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Presumably there is an IP whitelist somewhere, so you either need to disable that (don't) or VPN to somewhere that is on the whitlelist
@KevinMGranger I had the server not so long ago. Didn't had time to do much yet
@DaveRandom The fact that I can http on it doesn't mean that I can theoretically VPN to it ?
no, it sounds like the ssh is (correctly) more tightly controlled by a firewall of some variety somewhere
> What is wrong in this code. Why it is not working. I have written this code but I don't know why it's not working.
dat description
Is that a question title?
It's better than "I've written no code and don't know why it's not working"
question title:
> What Is Wrong In This Code (It Is Now Working)
By the way... later on that cursed year when I first came to room 11, tereško "tsod'ed" me :p It was my first week with PHP and I did not know about prepared statements and he told me "Use the fucking prepared statements already!"
@bwoebi @rdlowrey @DaveRandom If methods return promises, then you loose most of the value of yield from.
@Trowski this is true …
And I remember reading all his answers one by one for hours, being thankful and so angry at the same time :p
@Trowski But for interfaces (in opposition to concrete classes), you should always have a Promise typehint, IMO.
(As everything else would force an implementing class to use a Generator even if there's no need to)
Is it worth the performance hit to be creating and resolving extra promises?
@Trowski yield from is a bit of a hack because we don't have a native Coroutine that can be treated as Awaitable and is distinguishable from a regular generator
Ok, I give up. I'll try to do something else waiting to be home
Thank you guys
see you
I've asked myself these questions several times, so some direction would be welcome.
@DaveRandom yep, with Awaitable you internally could look if it's generator bound an implicitly do a yield from
@Sharcoux talk to your sysadmins about it, they should be able to either enable you to do it or tell you that won't ever be able to
@bwoebi I've considered this a few times, but how would that actually work?
@Trowski with internally I meant php-src, once we have builtin support
The awaitable will have to be resolved eventually.
Oh, ok. Yep.
@Trowski the point is really that for interop purposes, there needs to be some standard way to indicate "this method returns something that is awaitable"
You guys ever deal with having to create summarised tables for reporting on data that changes? So as the data changes you have to update the summarised table too.
I would prefer returning awaitables from methods... I just disliked the extra function calls and object creation that required.
Imposing a restriction on using Awaitable for this purpose accomplishes that, without preventing changes to how that is implemented in future
@Gordon the spinning tab loading animation is making me anxious
@Trowski bearing in mind that we are talking about public APIs only here
I accept it's not free though
@Ocramius :D
@DaveRandom Right, I can yield from my private methods.
@Trowski which is absolutely no problem
Also inside an app, feel free to use gens with yield from
exactly, because private methods have privileged information anyway
This will probably lead to a lot of return new Coroutine($this->doMethodName(...)) :-D
@Gordon speaking of which, this might actually help one of my clients
and I'm NOT on drugs (yet)
@Trowski with Coroutine implements Awaitable?
@bwoebi Right.
@Ekn not yet
Amp would be return resolve($this->doMethodName(...)); I believe.
I'm typically avoiding it though
@Trowski for now, but one day the language can mitigate that
@Ocramius so you are working for a bank
@DaveRandom I certainly hope so.
@tereško thanks. it looks different, but I'll give it a try
@Gordon insurance company
@Ocramius makes sense.
I think this is the bottom of the most evil companies you can find
@Trowski at least in my experience library code rarely uses coroutine generators
health insurance, ofc
@Trowski Inside libs I'm typically using when() and directly operating on Promise (or Awaitable) level
it should be the same
@Trowski @bwoebi @kelunik put it this way: without this, the Awaitable spec is of limited usefulness, because it's not used consistently throughout public APIs
@bwoebi Right, this really is only a problem for the libs that are build on top of some of the more basic libs.
the other site for building PCs is called "google spreadsheet"
@DaveRandom this is referring to what?
@DaveRandom Not exactly. If we were writing methods returning generators that yielded Awaitables, we could freely yield from those generators without caring which lib they originated from.
@bwoebi *requirement that anything that is awaitable actually returns/accepts Awaitable
@Trowski eventually, but at that level it's rarely the bottleneck now.
