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@MadaraUchiha coincidence, really
@FlorianMargaine Sure, sure
@NikiC in Common Lisp, you define the handlers for various cases on the lower level, and let the signal bubble up to the higher level, where it can choose which handler to use, or alternatively, supply its own implementation
So it can basically emulate try/catch completely, with the added ability to have the higher layer choose a handler that then gets executed at the lower layer, without unwinding the stack.
So lets say you validate the input using Symfony forms before sending it into the application domain layer. Now the data should be 100% valid for this layer. It goes into the domain layer which accesses storage and it turns out the email they chose has been taken by someone else. I have two options here: (i) throw an exception, catch it, set a friendly message or (ii) have some sort of messenger object which allows me to set the message and then probably return false or null. Are those really
Which is pretty cool, the "flaw", in my eyes, is that the higher layer still needs to be aware (and so, tightly coupled) to the lower level handlers.
(and you also have the concept of restarting which is pretty cool.)
@MadaraUchiha are you talking about this ?
@MadaraUchiha is that like the try/__except() extension from Microsoft?
the only options I have? I've been searching for other ways for years but I just can't find any nice way to deal with getting friendly messages back out from the application domain layer
@Ekn Yes, exactly that
@bwoebi I have no idea what __except() does.
@bwoebi Still don't know it, sorry :P
@bwoebi How is that different from normal try/catch?
@MadaraUchiha after the handling you can continue execution at the previous $rip
> EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION (–1) Exception is dismissed. Continue execution at the point where the exception occurred.
@bwoebi Ah, yes, I see it.
Hmmm, close, but not quite
What's the difference?
@bwoebi You can't choose, in runtime, which is it that you want
(If I read this correctly, if I'm wrong, then it's pretty much the same in that regard)
@Madara Uchiha i get it to redirect but the value is blank
@MadaraUchiha so, try/__except is even more powerful than that?
@bwoebi No, I mean with try/__except you can't choose
Or am I mistaken?
Ah, no, I am mistaken
@MadaraUchiha you can choose which one of the three constants you return?
@MadaraUchiha I can see the usefulness in specific circumstances, but I'm not sure this is a great mechanism for general error handling. Being able to continue execution after an error condition is generally a PITA.
@NikiC You don't have to, that's the beauty of it
By default it behaves like a normal try/catch
It bubbles up, until you handle it
If you don't handle it, it throws you to the debugger (by default)
@ Madara Uchiha i put this under query $message = mysqli_insert_id(); then add the varable $message to my link
@MadaraUchiha Is the ability to continue execution something that is opt-in at the lowest (error generating) level?
@Phpfreak Did you try to see what the ID is, and whether the operation worked?
@NikiC Yes
@NikiC The single use case I've ever had for it is catching memory protection violations, but that's the single one…
@tibanez "It goes into the domain layer which accesses storage and it turns out the email they chose has been taken by someone else." - that sounds an appropriate use case for a specific exception. The number of times that happens is low, and when it does, the code needs to completely change 'direction'.
@bwoebi There's another case I posted above
23 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@NikiC Because, you are forced to tie low-level errors with low-level error handler, even if you don't know what you want to do with the error yet
Read from there
@MadaraUchiha Ah, fine then :) I'm too lazy to read the whole chapter ^^
@Danack Yeah that's true the more I think of it. Here's the thing though: I will catch that exception and then set a nicer message for the user since you should never display an exception message to the user
Or can that rule be broken in some cases do you think
@Madara Uchiha Warning: mysqli_insert_id() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in
I suppose anyway though the message may need to be in different languages so displaying the exception message but first having to translate it would be messy
@Phpfreak Time to read the docs then
So that gives even more reason to not show an exception message
@MadaraUchiha I see … yeah, there it could be somewhat helpful … but you also could be catching at line level and conditionally rethrow
yes ....to both. Catching the exception, and then having the error message come from the higher level is usually right. But sometimes, corners can be cut...
