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but the problem is that after two load times the last posts load not the new posts
i read new posts with the limit in my sql
do you have any idea about why it's happened??
@Ocramius can I use github.com/Ocramius/GeneratedHydrator on PHP 5.6, I can't upgrade to 7 right now but I need your dependency
i will happey to see your idea about my problem
hi friend i need some help for joomla custom component
@Danack >!
(very much a joke if not obvious)
@NikiC true, == null would never work with strict_comparisons
more reason to keep === around, I guess :)
@Danack So, what do you think? Is this still worth pursuing?
@PeeHaa countless languages have them. Ruby, for example.
@Jimbo it's not wrong. Most of the regulars in here answer very few questions I think. Sure, that article skips over the fact that the reason that so many people have become so jaded is due to the constant stream of low quality questions, but I have definitely seen cases where decent/salvageable questions have been shut down and deleted in a very unfriendly manner before the OP had a chance to clarify their own thoughts.
@DaveRandom I came across that obstacle when I first started. I charged head on instead of complaining at it. Now look at me. I can write a php class!
@littlepootis That's not really helping you :P
19 hours ago, by PeeHaa
eeeew ruby
Although that's mostly the horrid syntax
@Jimbo Sure, but that requirement for perseverance/"thick skin" turns it into a club for extroverts and twats who don't give a shit that they are pissing everyone off with their terrible questions. A lot of good people who maybe don't have that level of self confidence (and/or let's be honest, arrogance) don't get over the first hurdle, not because they aren't capable or worthy, but because people kept them out.
@PeeHaa Think of a symbol as a long, unique, string identifier
That cannot be reproduced in the entire program.
I'm not offering a solution here and I also don't think that bitching articles like that particularly help the situation for anyone, but that doesn't mean the sentiment is invalid.
An object with nothing but an identity, that you can use as an identifier for properties on an object.
ruby has horrid syntax? ;)
I kinda think that syntax is pretty much its best feature. Not sure about the others
@DaveRandom I'm an introvert, much prefer my own space. I just forced myself to do talks you know
But I see your point
What is the best website to find remote jobs for PHP
@Jimbo Right, and I get that, but the fact that you are even capable of forcing yourself puts you closer to the middle of the spectrum.
@DaveRandom The Autism spectrum?
Or the gay one?
The electromagnetic one
We all know you are pretty far up both of the other two
inb4 that's what she said
@vegai Yeah I realize it's mostly subjective. But I really can't read that stuff
@vegai which, I think would be a pretty big wtf moment
It's like perl had a baby with assembly
Ah, looks like the last openssl security update introduced an RCE
@NikiC indeed
That's handy
@NikiC perhaps == and != should actually be exempt from the type checking
OpenSSL 1.1 only though, so limited impact
@NikiC but then the whole simplicity aspect of all this falls away :)
I kinda enjoyed the idea that one setting makes everything strict. Simple idea and simple implementation. But yeah, I can see some problems with that
although... it would still be simple if I'd just make null checks exempt from the type checks
@Jimbo I'm introvert, and I don't do talks because I'm too drunk
@Leigh But I reckon you have so much knowledge to share, way more than me
I reckon all of my knowledge is niche and unappealing to the unwashed masses
@Leigh Security stuff for 7.1, you know that
Internals, how to write C for it
Queues, async stuff
Wrong kinda crowd at these confs
@Leigh Is it heck!
They want some lorna jane talks, not internals stuff
@Leigh They're crying out for intelligent, non-basic stuff
@NikiC yep, that was actually a rather trivial change. I implemented it in my proto and added unit tests for null tests
It's all how you put it forward, if you can in an interesting and 'colourful' way
I'll see if I can put together a lightning talk on using AFL, if I can think of some non-contrived examples
Australian Football League?
Fuzzy logic?
@Jimbo lop
Not got it
I wrote a custom forkserver for PHP
@Leigh Way over my head, but I bet you could educate a lot of people with that :)
basically if you're doing complex processing of user input, you probably want to fuzz it and see if any edge cases get through
So it's a sort of testing then?
the custom forkserver lets you achieve higher speeds, by pausing the execution at the point you indicate, and then resuming it for the part you want to test (i.e. you don't have to bootstrap every time)
fuzzy testing I guess
yeah. i fix it. guys i will happey if you visit sna51.ir . it's my web site but there is a problem and it's that the site language is persian and the EN language didn't add to it yet.
Actually would be fun to run AFL against aerys
@Leigh Lightning talk. Get feedback. Make into fall talk. Boom, spaker
@MohammadRaha it's functional, but the design is bad.
also, the site looks strictly regional, so putting in the additional effort to translate is wouls be kinda pointless
@NikiC although... now 1 > null gets a pass :-/
I want to migrate from my country to an european country .. does anybody know immigration requirements ?