@Trowski indeed, but there's no way to specify that in the API in a type-checkable way
@tereško the one you gave me back then was basically just a table with many colored rows which said: poor, …, good, …, better, … monster and had suggestions for various hardware in each row
It's typically the most basic libs which are bottlenecks (socket, databases, loop itself, file, ...) but less the libs which aggregate behavior of other libs.
@DaveRandom Then don't accept generators.
We can't solve that until we have await.
@kelunik it's more return values I'm concerned about
Hmm, did cv-pls.com die?
getting some crappy landing page on it
@bwoebi My coroutine-based streams were probably not helping, but using awaitables will probably help, since often I can just return a resolved awaitable directly.
@DaveRandom But it's not really related to Awaitable.
@Trowski coroutine based streams are already probably slow by themselves
@DaveRandom Unfortunately you're right. I've lots sleep over this fact. Part of me is happy to just be able to say "Methods must return Awatiables", even if that does have a slightly negative performance impact.
@tereško that one! thanks
@bwoebi They are easy to use, but you're right, a bit slower.
you probably will be combining both
That's why my HTTP lib is a bit slower than Aerys. I may have to just use watchers instead of the (soon to be awaitable-based) streams.
also, keep in mind that the logical-increments site is mostly aimed at fullATX - @Gordon, if you want to make a miniITX, you will have to do it without any guidence
@Trowski That's why we're using the streams primitives directly in out libs; they're a lot faster as code around onReadable/onWritable handlers is potentially called very often and tends to be a bottleneck
@Trowski But isn't Aerys a lot more complex than your HTTP server lib?
@Trowski your stream coroutines are fine as a high-level API for a low-frequency endpoint (i.e. usage in applications)
@Trowski Get a solid spec agreed on by all interested parties and it will will be much more obvious what needs to be done for language support, and probably a lot easier to make it happen (internals will listen to a group of people who have been able to agree on something more freely than to a debate that takes place on the list)
@Trowski But in general, I wouldn't mix high-level abstractions into low-level libraries … that tends to be always slow.
@kelunik Way more, as a lot of the stream and server logic is buried in other libs.
@Epodax out of curiosity, how did you hear about us?
No matter if buried or not. I'm talking about the request dispatching logic etc.
@tereško full atx is fine. thanks.
@kelunik Oh yeah, the HTTP lib is very basic. It's meant to be used as a part of a bigger package more like Aerys that has yet to be released.
@DaveRandom Euh wait, you mean I should talk to the sysadmin of the Mall ?
@Trowski Is there any reason (except it being Icicle ecosystem) why you're writing your own server? Are there actually design decisions in Aerys you heavily disagree with or similar?
@Sharcoux no of your server that you are trying to connect to
@Trowski in case there is not, I'd be more than happy to rather welcome you as a contributor to Aerys than pointlessly having many things doing the same in similar ways.
@MichaelYoo I'd assume the issue is that the ast extension is not being initialized
You're simply including some .c files (!!!!!), it does not hook into the module initialization mechanism
@nikic I assumed that too, but I've checked that the ast\Node class exists inside the embed SAPI when I run PHP code inside it. Isn't that proof enough that the extension is being init'ed?
Or maybe it isn't.. I'm not sure :(
does "DistinctCollection" tell you "distinct elements", i.e. a set? or does it sound like a noble Collection? :B
I hate services that don't understand their own URLs, because they use a raw + instead of %2b.
@bwoebi Not really. I'd rather combine efforts.
@nikic (I"m including the C files inside the C code, and I've also installed the ast extension (extension=ast.so))
@MichaelYoo How do you check that?
@nikic zend_eval_string("var_dump(class_exists('ast\\Node'));..." using this?
@Trowski That's what I mean… Aerys is already pretty much evolved (has still a bit of room for improvement) but you're still at the very start
In that case you'll end up in one set of symbols from ast.so, and another set due to you recompiling the .c files by including them
I'd be happy to combine efforts here and improve Aerys @Trowski
@Trowski @bwoebi We're creating a standard to have eventually just a single implementation. \o/
they'll not use the same symbols. so whatever was initialized when the ast.so module is loaded, won't actually end up being used.
