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Anyone here held a front-end specific job? No back-end? Particularly if you had UI Programmer in your title?
My wife is looking to get into the field and we have found a lot of job listings but none really have good job descriptions.
Do you just spend all your time working with marketing for new pages? Designing forms and workflow type stuff?
@bwoebi Requiring 2 of those 3 is good to prevent really bad passwords, but requiring 3 of 3 often isn't helpful.
2 hours later…
hey @bwoebi, are you still around?
I have an issue that became a pita...
\o/ I'm getting closer
heh :)
@bwoebi your theory is confirmed!
The down trend started sometime in late 2011.
~o~ solved it
so now... the canon plugin is closer to get rid of that big constant array of cannonballs
omg, I used the tag for the first time ever!
I feel like I've accomplished something in my life now.
Anyone wanna come to Vietnam/China with me? -_-
Are you paying?
@Fabor road trip? top gear style?
@DaveRandom In pecl\pq, if a result is unbuffered (pq\Connection::$unbuffered = true), can you still determine how many total rows are in the result? Or must you iterate until NULL is returned?
posted on September 10, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@sherif can you help me in sql
@Wes No thanks. Long distance moped = death.
no lol, with cars
@Sherif Pffrt, I don't even have ajob
Did the guy finish calculating moms? Where are the results?
@beginner I can try. You'd have to ask a question first.
i asked on sql chat
@Fabor Oh, I thought you were inviting me and paying for my flight :p
should i ask here again
@beginner No, I think you've pinged half the sql room. If someone knows they'll answer you.
@beginner FYI, that gets annoying real quick. Best to just ask your question and wait for someone to reply. Pinging people directly is frowned upon.
you also pinged caprica
it's rude
i want quick answers thats why i m asking on chat
i think i should upload my question on stackoverflow, that is faster
then chat answer
@Sherif Maybe if you were a beautiful woman -_-
@Fabor That sounds sexist.
What if I'm a beautiful man that knows lots of women ^^
@DaveRandom Did some experimenting myself… looks like it always returns 1 when the result is unbuffered. That is going to require some API modifications.
@Sherif heh then I still wouldn't pay for that many flights :P
is there any way in php through which I can check current servers configuration like OS ,RAM size?
> How do you Read Fingerprints Using PHP Codes and store it in the database?
Very carefully.
> If you put Session ID in a hidden form field, that is a lot more secure
Q: Session Id placement: Form Hidden Field vs. HTTPOnly Cookie

aLoneStriderWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of placing session id in a hidden form input vs a cookie? Is it correct to put CSRF-Tag in a hidden form input field and session id in an httpOnly cookie? Which is more secure?