@Shafizadeh Depends on the country. You usually just need a job offer
@Jimbo Most iranians I "know" are just selling cigarettes
@Jimbo My uncle lives in the UK now .. he can send me an invitation. Will an invitation work as a job offer ?
@PeeHaa wrong ..!
Wrong wat
@PeeHaa the most Iranians that are living in a foreign country have a great job there (not just selling cigarettes)
1) no 2) how is my statement wrong about my personal experience?
@PeeHaa your statement is wrong to me .. but maybe it is correct in general.
@Shafizadeh This is the PHP room, not "How to immigrate to EU room".
@Epodax ok, sorry
"migrate" as in "get full citizenship" ?
or "migrate" as in "live for a while"
there are work/study visas for that
@Ocramius This one is all you
my study is done, so the only option is work. So my question is: should I find a job and then go there, or can I go there and then find a job?
@Shafizadeh also there is an option to apply for "residence permit"
@tereško why should they give me a residence permission?
I don't have any benefit for them
you have to have the offer before you come, so you can apply for the correct visa ...
@JoeWatkins ah
if you come a visitors visa, and then look for work, you will not be granted the correct visa, since you were not entitled to seek work in the first place
@Shafizadeh it's not as much "permission" as more like "citizenship-lite"
still, an offer of work is not necessarily enough ...
oh .. well doing that seems like a nightmare .. :-(
it's complicated
moving country is never going to be easy ...
Specially in these times.
@tereško sadly yes, it seems so
yeah @JoeWatkins @Epodax
one of my friend told me, "you can get marry with an european woman, it makes everything pretty much easier"
is that true?
shit .. :-(
We're not that stupid anymore over here
@PeeHaa :D
It stil works for the UK probably
> I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to death, nor known to life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray...Unlimited Blade Works.
@PeeHaa For now perhaps, they are after all starting to build a wall.
@Epodax They already have a wall of water
@Saitama sounds like some japanese game
oh wait that doesn't stop people :P
Yeah well, they're also making a concrete wall now.
@tereško fate/stay night (UBL)
@Epodax Are you talking about that thing at the jungle?
@tereško it sounds like a manowar song
Yeah well it's either that or they just give truckers the right to run over them
@Shafizadeh no
@JoeWatkins anyway I think I have to let it go .. because I even don't know English very well ..!
@Epodax have they given up on the "refugee" narrative already?
@Shafizadeh neither does about 10% of UK population
@tereško 10%? lol
@tereško I think most of the EU has, even Merkel has admitted that the "open door" policy was a huge mistake.
@tereško Why you hate UK ?
I've met @DaveRandom and his people over there in manchester and even they don't speak the english
@Shafizadeh It's full of dicks like me
At least it's not as bad in UK as it is in Sweden.
@Jimbo are you talking about a sexy thing?
Try to marry @Jimbo's mom @Shafizadeh
@PeeHaa :-)
@Shafizadeh I dont hate UK. I am just pointing out that UK has some legitimate issues with immigration.
@Epodax I'm not sure whether she really thinks that or whether she's just politically pressured to say so
@PeeHaa what's an english?
@DaveRandom Engrish
@tereško I see
@bwoebi True, but either way, it's a reflection of the german people having had enough (at least that's how I see it).
moving country for your own benefit is pretty short sighted anyway ...
@JoeWatkins how exactly does one Watkin?
@Epodax she hasn't. she stands by her opinion that it is our humanitarian duty. she only admitted that the execution could have been better.
@JoeWatkins I'm moving for my own benefit?
@Jimbo you got any examples of how markdown works? Asking for a friend
@Epodax well .. at least nobody want to come to Latvia. The country is too poor and the weather is too cold. Ok .. aside from students from India. But that's a type of immigration that is actually beneficial to a country (skilled labor, able to learn language).
@DaveRandom I have this bookmarked
@tereško Poor, cold and you are living there
@DaveRandom I'm k
@Epodax dunno.
@Jimbo whatever the effect, positive or negative, they will be exaggerated for your children, and their children ...
wow my jokes are missing today. I blame you guys, it's obviously not my fault.
it's hard to tell what the effect will be until you done it ...
@JoeWatkins Oh, we're talking having kids in another country. Yeah that will be a significant thing, I haven't considered that yet thankfully. Not mature enough
@DaveRandom It's ok. Story of my life bruv
@Jimbo I would have :o
@Gordon Ah, properly me misinterpreting it then, and relying too much on the headlines.
