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@EchoLogic Fancy seeing you here.
@Tyrael highfives!
@Tyrael Lucky you.
@Tyrael Replacing Kalle? :-P
@bwoebi You should have 10,000 of them.
@LeviMorrison absolutely. And then at least 10 times as many statics.
help, my phpinfo() is a bit weird...
What's weird about it?
You run PHP/FI, and so is the phpinfo() :-P
that's actually just what it outputs with no params ^^
wait… phpinfo has params?
er, I mean the php.cgi binary
looks like…
now I need to write a tiny proxying PHP script
Wtf is that get_resources() function? :-(
I thought we wanted to remove resources in near future, not add new functions supporting it…
@tereško what was your approach for finding the questions of a removed account? (using google)
I can't find it
@rtheunissen Only here generally when things break ;)
Same here, but on the other end of it. :p
Uni all done for the year etc?
is there a linux room in this place?
reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/3vbn82/php_700_released/cxmfk7g <--- legit bug? I think it might be… but I'm sleep deprived :P
deliberate change - converting strict to warning http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.incompatible.php

All of the E_STRICT notices have been reclassified to other levels. E_STRICT constant is retained, so calls like error_reporting(E_ALL|E_STRICT) will not cause an error.
@Danack but it's a private method…
It shouldn't be inherited, and therefore shouldn't have a signature mismatch
meh, I do see it's a strict, even if I don't agree with it
good morning roomies
het folks
good morning
wtf, my is my profile pic not changed?
Nvm, it got changed now.
curious, why does the PHP7 NEWS file merge all bugs fixed during the development releases? I understand listing items that were fixed in relation to 5.6 that are no longer in 7.0, but why would anyone care about a bug from 7.0beta2 being fixed in 7.0?
@crypticツ Probably easier just to lump it all in......that covers people who are have either been running 7 in production pre-release, or people who tried earlier versions of 7 and encountered the bug. It's good for them to know it's been fixed.
how do I install php7?
Only source codes are available
@HassanAlthaf docker :)
Whats that
I use MAMP
Docker? I 'ardly even know 'er!
@HassanAlthaf docker.com
a person employed in a port to load and unload ships.
Oh nvm, I'll just wait for
MAMP to officially release one
and you can use github.com/bripkens/dock to quickly spin up containers running php7 for you
What's the a good way to describe an extraction of some set of functions taken from someone else's library, that doesn't imply theft?
i'm so happy my reputation got increase ;)
Yeah....it seems harder to get rep these days, with so few interesting questions being asked.....and it seems a lot more competition for answering the few that are interesting.
So you say.
I am tried to create a Shopping Android App which gets API from the magento site. I get confused about which API is better to use SOAP or REST? which API you suggest to use in Android API?
not soap. never soap.
It's just incredibly painful to use. Even where it technically might be better to use, the difficulty in using it makes it a complete waste of time.
I get the SOAP API from magento easily but still I cannot get REST API from magento?
do you know how to get REST API from magento. please guide me
I have the oauth token and oauth verifier but I tried these steps but can't get access token. access token is very important to access rest api.
magentohost/oauth/token doesn't give the access token
moin Joe
mornin Paul
moin @Anmol
good morning all
morning all
@JoeWatkins what would be the equivalent internal arginfo typehint for self?
hmm ... I've never come across that ...
public function equals(self $obj){ }
I guess you tried self ?
Was looking for something like IS_SELF but couldn't find anything. Could just handle the check myself, and throw a similar error.
Ohhh good idea, I see what you mean.
It's IS_OBJECT, with a str class name.
I think it should resolve self
I'll give it a shot, thanks.
Good morning
Hi all great people
hope you all are doing great in your job
Now it's time for somebody to help me out from the issue I'm facing
Q: Why I am not able to access a variable used in for loop outside of for loop?

user2839497I've following relative code snippet: <?php $photoCount = 0; $group_id = $_GET['group_id']; if (!empty($group_id)) { for ($page_no = 1; ; $page_no++) { $group_photos_object = Phpfox::getComponent('photo.photos', array( 'group_id' => $g...

@user2839497 you have correct answers there...
@iroegbu:But none of them resolved my issue. That's why I came here for help.
