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6:00 PM
@Gordon this
you can do the same with SOAP ... and make it a pool
6:13 PM
@kelunik Was painful but I found one.
not bad
6:32 PM
@tereško Well, all interesting stuff, but still not getting anything showing in the browser; I have php7.0.conf and php7.0.load in the mods_enabled directory; but I cant get phpinfo(); to run so as to see what is being used. Be trying to finout about php_mod, does this refer to the same?
veit wut
ok , lets start from beginning
@iain which distro?
@PeeHaa gamin?
@tereško ubuntu 16,thanks for the help.
so .. apache itself is working?
php was preinstalled I think, I have been using apache with phpmyadmin when working with mysql of late.
6:36 PM
have you installed libapache2-mod-php ?
no certain, got an error when I tried, but there are a whole bunch of php7 packages installed, so no I dont think so.
will check dpkg for that one
I am not sure ubuntu 16 has php7 available
it is in synaptic
then the package is libapache2-mod-php7.0
but 16 does seem to have some issues with the package manager
6:39 PM
Jan 13 '15 at 8:47, by tereško
fuck ubuntu
Yes, that one is installed
ok ... so the module exists
yep, using it for ease at the moment will move to debian eventualy
what do you have in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/?
yes it is there
6:40 PM
no, I mean, what files you have in that directory
a link to the package, it says conflict php5 commented out
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ is a directory
access_compat.load authz_core.load deflate.load mime.load php7.0.load
alias.conf authz_host.load dir.conf mpm_prefork.conf setenvif.conf
alias.load authz_user.load dir.load mpm_prefork.load setenvif.load
auth_basic.load autoindex.conf env.load negotiation.conf status.conf
authn_core.load autoindex.load filter.load negotiation.load status.load
authn_file.load deflate.conf mime.conf php7.0.conf
what's inside php7.0.conf?
@LeviMorrison One that doesn't use array_map: github.com/silexphp/Pimple/blob/master/src/Pimple/…
6:42 PM
@iain also, what's inside dir.conf?
<FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[3457]?|t|tml)$">
    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
<FilesMatch ".+\.phps$">
    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source
    # Deny access to raw php sources by default
    # To re-enable it's recommended to enable access to the files
    # only in specific virtual host or directory
    Require all denied
# Deny access to files without filename (e.g. '.php')
<FilesMatch "^\.ph(p[3457]?|t|tml|ps)$">
    Require all denied

# Running PHP scripts in user directories is disabled by default
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
	DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml index.htm
do you see <?php phpinfo(); as text?
or don't you see it at all?
@tereško I have been trying to get the directory live in my home folder so that I can work in it from netbeans
I get 403 forbidden
I did have the initial apache welcome
6:46 PM
where is the index.php file located ? (I assume you are using that file as a default to test shit)
just putting it back to the default place now, I think it was /var/www/html if I remember correctly
Going back there now
<Directory /home/*/public_html> ?
I had made a file .php/
Is it best that I go back to the default for testing?
also, what permissions does the file have ?
what default?
when first installed the 000.default.conf was pointing at /var/www
6:50 PM
what do you see in apache error logs ?
not sure where they are, ?
most likely: /var/log/apache2
or maybe /var/log/httpd
Found them, there are a few files
@tpunt Thanks.
one will contain "error" in the filename
6:53 PM
oh, there are 5 of those
then one without a number
[Wed Aug 24 20:21:26.312693 2016] [core:error] [pid 10229] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00035: access to / denied (filesystem path '/home/iain/.php') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path
oh handy info there
I see several problems there
I had changed the file permissions, at least I thought that I had ...
you should be accessing http://localhost/ instead of http://localhost/.php
6:55 PM
Looking forward to learning more about them!
ah ok, that is in the netbeans config I think
if the filename is not given, apache will try one of the files from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf list
I need to check which project is active now in the available sites folder, I think I disactivated that one a while ago
other thing: your apache seems to be looking in your user-directory
Yes I have asked it too
any good seo learning links??
