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which format u want?
@OnlyPritesh which format do u store date in db?
wow, Only Pritesh is gone now, but what an interesting exchange. I was just sitting back waiting to see how Only would get from "i ahve some problem please help me" to a solution.
english please
1 hour later…
Afternoon guys and girls
I have a problem, a customer wants PHPBB single sign on capability in their site. I have two options, drive auth from the PHPBB table and write an authentication adapter for their CMS, or drive auth from their CMS table and write an auth plugin for PHPBB.

I chose to make the PHPBB auth plugin as it seemed a lot simpler. Now the problem is, both PHPBB and their CMS have a class called 'Cache', and I can't include any of the CMS authentication components in the auth plugin due to naming conflicts.
You could write yourself a stream wrapper or filter (easier) for the one CMS class files that replaces the classnames (e.g. prefixing it) on the file. So you can still include the classes with the duplicate names because they become renamed.
hm, so I register cms:// and then scan for class definitions
taking into considerations inheritance, new Class, etc would be a complete pain
If I understood you right, you even already know the classname, so you don't even need to write a full scanner.
Not at all.
new CMSPRFX_OriginalCmsClassName();
It should just work then, you can just slip into the autoloader.
what autoloader ;)
Then just add one.
the file structure is too disorganised to support it
it's a really huge commercial CMS
Create a class-map.
You wrote you only need some classes, not all, right?
yes some, but an unknown number
If the overall structure is too complex, some little HTTP interface might be easier.
Because if the CMS components you need to use refer to their own types, the prefix filter won't work anyway.
if I write one wrapper file with a namespace declaration in it, then include the CMS files, because none of it is namespaced, they should all continue to work right?
Not if they throw exceptions or use the SPL.
Then you would need to add a bunch of use statements on top as well.
But namespacing them on the fly might be better than just changing the concrete classname.
Does the CMS has some HTTP, XML-RPC or SOAP API?
not for user auth
but that shouldn't be too hard to write
I think that's going to be the solution
Good afternoon
I don't think I understand it, if he's already registering a stream filter, why can't he just log the data being passed through the filter?
Is there any way to force an numerically represented array key to be a string?

array((string)'0' => 'zero');
still gives:
0 => string 'zero' (length=4)
correct, because you can't have numeric string keys, they are automatically converted to integers
Well it sort of explains my MongoDB issues then, I think the 0 is being converted into a null character key name :p
@Leigh No.
Well, if you unserialize with string keys, you can cheat this IIRC.
There was some question about it some time ago.
does anyone have a userland version of http_build_url at hand?
By userland, do you mean implemented without the builtin function?
@Leigh the builtin is pecl. i need a fallback in case the server doesnt have it
the one in pear is butt ugly
Not my code
@Leigh looks like this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/7751679/…
I got it from the link mentioned at the bottom of that answer :p
posted on March 06, 2012 by Internet Super Hero

MySQL Replication is sometimes critizied for being asynchronous and having slaves that lag behind. True! However, sometimes slaves can be used safely and reliably for read-your-writes. Its easy for PHP MySQL users. All the magic is in the driver. As of yesterday, the development version of PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.3.0-alpha supports not only a client-side global transaction ID emulation but also the

that one doesnt work for me at all :/
Is it a bad idea to have a try catch block when calling the controller's method? Something like this:
// Bootstrapping, etc, etc..
// Routing, etc, etc..
// Found out which controller to use on this request!

    $controller = new $controllerClassName;
    $response = $controller->getResponse();
catch (\Exception $exception)
    $response = $this->processException();
I'm afraid it might have performance consequences, since the controller method will most likely has lots and lots of calls
public function __toString()
    return sprintf(
        $this->user ? (
            $this->pass ? "{$this->user}:{$this->pass}@" : "{$this->user}@"
        ) : '',
        $this->port ? ':' . $this->port : '',
        $this->path ? '/' . $this->path : '',
        $this->query ? '?' . $this->query : '',
        $this->fragment ? '#' . $this->fragment : ''
good enough for now
Hey Gordon
I'm having problems with SQL insertion
It won't seem to insert data if some fields are the same as others

Proposed Q&A site for jQuery enthusiasts

Currently in definition.

