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Yes I am
Is it normal that it seems like it uses PDO::CASE_LOWER by default?
uggghhh that's why I don't use that fancy capitalization in field names :(
special place in hell for screenshots of code
I am not even allowing those people into hell. Fuck them
I don't see how they might think that taking a screenshot of code is a good idea..
@DaveRandom you're an asshole. That's all :P
so .. what's up ?
Nothing much. Fixing bugs
Same here.. e.e
Wtf.. 7 minutes to complete the query now
I added unicode support..
BTW feedr is working again... :P
feed spam moved to bin
Also tnx @PaulCrovella for pointing out who to blame
pfff… /me points at @PeeHaa … There's only one who to blame… ever!
Wasn't even me this time
@PeeHaa agreed, but context?
For some reason I never came around to pulling your changes
And when I did... :P
psql lowercases everything
The TL;DR is that I fixed one thing. Did a pull on the server. And I suddenly got a shitload of changes in
Was scary times :D
sorry about that
That casing really makes my face twitch though :-/
What amazes me was that I never even pulled all that stuff ealier
yeh there's a shitload of commits after that
well... one
That's a shitload in my book.
Are you fking kidding me.. I ran the query 4th time to fix the final bugs, only to get an error after 7 minutes
@DaveRandom :P
Console? :|
Like I expected, ass is first
But dam that breadth of curses
@DaveRandom "a simple or foolish person."
> figging
Or more appropriate for curses
"dress in such a way as to attract attention, typically with sexual success in view."
> đź–•
Oh, that should be the finger icon
> clusterfuck
That breadth of curses.. Didn't expect it in one chat room
184/378 curses matched
youtube.com/watch?v=Ij1pZvv9m0g @Slayther, not really that related but somehow seems relevant#
sorry for multiping
holy shit. so young
I'm trying to find the one with "I think he said vulva" in it but I can't
@DaveRandom Lol :D
Unless someone has a shorter query, I will do a statistical analysis of curse words now.
@Slayther this cannot be right, or did you only search for specifically "mom"?
That one used this regex
(?:^|.*?\W)@(\S+?)'?s (?:m[ou]m(?:my|ma)?|mother)(?:$|.*?\W)
So it must be of form @user-name[']s synonym-for-mom
huh, I'm surprised those figures are not in the thousands
Yeah, it can seem like that
But not all of them are in that form
Most are just mom, mum, mother without @[name][']s
Searching for "mom", "mum" and "mother" yields 1406 total
But not all of them are mom jokes.
I just looked and the only person who drops the n-bomb in a semi serious way is @PeeHaa
How can I use index.php for all .php files using .htaccess
That's probably because I'm black myself
Cannonball in place! I mean.. canonical was added successfully.
!!canon dating
Q: It's About a boy and our communication

jazmin contrerasSo if you know a guy likes you and you like him back but he doesn't text you a lot and just reads the messages but doesn't answer for a while, like a week or so Why can be some reasons he could be doing this? Has he lost interest in me or what?

definitely worthwhile
Oh, nice feature
!!canon remove dating
Canonical removed from the list.
only because it's gonna get burned pretty quick
@Slayther yeh you can thank @Ekn for that :-)
@DaveRandom c:
I'm err,way over the 30hrs gap now though... can't even do the regex for that 2nd plugin idea :(
my brain pretty much melted..
yeh there's definitely a productivity barrier there...
Come play rust instead :P
@Ekn Oh dam 30hrs
I recommend letting your brain have a rest and enjoying the knowledge that you did something worthwhile :-)
I slept for 5 hours and still poured juice syrup in my coffee mug and milk on top of that
@PeeHaa You play Rust?
I did before
But my PC doesn't like the RAM usage
They made it all fancy looking now
I love the beginning of it
Lol -- running naked around with a rock
I always loved survival games. And building games. And survival games in which you can build. :P
rust is ok as long as you don't get attached to your stuff :D
Released: doctrine/orm 2.5.5 - contains some fixes around nasty hydration/cloning bugs. #doctrine2 https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/releases/tag/v2.5.5
@PeeHaa True that. One time, a mod gave me all his stuff, including (armor?), ak-47 and other supplies and shiz. I had a great time until a gang of 3 ambushed me and I was like... ._.
Hope this breaks BC for at least some of you asshats!
@Slayther Yeah that kinda happens all the time :)
@PeeHaa Figures, since it happened to me on 2nd day of playing. Had no idea what game had to offer yet.
The games I like the most are where you can build block by block. I would love Minecraft, but it is too blocky and blocks are too huge.
I never understood the fun in minecraft
I prefer lego proper :)
> lego