...missing the http://
Thanks, I couldn't figure out why
@user2839497 How do you make the logical jump from "404 Not Found Error" to it being a problem with the variable not being accessible?
I had a perfect opportunity and I blew it :'(
@Danack:coz it's the code from my API developed in Slim framework and I'm testing the API using POSTER of Firefox. There I got 404 not found error.
$group_id = $_GET['group_id'];
@Danack isn't die stopping his script?
@user2839497 how and why is the 2nd debug line causing a 404 not found?
@Naruto yeah the first one seems to be stopping it, but I hope that's not being done in actual testing but for just the question.
Anyway, there is nothing in your code about generating a 404 error - and you're just stating that the problem you're facing is being caused by a variable being displayed. There's obviously something wrong somewhere, but there's not likely to be enough info in your question to link those two things.......and you should probably just identify what is really happening, as opposed to what you have guessed is happening.
@crypticツ : Just ignore the 404 error for the moment
concentrate only on the issue of accessing the variable outside the for loop.
@crypticツ:You can check at your end by putting hard-coded values too.
@user2839497 also, don't put the same exact debug lines. put a number or something ti differentiate them so you don't need to use die and you know which one was triggered.
@user2839497 some hardcode values - 3v4l.org/jTYht
You should probably step through your code with a debugger. You've almost certainly misunderstood what is happening.
@Naruto ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - the description of the problem bears no correlation with the code....
@Epodax you should stop trying.. you're failing.. HARD xD (still clicked it tough ^^)
lol yeah me too, I was expecting to be rick rolled
monty python, always + 1
The day I stop trying is the day the fridge is out of space!
@JoeWatkins it seems to resolve the "self" to the interface (not the implementer), which makes sense. I don't think there is a way to typehint the argument to the implementer, right?
well then, your getting pretty close to it ^^
@Epodax lol
@Naruto Not really, my fridge is disappointingly empty, I think there's a couple of beers in there along with some cheese and some salad dressing
but that's about it
@Abe I though people needed a break from choosing which seat they wanted :D
well stop eating so much then!!
lol true
@rtheunissen There shouldn't be (probably).....if there was then the inheritance check would fail always.
At least for classes.
class A {
    public function foo(static $bar) {

class B extends A {}
But I like eating, I need it to survive!
B::foo() would have a different signature than A::foo().
From now one, you're name shall not be epodax, it shall become, snorlax!
Well, not that far from, I mean, I like sleeping, I like eating.
@Danack could be allowed as return type though
Do you get mad when they steal your food?
Nah, I just block their road, nobody got a pokeflute so they are iced.
@rtheunissen was taking misses to work ...
joe o/
I don't think so
@Abe If we allowed co(ntra)?-variancy in PHP.
moin @Abe
@Danack there was the intent to have it though. iirc there was an issue with autoloading classes...
or something like that
have what ?
covariant return types
yeah, I think you're right ...
@ScottArciszewski opened ticket on dotdeb ?
I emailed him a while back
never got a response
do it again, louder ...
so I used go-pear.phar to get around the limitation
I think php-pear is provided by debian itself though
so open a ticket on their tracker ... open tickets everywhere until someone fixes it ...
I don't know if they even have a tracker
I just email gui and sometimes I get a response
must have an irc room or some way you can hassle whoever is responsible ...
I pinged over Twatter
@voodooKobra it’s in my todo list
link to that on reddit, I would ...
I did, he retweeted
I meant, link to his response to your question on reddit, so they know a fix is in the pipeline ...
Pierre @ #php.pecl
> getting some reports about pear breaking make install, related to the server move and already fixed (as in outdated certs for some CA) or still valid?
half hour ago ...
@ScottArciszewski Have you ever evaluated the escaping functions inside Twig for XSS or other problems? I'm assuming that they're reasonably well done, as they should have enough people checking....but their tests don't seem to be that aggressive.
I'm sorry, but am I wrong on this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/34083489/php-array-elements-sum (mainly the answer with the upvotes..)
I've tested them loosely, but haven't given them a full audit yet
K - I'm asking as I've 'borrowed' the functions to be a separate re-usable library. If you do have any suggestions on how to test it more aggressively, I would appreciate them.
