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eh, you don't want to get warnings with multiple autoloaders
trying with a void set_error_handler... 1 min
@Abe That is on a system that has lots of IO going on? Or on a system that is effectively doing nothing?
And you're also measuring the wrong thing. It should be "@include" vs "file_exists() + successful include".
it's my own system and it's doing nothing... is stat cache shared between processes?
checking also that
> but the main thing is to eliminate any potential race condition in your code...
/peace out.
with set_error_handler it is 7s like @include()
echo "<h1>Hello everyone</h1>";
posted on December 03, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by maxpv */

100k @include()'s of empty existing file: 4s
I want to ask a question about php frameworks
100k file_exists() + include 5s
with clearstatcache about the same
so yeah silenced include is slightly faster @Danack
/me changes all the autoloaders... :P
why are you benchmarking include/file_exists ? @Abe
because i like to pretend i have no bills to pay
witch php framerowk is must for first framework Phalcon, Laravel, symfony or someone else?
@Abe It will perform relatively even better on a heavily loaded system. And the silence operator can't be used safely in general because:
class Shamoan {}

return false;
ah, i didn't think of that
@ZalonisAntonis If you have someone who is willing to sit down with you in person, pick the framework they use. Otherwise, just keep in mind that all frameworks give you shortcuts and all shortcuts are based on assumptions that may in your specific case be wrong. If you really want to know what's best, try them all, because everyone's definition of "best" is different from yours.
the 7uspense is killing me ...
@ZalonisAntonis - A question that won't have a good answer, because everyone has their personal favorites.... I'd recommend Laravel myself, as it's my framework of choice at the moment, and has a pretty easy learning curve and good docs, but a lot of people hate it
With Phalcon being a PHP extension, it's probably harder for a novice to install/configure so I'd recommend aganst that
debugging phalcon is the biggest problem ...
I dislike all frameworks, equally ...
@Ghedipunk Thank you
@JoeWatkins - I do like their Zephir language though, some nice features.... I particularly like their take on type-hinting
does it do else yet ?
@MarkBaker Thank you
the first time I looked at it, it didn't properly support else ... can't really take it seriously ...
zephir is an even bigger debugging problem ...
and I don't mean var_dump ...
Are we live yet? :P
no, it's all gone quiet ...
gdb still works once you've built the extension, you just can't easily tie it back to the zep code
gdb is so far out of the zone of normal php devs ...
How can debug a php application? with XDebuger ?
I've actually received verbal abuse for suggesting that someone needs to use gdb to debug an issue, not joking ...
@ZalonisAntonis read the documentation?
@JoeWatkins what the hell
There's been a lot of bugs with zephyr, but they've been dealing with them slowly; but everthing I've raised has been addressed within 24 hours
@bwoebi User got burninated not anonymized
@Andrea Can you send me a link please ?
@Andrea serious, with a whole "I've been using PHP since I was a 2 weeks old, and have never been asked to use gdb" speech ...
verbal abuse for using gdb?!? That's ott... it has everything you need (except a decent gui)
@PeeHaa Yeah, but why is the one name an user... and the one who deleted isn't…
@ZalonisAntonis xdebug.org/docs
hmmm I see.
@JoeWatkins wow
@Andrea Thanks man!!
Yeah seems to be a bug or intentional. You can never be sure with SO
@JoeWatkins definitely… but verbal abuse… wow.
do you know some monitoring tools (like avg response time, stuff) ?
I don't understand people either ... I don't spend much time trying ...
exists any better from xdebuger php debuger? or its only debuger?
@ZalonisAntonis some of us are biased ...
@Abe Blackfire.io or xdebug with cachegrind
I am biased, there's another debugger, but it's not better than xdebug ...
@ZalonisAntonis (wo)man up and var_dump that shit
/me slaps @PeeHaa
var_dump? In my day we used printf and we liked it!
var_dump? That's what echo is for!
Any good references for setting up SQL UPDATES? I'm trying to fix something for a project
/me slaps everyone
@PeeHaa - var_dump.... nah! echo, and then raise a question on SO about why your Boolean false doesn't show
@PeeHaa xaxaa nice!!
