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Alternatively dump it in the room @Wes
<rant>Fucking Outlook is so fucking dumb, NTLM is the suckiest authentication mechanism ever, AD managed systems suck epic testicles</rant>
Someone should make a site that looks like PHPStorm Darcula bit is actually a text based game -_-
Hmmm.. could've sucked embonpoint testicles.
embonpoint botryoidal ones. See a doctor is this fits your description.
Somewhat close...
BTW @Fabor what did I read in the transcript? You are gonna manwhore in thailand?
@PeeHaa i give up
Like fo real?
@Wes Booo
@PeeHaa You did. But it's just the starting point.
@PeeHaa /foo not found \o/
Basically ┌∩┐ responsibility for a while.
@bwoebi :P
@Fabor Good for you
It is right?
Yeah. I need this.
@bwoebi That will keep the same? I think we have to define what the loop should do then.
I did something like this:
mint@mint ~ $ sudo vgchange -ay
  2 logical volume(s) in volume group "mint-vg" now active
mint@mint ~ $
@Fabor Who had to move out?
now.. how would I resize that thing...?
@kelunik I mean, if we defer() here and it was at the end of the program (i.e. the loop never run again), the exception will be silently swallowed
@Fabor is that a Taj Mahal?
@PeeHaa We both did. But it's fine. I still have a key to hers and she has one to mine.
Just simply grew apart.
@bwoebi A promise should never be resolved outside of the loop.
@SergeyTelshevsky Sure. Why not :P
@PeeHaa i even had a great insult for whoever made github's gui, but it's too politically incorrect for this room
> I meant, applying when() on a resolved Promise with the callback throwing. This seems legitimate and should not call into Loop::onError, if there's no Loop. IMO.
@Fabor So no fighting for the kids/dogs?
@bwoebi How is that legitimate?
@Wes Build a better GUI. I can use it for codecollab
@kelunik the resolving itself it clear, but calling when() after the loop shouldn't fail?
@bwoebi Why should you do that?
i'm always available for such things @PeeHaa
Oh, well, wait needs it.
@PeeHaa We only had a cat and she works from home. Better for him to stay with her.
No mortgage, no kids. No lawyers either.
@Wes I had a look at the project last weekend and I hated how it looked already :)
@bwoebi How do you want to avoid that?
@PeeHaa do the php, i'll do the rest when it's complete
With your default driver solution there's always a loop now.
In fact I was hanging out with my cat just yesterday. And yes, that is a "PHP 6 Certified" t-shirt. :P
@kelunik by checking whether there's a running loop eventually (inside the catch block)… dunno if it can be avoided at all.
@bwoebi how do you check whether it's running? We'd need a method for that now, since we have no proper execute scope anymore.
i've added you guys to the project collaborators so you can do this PR thing for me :B
@kelunik not sure. possibly Loop::info() can provide something?
Loop::info() should have a few default stats which are always available possibly
@bwoebi Loop::info could provide a state like we currently have in Amp.
@kelunik yeah, something in that direction
has anyone worked with stripe before?
function wait($promise) {
  $value = $error = null;

  Loop::execute(function () use ($promise, &$error, &$value) {
    $promise->when(function ($e, $v) use (&$error, &$value) {
      $error = $e;
      $value = $v;

  }, Loop::get());

  if ($error) {
    throw $error;

  return $value;
@kelunik LGTM
^ That would only swallow exceptions of other whens assigned to $promise after the wait call.
@NikiC I need some help with using PHP's embed SAPI to use your php-ast extension - my current code is here: gist.github.com/sekjun9878/ecbd53b06e987a8c5b970e533e94785f. Please note that I'm a complete newbie to C, learning by grokking. I get a segmentation fault at object_init_ex(zv, is_decl ? ast_decl_ce : ast_node_ce);, github.com/nikic/php-ast/blob/master/ast.c#L406, and I can't figure out why it is happening :(
Or exceptions in wait directly, but that shouldn't ever happen.
@kelunik yes, that's the main problem
It's an edge case, no main problem. ^^
it's the edge case which is the issue and needs to be considered too.
