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@beginner if it works the same without it, then what makes you think you need it?
@zack6849 it was in tutorial
so iguess it must have some use
like i said
relative path
if you're not worried about any other folders aisde from the webroot you should be fine
but consider this, with your current regex, if you had a request to something like
example.com/somedir/, it'd redirect to example.com/somedir/index.php (i think)
whereas without the dot
it'd just go to example.com/index.php
Again, i do java mainly, and use nginx not apache, but that's my understanding
@Jeeves oh, it adds another ; ?
6:04 PM
@zack6849 yeah I was testing this wrong
but dot represent single chracter
but it has the * modifier
which means 0 or more
also look at the quick reference
i am not getting it, first of all if its like repeating the same character like aaaa or bbb,
and now i am more confused
so . means any character, right?
6:09 PM
you can have modifiers on a token
for example
.? means zero or one of any character
.* means zero or more (as in, could be as many as you want, even in the thousands) of any character
then you have .+ which is one or more (again, all the way up) of any character
.* just means basically zero or more of any character
it should match basically any string
you mean .* can represent any string
.* will match a phone number, it will match an email, it will match your name, it will match literally nothing
you meant everything I guess
ok thanks i get it,
yes, literally everything.
6:14 PM
think of it like this, right
@Ekin including nothing, i.e. an empty string
do you know linux at all?
@PaulCrovella right yes
6:15 PM
well, i'll try and explain
let's say you have your desktop folder right?
and inside that folder, you have a folder called pictures
if you're currently in a command prompt, and type cd ./pictures/ it goes to the folder called pictures inside your current directory, in this case, your desktop
oh good tell me this is something that explains better than me
@Ekin u da reel mvp, i'm too lazy to google for that
6:17 PM
Handy book if you hate your children https://t.co/uc0Y6SNbRm
@zack6849thanks , thanks for your help, cheers
@bwoebi the existing behaviour is annoying, but… idk if I can endorse such a BC break
no problem
if it was showing E_DEPRECATED then maybe
@Ekin thanks for link
6:19 PM
Noite o/
I wonder if that ; happens everytime now...
nite @Saitama
!!> preg_match("/^.*$/", "foo bar", $matches); echo $matches[0];
okay it doesn't seem so, nice.
6:22 PM
@Ekin it does add a ;, but you can have as many of them as you like
yeah, just realized that it still adds
@PaulCrovella everything I ever contributed to PHP was a mistake
No PHP feature could possibly not be a mistake.
Any idea implemented by PHP is tainted by association.
so what you're saying is, php is bad?
Is there a way to put some html code in a variable without escaping it?
Who's the PHP 7.1 RM?
6:34 PM
what do you mean lmao
@zack6849 yes
@Andrea I disagree, but if you want to keep on with the hyperbole go ahead - I'm sure it helps... something.
like $something = "<a href=\"/page2.php\">link</a>";
but without adding the slashes
@PaulCrovella I'm joking, but only half-joking
@Andrea Rubbish!
Oh, good
@Ekin ah
sorry, would tl;dr but on that second I wasn't sure if it was the correct place
put it in single quotes @yessure
but if your html contains single quotes you'll have to escape those.
up to you
@Andrea In the very most cases it's either an error or can be s/get_class\(null\)/get_class()/ without further issues.
@Andrea You have removed the GUIDs!
@Andrea your contributions weren't mistakes … list keys or s/list(.+)/[$1]/ is quite fine
Or your breaks regarding octal, non-numeric string maths etc.
@bwoebi but GUIDs were fun :(
6:40 PM
The only mistakes are with your very large contributions … but … there everyone will make mistakes. I'd been surprised if anyone would have gotten it correctly.
@Andrea fun to remove? I'm sure :-P
@bwoebi no no, fun to play with! it was always fun finding PHP sites which didn't have them turned off. ^^
@Andrea the main issue was that types were rushed too much
meh, I like the end result
@Andrea It's not bad, it doesn't feel optimal though
I wished there were only one mode and that'd be a stricter weak mode, but not a strict type mode
I do not see much gain in it being that strict in strict mode
I definitely need to introduce declare(strict_types=2) (heheheheh)
@bwoebi that approach failed and is suboptimal
6:47 PM
@Andrea I never understood why though
@bwoebi that's because you like weak typing. :p
Also these restrictions of float to int …
@Andrea so, what's the advantage of absolutely strict typing in praxis?