That escalated quickly :P
@JoeWatkins ;)
@PeeHaa i read it: i don't need a debugger because i don't usually write bugs, but when i do, i have some really bad times
@ZalonisAntonis PHP has shipped with phpdbg for a while. I hear people say it's good.
@Danack Thanks!
(without man xaxa)
@Tony The obvious answer to your question is the MySQL manual. Either you should read that, or if you've read it and have a more specific question, you should ask the more specific question.
@Abe Very nice !!
Damnit. Generating my i dont always meme failed
> Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
Damn you memenotgenerator.net
so 5pm utc has gone by ...
@PeeHaa You don't always generate "I don't always" memes... but when you do, you get a parse failure?
@Danack ok. My UPDATE is updating every date that follows the date I'm changing. How do I modify my query so it doesn't?
Chuck Norris doesn't debug often, but when he does, he reads memory contents directly by osmosis
@Tony A where clause.
@Ghedipunk :-)
MySQl is still in the game or php developers prefer MariaDB?
It's spelled postgresql
@Tony It is very likely doing what you are telling it to do. What you should do is tell it more precisely what you want it to do.......and you are rubbish at asking help questions. Please meditate on: sscce.org
MySQL - commonly the db for hosting services
And MySQL 5.7 is pretty performant too, compared with 5.6
@Tony Fundamentally, it sounds like you're trying to "UPDATE something SET date = :newdate WHERE date > :olddate" You shouldn't be using the date in your where clause of an UPDATE. You should be using a unique value, preferably a primary key.
Don't know many who use MariaDB
we do
it installs by default now on some distros when you ask for mysql-server package ...
@JoeWatkins Nice!
I'm not really sure why it does that ...
@Ghedipunk I don't have the date in my WHERE clause. I'm using another variable to update the row based on the individual cell being updated.
@Danack you're probably right about it doing what I'm telling it to do. Thanks though.
that seems to contain some pretty good reasons ...
@PeeHaa WorksForMe
@Ghedipunk (imho trying to guess what problem people have doesn't help them. Encouraging them to write a clear question is far more useful thing to teach people here than answering a specific technical problem them are having).
> Unlike many other open source projects Oracle inherited from the Sun acquisition, Oracle does indeed still develop MySQL and to our knowledge they have even hired new competent developers after most of the original developers resigned. The next major release MySQL 5.7 will have significant improvement over MySQL 5.6.
> However, the commit log of 5.7 shows that all contributors are @oracle.com. Most commit messages reference issue numbers that are only in an internal tracker at Oracle and thus not open for public discussion.
It failed while uploading to imgur for me. Meh the moment is gone
@Joe, yeah! It isn't really OS
Weird how that doesn't list Mariadb having a hot backup option.....or is that included in MySQL now?
for innodb, I think it always was, wasn't it ?
...I'm thinking of Percona, in particular percona.com/software/mysql-database/percona-xtrabackup
Which is a separate thingy-ma-bob.
I'm looking forward to spending a bit of time playing with Amazon Aurora over the Christmas break, see how well it plays with our apps
Might just run some comparison tests with that, MariaDB and MySQL
@Danack the UPDATE I'm running has 7 columns. 3 of them are used for characters. the other 4 of those are date fields. I can update any cell in the non date columns without problem. When I try updating any cells in the date columns it changes any remaining empty date cells in that same row to 0000-00-00.
@Tony How do you expect people to help you, if you don't show the actual query? We're not psychic. you need to ask clear questions by showing, i) What code you have ii) What you expect/want to happen iii) a clear description of what you want to happen instead.
Oh, and you might have a trigger setup for that table.....again, something that needs to be included as information needed to answer the question.
