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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Question, anyone here familar with session security and has a solution to use HTTP_REFERER but beeing able to use the session across multiple subdomains?
@webarto S C O R E
Thanks mate :D
So easy! $order = "RAND()”;
@Dan :)
And 1 hour left of the bus ride. I hate busses, I can't feel my legs.
@Daniel store session in database or something, exposing PHPSESSID or relying on HTTP_REFERER is highly discouraged...
@webarto okay. I'm using ulogin (ulogin.sourceforge.net). It looks pretty reliable and it depends on http_referer. Should i disable it althogether or try to rewrite the referer to the domain and not with the subdomain it is comming from?
is it ok to have a cookie on the browser for a CSRF Token and a form hidden input also containing the token or should i use session variables instead?
session all the way
cookies are so 90's
@Chris i too prefer session variables but would it be a security issue if i use cookies ?
Cookies can be penetrated, yes.
But of course everything can be a security issue if done wrong.
hello @Gordon nice to see you.
@Chris thanks for the help
i'm guessing work has been busy.
@Tek a View isn't a class, it's a file which the Controller passes information to.
Hey folks
Ultra quick question before my bus drives away and I have no wi-fi; in MySQL, are triggers created in the scope of a table? As in, can I have multiple tables with identically named triggers (likely using the absolute name table.trigger for disambiguation)
@Paul hi. nice to see you too
what is the smartest way to prevent rounding with php when converting money in float to cent in integer when bcmul is not available?
@Chris google httponly cookies
hello @truth
what UML diagrams do we draw for PHP?
hi there
whats your naming conventions for acc tests?
@Gordon test if theres no remainder? %
@DineshVenkata all your team agreed to and found useful
@KamilTomšík ive used a crude hack with numberformatter now to simulate bcmul(3.14, 100, 0)
@Gordon hehe, I'll remember this as example for "messages over operators" :-)
is any body there??
@Gordon I'd say string operations.
@hakre yup. seems like it.
anybody help me out
@hakre @Gordon can u help me out?
@ArpitSrivastava that's not the way to go about getting help. Ask/link your question and if someone can and wants to help they will.
ok @ca
ok @CarrieKendall :)
@CarrieKendall-can you slove my problem if u want
guys, what is average full time salary in USA, for PHP programmer...
not freelancing per hour etc
@ArpitSrivastava I am busy at the moment
@DineshVenkata Hello
hey @Truth can you solve my last problem I want to implement using jquery
What fails?
i fail to load jquery
jquery code is fine but page don't load
A: Replace old content with new in PHP

Truthload uses the GET method, while you need POST. Either switch to GET in your PHP code, or use $.post in jQuery.

$.post also not working
reached my rep cap for today :X
yeah, when someone says "its not working" its really annoying.
@ArpitSrivastava have you tried loading the page in a browser tab, and confirm the server code to be working?
@ArpitSrivastava You need to learn how to see what is happening on the front end and back end, so that you can debug your problems.
yes when i change the selection option then jquery works till var language select then after nothing happen
@Paul:How it can be done?
@ArpitSrivastava Step one: Work out how to read your web server log.
@ArpitSrivastava Step two: Install firebug or something similar so that you can see what your javascript is doing.
you will have to learn how to use them, but then you will be able to provide useful information or solve these issues yourself.
@ArpitSrivastava if you know how to use them you wouldn't say "its not working" you would give some details as to what you did and what happened. Then everyone would be happier.
@ArpitSrivastava "Hey mom" ~"Son come quick! Something is wrong with the computer" ~"What's wrong with it?" ~"IT'S NOT WORKING!". I bet you can fix the problem now, right?
@Paul jquery is right as console dont show error but main things is load is not working till var langSelected = $(this).val(); it is working
@ArpitSrivastava right now, you have no idea if the problem is server-side or client-side; you can use JS 'alert' function to echo out the data and url that was being sent to the server; then, open up a new browser/browser tab, paste the URL, and see if it gives you the desired results
i use it but jquery is working @Sam
@ArpitSrivastava Console isn't just for "errors". document.write('Hello'); won't trigger any error but it won't do what you want to do here, now would it?
@ArpitSrivastava How do you know it's working? How do you know the problem isn't the fact that your browser may not be sending the correct request with the correct information?
@Truth ok i will try
up till now I don't even know if there is an element in the document with id langSelect :-)
is there a limit to how many INSERT INTO you can use to update various tables from a PHP submit form as mine isn't updating ?
@PurpleSmurf is your problem getting the POST data into PHP or updating the database? (I'm just interested, not that I'm going to answer the question).
Haha @Paul it's the updating the database which is the issue
I have a session variable transferring data from page to page then at the last I have multiple insert queries
I wouldn't have thought there was a limit, and if so I would have thought it would have been ginormous. Are you checking for any error code or exception thrown from your database call?
I have amended all the errors thrown up by MySQL and PHP on the browser
@PurpleSmurf how are you inserting the data into the db?
sorry don't understand what you mean @Sam I am using POST in my forms and transporting the data via session variable through five forms, then insert_query INSERT INTO
@PurpleSmurf mysql_*, mysqli_*, PDO, etc....what do you use?
@PurpleSmurf so, your final insert statement is similar to 'insert into tbl() values(), (), ()' or 'insert into tbl() values(); insert into tbl() values(), etc'?
INSERT INTO testone_tbl (age,hours,flexibility,fastpaced,retailexp,
VALUES ('$age','$h

