisely correct.
@QuolonelQuestions Because … blocking function calls … block, by definition.
Right, but there needs to be a general way to wait on things that block
@FélixGagnon-Grenier less amusingly - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sectarianism_in_Glasgow
@QuolonelQuestions there is not, by their very definition of blocking … unless you want to use separate processes/threads.
> "there needs to be a general way to wait on things that block"
How do you actually write something that's non-blocking
@QuolonelQuestions I'm not sure whether I can give you an easy answer to that … perhaps @DaveRandom can explain that better to you
It seems what you said about sockets is accurate. Not that I had any reason to disbelieve it but it's interesting to see it confirmed elsewhere php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-blocking.php
The sheer amount of effort that went into Artax is nothing if not admirable but I feel it would have been better spent supporting non-blocking HTTP(S) streams
@QuolonelQuestions this is … non-trivial though.
And Artax was trivial?
@QuolonelQuestions I think simpler than adding non-blocking http/s streams to PHP

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