@kelunik yeah, when we have a standard, it makes things easier
@MichaelYoo What you should do is editing the ast.c file to drop the "static" modifiers before the functions you want to use, stick them into the php_ast.h header and then only include that header
Should we just combine Icicle and Amp in some way? I had this discussion with @rdlowrey at some point, but we're both too proud.
@bwoebi It makes it easier to give up your efforts to your single library only, yes.
@Trowski yes, we should, at least once we have the Loop standard (else we're doing the work twice)
@Trowski I think it's a good idea. We just need a new name.
I really like my Awaitable, Coroutine, and Observable implementations. I wouldn't want to see those go away.
@MichaelYoo does that make sense?
@Trowski I have no problem with new Coroutine instead of resolve() … just will need to give it a performance check
@nikic Ohhhh, that sounds confusing. But if I wanted the ast to go through php-ast's processing to make it look nicer before I consume it, it would have to go through being converted to ZVALs in some way won't it? Which requires the ast\... classes which would require initialising the extension in some way? Would copying the functions be enough?
icicleio/concurrent is pretty fantastic and would make a great addition.
@Trowski I might be fine with Observable implements Awaitable
@Trowski I don't like done / cancel @ Awaitable
@bwoebi Observable isn't an awaitable. It's like your promise stream.
@Trowski You can await the end of the stream though
@kelunik I'm very much willing to modify a lot of the awaitables.
@bwoebi Yes, you can.
And that's why implements Awaitable
Mostly because most things aren't cancelable.
@bwoebi You could do that... there's a method if you just want the end of the stream.
@kelunik I know... I added cancellation in the beginning because it seemed like a good idea, but it's just a pain for something that's rarely used.
Also, because when can have multiple callbacks.
@MichaelYoo if you're already loading the extension using extension=ast.so it should already be initialized. You only need to make sure you're actually using the symbols in that ast.so object, rather than your own duplicates. For that it should be enough to put extern zend_ast *get_ast(zend_string *code, zend_arena **ast_arena, char *filename) and extern void ast_to_zval(zval *zv, zend_ast *ast, zend_long version) in your file and edit the ast.c to drop the "static" before these functions
Did you ever use Awaitable::delay?
@kelunik Yes.
What for?
I've used it in coroutines to sleep for a few ms while trying to obtain a lock where the only way was to poll for lock availability.
@MichaelYoo But if you're not going to consume the ast in php, I'm not sure how helpful the conversion to zvals will be ... might be better to avoid that...
@Trowski looking at your Observable, I'd prefer to have a minimalist approach like in Amp (watch() and be done). To skip or whatever, there shall be separate functions operating on the Observable. These methods shouldn't be need to be implemented separately by each class implementing it
@Trowski Ah, then I like new Pause(1000) like in Amp better.
And for the rest, functions, as @bwoebi said.
@nikic And the 'dropping the static' is it before compiling the extension, or when I'm linking to the C files? And I wanted to ask that myself - there seems to be a lot of postprocessing but I'm not sure if that's making the AST nicer, or just converting it to PHP's object format.
@bwoebi I was thinking that myself, most of those methods should be a function in the namespace, such as Observable\filter().
@Trowski exactly
@bwoebi @kelunik I'd like to make these things separate packages as part of Icicle or Amp (or another project?) and have you guys tear them apart. I'm sure what results will be much better.
@MichaelYoo dropping the static is before compiling the ext. the postprocessing is both for making it nicer and converting it to objects ... but well, we work with the "non-nice" version internally, so it can't be so bad :)
@Trowski As long as they're not too many packages.
@kelunik To help integrate with people using react, it would probably be a good idea to have event-loop, awaitable, coroutine, and observable as separate packages.
@Trowski Don't think that's needed
@Trowski s/integrate with/migrate ;-)
Or why do you think it would help?
@nikic I see! Thanks so much for the help! I may pop in and leave pings on things I don't quite understand, if that's okay with you. Do you know of an internal function that can dump the AST tree to stdout (for debugging / visualising)? or would I have to implement my own?
