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how to create email form in PHP
@Ram Please refer google... there are tons of examples
@dskanth i tried it but i am getting error.
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C: This is the error i am getting @dskanth
morning all!
anyone know any good articles about web sockets and php?
@Ram you need actual mail server to send mail.. like postfix or sendmail
@ArtjomKurapov do we need to install those servers manully or simply configured it in php.ini
check if you have them running
telnet localhost 25
and if yes, them might be a configuration issue, yes
@ArtjomKurapov when i typed telnet localhost 25 cmd mode open and getting close automatically.
well then its not running
@ArtjomKurapov :may be how to run it
something like sudo postfix start
but thats not related to this chat :)
@ArtjomKurapov is there any way to instll mail server on our machine
maybe some easier way.. like apt-get postfix
not sure, never had missing mail server
aah.. you use windows machine?
then its mdaemon or something
@ArtjomKurapov i am using windows mahine with wamp server
bonjour ;)
how to dynamically check checkboxes in php, with out submitting it
@pbvamsi Use JavaScript and Ajax to submit information to a different PHP page, which would handle the request
@pbvamsi Without much context we can't really help you.
i've some 100 checkboxes in different sections of menu, i need to collect the data from all the sections without need to a click event @Truth
Without a click event and without submitting?
What were you planning to trigger your check?
i mean with out clicking a submit or any button, we need to take inputs from all sections of menu @Truth
You aren't answering my question
When are you planning to gather the information?
While the user is checking the boxes? When he's done? When he checked the 74th checkbox? When?
i mean can we collect the information of what all boxes he checked dynamically without a button click
Yes, you can. But you aren't answering my question.
i want to get all the checked boxes info dynamiccaly 2 php
I can't help you unless you answer my question.
I understood your problem, you aren't helping me help you.
when means not certain, dynamically after every click event that info needs to be transferred to php
after he clicks each checkbox
am i clear @Truth
check info n uncheck info dynamically transferred to php both actions without need of a button click
Link a change event to all checkboxes
like how...could you pls reply with a bit of code
when the event is fired, send an Ajax request to a different PHP page with the checkbox that was changed (as well as what state it was)
And handle that on the PHP side
please write code for me too
i have lots of work I need done for free
@Truth thanks :)
1 hour later…
@Paul thanks for your constructive criticism
@pbvamsi A pleasure. I'm glad I could help you learn to solve your own problems.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Booo! Downvoted!!
j.k. :P
Q: What's the difference between recursion and corecursion?

user1131997What's the difference between definitions? recursion corecursion In wiki, there is few information without clear code for good understanding these terms. But, could you give very simple examples, which explain these terms. Why is corecursion the dual meaning of recursion? Where it's dual? ...