...compared to cookies and admitted that you use post only?
@Sherif is that true?
@Trowski no you can't, because the query is still executing server side. Unlike mysql (I think?) server side result sets are always unbuffered, the only way you can determine the number of results ahead of reading them is to buffer them client-side. My thinking was that the client side should always treat results as unbuffered, and you you want that buffering you'd do new BufferedCursor($cursor) (or something), i.e. you'd wrap it to keep the code simpler
Also it's possible for a result set to generate warnings mid-stream
@Linus No, it's not. They're basically saying if you're OK with having the most impractical application of HTTP in all of existence in order to take a short-cut in security, then sure. This is a great idea. But good luck with that.
@Linus See my answer here stackoverflow.com/a/39423698/1878262
Thanks Sherif
reading such things on SO makes me confuse..
@Linus Because the answer is impractical. Most infosec guys don't give a left nut about how pragmatic a solution is. They tend to focus 100% of their efforts on security. But this is StackOverflow not security.stackexchange.com
I have a question
It was the wrong way to answer that question.
and its that any one know any service as like git that have graphic
ofcourse instead of github
I like git with lowest graphic
you mean like bitbucket?
or gitlab
or gitosis
or you mean a visual git client like sourcetree?
But we all know that secretly what you want is to go back to SVN. Don't try to hide it.
@Sherif I had a nasty case of that last summer.
@DaveRandom Did it clear up?
You know if you don't treat that in the first 3 weeks it's permanent right?
I have no idea why someone thought that was a good name for a product
is it bitbocket located in our server
@Trowski Why did you tag a new version just for that when we have open issues?
our its have server as like github
I dont want githyb
You want gitlab probably
I want to my project locate in my host not google host
but it's pretty resource hungry
@DaveRandom does git lab have graphic or its worked with cmd ??
what is a google host
@Wes I mean github
github owner is google
Only the hosted versions of gitlab are free. If you want server self-hosted you gotta fork up big bucks for da enterprise shizzle!
Github is the worst though. I can't even tell you the price tags I saw on github enterprise.
It's almost like corporate rape.
github is not owned by google
Github is owned by a magical Octopus.
Their office reception looks like the Oval office.
It's kinda creepy actually.
fo real?
That's their SF office.
It's not like Oval office. It's replica of it. e.e
They're like Dropbox. They got all those weird meta names for their conference rooms and everything.
Except Dropbox has better food.
I gave the Dropbox chefs 9/10 burps.
^ You would be considered a gentleman in China for that
you know when we get insanely obsessed by code reusability and we start making micro one liners functions and stuff like that
now the code i'm trying to fix is like the opposite of that
My worst nightmare, that I will have to work with something like that
this guy had a thousand checkboxes, he wrote var checkbox1 = document.getElementById("..."); a thousand times
and everything is like that
That's.. horrible
@Wes I feel you, bro. Hang in there
@Wes Yea micro one liner functions don't make code more reusable, btw. They just scream I haven't thought of a good abstraction for solving my problem yet.
notice the "insanely"
We're all insane to some extent. It's how we got to 21st technology.
> We're all insane. The only difference is how well we hide it.
> --Me?
I just learned to be as weary of those one liner utility functions as I am of copy/pasta.
i try to not speak ill of other developers because in the past it happened i had to work with someone i literally destroyed the reputation and when they found out it didn't end well (:B) but this is hopeless jees
@Wes If you commit nothing, no one can blame you for anything :P
git blame > /dev/null
this is the definition of cargo cult
it's the only possible explanation
Are there still some uncatchable fatals in PHP 7?
@CiaranMcNulty All parse and syntax errors and anything that causes the engine to bail.
That would include things like OOM.
parse errors in require's are catchable though
@Wes Only from the caller's context, sure.
Hm I have a try/catch around 'new' which I would expect would cover the autoloader included the file
The case I'm having issues with is a class that doesn't properly implement an interface
And that issue is.................?
and why the hell this guy did new String("") in javascript all over in the code (but not always) :'(
@Wes Hot shot coding ;)
"I'll fix it later" syndrome
The issue is that the error isn't caught
@CiaranMcNulty Are you catching Exception or Error?
@CiaranMcNulty Errors in PHP 7
an here's why ahaha, this is beautiful, he sets properties on the string objects stringObject.property = "another string"
@Wes Which is super useless unless you're taking advantage of the prototypal inheritance of String
Then you can actually do some need stuff like implement tokenizer :D
he's assigning an html input field to each string
it's crazy this code
@CiaranMcNulty You can't catch those. The code can't compile.
I'd thought that'd be a ParseError :-/
No, because the parser isn't what failed.
I see. Damn
The code is parsable. It's just not compilable.
You can't compile a class that doesn't meet its interface requirements.
yeah I'm not expecting for the class to be in scope afterwards
This isn't a scoping issue.
Nor is it a declaration issue.
This is a compiler issue. You can't compile a class that doesn't meet its interface requirements.
What we're left with is code that the compiler can't make use of. So it can't continue.
clearly; it's a shame that a catchable error isn't thrown in that case though
How do you plan on continuing after catching such an error?
I maintain a testing framework - I'd present the error and run the next test
You can't. You have a compiler that's currently in an irrecoverable state. Any more code run through the compiler isn't guaranteed to work.
You've reached a state from which the system cannot recover. There's no going back.
You crashed the car. You're dead. You can't be resurrected and continue driving.
If what you want is to lint the code first, then do that. Run it through the linter php -l. That way you don't need to use the runtime. But once you're in the runtime and you crash, there's no going back.
this is hopeless
i mean there are variables that are declared here and 5000 loc after they are actually used
admitted they are declared
You should generally declare your variables as early as possible, but you should also rely less on global state. So if you have a function that's 5KLOC you got bigger issues there :p
But I mean you're just describing about 99% of all javascript code I've ever seen.
The vast majority of js devs don't do clean separation, scoping, or SRP very well. Most of them just start banging away at the keyboard in a single js file for months on end until they come up with one giant ball of mud that works.
I can count on one hand the number js gurus I've worked with that write beautiful js code.
So that's really to be expected when dealing with js. That's why I hate touching js code. I rarely see any decent sized js code base that doesn't make me want to immediately vomit in my mouth.
sometimes i think it's a good thing that php "closures" don't have scope inheritance or whatever you call it (variable of outer scopes automatically accessible in child scopes) because people in js clearly have forgotten that you know, you can pass stuff through function arguments and return stuff through return, rather than reading and modifying outer scopes' variables
Yea, I definitely like that PHP requires me to explicitly import global variables into the local scope :)
and, that they are copies (unless &$var)
There are times looking at js when I really have idea WTF this is anymore. Especially people starting doing that = this; those = that; these = those;...
I'm just like .... uhhhhh k
20 closures deep... and I'm still scratching my head
@JoeWatkins I can't actually find the definition for this myself, where is it?
php-lxr.adamharvey.name/source/… <-- I got the decl in the header, no actual function body though :-/
I have no clue why lxr search doesn't return that, but at the end of the day if it doesn't give me a search result then I can't do anything :-/
@DaveRandom Yea, it's weird, because it's not actually a symbol.
They all come from the filter_var stuff
But once you get used to the fact that those are all in html.c it's easier to find.
array['' + 3] (3 is actually in a variable) why would one do that
fuck this shit, i'm having a sandwich
@DaveRandom The easier way to find it is to search for "Definition" php-lxr.adamharvey.name/source/… instead and it should point to the header file. From there you know it should be in html.c since it's defined in html.h
When you search for symbol it's looking for the actual symbol, which they're just strings really. PHP_FE is just a macro.
@Sherif I think I search on "symbol" atm, would have to check
and the symbol search does find the header file
but I don't return header file links because that would just be annoying
oh does it?
nevermind me then. Thought you were looking for something else.
@Sherif It tries defs and returns anything that matches in this and then it tries refs (symbol), and returns things which match here
There's definitely room for improvement
but it's harder than you might think to pick the one result that you would expect
So the approach at the moment is that unless I can identify for sure the one result you are likely to want, I return nothing
@DaveRandom Doesn't PhDoc parse those already?
Might be easier to just pull from that.
@Sherif I don't think that would give me file/line no refs to refer back to lxr?
also we support stuff like this:
@DaveRandom No, that it wouldn't. Didn't know you needed those.
!!lxr zval
[ /master/Zend/zend_types.h#84 ] typedef struct _zval_struct zval;
as well as things like this:
!!lxr strtolower
[ /master/ext/standard/string.c#1532 ] PHP_FUNCTION(strtolower)
!!lxr ht
@Sherif Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition. Ping DaveRandom if you think I should have done.
That's a var name though I assume?
@DaveRandom You suck!
No, it's the hashtable typedef.
!!lxr hashtable
@Sherif Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition. Ping DaveRandom if you think I should have done.
@DaveRandom It find the zval typedef but not the ht?
where's the def for ht?
    $exprs = [
        '/^#\s*def(ine)?\s+' . $searchTerm . '\b/i',                          // macro #define
        '/^(?:[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\s+)+\**\s*' . $searchTerm . '\s*\([^;]+$/i',   // function definition
        '/^struct\s+' . $searchTerm . '/i',                                   // struct definition
        '/^typedef\s+(?:struct\s+)?[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\s+' . $searchTerm . '/i', // typedef
If it doesn't match and of those then it won't find it
!!lxr HashTable
[ /master/Zend/zend_types.h#175 ] typedef struct _zend_array HashTable;
Ahhh, it's case sensitive. Of course.
like I say, there's probably a lot of room for improvement
@Sherif yeh it kinda needs to be for C symbols
Makes sense given that names are case sensitive in C.
Right... I'm just on drugs.
Don't pay attention to me at all.
Oh wait in fact my exprs are case insensitive, it's lxr itself that's case sensitive
can u tell me what is the best folder to place a config file, where i put database data and so, this is my structure : 2.1m.yt/DEt0T5G.png
outside of public folder the web server uses
isnt templates part of public?
Q: script to trigger memcache