@bwoebi Makes type conversions explicit, requires you to use the ideal type, no implicit data loss
And why would I want that? I mean, in worst case it leads me to do a "cast all" to the wanted type …
e.g. foo((int) $myString)
And will silently swallow warnings about a non-numeric string being cast to int
hmmm. graphql looks shiny
6:54 PM
@Andrea That'd be fine if our preferred tool of type conversion would actually do these "weak type" checks
I keep looking for languages to rewrite our API server in (for work I mean).
So far Dart looks to be a good candidate.
@LeviMorrison Eiiih… PHP? :-)
I just mean… it has Aerys.
Has async, has dynamic types but also generics for when you want type safety.
@LeviMorrison Dart seems like an odd choice
What other languages have these features?
6:57 PM
TypeScript maybe?
Pretty much compile-to-js languages.
That seems much more alive than Dart
Dart's adoption has not been that big outside of Google, I admit. But the language is much nicer than TypeScript.
user image
Isn't inlining php variables in a PDO query string defeating the purpose of PDO?
7:03 PM
yes it is
@zack6849 yes, usually there are (the single exception is when you are constructing WHERE foo IN( .... ) statement
EG: $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE NAME = '". $_POST['name] . "';";
Yeah that's utterly stupid
For several reasons
great, i'm not the only one who thinks it's wrong then
other dev i work with does it
Have you tried applying fist to head yet?
7:04 PM
told him it's defating the purpose, btu he's got 10 years on me experience wise and insists not
you probably need to get a better job
i prefer applying directly to the forehead
your coworker is a moron
Whatever gets the message across
@tereško tbh i don't even like PHP
I'm a java developer by trade
7:05 PM
@zack6849 experience in ignoring SQL-injection? yes.
but i only have a GED so most places won't look at me
this place did
@zack6849 I was about to say "good for you!" aaaaaand the moment was gone
why, because i like java? lmao
@zack6849 make a proof-of-concept SQL injection attack
something impressive
that should get point across
7:06 PM
not worth the time
... at least your boss
he's too stubborn
@Wes lol
we also have variables ${'like this'} = 'everywhere'
@Wes Who measures mountain height in FUCKING KILO- meters?
7:07 PM
gotta love md pingpingpingpingpingpingpingpingping
@zack6849 you really need a different job
i'm new though, i can't leave so soon, it'd look awful on a resume
this is my first "real" job with actual work experience
everything else i've done has been hobby tinkering
@LeviMorrison Go?
(much as I don't like it, it sounds like a good choice for this sort of thing)
API response WTFs #132:
7:12 PM
> {"errors":[{"message":"Internal error","code":131}]}
seriously, make a demonstration of SQL injection attack
> 131 Internal error Corresponds with an HTTP 500 - An unknown internal error occurred.
yes, my son
I wonder if Dmitry will scream at me.
7:21 PM
@zack6849 that's horrible
@kelunik Hi I'm Chris, nice to meet you
@NikiC at least they won't be bitten by \x7F no longer being allowed in identifiers!
${'The first number'} = 1;
${'The second number'} = 2;
${'The sum of both numbers'} = ${'The first number'} + ${'The second number'};
I admit that it has a certain charm
@Andrea Not a bad choice either.
$this->object->{"function(){   this is a truely awful  name for a variable }"}
@NikiC All roads lead to BASIC?
@NikiC better than that terrifying Unicode space abomination
@FélixGagnon-Grenier exactly
i had to google that and found that very answer when i saw it in the code
had no idea wtf it was
7:34 PM
I wonder if it would still work with some chinese characters in there
!!> ${"ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ "} = "this"; echo ${"ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ "};
@Andrea yeah
@FélixGagnon-Grenier don't even need the quotes for that
@Andrea An O(n) iteration to check if keys are numeric??? How dare you… you beast of insanity!!!!!
