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> I'm no novice dev, but arrays is something I have always had trouble with
I don't know how to respond to that.
Advise them to think of other career choices probably....
anyway nn.
2 hours later…
clearly, woke up at 5 am to go jogging, and it's raining like hell
excuses excuses
after 2 weeks without rain. just today. it's the universe that hates me
does any here use zend?
meh... I wish they would have put a sign to these games...
to warn people not to play it when there's wine nearby
any survivors in this war of mine?
which games
too much guilt made me switch to undertale for now
and which war
$connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'db'); is this correct?
who i am
I had to do terrible things :(
what year is it
@Wes this war of mine
when things start going wrong it can get really rough with that one.. I've just gone ahead an lost to keep my conscience clear
robbed the old couple once.. never again
@Wes $this
pfft. sorry for multiping
2D is so 1985
I may never forget that I killed that old man
/me checks if reset() next() etc work also on traversables. i'll be positively surprised if they do... wait for it
Warning: Invalid operand type was used: expecting an array
as expected...
hey noob question, if I make a db query but my sql statement is by no mean related to any GET, POST, W/E request, I can be as lazy and reckless I want right? :P
In my script I use a simple select * from table nothing bad should happen if I don't use prepared statements and parameterized queries right?
For someone who's willing to outsource a web project that is about account/payments and reports, and HAVE TO DECIDE which technology stack to use, what would you recommend? Node JS, Rails, Django, PHP Framework...?

(he can bring developers with any preference and budget is not an obstacle)
aware you are asking in a php chat? :P
I'd recommend basing your tech stack on something other than the advice of random assholes on the internet.
Nao: I have a project right now that is using a mix of both nodeJS and php for various backend functions
Lol "random assholes on the internet"
just wanted to hear the Stackoverflow community opinion!!
At least in php chat I should be recommended to some good PHP frameworks... Like symfony vs zend vs laravel :p
I think most companies are going toward nodeJS for scalability reasons. Don't quote me.
My brother uses cakePHP and likes it.
your brother is the slow one in the family though
@Oldskool das gutenkutteharen
A medic hair
I think it's the other way around. He's definitely more talented than me. But I've also never used cakePHP.
I typically write all my own, the only framework I use right now is angularJS
it's cake+PHP = tasty we dev
@Porlune he likes cakephp, you've managed to avoid cakephp - you're the smart one
lol thank you, I don't often feel that way though.
btw, angularJS is amazing.
my favorite thing ever.
@Porlune Mix of both Node and PHP! Why not use only one?
nodeJS didn't have some of the libraries I need and I wanted to prototype faster. nodeJS is being used to clean up after we've got the MVP tested.
The last project I worked on used node, PHP and ruby
Crap! You guys are crazy :s
mix of both node and php is very close to my personal idea of hell
@Porlune have you looked into SailsJS?
@Porlune So you mean all PHP code will be translated to nodeJS in the future?
Hopefully, but that might be possible given some of the technologies we're using.
It's okay if it remains as a hybrid system.
I had seen Sails when I was researching which MVC framework to use, but I didn't really dig into it because I fell in love with angular
Whe're in PHP room and people here like Node JS and Rails :D
in fifteen years we'll all be in a nodejs room talking about the next thing too :D
Angular is the worst thing happened to web development since MSIE 6 and the birth of @PeeHaa
they're like twinsies
lol, Sails looks pretty nice.
Also, I'm curious what you people use Angular for?
literally everything.
building views in backend?
no, I use mustache for that
ugh my english
@NaourassDerouichi u wot m8
@Porlune examples? And do you really need it?
I've never heard about mustache before
what's that? :O
okay, so an example of angularJS could be a directive. A directive can be used in the same way as an html tag.

So I could write a directive that would replace <ng-gmap></ng-gmap> with an instance of a google map.