@Danack here's the query: if (isset($_POST['update'])){
$UpdateQuery = "UPDATE Projects SET Project='$_POST[project]', Client='$_POST[client]', LastName='$_POST[lastname]', DateReceived='$_POST[datereceived]', FinalReviewDate='$_POST[finalreviewdate]', DateDelivered='$_POST[datedelivered]', DateAccepted='$_POST[dateaccepted]' WHERE Project='$_POST[hidden]'";
mysqli_query($conn, $UpdateQuery);
}; The table is set up to display all the active records pulled in from a SELECT * query so that I can update them by selecting the cell I want to update, then pressing the "update" submit button.
And the values in your $_POST data (which you shouldn't be injecting directly into a database query anyway)
When $_POST['finalreviewdate'] is empty, the database server sees "FinalReviewDate = '' which it interprets to 0, which becomes an allballs date.
> an allballs date
I like it.
Also you gotta like the direct usage of the POST values...
Grr, I've just wasted 2 hours of debugging to figure out that I had -- instead of ++ somewhere. ARGHS.
Little Bobby Allballs
@Danack Not my terms, I got it from PostgreSQL. postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/…
hey, I know it js.. just fiddling abit, but does this look right to give like a hint of blocking/cpu usage on the client? gist.github.com/RonnieSkansing/301b99856b46df1da3ba
@ircmaxell Let's see how much time OpenSSL needs to re release their packages...
C++ master race. lol
@Ghedipunk I can change finalreviewdate to something and it changes datereceived and dateaccepted to allballs dates as well
@Tony, the point is, if you don't want a value updated, leave it out of the UPDATE query.
And, I am resisting, but I really do feel the need to ask: @Tony, are you aware that the query, as you typed it out here, is a huge security hole? (I'm honestly hoping that you say "Yes, I replaced certain parts to make it easier to read here and/or to protect intellectual property. I am aware of SQL injection, am using stored procedures and am properly validating my inputs, but chose not to show that here on purpose.")
@Ghedipunk I get that, but how do I work around that considering I have 7 columns in the query and some of them have rows that don't have values in them yet. The update I'm using is designed to show a number of projects in various stages of completion that the user can update as they progress.
wrong answer
@Ghedipunk this is only for a school project and isn't gong to be used for anything else. I am aware of SQL injections though and have verification set up on other forms that I'm using. I'm just trying to see if I can get this to work before adding them in here.
I've never went to programming school, so I've no clue about it, but wouldn't there be more points to be gained by having better code, even in a not-taht-important project?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier there is. Unfortunately I have a professor who set this requirement knowing I've never used php before. I set my other forms up first to see that they worked, then added my verification and protection from SQL injection. It was easier for me to see the code when I built it that way.
Might I suggest something along the lines of:
if (isset($_POST['update'])) { // Assumes that project, client, and lastname will always be populated.
    $UpdateQuery = "UPDATE Projects SET "Project='$_POST[project]', Client='$_POST[client]', LastName='$_POST[lastname]'"
    if (!empty($_POST['datereceived'])
        $UpdateQuery .= ", DateReceived='$_POST[datereceived]'";
    if (!empty($_POST['finalreviewdate'])
        $UpdateQuery .= ", FinalReviewDate='$_POST[finalreviewdate]'";

awww....... just realized i can't use var_dump, will need to generate the code myself O.o
In case you're not familiar with .=, being new to PHP, $x .= $y is equivalent to $x = $x . $y
I've been trying to figure out how to make a valid front controller @Abe. I get to a point where I'd have a need for a ViewFactory, since I don't want to construct the front controller with every view it can have to call. Is that somehow valid?
@Ghedipunk I never thought of using multiple nested if statements.
@abe var_export($foo, true);
...@RonniSkansing is wise.
@Ghedipunk I appreciate the help this afternoon.
no it's not because of that @Danack @RonniSkansing it's because data it contains exists already :B would have multiple objects representing the same thing
global vars are nice…
they allow you to accidentally forget to declare them…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier trying to grasp what you are doing :P
@Abe some times when you stab in the dark, you hit something.. other times not =)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You need to separate execution into multiple steps. First bit of execution does the controller, and that does its thing, and it also tells the application, "Hey, to execute the view, you need to call this", where this is the appropriate view executable.
