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@NikiC totally
6 mins ago, by ircmaxell
@bwoebi possibly, but it could also be quite useful
I'm suggesting we keep it :-P
posted on December 04, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Frankie */

@ircmaxell what for? to confuse people? right? :-D !
no, you can't reliably make it a compile error since we don't compile an entire codebase at a time (hence it would be order dependent)
you'll compile error when you encounter it for the first time in the file?
either at function decl or at use stmt, whatever comes last
/home/nikic/php-ast/ast.c:663:2967: error: ‘str_loop’ undeclared (first use in this function)
(see full text)
heh, doesn't come across
I just got error message with about 20 newlines per message
the compiler is going crazy
@bwoebi um, what could be the reason for ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR macro not being resolved when building extension out of tree?
I'm not too experienced with that…
I think if I were to write a dynamic language I would have separate symbols for concatenation and addition.
However, I would not use . for concatenation because I would want it for object member access.
So what to use for concat? I think Haskell has ++ for concat on arrays?
[4, 5] ++ [6]
Use >> for concatenation, just like bash
The ++ would mean no pre and post increment.
That's probably okay if there are higher-level concepts like iterators and ranges.
<+ pre-increment +> post-increment.... you can have a lot of fun inventing new operators
I literally only use ++ in loops.
@LeviMorrison There's probably an obvious case I'm missing, but is anything even needed?
$foo = "Hello" "world";
$foo = $greeting $entity;
Eh, it could mask errors.
But you are right that theoretically it could be possible.
If you try to turn operators into functions then it would get weird :D
Space as a concatenation operator becomes context driven..... and how do you do the equivalent of .=
I can't remember the exact quote, but there is one like "Programming languages don't stop evolving due to a lack of idea, they stop evolving due to running out of different brackets and other useful punctuation on standard keyboards".
@MarkBaker Yeah, there is that :D
Note that MS Excel uses space as a context-dependent operator
It can either be a simple whitespace, or it can be a union operator between two cell ranges
A fair number of languages use context-dependent operators, but I don't know of many that do so with whitespace.
For instance =.
In some languages with clear separation in expressions and statements it will mean different things.
In a statement = means assign; in an expression it tests equality.
=SUM(A3:A5 A4:A6) would give the sum of the union of A3:A5 and A4:A6 (ie the sum of A4:A5)
but =SUM( A3:A5 ) is whitespace as simple whitespace to ignore
@NikiC :p
Hi All. Several of you may (or may not) know that Zephyr (the last user in the user list of this room, grayed out, no reputation) is a bot that watches this room. It watches several rooms across the network for various voting requests.
These requests are posted in the Low Quality Posts HQ.
My question for you, since that room seems to have low (non Zephyr) traffic...do you feel it's important that Zephyr continues to aggregate these voting requests to a single location?
@SebastianBergmann Because we don't trust microsoft.
Way bettr than chrome.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ARRRRRRGGGHHHHH
well played.
@SebastianBergmann isn't it actually Microsoft employees who bundle the release? ;-)
@bwoebi I guess so. IMHO Microsoft should be treated like any other downstream vendor. Why do these binaries have to be hosted on php.net?
@SebastianBergmann historical reasons only…
Why are Windows builds allowed to hold back a PHP source release? I don't get it.
Then lets make an RFC to remove "Windows" from the release process.
@SebastianBergmann there is one significant point though, that the builds are tested on Windows too.
The QA is anyway done for Linux… because that's what everyone works with… but we have no CI, nothing, for Windows.
Having Windows builds being required via the release process also ensures that they're tested.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why the f% would they do that? Just make chrome better, why start from scratch. ARG
I don't buy that argument. There is enough time between RCn and RCn+1 / final to build on Windows. And I am perfectly fine with delaying the release, having a new RC, etc. when there is a Windows build issue.
@bwoebi they can test from compiled sources.
@Ocramius sure… and then it's not far away to just bundling it.
then create an RFC and suggest that we modify the process
but well, historical reasons is argument #1.
the fact of the matter is they've been doing it this way for years. Don't like it? Great. But to bitch and make a big deal out of it today when it wasn't a big deal since 5.2, is a bit over the top. Make an RFC and see if it passes.