INSERT INTO testtwo_tbl
chopped out a bit but that's how I've done it
isn't 'BEGIN' used in a stored procedure only, and not a regular statement?
I'm not sure to be honest, I included the BEGIN and COMMIT as that's what a response has said to a similar question
what engine do your tables use?
engine? sorry I'm not very experienced with phpMyAdmin, how do I find that out?
click the Operations tab, and look at the Storage Engine
oh ok....first, committing and revoking operations won't work with MyISAM engine
I think the issue you are having has to do with you using mysql_query() instead of mysql_multiquery()
since you have multiple statements concatenated together
third , please stop using the extremely outdated API and learn to use PDO or MySQLi interfaces , @PurpleSmurf : wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
yeah...third's very important also
Ta, will check the link out, right okay, cheers. so mysqli_multiquery($. . instead of mysql_query($insert_query);
yes multi_query()
that link will show you how to properly set it up
especially if/when you use it for select statements
thanks a lot, all the stuff I've been given by my lecturers all seem to be depreciated!
SQLi + multi_query = win
@webarto how so?
i still prepare PDO over MySQLi .. especially since i tend to also use PostgreSQL and SQLite
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '1';DROP TABLE users;--'
your point ?
be careful with multi_query?
i thought it was somehow related to things you wrote before
@ircmaxell Thought you'd be interested in this read since it's encryption related wired.com/wiredscience/2012/04/quantum-long-distance-link/…
Anyone with unit-testing background can please review: stackoverflow.com/q/10133426/367456 ?
yeah, saw that
Looking for an example of using a sql function in Doctrine QueryBuilder. Basically how do I build SELECT field, COUNT() FROM tbl GROUP BY field ORDER BY COUNT() with Doctrine?
		$x = Doctrine_Query::create()
		  ->select('s.*, sch.*')
			->from('Staff s, s.Schedules sch')
			->where('s.active = 1')
			->andWhere("s.full_name != ''")
			->orderBy('full_name ASC');
you have to chain execute() also
or $x->execute();
just modify query, you'll figure it out
Doctrine_Query::create()->select('field, COUNT(*) count')->from('tbl')->groupBy('field')->orderBy('count DESC')->execute();
@webarto why the hell are you using it ?
this has NO benefit to it
oh .. wait .. its not you who is using it .. its @NoahGoodrich
@ircmaxell evrything okay? :P
@ircmaxell Patch it!
Hi all
I have a weird question
Php bit-shifting
What is it used for mostly?
I can understand switching variables, it can be used for that.
Search engine?
Let's get some discussion going :)
@c0d3Junk13 You mean bitwise ops in general or shifting in particular?
bitwise ops in general
@NikiC though , is shifting used specifically in other areas?
@c0d3Junk13 The most common use case is flags
E.g. look at the $flags parameter of de3.php.net/htmlspecialchars :)
hmmmmm makes sense
@c0d3Junk13 Shifting is used pretty rarely in PHP. You probably won't need it.
How do i get the last four results form a database?
Like only the last four inserted
Question, any idea why json encode isn't setting or returning uft-8 encoded strings? I'm using header, meta tags, SET NAME 'utf-8' and even tried utf8_encode(). Am i missing something?
what database manager?
even my mysql and apahe is set to utf-8
in a query
6 messages moved from JavaScript
As i was saying
How do i get the last four results inserted into a database
I don't think you can
unless you save a timestamp or id or something like that with them ;)
if you do, just add an appropriate ORDER BY and a LIMIT 4
hmm okay
nevermind ... figured it out. forgot to add slashes and "inject proof" it. Solved
tackling the most interesting parts of a project makes for a very boring end of the project -.-
@CarrieKendall you should make the project tougher just for the snake of making it tougher... just kidding that is a terrible idea ha
A: Check username exists using php and pdo?