> and it also tells the application,
I have a hard time grasping how this happens. Is the "application" an object built in the controller? is it a next() function I see in some javascript functions chaining the application?
application is the outermost layer of functionalities that you need for the application to work, it's not just an object
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I need to finish off writing the documentation for this, (and checking that it actually works), but I'm actually in a considerable amount of pain right now (don't forget to have good posture at your desks kids), but this is an example controller
It's returning an executable that tells the application what to run next. And this is the heart of the app that runs things until it runs out of things to run.
$this->injector->share($this->injector); //yolo
yeah, that line is golden :)
advantages of chaining over nesting @Danack ?
@Abe First, it avoids nesting ;-)
nesting isn't so bad :D
@NikiC how does your PHP-Parser library encode variable variables?
Second, the fundamental problem is that you don't know what objects the 'view' layer is going to need until the controller has done its stuff.
Given a recurring "thing", with a starting datetime and interval, are there any tricks to calculating when the thing occurs during some span of time in the future? (Without iteratively calculating the diffs)
Example: start = today, interval = biweekly on Thrusday, on what dates does it occur next August?
That means that you either i) Need to give up an use a service locator for the view (which is not great) ii) Try and reduce all your views to be createable through an AbstractViewFactory, which is bad, because not all code can be reduced to an 'abstract' platonic object that represents it or,
iii) Allow chaining, which allows you to give more information to the DIC during the execution of the program, and then have the DIC use the appropriate information to create the 'view', and all it's dependencies, without having to use any icky stuff.
@PeeHaa The injector I use does this automatically, lol.
> what objects the 'view' layer is going to need
an example of such objects?
$injector->call(function (Injector $injector) { /* silence water horse! */ });
@Abe lots? Adverts, that vary depending on the user. The controller doesn't need to know about any of those, but the view needs to have the appropriate ads inserted.
A Login/logout box, depending on whether the user is logged in or not.
@DanLugg Difference between start date (today's date) and the date range of August in integer number of days... Modulus 14... Calculate back from the difference between dates to actual date values.
Navigation bars that vary depending where the user is in the application. Again, this is something the controller doesn't need to know about, but the exact navbar that gets injected needs some logic behind it's creation.
@Ghedipunk That's sort of case specific though; I'm thinking broadly. Another example: start = now, interval = 7m23s, at what times between 6pm and 8pm does it occur tomorrow?
I'm thinking iterative diffing is the only solution, though optimizations could be made for situations like the first example.
for me views and controllers are completely ignorant of each other @Danack so i'm not quite getting your architecture
I was replying to:
33 mins ago, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
I've been trying to figure out how to make a valid front controller @Abe. I get to a point where I'd have a need for a ViewFactory, since I don't want to construct the front controller with every view it can have to call. Is that somehow valid?
Also, is Derrick responsible for DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable()?
oh ok so that was unrelated
re-reading though
If the interval is fixed, then you can have a generic optimization by getting the difference between the start datetime and the datetime range you'll querying, then testing each of those candidate datetimes with the interval as the modulus. In that second example, it's 443, 7m23s expressed in seconds, and you'll be testing each second between 6pm and 8pm.
But if the interval isn't fixed... yeah, iterative is the way to go.
my dev tool says something is wrong on the last line, but php says it's fine:
if(isset($_POST['scrape']) && $_POST['scrape']){
} else {
What "dev tool"?
And what does it say is wrong?
needs a statement
There is always so much more to something. Thanks @Danack
Here's a statement:
Everything that can be invented has been invented.
- *Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899*
@PeeHaa not what i mean
"You can't believe everything you read on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln
What is the exact code and the exact error message?
Either phpstorm is drunk or you are
@Machavity too bad it's in php storm
"Lies, damned lies, and internet quotes" -- Mark Twain
Also I would totally rewrite it to:
$scrape = '';
if(isset($_POST['scrape']) && $_POST['scrape']){
php storm says "expecting statement"
@PeeHaa ?? ''
@bwoebi Are we live yet!? :P
@PeeHaa I am.