@ircmaxell Neither strategy would work. They can't make Chrome better. Nor can they ever make a good browser
Yup. Actually Windows releases were very unnoticed in the normal release process. It now only gets noticed because the release got delayed by a few hours (!!!).
It was not my intent to bitch. I merely wanted to express my concern about how the release was being done. And yes, I will probably start an RFC.
@BoltClock well, chrome >> ff > opera > IE >> safari
@BoltClock I use edge.
@ircmaxell safari at the very lower end? o_O
A: Adding a Small Note to Posts That I Favorite

BoltClockI use Microsoft Edge and OneNote for this, but then again, I may be a teeny weeny bit biased. I guess my point is that there are numerous ways to do this on the client-side already, some of which sync as well (even if you're vehemently against Microsoft and don't use OneNote, there's the equal...

@SebastianBergmann Mainly I'm not complaining about having the discussion, but more about the timing of the discussion and the "authority" with which people presented themsevles in it
@bwoebi I don't (really) care about the few hours of delay. I care about things like changing code, re-tagging the release, and then releasing without a new RC. Things like that scare the shit out of me.
@SebastianBergmann nothing of that happened?
@bwoebi yes. It is worse than IE by a long shot when it comes to standards compliance and features
No, nothing like that happended. But it was implied that it could happen.
@SebastianBergmann If we'd need to change code, we'd obviously have a RC of at least a few days.
@SebastianBergmann … no?
@SebastianBergmann which is why they shouldn't tag until it's all done (that should be the last step, not the first)
@bwoebi That is not how I understood Anatol.
@ircmaxell Agreed. Then the media also would not report a release just because there is a tag already.
@SebastianBergmann well, if this were true, that'd be bad… but I see no such implication.
@ircmaxell agree. After all, we have the branch … we can put a tag on whatever commit we like at any moment of time.
@bwoebi Maybe I misunderstood Pierre when he wrote "We patch the sources to fix them and make everything work together smoothly."
@ircmaxell meanwhile Chrome's deviations from the spec are completely deliberate
@SebastianBergmann totally
@BoltClock I'm not saying chrome is awesome at it (neither is FF to be fair), but a hell of a lot better than IE
Anyways, dinner time.
@SebastianBergmann sure, he patches/fixes. But I'm not sure where you assume he'd just outright commit that into a release?
Yeah the only thing IE had going for it was that it didn't have a major release every season
@bwoebi it's just another entry in the travis build process. Doesn't need to be coupled with releases
Chrome, spend weeks working around a bug only to have it obsoleted by the latest bug in the latest version
@Ocramius travis supports Windows?
@BoltClock but you also don't have to support old versions. So...
IIRC yes, but you better ask @roidrage
And Safari... Don't get me started. They don't even fully support 5+ year old standards. Ones they "tried" to pioneer (like the history API)
@Ocramius traviscistatus.com is only mentioning linux and os x…
oh, crap. Well, then it's just a jenkins-ci somewhere :P
sorry for misleading you :-(
@ircmaxell I think every author agrees Safari is at the very bottom of the list :D
but again - it's CI (continuous integration), not RI (release integration) :P
if the CI says green, you can tag
I enjoyed your keynote btw @ircmaxell
@BenjaminGruenbaum thank you :-)
@BoltClock Ok, I thought you were arguing with me (saying Chrome was worse or somethign) and I was getting confused :-)
@ircmaxell I actually do find Chrome to be the most problematic after old IE, but it's ok I'm sure it's just how I write my CSS
that's fair
what problems do you tend to see?
@BenjaminGruenbaum DAMNIT
This is the percentage of support of all the standards listed by CanIUse.com, Chromium/Chrome is the most up-to-date browser.