@bwoebi only if it's not packed ;)
7:36 PM
!!> ${ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ } = "this"; echo ${ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ };
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.26, hhvm-3.10.0 - 3.14.4, 7.0.0 - 7.1.0RC2 ] Notice: Use of undefined constant ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ - assumed 'ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ' in /in/dWJMP on line 1 Notice: Use of undefined constant ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ - assumed 'ĻAR̕͠A͟V̕͏E̴̢͢Ĺ' in /in/dWJMP on line 1 this
@FélixGagnon-Grenier s/quotes/curlies
@Andrea ? … Well, if it is packed they need to be converted all anyway :-P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier $可愛い = $猫 * 2;
7:38 PM
@bwoebi now i get it. good point :B
@bwoebi yes, but it can skip the first iteration :p
@Andrea that's … somehow not much better, lol
lol @Wes I love #5 on that retweet
I need some program detecting intent of where I wanted to type…
I mean … I know I shouldn't use Skype and SO chat side by side… but …
7:41 PM
@PeeHaa #5?
It works on my machine ... #programming https://t.co/N3RuTT0Fwl
ah yeah lol
@PeeHaa It works, but it hasn't been tested … lol
i use that very often. "yeah i need to complete it, but it looks cool, right?" :B
7:43 PM
Not sure if cool or sad, but I totally recognize use them all :P
lol me too, me too
@bwoebi :3
request/response proposal on internals. anticipating shitstorm in 3..2..1
> Gauging interest in an extension for server-side PHP request and response objects (not HTTP messages per se
also it's uh… that person. I'm gonna, ignore that thread.
pmj. I'm done.
8:03 PM
looks like a threat in order to get some sort of response about pecl
[2016-09-26 20:04:21] critical TypeError: ini_set() expects parameter 2 to be string, integer given in /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/DebugProcess.php:31
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/DebugProcess.php(31): ini_set('zend.assertions', 1)
try (string) intval(true)
@MarcelBurkhard thanks, it works!
8:08 PM
@bwoebi that one is genuinely annoying
wondering if we should actually change the sig to mixed there
looks like some reviews is coming in and I am not the only one who thinks that Van Helsing is a disaster
@tereško hmm?
@NikiC eh, makes people aware of what ini_set actually does :p
if you asked for strict types, you asked for strict types ;)
yeah, but it sorta also works with everything else as well :D
@bwoebi it's something I wasted an hour on yesterday. I do not recommend it.
8:10 PM
Even booleans work "as expected"
Even though false is just an empty string
@tereško the game?
no, the tv series
it just started
noticed because it was advertise on "wikia.com"
well the article was something like "Everything that's right about new Van Helsing"
8:17 PM
I normally like vampires and things
not even
it's zombies with plot holes, terrible acting and misused title
anybody tried elm?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've goofed with it. What's up?
@LeviMorrison apparently it's a must learn to understand some redux concepts. wondering if it's nice to use as well
or yet another layer of tool that transpiles to js
It's a functional language which makes some things nice and some things a pain.
8:24 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier This looks like "Haskell for JavaScript"
Pros: you use fewer symbols in the code. Cons: there are fewer symbols in your code.
It's one of those types of situations ^_^
yeah the syntax has been some kind of put off
syntax / grammar / stuff
something like this:
It seemed nice in some regards.
8:25 PM
view model =
  div []
    [ h1 [] [ text (toString model.dieFace) ]
    , button [ onClick Roll ] [ text "Roll" ]
is somewhat... strange to the untrained eye
It's on my list of things to take seriously if I ever have to do significant front-end work again.
Notably TypeScript, CoffeScript, etc are not on that list.
hmmm. interesting
what gives?
If it's thinly applied sugar I am not interested.
Elm looks and acts like a significantly different language.
Most compile-to-js languages I've seen are not like that.
react somewhat feels differently in my limited experience
but I guess not as much as elm can
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure I understand why that is a positive quality
8:30 PM
@NikiC Because JavaScript is horrible? In many regards even worse than PHP?
The fact that it runs on JavaScript is important but is not the whole premise of the language.
Unlike TypeScript or CoffeeScript.
@LeviMorrison Sure it is. Something like TypeScript helps to fix many of the most horrible parts.
While something like Elm goes three steps further and turns it into an FP circlejerk
I wouldn't use Elm in production for the same reasons I wouldn't use Haskell in production
You must not actually see the benefits of functional programming on the client then.
I mean, "functional reactive" programming is becoming really prominent in the web. Think about its name for a moment.