@PeeHaa this isfor the form part
@AjaxGuru Is there anything after that line that could be rewritten better?
it's just a variable check
@AjaxGuru You didn't read my question
Well half of it
how could i regex it?
/me steps away
[19:02:20] critical RuntimeException: Aerys is already running, can't start it again in /home/kelunik/amphp/aerys/lib/WatcherProcess.php:98 That's a dumb check, @bwoebi
"The problem with internet quotes is it's hard to know who really said them"
- Napoleon Bonaparte
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i don't know if it's any good, but this is what i usually do gist.github.com/WesNetmo/56c6e352d516d8985371
cc @Danack ^
the view is totally unaware of controllers, it asks the "application model" what happened while handling the request
@AjaxGuru Based on the word "scrape" used in your code, I'm assuming that you intend to parse HTML content that you don't have direct control over... And now you want to use regex? Yes, go right ahead. Cthulhu needs more souls.
@kelunik Why is that check dumb? It's saying that aerys is already running with that particular config file
@bwoebi Because it doesn't have a stale check and fails if you killed the previous instance.
i'm replecating the CORS error
so many ways...
@kelunik indeed… need to add that…
@kelunik ehm… it's doing a check for whether it can connect to that address…?
I just had to the delete the file manually.
maybe something else reused that port?
@Elyse Just a Variable node inside a Variable node
@NikiC the doc comment says "string" though
@kelunik using an unix domain socket there would eliminate the problem, but not work on Windows…
ooh wait string|Expr means string or expr.
@PeeHaa what would you do to solve that bug if you were me?
thanks. :)
@Elyse yup
theexpecting statement bug
@NikiC I think I will use the parser to test my code generator.
@AjaxGuru Impossible to say / help you. My phpstorm doesn't complain about your code so
12 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Either phpstorm is drunk or you are
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the hard part of my solution is that making information accessible for views. not that is hard to program, but hard to design... and i haven't got the ultimate design working yet :P
or you just didn't share the code it's complaining about
@Abe how does which view to render get to the viewManager ?
@PeeHaa shitty … I mean … unknown (to me) languages are shitty.
when is 7 release day?
Whatever happened to the openssl release wait?
@Danack "resource" is basically a view name
@bwoebi Just click the large blob that is the cookiebar thingy
@Elyse What kind of code are you generating?
@NikiC Arbitrary PHP code.
I don't think I'll ever emit variable variables, but I was just wondering.
@Abe So, is it possible for a controller to change what view is displayed? Or how do you do that. E.g. if you have form that can be processed and you want to choose between "yay it was processed successfully" or "Oops you have an error on the form" views?
@Danack $resource->override()
dat mutable state.
The problem I'm trying to solve is that we have shittons of legacy PHP code that is too expensive to rewrite, but I'm getting tired of untypedness and lack of expressiveness.
it's just a string, though
Oh, the other thing about chaining (or actually processing things in an ordered list) is that it make it trivial to do other things in the application. e.g.:
$app->addPreCallable(['ImagickDemo\AppTimer', 'timerStart']);
$app->addPostCallable(['ImagickDemo\AppTimer', 'timerEnd']);
now that i think about it, i tried with return as well, rather than carrying an object around @Danack but for some reason i changed my mind about that lol
Adds one thing to be called before the response is generated, and one to be called after it is generated.
That's useful for things like caching/auth layers - they can be completely separate from the application, and executed at the correct time, and either skip the rest of the execution, or alter the info in the DIC.....that's much harder to do with nesting.
not a fan of such things :B i like layers(layers(layers(layers(layers(layers(layers(layers(layers()))))))))
@Abe Well, this requires sequential execution.
Do you even unit test bro?
The openssl website says the release has been released :( what's happening guys
@kelunik layers(function(){ layers(function(){ layers(function(){ layers(function(){ layers(function(){ layers(); }); }); }); }); }) better?
would be much better with short closures ^ :D
Readability is worse, what's better there?
@Danack ain't nobody got time for that :B i wish i had the time to test everything...