@ircmaxell Problems that get fixed relatively quickly, which is nice, if it wasn't for the fact that new versions tend to introduce other bugs for no apparent reason. For example, background-position: <direction> <amount> not working, pseudo-elements not rendering unless you added an empty rule with the same selector, html::before, html::after not rendering, transitions didn't work on ::before/::after for a number of years
Again thankfully all of these have been fixed
@LeviMorrison Using whitespace as an operator is probably only good for something very general
@ircmaxell according to the table above, safari has more support than IE or Edge…
Chrome stays on the bleeding edge but it does it at the cost of stability
Haskell uses it for function application, and I think Ruby and Perl do sometimes as well
@BoltClock Edge has more bugs than Chrome IMO, with IE having even more. Chrome has a lot of CSS bugs we work around though - mainly with transforms. And the fact fixed is quirky. Chrome crashes a lot for the last two versions on my computer though.
It seems to half-ass its implementation of everything
I was actually typing that as Chrome crashed :D
@bwoebi And I think that's true, but both are retarded. Edge is nothing more than IE with a new UI.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Windows 10 as a whole is buggy
I still can't believe they shipped it as RTM quality software
But either they shipped or they didn't, so...
You've been tasked with hammering out an online store; stock functionality of the known platforms is sufficient, you're basically just branding it; CMS/framework that'll cause the least friction?
Windows 10 is great for being an example of how not to do certain things - like the autocomplete in the start menu - if you type "chrome" it will take you to chrome if you wait for it to load - but if you type "chrome" and press enter immediately it'll search bing for Chrome instead.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Clearly, the recommended way is to say "Hey Cortana, open Microsoft Edge"
(see what I did there)
@DanLugg How many products, and who will be maintaining the store once you're done?
@DanLugg probably the one tha'ts the cheapest to outsource, probably wordpress since you can hire 10 year olds for very cheap to deal with it and then just review their (lilkely shitty) work - since it's a simple problem that's been done millions of times that will be sufficient anyway and will likely be quick and cheap.
@Charles The store will manage their site (inventory, etc.) products will vary, I'm guesstimating around 200 rotating products at a given time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum WP + Woo?
Generally agreed with @BenjaminGruenbaum then... has a hosted shopping cart solution been eliminated?
@BenjaminGruenbaum banned for condoning child labor
(Shopify for example)
@Charles More or less, yes. Standalone inventory management.
@DanLugg probably.
@bwoebi except safaris support tends to be buggy and incomplete
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, I don't have any 10 year olds at my disposal, so I'll probably hammer it out myself.
Yeah, evaluate WooCommerce, I just don't know if they actually do inventory management.
@bwoebi IE's doesn't tend to be buggy, just incomplete
@ircmaxell don't know, it feels very stable for me… but fine.
@DanLugg good luck, just don't be tempted to do anything yourself - payment can be hard to nail right and you want to use a ready made solution.
Some of the bugs in Chrome really take me back to the days of IE5.5
@bwoebi no, I mean the APIs are unstable. So the spec says one thing, and it does another. Randomly.
@ircmaxell but with a seeded rand, so that I can polyfill the right APIs? :-D
@bwoebi that's part of the point. You need a polyfill. Even though it does present the APIs, they just don't conform
@ircmaxell My favorite thing about feature detection is when browsers lie
@BoltClock totally
don't blame me for singling out your browser with UA sniffing
I joke about FF and Chrome and Safari and IE, but I'm serious about not letting friends use Safari
/me uses Safari!
(though, only on the laptop…)
I think I can see PHP 7 - traviscistatus.com/#month
Oh nice, you can't copy+pasta link to the months..........so click the months.
@Danack I see no particular spike…?
@bwoebi "Active Linux Builds for Open Source projects (GCE)" by month.
and legacy.
yeah, no particular spike compared to the spikes of the other days…?
The peaks in the first week are under the lower line.
The peaks now are above the top line.
@Danack ah, I was looking for Dec 3/4 only…
Is there a pattern for deprecating ini settings? For functions I know it's possible to give a E_DEPRECATED notice - is that safe to do for an ini setting?
I think so
4 hours ago, by Danack
What could possibly go wrong?
I think I might just remove it at a appropriate time....when my own issue saying I should remove it, is the 4th search result for it, that probably means not too many people are aware of it, and as it doesn't even work....