@NikiC That's what I was going to do... Nice...
@rickchristie So what? Let it run. If you have performance problems, then look at it. But I doubt the try/catch will cost you as much as you think...
Anyways. Whats going on in the PHP world today?
@ircmaxell - right as always :)
this right here
if the firstname is the same as anything else in the table
it wont insert
and i have no idea why not
$insertdata = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members VALUES('$firstname', '$secondname', '$email', '$password', '')");
> If you do not specify a list of column names for INSERT ... VALUES or INSERT ... SELECT, values for every column in the table must be provided by the VALUES list or the SELECT statement. If you do not know the order of the columns in the table, use DESCRIBE tbl_name to find out.
travis-ci.org <-- Not sure what I think about that...
@ircmaxell I'm not quite sure what it does.
Continuous integration
@rdlowrey What timezone are you in?
@Levi SC is EST
South Carolina?
yeah that's whats on his SO profile
@LeviMorrison EST, It's 10:45 in the morning for me right now.
And hello to anyone in view of a computer screen
Good morning to you too
@ircmaxell I'm going to borrow the points in your answer here: stackoverflow.com/questions/4471183/…
For a wiki entry I'm creating to describe my mediator
and how it works
@rdlowrey Absolutely! Just provide a back-link or reference (even just saying my name is fine) if you use more than a non-trivial amount...
For sure
@rdlowrey I finally got my Chrome extension working using var that = this; That was a real stupid mistake :P
@PeeHaa Well, go easy on the stupidity factor in public because it's the same mistake I've made on multiple occasions :)
@PeeHaa I usually do var self = this in those cases
@ircmaxell I used to do that too, but at some point it did screw up something in IE
Don't know the exact issue (might be just me screwing things up, but might as well just be IE)
Now that I think of it it must have been IE. I even once had an issue with IE when I just a classname which IE thought I shouldn't use something like .endfloat or something like that
Is "oneanother" one word or two ("one another")?
2 words I guess. Not sure though I'm dutch
I think it's two, but when you start staring at words for too long they begin to look weird
Yup :-)
@ircmaxell I missed my goal for the SPL Exceptions RFC :/
PHP 5.4 came out and I just forgot about it.
*tuts at @LeviMorrison*
Hey all
Im haing an issue trying to move an uploaded file
I am trying this:
            if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
                $error  =  "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";
And i get these 2 warings and it fails:
Warning: move_uploaded_file(C:/inetpub/RMS/uploads/nlubin/03-06-12_11:31:15.txt): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\inetpub\RMS\controller\SocketMessageController.php on line 45

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move 'C:\Windows\Temp\php2E22.tmp' to 'C:/inetpub/RMS/uploads/nlubin/03-06-12_11:31:15.txt' in C:\inetpub\RMS\controller\SocketMessageController.php on line 45
{"error":"There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"}
All the permissions look correct
what could the issue be?
@LeviMorrison :-(
@ircmaxell anyway u could be of assistance?
I don't know what line 45 is...
@ircmaxell sorry line 45 is the if statement
then you have an invalid argument. Which is invalid?
I have no idea
Thats my code for it (i spaced it to get correct line numbers with the error)
im off by one
well line 44 in the paste is line 45 in my code.
@ircmaxell ^^^^
idk what is wrong. it seems $target_path might be an issue, but idk why
Look at the error message...
@ircmaxell I did!
Why is that an Invalid argument?
does the file exist, and does the server have permissions to it?
@ircmaxell The file doesnt exist. thats the idea. im saving the uploaded file to my directory
I have done this before on a linux server.
its being all hanky here...
Looks like the source file ($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'] does not exist, or it's throwing an error when attempting to move it...
@ircmaxell hmmmm why would it have that filename then?
have what filename?
@ircmaxell C:\Windows\Temp\phpF6D5.tmp etc
I was able to echo out the contents
            echo $target_path;
            $error = false;
            echo file_get_contents($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name']);
            if(!is_dir($target_path)){ //CREATE USER FOLDER
                    $error = 'ERROR creating directory';
            if(!$error) {
                $file = explode('.',$_FILES['upload_file']['name']);
                $file_ext = end($file);
                $file_name = basename( date("m-d-y_H:i:s") . "." . $file_ext);
But the move_upload_file still errors out :-(
actually, no, I was mistaken... Given the error, I think the problem is that it can't open the destination file for writing...
@ircmaxell but php created the directory!
@neal did you set target path to an actual file or just a foler?
see the code
//Create user folder
@PeeHaa an actual file... :-(
@Neal created what directory? try replacing the / with `\` in your target path
/ should be \
damn @ircmaxell
I'll bet it's seeing :/ and thinking it's a stream (which it obviously can't open)
@ircmaxell I tried, but Ill try again. oone sec
meeting, later
@ircmaxell still doesnt work :-(
Warning: move_uploaded_file(C:\inetpub\RMS\uploads\nlubin\03-06-12_12:01:47.txt): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\inetpub\RMS\controller\SocketMessageController.php on line 47