LiorI have a PHP page which uses memcache to cache data that takes a while to retrieve. In order to prevent from users the need to wait for the page to retrieve the data, I wanted to make sure the memcache is always filled with the most updated data. Therefore, I created a python script: import urll...

> In order to PHP I created a Python Script
2 messages moved to bin
Have you ever had the janitorial staff walk in on you one late night in the office on a Saturday?
@Fabor templates is in root. createt it in src now. is this fine or not ?
Probably not
@Fabor can u explain why ? The users dont got acces to the src folder ?
That isn't a valid question.
@Sherif that's pewdiepie's dog
@Saitama Had no idea who that was until I Googled it.
he's pretty famous I'd say
@PeeHaa, you should probably apologize: stackoverflow.com/a/5823237/727208
> class User extends Table
it's ok @PeeHaa, we all were noobs once :B
Is it just me or rotten tomatoes is getting further and further from being reliable source: rottentomatoes.com/m/kingsglaive_final_fantasy_xv_2016
at one point the "critics score" was 4% (with the same "common folk" score)
it's not just you. the more internet becomes accessible, the more teenager voters you get
best movies of 2015: 1. mad max
9th place, the martian. i don't get why people liked the movie so much. it's shit for me
ah, the revenant dropped to 80th position, where it belongs. good
Creed 12nd ahahahah
@tereško at least we now know he made progress
have you guys seen Creed?
I know that there was a shitty band by the same name
remember apollo creed? it's another rocky movie
@Ekn no, but sounds solved now? :-)
morning bob
I have mostly stopped watching movies - they are universally shit
lately I'm sticking with books (in written or audio form)
should do that too
@bwoebi yep :-) thanks anyway
also mornin'
where do you read book reviews @tereško ? interested in scifi, history, mystery
political also
mostly on goodreads
goodreads.com/book/show/375802.Ender_s_Game btw, what the hell happened to the movie? they made one movie and left the story unfinished
@Wes that's how it works. Movie flopped.
it wasn't too bad
@Wes budget was $115M + advertising budget, it earned $125M (and part of that money stays in cinemas)
sorry for pings
as for advertising budget ... well .. Ghostbusters had $150M advertising budget ... you can try estimate based on that
that's bad luck :B or they didn't advertise it properly
it's not worse than stuff they made 3-4 movies out of them
like hunger games, or that one that is the same thing basically, divergent
not sure how to advertise it .. I was slightly creeped out by that book
creeped out how?

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