I don't have the answer as to what the proper routine is... but... If an E_DEPRECATED notice is fired every time an INI setting is read, wouldn't that produce a notice every single time a script is executed? Rather, I think that the default value for that setting could be changed to a safe state, the setting removed from suggested configs, and the documentation describing that setting would explain that it's deprecated.
The alternative is for developers to see too much junk coming from deprecated warnings, stop paying attention to it, and other deprecated stuff gets ignored.
@Ghedipunk No it would be in module init, which means it would be done once.......and never be seen by most people unless they go looking through their log files, or run PHP from the command line.
s/done once/done once when PHP starts up/
The safe state is to remove it......any attempt to use that setting is bogus.
Shall I be scared when Chrome needs 21 GB of memory for only about 80 tabs?
or is this normal after a while?
I want to argue that people maintaining their systems should be looking at log files constantly, and it's common for professional developers to use PHP scripts from the command line... but, yes, there is enough of a divide between PHP users and PHP developers that the people who would notice the deprecated warning would also know how to fix it.
@bwoebi Software is a gas: It expands to consume all available resources.
No! BE scared that FF needs a gig of memory before you even run it
@MarkBaker I have FF open… 5 Tabs… half a gig.
NCSA Mosaic doesn't need a gig of memory... AND it's highly resistant to modern ad-based malware!
@bwoebi which branch is bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70899&edit=1 fixed in?
@Danack PHP-7.0
Could you link the commit please, I'm failing at finding it.
Linked in the bug report: git.php.net/…
@NikiC when was this discussed github.com/php/php-src/commit/… ?
@ircmaxell depr rfc
nevermind, see it
Does anyone have a recommendation for a debian 8.x vagrant box, where apt-get works?
@Jimbo Rob Allen's video has great audio, so hopefully we don't need to worry too much about talk audio :) youtube.com/watch?v=QV15GV0sSYo
Or it has autoconf already installed.
15:16 <voodooKobra> if you're good at something, don't do it for free
15:17 <ircmaxell> you're not doing it for free
15:17 <Derick> I did Xdebug for free :P
15:17 <PSchwisow> Derick: who said you were good at it?
15:17 <PSchwisow> :D
15:17 <Derick> oi! :P
oh …
I must be really bad at coding for php-src…
Geek Erotica. Talk qwerty to me . . . 50nerdstwitter@gmail.com
174 tweets, 171k followers, following 400 users
This is the greatest twitter account ever
the Zend Framework site says "Secure"... next to an unlocked padlock
@ircmaxell :D
@bwoebi I'm not good at being thorough. A few of my mistakes have crept into PHP
@Andrea Oh, mine too… just as Nikita or Dmitrys.
There's always cases I don't consider. \int working, for example.
@Andrea same here…
Like I have currently a bug report open about an exception thrown inside a yielded from iterator…
yup :-)
@Andrea tho to be fair, I may have broken that
@ircmaxell oh?
I did rewrite a good chunk of that part of the patch
because we decided to change the rules around it (though I don't think that specific part)
Huh. Which rules?
well, it started with int vs integer
17 tests failing left… Slowly, slowly I'm seeing an end :-)
99 little bugs on the wall
99 little bugs
Take one down, fix it around
123 little bugs on the wall
It's not bugs… just conditions not yet thought of :>
99 little conditions not yet thought of on the wall
99 little conditions not yet thought of
Take one down, implement it around
472 little conditions not yet thought of on the wall
I hate it to php Zend/zend_vm_def.h … :x
@ircmaxell right… except that they're not on the wall, but have yet to be found by our users.
99 little conditions not yet thought of by our users
99 little conditions not yet thought of
Take one down, implement it around
523 little conditions not yet thought of by our users
that's fine now!
I want to add "M" (more) to "FYI" (for your information). Now I want to know which one is correct? FYMI or FMYI ?
rather for additional information or similar…
or just … additionally.
@stack I'd just use 'furthermore' or additionally.
owkey, mer30
I wish we could read hex numbers like we do with decimals… Like 7FA = seven hundred fty a … but that reads absolutely weird… can we have something better than that?