@JoeWatkins You have little baby Joes and Joesettes though
well, the decision to have babies is complicated by just being in another country ...
@Shafizadeh UK is one of the countries that got fucked over by the "refugee crisis". It also has been a popular destination for people from poorer EU countries , who want to work abroad (mostly from Poland and Romania).
@Jimbo You're full of dicks?
coming home to have babies is really rather difficult, once you laid down routes in another country you don't want to sever them (and probably your income, at least for a while) ... so you're kind of stuck there ... it's have babies there, or start all over again ...
@tereško ah .. I didn't know that
@tereško I dunno if that is really true about refugees ...
@Leigh can you please tell me what do you mean "dick" ?
@JoeWatkins well… especially don't move into a country whose native language your children do not speak yet…
it's sure true that eastern europeans have come to work ... the number of migrants taken for syria are appalling, actually ...
@Shafizadeh Well, Jimbo meant it as a moronic person, I meant it as a penis
"syrian refugees" are mostly from afganistan and algeria :P
at least the ones that cause trouble
yeah, but they aren't actually getting here ... we are doing everything possible to stop that ...
@JoeWatkins the problem was the leave campaign sprouting out numbers of people while not mentioning their effect on economy.
@Shafizadeh lol>
how angularjs is different from regular ajax call.I can see ajax calls in SPA using AJ ?
@Epodax by no means did she say it was a huge mistake. she literally said the decision was and is right and necessary.
@Leigh ah :-)
@tereško the only crisis is the rise of right winged populists and their followers
@Gordon that's mostly due to "left wing" attempting to ignore any issues
@bwoebi I'm not saying it's a negative thing at all, immigration has a net positive impact ...
@JoeWatkins As it turned out, an overproportionally large share of the refugees are actually skilled people…
@bwoebi waitwat
yeah, of course ... think about it for a minute @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa think about who has the money to even attempt fleeing to Europe…
yeah ...
All of them
we see them destitute, but that's not how they started their journey, at alll
@Gordon when you have right wing offering solutions (either sane ones or not) and left wing saying that there are no problem ... then you have a situation where left wing has abdicated any control over the public discourse. That's why you get a rise of right wing.
@PeeHaa right… a large part of these who aren't skilled have left family in Syria who paid for them.
But these aren't that many.
Also skilled !== moneyz
you can make a correlation
@PeeHaa it's not a guarantee, but the more skilled you are the probability of having money is also higher and vice versa
Well until I see hard proof instead of vague correlations as fact I chose to now believe it
@Exception AngularJS is not a weird different technologu.
hard proof ?
Yes. People actually researched it
@tereško solution to what? to which issues? they are mostly imagined issues based on misinformation, fear or hate. it's factually correct to say there are no problems. like I said: the real crisis is the rise of populism.
you don't need to look to syria or anywhere else for that ... with the exception of footballers, there is a direct correlation between level of education and earning, it costs a lot of money to pay these criminals, the only people who can afford to pay the fees are entrepreneurial or educated, there is no other way to get on the boat ...
And I am not talking about syrians here
I am talking about all that other crap that actually is coming over
@PeeHaa okay, then you were E_NOCTX
@Gordon Well, one could say that looking at Sweden there's multiple issues since they have 55 zones now which are "No-go"
@PeeHaa sure, but there it's not the problem of the open door policy.
@bwoebi Context is just fine. You said refugess I reacted based on that
They come either way.
@bwoebi It is
@bwoebi Not in these numbers
@Epodax are those actually real?
@PeeHaa The numbers of "other" refugees did not significantly deviate from the previous years [at least for Germany and Luxembourg - don't know about the other countries]
@tereško Swedish Police seem to believe that, there's plenty of articles about it as well.
that sounds like fun
there are articles that claim that parts of London and Mancs are no go areas ...
@bwoebi Where do you get the information, because I dare to say it's bollocks. Most even conveniently "forgot" their passports
@JoeWatkins (speaking for Manchester) there are just areas that you don't want to go. Guess the skin colour of the overwhelming majority of residents in those areas?
@Leigh Dammit!
@Gordon fof.se/tidning/2015/5/artikel/… - - Which translates to the police, in fact saying, that they do exist. - I can't say which one is real, but I believe there is a issue.
@DaveRandom it's those evil white males .. ain't they
@Gordon "no go zones" yes, "sharia law" no
WTF and you are all saying my language is stupid
rånades gång på gång
They sure love the a
@DaveRandom it's white ...
@tereško I'm not sure I can pin it down to "male". I think "creature" is probably a safer bet.
the issue is a bit different: you get an influx of people, who do not know the dominant language. It makes them form isolated communities.
but when they say no-go zones, they aren't talking about places we don't want to go ... they are talking about places where police aren't able to go ... that's very different ..