I think we need getErrorHandler for wait, because we need to set the error handler to null during wait.
@Wes coolio
@Fabor so is this going to be a temporary thing or are you noodles forever?
@kelunik This may not be wanted.
don't think we shall do that.
@bwoebi wait should always execute like it's completely sync?
@PeeHaa I have no plans, including returning. So we shall see. I may end up in Europe, I may end up as @rdlowrey's whipping boy. Who knows.
Just going to fly out there, see where I can volunteer and keep moving based on VISA.
!!man lvreduce
@Saitama Command not found. Have you tried Windows instead? It's great and does all the things!
@kelunik right, but what's the problem with the error handler? even in sync there may be an error handler…
@bwoebi I think that solves the edge case: gist.github.com/kelunik/4163c84839ce374a173e57926a608b58
@Jeeves hmmmmm
!!plugin list
@PeeHaa Syntax: plugin [list|disable|enable] [plugin-name]
Currently registered plugins:
[X] Canonicals - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects
[X] ChuckSkeet - Posts a random Chuck Norris/Jon Skeet joke on request
[ ] CodeFormat - Asks users to format their code when unformatted multi-line code blocks are posted
[X] PHPDocs - Searches the PHP manual and displays links with a summary of the result
[X] 3v4l - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output
[X] Google - Retrieves and displays search results from Google
[X] HTTPRequester - Sends HTTP requests and displays the headers of the response
!!plugin disable codeformat
@kelunik Plugin already disabled in this room
@kelunik hmmm bug?
Thought that too, @DaveRandom
@kelunik huh? how does that solve it?
!!man rm
[ rm, ] rm [ -f | -i ] [ -dIPRrvWx ] file ... unlink file
oooooh I see what's going on :P
That "command not found" is from the man plugin when it doesn't find a manual entry
Was confused by by own stupid error message :P
@bwoebi Executes all defer schedules and the exception doesn't get swallowed any longer.
Who disabled codeformat?
need an audit log...
@kelunik I was talking of a case like:
Yeh but I think it's still active
I have seen it a couple of times
@DaveRandom there is actually an command: linux.die.net/man/8/lvreduce
$promise = doSth();
$result = wait($promise);
$promise->when(function() { throw new Exception; })
^ @kelunik what happens here?
@Saitama fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it
@bwoebi Swallow until the next wait, because you're writing stupid code.
@Andrea LGTM.
@bwoebi :3
much confuse
if you want it to be safe it's actually rather easy to do
@Andrea eval = evil
I can imagine a chat bot evaluating every single piece of code here.
!!eval echo "That wouldn't be such a bad idea, @php_coder_3809625."
[ 5.5.0 - 5.6.21, hhvm-3.9.1 - 3.12.0, 7.0.0 - 7.0.6 ] That wouldn't be such a bad idea, @​php_coder_3809625.
RFC to rename eval() to evil()
@kelunik this example is stupid code, the way it's written. But here might be reasons why the when() only happens after the wait(). I cannot think of any example right now, but the standard should cover everything…
that should totally trigger it
@MadaraUchiha +1
@MadaraUchiha eval has its uses…
oh no wait
@Andrea Depends on how lazy you are.
@bwoebi It's not possible. Not really.
@DaveRandom Please format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and have a look at the FAQ.
@kelunik wat
Because suddenly when throws, which should never throw.
@kelunik and that's what we'd need to query Loop::info() for, possibly.
yeh disabling plugin not working for global message handlers
@kelunik it shouldn't, but it might.
@Jeeves You fight like a Dairy Farmer!
@DaveRandom How appropriate! You fight like a cow!
!!plugin disable swordfight
Plugin 'swordfight' is now disabled in this room
lol :D
$promise = doSth();
$result = wait($promise);
$promise->when(function() { return somethingThatMightThrow(); });
@bwoebi I don't want to make it possibly throw just because of that stupid edge case to support wait + when afterwards.
@Jeeves You fight like a Dairy Farmer!
@DaveRandom How appropriate! You fight like a cow!