@Paul am a kinder garden student in php n u did masters in it. 4 me 2 reach ur level 1st i need 2 pass in my kinder garden exams. 4 u wht i ask may nt make a sense n may seem crazy, bt if i've 2 reach ur level 1day; i need experience n exposure...<b>this is hw am using stack over flow to build myself</b> bt am vry thankful 2 u
@user1131997 belongs on Programmers
@Paul pls correct me if i was wrong
I am having a small issue with a mysql query, but can't really figure it out: pastebin.com/i3A99u4Z
It is bringing back all results that match the 'p.prodvisible=1 AND p.prodfeatured=1' part in WHERE condition, ignoring the rest of the condition.
Any ideas? :)
@AqeelZafar You should be posting this as a question on SO.
@Truth I was checking in here to see if I can get a quicker reply :)
Nothing is quicker than SO. This is a chat for debatable questions.
I'm creating a web form composed of several pages, but I want the user to be able to go back and forth and change answers, is this possible with just PHP ?
before submitting to the db*
@Truth Hmm.. ok, thanks for the heads up, will post it there.
@PurpleSmurf You could save all current information in a session, before sending it all to the database, but that's risky.
@Truth, thanks for helping, if it's risky I'd rather not, what would be the best way?
@PurpleSmurf why don't you encrypt your session variable's data
@cipher I'm fairly new to PHP and I didn't even know about that, would that be better/easier than using perhaps another technology?
@PurpleSmurf I am not used-to in other technologies
Flash would be better, I suppose
because it's Q&A type, flash needs to be loaded first, so you would not experience errors on slow_internet connection throughout the session.
@cipher so encrypting a session variable would enable the user to go back and forth through the form making changes to their answers before being submitted to the database?
@PurpleSmurf session variable enables your user to go back and forth through the form making changes to their answers before being submitted to the database. and encryption makes it secure
@cipher thank you very much, I will look into that now then, is it much extra work/hard to encrypt the variable or is it as simple as SHA1 ?
SHA1 does not enable you to decrypt the variable. because it's an one-way algorithm . You ned to switch the encryption methods to get the decrypted value back
and it's not as easy and SHA!
@PurpleSmurf Save the intermediate input to a temporary table in your database, and retrieve the data in case the user wants to change.
@Truth : Wouldn't it be slow?
@cipher Slower in around 50ms, yes
Does it matter that much?
Depends upon where in the world you want to deliver the site
@cipher It may be slow, but it's safest. If the user's computer crashed for some reason, there are ways to retrieve the data (giving the user a unique id for instance)
There are different ways to do a single thing in programming. Multiple Option. You are correct too @Truth
It isn't for lots of users at the moment but thank you very much, both of you @cipher and @Truth
morning all
what say
morning @mUnk3y
yapyap got win8 running
ie10 is shweet
my china's
IE sucks
whatever version
have u tried v10?
its rocking
in win8
anyways, Chrome and Firefox Rocks
chrome is agentware
@mUnk3y How is it? Win8? Heard it sucks
should remove it
its decent
should try it
@mUnk3y I heard they kinda tried to mix tablet + PC in it
needs huge processor
u can develop with html5 + javascript right into the desktop
which is f A for us web developers
oh well i only support IE because 89% of our visitors are using > IE 8
@cipher , processors speed is not related to the size of it
posted on April 13, 2012 by Henri Bergius

It seems the idea of Decoupling Content Management is gaining momentum. On the user interface side, many projects have already adopted the VIE interaction framework and widgets from Create, and in the content repository space projects like PHPCR move forward and there are also interesting new ideas like Apache Oak. While much of this has been made possible by the IKS project, it is also great

I have offered 2 bounties! Look at my profile at SO, I'm awarding reputation for my 2 question ( look at bounty section of my profile on SO ) ! :)
yeah, too bad its C++
Good morning everybody
just to give u guys a heads up IE 10 is dropping support of Filters and a few other things
ahoy chris
@mUnk3y It's about time
ya but a lot of javascript is gonna break
I sure as hell hope they're gonna drop the ugly-ass -ms-
I'm sick and tired of writing -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, -ms-
@mUnk3y That JavaScript deserves to be broken.
Broken JavaScript is broken.
Anybody want to see ugly-ass PHP?
Q: Convert struct to the char* sequence, C++ working with Winsock DHCP

user1131997I have the next problem: "I can't convert struct to the right byte sequence and send then via socket". In C# all works and I got the next response from DHCP server: Here is C# code: C# version Here is C++ code: C++ verison I have tried to convert my struct to the byte seqeunce using reinterp...

Q: Can't print values from array via pointer in template function

user1131997I'm getting the next result with code ( which is below ): 2517608 -858993460 5111116 2759624 1 2517464 2503216 -1052237425 0 0 #define length 0xa #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> typedef int* arrayint; //best O(n) //wosrt O(n^2) template <typenam...

@Chris Sure, why not?
@user1131997 Please, this is a PHP room, go to the C++ room if you want to post your C++ questions
gist: 2376021, 2012-04-13 11:20:05Z
	public static function generate(){
		$split = URI::split(); // split it
		$split = @array('controller' => $split[0], 'view' => $split[1], 'data' => $split[2]); // organize it

		if($split['controller'] === ""){
			include "app/controllers/".self::get_config_value('default_controller').".php";
			$default_controller = ucfirst(self::get_config_value('default_controller'))."Controller";