@Trowski We should definitely separate the loop.
Because otherwise we might override another loop in our bootstrap.php which is always included to set the default loop per factory.
@bwoebi ^ That's one reason.
okay, but that still doesn't explain why we should separate Observable/couroutine/awaitable stuff
@MichaelYoo nope, there is no dumper in core
@bwoebi Awaitables and Coroutines could be in the same package.
Observables are a higher level abstraction that could go in that package, but seems like it should be separate.
@nikic I see. Thanks!
Would we start a new org for this? I'd hate to throw away any popularity that Icicle and Amp have.
@kelunik am I right in thinking that if I return a promise from a coroutine, that promise will be resolved before the coroutine is resolved?
@DaveRandom Yes. A coroutine is just a promise. If you resolve a promise with a promise, it will keep pending until the passed promise is resolved.
Yeh I thought so but I confused myself by over thinking it
So there's no point in doing yield $promise; return;, should just return $promise;
@Trowski we could move things to Amp … :-D … well, at least we have actual more used libs (artax, aerys)
@bwoebi I'd consider that, especially if I am an admin so I don't have to ask every time I want to push something :-P
I started an event-loop lib based of the proposed standard I'd be happy to push right away.
@Trowski Actually, it'd be just minor modifications to the existing Amp loop
How can I add the values from query?, this is what I mean, check this: gist.github.com/CharlesCraft50/9399ef6010f8ebccf4cae6cf3cb43575
no need to redo it
How's "Anonymous Class Lexical Scope" RFC going? Can we have it, pretty-please @JoeWatkins :] Especially since "Functional Interfaces" is about to be declined... :-/
@bwoebi Heh, my NativeLoop class is very close to NativeReactor, so looks like you're right.
I made separate classes for Watchers so some of the validation logic didn't have to be duplicated across loop implementations, but otherwise very close.
@Trowski Native, yes… and what about uv/libeevent?
@bwoebi Didn't get to those. I'm sure Amp's is 95% of the way to the standard.
@bwoebi How about libev?
We don't have libev support
Something I can contribute then.
@DaveRandom Take a look at Icicle's postgres lib.
Maybe Amp could use it (with some modifications).
@Trowski Well at this point I've started so I'm clearly going to finish :-P
But yeh I will indeed take a look
It's worth a shot xD
@Saitama i have a client that double clicks everything. all links in webpages, double click, programs in the taskbar, double click, double click everywhere
to be fair to him, he is like 70, though :P
tho I feel you should tell it to him...
i tried. he forgot after 2 minutes :B
You could set the double click speed insanely high. Though that might give some issues when double click is actually needed xD
I'm finally going to edit the the partition tables manually, and if anything gets fucked up I'm just going to format everything, and install Windows...
@Wes God that is sooo annoying to see
@Trowski yep, that's the great thing … and thus as Amp is so cose, that's an additional argument why it should remain in Amphp org … for Amp v2.0 to add the standard will only be a "minor" break which shouldn't be too hard to fix throughout the libs … for Icicle it'll be quite very major though
@bwoebi It's not too bad, but yeah, there will be a significant number of changes.
The UNetbootin guys really need to update the gui...
it hurts my eyes every time I see that UI
@PeeHaa ikr, drives me insane
@bwoebi Could I get an Amp invite?
@Trowski What do you need access to? amphp/amp?
@bwoebi You can just invite me to the organization and give me privileges.
@Saitama that's what every windows user expects... :D
When I have some time I want to start putting together some various packages based on the standards.
ah okay
I don't think I'll do much to existing code until the standards are published and the new packages are ready.
I just formally want to ask @rdlowrey here ;-)
@rdlowrey Is it fine to guarantee @Trowski access to the Amp repo for better collaboration and eventually merging some Icicle and Amp work? :-)
@Trowski I think I disagree. The value of yield from is in the implementation of being able to factor your internal code into smaller discrete units ...
I'd like to have at least write permission on the repos to make fixes. Major changes to existing code would be through PR or discussion first of course.