@Naruto well you're not wrong ... but imo map/sum is more elegant ...
and in most cases faster ... but you shouldn't really care about that ...
Ugh.. I knno the answers are good, but just the response from that guy.. Makes me shiver.. ><
from now on, I'm putting my fingers in non-blocking mode to say moin, because I say it so much ... should scale better I think ... might not always make sense ...
@Naruto the foreach one ?
improve it, it would have been nice to explain why it's better to use map/sum ... but maybe he doesn't know ...
@JoeWatkins no I mean his response on me saying SO is not a free coding service :P
yeah, I saw that ...
it's hard to keep people like that out when people just start spamming answers...
Hi everybody!
I just wanna ask, what's better expression engine or wordpress ?
let's build php 7.0.0 for my hosting company
@kya and we have to choose..?
I guess so @Naruto
I am just caught between the two
@Naruto It's the kobayashi maru scenario.
@Danack unfortunatly I don't get that reference, but let's just assume it's funny? ^^ (star trek?)
@Naruto, do you have anything else in mind ? That you think is better than the two I mentioned
@kya Drupal...probably.
The vid above didn't have the 'punchline': youtu.be/z49bBPf7b4g?t=19s
I'm not a big fan of pre-build cms-systems, I just write everything myself, I like living in a free world :)
@Danack hmmm! Cool.
@Naruto what do you when you're pressed for time ?
@kya I never am, since the client knows from the start what he's getting... and making a good planning is everything.. ;)
@Naruto At times, clients come to me in hurry, saying they are well behind schedule, can I quickly build something for them. I've also been doing things without using pre-built CMS's
@kya well it's up for you to decide wheter you have the time and if you take the job or not? If a client comes to me asking I need this fast.. He can't expect for me to drop everything else and create him a fast crappy solution...
posted on December 04, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by El-poulpo */

@Danack respect for your star trek knowledge +1
@Danack I don't dare to ask, but are you my boss? :P He knows everything about star trek 2, it's creeping me out a little.. :D
"star trek 2" ? :D
anybody got word on the hacktober tshirt? I think they were suppose to start sending them 10th nov. and should take up to 3 weeks..
about star trek too*
as in, he knows and you know aswell :P
i just remembered the kobayashi maru is also in the new movies
well, where it is?
don't know whay it's not here yet :)
whats good about php7?
@MaryDaisySanchez nothing... it's all a big lie ^^
PHP7 is like the bionic version of PHP5.... stronger, faster, better
Capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound
Even has a built-in green lantern ring
Just realized myself that I wasted such a great opportunity to troll everyone with "PHP 7" link because posted a real one, not rebecca's
oh yay, it's friday
I guess delaying PHP 7 one day was exactly because of possibility to post rebecca's links
hey, @Joe
yo @Alma
So, who will install PHP 7 to production - like now ? :)
we can't because of me ...
@AlmaDo I think that's going to take a few years in our company xD
@salathe That site really wasn't registered?
because we are still on php 5.3 xD7 just came out.. And all the work that needs to be done before we can go on with 7 :)
I started my project with 5.6 and will immediately switch it to 7 :p
@Danack why rewrite the escaper again? :|
(just skimmed through the code - wondering if you found a vuln in an existing escaper)
@Ocramius The twig one is really coupled to other bits of Twig.
It can't be used separately.
Hrmmmmmmmmm did you see the zf one tho?
Looking at making the switch to 7 in production sometime in January/February
And has stuff that looks....not clever.
has pretty much the same exact API of yours
(note that twig's was extracted from that one)
Note: nothing against it, I just don't really like having yet another security-critical repo out there :P
I'll look at it.
@Ocramius btw the tests for it also seem 'weak'. I would have expected more tests for different scenarios....am I just over-estimating how many thing would need to be checked?
@JoeWatkins Gunna go to PHPH next week if you're interested.
waiting to see if misses is off that evening ...
will let ya know ... hoping to go though ...
Yeah, looks like it could be a good talk. Boss is going so I have a lift if you can't make it.
guys i'm generating php code using php... what is the best way to escape a string to use it into php code? '$str = "' . $escapeThis . '";'
@Abe dunno, but I suggest you name things using the word xzibit as much as possible
@bwoebi yeah, just that we have a backup for Anatol.