@Porlune magic!!! :O
which is exactly what I wrote this morning
@NaourassDerouichi templating engine
@Porlune you can use Angular with any server-side language/framework
angular has a service called $http which returns a promise after it performs an ajax call.
what madara suggested before wasn't a bad idea keys($traversable) but having very functional stuff like this in php looks too wrong
@Porlune And I can write a few lines of vanilla JS that does the same
@Porlune fetch does the same thing
And it's built into browsers
I know it's native to all browsers, but as far as code complexity and re-usability goes, this is the standard now.
btw, the directive also handles seaching places, centering the map, zooming, adding markers, drawing polygons... etc.
An overcomplicated solution to trivial problems is a standard now?
all from giving it a single initialization object.. oh yah, and it has 2 way binding with my datamodel.
@littlepootis yes. haven't you been paying attention?
lol.. I'm certain you are right pootis.
Most websites do not need to use two-way data binding.
Fair enough. But mine do.
I like building SPAs
You need cement and bricks to build a Spa. Why Angular?
Because it makes it far easier than using native code, which I have no doubt that you could do, but I need angular for it.
Once you get started using it, I think you'll decide it was worth the time to learn it.
I implemented something like Angular 1.x
cool :) that was probably hard to do
most single-page apps I've seen seem to exist only to make the frontend guy feel like he's participating
It was easier than making something like jQuery
jQuery-like thing took months.
haha, paul is probably right. and I am the front-end guy and the back-end guy in the small company I work for.
but my frontend is working pretty well, and I'm not using jQuery all over the place with a complex namespace of objects. And the site can load on a phone relatively quickly.
I defined a 'ROOT_URI' http//mysite.com this is the only link not working when u hover it it say ROOT_URI echo "<td><a href='. ROOT_URI ./stackhouse/subject.php?user=$uid'>$user_name</a></td>";
need to find a proper format for anon classes. constructor call, extends and implements on one line is terribad
the entire thread was a troll and it just keeps on goin'
The creator posting such comments..
@bwoebi looking good :)
\o hey joe
uhhh... re-reading my old slides. I just realized that we should have kept Doctrine 1.2 and re-branded it into IlluminatiActiveRecord :|
JOE AND DAVEY SITTIN' IN A TREE. R-M-something-something-I-N-G.
posted on April 24, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

damn, it really matches 1:1
@PaulCrovella lol ... I think there's a vote first anyway ...
Joe, you RM-ing?
Q: Complex merge function with PHP

Basheer AhmedI've been struggling around whole day by creating merge function for multidimensional array. The scenario is little different to elaborate in words instead I would try to explain it with practical example. $actual_array = [ 'assets' => [1, 2, 3], 'liabilities' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], ...

I put name forward for 7.1, yeah ...
Neat :)
@LeviMorrison I summon thee ...
@JoeWatkins my social-network-library-framework-picker jquery plugin agrees
@JoeWatkins great :-)
ah morning, did levi get in touch with you yet ?
wondering what our next move is ... I didn't build the branch yet, I'm going to this morning, did read it though, looks well thought out, pretty tidy, happy with approach ...
can we have MAY_BE_SCALAR in zend_type_info.h, bit odd to be having it midway through a file ...
it may also be useful for output errors, we may want to choose to put scalars first or classes first, we will be needing that constant for that ...
I was also considering a ZEND_MAY_BE() macro to replace the shifting of types, just make it a bit clearer ...
overall the patch is looking good though, I think ...
hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my zval, it's a scalar maybe
it does seem strange, the names came from type inference inside optimizer ...
Yeah, too many people on reddit are writing comments using random_bytes()... especially in the highly opinionated topics.. complete entropy of mindfart
@JoeWatkins haven't seen him yet
did you just wake up ?