I'm with you on Haskell: I'm definitely not sold on its premise for general programming.
@LeviMorrison As I know about 0 about client-side programming, that's probably the case
8:34 PM
If you're lucky the programming language will even still be around next year :P
On the other hand I am interested in erlang and elixer because these are functional languages aimed at particular domains.
A general-purpose functional programming language never really seems to live up to the dream/hype/whatever. DSLs seem to be much better.
....does anyone know some example Laravel controller code that does User::find(...) and a few other lines that really ought to be refactored as well? Context - I'm trying to write a slide.
8:49 PM
@NikiC Your best guess: if we propose arrow functions from JavaScript with the same syntax and behavior (where applicable; there are some 'this' binding differences that I don't think matter to us) without type declarations will it pass?
Basically, do you think I go modify my RFC to go that route instead of the current one with \ or ^?
@LeviMorrison But by-value?
Ah, sure.
It will probably be very close
@LeviMorrison Why not $?
@kelunik While it is a possibility we already use $ a lot. Seems off to me.
@bwoebi Also, didn't you say you were going to talk to Derick in person sometime? Has that happened yet?
8:52 PM
It's the best suggestion I've heard so far. I guess I'd vote against every other random ASCII char.
@LeviMorrison coming weekend.
@bwoebi Ah, okay.
@kelunik Is it ASCII art if other languages have used the syntax to mean the same thing?
@LeviMorrison I just can't associate it.
@LeviMorrison So basically this would go back to @bwoebi's RFC with => instead of ~> ?
@NikiC Yes.
9:01 PM
@LeviMorrison Hrm. I'm doubtful. It will probably inherit many of the same complaints and add the => ambiguity on top
@NikiC If we throw out statements that will curb some of them.
but do we want to throw out statements?
possibly, to re-add them in a later RFC
Of course without statements the choice of by-value will also be less controversial
@NikiC I'm fine with it.
@NikiC Yep.
9:04 PM
Internals is such a moody teenager, hard to predict how it'll react this time
Sometimes it's enough to just propose the same RFC one year later and it passes
@NikiC yeah, especially with these relatively close votes
I'd be delighted if nobody else then pmj, lester and rowan would reply to this req/resp object thread
@bwoebi and fleshgrinder
ah yea
@bwoebi Thanks. So what is the difference between implicit and explicit abstract classes then?
@tpunt How is that now related to abstract classes?
9:17 PM
@bwoebi I'm looking to document the class entry flags, but I couldn't find out much about those flags
@tpunt I believe implicit is when there's no abstract class modifier, but a method is abstract
Hmm, I didn't think methods could be declared as abstract without declaring the class as abstract too?
@tpunt code is saying that abstract is the normal abstract modifier, implemented_abstract in case the overridden function was abstract
9:44 PM
@bwoebi I don't fully understand, but I am quite tired. I'll take another look through the source tomorrow to see if things make more sense. Thanks
Your reminder that the most exciting PC game in history was made by IBM in 1983.. https://t.co/kgnpDxI7sp
I think I played that...
1 hour later…
10:59 PM
            zend_object **obj = EG(objects_store).object_buckets + i;
            if (i < EG(objects_store).top && *obj && IS_OBJ_VALID(*obj) && (*obj)->ce == zend_ce_generator) {
                    zend_generator *gen = (zend_generator *) obj;
I hate casting…
(should be *obj in last line)
11:17 PM
prompt> g
#44: Aerys\Http1Driver::writer(ireq=Aerys\InternalRequest) at /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/Http1Driver.php:92
#107: Aerys\Http1Driver::parser(client=Aerys\Client) at /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/Http1Driver.php:178
#116: Aerys\responseFilter(filters=array(3), ireq=Aerys\InternalRequest) at /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/functions.php:139
#117: Aerys\Router::do(ireq=Aerys\InternalRequest) at /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/Router.php:83 executing #118 currently
#118: Aerys\responseFilter(filters=array(1), ireq=Aerys\InternalRequest) at /Users/Bob/Aerys/lib/functions.php:139
^ adding a feature to phpdbg to find currently active generators and jump to them (i.e. in order to inspect its environment)
It should allow for finding "stuck" generators, like coroutines which don't resolve etc.

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