		if($split['controller'] !== ""){
					include "app/controllers/".$split['controller'].".php";
				if($split['view'] !== ""){
					if($split['data'] !== ""){
				die("No such controller as ".$split['controller']);
Also, bountied question will attract high quality answers, but it will take some time to answer them! PLEASE BE PATIENT
@Chris m?
I'm slowly starting to think I should give up on this entire framework thing :P
@Chris , do not use @
It will result in undefined error when $split[int] is empty.
hence the @
also , why not make so that URL::split already returns an array ?
@Chris Check if they're set by using isset() first.
it does return an array, but without 'controller' => result
and how exactly are you splitting that URL ?
simple explode.
use regexp
@tereško Why would he want to use regex?
I think @tereško means $pattern = '/(?:\/(?P<controller>[a-z]+)(?:\/(?P<action>[a-z0-9]+)(?:\/(?P<data>[^\/,;?\n]+))?)?)?/i';
preg_match( $pattern, $this->uri, $matches );
he isnt , so your question is invalid
$foo = array( 'controller' , 'view' , 'data' ) ;
$parts = explode( '/' , $url );
foreach ( $parts as $idx => $value )
    if ( !isset($foo[$idx]) )
    $data[ $foo[$idx] ] = $value;
var_dump( $data );
That makes sense.
There's still so many things I don't know how to do, and if, then how to do it properly. Damn I got a long road ahead of me.
@Chris We all do.... except for Jon Skeet.
Well, I gotta catch a bus to capital in an hour so .. Talk to ya' when on a bus.
damn .. he's from that far-away country where they have wifi everywhere =/
or at least affordable connection
could anyone take a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/10029392/… and tell my why its wrong?
anyone here?
do i get negative score for this post?
@MaartenKuilman strip_tags() is not the way to go
2 mins ago, by Maarten Kuilman
anyone here?
@MaartenKuilman , that is the fastest way to alienate people in chatrooms
@MaartenKuilman , thats because it removes tags
@MaartenKuilman It's wrong because he wants to display the <p> correctly (with &gt; etc), not remove them entirely
@MaartenKuilman nice trick though, setting it as community wiki to stop your rep from being hurt :P (It's just 2 points you crybaby!)
i didnt lose rep yet...
ofcourse its his fault that he can't ask question the right way
It IS a bad question indeed
you will now
okey, so lets vote it away then?
vote to delete?
i clicked "vote to delete"
Yes, and it was deleted. Since it was your post.
i still see it :S
did you get a badge for it? peer pressure or something
hiya @ircmaxell :)
Sorry had to do it. Weekend is getting close so I cannot really help myself
@ircmaxell Hey
@ircmaxell I read something a while back that using mysqli the statements are parsed on the server. But can't PDO also do that?
Or did you mean something else?
PDO can if you tell it not to emulate prepares
k that's what I thought. tnx
php/mysql community made an extremely stupid design decision
which is that @tereško?
they opted for having default options that work with legacy mysql
That's not the mysql community, it's the PDO one
i do not know on which side of fence the stupids where gathering .. i'm just deducing from results
yep, got that badge
it's all part of having an "easy to use" language
.. actually you are right
Hello, I have 2 php scripts in the same folder. One gets a variable from a parameters filled in in the back-end of a Joomla module.

In one script I declared this:
$imagePath = $params->get('imagePath', 'banners/');
$_SESSION['path'] = $imagePath;

Now I need the $imagePath; to be placed after "/KVD/images/" or after .$relPath; (In the other php script):
function returnimages($relPath = "/KVD/images/") {
$dirname = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $relPath;

I tried many combinations but it just won't work.. See anything I do wrong?
> See anything I do wrong?
i think "you are using Joomla" might cover it
Yea well it isn't working.. So there should be a fault somewere
good morning
can i've single submit button for multiple forums (each form is in each div and at final div submit button is placed)
also "does not work" is not a valid error messafe
you still haven't explain what is not working
The variable $imagePath doesn't output what it should
mornings , @CarrieKendall
when I echo $imagePath; in my first php script it outputs: banners/ so that works, but when I try to retrieve the variable in the other script it does not give me banners/
Tried that, but no succes
"dv-pls" stands for "downvote, please"
@Koen , besides , you still haven;t give any information on scripts you have
or why you would expect variable in two different files have the same value
damn ... this tea smells like vomit
Script 1:
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$imagePath = $params->get('imagePath', 'banners/');
$_SESSION['path'] = $imagePath;

Script 2:
$path = $_SESSION['path'];
Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");