That reminds me of time I played Roblox
I had loads of great time, loved playing it. I learned my first programming language -- Lua -- in it.
That's why it is on my avatar
Is lua actually used otuside of games?
Yeah, for scripting help
We used Lua to create games inside the Roblox game
Lua (/ˈluːə/ LOO-ə, from Portuguese: lua [ˈlu.(w)ɐ] meaning moon; explicitly not "LUA" because it is not an acronym) is a lightweight multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded systems and clients. Lua is cross-platform since it is written in ANSI C, and has a relatively simple C API. Lua was originally designed in 1993 as a language for extending software applications to meet the increasing demand for customization at the time. It provided the basic facilities of most procedural programming languages, but more complicated or domain-specific features were not included;...
@Slayther yes but is it also used outside of the game scene
oh yeah
Should have read the linky :)
For a lot of stuff, actually
Pretty easy to learn
@PeeHaa redis uses it for scripts that can be run inside redis.
yeah just found it in the list on wiki
Looks like it waaay broader used than i thought
Their logo is interesting
Do you know what it resembles?
The big blue orb is the Earth. The white spot in it is the meteorite impact, because of which Moon has formed. The small blue orb is the Moon, with dashed gray orbit.
Damnit I was hoping for the deathstar
@Danack Also that is pretty bad :p
It's from the early days of the internet......it might be older than some people in here.
itch.io/games/html5 nice gaming site
@Gordon Do you play Game??? How old are you ..!! I thought you're a middle-aged person :-)
You have no clue about Pc gaming, do you
@Shafizadeh what specs does your computer have? Maybe I can recommend something suitable for you to try
@tereško Not as much as you :-)
@tereško The best game that I've played so far is Limbo ..
Is there any better recommendation?
You mean a "puzzle/platformer"?
Or any genre?
doesn't matter .. just please suggest me a good game (any genre) ... (my laptop has 6gig RAM and 2gig Graphic and my CPU is corei7)
Hmm.. then something not too resource-intensive
@tereško my resources are weak?
(this will take a moment, since I am currently stuck on phone)
It's a laptop,
@tereško yes I know, it's weaker than a PC
Do you have a separate GPU? And are you on Windows?
I use Windows 8.1
And yes I have 2 Graphic-cards .. one (1gig) for when I'm on battery, and another one (2gig) is for when I'm connected to electricity.
OK... so, some recommendations: This War of Mine, Dark Messiah, Civilization 5, Xcom: Enemy Within, Mount&Blade, Faster Than Light, Bastion
My all time favourite is Deus Ex (the first one, from 2000) but that might seem too ancient for you
ah I see, om I'll give it a try, thx
There is also Amnesia, if you are fan of horror movie, and Spec Ops: The Line, if you need a proof that not all games are fun an for children
@tereško Actually first of all I interest to try Deus Ex
It's a stealth game. The controls are as in first person shooter, but if you start running around like in ordinary shooter, you will get killed in 5 seconds
@tereško I see
dammit, Dejan is so far ahead of me with curse words.
@Ocramius :P
fuck it, gonna put some effort into it from now on.
I should do score table of relative percentage of curses. Forgot that
I might be having the longest list of different swearwords
Hmm. I could compare breadth of words too
@PeeHaa beats you by a long shot
Wow, most users on that list are basically harmless...
They come, ask, get answered, and leave
If they do that at all
@Slayther lol. Nice list I have there :P
@PeeHaa Yeah. Nice vocabulary
@tereško @DaveRandom is faaaar ahead of you with being shit at wording
@Slayther can we have this as json plz?
@PeeHaa and @DaveRandom are pretty close when it comes to breadth
@Ocramius Sure
originality goes to @PaulCrovella for "🖕"
This was by far my most lengthy query, regarding code, by now
@Ocramius Yeah, only 2 of those
Interesting @PaulCrovella is the only one who uses ball gag :P
@PeeHaa I don't want pics
I am getting too many query ideas
Alright, enough of this bullshit, back to writing some code, I suppose
@PeeHaa don't knock it until you try it
@Ocramius JSON for you, coming right up.
I am not. @Ocramius is
@Ocramius Decaf or?
!!urban yaoi
[ Yaoi ] Yaoi is a slang meaning 'boys love' or [homosexuality] that is used in the japanese language. Popular with fangirls who like their favorite anime guys to kiss.
japan is weird
Indeed, like the rest of the languages
!!urban yuri
[ Yuri ] 1. Explicit lesbian relationships in anime or manga 2.To be the first to do something. Derived from Yuri Gagarin, first human in space.
there you go, @PeeHaa
@Ocramius wait, you want JSON exactly as that output or you want the input json, with all the numbers, not including stuff like "This user did not curse"
hold the fuck on, "sexy" is a curse word?
@PaulCrovella According to curse word list I was given, yeah
your list is bad and you should feel bad
Ok :(
@Ocramius Or you want the json that this was derived from, the 1.8 million messages?
A MySQL question: An unique-index can be used as an index which makes searching fast?
@Slayther no, just the last one report, but as json
you made it text-friendly, but it's a bit useless if it needs to be re-parsed ;-)
@Ocramius Ok, so with all the numbers
@tereško thx
@Slayther for some reason this hangs ff...
@NikiC Hm?
@tereško just should I do any specific work? or MySQL use it (unique-index) automatically?
@NikiC It's pretty large
but plaintext...
so ff must be doing something extraordinarily stupid there
Most probably
wat, panties is a curse word now¿
dislocated shoulder?
@Wes drinking, fucked up, decided to roll with it
waving with a dislocated shoulder sounds painful :B
just tried it, it's not so bad
did you dislocate your shoulder on purpose
yes, it's a talent I have
i keep waking up in the middle of the night after i slept just few hours. gah
and then i'm like a zombie the whole day
... I can relate to that last sentence
@Ocramius Oh shoot, I totally forgot about you
I am running the query now. Will take 2 mins
What should I use to detect the how many arrays there are with the same ID? http://kopy.io/wjs36
got it thx
@Duikboot Yw
Lusitanian's Mom is somewhat mythical. who is Lusitanian? i keep hearing about his mother
Hmm what should I use in the example above, when I want to get all partner_id as 1 comma seperated string, where the ID = the same?
small update: kopy.io/F7FVR
my linux boot is back online again
and I'm stuck with win 8
It's 3 AM.
happy Sunday then
It's Sunday?!
not for me, I still got ~3hours
Come on, hurry up
You're missing it
What was I supposed to do
Dammit ._.
I have something to do and I don't know what it is
well, good luck, have fun :)
huh, someone just voted up
Kill it with fire before it spreads
someone answered too

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