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move 'C:\Windows\Temp\php230F.tmp' to 'C:\inetpub\RMS\uploads\nlubin\03-06-12_12:01:47.txt' in C:\inetpub\RMS\controller\SocketMessageController.php on line 47
{"error":"There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"}
show the error?
@ircmaxell just did ^^^
@neal wait
@PeeHaa yes?
you cannot use a colon in filenames in windows
@PeeHaa hmmm that may be it. lemme try
what could i try using instead?
I'm pretty sure thats it
@PeeHaa w00t!
thats it :-)
awesome :-)
It's about time ;)
btw are you still banned on meta @neal?
@ircmaxell :-) yep yep. fixed ^_^
@PeeHaa yea... its so annoying :-(
Just curious
@ircmaxell Didn't work on that for some time anymore though ^^ But if you are interested in doing something like that I'd really appreciate your help
@PeeHaa ahhh haaa
@ircmaxell btw, I'll hack together a quick post on the different type hinting proposals now ;)
echo http_build_query(array(
    'foo[bar]' => 1,
    'foo[baz]' => 0,
gives foo%5Bbar%5D=1&foo%5Bbaz%5D=0
should that work when using it as a query string? would that give me $_GET['foo']['bar']
is the stackExch going slow for anyone else?
parse_str('foo%5Bbar%5D=1&foo%5Bbaz%5D=0', $output);
so apparently the server im sending this to is not handling this properly. damn
stackoverflow.com/questions/9588610/… (too late to prevent rep whoring :( )
Is it just me or does this just look wrong: stackoverflow.com/questions/9588683/…
hi igot this sql error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%' OR prod_desc LIKE '%'%' OR prod_desc2 LIKE '%'%' OR prod_desc3 LIKE '' at line 1
what's wrong ? cant find out
'%'%' ?????
hiya @CharlesSprayberry
@tada you cant find out that there is apparently no values in your query?
@PeeHaa Howdy
@CharlesSprayberry I borrowed you StackApi code: github.com/PeeHaa/cv-pls :-) And messed it up, but I at least got it working. Next will be to make it clean :P
@PeeHaa Awesome! Glad I could be of assistance ;)
@CharlesSprayberry It's just too damn bad the api is read only. Now I have to hack my way into the possibility to close question right from chat
@Neal why are you answering stackoverflow.com/questions/9588791/… when I provided a duplicate?
@Gordon Probably because he loaded the page before you dup'ed it, and then posted it after you had.
@Gordon what @LeviMorrison just said.
@Neal fair enough.
@Gordon and it is now closed.
@Neal thank $deity
stackoverflow.com/questions/6532813/… can anyone tell me if the first answer is slower because it must load the file into php memory before it can be served? or is that not how it works...
@Gordon eh?
Oops, I've recursively set permissions in my home directory that are apparently "too open" according to ssh. What's the default? Any way to automatically reset permissions to their default?
@Gordon Generally speaking I've quit answering questions on SO because all are duplicates.
@Gordon lol
@LeviMorrison sad but true
@ircmaxell are you there?
@LeviMorrison Agreed.
Anybody wanna sell me on ucfirst namespacing like "Mylib\Level1\ClassName" as opposed to "mylib\level1\ClassName" before I embark on a metric butt load of wiki documentation?
Or CamelCase namespacing, rather
@rdlowrey you mean PascalCase I think?
I've used all lowercase namespacing conventions in a project up to now. It's easy to mass change in code if I change conventions, but if I'm going to manually create a bunch of wiki content around the code it becomes much more of a hassle to change, so I want to settle on a convention before I start.
@rdlowrey Personally I'd prefer CamelCase\NamespaceNames :)
@NikiC Yeah, that's three people out of three who've said the same thing when I asked ... which is why I think I need to change it. Thanks for the input.
@rdlowrey def. CamelCasing
@NikiC Shouldn't PHP 5.4 released without them. become PHP 5.4 has been released.. or was released? :P
@PeeHaa Thanks for the input. And please let everyone know when your .js close-voter is stable.
Writers of bad questions shall tremble at the name of PeeHaa
ha! reimplemented a software that "requires" curl with streams. one more curl dependency down.
@Donut Thanks, rephrased it.
protected function collectResponseHeaders()
    global $http_reponse_header;
    $this->lastError = $http_reponse_header;
How could you!
@NikiC PHP populates that array magically in the global scope when you use file_get_contents and there is no other way to get it inside a class then :(
@Gordon I know that. But you still killed a kitten.
@Gordon btw, lastError != response header ;)
@NikiC PHP forced me
@NikiC I know but its good enough
Also, I'd prefer this not to be in a method, but just in the line after the fgc call
So you don't have to do the global $abc;
Also, are you really sure that it's in the global scope and not the currently active scope?
@Gordon checked the manual, it says that it is created in the local scope ;)
@Gordon: You should collect the data after calling file_get_contents() and then pass it to the method.
@NikiC oh! nice. overlooked it. thanks for pointing out
@NikiC btw the reason why it was in its own method was because there is multiple calls to fgc in the class and each should collect them. but its all good now.
@NikiC Very nice article.
@rdlowrey Where is the coding standards document?
@LeviMorrison Haven't gotten to it yet. Likely going to be this evening. However, I just updated and pushed all the events package files with appropriate formatting if you want to look at a sample
@Gordon this should not even work, $http_response_header has very special scope.
@LeviMorrison Also, I've been convinced to move to CamelCase namespace naming conventions, so you can start doing that now, but you may just want to keep doing it the other way and we can just do a super-duper find replace later so we dont' have to go in and manually fix unit tests for each individual file where it's changed.
@NikiC Will read after my next meeting
@NikiC I'm game, as I think we can do conversion both down and up (to make transition of custom apps a lot easier)
@rdlowrey it's already stable. You can just install it already. For now it only creates a nice onebox for [cv-pls] requests. Next on the list (I'm currently working on it) is a optional beep notification (just like a mention). After that I'm going to hack a way to close question from chat and maybe some close suspects for obvious bad questions. Suggestions are always welcome of course
@PeeHaa Awesome. I'll check it out in the next couple of days
@rdlowrey k kewl
I just love SO how it comes up with different solutions to a problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/…
hey guys! Since Magento room is dead I am asking any one helping me with install. I dont know is it just me or is installing Magento a real pain. here is my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/9591049/installing-magento-localy
hey guys... just creating a site with seo freindly urls... using rewrite... all is going fine, but i have just realised that my html form that i use to filter some results really messes up the url... does anyone know a good link that can help me out?
@TheoG define "messes up the url"
well im looking to have my structure as sitename/category/type/minprice-maxprice which is fine when i link to the page, or if i type the address in manually into the address bar (as my redirects working fine... however i have a couple of text inputs for the min/max price and a drop down for the type... so when i submit that info from the form it then uses $_GET to put the info in the url which is /filename.php?minprice=23&maxprice=234&type=bla
currently i have that form submit to the same page... so its all done on one page
And what is the problem?
now that iv said that, should i post to a diffent php file which then posts back a url? hmmm
well i dont want google to register /filename.php?minprice=23&maxprice=234&type=bla
just want it to be sitename/category/type/minprice-maxprice
so seo freindly
@PeeHaa you understand?
@TheoG Making the Query String Part of the Path