6:58 PM
It was recomended to do this on a site, is it not correct?
@iain normally webserver's root is located in /var/www/public
I am developing at the moment, so this is really only for local work
you are the only person on that box
the folder requires root to write to it so, how best to deal with that?
yes I am
@bwoebi I've revamped the intro a bit more and added another example. Thoughts?
7:01 PM
more than happy to put the files away from the home folder, they are just clutter there.
@iain usually I make the /var/www/ owned by webserver's user (in your case "apache" or "www" and set the group to something that contains both apache webserver and me)
ah, I didnt know that you could make a program a user.
sorry for multiple pings
@iain when you installed apache, it made a user
the "which" user can be seen in httpd.conf (or apache2.conf)
7:03 PM
The issue that I had was that netbeans could not write to that file
because the permissions were fucked
(I need another beer , BRB)
I was looking for the httpd.conf,I have apach2 , so thats why I couldnt find it
cool thanks for the help, enjoy your beer.
there should be "user" and "group" defined
can you pastebin your httpd.conf?
(second beer opened)
just going to find it
dont dump large files in the chat , instead you should use external sites and link the the content
7:07 PM
@JayIsTooCommon Maybe later. Cooling down now atm. It's crazy hot
@PeeHaa well ... it has been cold and rainy for more than a month. It warmed up to 20 only few days ago and shops started to run "indian summer sale" campaigns
7:11 PM
Latvian weather is generally meh isnt it?
all I hear in the news is "hottest summer in century" and I have to walk around in autumn gear because its 15 outside with rain at 45 degreees
I still got my nice hat I bought in Riga
@iain it's this part:
for some reason your coniug uses constants
ah ok
you can jsut do cat /etc/passwd and see what looks like apache
@Fabor as some german priest in 14th century wrote: it's ghastly cold here for 10 months, and the rest they call "winter"
7:15 PM
Oh it is not in there
should be\
Could be the problem
there should be user named "apache" or "www" or "wwwdata"
yes I have a www-data
7:17 PM
that's the apache user
ok so that is the user of the www file then I guess?
tur run a php file through apache, that file should be available for that user
(that didn't come out in english)
I caught it though :)
@PeeHaa ok dude
ok, just thinking of how I need to do this, not played with the users functionality much as yet
7:20 PM
I assumed you knew howto linux :P
Oh I m a noob
I know how to make a mess, and a few other things
so I need to assign a config file for each available site? with the a2ensite command?
Night, all o/
Ok thats enables and it is pointing at /var/www/
oh ...
whats "a2ensite"?
7:27 PM
I have the 000-default.conf enabled right now
its a apache2 command for telling apache where to look for the enabled site, at least that is what I thought it was
@tereško It creates a symlink from available -> enabled
you mean , instead of actually writing ln -s ?
Oh does it just run a little script to write a line of code?
@tereško That's all it does
AFAIK it doesn't even lint the config
@iain every script on linux runs 1 or more lines of code
also, I think I am starting to get a bit drunk, so I might not be all that useful anymore
7:32 PM
I love that about linux, that it is readable too
<- freebsd user
I am getting there and really appreciate your help, I know I need to think about the user
which base is that ?
Ah yes I see
it's not linux
7:35 PM
A unix derivitive
freebsd is where gentoo stole all its more interesting ideas from
that jails talk is the reason I'll get one and try
is it official fork of the unix code?
> The BSD project was founded in 1976 by Bill Joy.
Mac OS X was derived from one of the early version
7:37 PM
oh wow so it has done its time already, interesting
4.3 (iirc)
Ah a direct discendant of At&t,s unix, interesting stuff
.. and currently the stuff on which the backbone of internet runs
The os of the dns servers and the likes?
7:40 PM
@tereško What do you do at work these days?