Hi all!
anyoone wknows why i get this strange error: Class name must be a valid object or a string -> class process_ProcessDocs extends dialog_DataListDialog {
well is there a class with the name dialog_dataListDialog ?
@Naruto yep
@Naruto about 400 dialogs are using this class
and it's only happening on 1 of them?
fried eggs!
@TechTreeDev check the spelling, including case of the class and the file it's in.
add class before process_ProcessDocs?
if it wasn't already there?
@Naruto haven't used this before but tried it -> no changes . normally, classes are red in eclipse, this time both calsses are only bold..
@FlorianMargaine IT'S A TRAP!
Anyone here has experience with SimpleXMLFeed?
I need to make an XML feed that reads out a webpages 'products' ..
Anyone able to help? willing to pay.
@Tredged Yeah sure.
@Tredged What's your budget?
Lets talk private.
@TechTreeDev ss?
sounds like sth you can build in an hour or two. tiny bit more with unit tests
a friend just told me "i've found a bug" in php 7. "report the bug" i said... "meh downgrading instead" #hate
though more likely it's something incompatible, rather than an actual bug... he didn't even check what it is...
php7 delayed because of it, and bim, security updates the next morning :D
cc @Tyrael ^
But the security update indicates that those issues have been fixed in the releases yesterday
php7 just uses openssl as a shared lib anyway, right?
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but only with 3 CVEs, but IIRC OpenSSL released fixes for 4 CVEs yesterday, maybe not for that version.
I wonder if there's a reason why composer still doesn't use non-blocking io for downloading packages in parallel
@nikita2206 I think it's the architecture. Ask @bwoebi for more information.
@FlorianMargaine Why lol?
@kelunik I lol every time I see an openssl CVE
@FlorianMargaine CVE-2015-3193 (openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html#y2015) is not mentioned in that debian security mail.
@nikita2206 … and the requirement of versions lower than 5.5…
that's sad
morning all \o
is youtube working for you? i get videos stuck because i think they can't load video ads
anybody expereince with webscrapping"?
anyway bob, nikita... what is the best way to escape a string to use it into php code? '$str = "' . $escapeThis . '";'
i wanna know basic design like how do i read full content through curl or something else
and then how to parse required info
@Abe var_export()
/me is so dumb sometimes...
any node fanbois here
not quite what i had in mind but it's fine enough, thanks @salathe
@Abe how is it not?
@Abe yea, for code generation var_export is the easiest way
yeah it wraps the string into quotes and i want to get only what's between those quotes, but i will substr()ing it
$codez = '$str = ' . var_export($my_string, true) . ';';
It feels very xy-ish, why do you need to do that?
i guess i could just do:
$codez = '$str = ' . var_export($my_string, true) . ' . " append";';
rather than stripping quotes :B
sure, or add it to $my_string
anyway, compiler works again \o/
Anyone here can make a script that parses multiple houses on a page into XML file with all information of the houses on that page? Willing to pay
wat u doin @Abe ?
userland generics @JoeWatkins always that
omg generics? :D
in userland
gave up on internals did we ?
no idea about c or internals
only trying to get the semantics working
@Abe are you doing it like @ircmaxell did? (too lazy to go look)
50% of the front page of /r/PHP mentions PHP7 in the title ...
nope @salathe no syntax hacks... it's just the inheritance logic really
@JoeWatkins too much hype… I always just say: get hyped for 7.1 now!
2 days ago, by Joe Watkins
@JoeWatkins short-term releases like in 1 or 2 years motivate more…
it's pretty cool, I think ... I wonder if it will translate to installs ...
some of the pretty basic pecl exts are still in bad shape apparently ...
it's all @NikiC's fault ...
@JoeWatkins not Dmitrys? :-P
@JoeWatkins will need function autoloading to make it look better! :D currently it's:
$map = HashMap::parameterize(LatLong::parameterize(), Place::parameterize())($constructor_parameters);
with function autoloading:
$map = HashMap(LatLong(), Place())($constructor_parameters);

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