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@PeeHaa Just issued a certificate with the staging server with the new client, worked. You should have access to the repository now. I prefer not to make it public yet to prevent other people from using it in its current state.
@Sara I'm planning on using 7.0.0 in production :-P
@ircmaxell YOLO, I suppose. :)
@ircmaxell @rdlowrey will thank you ;-D
@Sara of course!
go big, or go home
I love the "better languages exist" argument when talking about PHP
Well, it's 17:00, so I'm thinking go home...
y de pronto un comentario en español...
I created a secure, stable, fast little web app for a friend who released an album on Friday. It's integrated with Paypal, stores transactions and download tokens in an SQLite db, and sends an email with a unique download URL when the transaction is completed. Only a few PHP files, no dependences, clean code, and only took me a couple of hours to put together.

I wouldn't know where to begin doing the same thing with Java or Python, both of which I'm equally comforatble with. That's why I love PHP. I smile when I read through the hate because I'm glad that I can see its value.
btw, I got your mail @rtheunissen, will reply in the morning :-)
@ircmaxell I'll add you anyway, feel free to leave or mute etc.
3 hours later…
Any one can help me? How to get REST API in magento?
A: Encrypt in Javascript, decrypt in PHP, using public-key cryptography

Scott ArciszewskiBe careful with implementing RSA. In fact, you probably shouldn't use RSA at all. (Use libsodium instead!) Even if you're using a library (e.g. PHP's OpenSSL extension directly or, until recently, Zend\Crypt), there's still plenty that can go wrong. In particular: PKCS1v1.5 padding, which is t...

wherein I explain that RSA is evil, and also how to use it safely in PHP
so morning
still have to wait till this afternoon for a release ...
> OpenSSL is releasing on 3rd between 1pm and 5pm UTC and contains some security fixes
waiting for that for windows builds ...
oh yeah php-7 is also going to release today??
yeah, once openssl has released
JIT and AST has been implemented in PHP-7??
no, just ast
Wait, PHP5 and below didn't use an AST?!
Someone please help me to solve this issue..stackoverflow.com/questions/33916715/…
yeah, well the initial implementation was actually done by bob for constants expressions, then niki expanded and developed it for the whole of the core
don't get your news from phpclasses
140% of the things on phpclasses are wrong ...
ok bookmark removed then which will be good one...
apart from room 11 :)
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 php.net, and php-rfc-watch.beberlei.de
you have a newsreader/email client that does news (gmail) ?
subscribe to internals lists, everything important is discussed in here because a lot of us hang around here ...
@JoeWatkins are you really serious? PHP was going along without any kind of AST till now?
yeah, I'm serious, there was no intermediate representation between script and executable
Joe and AwalGarg thnks :)
the executable code was created as the script was parsed
it's worth a mention I think, aside from the uniform variable syntax rfc, the ast hasn't really done anything for us as yet, the optimizer still optimizes executable code, not the ast and is still totally separate from Zend ...
ast is cool and all, but we're not really using it to it's full potential, and might not until major.next ....
we can't do anything like LINQ, it's not realistic ... to do anything really cool with it, you need to be able to keep the AST around until execution time ... but the problem is PHP's scaling model means many processes, in languages like C# where the scaling model is thread based, and all threads share the same AST, that's extremely efficient ....
but hundreds of processes all with a copy of the same AST in memory throughout runtime would all but destroy gains seen as a result of memory optimizations in 7
at the very least it's where optimizations should take place ... but it might not ever happen and if it does it'll be way in the future ...
(in case not clear, AST is destroyed upon generation of executable code, before execution time)
gotta walk dogs, afk ..
Good morning peeps
@JoeWatkins noooo not a human face on an elephpant D:
Today. It's the big day.
nice elephant @Andrea
I'd prefer literally anything to a zend logo ...
Learn how this single mom reduced her server bills by 50% with this one weird trick! PHP developers hate her!
@JoeWatkins StackOverPHPlow ElePHPant?
oooh yeah
@Andrea thank you so much
Anone can help me with WP theme issue?
probably not
@Andrea Hahaha xD
A good day for a fanfare
@MarkBaker Oh oh! That's from Dumpo!
or w.e that elephants name was!
Pink Elephpants on Parade, from Dumbo..... yup
Loved that movie, it's so adorable.
Today, Elephpants are gonna fly
how much do you offer in your hourly rate on upwork.com?
hi guys are you using upwork for freelancing?
I think you started your question in the wrong order :P
Morning Abe
I wonder if I can find Dumbo anywhere... I got a sudden urge to watch that movie again.
@AlmaDo ;_;
Good morning
@MarkBaker you know the words. it's Flyday, Flyday, flying high on Flyday
Oi, that's not before tomorrow!
Any idea why Travis builds fail with a "no certificate subject alternative name matches" on access to pear.php.net? - travis-ci.org/php/php-src/jobs/94547407
It seems a pretty common occurrence
@MarkBaker SSL certificate on pear.php.net is invalid at the moment
spamming twitter with #php7thankyou's
did i forget someone? :D
congrats guys, php 7 is awesome \o/
Buon giorno
@hakre so jelly that you appeared in the contributors list with that commit :D
posted on December 03, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by silvere */