Take a URL of the form http://example.com/path?var=val and transform it into http://example.com/path/var/val. Note that this particular example will work only for a single var=val pair containing only letters, numbers, and the underscore character.

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(\w+)=(\w+)$
RewriteRule ^/path /path/%1/%2?
to get you started
SESSIONs can be unset with unset but COOKIEs can't?
@Greg When deleting a cookie you should assure that the expiration date is in the past, to trigger the removal mechanism in your browser. Examples follow how to delete cookies sent in previous example:
ok thanks @PeeHaa will have a look into this one
@TheoG It seems to be exactly what you want. If you don't succeed lemme know
@PeeHaa a cookie takes a unix timestamp, so is "0" a valid timestamp in the past?
yeah will do thanks @PeeHaa
can I call a function using the error suppression operator @ example: @function_name and is it a good choice for not getting erros send by that function?
@TheoG I think it is. It's the Unix Epoch
@sorin Never ever do that (well there are some uses, but again don't do that).
fix the errors instead
Hey all
hiya @Neal
@PeeHaa well my function uses a connection to the db an if the connection fails then my function returns error and give the path to it wich I don't want to happen
@sorin If it is on a production machine simply log errors, but don't display them. Don't just surpress errors
@PeeHaa thanks
@Greg At least until the year 2038 ;)
Anyone wanna know why I've all but stopped answering questions?
Q: Global Vars in CodeIgniter

GabrielColI want to save some global vars to use in the website, like current user id, current user lever, and so on. Where is the best place to do it, or is it possible? Setting it into constants.php is not working since "$this" is not recognized there. The principal reason why i want this is because i ...

lol nice comment :)
I don't know what possessed me to waste my time reading a question with a title like Global Vars in CodeIgniter
@PeeHaa do you think it would be easier for me to use javascript to do this?
Well you do always look when there has been an accident on the road right? :)
LOL yeah
Wassup @PeeHaa ?
Is there any reason why a form file upload > 22M would cause the php page to throw a 404 error?
@Neal not that i know off. rather a 50x if it went really bad

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