I've woken up … for like 2 mins … went back to bed for a further 20 mins ^^
@JoeWatkins eventually, though the 1 << makes it also more obvious that it actually is a bitmask
so does |=
@JoeWatkins not as obvious, if you ask me
yeah, that could just be an unimpressed smilie
@JoeWatkins "possibly" successfully casted to true
sure, if you apply some emotional filter to reading code ... this |= 1<<TYPE might mean that "this" is displeased with 1, or that 1 is running away really fast from TYPE .. it could be that "this" is displeased with 1 for running in the corridors ...
but it seems like a waste of time to read code like that :D
@PaulCrovella the code is just not precise enough ... 3v4l.org/rBCoA
@JoeWatkins What does that mean: github.com/php/php-src/compare/… ?
ha, that's just left over from when it was a union test
ah ^^
^ hmm, we need & and | inside method decls
for pure text and/or is fine, for method decls not so much
the same function is used for errors, and wasn't updated when we changed from or|and ...
same for reflection
I know
the errors read a bit awkward to me also
this or this or this or this is really odd
@JoeWatkins should have commas then
this, or this, or this, would be better ...
or just this, this or this
Fatal error: Cannot use intersection when creating union type in %s on line 2
@JoeWatkins this is just abuse of the Oxford comma :-D
@JoeWatkins hmm?
this, or this, or perhaps this, maybe this, or by chance this
I couldn't figure out wording, but how does "cannot intersect Foo with union of Bar or Qux", and "cannot unionise(?) Foo with intersection of Bar and Qux" ?
I'm not sure about those words, but that error message isn't very helpful
What is the easiest PHP Framework to learn, that can build a robust web app for account/payments management and reports?
@JoeWatkins "cannot use intersection and union types at the same time"
we can't make intersections of unions or vice versa?
I dunno, doesn't come with a trace, so should probably come with some more info, like names ..
Anyone familiar with monolog?
@PaulCrovella not in this patch
@PaulCrovella no, we don't support expressions yet ... we may not at first ..
I want that, and named types also ...
I don't have a good way to do that yet ...
named types is really out of scope of the RFC IMO
It's a bare extension, not part of the main functionality
yeah way out of scope ... I mean I want those things in the future
with constrained types to follow :D
I wonder about numeric ... I think maybe now is the time for that ...
what if you're in non-strict mode, and use int|float or float|int, but don't want any casting behaviour, just want to know you are getting a number ...
@JoeWatkins Are you going to clean up the and/or vs &/| in ast/method decls and reflection?
yes, I'll do some work on it today
my turn, I guess :)
what do you think about numeric ?
@JoeWatkins float&string (hehe, j/k)
In general, I do not see much gain here (over int|float)
Guys you both are PHP GURUs :D
Can you please tell me what do you think about my question above \O/
@NaourassDerouichi the point is that we can't answer as we don't use traditional frameworks
You always code authentification, CRUD...?!
that's called libraries
But yes, authentication is something easily coded in a few hours … nothing to special in a bigger project
hhvm doesn't have intersections ?
Just authentification in a FEW HOURS! That's scary...
Ok as a someone between beginner and intermediate in PHP, do you recommend me to build the app with no-framework or with framework?
those are two very different states
(I know Facebook HipHop lol)
it's like asking "what do you recommend for somebody who is between alive and dead"
a visit to miracle max
Ok let's say beginner
where is that no framework repo thing ?
yeah that, read that ...
Ok thanks :D
@bwoebi I think you are right, I don't necessarily see an actual use case, but, I see a point of contention ...
I guess we can always just ask to see a use case, if contended ...
looked in hhvm manual for reasoning for "num", can't find any ... and they also have arraykey, which is really strange imo ...
the most you can say about it, is that it is unnecessarily verbose ...
@JoeWatkins hhvm is even worse than PHP in evaluating the necessity of features
they seem to have some features because it sounds cool
like, AFAIK HHVM has e.g. the |> operator
wtf does that do ?
looks like a hat
@JoeWatkins Dubbed pipe operator, I think there also sometime was a RFC for PHP
The biggest mistake in PHP 7.0 definitely was introducing <=>
is it possible to serve multiple videos over http in one connection (simulating live streaming) ? currently i'm opening a ts video setting proper content type video/MP2T and using php's fpassthru to output the stream to vlc player is it possible to use multiple fpassthru s to run multiple ts videos ?
@bwoebi equal or not equal operator?
@littlepootis three-way comparison operator
at least we didn't get <=>= yet
i tried setting Transfer-Encoding: chunked in the header and run fpassthru twice but only on video is being played ? i want vlc to deal with it as a stream and keep playing multiple videos
not void ?