Oh, good.... so it isn't a case of my bad
@kelunik I just got the mail. Thanks!
php7 will be even more awesome when the release is officially announced.... statistics have shown that official announcements increase the awesomeness rating by a factor of 2.78
Don't you mean 2."7"8?
o/ Morning! Almost Friday!!!!!!!!!
mogguh @Duikboot
How you doing?
Fine fine
When you have to setup some regular website with a CMS... what's the opinion here to use? Because some people here bash Wordpress and Drupal?
Any reason you don't do strict typing @kelunik?
@PeeHaa E_LAZY, and don't really care.
@Duikboot If possible (meaning there is time, budget and future maintenance) build something custom
@kelunik That's just weak ;)
Happy "7" Day, Roomies. :)
@PeeHaa Jup, I'm using hints instead of declarations. :P
Mogguh @salathe, @jon
@PeeHaa Just added revocation and made it public.
@Abe I did. Lolsen ^^
I wonder how many releases PHP will need after 7 to fix issues with all new dependencies they want to include in 7
@Sjon What deps?
new OpenSSL version, new Curl version
new libxml
Only the new OpenSSL will be included in 7.0.0
I thought everything has already been tested, but openssl? @jon
Damnit I keep pinging @JoeWatkins by accident :P
We'll see
how about libxml? did they improve dom? :o
@Abe you have some link? can't find it ^^
@PeeHaa Mostly the money isn't there to do that.
@hakre nope, iirc it was a change in php.ini ?
have you tried this?
don't try it ^
@Abe but how did you know I'm on the contributor list? And yes the change must have been little in bytes but naturally enourmous for all elephants :D
@Abe thx, didn't notice
so many php 7 logos...
How would i go on to calculate speed from m/s to km/h in php ? probably a stupid question but ill ask anyways
Using a little bit of maths
m/s / 1000 gives km/s
@iroegbu That's a bug
then km/s * 60 * 60
The person who made that fiddle meant ===
Then km/s * 3600 gives km/h
there's no condition under which 0 and null should be remotely the same
there's no condition under which you should use weak checking :P
@PeeHaa Did you already test it?
@kelunik Nope. Going to give it a spin tonight
if 0 == null is true then 1 == null should be true as well...
First I have real work
@MarkBaker FTFY...
user image
an integer should never be null
it's not null
it's falsy
false == null is another bullshit
how can bool be false?
I give up
It's not false. It's falsy
Oh waut. Nope That bool is false :P
Really this is PEBKAC @iroegbu
@PeeHaa I'm not sure, but I think I'll add a bin/acme renew which just checks all certificates and renews them if no longer valid than 30 days. So you can just create a daily running cron.
That would be a nice utility. Otherwise I would have written my own
ok wait, can null be empty?
@PeeHaa why don't you simply use letsencrypt?
@GeofMureithi null can't be empty, null is nothing.
null is a type as well as a value.
nothing can't be anything but nothing
@FlorianMargaine we are... :P
in Php apparently null is 0, false, empty string (at least) unless you check strictly (===)
well I also wonder who made those decisions.
@iroegbu "types" defining their own "bool-ish" value is not uncommon even in stricter languages
the bool-ish value of null is false, so is for empty arrays, empty strings or 0
the confusion comes from, what null in Php means
it's easy to see why 0 == false holds
but 0 == null is not clear at first
"0e3" == "0e1" is also not clear at first. ;-)
@kelunik that's strange
Php is strange
Seems the developer forgot to add html view-source:orpea.be/FR and doctypes etc etc
'The special NULL value represents a variable with no value. NULL is the only possible value of type null.'
@Abe it's PHP.
@kelunik this is why strict types are better. they are simpler, less things to keep in mind...
the irony... automatic casting was meant to make developers lives easier, but it actually made them worse :P
Let's remove it in PHP 8. :P
eh, don't think it will ever happen
@Abe well, since everything is a string in http...
it makes a lot of sense to go that way for web-oriented dynamic languages.
> PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.
web-oriented == especially suited to web development
(now, is that a C's == or a PHP's ==?)
the output from var_export has always been so odd?
   'baz' =>
dat indenting
hhvm fixed it :D
I don't think that the indenting is the worst part there. ^^
watcha mean
it's not that i use var_export every day :P ...
hhvm never used it.
@Abe the set_state…
@bwoebi it's the output from var_export
I know…
again, it's not that i use it every day... :P
how would i go on to make an area within longitude/latitude where i can check against, example: i want a square, and i know the coordinates but i want all coordinates within that area to be a true result