#randomthoughts while looking at p/x output
@bwoebi that is actually correct.
A00 is "A hundred"
@ircmaxell yeah, but A8 = aty eight = eigthy eight = 88 (similar for 5 and F)
well, that's just similar names
has nothing to do with correctness of it
10 is the same in every single base
which is why I'm asking whether there's something better
so we're not base 10, we're base 9+1
@NikiC working on yet another compiler now.
It can already type-check integer literals. \o/
@ircmaxell as long as you define 9 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1.
(with 1 being the one-element of the ring of all the numbers etc.)
@bwoebi to define 10, you need to define 0 and 1, with 1 being the immediate successor to 0. All numbers greater than 1 but less than 10 can be defined by that successor form
1, s1, ss1, sss1, ssss1
@Elyse A language with integer literals ... so conventional :P
@ircmaxell yep…
Is there seriously less than 15 open bugs for the 7 release?
Why? We usually fix bugs…
trying running the biggest site i maintain (9k hits / day) with php7 + opcache. didn't crash yet :B
need to install @PeeHaa's thingy now :D
nice :-)
i didn't quite understand how the wasted memory percentage works. what actually is considered wasted memory?
How do you make a noun out of "is subject to"?
I'm looking for something like "subjectivity", just a real word ^^
@NikiC can you give more context
was this a typo:
    // wait for 2 seconds
@ircmaxell Turn "Because the MD construction is subject to length extension attacks, .." into "Due to the {is subject to}-ness of the MD construction to length extension attacks, ..."
@NikiC recipient? subject? target?
what's between sleep, and usleep?
@NikiC vulnerability
That's the one!
I know there was something like this but couldn't remember the word
@ircmaxell who?
/me learns new words ...
hmmm, SO thinks I'm spamming, I'll stop
@ircmaxell what are you saying?
@ircmaxell thanks
why can't php sleep work on the same form as setinterval in php?
so say you need to keep a global instance somewhere, how would you do it?
class A{
public static $instance;
public static function get(){}
public static function set(A $instance){}
public function __construct(){}
something better than this?
i hate having to use static..
why do you want/have to
does anyone care about sleep() in here?
@AjaxGuru have you tried looking at the documentation?
yes, and was wondering why php didn't default to javascript interval
remember the experimental userland type system i'm writing? @ircmaxell classes will be bound to some objects i'm creating... and classes are global
or create a jsleep for if you're testing something between the back end and front end
i tried saving types definition in their own class, but was a bad idea
@Abe interesting. What's wrong with real globals?
mhm… That was unexpected. … but makes sense.
php -r '$a = [1]; call_user_func_array(function(&$a) { $a++; }, $a); var_dump($a);'

Warning: Parameter 1 to {closure}() expected to be a reference, value given in Command line code on line 1
array(1) {
you mean global $myvar; ?
@Abe right
i suppose it's the same thing, but at least a static field is namespaced, while a var in the root scope is easier to overwrite accidentally
Q: Is there a program that can display all the network calls your browser makes? In greater detail than the standard browser dev tools
@fat_flying_pigs What details are you wanting to look at? There's stuff like wireshark which can show you all network traffic on your machine and allow you to examine things at the packet level
@fat_flying_pigs yes, there is one called Charles charlesproxy.com
Thanks guys. I'll check out those two programs
I'm trying to figure out the calls using client certificate authentication... it's proving to be quite tricky
@fat_flying_pigs Chrome shows you anything, including websockets frames in realtime. It could be less practical than the raw dump of the HTTP flow though, if it's what you want.
Q: Why doesn't PHP usleep and JavaScript setinterval use the same numbering scheme?

webfarm.ioI was looking at how setinterval and usleep don't work with the same numbering scheme, so I was wondering why programming languages don't set one standard with front end communities. Should the communities with other number schemes come up with something like "jsleep" where the "j" means using t...

Chrome show me the connection times and types, but it doesn't show me the direction data is going or what it contains
was laughing at usleep/setinterval lol
@fat_flying_pigs Yes it could show you these informations, change the display or click on a request...