@bwoebi But then, your lower level will need to decide what to do with the error (whether to rethrow or not)
e.g. apis, where you don't need to translate.
We want the higher level to decide that
@MadaraUchiha callbacks have their use case
@bwoebi Hmm? Example?
I gotta say, despite occasional help vampirism, the conversation here is generally much higher level than in the JS room, I like that about the room.
@MadaraUchiha foreach ($lines as $line) { try { … } catch (ParserException $e) { if (!$handler || !$handler($e)) throw $e; } }
@bwoebi And $handler being passed all the way through the layers from the higher layer to here?
@MadaraUchiha yeah, that's the little disadvantage here
@bwoebi :)
It doesn't even have to be a callback
You could pass a flag and implement it in the handler
@MadaraUchiha You could view it as making the dependency on the error handling policy explicit ;)
But the problem is still the same
Hence I'm saying helpful (and not necessary)
@NikiC That's exactly what conditionals/restarts do in Common Lisp
But only the lower level and the higher level need to be aware of it
Also true ^^
None of the layers in the middle even have to know that there had been an error, or how it was handled
How common do you see this issue in practice?
Unless, of course, it's not recoverable and you blow up, or something
@NikiC Not a lot, but I attribute that to the fact that I've been programming for years and years without this alternative
Practically every language I've ever learned is using this approach to Exception handling
@MadaraUchiha In general there are also very few places where you'd resume somewhere after an exception
So I never got to question it until I saw how others did it
Does anyone knows if I can use the youtube thumbnails as the images displayed when I share my website to facebook?
@bwoebi I don't know, sometimes it's very beneficial to just log and continue, as if nothing happened
@MadaraUchiha Maybe. But maybe it's just not particularly common that error conditions are locally recoverable in a reasonable way
coz I mean, using youtube thumbnails, of any video is okey right?
@NikiC The advantage to not unwinding the stack is that you still have the full execution context of the lower level
Or local recovery is significantly more complicated than not having it (e.g. in a parser)
@MadaraUchiha That's what I said … I'm just saying this sometimes is rare.
You know all the variables values, etc, in addition to the error
So you do have more tools to recover locally, when possible
@NikiC It depends … if you read a line-based config file, you could just skip to the next line and restart parser
For example "Okay, log this out for me" is not something that only the higher level layer can do, and it's a fairly common handler for exceptions
@bwoebi But that's really clumsy
can use a youtube thumbnail for facebook share image?
@bwoebi Yeah, I was thinking about real (context-free) parsers here.
@MadaraUchiha To log simple things you don't really throw either
@bwoebi That's true
@NikiC Yeah, unwinding these is going to be a mess
But the thing is, this is a tool, it does a thing
It's everything a try/catch is (and not significantly more complex than try/catch), with added capabilities
Yeah. At the very least it's interesting functionality :)
Frankly, I don't think that handling things on the low end of the stack is that uncommon, if we had given the ability to recover from the low level right from the start
@VicSeedoubleyew :-)
We just learned to live with the fact that we can't do it sanely, and found decent workarounds
@MadaraUchiha it is significantly more complex as it actually temporarily has to back up the stack and put it back
the restart stuff is very useful during debugging, since you get thrown in the debugger, replace a value (or whatever the restart lets you do), and try again, all of this without unwinding the stack
@bwoebi Yeah, no, but in the specific case of "error, unwind the stack, handle it outside, resume outside", which is still the default, it's not more complex
Not for the Lisp runner, and not for the developer.
@FlorianMargaine if you use exceptions for debugger-control … you could use a fcall to the debugger instead
@bwoebi fcall?
function call
@FlorianMargaine I'm not big on debugger use, do debuggers in other languages support a feature to virtually unwind the stack, check that the exception will not be caught and start debugging at the throw point?