I'm in the process of setting up a new web server. I'm comparing the production php.ini file with the new web server's php.ini file. The new web server has zend.enable_gc = On but the production web server does not. I understand this is a garbage collector? should I leave this enabled or disabled?
@Fabor php, mysql, es6
(the new web server will replace the production web server)
What does the role involve though?
Isn't that on by default?
7:41 PM
Either way it should probably be on
@Fabor general code monkey
@tereško -_-. Satisfied?
(vague hand motion)
@iain it's also the OS that PS4 uses
@tereško isn't es6 generally syntactic sugar to give some king of oop impression? or are there actual new language constructs?
7:43 PM
@LeviMorrison Here's a scan of Symfony 3.0.0 + dependencies showing all closures having use statements with exactly one statement: gist.github.com/kelunik/2dd97bd27ab47c03548c2a82ea0665ab
@Ekn yes, it's on by default
@Ekn but should I leave it on?
what does it do?
@Tiffany O.o
As in what the actual fack
This is my first time setting up a php.ini file ;_;
don't judge me too much
well, not the first time, but the first time setting it up for a new webserver
7:45 PM
Never, I will judge you twice as hard now!
@NikiC Are you in Berlin currently?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you mean like modules and tail recursion ?
@tereško Well I certainly have some food for thought, and a good Idea as to how to solve the problem; thanks for the help. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
TBF the only time I fiddle my php.in is because something went wrong.
7:48 PM
@iain tnx
@Tiffany The TL;DR is that it frees up resources that are not needed anymore
@Fabor he's trying to get php7 on ubuntu (as a newbie)
I'm on an IIS server, shouldn't there already be something that does that?
with Application Pools
I thought 14.04 came with 7?
7:49 PM
@Tiffany I never used that crap
See Ya all, be back soon I think, I just started learning php ... a curious language, I have just been studying a little java and a little c ... so this is quite a perspective shift.
We're a Microsoft shop. The original web server is a WIMP environment. I inherited and was trained on it. I wish it was LAMP, but .... baby steps....
@Fabor 14.04 has 5.5 and 16.04 has 5.6
yup :P
7:50 PM
@tereško /me googles yeah exactly.
I love calling it that, because it's a fucking wimp
Hmm, I must be confused then.
I'm not sure if this is fortunate or unfortunate, but I've gotten used to IIS
Ah Ubuntu 16.04
7:52 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier this is why I use Arch instead of ubuntu14 as my OS at work (everyone else is stuck on 14 .. because it looks like I am only developer one in the entire company capable of installing linux)
everyone else is waiting for tech support team to get their shit together
hmmm... ok?
I still like my windows and VMs -_-
@Tiffany here it explains it in more detail. There's a paragraph below the image that answers your question
I have a problem - I expect everyone to know about the same or more than I do .. and then get annoyed
I somehwat lazily also do Windows -> Centos -> Docker -> Ubuntu. heh.
7:54 PM
Well can't linux be installed using video on YouTube?
I should go deeper!
I hate mobile phones.
@tereško yup, I can see how that can become problematic.
@Fabor That's what she said
ever considered horse tranquilizer?
7:55 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier or I should start expanding my ego
Speaking of mobile phones. I pulled mine out of my pocket and it had completely reset. No apps, no media, default everything. Rebooted it and it came back normally. -_- small panic.
@PeeHaa cheap. or should I directly say Your mum?
@PeeHaa heh, I was waiting for it.
Do you think if you tallied your phone notifications in to 3 categories ":), -_- and :(" you would have most in which?
7:57 PM
@Fabor you should just buy Raspberry
especially since you intend traveling
@Ekn formatting?
I literally just shipped mine to Chris the other day :P
I got a Dell XPS though
@Fabor Which one?
7:58 PM
2015 model I think
Oh, pi, can't remember. It was under my bed for a long time.
Model B I think
@FélixGagnon-Grenier writing from this tiny keyboard sucks

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