It shows request/response headers/data as well as timings
guys please take look, pastebin.com/D0JLT96t i can edit all the records except the first one, the eidt, doesnt edit the first record in the database, i guess it's an html error
guess im missing some tag or something
so i cant edit the first record in the table, say i have 20 employees, i cant edit the first
@MorganTouvereyQuilling This is the best I can get. http://imgur.com/cEfMJEy
I need to view the details in the initial connection, SSL, and request sent
@AjaxGuru PHP takes a lot of its functions from Perl, C and the standard *nix libraries - I don't think Javascript has had much influence. It's fairly simple math to convert between - no need for extra functions.
@fat_flying_pigs Click on the request to get details
Or even with websockets on this room :
@AllenJB what front end language do you use if not javascript based?
(maybe this time i'm not writing vaporware!)
@MorganTouvereyQuilling In that first image, can you show me where to find the SSL details? I've looked over it before, but I did not manage to find anything of use. It seems that it hides the SSL details (and even encrypted information would be helpful at this point)
@AjaxGuru I use javascript on the frontend. Personally I've found very little usage for sleep/usleep when writing backend code - it's rare that you want to wait for nothing but a specified period of time in that manner in my experience.
@AjaxGuru As I've said, if you ever do want to convert between the 2, the math is trivial - it certainly doesn't warrant an unnecessary new function in the PHP core, in my opinion
SSL/TLS negociation ? It's made at lower level in the connection, that's not really part of the HTTP protocol, and Chromium doesn't shows that in the dev tools :/ But you can still view the certificate informations by clicking on the lock icon in the URL bar.
@MorganTouvereyQuilling Thanks. Guess I'll be using wireshark or similar to figure this one out
8 tiny failures left… phew…
in two hours, only 9 tests working… I am slooow :o)
why not just set a predefined time scheme for universal stuff?
what's a "time scheme"?
Q: foreach changes in PHP7

inquamforeach in PHP7 by default, when itterating by value, operate on a copy of the array according to: http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.incompatible.php Does it lazily create a copy only if there are changes made to the array or a value or will it always make a copy and in essence make looping o...

if anyone wants some rep
^ sounds too much like work
@tereško time scheme - how time is counted
Unix time (also known as POSIX time or Epoch time) is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970, not counting leap seconds. It is used widely in Unix-like and many other operating systems and file formats. Because it does not handle leap seconds, it is neither a linear representation of time nor a true representation of UTC. Unix time may be checked on most Unix systems by typing date +%s on the command line. == Definition == Two layers of encoding make up Unix time. These...
i do
i'm writing a proof
@MorganTouvereyQuilling no, just being anal about ajax, but someone has to
@ThW ?ftw
@MorganTouvereyQuilling please no insults
same goes for @tereško, please don't insult
5 messages moved to bin
I am actually trying not to
also, why did you remove the image?
@ircmaxell thanks
@tereško because it's insulting
who hit the peak?
@ThW do you like animal crackers?
@ThW nice!
@ircmaxell got about a kg of them
@ircmaxell Do you understand his second question?
How can I remove an image in this room? can I?
@NikiC I think he's conflating "reference" with "object reference"
@Shafizadeh which image, I can move to to a bin, or if you ping a moderator they can hard-delete it
ah, I just wanted to know. tnx
yes, i am doing an if this is what yo're doing this will happen, and this is how you solve it
@NikiC does the array need to be wrapped in a reference if iterating by ref?
it needs to be separated if not ref and refcount > 1, yes… but wrapped into a reference?
@bwoebi if you don't wrap it you can't acquire refs to elements
or you can, it just won't be useful
well… you're right…
Did I miss it or is there no documentation about the (*XXX) sequences in the PHP regex docs?
Also… \K wasn't quite what I expected it to in preg_replace context… I thought it'd just affect the offset where the next match starts, not also change where the replacement context starts…
hah dmitry is making many git push mistakes recently :P
@NikiC where?
@NikiC who is @dmitry?
@AjaxGuru search for dstogov
@bwoebi why?
@AjaxGuru because that's the dmitry we mean.

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