@MadaraUchiha !!docs
!!docs magic
[ magic_quotes_runtime ] Alias of set_magic_quotes_runtime()
@NikiC phpdbg does that
@bwoebi nice
@NikiC no, I'm talking about Lisp debugger, which is built-in the REPL
@NikiC in Lisp, the REPL/debugger is an integrated part of Common Lisp development
so instead of getting a fatal error in the REPL, you'll get an interactive debugger
@FlorianMargaine I know what you're talking about ^^ Was just thinking if we can benefit from the general concept in, ah, normal languages :P
@FlorianMargaine Say what you want about Common Lisp, but it's definitely not a normal language :P
I don't know if PHP could benefit from it, but other languages such as python definitely could
@FlorianMargaine I totally see JS with this power too
(mostly because of how PHP is often used, behind apache/nginx)
@MadaraUchiha yup, definitely
@bwoebi thx, looks nice
it's funny seeing how some features from slime are slowly getting in chrome dev tools and everybody is like "ooooh that's super awesome!!"
@FlorianMargaine I still think that the lack of normal tooling is why Common Lisp isn't popular, and continue not being.
@MadaraUchiha yeah, emacs-only is definitely a bad thing
Java is extremely popular because of its amazing crazy IDE magic
Most other popular languages are popular "because you don't have a choice"
tooling is basically the only reason people use mysql
JS is the only language for client-side
C is the only language for low-level stuff (unless you plan to GO DEEPER)
@PaulCrovella yeah, sane people use mariadb today
There's also PHP which is popular because you can be productive enough in a couple hours
And because WordPress
@MadaraUchiha was*
@MadaraUchiha but just on web though
someone built an OS in rust :P
@FlorianMargaine And in JS
@MadaraUchiha a real OS
Doesn't mean it's any good, nor does it mean anyone would ever use it.
one that actually gained some traction
and has some novel concepts
like "everything is a file has an uri"
I mean, let's get real, Windows still has, like, 90% of the PC/laptop market
And CentOS/Debian still has 90% of the server market
(I'm making numbers up at this point, but you know this to be true)
@MadaraUchiha ubuntu LTS is also pretty popular
@FlorianMargaine Don't get me wrong, it's a really cool concept
I just don't think anyone serious is going to be using it
this LLVM thing is showing up on my screen constantly this week
@MadaraUchiha nobody seriously used linux in the beginning
the barrier to entry for an OS to gain critical mass was much much different back then
Today, if you want this to be used, you'll need someone like IBM or HP to champion it
we'll see in 10 years
I don't believe much in it either, but I'd love to be proved wrong
@PaulCrovella you shouldn't refer to MySQL DB admins tools....
in 10 or 20 years something else might shake out of the pile, but it'll take more than "but we wrote it in Rust!" to sell it widely
9 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
and has some novel concepts
@FlorianMargaine at what level?
10 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
like "everything is a file has an uri"
@FlorianMargaine Well, we have file:///blah/blazz?
!!xkcd competing standards
@Danack the mysql team did a ton of work early on to make sure on-boarding was easy - cross-platform support with good packages/installers, drivers for multiple languages, administration tools, etc... if postgre had put half the effort in we'd have a wildly different landscape today
That ^
Installing postgres is an adventure every single time.
Also MySQL is a shit-load easier to pronounce than PostgreSQL.
@Danack Goddamn Americans and their "mysequel"
@bwoebi not really, only the browser has that
I've started pronouncing it that way to and it sickens me
Postgresequel? eww.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, for filesystem, the file:// part is implied
@bwoebi except you have "files" that really aren't files
@FlorianMargaine virtual files like in /dev? yea… I'm going to read the docs instead of having you explain it in words… doc.redox-os.org/book/design/urls_schemes_resources.html
> It opens up a lot of possibilities.

[... TODO]
So possibilities, much docs, wow
\cc @kelunik ^ [you and your Lato font :-P]
@NikiC Oh, you're still here :-P
@bwoebi yeah. you wanted something?
no … you just wrote "heh" … so … you wanted something?