!!plugin enable swordfight
Plugin 'swordfight' is now enabled in this room
@Jeeves Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish-kebab!
we need that to be implemented ^
Guys, brainfart
@bwoebi We could get around it by specifying that when callbacks must never be executed directly but only with defer if already resolved.
@kelunik That's the problem with standards. It's okay as a lib, but with a standard these things shall be possibly.
What's the advantage of a JOIN over just where tb1.foo = tb2.foo?
JOIN also works on real RDBMS and not just mysql
@MadaraUchiha uh, can't you only do that WHERE if you have that JOIN?
@kelunik E_PERF
@bwoebi No, they don't have to. We could force people to always use Loop::execute and create their async objects only within it.
@tereško There we go, that's what I was looking for
@Andrea No
This is valid
@MadaraUchiha whaaa
does mysql do some sort of implicit join?
@Andrea if you FROM form multiple tables, yes…
select tb1.* t, tb2.* b where tb1.foo = tb2.foo;
@Andrea Yeah, apparently the execution plan for both that and an inner join are the exact same.
@bwoebi huh
yep … what @Madara says
this is a really weird way to write queries to me :p
@Andrea I'm guessing they tried to be more n00b friendly.
JOINs are... confusing, to say the least.
OK @PeeHaa I see what's going on, simple fix, just forgot a isPluginEnabledForRoom() check in the plugin manager
@MadaraUchiha yes, MySQL makes the same sorts of mistakes PHP does
$ sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root 500g taking too long...
@Andrea I don't think being n00b friendly is a mistake.
I think developers relying on n00b friendly tools for production are making the mistake.
@MadaraUchiha no, I think what's done in the name of beginner friendliness is sometimes a mistkae
@Andrea sometimes, yes
@Andrea I agree.
If we go your route, I think I'd vote against supporting wait.
(and can sometimes be ultimately unhelpful to beginners)
@bwoebi Huh, I never knew that but just confirmed that it works like that. Learned something new today, although a proper join seems cleaner.
@Andrea The name of the game isn't friendliness or easiness, it's approachability
PHP is successful because a new dev can write a piece of productive code (ugly, but productive) in 30 minutes
@Saitama there's gparted.org btw
And you get quick feedback to your experimentation right from the start.
@MadaraUchiha Yes, preferably from a 10 year old tutorial based on PHP4 standards.
@Oldskool Yup
PHP is not successful and will not be successful because any fancy new feature being added (like, for example, Promises)
@kelunik I'm not saying we must support it. We just must consider the case and evaluate it. If we decide this special case is not worth supporting, fine with me. I just like to see it acknowledged (you initially didn't seem to get the issue, hence I insisted.)
PHP is successful because it's approachable
@Ekn it doesn't work for encrypted partitions apparently
Doing things "because noobs need to be able to use it" is a bad argument
@MadaraUchiha that's true
hey room 11, wanna read some shitty PHP code I wrote
@Andrea Amuse us.
@Andrea I always like to declare "shitty" code as a nice hack.
@Andrea usually we get paid for that :/
@Andrea You are smart with words and sentences and stuff right? :)
What's the meaning of "dare" in "truth or dare" ?
@Shafizadeh "I dare you to do something"
here's what I spat out in 2010: github.com/TazeTSchnitzel/SMOKE2/tree/…
@PeeHaa We have words. We have the best words.
my code these days is better, I assure you
@MadaraUchiha It means you scare of doing that?
@Andrea LaunchSmoke.EXE?!?
@Shafizadeh It's usually some kind of weird thing you have to do. Like eat a jar of pickles or prank call someone.
@bwoebi yes. the service had a client-side app you could download. can't remember what it did, but it had one
@Andrea what the cock :P
@Shafizadeh It means it's a challenge
Ah I see. thx
@Shafizadeh Something you wouldn't normally do, but are challenged to do.
That you might be too scared of doing, yes.
@Oldskool ok :)
notice that the site was localised into two languages :D
Do you have a good way of calculating distances / variations between texts? @Andrea github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/src/Chat/Plugin/…
@PeeHaa was wondering the same myself
My naive way is just too broken
It matches when it doesn't match and it doesn't match when it needs to match
you could look at see how many words match, maybe?