VahanYou are defining pdo in function an ist not visible out it. function sql_con(){ try{ $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=".DB_HOST.";dbname=".DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, P...

Could anyone back me up on this one? (comments), he doesn't seem to get what I'm trying to tell him
maybe someone could explain it better than I can?
Well it's pretty well known that 90% of the work in a project takes up 90% of the time. And the other 10% of the work takes up the other 90% of the time
@GordonM that would be 70% and 70% if you are Russian.
@GordonM hah
ive got a date set in the sql rows
for each row
("SELECT * FROM downloads_by_day ORDER BY and a LIMIT 4");
that doesnt return anything
@HarryBeasant How is that a valid query?
SELECT * FROM downloads_by_day ORDER BY __and a__ LIMIT 4
the hell?
no idea
@HarryBeasant ..?
im trying to display the last four insert rows
@HarryBeasant google.com/…
@HarryBeasant , please , dont make shit up
("SELECT * FROM downloads_by_day ORDER BY date DESC limit 4");
@Truth Your Google is fun :D
go and get some book on mysql and read the damned thing
@HarryBeasant Oi! No flaming!
@NikiC Isn't it? :D
Always get shit from that guy
Wish he'd keep me blocked
@nikic thinking about doing a proof of concept...
@HarryBeasant Keep him blocked if you want to. Don't flame or we will have you removed from here. Clear?
@Truth Didn't know Google had such nice rtl support :)
@ircmaxell Do so. Would be a nice addition
Btw, I think it's time to bring the scalar typehints up again...
@NikiC It does, but it doesn't look as good, and it doesn't have the funky addition of the automated Ajax search
Yeah, been meaning to finish that patch too... too much to do, not nearly enough time to do it...
@HarryBeasant @tereško 's point is that you are inexperienced, don't try to make up queries and syntax that won't exist, read the manual, or have a good book on the subject.
I hate adium
@ircmaxell oops sorry
Still awesome :D
that's what the dude comment was for
as in, dude, that's awesome!
@ircmaxell ill take 2
with mustard?
A: PHP entity class generator

Frits van CampenWhat about symfony?

Reached my daily cap T_T
@ircmaxell Seen the Light Table thingy?
then you didn't :D
Top entry on HN
It kinda looks awesome, but I suspect that it is much less awesome in practice
anyways, it's getting late
good night
Cheers for that
dude, that's a pretty sweet concept
I'm just not sure how it would scale to even a medium sized project, or OOP functionality (seems suited towards functional programming)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dl)) {

	$date = $row['date'];

I'm try to give each value a unique variable
There are four results in the array
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dl)) {

	$date = $row['date'];

Should be that
trying to give each result a unique variable, no idea how
or if it can be done
@NikiC that is awesome
harry you can do something like array_push($date, $row['date']); and then you can access it either by foreach or with index like $date[0],$date[1] etc
@HarryBeasant what do you mean, unique variable? there are variable variables php.net/manual/en/language.variables.variable.php
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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