@Gordon and just to clarify, I'm only speaking about the Swedish part, I don't have any idea about any of the other countries.
@Epodax I cant judge the source. The bloomberg one was the only among the first search results I consider serious newspaper and not "written by whoever with access to the internet"
@tereško You are talking about those people from manchester right?
there are no places like that ...
@tereško isolated communities, yes. like china town or little italy. those are not no-go areas though.
hey @kelunik
@Gordon you mean like Molenbeek in Belgium?
@JoeWatkins Well, yea, but I don't know which is worst? I mean, I don't want to live in a place where the police can't come.
@tereško I dont have demographics for that. wikipedia suggests belgian marrocans are the largest minority, but minority suggests they are still not the majority, so I dont think it qualified as isolated community.
@Epodax there are places in east germany where the police wont come or not help you when you are the "wrong" foreigner because the majority there is right winged. at least allegedly
@littlepootis okay...
Uhhh... clean checkout of master, buildconf, configure --disable-all --enable-debug, make -j8, getting a lot of undefined reference to '_emalloc_16' (and other numbers), zero google results :x
@PeeHaa The official stats for whole Europe only appear in October the following year. You can look up the stats for specific countries usually.
@Leigh 1 sec
@bwoebi ok show german stats
hmm, I get hits for just `_emalloc_16', looks like PHP specific function
@Leigh _emalloc_16 is only compiled in non-debug
make distclean
or vcsclean
clean checkout
oh actually, you're right
@Gordon Well, then I don't want to live there either, but because there's a "Reverse issue" one place, doesn't make the other issue any less important or less "real"
I forgot to --enable-debug, and did ctrl+c and added it
@Leigh that explains it ;-)
just make clean and make -j8 again
@Epodax I'd assume "not real" is the closest to reality
yea cheers
@Danack how's you journey filled with dragons a.k.a. WP going? :)
@Shafizadeh getting back to the original topic: to be welcome in a different country, you need to know the language, have some useful skill and be willing to accept the new culture
@PeeHaa Note that you'll have to eliminate the countries of Kosovo, Albania and Serbia … due to them being also flooded with migration and having their own crisis.
@Gordon I can't and won't make myself the judge of that with a certainty, I believe there's a issue, but of what scale I can't say, either ways, I'm off for the day.
@bwoebi eliminate from what?
subtracting them and Syria/Iran, there's only a bit more than 10k additional migrants asking for asylum
Where is said list?
2014 / 2015?
we just entered q4, so you can't have numbers for 16 yet ...
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi said he has
@PeeHaa I meant for 2015
stats from eurostat are only up to 2014 (which has been released Oct 2015)
@bwoebi looks like less and less people from Baltic states want to go to Germany
@tereško yeah … but AFAIK, quality of life is also slowly increasing over there?
to some extent, yes
What does ungeklärt mean in this context?
though the growth has been kinda slow here
you can also find some numbers at statista.com/search/?q=asylum though you have register/pay in order to view the sources
@PeeHaa unclear origin (i.e. origin has not been verified)
.. then again we also were a lot damaged in the US financial meltdown
@bwoebi Yes those are the "forgot passport" cases right?
that sounds way too much like "dog ate my homework"
@PeeHaa generally, also when a passport cannot be verified and whatever
Yes that's what I said
@PeeHaa note that you'll find lower numbers for previous years as these stats get updated when origin gets verified
@vegai hard to say.....it may be worth it just to have people say explicitly why they don't want it. Also just restricting it to greater/less than rather than including the switch stuff is likely to keep the talk more focussed than it would be otherwise.
@bwoebi Is that really the cause of it?
@PeeHaa yeah, that's why the document about 2014 has been updated a few months later with more "final" numbers
ugh cannot find that
Evening room
@PeeHaa The main problem are those who do not ask for asylum, i.e. truly illegal immigration.
And there you only can guesstimate / count them when they're caught
@bwoebi I guess most of them eventually will ask for asylum. Just not in the country they arrived in
They will end up in a better spot than being illegal
@Ekin hey eki?n
@PeeHaa Yes… they'll be deported back…
@bwoebi No they won't
That really hasn't happened en mass anymore since the crisis
Also it's hard to (dis)proof I think
@PeeHaa Aha? The proportion of deported people is lower due to the crisis, but the effective number is higher
I don't know so I can only make an educated guess and say no
I mean send them back to where exactly?
Hi there. I have an issue with encrypting data which is encrypted with blowfish-algorithm with ASP. How could I decrypt it with php? I tried to do it with openssl, but failed. Could anybody help me, please?
@Ed. code?
one moment

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