@tereško I see :)
Hence I stopped adding more sentences to make it more broken :)
@Andrea I think I tried that too at some point
@PeeHaa ext/pspell
think I tried that too
Not sure anymore :P
I came to the conclusion I'm not smart enough to match text
@Andrea The nice thing about this app is, that it's relatively small… so you can actually somewhat understand what happens…
@PeeHaa :P
But if it were a big app, all written in that style … then no chance @Andrea
@bwoebi refactoring it was hell
I just gave up
@Andrea oh, that's true … you cannot refactor it, you'll have to rewrite it
@bwoebi no, refactoring was possible
@kelunik @bwoebi in case where I have an array of promises and I want to wait for all of them to complete but I don't care if they succeed or fail and I want to ignore failures, what's the correct aggregate to use? any()?
just arduous and I couldn't be bothered
@DaveRandom any, yeah
@PeeHaa I think I'd do similar_text on all of them and pick whichever has the highest score?
@Andrea sure, you can refactor everything, but a full rewrite would probably have been cleaner and faster
@bwoebi possibly, though you also suffer from Second System Syndrome
or at least, I tend to
@Andrea What's that?
!!google Second System Syndrome
Search for "Second System Syndrome" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Second+System+Syndrome&lr=lang_en)
• Second-system effect - Wikipedia, the free encycl… - The second-system effect (also known as second-system syndrome) is the tendency of small, elegant,… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-system_effect)
• The Mythical Man-Month - Wikipedia, the free ency… - The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering is a book on software engineering … time co… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month)
@Andrea The problem is that it doesn't have a command prefix and it would be nice to be able to not interfere with possible other "conversational" plugins later
@Andrea yeah, you need to avoid that^^
@PeeHaa ahh
@Fabor dude, you should talk to our lead tech recruiter. If you're interested let me know.
@PeeHaa maybe you could only activate it if you get >50% similarity or something
@rdlowrey heh thanks but it'll probably be a while before I sit down for a job once I leave. :)
@Fabor I heard Grovo has standing desks. :P
@Andrea Will play a bit with it
maybe you could use mysql :p
good luck
@rdlowrey Anthony?
Anyone use Cmder in here?
@Fabor oh great… cant you guys use the reference replies. now I have to browse the entire frigging transcript to find out what you've been talking about -___-
I expect your tl;dr asap!
@Gordon fapore got dumped now he's going to hunt childstars
tl;dr: Divorced. Unhappy. Sell everything. Fly to Thailand September 1st for volunteering around Asia.
Short enough for ya?
Maybe become a ladyboy.
@Fabor If you do let me know :-)
Don't think I have shuddered and laughed before :P
@Fabor hmm, try 8bitrockr.com - they are located in Vietnam though. I can make an intro if you want.
It sounds very similar to what I did ~3 years ago. All applies except the divorce and I went to Argentina.
@PeeHaa thanks. TMI
@Ekn that means you are still happily married?
!!urban tmi
heh thanks @Gordon. But I am going to be volunteering wherever and whenever I can for a little while. I gotta get my head back on my shoulders before I can think about working.
[ TMI ] Too Much Information - way more than you need/want to know about someone.
@PeeHaa this ^
@Gordon :p
@Gordon So still too long? :P
@Ekn congrats ;)
I am not!
@PeeHaa yes :)
@Ekn Are you hitting on @Jeeves?
Oh boi ... I hate cell phones.
I'm just a human typing with my human hands
this is what we in the industry call "freudian slip"
On an alien dee-vice
@tereško I dont wanna hear anything about some guys underwear, pls
I love breathing oxygen.
Don't you love breathing oxygen @Ekn?
@Ekn Worked out well for you I take it?
on a side note and random trivia fact: I didnt get any swag for 200k. That is scandalous! Especially since I wanted to gift the tshirt to @Jimbo
Breathing it!? I drink it, eat it, even electrolyse it.
@Fabor It was the best decision I made in the last 23 years
Good good :)
@Ekn Except for playing Undertale, right?