^ that's 7.1
Oh @Joe volunteered for RM … interesting … :-D I'll easily trick you into making a ton of BC breaks in micro releases!
can someone rfc that to null before 7.1 ships, or is it too late for that?
will I need to be tricked ?
not sure :-P
@PaulCrovella not too late
you know if a judge that sentenced you to a custodial sentence changes their mind at any time it's grounds for review, and possibly retrial ... I changed my mind about void ... I want out ...
not sure if it's ever happened before, has it ?
@JoeWatkins no, but do you see any issue why it shoudn't be possible?
nope, we made a mistake, we should be able to correct them ...
we spotted it just in time ...
Anthony disagrees
about what ?
And I'm not sure whether we should have both, null and void
this is pointless
Anthony thinks void is the correct type
@JoeWatkins It is in some way, yeah… I'm not sure…
void doesn't exist, if we are creating a type system tomorrow, we include void .. but adding it, in this one strange sense, not really adding it, was the wrong thing to do, and it's making moving forward with much more important stuff more difficult ...
you can look at it two ways, either it was the wrong thing to do, or it's implemented incorrectly ... there is no void, all functions return null and that wasn't changed, we are not able to tell the difference between the two, there is a hack in one line of compiler to raise a notice, it's a crappy implementation ....
either way, we made a mistake ...
how's this for the intro: In the beginning void was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
@PaulCrovella That made me smile a lot :-D
I get the argument in favour of void, I voted for it, void and null are theoretically distinct ... but, as a matter of fact they are not distinct, the implementation didn't actually change that ...
@JoeWatkins Hi
@bwoebi on the other hand ... maybe null only makes sense as a return type in the context of unions, it would be nonsensical for a function to unconditionally return null, that's much different from having noreturn ...
@JoeWatkins yes, and no.
or in the context of nullable types ...
but same thing ...
why no ?
We're currently enforcing invariant return types, but if we ever get covariance, when parent has Foo|null as return type, child should be able to declare null as return type
in that case using void would be terribad.
And that's why I see some point in having null and void
null for where you make a type more explicit… void for where the function is inherently not caring about return type
it is a distinction that shouldn't be made unless you're ready for function calls to no longer necessarily be valid expressions
which I'm not too keen on
null is valid in an expr
yeah but void isn't ...
!!jeeves tweet 30127098
just "tweet" Dan
!!tweet 30127098
@PaulCrovella the difference between null and void is that you rely on null, while LSP technically allows overwriting void.
!!admin list
Florian Margaine, Joe Watkins, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, kelunik, DaveRandom, bwoebi, Ronni Skansing, tereško, Danack, Jimbo, Levi Morrison, NikiC, Gordon
!!admin list
bwoebi, kelunik, Ronni Skansing, tereško, Joe Watkins, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, DaveRandom, NikiC, Levi Morrison, Danack, Jimbo, Gordon
@Danack also jeeves hates you
^ you need the full link @Danack
seems like, Jeeves likes bob
he just knows how to use it properly :D
@bwoebi only so long as a function returning void isn't a valid expression
@PaulCrovella no?
The return value of a void function shall be semantically undefined (though still valid)
that it is null is just implementation defined and shall not be relied on.
but it isn't forbidden to access it.
that's even worse
Just as much as you can cast a function return value of a void function pointer in C and access it.
@PaulCrovella we can forbid it on direct access
but we cannot forbid it when the type information is lacking in the scope at compile time
I got an idea, can the commands for jeeves start with, like $ or $$....? Meaning, substituting !! with $ or $$...
something like function executeCb($cb) { return $cb(1); } must always be possible, regardless of the return value of $cb
@PaulCrovella Other languages (allowing casting of function pointers or are dynamically typed and having void) AFAIK are behaving exactly that way
we can do something sane (stick with null [and change to it]), be dicks (void return == not valid as an expression), or go with pure evil (purposefully introduce undefined behavior as a feature)
I like option 1.
function nothing(): void { print 1; }
nothing(); // fail
(function(callable $cb) {
    return $cb(); // valid
(function(callable(): void $cb) { /* just example syntax, don't know what RFC passes yet */
    return $cb(); // invalid
That's what IMO should happen, if we stick with void.
do you think that's a good idea, or just playing devil's advocate?