I personally always return Promise from my top-level public async APIs ... it just makes more sense to me
@Trowski lol yeah I really just liked the name "Amp"
@rdlowrey I do too actually :-P
I've grown a lot and don't care about the pride factor TBH.
We could start a new org too
And the acronym just works: Async Multitasking PHP (AMP)
Create a separate repo for testing and call it Testicle
Yep, I like it.
That's my contribution
@DaveRandom Nobody expected that one from you...
@DaveRandom saw that coming
@DaveRandom I love your contributions.
lol ^
Testicle: a testing framework for mocking generator coroutine inputs
The name alone warrants a project
I mean ... AMP could just be just be short for ampcicle too
@bwoebi I'm totally fine with a merger. As long as we can have discussion around major API questions
@rdlowrey Absolutely.
@PeeHaa fuck yeah. can i do it? :B i was actually thinking to make a small testing framework
It makes sense to build it around the eventual async interop API result
(of course, but I just felt like typing that)
back to work
@rdlowrey definitely
adding him then
@NikiC Is all of the subjects are taught in German language in KIT uni?
@BasheerAhmed I'm not at KIT /cc @bwoebi
@Trowski Guess you just want to hack into our organization and kill all the things. :P
@BasheerAhmed Not all, most, in bachelor at least
@kelunik hehehehehe
@kelunik Yep, my two year long plan has finally come to fruition. [insert evil laugh]
@bwoebi I just call on the uni phone no and the assistant started talking in German.. Oops I just remain confused what to say... :p
I'll work on AMP-related code later today or tomorrow. I should do some job-related work now.
@Trowski Just did that, missed the discussion. Just replaced file_get_contents with Artax.
hey guys, so I have an account on one of these free hosting sites, and I'd like to make a mySQL database locally, you know with relations between tables and such, then upload it on the server, I was wondering: would the server maintain the relations between the tables or I'm gonna have to do something in addition to uploading the .sql file? My motivation behind that question is that the free hosting control panel wouldn't let me establish relations between the tables when making them online
Guten tag :p
@SamIbraheem then make it locally and sent it to host.
@Trowski okay, great
Or better yet, sync it with Sqlyog
@samayo what's that?
SQLyog is da bomb
@SamIbraheem stop using free webservers
It can and will only end bad
Yeah, even the cheap ones end bad.
vpscorner.co.uk took my index.html
@Ekn What'd you do to get the tshirt then?
@NikiC do you know if there exist collection libraries exposing time complexity properties i could look at for implementing them in my library? something like pastebin.com/N2McfN95
@PeeHaa @samayo Well I'm afraid that we Syrians are not allowed to perform money transactions due to international sanctions
also cc @bwoebi you are the academic guys
@SamIbraheem Not even Western Union?
@samayo yeah not even that
@SamIbraheem I'm sure you can find hawala .. try asking people
@samayo even when if I find a way to make paid hosting, they shut it down when they know I'm Syrian
Holy shit. What happenedeeded to my chome??
@SamIbraheem ResellerClub is very cheap and it won't require you to submit you identification. Also, Dahabshiil operate in Syria, they are reputable (I used send/receive with them years ago)
How much space and ram do you need?
@samayo it's just a simple app for a graduation project, nothing too demanding, it's just for demonstration purpose
@SamIbraheem Just host it on your own machine
so even 1 GB and some RAM would be more than enough
Everything is better than free 3rd partyhosting
@Wes nope
@Wes Only seen that kind of precision in c++ concepts
@SamIbraheem how long do you need it for, and how did you get the domain if you can't pay by bank?
@samayo the free hosting got me a domain
@samayo I'd need it for like 2 months max
@PeeHaa new update?
yesterday, by Saitama
shit, the new chrome scrolling effect looks awkward...
Yeah. It's all tiny and flat now
the downloads page looks nice tho, (material)
Really? I hate material.
Let me check it
nahhh, it's not dat bad... is it?
I just hate changes just for the sake of change like these
@NikiC and there is possibly a reason for that :P it's a mad thing to have
but what I really hate is that, they made the padding smaller on those menu-s, like when you hit right click...