Barely half an hour since the fixed OpenSSL release, so I guess Anatol is probably rebuilding
for example @Danack i don't share the same passion you guys have for DIC's... what's so wrong about builders? :D
@MarkBaker 1.5 hours, but anyway, probably.
It is 4th december here :( I planned to party on the release and all my friends are wai... wait, nvm
The first OpenSSL release today was broken
yeah saw it
I know, but have a look at the timestamps here: openssl.org/source ;-)
so we might actually get to php7 release while black friday
oooh, 0.9.x and 1.0.x are discontinued now.
god openssl's source code is such a pita
@bwoebi 1.0.0x ;-)
@kelunik eih, yes… openssl and their weird versioning…
@AwalGarg I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
So... why were we waiting for the last day release any ways?
I'd love to see the F5 rates on php.net today
I am at 5 per minute, I think.
incoming: bad packaging
why not on the home page :(
Because Windows is more important.
Seven is upon us
@SebastianBergmann obviously.
VC14 x64 Non Thread Safe (2015-Dec-03 20:07:24)
I think with all the silly things being deprecated in PHP 7, internals missed the most important thing: Windows support.
@SebastianBergmann because doing the whole thing in one shot is important, rather than doing it piecemeil
what's in the boxxxxxx?
@Abe The guts of PHP6
PHP 6!
And it's still December 3rd. :-)
There are still 16 hours in December 3rd.
there are?
yeah, there are
If you stand on the international date line, yeah.
OT: Is there anywhere you can actually stand on the international date line?
no inabited land uses UTC-12
I suppose Antartica... heh
UTC-11 is American Samoa and Midway ATOL (as well as an island in New Zealand
What was UTC-12 became UTC+13 I believe
Other than Antarctica... Boats... aircraft... ice shelves...
UTC−12:00 is a time offset that subtracts 12 hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). == As standard time (all year round) == === Oceania === United States Baker Island and Howland Island (uninhabited islands belonging to the United States) UTC−12 is a nautical time zone comprising the high seas between 180° and 172°30′W longitude. Subtract twelve hours from Coordinated Universal Time to obtain the time for this zone. Ships using this time are the last to begin each calendar day. == Characteristics of the time zone which observes UTC-12 == A number of inhabited islands lie within...
I was thinking land, obviously on a boat :P
Oh, Baker Island is in UTC-12
On the ISS
ISS should always be UTC, never a timezone
Yeah, ISS runs on UTC. It's a pain trying to watch the breifings live here in -7.
I mean for the ISS they can use whatever timezone they like
perhaps Nepal Time just because
Why the hell does Laravel have so many more stars on Github than php-src >:(
20k vs 8k
@NikiC thanks for having me hand off my patch to Dmitry he is doing all the work for me heh
curious to see the memory/runtime improvements he mentioned
Perfect! https://t.co/gSQ7BHX5im
@LeviMorrison Are you still interested in this wiki.php.net/rfc/union_types ?
clicks Get Messages button in SeaMonkey incessantly
Wait, I thought they were delaying the Windows builds until the OpenSSL library release and validation and testing and whatnot?
@Charles that happened
@SeanDuBois He is
Huh. Thought that wasn't supposed to happen for a few more hours.
Unless something strange has happened
though not just unions, intersections as well
I hope at least
@Charles You're getting confused about time
@Andrea I already adjusted for UTC :p
I'm just wrong for other, unrelated reasons. Happens a lot.
7.0.0 would've been out in the morning, but was delayed for OpenSSL
The easy way to deal with time zones: Just admit that they're all a big ball it wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
it's now the evening
(I live in a country which is currently GMT, making things easy :p)
@Andrea thanks! Well hopefully will bump into him later, see if there is anything I can do to help
I live in a region where we get to laugh at everyone's confusion for having to deal with DST.
intersection types are interesting
I might potentially support those but not unions. Hmm...
not unions?
I should probably start a script to do the refreshing for me, it is taking a lot of time :(
@ircmaxell yes
I want both! Either by themself is less useful than both of them
I have strong use cases for both
I'd be curious to hear of your use-cases for union types
typedef Iterable as Array | Traversable

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