@MadaraUchiha :( don't remind me of my sins
Undertale === too much guilt
you probably should try Doom instead :)
or Windward
@Fabor Although I must say, the first year was the worst year of my life as well.
@Ekn :D
Go do the pacifist then, you'll feel better
@Ekn May I ask why?
@tereško What's your take on Overwatch?
@MadaraUchiha it doesnt work on linux and I was on limited funds for past 3 months
sort answer - not a clue
@Fabor because she discovered Room 11 on her second year only
@MadaraUchiha You tried that?
@littlepootis Yeah
I liked it.
Needs a bit of balancing, but it was open beta, so I'm guessing they'll iron those out as the game progresses
@Fabor I knew nothing. I just ran away without being even slightly close to ready. It was the best move for my sanity at the time but it was bold and sudden.
@Ekn Ni Hao?
(About the only thing I know in Chinese)
@Ekn Well I have some stability. My friend lives in Thailand. I'll other friends in both China and Vietnam where I can stay.
It's probably also worth knowing how to say "thanks but I'm all set for fake iPhones, I've bought 12 today already"
I find waiving your hand while saying no is the best way to politely decline. More so than just saying it.
@DaveRandom you will inevitably say that anyway when you try to properly pronounce other things
Not my first big trip, though my first alone.
Well... I had friends as well. I still didn't see them yet :p
I had friends, too… 20 years ago
now I only have you guys
But I am pretty sure it's me. It's as if I was cursed at that time.
can anybody explain me "how static variable is shared by all objects of that class"?
@John that's what static properties do. what you mean by "how". internally? do you want to know the C code?
@tereško last time I played Doom it was on diskettes :p
it's incorrect @John a static variable is bound to the class, not its objects
@Gordon no no I do not want to go in that much detail
@FlorianMargaine ha, no Anthony isn't our recruiter
@Wes aha gotcha
thanks :)
@bwoebi @kelunik @rdlowrey so I'm starting to get a little anal about "async public API methods must have promise return values and never generators" - a) I realise that I've started doing this having not discussed it with anyone and wonder if there is any point and b) is it worth recommending such a thing in interop
@DaveRandom I agree
I return Promise everywhere except internal private methods.
ok well I'm glad I didn't just pull it out of my ass :-P
@Gordon that's actually...accurate :p
@DaveRandom Because a generator might not be a coroutine.
@DaveRandom I wouldn't exchange Generators on API boundaries
And with a generator you can't have shortcuts like new Success.
Worth specifying in interop then?
@Ekn of course it is. I aint telling no lies :P
@DaveRandom No idea … @Trowski is using many generators, not sure thus…
@Gordon I ain't afraid of no ghost
I am, however, afraid of some ghost
@DaveRandom In another meta document maybe?
But just open an issue so we can publicly discuss.
k, will do shortly
Hi everyone, I know it is not exactly a php question, but would someone be able to help me set up an ssh connexion to my server knowing that I am currently behind a public network... The standard ssh connexion fails.
I probably need to set a tunnel or something, but the documentation I read about it always ask me to know the port of my proxy... Which I don't
wow, someone who can spell connexion
What does public network mean? Is your server behind a NAT'd router? If so you'll probably need port forwarding
^ this
Failure is not an umm.. Error
You can't do anything unless you have some kind of route in
@Ekn according to what I have see, the new on is good
Maybe port is different
SSH: slowly speak to host
@tereško you gave me a link to a website for building a gaming rig once. do you still have it? too lazy to search the transcript.
@KevinMGranger My server is a basic dedicated server. I have the IP and all. But right now, local side, I'm using the connection of a public place. I don't know how it is configured
@tereško so I heard. I'll wait until I finish a few other games first. Did you get xcom2 yet?
@DaveRandom What kind of route in ? I can access it in http without trouble
the issue starts if I try a ssh [email protected]
@Sharcoux ahh so you mean you can connect to the server's ssh but you can't log in?
Oh dear, please don't enable root login. Or at least I hope you have key-based login only
Better yet, both

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