@SamIbraheem I'm not in any position (financially speaking) to be helping anyone, but since I feel your pain, I can give you access to one VPS in DigitialOcean. You can change the password and take a complete control.
I'm hoping you know how to manage umanaged vps server by your own.
@Trowski We only have amphp/process, which is possibly not too good - and amphp/thread (which nobody looked after since ages, probably totally broken nowadays). icicleio/concurrent looks good … Can you please quickly tell me what problems exactly it solves? Forking, process dispatching and managing a worker pool in threads or forks (whatever supported)?
btw if you are a student you can get free hosting from digitalocean, or AWS..
@Saitama Are you sure? never heard of a thing like that ..
@samayo this is so sweet <3, this is wouldn't be necessary my dear, I've tried 000webhost and it's working fine. I've experimented with it, and it's doing the job
@SamIbraheem and also if you aren't a student you can get a free t2.micro instance in AWS...
I'm googling it right now
@bwoebi Provides an easy API for creating forks or threads. Workers are an opinionated API for running tasks in a separate process/thread.
So for example, the filesystem package uses concurrent to run file tasks in workers. Something I'd like to add to Amp's filesystem package so operations are always non-blocking.
@Trowski I'd be happy to see this one too
@Trowski I'm not sure about this aspect
@bwoebi It's only if eio or uv isn't available.
@SamIbraheem No problem, and good luck :)
@samayo <3
the big problem with using workers for filesystem is that you're communicating the data over TCP, which is itself expensive … does the worker actually bring perf benefits?
@Jimbo I answered to a 10m-questions-milestone tagged meta post and they sent all teh merchandise they wrote on the question.
@bwoebi Other than being non-blocking, no. But it's not that much slower compared to eio from my testing.
It's just something to consider.
@Trowski I just mean, there's not much benefit to non-blocking, if the waiting times are actually less than the additional overhead
@bwoebi I know, it's just hard to estimate how long the waiting times might be.
@Trowski depends a lot on hdd vs. ssd
Right. On an ssd it's definitely not worth it. I've tested on an hdd and found the blocking times to sometimes be significant.
@Trowski Who sets today servers up with hdds? :-D
And sometimes files can actually be a network drive, so then of course the time is significant.
@Trowski in that case sure
so, you probably might want to do that conditionally
^ This is more the problem. Some cloud services can be treated like files.
Exactly. I think the filesystem lib should always be non-blocking. Apps can choose to use the regular PHP file functions if they are writing to an ssd.
Still... then I'd just recommend installing eio or libuv :-D
@Trowski sure, I do too.
@Trowski You might be right then
@Trowski what do you btw. do without any exts? no pcntl, no libuv, pthreads or eio?
@bwoebi proc_open
ah good point
yeah, that might work
!!google pacman
Search for "pacman" (https://www.google.com/search?q=pacman&lr=lang_en)
• Free Pacman - Free Pacman - Play all levels of Pacman. No fuss, totally free. (http://www.freepacman.org/)
• Pac-Man (1982 video game) - Wikipedia, the free e… - In 1982, Atari Inc. released a port of Namco's hit arcade game Pac-Man for its Atari 2600 video ga… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-Man_(1982_video_game))
• Pac-Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Pac-Man (Japanese: パックマン, Hepburn: Pakkuman) is an arcade game developed by Namco and first releas… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-Man)
I sometimes feel like that's how tereško looks whenever he steps into this room.
@Trowski on that topic, we still need a solution for github.com/async-interop/event-loop/issues/16 … because libuv e.g.…
@bwoebi I think I still like my solution of extending the driver interface that allows the loop to implement file methods.
@bwoebi What do you think of the way I handled watchers here: github.com/trowski/loop
@Trowski you want to delegate that on the loop? hm
@bwoebi The operations would be dependent on the loop. The filesystem package can define a uv-driver that defers to the loop under the hood.
@Trowski this isn't interoperable though, except if we have another standard for that
@Trowski the approach isn't too bad, except that I would have pure structs (i.e. without constructor, properties directly assigned in the Loop)
@Trowski I'd prefer to have pure structs as we're manipulating everything via the struct… weird if just on initial assignment it would be without struct…

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