@MadaraUchiha is there anything particular I can/should do when someone posts a poor question, deletes it or has it deleted, then reposts it some time later? for example I know I've seen this before verbatim, but I don't see it in the asker's question history nor is search coming up with the original
@PaulCrovella Yeah, I see it, he deleted it before anyone even casted a close vote
really? I must've been out of votes
@PaulCrovella He's clearly up to no good
He's got questions about IP spoofing and potential captcha bruteforcing
in any case I've noticed the pattern cropping up more, basically brute-forcing until they get an answer, is it worth flagging things like that for a moderator?
@PaulCrovella Yeah
Although, just 1 deleted-reposted question is benign
If you see it being repeated, do flag.
sigh... one question is linked to a really important govt site
the ones connected to banking sites worry me more
the one I mentioned is where the entire academic records (up till college from primary school) of millions are hosted x_x
@Ekn link?
@Ekn The average quality of developers does not change between site to site. Only the stakes change :)
naming help people. so i have a combine() function that takes two collections and yields $keys from the first and $contents from the second, then i have a function that takes a collection and yields it as keys with some default value as current(), eg combine($keys, $contents), combineWhatever($keys, "default value"). how should i name the second function? actually, i'm not even sure combine is a good name...
oh, you're talking about that same user
and also, we need function autoloading :B @NikiC you should really do your ...
@MadaraUchiha you do functional, any help? :B
@Wes Hmm?
Oh, the naming thing?
the question above ^ yep
@Wes You can name it combine($keys, repeat("default value"))
!!docs repeat
[ str_repeat ] Repeat a string
hum, maybe. i have no idea how it should work. how does it know how many times it should repeat the string? like, it must return a closure?
repeat("default value")(10)
function repeat($value) { while(true) yield $value; }
@Wes I'd curry the combine() function
$combineWithKeys = combine($keys);
return $combineWithKeys($contents);
Although, I like the generator suggestion too ^
Probably a better fit for PHP
@MadaraUchiha why that?
@Wes Then you keep it in one (curried) function
But, looking back, it probably wouldn't gain you too much in this case.
@PaulCrovella combine is combine(MyCollection $a, MyCollection $b) so that i can check wether count()s match
@PaulCrovella This reminds me of Linux's yes
@Wes Have MyCollection implement Iterator
!!docs iterator
... :P
@Jeeves be dead?
What's stopping you from using normal arrays and comparing the count()s?
how does that matter
@Wes combine($a, MyCollection::fill($a->count(), "default value"))
-_- a friend just wrote me "help! i need to somehow use this wifi, I did sudo now what?"
"make me a sandwich"
lol nah, would take at least 4hrs to arrive here
besides she's trying to use a paid wifi hotspot :p
that doesn't belong to her
it used to be a lot easier to get around those
@PaulCrovella yeah i don't want to fill :B btw, i just noticed isValid() is not implemented in Generator
isn't it possible to peek at next value by calling next() ?
cc @bwoebi
@Wes the method is valid, not isValid
and no, next isn't peek
3v4l.org/58Vld this is what i was going to do, how should i make the "repeat" thing ?
just repeat("default value", $a->count()) ?
and have it returning a fake collection
@Wes You should just drop the collection crap and stick to iterators where possible ...
could be, and quit the operation when one or the other iterator is no longer valid?
my base collection only contains getIterator() and count(), so it wouldn't be too bad
@Wes yes
going to bed
gn phpeeps
hey guys
i've got a quick question
> The <<>> syntax comes with the problem that previous versions cannot ignore it on parsing. So poeple write new frameworks for 7.0 which cannot be parsed in 5.x, then they write new frameworks for 7.1 which cannot be parsed with 7.0 and 5.x and so on.
@Danack these threads are honeypots for people to ignore emails from

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