//This function gets the file names of all images in the current directory
//and ouputs them as a JavaScript array

function returnimages($relPath = "/KVD/images/") {
$dirname = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $relPath . $path;
$files = array();
Have to mention I am a beginner in php
can't dv yet :(
close vote
@Koen , it doesn't look like you are passing that variable to that function
@Koen Please post your code again, only as code this time. Paste it in the text area of the chat and press CTRL+K.
$path = $_SESSION['path'];
Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");

//This function gets the file names of all images in the current directory
//and ouputs them as a JavaScript array

function returnimages($relPath = "/KVD/images/") {
$dirname = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $relPath . $path;
$files = array();
$curimage = 0;
if($handle = opendir($dirname)) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/', $file)){ //if this file is a valid image
That is script 2

And this is script 1:
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$imagePath = $params->get('imagePath', 'banners/');
$_SESSION['path'] = $imagePath;
Where's the $path variable defined?
Oh, sorry. One moment
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$path = $params->get('image_folder', 'banners/');
$_SESSION['path'] = $path;
That is script 1
posted on April 13, 2012 by Stefan Koopmanschap

I'm currently working on a project where I need to curl to an external server to get some information. If this takes too long, I fall back to a local solution. The timeout for this should be really, really low, so we decided on a 250ms timeout. While testing with this timeout feature, for some reason it *always* used the local fallback. I couldn't figure out why, as when I did a manual curl to

@Koen , this should explain : codepad.viper-7.com/2I6ap0
Does someone have an example for me when one would actually want to write empty(foo())?
@tereško thanks, I'll go read that first
i.e. throw away the foo() return value and only check emptiness
@Koen , did you understand what you were doing wrong ?
No, sorry, not really..
As I said I really am a beginner :)
    public function isValid()
        if ($this->isRequired() && !$this->getData()) {

        if ($this->getData() && !$this->meetsRequirements()) {

        $errors = $this->getErrors();
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            return false;

        return true;
@Koen , then there is no hope for you
lol that's clear
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thx
if you cannot grasp 10 lines of extremely simple code , then it is impossible to help you
Oh I do understand the code but can't relate it to my problem
then i guess you do not understand your own code
That is possible, since I combined some codes and was expirementing
But it all works, only the part where I want to get the data parameter given of the folder with images in Joomla isn't going so well
Hola que tal
@tereško dude, really?
Anybody move from mod_php to fcgid?
@tereško: rather than talking down to people, try just not replying at all
@PaulS I haven't used mod_php in over 7 years...
@ircmaxell really? on windows?
@PaulS I've used it before on windows, IIS7 -> PHP FastCGI
but mainly in prod, I do Lighttpd or NginX + FastCGI (on Linux - RedHat Enterprise)
@ircmaxell I see... I'm moving from apache+mod_php to apache+fcgid (debian and windows) and documentation is thin
I've never used apache with fastcgi, since I haven't used apache in like 5 or 6 years
off to work
Nginx is pretty popular now a days... I don't know much about it
@PaulS If you want to use fcgi, I'd recommend using it with nginx
have fun, bye
@NikiC that would be a major shift from what I'm doing now. doesn't fcgi work just as well with apache?
@PaulS Probably. I just never tried :D
It's pretty easy to set up nginx with php-fpm ;)
Should be simpler than doing the same with Apache
@NikiC well I'm trying it on apache. Maybe when i got more time i'll try nginx
@PaulS :)
@NikiC I would have to map all my current configs in apache to nginx which would make me tired and worn out
as long as you didn't use ModRewrite too extensively...
i forgot all about that stuff
what stuff?
that modrewrite stuff! I got some complicated things going on
I'm off to work on this apache+fcgid install. See yall
what is the best way to test if js is enabled? cookies, noscript, etc
umm depends on how you want to receive result
cookie would be accessible with next page request
with noscript you could make an empty image inside, i suppose
@CarrieKendall Don't :D
well, you CAN redirect using meta tags, but that's a horrible solution
Write your code as if there existed no such think as JS
And then add JS that hooks into the code ;)
@CarrieKendall Huh, you need JS to redirect?
@CarrieKendall , you can add an inline JS just after opening <body> tag , which would set a class="has-js" on said <body> tag
@NikiC no no, i was referring to redirecting in noscript with <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0;url=nojs.html">but, its a horrid solution. i want to notify the user that js is disabled without using server-side
and then work from there in css , providing a "fallback layout" which does or doesn't require to have javascript enabled
@CarrieKendall Oh, so you have a JS-only website?
if its about notification, then use noscript
@NikiC more so a js-dependent section
ah, okay
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Best part: "I'm sure there is an example in the Internet" - yeah!
@PaulS no, it does not
In an application that has 'pretty' urls. i.e. /username/id