I'm not sure yet.
I'm just saying that's what should be at least enforced if we stick with void.
void sometimes (call me maybe) being a valid expression and sometimes not doesn't seem like a step up exactly
@PaulCrovella It is never a valid expression if it is statically known that it is void.
we can't always know, so we would have to treat it as a valid expression all the time, for consistency, if we stick with void ... is that what you're saying ?
@JoeWatkins yes, as long as we can't compile-time forbid it, we have to treat it as valid (though possibly semantically undefined)
i have strange problem with php functio n hastebin.com/racatiliba.php
        if (EXPECTED(allowed_types & MAY_BE_OBJECT && arg_type == IS_OBJECT)) {
                if (UNEXPECTED(arg_type != IS_OBJECT)) {
                        return 0;
^ that's some clever code @JoeWatkins :-D :-D
!!wiki acme
Acme (/ˈækmiː/; Greek: ακμή, akmē, /ˈɑːkmɛ/, the peak, zenith, prime) is a Greek word denoting the best of something. It may refer to: == Arts and entertainment == Acme Corporation, a fictional company originating in Looney Tunes cartoons, later a generic fictional company name ACME Detective Agency, a fictional detective agency in the Carmen Sandiego computer games and television shows Acme, an album by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Acme Novelty Library, a comics serial written and drawn by Chris Ware == Science and technology == Acme (computer virus), a computer virus which infects DOS .EXE...
@JoeWatkins fixing your bugs … null pointer dereference is baaaad :-D
aww, where ?
@JoeWatkins zend_lookup_class() may return null
when class not defined yet
oh I thought it threw ?
nah, not the lookup function
oh yeah ...
I'll commit soon
optimizing the verification function a bit
I'm off out today, so may not be around ... not that you need me to check it :)
collar levi if you see him, try to get him to announce and do rfc and people things ...
will be around this afternoon ... MAY_BE_LATE_AFTERNOON ...
okay, have fun :-)
please what is issue here hastebin.com/racatiliba.php
i want to implement one feature same as facebook, when you scroll down to bottom it automatically list post. I want to implement this
i am confused about this scrolling functionality
who r u ?
like how could i know that user has scroll down to bottom
@MuneemHabib a simple google search would tell you that
saitama plase help here tankionline.com/battle-en.html#/…
oops no t here, herer hastebin.com/racatiliba.php
@JoeWatkins haha, we seriously have no test for Class1|Class2 with an actual value passed to it … I've accidentally made all class unions pass if an object is passed…
Hi I need help from someone who know Code Igniter
A: Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name pan_number.(panValidation)

ZaragoliYou should use the next file name: form_validation_lang.php for your custom language file. Don't you use 'MY_' prefix for it. (e.g.: application/language/english/form_validation_lang.php) see details: https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/libraries/language.html

this is the issue I am facing....can someone help please? ????
.. it's as if you didn't even bother trying to find the answer yourself, @JyotieNavale
@Leigh @PeeHaa Looks like someone got ahead of you with the curl options. You may want to push for getting it merged earlier than 7.1...
I have tried but no solution worked in this scenario and then only posted @tereško
@littlepootis Haha, that looks pretty awesome.
@littlepootis I especially love the taunt that comes with it :D
Hi all, is it possible to load a Laravel route (eg app1 or app2) and then within that route use Angular UI-Router to run an app?
hi all o/
@Oldskool dafaq was that?
@Oldskool Wait, he says that when he taunts with Das Gutenkutteharen equipped? That's nice.
@cuznerdexter wat
I am using Laravel5.2 and AngularJs1.5 to make an app
@Saitama German for "hello, ladies!"
@littlepootis can't get the Angular routing to work with Laravel. Laravel routes to the main Angular page and the Angular displays but the Angular Ui-router is not working

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