just a guideline to where i can look would be great
Magento REST API: i get the temp oauth token and all values but i cannot get the access token in the oauth/token i have the following parameters OAuth oauth_consumer_key="YOUR-CONSUMER-KEY",oauth_nonce="icmouqpvyi9m5gzt",oauth_sign‌​ature="QQlNjqd26UiMR1voqkfxdwpuK14%3D",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_t‌​imestamp="1371098102",oauth_token="js49aqtpm41dna4ocrsz1n6xfg2yfj1g",oauth_verifi‌​er="bdsoe8u0eq14bk37vunzl7x7aw87udk8",oauth_version="1.0"
but i cannot get the access token in the last step
pls give any solution to me?
guys, i'm generating some php code using php automagically... would it make you angry if it created the files in several dirs? basically, it would require all those dirs to be writable... not a good idea, is it?
Don't flag that as spam / offensive. it is neither.
which? me?
^^ agree
Gopal's first message was flagged.
@Gopal Don't post your tokens here.
it was flagged because contains sensitive informations imho
It's not spam. It's not offensive.
That's neither spam or offensive, that's not what flags are for, tell people to delete their messages
So it doesn't require a notification to all 10k+ users on chat.
In fact, flagging it just gives it more unwanted attention.
Flags create system wide noise, please don't use them for anything other than spam or offensive messages :-)
i didn't flag it, though
any idea when PHP 7 is coming?
<ins>later</ins> today @TheLostCookieSession
why does the notification go "system wide"?
Because posts that should be flagged have to be removed asap
it says PHP 7.0.0 RC 8 Released on php.net
flags should go to mods and room owners...
@iroegbu Imagine you are in a chat room with 1 other person, you need more people to help
@TheLostCookieSession Afternoon in UTC.
@iroegbu Because some rooms are not as well populated as this, and it promotes peer review to prevent people being treated unfairly (are two of many good reasons)
@DavidG if you need help doesn't warrant flagging
@iroegbu: Also, there aren't always mods online on (/paying attention to) chat.
Mods and room owners should be able to handle it - Room owners should act as Mods in rooms
Due to the "real-time" nature of chat, those messages should really be handled asap.
@iroegbu And those people are not always available
People in NZ are complaining that PHP7 has missed its Dec 3 deadline already :)
okay... truth.
Also, a room can just degrade into a big-ass mess, when ROs willingly ignore posts like that.
anyone know about how to generate REST API for magento
guide me please
Some outside scruteny isn't a bad thing.
i am stuck in the final stage
@TheLostCookieSession i need get REST api from magento
why would a shop need REST?
mobile app (other third party app) maybe
@tereško I once needed an API for a webshop to couple it with an android app
since it's the first result in google
@tereško i read this , in final stage only i got the error
ya know, fuck this
I have no intention to do the whole song'n'dance routine just go get the actual question out of you
> The BlackBerry 8100 Pearl sports a large 240 x 260 screen
^ from the page Teresko linked... Lol
Did I miss flag drama?
also, hello from SymfonyCon :-P
@tereško apple watch is 312×390
i have 4 coordinates. and i have 1 position of a device. I need to figure out if this device is within these coordinates which are forming a square/rectangle where point 1 = x1, y1 and point 2 = x2, y2 and point 3 = x3, y3 and point 4 = x4, y4 the device is x0, y0 wait what ?
@iroegbu it also lives for less than 3 hours on a full battery if you actually try to use it
so .. what's your argument?
would i go on with: if($x0 < $x1 && $y0 < $y1){
//Inside or not ?
else if($x0 < $x2 && $y0 < $y2){
//Inside or not ??
@KristianHareland try drawing a picture on a piece of paper. That usually helps.
seriously? Why should someone want a watch that can't last closer to 1wk?
i did :/
@KristianHareland I have linked you the answer.
hi, guys I think everybody here knows about Zeev Suraski, Co-founder of Zend, Co- creator og PHP3 and writer of Zend engine.
yeah… or have met him.
You mean "he of the golden elephpant"?
He has given a very detailed interview sharing his experiences..
Worth Read Interview..
Read it already: It doesn't say much about the future of PHP, mainly about the past
He has talked a bit about PHP7 and frameworks..
no, he actually only talks about ZF
@atif the interview with that Gordon guy is much cooler ;)
:D lolz. Yup it was awesome interview with an amazing guy ;)
I didn't know there was gold before today

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