Does the router give the request class the ID of the user, or does the controller check if either request or router ID is set and then pass the ID to the model?
depends on framework
@ArtjomKurapov Are you saying both is acceptable?
well i didnt understand the second part of your proposal
but frameworks aren't the same
mine for example uses pretty URLs without any router
they depend on stuff in DB
but usual mvc-ruby style just passes params to controller and thats it
@ArtjomKurapov Thanks for your time, your answer lead to the answer I was seeking : )
@Tek usually, on frameworks such as these, the URL is in the format of example.com/controller/method/params
This can be modified so that example.com/username/id would call a specific method with id as a parameter
@Truth I'm aware, I just don't get how they're handled and passed appropriately. Considering it's not $_GET a request class wouldn't have those params
It is a $_GET request
@Truth But if a routing class was resolving the url into the appropriate controller, etc it wouldn't be in a request class
well it would still be in request_uri
In most frameworks and MVC applications, the request is rewritten so that example.com/controller/method/params is actually mapped to example.com/index.php?url=controller/method/params
This $_GET['url'] is passed to the router class, which determines what to do with it.
@Truth See, that's the part I was missing/confused about. That way it's in both the routing and request class ;) It was a big "doh" in the end.
well no matter how rewrite is done, GET params should still be accessible
unless then don't use QSA in htaccess
@Tek I suggest you understand the concepts of MVC fully, and then try to build such a (minimal) app of your own, just to get the feel of MVC. Once you do that, you'll be 100% comfortable in frameworks. That did the trick for me.
@Truth That's exactly what I'm doing, everything makes sense to me except some small details here and there.
@Truth concept of MVC is such a vague thing
@Truth For example, I never understood how the view class handles retrieving other views. $view->bind('someview'); $view->render();

Is there like a big switch() statement under bind() that has a list of the location of the view files?
:) see
should there be a hierarchical wrapper-view as a single instance for each controller call?
or can models compose small chunks of views that will be embedded on later..
It's details like that that prevent me from getting the full concept of MVC
i prefer first one
but sometimes the project is too deep
so you end up passing huge chunks of excessive data between models, contoller and then into view
@JohnP Good day.
@ArtjomKurapov models should have nothing to do with views at all
i know :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa You can access models through the view though, if you wish
@Tek you can but you shouldn't
but imagine you have a page with 3 horizontal blocks.. inside of which is 10 tabs.. and inside each tab - another horizontal form.. with some autocomplete input :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I'm pretty sure it's been said around here that it's perfectly fine to do that (as long as it's read only)
but its not a view-only component, it has some dependency with backend.. so you need to call some deep model that will impact the rendering
its much easier to have it bundled with a view, than pass through all hierarchy
@ArtjomKurapov You said it yourself, MVC is vague which is why there's no set rule about that sort of thing and why so far I've heard it's considered 'fine'.
same thing with calling methods from within views..
M <-> C <-> V
Hi everyone, I’m after a little bit of help regarding WordPress and a filter. I’m trying to re-order some posts using a the posts_orderby filter.
This is the default query “ wp_posts.post_date DESC "
I need the order to be totally random, any ideas..?
order by rand()
ah, that’s an existing function?
that is if google search of "mysql order by random" is correct.
yep, hehe
Yeah, I’ve done much searching and playing about before coming here, I’ve been on this an hour already..
it could be slow if you have a lot of posts though.
Yeah, I’m reading on it - it looks quite frowned upon!
On a normal loop in WordPress you can pass orderby = “rand” as a build in argument.
For some reason it doesn’t seem to be available in the archives.php template that I’m using. I may post this on the WordPress exchange....someone should know this...
dude, just replace wp_posts.post_date DESC with RAND()
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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